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Bac/Places and Forms of Power

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Bac/Places and Forms of Power
Message de noixdecoco17 posté le 01-05-2017 à 11:16:31 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral d'anglais cette semaine et j'aimerais avoir des avis sur ma notion et corriger aussi mes fautes.
Merci d'avance !

Notion Places and Forms of Power
I’m going to talk about the notion places and Forms of power.
First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion.
« Places » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, and can be also a country or a state. The power, it is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don’t. I’m going to speak about the power of media. For example we can see how much it can influence the public opinion.The mass media plays an important role in forming our personality, enriching our knowledge, providing us with information of any kind and she can have an effect on our personal identity.
We can wonder: in what ways do the medias and internet have power to influence public opinion?
We are going to speak about the 4th power and the 5th power.
The press is commonly nicknamed the 4th power. By extension, the 4th power refers to the various means of communication which can be used as counter powers to limit the three other powers. The media have become so influential that they can be considered as a power in itsef. The medias are and modern way of information today, on the base of the freedom of expression: essential foundation of our society.
Thanks to them that we can know 24 / 24h, 7/7 days, of the current events, but more still, they comment and express their opinion on the events as well as on all the political, economic and social decisions taken in the world.
But the information given by the media is not always true and honest.

With the emergence of the internet, the way information are broadcast have evolved. That is what is called the « fifth power ». The fifth estate regroups socials networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram...Thanks to the blogs, the socials networks the citizens can express themselves on current events, to give theirs opinions and to share theirs ideas. So,the fifth power give a power at citizens. The citizens, can to broadcast their own information and thus to transmit theirs own ideas. So, as a journalist , people has today access to a multitude of tools for to find news sing and to become a citizen-reporter. Internet, social networks are becoming necessary in our life, because they show that we have the freedom of speech.

Finally, the fifth estate is becoming most important that the 4th power thanks to internet and social networks. Indeed today, for example we can to read the press like The Time on Internet. This powers inform us but have a huge influence on us. They can make our opinions and change them. The medias and internet can ruin a reputation or a presidential campaign with the of Penelope Gate. I think this powers enable to give our opinions, show the freedom of speech but we are not controlling on this 4th and 5th power and we are often influenced by their information and it’s difficult to say if it’s true or false.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2017 12:01

Réponse : Bac/Places and Forms of Power de laure95, postée le 01-05-2017 à 15:16:23 (S | E)
- can be also: ordre des mots.
- The power, it (pas de reprise de sujet)is the ability
- This of course leads to conflict(s) between those who have power and those who don’t.
- and she (pas le bon pronom, tu ne parles pas d'une femme) can have an effect on our personal identity.
- We can wonder: in what ways do (enlever do: question indirecte)the medias and internet have power to influence public opinion?

- The medias are and (a pas and)modern way of information today,
- (article)essential foundation of our society.
- Thanks to them that (pas de that)we can know 24 / 24h (en anglais, les heures ne se comptent que jusqu'à 12).
- With the emergence of the (pas de the)internet, the way information are (singulier)broadcast have (faute de conjugaison) evolved.
- Thanks to the (pas de the) blogs, the (pas de the)socials networks the (pas de the)citizens can express themselves
- to give theirs (pas la bonne forme)opinions and to share theirs (idem)ideas.
- So,the fifth power give (faute de conjugaison)a power at (pas la bonne préposition)citizens. The (pas de the)citizens, can to (can + infinitif sans to)broadcast their own information and thus to (pas de to)transmit theirs own ideas.
- So, as a journalist people has (faute de conjugaison) today access to a multitude of tools for (pas de for)to find
- news sing : ?

Tu ne fais référence à aucun document!

- Finally, the fifth estate is becoming most (tu confonds superlatif et comparatif)important that (pas le bon mot ici)the 4th power thanks to internet and social networks.
- Indeed today, for example we can to (voir plus haut)read the press like The Time on Internet.
- This powers (this + singulier) inform us but have a huge influence on us.
- They can make our opinions: ?
- The (pas de the)medias and internet can ruin a reputation or a presidential campaign with the of Penelope Gate.
- I think this powers
- to give our opinions, show the freedom of speech but we are not controlling on (pas de on)this 4th and 5th power

Réponse : Bac/Places and Forms of Power de noixdecoco17, postée le 01-05-2017 à 17:04:55 (S | E)
Merci, j'ai corrigé et ajouté un exemple.

I’m going to talk about the notion places and Forms of power.
First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion.
« Places » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, and also can be a country or a state. The power, is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflicts between those who have power and those who don’t. I’m going to speak about the power of media. For example we can see how much it can influence the public opinion.The mass media plays an important role in forming our personality, enriching our knowledge, providing us with information of any kind and it can have an effect on our personal identity.
We can wonder: in what ways the medias and internet have power to influence public opinion?
We are going to speak about the 4th power and the 5th power.
The press is commonly nicknamed the 4th power. By extension, the 4th power refers to the various means of communication which can be used as counter powers to limit the three other powers. The media have become so influential that they can be considered as a power in itsef. The medias are and modern way of information today, on the base of the freedom of expression: essential foundation of our society.
Thanks to them we can know 24 hours a day , 7/7 days, of the current events, but more still, they comment and express their opinion on the events as well as on all the political, economic and social decisions taken in the world.
But the information given by the media is not always true and honest.

With the emergence of internet, the way information is broadcast has evolved. That is what is called the « fifth power ». The fifth estate regroups socials networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram...Thanks to blogs, socials networks , citizens can express themselves on current events, to express theirs opinions and to communicate theirs ideas. So,the fifth power gives a power to citizens. Citizens, can broadcast their own information and thus transmit theirs own ideas. So, like journalists people have today access to a multitude of tools to find news and to become a citizen-reporter. Internet, social networks are becoming necessary in our life, because they show that we have the freedom of speech. We can take the example of the whistleblower : Wikileaks. Wikileaks posts private information, for example, about a election candidate and creates scandals , during his campaign.
Finally, the fifth estate is becoming more important than the 4th power thanks to internet and social networks. Indeed today, for example we can read the press like The Time on Internet. These powers inform us but have a huge influence on us. They can change our opinions. Medias and internet can ruin a reputation or a presidential campaign with the case of Penelope Gate. I think these powers enable to give our opinions, show the freedom of speech but we are not controlling this 4th and 5th power and we are often influenced by their information and it’s difficult to say if it’s true or false.


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