Rack your brains and help!/ 24
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basRack your brains and help!/ 24
Message de here4u posté le 15-06-2018 à 16:25:27 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Friends and all workers,
Voici votre numéro suivant.
J’espère qu’il vous apprendra un peu, tout en vous donnant du plaisir et de l’amusement …
Le re-ordering est de retour ; je le crois moins difficile. Vous devriez tous pouvoir le résoudre sans y passer trop de temps.
Cet exercice est un
et sa correction sera en ligne le vendredi 29 juin, tard.
Bon courage à tous. The FORCE is with you…

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas d’avalanche de fautes, cette fois encore … Il n’y en a QUE 12. Mais il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger. (Attention !
Vous pourriez être tentés de trouver plus de fautes que les 12 annoncées, mais ce serait vouloir pénaliser les « régionalismes » et expressions familières. Ne le faites pas ! Ne « sanctionnez » que "la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire » fautifs."
(« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings)
Now, you can have tatooes and be welcomed in nationals onsen also.
Tatooes, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), were long taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could also extend in gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan is trying to ease the mind of tatooed foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules restricting ghuests with body art.
Each facility has rules for tatooed ghuests : while some only allow small tattoos, others provide flesh-colouring stickers for ghuests to place at their ink or offer private bathes for tatooed ghuests.They may also cover tatooes with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan Tourist Agency is issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the body modification practice.
= 12 mistakes.
II)Can you, please, reorder the words so as to make meaningful sentences… All the words must be used, none should be added! (Not too long … not too difficult!)
1) pain/ people/ tattoos/ physical/ criminals/ meant/ indelibly/ marking/ psychological/ punish/ with/ alike/ were/ them/ to / and/ as= 17
2) culture/ those/ tattoos/ belonging/ illegal/ counter/ when/ were/ were/ more/ the/ even/ embraced/ they/ to/ by/ = 16
3) bandages/ friends/ tattoos/ got/ them/ mine/ smaller/ with/ with/ away/ have/ covering/ of/ with = 14
III)ANOTHER TORTURE? (Inspirée par Maxwell …) Nous partagerons la main !
a) A partir du mot français : « rédaction », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises ( possibles différentes que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens.) Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
b) Même chose pour le mot « affaire » ...
Bon courage à tous ! The FORCE is with you!

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-06-2018 23:16
Message de here4u posté le 15-06-2018 à 16:25:27 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Friends and all workers,

Voici votre numéro suivant.

Cet exercice est un

Bon courage à tous. The FORCE is with you…

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas d’avalanche de fautes, cette fois encore … Il n’y en a QUE 12. Mais il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger. (Attention !

(« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings)
Now, you can have tatooes and be welcomed in nationals onsen also.
Tatooes, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), were long taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could also extend in gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan is trying to ease the mind of tatooed foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules restricting ghuests with body art.
Each facility has rules for tatooed ghuests : while some only allow small tattoos, others provide flesh-colouring stickers for ghuests to place at their ink or offer private bathes for tatooed ghuests.They may also cover tatooes with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan Tourist Agency is issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the body modification practice.
= 12 mistakes.
II)Can you, please, reorder the words so as to make meaningful sentences… All the words must be used, none should be added! (Not too long … not too difficult!)
1) pain/ people/ tattoos/ physical/ criminals/ meant/ indelibly/ marking/ psychological/ punish/ with/ alike/ were/ them/ to / and/ as= 17
2) culture/ those/ tattoos/ belonging/ illegal/ counter/ when/ were/ were/ more/ the/ even/ embraced/ they/ to/ by/ = 16
3) bandages/ friends/ tattoos/ got/ them/ mine/ smaller/ with/ with/ away/ have/ covering/ of/ with = 14
III)ANOTHER TORTURE? (Inspirée par Maxwell …) Nous partagerons la main !

a) A partir du mot français : « rédaction », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises ( possibles différentes que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens.) Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
b) Même chose pour le mot « affaire » ...
Bon courage à tous ! The FORCE is with you!

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-06-2018 23:16
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de magie8, postée le 18-06-2018 à 00:19:15 (S | E)
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas d’avalanche de fautes, cette fois encore … Il n’y en a QUE 12. Mais il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger. (Attention ! Vous pourriez être tentés de trouver plus de fautes que les 12 annoncées, mais ce serait vouloir pénaliser les « régionalismes » et expressions familières. Ne le faites pas ! Ne « sanctionnez » que "la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire » fautifs."
(« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings)
Now, you can have tatooes and be welcomed in nationals onsen also.
Tatooes, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), were long taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could also extend in gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan is trying to ease the mind of tatooed foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules restricting ghuests with body art.
Each facility has rules for tatooed ghuests : while some only allow small tattoos, others provide flesh-colouring stickers for ghuests to place at their ink or offer private bathes for tatooed ghuests.They may also cover tatooes with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan Tourist Agency is issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the body modification practice.
= 12 mistakes.
Bonjour , je me lance ready to correct

Now you can have TATTOOS and be welcomed in NATIONAL onsen EVEN SO.
TATTOOS once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs(or the jakuza)were long taboo in Japan,especially in communal onsen(hot springs).The ink ban could also extend in gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan is trying to ease A mind THE TATTOOED foreing tourists.In 2016 the Japan Tourism Agency urged THE operators OF onsen to relax the RESTRICTING RULES GUESTS with body Art.
Each facility has ITS OWN rules for TATTOOED GUESTS:while some only allow small tattoos,others provide flesh-colouring stickers SO THAT THE GUESTS place ( pas to =subjonctif)them ON their ink or offer private BATHS for TATTOOED GUESTS. They may also cover TATTOOS with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.The Japan Tourist Agency HAS issued an official guidance to explain to BAINS' owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the practice FOR MODIFYING body.
Ma traduction cela peut aider à trouver les vraies fautes
Maintenant vous pouvez avoir des tatouages et être quand même accueillis dans les sources thermales nationales.
Les tatouages, autrefois associés aux gangs Japonais du crime organisé(ou Yakuza),ont été longtemps tabous au Japon, en particuliers dans les stations thermales en commun.
L'interdiction des tatouages pouvait également s'étendre dans les gymnases et les piscines.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que le Japon essaie de rassurer les touristes étrangers tatoués.En 2016,l'agence du tourisme du Japon a exhorté les dirigeants des stations thermales à assouplir les règles de restrictions pour les personnes pratiquant l'art corporel.
Chaque établissement a ses règles pour les personnes tatouées:alors que certains ne permettent que des petits tatouages, d'autres fournissent des autocollants de couleur chair pour que les hôtes les placent sur leur tatouages ou proposent des bains privés pour les personnes tatouées.
Ils peuvent également couvrir les tatouages avec des gants de toilette ou s'adosser contre les murs pour les cacher .
L'agence de tourisme du Japon a édité un guide officiel pour expliquer aux propriétaires des Bains qu'il y a souvent des raisons religieuses, culturelles esthétiques derrière la pratique de modification du corps.
II)Remettre les mots dans l ordre (READY TO CORRECT

tatoos were meant to punish people with psychological and physical pain alike indelibly marking them as criminals
Les tatouages étaient destinés à punir les personnes souffrant de maux phychologiques et physiques en les marquant de façon indélibile comme des criminels.
Tattoos were embraced even more by those belonging to the counter culture when they were illegal
les tatouages ont été encore plus adoptés par ceux qui appartenaient à la contre-culture quand ils étaient illègaux.
Friends of mine with smaller tatoos have got away with covering them with bandage.
certains de mes amis avec des tatouages plus petits s'en sont sortis en les couvrant avec un pansement.
III) another torture faire 3 phrases avec 3 significations différentes du mot:rédaction READY TO CORRECT

1) The strike of the EDITORIAL Staff started nearly a month ago now .
Il y a maintenant près de 2 mois que le personnel de rédaction est en grève ( concernant la presse écrite)
2) The current WORDING in our Arrangement is not clear
L'actuelle rédaction de notre arrangement n'est pas claire ( sens rédaction d'un écrit juridique)
3) You will receive the DRAFTING of minutes of this meeting in 2 weeks.( sens élaboration par écrit d'un contrat, d'un projet)
Vous recevrez la rédaction du procès verbal de cette réunion dans 2 semaines.
Même excercice avec le mot affaire
1) Anybody have never known, what had happened ? it was an odd EVENT altogether.
personne n'a jamais su ce qui était arrivé ? ce fut vraiment une étrange affaire ( sens évènement , histoire)
2)We have much to lose ! we must get to the bottom of this BUSINESS .
Nous avons trop à perdre , nous devons tirer cette affaire au clair (sens problème)
3) She has been elected the QUEEN in her class,SHE MADE A SONG AND DANCE ABOUT IT.
Elle a été élue la Reine de sa classe , elle en a fait toute une affaire (locution = sens un cas )
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de here4u, postée le 20-06-2018 à 09:54:09 (S | E)

Il va sans dire, mais toujours mieux en le disant, quand même, que si un mot est utilisé plusieurs fois avec une faute par "mon élève", il ne sera comptabilisé que pour UNE SEULE FAUTE.

Bonne chasse aux fautes !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de chocolatcitron, postée le 22-06-2018 à 22:52:32 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help!/ 24 Here4u posté le 15-06-2018 à 16:25:27 FINISHED.
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell : thanks you both for your great exercises !

Hi Everybody !

I) Pas d’avalanche de fautes, cette fois encore … Il n’y en a QUE 12. Ne « sanctionnez » que "la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire » fautifs."
(« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings)
Here is my work :
Now, you can have TATTOOS and be WELCOME in NATIONAL onsen also.
TATTOOS, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), HAD long BEEN taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could BE also EXTENDED TO gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan HAS TRIED to ease the MINDS of TATTOOED foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules restricting GUESTS with body art.
Each facility has rules for TATTOOED GUESTS : while some only allow small tattoos, others provide flesh-colouring stickers for GUESTS to place at their ink or offer private BATHS for TATTOOED GUESTS. They may also cover TATTOOS with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan Tourist Agency is issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the body modification PRACTICES.
II)Can you, please, reorder the words so as to make meaningful sentences… All the words must be used, none should be added! (Not too long … not too difficult!)
pain/ people/ tattoos/ physical/ criminals/ meant/ indelibly/ marking/ psychological/ punish/ with/ alike/ were/ them/ to / and/ as= 17
Tattoos were meant to punish people with physical and psychological pain alike, indelibly marking them as criminals.
culture/ those/ tattoos/ belonging/ illegal/ counter/ when/ were/ were/ more/ the/ even/ embraced/ they/ to/ by/ = 16
Tattoos were embraced even more by those belonging to the counter culture when they were illegal.
bandages/ friends/ tattoos/ got/ them/ mine/ smaller/ with/ with/ away/ have/ covering/ of/ with = 14
Friends of mine with smaller tattoos have got away with covering them with bandages.
III)ANOTHER TORTURE? (Inspirée par Maxwell …) Nous partagerons la main ! Maxwell
a) A partir du mot français : « rédaction », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises ( possibles différentes que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens.) Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
Rédaction :
Écriture d'un texte : writing. (note de synthèse, compte-rendu...)
When I was a supervisor, I had to write a lot of writings about bad pupils to the headmaster.
Quand j'étais surveillante, j'ai dû écrire de nombreux comptes-rendus au Principal du collège.
Production écrite scolaire : essay, composition.
She had been given the best mark for her last essay and her teacher read it for example to her class!
On lui a attribué la meilleure note pour sa rédaction, et sa maîtresse l'a lue pour exemple à la classe.
Rédaction d'un contrat : drawing up of a contract.
Before moving, my insurance agent drew up of a contract I had to sign.
Avant de déménager, mon agent d'assurance m'a fait signer sa rédaction du contrat.
b) Même chose pour le mot « affaire » ...
Affaire :
Affaire (domaine qui relève de [qqn]) area, field, sector. area of expertise (informal) thing.
I do love reading Djamal's blogs about birds, insects, and also snakes : they are his field, his sector and he knows very well his forest of Fontainebleau!
J'adore vraiment lire les blogs de Djamal, au sujet des oiseaux, des insectes, et aussi des serpents : c'est son affaire, (son domaine), et il connaît très bien sa forêt de Fontainebleau !
(=Problème, question) matter c'est une affaire de goût : it's a matter of taste.
I never have a coffee, since I ate its taste, but I do love its odour : it's a matter of taste.
Je ne bois jamais de café, car je déteste son goût, mais j'adore son odeur : c'est une affaire de goût !
Tu auras affaire à moi! you'll have me to contend/deal with!
If she continues to throw away her dutsbin and her hot cigarettes into my garden, she'll have me to contend with !
Si elle continue à jeter ses poubelles et ses cigarettes brûlantes dans mon jardin, elle aura affaire à moi !
Bon courage à tous ! The FORCE is with you! I send the force back to you, Here4u, for making and sending our works. I wish you'll be satisfied with my work... I did my very best.
Have a great and also very sweet week!
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de here4u, postée le 24-06-2018 à 10:38:05 (S | E)
Hello, HELP ME!

L'un d'entre vous m'a écrit en mp : " La quinzaine avance vite... et peu ont déjà posté ... "

Exprimant alors mes "angoisses"

Je vous redemande de "me faire signe" pour que je sache à quoi m'attendre ... et préparer (ou si possible éviter) la "panique" du dernier moment.

Dans la mesure où ma correction collective est "nourrie" de vos travaux, de vos hésitations et de vos "trouvailles"

Je ne voudrais pas avoir à "décaler" la "deadline" et affichage de la correction, mais je risque de devoir le faire pour que les exercices restent "faisables" pour tous ... J'aimerais l'éviter.

Bon dimanche à tous !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de joe39, postée le 24-06-2018 à 12:07:35 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
I got your statement about the number of your student's mistakes.
I acted accordingly, but leaving all of them wrote in capital letters, so that
the reiterated ones are bearing no number.
The hotchpotch is ready to be corrected
) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
(« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings)
Now, you can have TATTOOS 1 and be welcomed in NATIONAL 2 onsen TOO 3.
TATTOOS -, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), were long taboo in Japan,especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could also BE EXTENDED 4 in gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan is trying to ease the mind of TATTOOED 5 foreign tourist. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged THE 6 onsen operators to relax the rules, restricting GUESTS 7 with body art. Each facility has ITS OWN 8 rules for TATTOOED GUESTS - : while some OF THEM 9 only allow small tattoos others provide flesh-colouring stickers for GUESTS - to place ON 10 their ink or offer private BATHS 11 for TATTOOED GUESTS - . They may also cover TATTOOS- with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan Tourist Agency HAS 12 issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the body modification practice.
= 12 mistakes.
II)Can you, please, reorder the words so as to make meaningful sentences… All the words must be used, none should be added!(Not too long … not too difficult!)
1) pain/ people/ tattoos/ physical/ criminals/ meant/ indelibly/ marking/ psychological/ punish/ with/ alike/ were/ them/ to / and/ as= 17
Tattoos were meant to punish people with physical and psychological pain alike marking them indelibly as criminals 17
2) culture/ those/ tattoos/ belonging/ illegal/ counter/ when/were/ were/ more/ the/ even/ embraced/ they/ to/ by/ = 16
When tattoos were illegal, they were even more embraced bythose belonging to the counter culture. 16
3) bandages/ friends/ tattoos/ got/ them/ mine/ smaller/ with/ with/ away/ have/ covering/ of/ with = 14
Friends of mine with smaller tattoos have got away them with covering with bandages 14
a) A partir du mot français : « rédaction », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises
The WRITING of the Order of Operation of the Confederate Army of the Mississippi for the battle of Shiloh (April 6-7,1862), was drawn up by Colonel Jordan of the Confederate army’s General,Staff who kept before him the “Napoleon’s orders for the Battle of Waterloo”. And this was a bad omen, because the Southerners were defeated.*
*Reference : American Civil War, 1861-1865.
The NEWSROOM staff is the heart and the mind of all dailies.
The EDITING of the movie was carried out in a record time, so that the producing company was able to make the film
participate to the festival of Cannes.
b) Même chose pour le mot « affaire » ...
Aaron Burr, third vice president of the United States (1801-1805) killed in an AFFAIR OF HONOUR, that took place on July 11,1804, his political rival, Alexander Hamilton.
The car accident was a tragic AFFAIR due to the fact that the drivers was in state of drunkenness.
The BUSINESS ACUMEN, shown by the young yuppie led the company to triplicate the business volume in the last semester.
Thanking for your fine exercise, I hope you have a great Sunday.
So long.
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de tereda, postée le 25-06-2018 à 17:56:43 (S | E)
hello dear HERE4U, and you my colleagues

This is my answer to this rack your brains n° 24
1) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
(« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings) sources chaudes japonaises
Now, you can have TATTOOS and be WELCOME in NATIONAL onsen also.
TATTOOS, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), were long taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could also extend TO gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan HAS TRIED to ease the mind of TATOOeD foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules restricting GUESTS with body art.
Each facility has rules for TATOOED GUESTS : while some only allow small tattoos, others provide flesh-colouring stickers for GUESTS to place ON their ink or offer private BATHS for TATOOED GUESTS. They may also cover TATOOS with WASHCLOTHES or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan Tourist Agency HAS issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the body modification practice.
II)Can you, please, reorder the words
1) pain/ people/ tattoos/ physical/ criminals/ meant/ indelibly/ marking/ psychological/ punish/ with/ alike/ were/ them/ to / and/ as= 17
Tattoos were meant to punish people with physical and psychological pain alike, indelibly marking them as criminals. ... 17
2) culture/ those/ tattoos/ belonging/ illegal/ counter/ when/ were/ were/ more/ the/ even/ embraced/ they/ to/ by/ = 16
Even when they were illegal, tattoos were embraced more by those belonging to the counter culture.16
3) bandages/ friends/ tattoos/ got/ them/ mine/ smaller/ with/ with/ away/ have/ covering/ of/ with = 14
Friends of mine have got bandages with them covering smaller tattoos, 11
I have not found the use of all words, sorry.
essay - Je dois écrire une rédaction pour mes devoirs. I have to write an essay for homework.
formulation - Plusieurs pays ont pris part à la rédaction du traité. Several countries took part in the formulation of the treaty.
editorial board drafting group comité de rédaction
These rules are not sufficiently clear and their wording needs to be amended accordingly.
Celles-ci ne sont pas suffisamment claires, et il convient donc d'en modifier la rédaction.
business - Mon ami a monté sa propre affaire l'an dernier. My friend started her own business last year.
case - Le juge a déclaré l'affaire classée. The judge declared the case closed.
deal - Les entreprises ont conclu une affaire qui profite aux deux parties. The companies made a deal that benefits both parties.
matter - Nous ne pouvons pas intervenir dans une affaire de famille. We cannot intervene in a family matter.
ready for correction.
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de icare29, postée le 26-06-2018 à 18:52:45 (S | E)
Hello Here4u ,and all hard workers , here is my work , OK FOR CORRECTION
Please, help my student! He really needs you!
(« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings)
Now, you can have TATTOOS and be welcomed in NATIONAL onsen AS WELL .
TATTOOS , once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), were long taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could BE also EXTENDED TO gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan HAS TRIED to ease the mind of TATTOOED foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules FOR restricting GUESTS with body art.
Each facility has rules for TATTOOED GUESTS : while some only allow small tattoos, others provide FLESH-COLORED stickers for GUESTS to place at their ink or offer private BATHS for tatooed GUESTS.They may also cover TATTOOS with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan Tourist Agency HAS ISSUED an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, AESTHETIC reasons behind the BODY ART modification practice.
Here is what I have found in the text ( maybe wrong - maybe right )
tattoos - national - as well - could be extended to- has tried- tattooed- relax the rules for restricting guests with body art- flesh-colored - baths - has issued - aesthethic- - body art
Can you, please, reorder the words so as to make meaningful sentences? All the words must be used, none should be added!(Not too long ? not too difficult!)
1) pain/ people/ tattoos/ physical/ criminals/ meant/ indelibly/ marking/ psychological/ punish/ with/ alike/ were/ them/ to / and/ as= 17
as marking them indelibly, tattoos were meant to punish people with physical and psychological pain alike criminals 17
2) culture/ those/ tattoos/ belonging/ illegal/ counter/ when/ were/ were/ more/ the/ even/ embraced/ they/ to/ by/ = 16
when tattoos were illegal they were even more embraced by those belonging to the counter culture .
3) bandages/ friends/ tattoos/ got/ them/ mine/ smaller/ with/ with/ away/ have/ covering/ of/ with = 14
friends of mine with smaller tattoos have got away with covering them with bandages
Dear Here4u, thanks a lot for your new great interesting test ,
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de maxwell, postée le 29-06-2018 à 20:38:01 (S | E)
Hello everyone

Thanks a lot Here4U

I) Please help my student:
Now, you can have TATTOOS and be welcomed in NATIONAL onsen also.
TATTOOS, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), HAVE long BEEN taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could also extend in gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan HAS TRIED to ease the MINDS of TATTOOED foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules restricting GUESTS with body art.
Each facility has rules for TATTOOED GUESTS : while some only allow small tattoos, others provide flesh-COLOURED stickers for GUESTS to place OVER their ink or offer private BATHS for TATTOOED GUESTS.They may also cover TATTOOS with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The Japan TOURISM Agency HAS issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetical reasons behind the body modification practice.
II) Reorder the words:
3) friends of mine have got away with smaller tattoos, with covering them with bandages
III) Another torture? "rédaction":
1) Le fait d'écrire un texte : writing, penning, composition, redaction
- conception, élaboration d'un premier jet : drafting, drawing up
- révision, correction d'un texte : editing, redaction
- la manière d'écrire un texte, formulation, termes employés, langage : wording, phrasing, turn of phrase, expression, formulation, choice of words, phraseology, diction, verbiage
=> WRITING can be a therapy for those who have suffered a traumatic experience. After the DRAFTING phase which consists in making a piece of WRITING in rough form , corrections are made in the revision phase, taking care of the FORMULATION.
2) Le texte rédigé : piece of writing, written material, writing
- L'exercice/devoir scolaire (composition; narration, dissertation) : essay, (dated) composition, theme, paper (=devoir scolaire), report
"Jenny, have you done the COMPOSITION your mistress gave you?" " Yes, mum, I've written my ESSAY. but you'd better call Mrs Patrick 'schoolteacher' instead." "When you give your PAPER to your schoolteacher, make sure you have corrected your own mistakes beforehand!
3) L'ensemble des rédacteurs d'un organe de presse écrite (ou autre), le comité de rédaction : editorial board, editorial staff
-leurs locaux ; bureau de la rédaction : editorial office. newsroom
-NDLR = Editor's Note, editorial note, Ed.
"Look at that editorial note accompanying the article about me! Just what do they mean by this word!?" "I don't know. Why don't you write to the EDITORIAL BOARD?" "You can bet your sweet life that I'll burst in the NEWSROOM and raise a stink if they don't publish an erratum!"
Another torture: "AFFAIRE"
I) Ce qui intéresse/concerne/relève de qqn/qqch :
- ce que l'on a à faire, occupation, fonction, soin, devoir, obligation, charge, activité, travail, cas, dossier, matière, chose : matter, affair, business, occupation, thing.
=> "You still haven't told me why you're leaving..." "I've got a private MATTER to deal with." "What kind of THING is it exactly?" "Well, one of our pals vanished a couple of days ago and I said I'd make it my personal BUSINESS to find him.
- ce qui concerne/intéresse/relève de qqn en particulier, situation personnelle de qqn (c'est son affaire= son problème/souci). : concern, problem, business, things ;
=> "Don't expect me to tell you this, that's none of your CONCERN. Mind your own BUSINESS." "If you prefer to stay silent, it's UP TO YOU : It's your PROBLEM. But it won't help your CASE : it will make THINGS tougher."
- domaine de prédilection : Ex : la mécanique, c'est son affaire ; être à son affaire = se plaire à ce que l'on fait : area, field, sector, (informal) thing
"Repairing is his AREA : he is mechanically minded. When it comes to cars, he really is in his ELEMENT. He is on his GAME I should say, as there's no one better than him."
- ce qui convient, ce qu'il faut, ce qui sert les intérêts de qqn :
ça fera l'affaire. This will do
ça fait son affaire = it suits him/his purpose/his own book ; it serves his purpose
=> "Are you sure you're not feeling cheated?" "Of course not ! This will DO! As a matter of fact, it will even serve my PURPOSE"
- ce qui relève de qqch : question, problème, point, sujet, histoire : matter
"Don't worry, he'll be back soon, it's only a MATTER of time."
- situation périlleuse, difficile ou embarrassante ; complication, ennui, embarras, difficulté, ennui, souci, histoire, aventure, enquiquinement, problème, source de préoccupation : trouble, difficulty, worry, problem, complication, bother
=> "That was quite a WORRY!" "Yes! That was such a tricky situation: I don't know how you could get yourself out of TROUBLE. As for me, I wouldn't want to get involved in this unfortunate MATTER"
- situation délictueuse, fait scandaleux : scandal; cas, litige, procès, contestation, démêlé : affaire politique, policière : case
affaire contentieuse = legal matter
affaires criminelles = criminal affairs
on ne va pas en faire toute une affaire (= tout un plat, un fromage) : fuss, (informal) big issue, (informal) big deal. ;
la belle affaire : big deal
=> It had been a dreadful AFFAIR, even a SCANDAL which aroused national indignation. And then, shortly after this crucial witness's testimony, the judge declared the CASE closed.
- Avoir affaire à qqn= avoir comme interlocuteur/adversaire, avoir à débattre avec lui, être en rapport avec lui : to be faced with, to be dealing with ; tu auras affaire à moi ! You'll have me to contend with!
=> I'm warning you: If you do that again, you'll have me TO CONTEND WITH!
III) Dans le domaine commercial/financier :
-entreprise, firme, usine : créer sa propre affaire : business, company, corporation, concern, firm, venture, undertaking, shop, (US) enterprise
=> He started his own COMPANY three years ago. His BUSINESS was doing well, making profits, but it has been taken over as a going CONCERN by another company.
- accord financier ou commercial, transaction, opération, marché, négoce : business, trade, deal, sale, proposition
=> "I'm a BUSINESSMAN, and I've FLOWN BUSINESS class to that BUSINESS district because I have business AFFAIRS to take care of: I've come to make a DEAL with a partner, to increase my REVENUE.
- transaction commerciale avantageuse, occasion intéressante : à ce prix-là, c'est une affaire (en or) : (real) bargain, good/great deal.
=> "He agreed to negotiate but he drove a hard BARGAIN : He only granted me a 30% discount and I got it for $10." "Only $10? This is such a great DEAL ! It's a BARGAIN at that price!"
-(slang) : coup, hold up : être sur une affaire : job, bank job, heist, hold-up
=>"What ya doin' here, bro?" "Can't talk. I'm on a JOB..."
IV) Dans le domaine politique/public :
-ce qui concerne la gestion des intérêts de l'Etat : les affaires publiques/d'Etat;
affaire d'Etat : affair of state, government matter
=> This event soon appeared to be more like an AFFAIR of state, as the Secretary of State for Foreign AFFAIRS was deeply involved in what could well be a plot
V) Possessions :
- affaires : effets personnels, objets appartenant à qqn : belongings, possessions, (informal) things, (informal) stuff
=> "Mummy, she touched my STUFF again! I can't find my teddy!" " She probably didn't touch your THINGS. If you were used to tidying up your room, you would find your BELONGINGS immediately."
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de here4u, postée le 29-06-2018 à 21:38:19 (S | E)
Hello, dear Friends,

Cette fois, (« transhumance estivale oblige »

J’espère pouvoir poster le corrigé du 134 demain dans les mêmes conditions. Soyez indulgents …

Peu de participants cette fois (alors que le 134 a eu le succès habituel) …

Comme toujours, je fais appel à des volontaires courageux – et qui ne sont pas en "vacances d’anglais" … - pour les traductions du texte corrigé et des phrases dans l’ordre … L’exercice n’est, pour moi, pas terminé sans cela … Merci d’avance.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!

« onsen » = Japanese hotsprings
Now, you can have tattoos and be welcomed in national onsen too.
Tattoos, once commonly associated with the country's organized crime gangs (or the yakuza), have long been taboo in Japan, especially in communal onsen (hot springs). The ink ban could also extend to gyms and swimming pools.
This is not the first time Japan has tried to ease the minds of tattooed foreign tourists. In 2016, the Japan Tourism Agency urged onsen operators to relax the rules restricting guests with body art specific policies on tattoos.
Each facility has rules for tattooed guests: while some only allow small tattoos, others provide flesh-coloured stickers for guests to place over their ink or offer private baths for tattooed guests. They may also cover tatooes with washcloths or lean against walls to hide them.
The JTA has issued an official guidance to explain to bath owners that there are often religious, cultural, aesthetic or other reasons behind the body modification practices.
Lien internet
- a tattoo= un tatouage
- a guest= un invité, un client.
- to extend to
- to relax rules= assouplir des règles
- to explain something TO someone= expliquer quelque chose à quelqu'un
Le point grammatical le plus fatal à un grand nombre était : "This is not the first time Japan has tried...". L'expression "it'is the first time" est suivi d'un present perfect. Par concordance de temps, "it was the first time" est suivie d'un past perfect : => "it wasn't the first time Japan had tried"...
II) Can you, please, reorder the words so as to make meaningful sentences… All the words must be used, none should be added! (Not too long … not too difficult !)
1) Tattoos were meant to punish people with physical and psychological pain alike, marking them indelibly as criminals. = 17
2) When they were illegal, tattoos were embraced even more by those belonging to the counter culture.= 16
3) Friends of mine with smaller tattoos have got away with covering them with bandages= 14
III)Another torture?
A) rédaction : (Merci Maxwell !)

1) Le fait d'écrire un texte : writing, penning, composition, redaction
- conception, élaboration d'un premier jet : drafting, drawing up
- révision, correction d'un texte : editing, redaction
- la manière d'écrire un texte, formulation, termes employés, langage : wording, phrasing, turn of phrase, expression, formulation, choice of words, phraseology, diction, verbiage
=> WRITING can be a therapy for those who have suffered a traumatic experience. After the DRAFTING phase which consists in making a piece of WRITING in rough form, corrections are made in the revision phase, taking care of the FORMULATION.
2) Le texte rédigé : piece of writing, written material, writing
- L'exercice/devoir scolaire (composition ; narration, dissertation) : essay, (dated) composition, theme, paper (=devoir scolaire), report
=>Jenny, have you done the COMPOSITION your mistress gave you?" " Yes, mum, I've written my ESSAY. but you'd better call Mrs Patrick 'schoolteacher' instead." "When you give your PAPER to your schoolteacher, make sure you have corrected your own mistakes beforehand!
3) L'ensemble des rédacteurs d'un organe de presse écrite (ou autre), le comité de rédaction : editorial board, editorial staff
-leurs locaux ; bureau de la rédaction : editorial office. newsroom
-NDLR = Editor's Note, editorial note, Ed. (Aussi Editor => « Letter to the editor. »
=>"Look at that editorial note accompanying the article about me! Just what do they mean by this word!?" "I don't know. Why don't you write to the EDITORIAL BOARD?" "You can bet your sweet life that I'll burst in the NEWSROOM and raise a stink if they don't publish an erratum!"
B) Même chose pour le mot « affaire ».

I) Ce qui intéresse/concerne/relève de qqn/qqch :
- ce que l'on a à faire, occupation, fonction, soin, devoir, obligation, charge, activité, travail, cas, dossier, matière, chose : matter, affair, business, occupation, thing.
=> "You still haven't told me why you're leaving..." "I've got a private MATTER to deal with." "What kind of THING is it exactly?" "Well, one of our pals vanished a couple of days ago and I said I'd make it my personal BUSINESS to find him.
- ce qui concerne/intéresse/relève de qqn en particulier, situation personnelle de qqn (c'est son affaire= son problème/souci): concern, problem, business, things;
=> "Don't expect me to tell you this, that's none of your CONCERN. Mind your own BUSINESS." "If you prefer to stay silent, it's UP TO YOU : It's your PROBLEM. But it won't help your CASE : it will make THINGS tougher."
- domaine de prédilection : Ex : la mécanique, c'est son affaire ; être à son affaire = se plaire à ce que l'on fait : area, field, sector, (informal) thing
"Repairing is his AREA : he is mechanically minded. When it comes to cars, he really is in his ELEMENT. He is on his GAME I should say, as there's no one better than him."
- ce qui convient, ce qu'il faut, ce qui sert les intérêts de qqn :
ça fera l'affaire. This will do.
ça fait son affaire = it suits him/his purpose/his own book ; it serves his purpose
=> "Are you sure you're not feeling cheated?" "Of course not ! This will DO! As a matter of fact, it will even serve my PURPOSE"
- ce qui relève de qqch : question, problème, point, sujet, histoire : matter
"Don't worry, he'll be back soon, it's only a MATTER of time."
- situation périlleuse, difficile ou embarrassante ; complication, ennui, embarras, difficulté, ennui, souci, histoire, aventure, enquiquinement, problème, source de préoccupation : trouble, difficulty, worry, problem, complication, bother
=> "That was quite a WORRY!" "Yes! That was such a tricky situation: I don't know how you could get yourself out of TROUBLE. As for me, I wouldn't want to get involved in this unfortunate MATTER"
- situation délictueuse, fait scandaleux : scandal; cas, litige, procès, contestation, démêlé : affaire politique, policière : case
affaire contentieuse = legal matter
affaires criminelles = criminal affairs
on ne va pas en faire toute une affaire (= tout un plat, un fromage) : fuss, (informal) big issue, (informal) big deal. ;
la belle affaire : big deal
=> It had been a dreadful AFFAIR, even a SCANDAL which aroused national indignation. And then, shortly after this crucial witness's testimony, the judge declared the CASE closed.
- Avoir affaire à qqn = avoir comme interlocuteur/adversaire, avoir à débattre avec lui, être en rapport avec lui : to be faced with, to be dealing with ; tu auras affaire à moi ! You'll have me to contend with!
=> I'm warning you: If you do that again, you'll have me TO CONTEND WITH!
III) Dans le domaine commercial/financier :
-entreprise, firme, usine : créer sa propre affaire : business, company, corporation, concern, firm, venture, undertaking, shop, (US) enterprise
=> He started his own COMPANY three years ago. His BUSINESS was doing well, making profits, but it has been taken over as a going CONCERN by another company.
- accord financier ou commercial, transaction, opération, marché, négoce : business, trade, deal, sale, proposition
=> "I'm a BUSINESSMAN, and I've FLOWN BUSINESS class to that BUSINESS district because I have business AFFAIRS to take care of: I've come to make a DEAL with a partner, to increase my REVENUE.
- transaction commerciale avantageuse, occasion intéressante : à ce prix-là, c'est une affaire (en or) : (real) bargain, good/great deal.
=> "He agreed to negotiate but he drove a hard BARGAIN : He only granted me a 30% discount and I got it for $10." "Only $10? This is such a great DEAL! It's a BARGAIN at that price!"
-(slang) : coup, hold up : être sur une affaire : job, bank job, heist, hold-up
=>"What ya doin' here, bro?" "Can't talk. I'm on a JOB..."
IV) Dans le domaine politique/public :
-ce qui concerne la gestion des intérêts de l'Etat : les affaires publiques/d'Etat;
affaire d'Etat : affair of state, government matter
=> This event soon appeared to be more like an AFFAIR of state, as the Secretary of State for Foreign AFFAIRS was deeply involved in what could well be a plot
V) Possessions :
- affaires : effets personnels, objets appartenant à qqn : belongings, possessions, (informal) things, (informal) stuff
=> "Mummy, she touched my STUFF again! I can't find my teddy!" " She probably didn't touch your THINGS. If you were used to tidying up your room, you would find your BELONGINGS immediately."
Encore MERCI à vous tous, à maxwell pour son splendide travail et aux traducteurs volontaires qui ne manqueront pas d’ajouter le leur !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de maxwell, postée le 30-06-2018 à 11:19:18 (S | E)

Je choisis les phrases du II qui m'a posé problème
1) Tattoos were meant to punish people with physical and psychological pain alike, marking them indelibly as criminals.
Les tatouages étaient destinés à matriculer les personnes atteintes de souffrances indifféremment physiques et psychologiques, les marquant à jamais du sceau de criminels.

2) When they were illegal, tattoos were embraced even more by those belonging to the counter culture.
Quand ils étaient illégaux, les tatouages étaient encore plus adoptés par ceux qui appartenaient à la contre-culture.
3) Friends of mine with smaller tattoos have got away with covering them with bandages
Des amis à moi avec des tatouages plus petits s'en sont sortis en les recouvrant de pansements.
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de lucile83, postée le 30-06-2018 à 12:03:06 (S | E)
Just a clue about the first sentence:
1) Tattoos were meant to punish people with physical and psychological pain alike, marking them indelibly as criminals.
Punish may have another meaning here; find it and you'll understand the whole sentence.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de lucile83, postée le 30-06-2018 à 13:43:21 (S | E)

...marking them indelibly as criminals.
What does it make you think about? ...it is a slang/obsolete word in French, sorry....but you can find it, for sure.
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de tereda, postée le 02-07-2018 à 09:16:10 (S | E)
hello my friends and dear HERE4U

My proposal of translation for the text,
Aujourd'hui, vous pouvez avoir des tatouages et être accueilli aussi dans les SPA nationaux.
Les tatouages, autrefois communément associés aux gangs du crime organisé du pays (ou yakuza), ont longtemps été tabous au Japon, en particulier dans les spas communaux (sources chaudes). L'interdiction de l'encre pouvait également s'étendre aux gymnases et aux piscines.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que le Japon essaie d'apaiser l'esprit des touristes étrangers tatoués. En 2016, l'Agence japonaise du tourisme a exhorté les exploitants de spas à assouplir les règles limitant les clients tatoués, et revoir leurs politiques spécifiques à l'art corporel.
Chaque établissement a des règles pour les invités clients tatoués : alors que certains n'autorisent que les petits tatouages, d'autres fournissent des autocollants de couleur chair que les invités peuvent placer sur leur encre ou offrent des bains privés pour les invités tatoués. Ils peuvent aussi couvrir les tatouages avec des lingettes ou s'appuyer contre les murs pour les cacher.
L'agence japonaise du Tourisme a publié un guide officiel pour expliquer aux propriétaires de bains qu'il y a souvent des raisons religieuses, culturelles, esthétiques ou autres derrière les pratiques de modification (de parure**) du corps.
**parure : ce qui orne, embellit
have a beautiful summer

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 24 de here4u, postée le 02-07-2018 à 22:12:13 (S | E)

Bravo et merci à tous les deux pour votre excellent travail !

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