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BAC Places & Forms of Power

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BAC Places & Forms of Power
Message de karina posté le 01-05-2017 à 12:18:48 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, pourriez-vous me corriger mes fautes svp je passe demain en anglais :

I am going to present the notion " places and forms of power ". For me, the power is defined by the faculty, the capacity, the material possibility or the permission of doing something. Indeed, it can be a political, a military, a economically or a culturally power. From the 17th to 19th century, the economy of the United States depended on the work of the slaves. Nowadays, the economy of some countries depends on the child labor. So, how was used the power on the slaves and how is it used on the children? To answer this question, I am going to present and to analyze different documents.

The first document which I am going to present is a poster of auction. It's written : "To be sold, a cargo of ninety-four prime, healthy negroes ". It's about slaves who come from Africa brought by European traders between the 17th and the 19th century. When they arrived in the new colonies, they were bought by white masters and had to work in farms on the South of the United States. They didn't receive a salary and their conditions of work and life were very bad. The slaves had to build their own house, cook for themselves, had very few clothes and free time and didn't have the right to read and write. Some slaves were whipped by their master or received worse punishments if they didn't do well their work. Most of the women cooked, cleaned the house or took care of children of their masters. As for the men, they were carpenters, masons or farm labourers. The economy of the South of the United States depended very much on slaves. This document shows a big form of power which exercised the Americans on the slaves because they had authority and gave them orders at the risk of punishments. They considered them as objects and not people.

The second document which I am going to present is a photography taken in Vietnam. On this photo, there is a little boy around 10 years old who is recycling garbage. The child seems sad and is dirty. Around him, the place is unhealthy and there are bags full of trash. All over the world, millions of children are forced to go to work, particularly in Asia, in Africa and in Latin America. The children work in factories, in farms or even in prostitution. Some children work as tourist guides, others sell objects in streets or beg. The working conditions are very unhealthy. They work in dirty and dangerous places. Many of them die because of their work. However, there are countries which have laws which forbid the child labor under a certain age. One of the major causes of the child labor is the poverty. The adults win so little that even the children have to work. Other causes are a lack of access to the education, the abandonment of some children or still the advantage for an employer because he can make bigger profits by hiring a child. But the normal life of a child is to go to the school and to play with his friends. The document thus denounces the forced labor of the children.

To conclude, the Americans used the power to exercise the slavery by forcing them to obey them. Also, there is a certain form of power which is used on the children who are forced to work, because of the social-economic problems of their country.

Réponse : BAC Places & Forms of Power de kikidu33, postée le 01-05-2017 à 12:57:13 (S | E)
Coucou, j'ai corriger quelques petites erreurs (en vert). Il se peut que j'en ai rater quelques unes. Bon courage pour ton oral demain !

I am going to present the notion " places and forms of power ". For me, the power is defined by the faculty, the capacity, the material possibility or the permission of doing something. Indeed, it can be a political, a military, an economist or a cultural power. From the 17th to 19th century, the economy of the United States depended on the work of the slaves. Nowadays, the economy of some countries depends on the child labor. So, how was the power used on the slaves and how is it used on the children? To answer this question, I am going to present and to analyze different documents.

The first document which I am going to present is a poster of the auction. It's written: "To be sold, a cargo of ninety-four prime, healthy Negroes ". It's about slaves who come from Africa brought by European traders between the 17th and the 19th century. When they arrived in the new colonies, they were bought by white masters and had to work in farms on the South of the United States. They didn't receive a salary and their conditions of work and life were very bad. The slaves had to build their own house, cook for themselves, had very few clothes and free time and didn't have the right to read and write. Some slaves were whipped by their master or received worse punishments if they didn't do well in their work. Most of the women cooked, cleaned the house or took care of children of their masters. As for the men, they were carpenters, masons or farm labourers. The economy of the South of the United States depended very much on slaves. This document shows a big form of power which exercised the Americans on the slaves because they had authority and gave them orders at the risk of punishments. They considered them as objects and not people.
The second document which I am going to present is a picture taken in Vietnam. In this photo, there is a little boy around 10 years old who is recycling garbage. The child seems sad and is dirty. Around him, the place is unhealthy and there are bags full of trash. All over the world, millions of children are forced to go to work, particularly in Asia, in Africa and in Latin America. The children work in factories, in farms or even prostitution. Some children work as tourist guides, others sell objects in the streets or beg. The working conditions are very unhealthy. They work in dirty and dangerous places. Many of them die because of their work. However, there are countries which have laws which forbid the child labor under a certain age. One of the major causes of the child labor is the poverty.
The adults win so little that even the children have to work. Other causes are a lack of access to the education, the abandonment of some children or still the advantage of an employer because he can make bigger profits by hiring a child. But the normal life of a child is to go to the school and to play with his friends. The document thus denounces the forced labor of the children.
To conclude, the Americans used the power to exercise the slavery by forcing them to obey them. Also, there is a certain form of power which is used on the children who are forced to work, because of the social-economic problems of their country.


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