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Bac/Myths and heroes

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Bac/Myths and heroes
Message de callie posté le 24-04-2016 à 17:58:51 (S | E | F)
Bonjour/ Bonsoir!
Comme, j'imagine, des tas de gens sur le forum, je passe mon Bac d'expression orale d'anglais dans moins de deux semaines, et j'aurais besoin d'un oeil attentif pour corriger ce texte:
Avec toute ma reconnaissance à qui se dévouera!

According to dictionnary, a myth is a narrative or a popular belief in which a nation identifies itself. A hero is for its part a person, real or imaginary, who is admired for his noble qualities and who saves people's lives. However, the border is very thin between a hero and an antihero. This is what I am going to show now through the character of the soldier, sometimes glorified, sometimes depreciated, but always subject of fascination. To do this, I would support me on the representation of the soldier in different American famous films. Then, soldiers: hero or antihero?

The myth of the heroic soldier who, after leaving his loving family, is ready to sacrifice his life to defend his country, crossed the history for many centuries, and is still present in our minds today. This vision of things is particularly conveyed by movies such as "Forrest Gump", or still "A saving Private Ryan". Indeed, how not to be admiring by Forrest's exploit, which saved all its regiment by carrying every man in shelters, one after the other, in defiance of mines and gunfire? Touched by his stubbornness not to abandon his friend, even though he was already dying ? Touched and proud to Ryan’s decision not to give up his regiment to certain death, while he had the opportunity to return to his home ? Or still upset by the very moving death of captain Miller? And, even if some facts are certainly exaggerated in these movies, it truly existed heroic soldiers like those! I would quote for example Albert Roche, French soldier who, in only 19 years old, accumulated the acts of bravery on the battlefield, was hurt 9 times and single-handedly has captured 1190 prisonners. Or still Francis Samson, priest of the American army whose history inspired « A saving Private Ryan », whose the aim was to find and to send back at his home a certain Fritz Niland, Who had lost his 3 brothers in the same week.

However, it is also true that not go further than the vision of a brave, proud and involved in his cause soldier is extremely simplistic. In fact, this image was broadcast on the basis by propaganda, to lead men to join the army, and make them forget that the War, this is not a succession of acts of bravery but a massacre in which the main objective is to kill as many people as possible. And that even the strongest men don’t come out unscathed. In the movie "born on the 4th of July," the main character, Ron Kovic, is almost gone mad following his participation in the Vietnam War. Over there he killed innocent civilians, women and children, and their memory haunts him. He lives furthermore badly his leg paralysis, consequence of a war injury, becomes aggressive, choleric, alcoholoic, insane, and believes no more in his cause. Also, the poster of the movie " Platoon " studied in class, shows a tortured soldier, kneeling and brandishing his hands covered with blood to the sky, begging God to forgive his crimes. Because killing is a crime, thing which we forget very easily in the image of the "heroic soldier".
Personally, I think that the war is an abomination, and, even if I respect the courage of mens on the battlefield, I'm much more impressed by men as Bill Millin, scottish soldier who played the bagpipe during all the battle of the invasion of Normandy, in 1944, without firing a single shot. I place more the soldier to the status of victim, forced to kill another human, in the name of a cause that is beyond them.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2016 18:51

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de callie, postée le 30-04-2016 à 10:09:35 (S | E)
Someone..? Please..?


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