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Oral /gap year

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Oral /gap year
Message de caro5 posté le 12-04-2017 à 12:07:49 (S | E | F)
Bonjour/Bonsoir !
Je dois préparer une notion en anglais sur "espaces et échanges" et j'ai choisi gap year comme sujet. J'aimerais savoir si vous pouviez m'aider à trouver les erreurs de grammaire, conjugaison, orthographe ou autre.
Merci d'avance

I am going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. We worked this year on gap year. A gap year is a period of time during which students takes a break in their studies after they have finished school and before starting college or university. Then, it is possible to wonder why taking a gap year? Indeed there must be a lot of advantages to taking a gap year after secondary school. It must be quite exciting to take the plunge and spend a whole year doing whatever you want. But we may wonder whether there are drawbacks too.

First of all, taking a gap year enables students to meet new people, gain maturity and improve their personal development. In their testimony, Tony Karmy said “I feel I benefited a lot from having real contact with local people, which isn’t often the case when you’re just travelling around”. Usually, taking a gap year improves self-confidence and professional and personal skills. For example, a student can leave with the program Erasmus. It allows improving his linguistic knowledge. Besides, it enables them to gain independence and significant work and life experience. It is also a good opportunity for students to give something back to the community if they embark on a humanitarian mission for example.
It also offers students a wider perspective and clearer vision of their future work direction. Indeed, after a gap year, students may decide to change their degree course of future profession. This is quite beneficial, since they know where they are going and they will not start off on the wrong track. For example, his résumé will be promoted. As a result, they are less likely to drop out of university or choose the wrong job. Besides, employers may look more favorably on job applications from gap year students who may in time find a better and more suitable career opportunity.
Finally, seeing other ways of living leads to grow up, be open-minded and become more confident. However, there are drawbacks.

Indeed, taking a gap year means leaving one’s friends and family behind, and that may prove quite difficult to some students who find themselves in a faraway country. Some students can be homesick and want to come home. Furthermore, one year abroad is very expensive and it’s a good idea to take a job during this gap year. Some students travel for three or six months then work for the rest of the year.
Traveling abroad can be dangerous even with an organization. For instance, in 2011, volunteers of the American independent agency Peace Corps reported to have been victims of sexual attacks during their humanitarian missions. Indeed, There would be more than 1000 victims, among whom 221 rapes.
Moreover, taking a gap year represents a true cut in your university course. The working rhythm which you had acquired will be lost, and it is therefore necessary to relearn it very quickly. Some students who choose to take a gap year abroad do not feel like coming home.
What’s more, if you take a gap year, your friend will have moved on, your study skills will have diminished and you will be a year behind them. Indeed, some universities and selective trainings impose age limits for their renter. As some exams for engineers’ schools.

To conclude, I don’t think there are many drawbacks in taking a gap year after leaving school. Gaining experience, independence and skills for a year is surely quite beneficial for those who are brave enough to take the plunge. However I don’t think that I would take a gap year next year but why not later in my studies.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-04-2017 12:14


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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