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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de meliie33 posté le 17-05-2016 à 13:15:28 (S | E | F)
Hello !
Je suis en Terminale ES et je passe mon oral d'anglais (en LV1) dans une semaine. Je ne suis pas vraiment très douée en anglais et j'aimerais s'il vous plaît que quelqu'un puisse regarder ce que j'ai préparé pour la notion "Myths and heroes" et qu'il puisse s'il vous plaît corriger mes erreurs d'orthographe, de formulation, etc.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses.
Voici mon travail :

I'm going to talk about the notion Myths and heroes.
A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion.
A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a rôle model or an icon.
To illustrate this notion I have chosen two documents :
Reaching for the stars
A valuable gift
I have chosen these both because these texts show us two typs of hero totally opposed and I think it's interesting to study them.
Thanks to these documents, we attempt to answer the question : « Can all the heroes identified with the same definition ? ».

The first text is an extract of Joseph Harker's article « The Guardian's Film blog » published on February 17th, 2011.
The article is about a girl, Chioma, who is going to meet her idol, Justin Bieber. In this text, we become aware of the young girl considers Justin Bieber as a real model. She feels a lot of emotions and eve begins crying when she sees him finally. There is a strong emotion even if it doesn't know him personally.
The latter is admired thanks to his international career which began while he was very young.
He is a very talented pop star who started from scratch but he managed to follow is dream.
It's for these reasons that Justin is considered as a hero for Chioma and for all his other fans all over the world.

The second document I have chosen « A valuable gift », is extraced of the Daniel Black's novel « They tell me of a home » published in 2005.
« A valuable gift » speaks about a black boy, Thomas, who was victims of the racial segregation in the United States a few years ago. Thomas was loving readind but he always had content himself with books thrown by the whites.
In this story, the hero is not Thomas but Mrs Swinton, his teacher. Unlike Justin Bieber, Mrs Swinton is considered as hero only thanks to a beautiful action. Indeed, she offered a brand new book to Thomas. The book speaks about a black young boy who has difficulties in his life. The character looks like Thomas a lot. That's why Mrs Swinton gave this book to the young boy, also knowing that he loves reading and he has never had new book. It's this fabulous gesture which makes of the teacher a hero.
Contrary to Justin Bieber she isn't knowing all over the world but she is very admired by a young boy who consider her like his idol.

In conclusion, both texts make us realize that it can exist various ways to be a hero. A hero is not necessarily a mythological creature or somebody with magic powers.
A hero can be an ordinary person who is considered as such for various reasons.
We studied 2 examples, but there are many others types of hero who are seen like this by some people.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2016 14:55

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 18-05-2016 à 18:19:15 (S | E)
- a rôle: pas d'accent.
- two typs: orthographe.
- « Can all the heroes (be) identified with the same definition ? ».

-The first text is an extract of (from)Joseph Harker's article
- we become aware of the (fact that the)young girl considers Justin Bieber
- She feels a lot of emotions: mal dit.
- it (pas le bon pronom)doesn't know him personally.
- to follow is (orthographe)dream.
- It's for these reasons: mal dit.

- extraced (orthographe)of from)the (pas de THE)Daniel Black's novel
- « A valuable gift » speaks about (un roman ne parle pas) a black boy, Thomas, who was victims (singulier) of the (pas de THE)racial
- Thomas was loving (preterit simple) readind but he always had content (participe passé) himself with books thrown by the whites.
- Unlike Justin Bieber, Mrs Swinton is considered as (article)hero
- The book speaks about
- he has never had (article)new book.
- It's this fabulous gesture which makes of (pas de OF)the teacher a hero.
- she isn't knowing (participe passé) all over the world but she is very admired by a young boy who consider (faute de conjugaison) her like his idol.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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