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Notion/Forms and places of Power

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Notion/Forms and places of Power
Message de damso posté le 25-04-2017 à 15:55:09 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en Terminale S et je profite des vacances pour réaliser la présentation de ma dernière notion, Places and Forms of Power. J'ai déjà réalisé les présentations de mes 3 autres notions et je les ai fait corriger par mon professeur. Le problème est que nous avons terminé la leçon sur la dernière notion le jour des vacances, et je ne pourrai donc pas faire corriger ma dernière présentation à mon professeur. Je voudrais donc avoir un avis et éventuellement une correction de ma présentation :

I'm going to talk about Places and forms of power.
First of all, I am going to give you my definition of the notion : Places and forms of power , and explain to you, why i have chosen to dedicate my presentation on the power of the media
To understand this notion We must start by defining what power is?
The power is the ability or official capacity to exercise control and authorithy, but the power is too a strength or force, exerted or capable of being exerted.
There are many types of power in our society, like military power, politics power, religious power. and all these types of power have differents places of power and forms of power and this is precisely the aim of this notion.

For my presentation, I want to speak about an unknown but very powerful type of power, the power of the media and of the information.
This power can be very powerful, it can pressurize the others types of power and impact our daily life.
So the key question I will try to answer is : « How much power do the media and the information's power have over us ? »
To answer this question, to start, I will use two document studied in class about the power of the CCTV in London and in the UK. I will summarize these documents and round them because they complement each other.
According to these documents, in UK, everyone is caught on camera about 300 times a day. There are 4,2 million of CCTV cameras in UK and 1,85 million in Britain, it's one camera for 14 people in UK. To compare, I did a search, in 2012 In France, the Cnil valued the nomber of camera in France to around 900,000 cameras. The original aim of these camera is to fight and to prevent crime and terrorism but today they are using to track people with their faces, irises, fingerprints and voices. In 2011, According to a police admission, 1850 crimes are solving with these cameras. With the technological progress, cameras are getting smaller and smaller, you don't necessarily see them now. The opinions about the hight precense of cameras in UK are very differents, for some people the cameras are a very good tool to fight and prevent crimes but for other people it's a really big problem in a democratic country.
From Isabella Sankey, director at the campaign group Liberty, Uk need a legal regulation of the numbers of camera and their uses. We don't care if there is one camera or 10 on your street, if just one pointing in your living room, this is a problem. To me, if all the time we are spying, it will be a big problem because according to our realisation of this problem, our actions and our decisions will be impact.
The last document that I want to show you, is a personnal oral report about the Watergate scandal. To me this scandal, is one of the best proof of the power of the media. In this case, The US government tried to abuse of their politics power. It tried to spy their adversary and when this case are discovered, It used his politics power to stop the inquiry. But a team of journalist, understood the truth in their manipulations. This team investigated and used the power of the media to condemn the actions of the US government. After these revelations, The former americain president, Richard Nixon had to resign and to stop his mandate. In this case, the powerful power of the media are revealed, it defied the politics power and it won.

To Summarize, the power of the media and of the information can have a really big impact on us and on our society. Too The power of the media can surpass the others types of power, like the politics power in the Watergate scandal and it can watch and control our daily life. But we can interogate us, If the media and the information controls us, who the media and the information control ? ( Si les médiaset l'information nous contrôlent, qui contrôle les médias et l'information ? )

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre ou vos réponse(s).

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2017 22:51

Réponse : Notion/Forms and places of Power de laure95, postée le 26-04-2017 à 10:17:17 (S | E)
-i: majuscule.
- We must start by defining what power is?: enlever point d'interrogation (question indirecte).
- The (pas de the)power is the ability
- but the power
- politics (mettre l'adjectif)power,
- differents (pas de s)places of power

- the others (pas de s)types of power
- two document (pluriel) studied in class about the power of the CCTV in London and in the UK.
- everyone is caught on (pas la bonne préposition) camera (pluriel)about 300 times a day.

Ton introduction est trop longue.

- nomber of camera (pluriel)in France
- The original aim of these camera (pluriel)is to fight
- In 2011, According to a police admission, 1850 crimes are solving (passé)with these cameras.
- With the (pas de the) technological progress,
- The opinions about the hight (mettre l'adjectif)precense (orthographe)of cameras in UK are very différents (pas de s)
- the (pas de the)cameras
- From (pas la bonne préposition)Isabella Sankey, (article) director at the campaign group Liberty,
- Uk need (singulier)a legal regulation
- We don't care if there is one camera or 10 on y(pas la bonne préposition)our street,
- To (pas la bonne préposition) me,
- we are spying: pas la bonne forme du verbe.
- our actions and our decisions will be impact (participe passé).

- politics power.
- when this case are (passé)discovered,
- But a team of journalist (pluriel), understood the truth in (pas la bonne préposition) their manipulations.
- americain
- In this case, the powerful power of the media are (faute de conjugaison)revealed,
- the politics power

- Too (pas à la bonne place)The power of the media can surpass the others (pas de s) types of power, like the politics power (voir remarque déjà faite))
- If the media and the information controls (faute de conjugaison)us, who the media and the information (will)control ? (enlever point d'interrogation)

Réponse : Notion/Forms and places of Power de damso, postée le 26-04-2017 à 14:51:58 (S | E)
Tout d'abord je vous remercie pour votre réponse. J'ai effectué les corrections aux endroits que vous m'avez indiqués et voici le résultat :

I'm going to talk about Places and forms of power.
First of all, I am going to give you my definition of the notion : Places and forms of power , and explain to you, why I have chosen to dedicate my presentation on the power of the media
To understand this notion We must start by defining what power is.
Power is the ability or official capacity to exercise control and authorithy, but Power is too a strength or force, exerted or capable of being exerted.
There are many types of power in our society, like military power, political power, religious power. and all these types of power have different places of power and forms of power and this is precisely the aim of this notion.
For my presentation, I want to speak about an unknown but very powerful type of power, the power of the media and of the information.
This power can be very powerful, it can pressurize the other types of power and impact our daily life.
So the key question I will try to answer is : « How much power do the media and the information's power have over us ? »

To answer this question, to start, I will use two documents studied in class about the power of the CCTV in London and in the UK. I will summarize these documents and round them because they complement each other.
According to these documents, in UK, everyone is caught by cameras about 300 times a day. There are 4,2 million of CCTV cameras in UK and 1,85 million in Britain, it's one camera for 14 people in UK. To compare, I did a search, in 2012 In France, the Cnil valued the number of cameras in France to around 900,000 cameras. The original aim of these cameras is to fight and to prevent crime and terrorism but today they are using to track people with their faces, irises, fingerprints and voices. In 2011, According to a police admission, 1850 crimes are solved with these cameras. With technological progress, cameras are getting smaller and smaller, you don't necessarily see them now. The opinions about the big presence of cameras in UK are very different, for some people cameras are a very good tool to fight and prevent crimes but for other people it's a really big problem in a democratic country.
According to Isabella Sankey, the director at the campaign group Liberty, Uk need a legal regulation of the number of cameras and their uses. We don't care if there is one camera or 10 in your street, if just one pointing in your living room, this is a problem. For me, if all the time we are spy, it will be a big problem because according to our realisation of this problem, our actions and our decisions will be impacted.
The last document that I want to show you, is a personnal oral report about the Watergate scandal. To me this scandal, is one of the best proof of the power of the media. In this case, The US government tried to abuse of their political power. It tried to spy their adversary and when this case was discovered, It used his politics power to stop the inquiry. But a team of journalists, understood the truth about their manipulations. This team investigated and used the power of the media to condemn the actions of the US government. After these revelations, The former american president, Richard Nixon had to resign and to stop his mandate. In this case, the powerful power of the media was revealed, it defied the political power and it won.

To Summarize, the power of the media and of the information can have a really big impact on us and on our society. The power of the media too can surpass the others types of power, like the politics power in the Watergate scandal and it can watch and control our daily life. But we can interogate us, If the media and the information control us, who the media and the information will control.

Je suis heureux de l'avoir fait corriger, vous m'avez signalée des erreurs à des endroits que je pensais juste ( extraits des scripts des documents anglais ). Je vais aussi suivre votre conseil et raccourcir mon introduction.


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