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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de sarilou posté le 12-01-2017 à 18:58:39 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
est-ce quelqu'un peut me corriger ce court oral de deux trois minutes en anglais svp s'il vous plait?
Voilà le sujet:
Rôle À : You are a software engineer. You apply to work for an American company based in Bangalore
You ask questions about :
- the job
- the hours
- the location of the office...
- You give details about your studies, your training, your skills, your motivation...

Role B : You are the Head of the Human Resources Department of an American company based in Bangalore. You want to recruit a software engineer.
You ask questions to the applicant about his motivation, his skills, his training, his job experience...
You underline the advantages of working in India.

Je suis le rôle B mais je n'ai vraiment plus aucune voici mon début :
Hello, you are an applicant to the position of software engineer in our company, so what are your motivation for this job?
A : ...
B : Have you got skills in this field? A job or...?
A : ...
B : (il me dit qu il a eu un poste.d ingenieur dans une autre enterprise)
For how many time?
B : it s paid 10000 dollars per month
A : (puis je rester travailer en Amerique pres de ma famille)
B : No, that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay in India. Here you can have your own space in America all the software engineer position is full because of outsourcing.
A :...
B : I call you later for the answer, thanks for coming bye!

Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de lire!

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-01-2017 22:13

Réponse : Oral/engineer de here4u, postée le 12-01-2017 à 21:50:11 (S | E)

Je suis le rôle B mais je n'ai vraiment plus aucune ??? (aucune quoi?) voici mon début :
Hello, you are an applicant to the position of software engineer in our company, so what are your motivationS for this job?
A : ...
B : Have you got skills in this field? A job or...?(ask about the previous experience in the field...)
A : ...
B : (il me dit qu il a eu un poste.d ingenieur dans une autre enterprise)
For how many timeS?= pour combien de fois .... Il faut employer une durée, à la forme interrogative, en faisant une phrase complète! You're a HR manager, aren't you? you can speak good English!
B : it s paid 10000= $10,000 a month)dollars per month
A : (puis je rester travailer en Amerique pres de ma famille)
B : No, that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay in India. Here you can? (you can, or you can't?) have your own space in America??? all the software engineer position is full because of outsourcing.
A :...
B : I'll call you later for the answer, thanks for coming bye!

Not sure I understood whether you had accepted the position, or not ...(unless it is the "answer" mentioned at the end...)

Réponse : Oral/engineer de sarilou, postée le 13-01-2017 à 21:31:40 (S | E)
Tout d'abord merci pour ton aide.
Alors au début je voulais dire :
Je suis le rôle B mais je n'ai vraiment plus aucune idée ^^
C'est mieux comme ça? :
B: hello...
A: ...
B: have you got skills in this field? A job or...?
A: ( oui un poste d'ingénieur dans une autre entreprise après une école d'ingénieur)
B: How long did you stay in the company? (Or how long did you work for is better no??)
A: (3 ans)
B: it's paid $10,000 a month.
A: (puis-je rester...)
B: No that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay here in India. Here you can have your own space. In America all the software engineer position is full because of outsourcing.
A: ...
B: I will call you later ...

Dois-je trouver plus de questions ou comme ça c'est bon??
Merci encore

Réponse : Oral/engineer de here4u, postée le 14-01-2017 à 10:02:20 (S | E)
Hello !

B: hello...
A: ...
B: have you got skills in this field? A job or...?(Un peu vague ... on arrive au milieu de la conversation sans savoir ce qu'est "this job")
A: ( oui un poste d'ingénieur dans une autre entreprise après une école d'ingénieur)
B: How long did you stay in the company? (Or how long did you work for "this company"? is better no??)les deux conviennent mais veulent tous deux dire que le travail est terminé dans cette compagnie; You're jobless just now!
A: (3 ans)
B: it's paid $10,000 a month.(what is? the former job or the future position?)
A: (puis-je rester...)
B: No that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay here in India. Here you can have your own space. In America all the software engineer position is fullheld because of outsourcing.
A: ...
B: I will call you later ...

Je pense que c'est OK ... mais difficile de "comprendre" lorsque l'on n'a que "one side of the story"!

Réponse : Oral/engineer de sarilou, postée le 15-01-2017 à 20:06:28 (S | E)
Voici ma correction:

Hello, you are an applicant to the position of software engineer in our company, so what are your motivation for this job?
A : Since I was young, i'm interested in Computer software development.
B : Have you got skills in this field? A job or...?
A : Yes I was in T3 technologies inc, I had a software engineer position after a engineer school.
B : How long did you stay in this (je veux parler de l'entreprise pour laquelle il travaillait avant : T3 technologies inc) company?
A : For 3 years. And how much this engineer position is paid?
B : it s paid 10000 dollars per month
A : (puis je rester travailer en Amerique pres de ma famille)
B : No, that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay in India. Here you can have your own space in America all the software engineer position is held because of outsourcing.
A :...
B : I call you later for the answer, thanks for coming bye!

Voilà est-ce mieux comme ça? (et merci encore )

Réponse : Oral/engineer de here4u, postée le 16-01-2017 à 11:20:57 (S | E)
Hello !

Hello, you are an applicant to the position of software engineer in our company, so what (are)is your motivation for this job?
A : Since I was young, i'm(c'est quoi ce "i"? une fantaisie à éviter, ou a slip of the finger?)(le temps résent EST IMPOSSIBLE avec une durée ! ) interested in Computer software development.
B : Have you got skills in this field? A job or...?
A : Yes I was in T3 technologies inc, I had a software engineer position after a engineer school.
B : How long did you (stay in this hold this position?(je veux parler de l'entreprise pour laquelle il travaillait avant : T3 technologies inc) company?
A : For 3 years. And how much this engineer position is paid? Attention!Cette forme "pseudo" interrogative est fausse! Revoir l'ordre des mots.)
B : it's paid 10,000 dollars per month
A : (puis je rester travailer en Amerique pres de ma famille)
B : No, that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay in India. Here you can have your own space in America all the software engineer positions are is held because of outsourcing.
A :...
B : I call (Il faut un futur!)you later for the answer, thanks for coming bye!

Réponse : Oral/engineer de sarilou, postée le 16-01-2017 à 20:28:55 (S | E)

Hello, you are an applicant to the position of software engineer in our company, so what (are)is your motivation for this job?
A : Since I was young, I have been interested in Computer software development.
B : Have you got skills in this field? A job or...?
A : Yes I was in T3 technologies inc, I had a software engineer position after a engineer school.
B : How long did you hold this position?
A : For 3 years. And how much is this engineer position paid?
B : it's paid 10,000 dollars per month
A : (puis je rester travailer en Amerique pres de ma famille)
B : No, that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay in India. Here you can have your own space in America all the software engineer positions are held tthat explain the outsourcing.
A :...
B : I will call you later for the answer, thanks for coming bye!
C'est bon comme ça ou toujours pas??

Réponse : Oral/engineer de here4u, postée le 17-01-2017 à 09:32:22 (S | E)
Hello !

Hello, you are an applicant to the position of software engineer in our company, so what (are) sujet singulier => verbe singulieris your motivation for this job?
A : Since I was young, I have been interested in Computer software development.
B : Have you got skills in this field? A job or...?
A : Yes I was in T3 technologies inc, I had a software engineer position after a placé devant une voyelle school.
B : How long did you hold this position?
A : For 3 years. And how much is this= ambiguous ... which one? engineer position paid?
B : it's paid 10,000 dollars per month
A : (puis je rester travailer en Amerique pres de ma famille)
B : No, that's the only drawback of the job, you must stay in India. Here you can have your own space (ponctuation!)in America all the software engineer positions are held tthat, which explain the outsourcing.
A :...
B : I will call you later for the answer, thanks for coming, bye!
C'est bon comme ça ou toujours pas??


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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