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Bac/Mythes et héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Mythes et héros
Message de xou56 posté le 15-04-2016 à 14:19:35 (S | E | F)
je passe mes oraux de Bac bientôt et j'ai peur d'avoir fait quelques fautes donc si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider à corriger je serais très content. Merci d'avance.

Myths and Heroes
As we know, there are many kinds of heroes and their place in the Society has changed through history. To illustrate the concept Myths and Heroes, I propose to respond to the following question : “ How did the notion of Hero evolve in time ? “ In a first time, I will speak about the evolution of the concept of Hero from antiquity to today. Then, I will develop what we could name a “modern notion of Hero”.

We can asert that the concept of the heros is born during Antiquity in Greece. There were indeed many fictional heroes at this period. A hero was a demi-god endowed with extraordinary qualities. His role consisted in showing to citizens the good manors and behavior. Moreover, it was the best means to transmit and spread people's culture. We may take for example Hercules and his outstanding strength and energy. In exchange of his freedom, he had to succeed in 12 labors. Thanks to his determination and will, Hercules succeeded the deal, and got his freedom. Trough this myth is highlighted the fact that nothing is written ahead but we can change our destiny with moral qualities.

Next, in the Middle Ages, there were few heroes, mostly lords and knights, but also a simple man who saved people during a spontaneous action, or changed history thanks to his long term commitment. He reprensents the “better” part of us. It reveals the weight of Religion during this period. If we agree that a historical hero is a man who marked history thanks to an outstanding, positive, moral behavior and long term action, I can assert that Sir William Wallace, the hero studied for an oral presentation, may be named like that.
Sir William Wallace was a Scottish Knight born in 1272 in Scotland. He became one of the main leaders during the War of Scottish Independence, who opposed Scottish people to the British occupation of the King Edouard First of England. He was not only a war chief, a strategist who routed the British army many times, but as well a brilliant and charismatic politician who succeeded in embody Scottish values and culture. I think we need heroes like William Wallace because there are inspirational men. They don't hesitate to endanger their life in name of values like liberty and equality, notions which are not necessarily spread all over the world even today.

How can we translate this middle-aged notion of Hero in our modern time ?Nowadays, the word “ hero “ refers to a fictional person. Thanks or due to the US block-busters we conceive a hero like the main protagonist of a fictional story, or a super-hero conceived in the comics world. They have physical and moral qualities and are a source of admiration for the readers because they are a representation of the better part of us. However, to my mind, media, social communities and internet are the womb of a new race of heroes. I mean : the man in the street. For common actions or thoughts people may be celebrated as a hero. Making the buzz on the Internet is enough to wear the costume of moral and social values. It's the same case with the movie stars or the high-level sportsmen. That kind of heroes doesn't change the world, but is an aspiration for a lot.

To conclude, we have seen that the notion of hero has changed trough history. First celebrated in Antiquity for his physical capacities, the hero is become a moral and positive character during the Middle-Age and a man who makes the buzz nowadays.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-04-2016 22:23

Réponse: Bac/Mythes et héros de here4u, postée le 16-04-2016 à 09:50:40 (S | E)
Hello !

Myths and Heroes
As we know, there are many kinds of heroes and their place in the Society has changed through history. To illustrate the concept Myths and Heroes, I propose to respond to the following question : “ How did the notion of Hero evolve in time ? “ In a first time, I will speak about the evolution of the concept of Hero from antiquity to today. Then, I will develop what we could name a “modern notion of XXX Hero”.

We can asert that the concept of the heros is born during Antiquity in Greece. There were indeed many fictional heroes at this period. A hero was a demi-god endowed with extraordinary qualities. His role consisted in showing to citizens the good manors and behavior. Moreover, it was the best means to transmit and spread people's culture. We may take for example Hercules very clumsy) and his outstanding strength and energy. In exchange of his freedom, he had to succeed in 12 labors. Thanks to his determination and will, Hercules succeeded the deal, and got his freedom. Trough this myth is highlighted the fact= word order that nothing is written ahead but we can change our destiny with moral qualities.

Next, in the Middle Ages, there were few heroes, mostly lords and knights, but also a simple man who saved people during a spontaneous action, or changed history thanks to his long term commitment. He reprensents the “better” part of us. It reveals the weight of Religion during this period. If we agree that a historical hero is a man who marked history thanks to an outstanding, positive, moral behavior and long term action, I can assert that Sir William Wallace, the hero studied for an oral presentation, may be named like that.
Sir William Wallace was a Scottish Knight born in 1272 in Scotland. He became one of the main leaders during the War(which one? ) of Scottish Independence, who opposed Scottish people to the British occupation of the King Edouard XXX First of England. He was not only a war chief, a strategist who routed the British army many times, but as well a brilliant and charismatic politician who succeeded in embody (construction)Scottish values and culture. I think we need heroes like William Wallace because there are inspirational men. They don't hesitate to endanger their life in XXX name of values like liberty and equality, notions which are not necessarily spread all over the world even today.

How can we translate this middle-aged notion of Hero in our modern time ? Nowadays, the word “ hero “ refers to a fictional person. Thanks or due to the US block-busters we conceive a hero like the main protagonist of a fictional story, or a super-hero conceived in "the comics world". They have physical and moral qualities and are a source of admiration for the readers because they are a representation of the better part of us. However, to my mind, XXX media, XXX social communities and XXX internet are the womb of a new race of heroes. I mean : the man in the street. For common actions or thoughts, people may be celebrated as a hero.(= au pluriel!) Making the buzz on the Internet is enough to wear the costume of moral and social values. It's the same case with the movie stars or the high-level sportsmen. That kind of heroes doesn't change the world, but is an aspiration for a lot. (alas!)

To conclude, we have seen that the notion of hero has changed trough history. First celebrated in Antiquity for his physical capacities, the hero is become a moral and positive character during the Middle-Age and a man who makes the buzz nowadays.

Réponse: Bac/Mythes et héros de xou56, postée le 16-04-2016 à 11:13:46 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci de la correction mais depuis ce jour j'ai quelque peu changé mon travail, de plan, mais j'ai conservé des parties.

As we know, there are many kinds of heroes and their places in the Society were changed through history. To illustrate the concept Myths and Heroes, I suggest to respond to the following question : “ Who can we qualify as hero today ? “ In a first time, I will speak about iconographic heroes, then, I will develop what we could name « heroes of everyday life » and finally i will speak about super-heroes.

To begin, the iconographic heroes are known by everybody for their acts, we can then regroup the mythologicals heroes and the historicals heroes in this part.
We can assert that the concept of the heroes was born during Antiquity in Greece. There were indeed many fictional heroes at that period. A hero was a demi-god endowed with extraordinary qualities. His role consisted in showing at the citizens the good manners and behaviors. We can take for example Hercules and his outstanding strength and energy. In exchange for his freedom, he had to succeed in 12 labors. Thanks to his determination, Hercules managed the deal, and got his freedom. Therefore, this myth highlighted the fact that nothing is written ahead but we can change our destiny with moral qualities.
But it can refers also at historicals heroes more recent like Martin Luther King, Jr, who helped in 1963 to organize the famous "March on Washington". Over 250,000 people attended this march in an effort to show the importance of civil rights legislation. Some of the issues the march hoped to accomplish included an end to segregation in public schools, protection from police abuse, and to get laws passed that would prevent discrimination in employment. Moreover It was at this march where Martin gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. This speech has become one of the most famous speeches in history. The March on Washington was a great success. The Civil Rights Act was passed a year later in 1964. (passage de la biographie de MLK)

But on the other hand there are also ordanary people who became heroes by an unforgetable act, an act known by thousands of people and which has allowed to save lives or to change something in the world for example in the oral comprehension seen in class « a real hero » where Sullenburger, a pilot who safely splashed down in New York's Hudson river and all the passengers were alive. This event was like a miracle and since this time, the pilot is perceived as hero and he received prices. However, to my mind, the media, the social communities and the internet are the womb of a new race of heroes. I mean : the man in the street. For common actions or thoughts people may be celebrated as heroes. Making the buzz on the Internet is enough to wear the costume of moral and social values. It's the same case with the movie stars or the high-level sportsmen. That kind of heroes doesn't change the world, but is an aspiration for a lot.

Nowadays, the word “ hero “ can refers also at a fictional person. Thanks or due to the US block-busters we conceive a hero like the main protagonist of a fictional story, or a super-hero conceived in the comics world like the batman or superman. They have physical and moral qualities and are a source of admiration for the readers because they are a representation of the better part of us.

To conclude, we have seen that the notion of hero has changed trough history. First celebrated in Antiquity for his physical capacities, the hero was become a man who makes the buzz nowadays or a fictional person like the super-heroes. But even if we can qualify severals sort of heroes, they allow each being able to become identified with them and take them for example.

Réponse: Bac/Mythes et héros de here4u, postée le 16-04-2016 à 18:47:32 (S | E)
(hello! ) Avec quel auxiliaire forme-t-on les temps composés en anglais s'il vous plaît ?

Réponse: Bac/Mythes et héros de here4u, postée le 16-04-2016 à 19:12:25 (S | E)
Hello !

2è correction
As we know, there are many kinds of heroes and their places in the Society were changed through history. To illustrate the concept Myths and Heroes, I suggest to respond to the following question : “ Who can we qualify as hero today ? “ In a first time, I will speak about iconographic heroes, then, I will develop what we could name XXX « heroes of everyday life » and finally i will speak about super-heroes.

To begin, the iconographic heroes are known by everybody for their acts, we can then regroup the mythologicals heroes and the historicals = adjectives ! )heroes in this part.
We can assert that the concept of the heroes was born during Antiquity in Greece. There were indeed many fictional heroes at that period. A hero was a demi-god endowed with extraordinary qualities. His role consisted in showing at the citizens the good manners and behaviors. We can take for example Hercules and his outstanding strength and energy. In exchange for his freedom, he had to succeed in 12 labors. Thanks to his determination, Hercules managed the deal, and got his freedom. Therefore, this myth highlighted the fact that nothing is written ahead but we can change our destiny with moral qualities.
But it can refers also at historicals heroes more recent XXX here there should be the noun ! ) like Martin Luther King, Jr, who helped in 1963 to organize the famous "March on Washington". Over 250,000 people attended this march in an effort to show the importance of XXX civil rights legislation. Some of the issues the march hoped to accomplish(an issue isn't "accomplished") included an end to segregation in public schools, XXX protection from police abuse, and to get laws passed that would prevent discrimination in employment. Moreover It was at this march where Martin gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. This speech has become one of the most famous speeches in history. The March on Washington was a great success. The Civil Rights Act was passed a year later in 1964. (passage de la biographie de MLK)
But on the other hand there are also ordanary people who became heroes by an unforgetable act, an act known by thousands of people and which has allowed to save lives or to change something in the world for example in the "oral comprehension" seen(heard!) in class « a real hero » where Sullenburger, a pilot who safely splashed down in New York's Hudson river and all the passengers were alive. phrase bancale ...This event was like a miracle and since this time, the pilot is perceived as hero and he received prices. However, to my mind, the media, the social communities and the internet are the womb of a new race of heroes. I mean : the man in the street. For common actions or thoughts, people may be celebrated as heroes. Making the buzz on the Internet is enough to wear the costume of moral and social values. It's the same case with the movie stars or the high-level sportsmen. That kind of heroes doesn't change the world, but is an aspiration for a lot.

Nowadays, the word “ hero “ can refers also at a fictional person. Thanks or due to the US block-busters we conceive a hero like the main protagonist of a fictional story, or a super-hero conceived in the comics world like the batman or superman. They have physical and moral qualities and are a source of admiration for the readers because they are a representation of the better part of us.

To conclude, we have seen that the notion of hero has changed trough history. First celebrated in Antiquity for his physical capacities, the hero was become a man who makes the buzz nowadays or a fictional person like the super-heroes. But even if we can qualify severals sort of heroes, they allow each being able to become identified with them (not clear at all!)and take them for example.

Réponse: Bac/Mythes et héros de xou56, postée le 17-04-2016 à 11:14:42 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction et voilà les modifications que j'ai apportées.

As we know, there are many kinds of heroes and their places in the Society have changed through history. To illustrate the concept Myths and Heroes, I suggest to answer to the following question : “ Who can we qualify as hero today ? “ In a first time, I will speak about iconographic heroes, then, I will develop what we could name the « heroes of everyday life » and finally I will speak about super-heroes.

To begin, the iconographic heroes are known by everybody for their acts, we can then regroup the mythologic heroes and the historic heroes in this part.
We can assert that the concept of the heroes was born during Antiquity in Greece. There were indeed many fictional heroes at that period. A hero was a demi-god endowed with extraordinary qualities. His role consisted in showing the citizens the good manners and behaviors. We can take Hercules as example and his outstanding strength and energy. In exchange for his freedom, he had to succeed in 12 labors. Thanks to his determination, Hercules made a success oh the challenge, and got his freedom. Therefore, this myth highlighted the fact that nothing is written ahead but we can change our destiny with moral qualities.
But it can refers also at the historic heroes more recent (XXX, je ne comprend pas l'erreur: here there should be the noun ! ) like Martin Luther King, Jr, who helped in 1963 to organize the famous "March on Washington". Over 250,000 people attended this march in an effort to show the importance of the civil rights legislation. Some of the issues the march hoped to answer included an end to segregation in public schools, a protection from police abuse, and to get laws passed that would prevent discrimination in employment. Moreover It was at that march that Martin gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. This speech has become one of the most famous speeches in history. The March on Washington was a great success. The Civil Rights Act was passed a year later in 1964. (passage de la biographie de MLK)
But on the other hand there are also ordanary people who became heroes by an unforgetable act, an act known by thousands of people and which has allowed to save lives or to change something in the world for example in the "oral comprehension" heard in class « a real hero » with Sullenburger, a pilot who safely splashed down in New York's Hudson river and all the passengers were alive. phrase bancale ...This event was like a miracle and since that time, the pilot was perceived as hero and he received rewards. However, to my mind, the media, the social communities and the internet are the womb of a new race of heroes. I mean : the man in the street. For common actions or thoughts, people may be celebrated as heroes. Making the buzz on the Internet is enough to wear the costume of moral and social values. It's the same case with the movie stars or the high-level sportsmen. That kind of heroes doesn't change the world, but is an aspiration for a lot.

Nowadays, the word “ hero “ can also referring to a fictional person. Thanks or due to the US block-busters we conceive a hero like the main protagonist of a fictional story, or a super-hero conceived in the comics world like batman or superman. They have physical and moral qualities and are a source of admiration for the readers because they are a representation of the better part of us.

To conclude, we have seen that the notion of hero has changed trough history. First celebrated in Antiquity for his physical capacities, the hero was become a man who makes the buzz nowadays or a fictional person like the super-heroes. But even if we can classify several way of being heroes, we can become identified with each of them and take them for example.


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