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Aide/harry potter (1)

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Aide/harry potter
Message de clay posté le 13-05-2017 à 19:18:13
Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes d'orthographe et de grammaire pour mon oral d’anglais .
Merci à ceux qui m'aideront.

J.K Rowling

I am going to present you J.K. Rowling the author of the famous novel Harry Potter, in a first part I shall present her then I shall speak about her debuts in the literature and to finish I shall express you my opinion on the author.

Joanne Rowling, been born July 31st, 1965 has Yate in England, is an English novelist, known under the pen name J.K. Rowling. She owes her world fame to the saga Harry Potter.

She began to write Harry Potter and the philosopher’ stone in 1990 and had to expect from long years before her book does not appear (in 1997 at Bloomsbury). Very quickly, the book joins in the list the best sales and the publication is followed by the distinctions and the praises: he takes away British Portfolio Awards and Of Children Portfolio of tea Year. The first three volumes are best sellers. In the fourth volume, Harry Potter becomes a social phenomenon and at his exit, parents and children queue up to put the hand above, to the point that Harry Potter and the Cup of Fire is presold in bookshop in more than a million volumes, and the first edition carries the record number
of 5,3 million copies. December 26th, 2001, Harry Potter and the philosopher’ stone is adapted to the cinema. Translated besides 65 languages, seven novels are successively sold, in more than 400 million copies all in all. The following five movies are also big successes in the cinema and contribute massively to the success of the romantic continuation. Rowling is at the head of a fortune estimated in 2008 at 590 million euros, she made her contribution to numerous charities fighting against the diseases and the social inequalities.

I am fascinated by the universe which she created in these books and movies since I was a child. At my age still the nostalgia for its movies always fascinates me so much. I always take pleasure to look at its movies. Although his last movie " the fantastic animals " be different one always find the magic of the Harry Potter.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2017 07:11

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2017 08:54
Les traductions en ligne ne sont pas acceptées.

Réponse : Aide/harry potter de gerondif, postée le 14-05-2017 à 08:44:46
vous avez manifestement traduit un texte français avec les moyens du bord, incluant le traducteur automatique parce que:
born July 31st, 1965 has Yate c'est le a du verbe avoir, et non le à préposition
he takes away British Portfolio Awards: to take away, c'est emporter avec soi un objet, pas remporter un prix. De plus comme vous faites traduire au traducteur des phrases déja en anglais, il traduit "book" par portfolio, le "book" d'un photographe ou d"un artiste.
put the hand above, mettre la main dessus, oui mais above signifie au dessus de comme le soleil qui brille au dessus de nos têtes.
Translated besides 65 languages: besides signifie de plus, en outre, et pas en plus de 65 langues.
Although his last movie : ah mais JK Rowling est une femme.
Bref, je vais indiquer les erreurs en bleu mais le texte traduit de la sorte est bien maladroit

I am going to present you J.K. Rowling the author of the famous novel Harry Potter, in a first part I shall present her then I shall speak about her debuts in the literature and to finish I shall express you my opinion on the author.

Joanne Rowling, been born July 31st, 1965 has Yate in England, is an English novelist, known under the pen name J.K. Rowling. She owes her world fame to the saga Harry Potter.

She began to write Harry Potter and the philosopher’ stone in 1990 and had to expect from (attendre de longues années ? to expect signifie s'attendre à ce que)long years before her book does not appear(avant que son livre ne paraisse est du subjonctif, en anglais, ça se mettrait au prétérit affirmatif, pas au présent négatif) (in 1997 at Bloomsbury). Very quickly, the book joins in (le problème c'est que l'anglais n'utilise pas ce présent de narration, il faudrait tout laisser au prétérit) the list the best sales and the publication is followed by the distinctions and the praises: he(he c'est pour un humain masculin, pas un livre) takes away British Portfolio Awards and Of Children Portfolio of tea Year.(vous avez traduit en anglais " children's book of the year" déja en anglais et le traducteur automatique a cru que c'était du thé !! C'est du grand art !!) The first three volumes are best sellers. In the fourth volume, Harry Potter becomes a social phenomenon and at his exit(ah, à sa sortie, du livre, pas à la sortie du bar. his ne va pas pour un livre), parents and children queue up to put the hand above, to the point that Harry Potter and the Cup of Fire is presold in bookshops in more than a million volumes, and the first edition carries the record number of 5,3 million copies. On December 26th, 2001, Harry Potter and the philosopher’ stone is adapted to the cinema. Translated besides 65 languages, seven novels are successively sold, in more than 400 million copies all in all. The following five movies are also big successes in the cinema and contribute massively to the success of the romantic continuation. Rowling is at the head of a fortune estimated in 2008 at 590 million euros, she made her contribution to numerous charities fighting against the diseases and the social inequalities.

I am(il faut un present perfect avec since) fascinated by the universe which she created in these books and movies since I was a child. At my age still the nostalgia for its movies always fascinates me so much. I always take pleasure to(in + ing) look at its movies. Although his last movie " the fantastic animals " be different one always finds the magic of the Harry Potter.

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