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Bac/Idea of progress

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Idea of progress
Message de cam64 posté le 21-04-2017 à 15:10:10 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
L'oral approche bientôt, je voudrais donc savoir s'il serait possible de corriger la notion idée de progrès ci-dessous.
Merci d'avance !

I’m going to talk about the notion « Idea of Progress »
First of all, I want to define this notion :
Progress is the idea that the world and the society cane volve positively in the fields of sciences, technology, living condition, mentalities etc…

Now, I want to use the theme of the sport to illustrate this idea. We can ask ourselves : Sport can it make evolve mentalities ?

The first document I have chosen is an extract from the book The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner wrote by Alan Sillitoe.
The narrator is a young offender who lives in a borstal because he was in a gang, under leader’s authority. He enjoys long-distance running because he benefits from the freedom of being allowed to run alone. He says he us “the first man ever to be dropped into the world” when he is running on the wheatfield.
This text illustrates the idea of progress because the narrator, by the sport and more precisely running, set goals for the future : He wants to become one of the best runners in the correctional institution; also, he desires to be physically and mentally superior to the other boys in the borstal.
Running permit him to be free and healthier than in the past. Today, he can make his own choices unlike in his past. Sport set his mind free to dream about his future. When he will go out of the borstal, he will be proud to show what he has become.

The second document is a recording of a press conference. Frank Fredericks, an athlete and member of the IOC (the International Olympic Commission), speaks about doping in the Olympic Games.
He insists on the fact that cheats have a harmful impact on sport spirit: The vast majority of clean athletes is tainted by the shadow of doubt. And he thinks that doping makes a big difference for poorer nations who cannot compete on the same level as richer countries whose athletes have easier access to drugs.
So Frank Fredericks desire a zero-tolerance against doping: every athlete does doping tests and athletes convictes of doping will be excluded.
His commitment aims to get everyone in the same level and preserve spirit of sport.
He wants to combat against cheats by establishing a no-doping policy and he wants that the science will progress to detect illegal substance.
The last document I have chosen is picture of the San José State University statue. She represents the two athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos. They won gold and bronze medals in the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City.
The statue represents this historical event in which these two men achieved great things, despite facing racial adversity since their childhood. They used their opportunity in the sportling to peacefully protest for racial equality. They want to make evolve mentalities and society by the way of sport.
However, the logos reading “USA” are clearly visible on the statue, and the majority of the image is filled with the American colours of red, white and blue. This gives the effect that athletes are proud to be American citizens and are proud to represent their country as champions.

To conclude, I think that sport is a beautiful way to progress one-self. We can set target and outperform us with respect and rules of the sport’s spirit. But it is also a way to make evolve mentalities, society: because high performs are broadcast and all the ideas can be share to a large public.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-04-2017 21:43

Réponse : Bac/Idea of progress de here4u, postée le 21-04-2017 à 22:08:57 (S | E)
Hello !

The first document I have chosen is an extract from the book The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner wrote by Alan Sillitoe.
The narrator is a young offender who lives in a borstal because he was in a gang, under X leader’s authority. He enjoys long-distance running because he benefits from the freedom of being allowed to run alone. He says he us “the first man ever to be dropped into the world” when he is running on the wheatfield.
This text illustrates the idea of progress because the narrator, by the sport and more precisely running, set goals for the future set indique un passé - qui est une bonne idée ... Il faut continuer au passé!) He wants to become one of the best runners in the correctional institution; also, he desires to be physically and mentally superior to the other boys in the borstal.
Running permit him to be free and healthier than in the past. Today, he can make his own choices unlike in his past. Sport set his mind free to dream about his future. When he will go out of the borstal, he will be proud to show what he has become.

The second document is a recording of a press conference. Frank Fredericks, an athlete and member of the IOC (the International Olympic Commission), speaks about doping in the Olympic Games.
He insists on the fact that cheats have a harmful impact on sport spirit: The vast majority of clean athletes is tainted by the shadow of doubt. And he thinks that doping makes a big difference for poorer nations who cannot compete on the same level as richer countries whose athletes have easier access to drugs.
So Frank Fredericks desire a zero-tolerance against doping: every athlete does doping tests(il faut introduire un modal!) and athletes convictes of doping will be excluded.
His commitment aims to get everyone in the same level and preserve XXX spirit of sportS.
He wants to combat against cheats by establishing a non-doping policy and he wants that the science will progress to detect illegal substanceS.
The last document I have chosen is XX picture of the San José State University statue. She represents the two athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos. They won the gold and bronze medals in the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City.
The statue represents this historical event in which these two men achieved great things, despite facing racial adversity since their childhood. They used their opportunity in the sportling to peacefully protest for racial equality. They want to make evolve mentalities and society= word order by the way of sport.
However, the logos reading “USA” are clearly visible on the statue, and the majority of the image is filled with the American colours of red, white and blue. This gives the effect that XXX athletes are proud to be American citizens and are proud to represent their country as champions.

To conclude, I think that sport is a beautiful way to progress one-self. We can set target and outperform us with respect and rules of the sport’s spirit.Revoir la construction!) But it is also a way to make evolve mentalities(word order!), society: because high performs are broadcast and all the ideas can be share to a large public.

Réponse : Bac/Idea of progress de cam64, postée le 21-04-2017 à 22:35:53 (S | E)
Thanks !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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