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Aide/Public transport

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/Public transport
Message de coco123 posté le 02-05-2017 à 18:36:03 (S | E | F)
j'ai écrit ce petit texte pour m’entraîner à écrire en anglais. J'apprécierais que quelqu'un me fasse une petite correction (orthographe,grammaire, vocabulaire,)
Merci d'avance

Subject : Public transport in capital cities is a major cause of stress to workers

When I read for the first time this title, I immediately agreed with it. For me when I beginning a day, I leave home and I have to use the public transport, I was immediately stressed.
Probably due to the number of people who take the public transport. Immediately when the bus arrived, everybody hurry up to open in the bus and take a seat. And it’s the same things when the bus arrived, everybody hurry up to exit to the bus.
One other point is also a cause to stress, there is the lost time. If you reflect, when we use public transport, we spent time every day to wait the bus (because we must arrive in advance if we don’t want to miss the bus) and if you sum all this time at the end of the year, you obtain a huge number.
And the last point is the missing a connection. For me that’s the worst point when I use a public transport and during the transport there is a connection. Because one time or two time per year the one transport is delayed and we lost the connection and we must wait a long time in a transport area.
In contrast to these points, I think that public transport is obligatory in capital city. Because if everybody use theirs cars every day, there is not enough space in the way for driving. And Public transport is the only one way to move for a anybody who have not enough money to buy a car.
To summarize: Public transport cause stress, but it is obligatory in capital city.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2017 21:43


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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