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Notion spaces and exchange/Bac

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Notion spaces and exchange/Bac
Message de daviid posté le 07-05-2017 à 14:51:53 (S | E | F)
mardi j ai mon oral d anglais pour le bac et j'aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige mes fautes d'orthographe de syntaxe s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance.

The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ».
To begin with I would like to give a definition of the notion: A space can be geographic like a country, a place, a countries, or chronological through the time .Exchanges is an act of giving and receiving else in return .It can also be seen as continuous movement or circulation: the are different kinds of exchange: media people trade.
To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the Hispanic diaspora in US and I will try to answer the following question:
What are the main characteristic of the Hispanic population in US?
In Order to resolve the question I will first evoke the demographic and ethnic characteristic of the Hispanic in the us territory then I will analyst the influence of this group to the American society and to finish I will talk about the difficulty integration of some Latino in Us.

While in the early of the 20 century they were about 500.000 .The Hispanics are now the biggest group minority groups and also the fastest growing ethnic minority group in the United States. There are approximately 50 million Hispanics that reside in the United States. They are also the fastest growing ethnic and the only category which is not based on racial characteristic but on culture and language.
Among the Hispanics Mexicans make up 65% of the Hispanic population that resides in the U.S. Puerto Ricans are the second largest group, and they are 10% of the population.

But this strong present is no without consequence; indeed the Latino has a strong impact on American society ** // ** example we saw in class that the Hispanic food is transforming the eating habits of American .The salsa sauce is now more sold that Ketchup.
We saw also that the Spanglish a mixture of English and Spanish that as been used for a long time by Spanish Speaker to communicate each others is used now in the world of marketing advertising and by the younger generation.
The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ».
To begin with I would like to give a definition of the notion: A space can be geographic like a country, a place, a countries, or chronological through the time .Exchanges is an act of giving and receiving else in return .It can also be seen as continuous movement or circulation: the are different kinds of exchange: media people trade.
To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the Hispanic diaspora in US and I will try to answer the following question:
What are the main characteristic of the Hispanic population in US?
In Order to resolve the question I will first evoke the demographic and ethnic characteristic of the Hispanic in the us territory then I will analyst the influence of this group to the American society and to finish I will talk about the difficulty integration of some Latino in Us.

While in the early of the 20 century they were about 500.000 .The Hispanics are now the biggest minority groups in United States. Indeed there are approximately 50 million Hispanics that reside in the United States. They are also the fastest growing ethnic and the only category which is not based on racial characteristic but on culture and language.
Among the Hispanics Mexicans make up 65% of the Hispanic population that resides in the U.S. Puerto Ricans are the second largest group, and they are 10% of the population.
But this strong present of the Hispanic diaspora in USA is no without consequence; indeed the Latino has a strong impact on American society .for example we saw in class that the Hispanic food is transforming the eating habits of American .The salsa sauce is now more sold that Ketchup.
We saw also that the Spanglish a mixture of English and Spanish that as been used for a long time by Spanish Speaker to communicate each others is used now in the world of marketing advertising and by the younger generation.

Finally even if the big majority of the Hispanics are integrated in the American society.There are a minority of them having difficulty .Effectively we have evoked this problem in class by studying a extract form the house on mango street. A book of Sandra Cisneros who relate the story of Mamacita A Hispanic woman who just migrated to USA with her husband and a Son .MAMA CITA HAVE DIFFICULTY to become integrated .She doesn’t speak English she is afraid to speak English, she is homesick, she stay at home listened to the Spanish radio .She fell alone she haven’t American friend

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2017 15:28

Réponse : Notion spaces and exchange/Bac de laure95, postée le 07-05-2017 à 18:24:27 (S | E)
- a countries: a + singulier.
- Exchanges (singulier)is an act of giving
- the are: ?
- in (article) US
- What are the main characteristic (pluriel)of the Hispanic population in (article)US?
- the demographic and ethnic characteristic (pluriel) of the Hispanic(s) in the us territory
- I will analyst: ?
- the influence of this group to (pas la bonne préposition) the American society
- the difficulty (mettre l'adjectif pas le nom) integration of some Latino (pluriel) in (article) Us.

Good introduction.

-The Hispanics are now the biggest group minority groups : ?,
- They are also the fastest growing ethnic (group)and the only category which is not based on racial characteristic(s)
- Mexicans make up 65% of the Hispanic population that resides (mettre un synonyme) in the U.S.
- they are (remplacer par le verbe représenter)10% of the population.

- But this strong present: ?
- is no (mal dit)without consequence (pluriel)
- the Latino (group) has a strong impact on (article)American society
- (préposition) example we saw in class that the Hispanic food is transforming the eating habits of American (people)
- We saw also: ordre des mots.
- that the Spanglish a mixture of English and Spanish that as (orthographe) been used for a long time by Spanish Speaker (pluriel)to communicate (préposition)each others (singulier)is used now (pas à la bonne place)in the world of marketing advertising and by the younger generation. Phrase un peu longue pour l'oral.
- There are (singulier)a minority of them (relatif) having difficulty (pluriel)
- a extract: a + mot commençant par une consonne.
- A book of (by pas of)Sandra Cisneros who relate (faute de conjugaison)the story of Mamacita
- A Hispanic
- woman who (has)just migrated to (article) USA with her husband and a (mettre un possessif à la place de a)Son .
- MAMA CITA HAVE (faute de conjugaison) DIFFICULTY (pluriel)
- she is afraid to (pas la bonne préposition) speak English
- she stay (faute de conjugaison) at home listened (mettre au gérondif)to the Spanish radio .
- She fell (mettre au présent)alone she haven’t (faute de conjugaison)American friend

Pas de conclusion?

Réponse : Notion spaces and exchange/Bac de daviid, postée le 07-05-2017 à 19:55:19 (S | E)
Merci de m'avoir corrigé.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2017 15:30


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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