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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de jadou62 posté le 08-05-2017 à 18:57:38 (S | E | F)
dans deux semaines je passe mon bac oral d'anglais, à cette occasion, je prépare les questions qui peuvent m'être posées. Ici, il s'agit de dire pourquoi la technologie peut être négative. Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mes erreurs afin que je puisse apprendre les idées.
Merci beaucoup

Sometime Technology is not always good. That’s why people may choose to live in harmony with nature and no technologies devices or simply carry out an experiment consisting in living without any forms of technology.
For example, in the article driverless cars to carry Uber passengers in Pittsburgh, there are many disadvantages: For example, cabby will disappear, and this can create unemployment. Finally, social and human interaction will disappear. We can live in a robotic society.
The document U robot written by Mrs Asimov, clearly illustrate this fact. It’s a short extract but a striking example of the technology’s limits. It’s a fiction text which deals with robotic society. In this text we have two way of thinking about robotic effects. That’s why it’s very interesting. Mrs Weston and his husband have accepted the presence of a robot alongside her daughter in order to keep her company. His entire mentality has been created for the purpose. But George wife thinks that it endanger her daughter. It has no soul and no one know what it may be thinking. She claims that a child just isn’t made to be guarded by a thing of metal. But her husband, underlines that robot is very clever, and obvious. We can understand that this robot is important to keep his tranquility. Finally as far as I’m concerned I am totally agreed with George’s wife. A robotic society beings might have unexpected consequences. For example some jobs will disappear, and a simply thing of metal will become the best friend of billions people. That’s why it seems obvious to me that progress have limits.
Finally internet is not always positive, in fact, increasingly people must work at home with new technologies like computers. New jobs are developing. This fact is clearly illustrated with the picture in the books. In fact we can see a young man who is a telecommuter. He works at home. But as far as I’m concerned, I’m thinking that work is not separated from your life. If you’re lazy you will not work much and you may not be motivated. You can never disconnect and finally your personal life can be ruined. That’s why I’m thinking that technology and internet must be consumed in moderation.

Can you live without technology?
I’m think that I could live without technology a few day but not for a long time. In fact technology like internet allows me to work and provide more than a simply book setting ever can. In fact, there are a lot of videos, documents which enrich my knowledge. Moreover networks permit to talk instantly with my family and my friend who are so far away. That’s why live without technology is very audacious and difficult. But when all is said and done, it can be a good experience and it would be the opportunity to read more, and communicate with new person. Because, we must admit that, with internet, people are constantly on their phone. Finally I’m think that the experience realized by the Lincoln school is a good way of thinking. it allow students to be sensitized to technologie's effect

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2017 19:30


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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