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Bac/Myths and heroes

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Bac/Myths and heroes
Message de imeno19 posté le 14-04-2017 à 16:33:27 (S | E | F)
je passe bientôt mon oral et j'aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige mes fautes et me dise si ce n'est pas trop long, ou si c'est cohérent avec un lien logique. Merci d'avance

In order to start my presentation about the notion Myths and Heroes, I will, first, define those two notions. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.
By analysing those notions "myth and hero", we will try to answer the following question :
How can myths and heroes change our lives? How can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History? Do they represent society's values and concerns?

« American Progress » by John GAST painted in 1872. This document is a representation of « Manifest Destiny », the myth according to which American people have the right to conquer the whole North American continent. Indeed, the allegorical figure of Columbia (the goddess of America) is holding a book in her right arm and a telegraph wire ( a symbol of communication and technology). She is showing the way to pioneers and who were supposed to bring the light of civilisation to the darker side of American wilderness ( the Promised Land). This painting represents the settlers who are going to work. It also represents the expansion of the USA from the East to the West. But, what was a frontier during the 19th century ? During the 19th century, the Frontier was pushed from East to West. So, during the conquest of the West, the frontier was a moving zone between the conquered regions and unchartered lands. The frontier ended when the white settlers reached the Pacific coast in 1890. These conquerors were determined although ressourceful. They wanted to fulfill (=réaliser) their dreams. As a conclusion of this document, in this painting, pioneers and Columbia can be seen as heroes. It also gives an idealistic view of the West conquest.

Transition : This idea was subsequently transmitted from generation to generation. Its religious aspect has not completely disappeared. This ideology was used to justify the ambitions of heroes.
Into the Wild is a novel written by Jon Krakauer, published in 1996. This character whose story is based on an incredibe true story is called Christopher McCandless nd nicknamed Alexander Supertramp, which is quite revealing. Indeed, Alexander refers to the famous conqueror from Antiquity who explored new territories. (Référence à Destinée manifeste mais comment? Au héros ?) He has a tough vision of society. For him money and power are only illusion, the only important value is nature and the quest for truth. He decides to leave home without warning his family. He meets several people during his journey, including Ron. He leaves for Alaska and will never come back. For example, Alexander prefers to alludes to God, so that Ron understands beauty is everywhere thanks to God who has chosen Americans as this people.
Alexander follows in a way the ideology of the « Manifest Destiny». Indeed, it wants to conquer and discover new territories. He thinks that God has chosen the Americans for conquest and he is one of them. He feels like a hero.

Transition : The conviction of the United States in its "manifest destiny" justified the expansion of the country. It also had an effect on American foreign policy, mainly in the 19th century, but also more recently.
In the twentieth century, the space conquest led by the United States can also originate in this belief in a form of divine mission. The country has always sought to push its limits as far as possible, and to extend its influence. The world was not enough for them. Their destiny pushed them beyond. This document is a speech given by Barack Obama, the previous President of the USA, who is speaking is front of a NASA assembly about his space program, space exploration.
For Obama, NASA's history is an open book whose page are turned and written by the USA. The past embodied by Buzz Aldrin, who set foot on the moon in 1969 and is held up as a true hero. However, Obama's objective is to go beyond the moon. In the future, he wants to explore the galaxy. He would like to have the USA first, as a guide, a leader, a standard-bearer, which reminds me of « Manifest Destiny ». His ultimate goal is to bring progress knowledge to outer side.

In short, the myth of "manifest destiny" was the basis of the conquests in the united states and allowed to form heroes such as Christopher McCandless or for example Buzz Aldrin. This myth is at the origin of the creation of the American heroes who made it possible to change the history. Today this myth represents values and heroes the concerns of society.
Finally, the ideology of manifest destiny has supported the imperialist ambitions of American policy.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2017 17:05


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