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Rack your brains and help!/29

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Rack your brains and help!/29
Message de here4u posté le 28-08-2018 à 23:01:36 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends and Students!

Soon September will be back! This is the last series of exercises for this summer and I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I did... You should find this one easier than the preceding one... I saw to it (and apologise... ) I give you THE FORCE and a lot of COURAGE!
This exercise has and its correction will be online on Saturday, September, 15th.

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Toujours pas d’avalanche de fautes… Des progrès, même … Merci de votre aide…) Cependant, les bases restent fragiles et en y regardant bien, vous devriez encore trouver 10 fautes ! Il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger. ( Attention ! Vous pourriez être tentés de trouver plus de fautes que les 10 annoncées, mais ce serait vouloir pénaliser les « régionalismes » et expressions familières. Ne le faites pas ! Ne « sanctionnez » que " la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire/ fautifs.")
* * * Attention, ce texte contient des fautes à corriger !

More than two-third of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money– and that is hitting the homelesses hard.
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. All donations feed into the homeless person’s account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were consumer good, is dehumanising, but it’s an attempt to make the better of a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to mere statistics in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how they ended up in the streets and what they’re saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of official record of the amount of tough sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue. Government research from late 2017 estimates there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of “national shame”.

II) Our beloved abacus for the last time of the season! Once again, you’ll have to find 10 words-

VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is : KILLER

1 ----------------I--------------A-----------------------N-------------------F---------------------|
2 -----------------T-----------------T-----------------T----------------------D-------------------|
3 ---------------O------------------O----------------------I--------------------A------------------|
4 --------------B---------------N-------------C-----------------E----------------------------------|
5 ---------------B--------------------S-------------------C---------------------A------------------|
6 --------------U------------------------------H------------------------O---------------------------|
7 ---------------A-------------------X---------------------T-------------------A--------------------|
8 ----------------T-------------------A------------------I-------------------N-----------------------|
9 ---------------C-----------------L-----------------I-----------------N-------------C----------------|
10 ---------C-----------------I--------------H----------A---------------E-----------T----------------|
11 -----------T------------------N-------------------C------------------E-----------------G---------|
12 ------------O--------------G----------------R-----------------R---------------------H--------------|

I know that the preceding one gave you a hard time… I hope you’ll find this one easier!

III)ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Toujours une seule recherche ! Maxwell

A partir du mot français suivant : «privilégié», trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
Here is the FORCE… Don’t give up !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de taiji43, postée le 30-08-2018 à 17:39:27 (S | E)
Here is my correction .Thank you for YOUR correction.READY TO BE CORRECTED
TRADUCTION française pour m’aider à mieux comprendre le texte de l’étudiant (malgré les fautes)

Plus de deux tiers de toutes les transactions au détail en Grande-Bretagne sont maintenant faites par débit (de comptes) et des cartes de crédit. Avec moins d’utilisation de monnaie, les gens ont moins de liquidité et cela frappe durement les sans-abri .
Par conséquent, les gens sans- abri s'inscrivent à un service qui leur fournit un code que des donneurs, sans liquidité, peuvent scanner avec leurs téléphones pour transférer de l'argent.
Toutes les donations pour alimenter le compte de la personne sans-abri, sont gérées par une assistante sociale pour assurer que l'argent les aide à atteindre un objectif accepté, comme l'épargne pour un acompte de location.
Certains soutiendront que l'assignation des personnes par un code, comme s'ils étaient des biens de consommation, est déshumanisante mais c'est une tentative de faire/donner le meilleur, d'une situation épouvantable.
Ces personnes ont été réduites à des études de simples statistiques. Le balayage du code fournit une biographie courte de la personne dans le besoin, détaillant comment ils ont fini dans la rue et pour quoi ils économisent.
Ceci peut leur permettre de faire valoir leur identité dans une société où ils sont souvent ignorés.
L'absence de rapport officiel de la quantité de dormeurs endurcis mourant dans les rues britanniques est une problème énorme. Une recherche du gouvernement fin de 2017 estimait, sur une nuit donnée, qu’il y avaient 4.751 personnes dormant sans abri. May Thérésa déclare/déclarait ceci est un problème,une honte nationale?????

More than two-third of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made with debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money and that HARD HITS the HOMELESS (1)
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them WITH (2) a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money.
All donations to feed into the homeless person's account, (which) ARE (3) managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them TO (4) reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit. Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were consumer-GOODS (5) , is dehumanising, but it's an attempt to make the BEST (6) of a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to STUDIES OF MERE STATISTICS.(7) Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how they ended up in the streets and what they're saving for. This can allow them to STOOGE(8) their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of official REPORT of the amount of tough sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue.
GOVERMENTAL research from late 2017 ESTIMATED (9), there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. thérésa MAY declares this to be an issue of national shame...???

Hello Heru 4U and thank you for your patience and your correction
Thank you to Lucile83 for her kind intervention…

Ready to be corrected (

1.Aux canaries en février, nous avons eu un temps privilégié alors qu’en France les gens grelottaient((nous avons joui d’un temps splendide, excellent par rapport à d’autres temps))
In the Canary Islandsin February ,we had a privileged weather (we enjoyed magnificent weather)

2.Le petit dernier de la famille était privilégié par rapport à ses frères et sœurs. Ses parents lui passaient tous ses caprices
The youngest child of the family was privileged in comparison with his sibling . His parents indulged him every whim (Preferred)

3 il était le privilégiés qui avait vu le film en exclusivité et était enthousiasmé… Le film ne trahissait pas le livre, un best seller, prix Goncourt2017
He was a privileged person who had seen the new releases and was immediately filled with enthusiasm … The movie did not betray the book, a best-seller, Goncourt prize 2017 ( choisi parmi tant d’autres) : chosen from so many others

In progress for ABACUS . It will be treat after the treated 139
Abacus is interesting but need time

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de chocolatcitron, postée le 30-08-2018 à 22:54:37 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell, thank you both for your great exercises :
Hello Everybody


Here is my work:
I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Vous devriez encore trouver 10 fautes ! Il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger.

Here is my marking :
More than 1) TWO-THIRDS of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money–and that is hitting the 2) HOMELESS 3) SORELY.
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. All donations feed into the homeless person’s account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them 4) TO reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were consumer 5) GOODS, is 6) DEHUMANIZING, but it’s an attempt to make 7) THE BEST of a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to mere statistics in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how they ended up 8) ON the streets and what they’re saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of 9) AN official record of the amount of tough sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue. Government research from late 2017 estimates there were 10) 4.751 (with a point in English, not a comma!) people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of “national shame”.

Translation :
Plus des deux-tiers de toutes les transactions de ventes en Grande Bretagne sont faites à partir de cartes de débit et de crédit. Avec moins de liquidités en usage, les gens ont moins de monnaie et cela touche durement les sans-abris.
En conséquences, les sans-abris ont signé un service qui leur procure un code que les donateurs désargentées (= dans ce sens : "n'ayant pas de monnaie sur eux") peuvent scanner avec leurs portables pour transférer de la monnaie. Toutes les donations nourrissent les comptes des personnes sans-abris, compte qui est chapeauté par un travailleur social pour s'assurer que la monnaie les aide à rechercher un objectif agrée, tel que l'épargne pour une caution de loyer.
Quelques personnes vont arguer qu'attribuer un code aux gens, comme s'ils étaient des biens de consommation, est déshumanisant, mais c'est une tentative pour améliorer une situation terrible. Ces personnes ont été réduites à de simples statistiques à l'étude. En scannant le code, cela entraîne une courte biographie de la personne dans le besoin, détaillant pourquoi ils se retrouvent à la rue, et ce qui les sauverait de cette situation. Cela peut leur permette de récupérer leur identité, dans une société où ils sont souvent ignorés (boudés).
L'absence d'un enregistrement officiel du montant de dormeurs malchanceux mourant dans les rues Britanniques, est un énorme problème. Les recherches du gouvernement depuis la fin 2017, estime à 4 751 personnes dormant à la dur en une nuit donnée. Théresa May dénonce ce problème comme étant la honte nationale.

II) Our beloved abacus for the last time of the season! Once again, you’ll have to find 10 words-

VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is : KILLER

1 ---------I-A------N--F-----------------|
2 -----T---------T---------------T----D--|
3 -----O--------O--I------------A--------|
4 -----B--N--------C------------------E--|
5 --B--------S---------------C--------A--|
6 --U-----H--------O---------------------|
7 -----A--------X--T--------A------------|
8 --T-----A--------I--------N------------|
9 -----C--L-----I--N--------C------------|
10 ----C--I--H---------A---E----------T--|
11 -T-----N----C--E---G------------------|
12 ----O--G-----------------R---R-----H--|
1) Butt = mégot. 2) Tobacco = tabac. 3) Inhaling = inhalant. 4) Ash = cendre. 5) Toxic = toxique. 6) Nicotine = nicotine. 7) Fag = clope. 8) Cancer = cancer. 9) Tar = goudron. 10) Death = mort.

A partir du mot français suivant : «privilégié», trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
Here is the FORCE… Don’t give up !

privilégié adj (qui jouit de privilèges) privileged adj socially advantaged.
(UK) honoured adj... /(US) honored adj feeling privileged = se sentir honoré.
I always feel embarrassed when I have to meet people who HONOURED me for my birthday, or invite me for sharing a meal once a year, for example, because we are not on the same wavelength.
Je me sens toujours gênée quand je dois rencontrer des personnes qui m'honorent pour mon anniversaire ou m'invitent à partager un repas une fois l'an, par exemple, car nous ne sommes plus sur la même longueur d'onde.

interlocuteur privilégié nm (contact dédié) chosen intermediary, preferred intermediary n
She has been my PREFERRED INTERMEDIARY to give me the news about her country for years.
Elle est mon interlocutrice privilégiée pour me donner des nouvelles de son pays depuis des années.

moment privilégié nm (instant fort apprécié) very special moment n magic moment n
Sharing time with my animals, or people I love, is a very MAGIC MOMENT!
Partager du temps avec mes animaux, ou les personnes que j'aime, sont des instants très privilégiés.

See you very soon. Have a sweet and great week!
I send you the force back to you my dear Here4u, for marking and sending our forum.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de here4u, postée le 05-09-2018 à 18:20:19 (S | E)
Hello, dear Friends ...
One of you has asked for help because this exercise had disappeared from the Forum... Don't forget that you can see all the exercises by clicking on "Exercises" and then, choose the one you fancy, in the list.
I'm quite surprised to see that most of the group rushed on "Exercise 139" and ignored "Rack Your Brains and Help 29" ( Taiji and Choco for filling that horrible void!) although the due date is before... I'm really convinced that this sort of exercise can teach you a lot, even if you don't realise that you're working... Normally, it's much less demanding than the translations (Ex. 139)[ The latest "abacus" was an exception that I regret! - This one is easy!]
I'd be very glad to see you add to "Our Story" too... now that the holiday is almost finished... (you know how demanding I am... ) and I know that's what you expect!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de joe39, postée le 05-09-2018 à 19:45:56 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
I have the pleasure to present you my try,
Ready to be corrected

Please, help my student! He really needs you!
More than two-third of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money– and that is hitting the homelesses hard.
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. All donations feed into the homeless person’s account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were consumer good, is dehumanising, but it’s an attempt to make the better of a terrible situation.
These people have been reduced to mere statistics in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how they ended up in the streets and what they’re saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of official record of the amount of tough sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue. Government research from late 2017 estimates there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of “national shame”.

More than TWO-THIRDS- 1 of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money– and that is hitting the HOMELESS -2 hard.
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them (with?) a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. . All donations feed into the homeless person’s account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were consumer good, is DEHUMANIZING -3 but it’s an attempt to make the BEST - 4 of a terrible situation.
These people have been reduced to mere statistics DATA - 5 in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the PEOPLE -6 in need, detailing how they ended up in the streets and what they’re saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of ANY -7 official record of the NUMBER -8 of ROUGH -9 Sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue. Government RESEARCHES -10 from late 2017 estimates there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of “national shame”.

II) Our beloved abacus for the last time of the season! Once again, you’ll have to find 10 words-
VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were consumer good, is dehumanising, but it’s an attempt to make the better of a terrible situation.
to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is : KILLER

1 ------------------------I--------------A--------------N-------- F-------------------------------|
2 ----T--------- --------------------------------T---------------------T----- ------- -D-----------|
3 ----O--------- ---------- ----------------O-------I---- ---A--- -------------------------------|
4 ----B----------------- -N------------------- ------- -C--- ---------------- E-----------------------|
5 --------- B-------------------- -------S---------------- -- ----------- -C-------- A------------------|
6 --------- U----- ---- -H------------------------------O-----------------------------------------|
7 ----A---------- ------------------------- -- X-------T----- ----- --- A-----------------------------|
8 ----------T----------- A-------------- ---------------I ---- - -- ---- -N----- ----------------------|
9 ----C---------------- L------------ ---------I-------N---- ------ -- -C- - -----------------------------|
10 - -C--------------- I------- -----H----------------------- ----- A------E------- T------------------|
11 ---------T--- ----- N----------------------C-------E----- --G------------------------------------|
12 ---O-------------- G---------------------- -- ----- ---------- -R----- R-------- H----------------------|
The words are, from left to right: tobacco, butt, inhaling, ash, toxic, fag, tar, cancer, death

A partir du mot français suivant : «privilégié», trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles
Lien internet

1- After the serious accident suffered at work, he was assigned a DISABILITY pension.

2 – The purchase of the new flat was made possible by the selling of the PREFERRED stocks inherited by the girl’s father.

3 - Only a few PRIVILEGED people were invited to the wedding party of the
famous football champion.

I thank you a lot for the nice exercise and I hope you have a great and pleasant week.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de alpiem, postée le 06-09-2018 à 19:45:17 (S | E)
More than two-thirdS of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money? and that is hitting the homeless hard.
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. All donations fed into the homeless person's account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were GOODS consumerS , is deShumanising, but it's an attempt to make the better of a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to mere statistics in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how they ended up in the streets and what they're saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of official record of the amount of tough sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue. Government research from late 2017 estimates there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of ?national shame?.(I have only 2)
many thanks Here4u for encouraging me to persevere though for little avail, but I still have time to ponder over!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de here4u, postée le 06-09-2018 à 22:33:44 (S | E)
Hello Alpiem!
for posting...

Don't give up, Alpiem! You may take a little extra time to read the text again... Don't worry if you don't find more, but there's a HUGE one and another one is repeated twice...

for your effort!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de magie8, postée le 06-09-2018 à 22:42:43 (S | E)
hello here4u ne t'inquiète pas la suite du travail arrive, déjà du monde maintenant sur ce sujet, j'y viens à mon tour, mais tu sais moi j'ai besoin de plus de 10minutes, c'est plutôt 3 jours qu il me faut. TAKE CARE OF YOU,You are worth a little rest.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de magie8, postée le 07-09-2018 à 00:18:31 (S | E)
More than two-thirdS of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money– and that is hitting the HOMELESS hard.
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. All donations feed into the homeless PEOPLE'S accountS, which ARE managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them TO reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that TO ASSIGN A CODE TO PEOPLE: as if they were consumer GOODS is dehumaniZing, but it’s an attempt to make the beST of a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to mere statistics DATA . Scanning the code provides a short biography of the PEOPLE in need, detailing how they ended up in the street (sans s) and what they’re saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of official REPORT of the amount of ROUGH sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue. Government research from late 2017 estimateD there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of “national shame”.

CHERE HERE4U ne t'inquiète pas la suite du travail avance! prends soin de toi , tu mérites bien un peu de répit magie READY TO CORRECT


1)In France the abolition of privileges dates the Revolution, but PRIVILEGED persons always exist , did not die yet
en France l abolition de l'esclavage date de la Revolution , mais les privilégiés sont toujours là , ne sont pas mort encore.

2) Now retired, you are LUCKY, you have got money and time for navigating all winter long across the South Pacific-" yes and I also have some more wrinles."
maintenant retraitée, tu es privilègiée, tu as l argent et le temps pour naviguer tout l hiver à travers le pacific Sud,-" oui, et j ai aussi quelques rides en plus" .

3) We can't say that he has been FAVOURED by nature , he is small , fat,
spastic , but his wife is a top model.
On ne peu pas dire qu il ait été privilegié par la nature? IL est petit, gros , handicapé moteur, mais sa femme est mannequin.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-09-2018 23:43
Bug couleur réparé.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de here4u, postée le 09-09-2018 à 23:31:21 (S | E)
Hello magie!
Merci de ton travail ... (bug couleur, dirait-on ! ) Tu sais, il y a encore beaucoup de temps pour poster ...
J'attends encore quelques essais ... et je vous rappelle que vous pouvez poster ce que vous voulez (si le II vous énerve trop ... ) mais je le pense facile ... Courage à tous !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de icare29, postée le 09-09-2018 à 23:52:21 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and all hard workers here is my work .OK FOR CORRECTION .

More than TWO-THIRDS of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money, WHICH is hitting homelesses hard .

Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them a code which allow them to scan with their PHONE a transfer of money.

All donations feed into the homeless person's account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them TO reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.

Some will argue that TO ASSIGN people a code, as if they were GOOD CONSUMERS , is dehumanising, but it's an attempt to make the better of a terrible situation.

These people have been reduced INTO MERE STATISTICAL DATABASE. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how HE ended up in the STREET and what HE IS saving for.
This can allow ALL OF them to reclaim their IDENTITIES in a society where they are often ignored.

The LACK of official record of the NUMBER of rough sleepers LYING in the British streets is a huge PROBLEM.
Government research IN THE LATE 2017 estimates there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this is a PROBLEM of national shame .

ANOTHER TORTURE Le mot "privilégié".

1) a privileged person or family : you will have all the more possibilities to make excellent studies or good éducation as you are living in a privileged family .

2) a privileged weather or country . I am living in a privileged country , even if sometimes the sky is cloudy and it is raining cats and dogs , inhabitants appreciate seeing privileged landscapes, beautiful Sunsets , and from time to time violent storms and huge waves on the sea
( For those who are interested in violent storms I recommend to watch the test 101324 and the video given by tizeph .The video called the lighthouse of the "jument " will give you an little idea about the violence of the waves on the sea .

3)privileged contact : the manager of the company is the privileged person if you want to have updated information and all the detail about its organisation .

Dear Here4u , thanks you very much for your tricky exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de here4u, postée le 11-09-2018 à 16:25:10 (S | E)

If you have posted above, you should have received your own correction by now. (I'm sorry but I had to do this very early this time...) If you haven't, please, "protest" in mp. Collective correction on the due date (I hope! )

You still have several days to post...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de tereda, postée le 12-09-2018 à 13:12:57 (S | E)
hello everyone,
this is my brainstorming

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!
More than two-THIRDS of all retail transactions in Britain are now BEING made WITH debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less SPARE CHANGE money in reserve - and that's hitting the HOMELESS hard.
Consequently, homeless people sign up to a service that provides them a code that cashless givers can scan with their phoneS to transfer money.
All donations feed into the homeless person’s account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them HIM TO REACH an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were A consumer GOOD, is dehumaniZing, but it’s an attempt to make THE better of a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to mere statistics in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how they ended up in the streets and
what they’re saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of AN official record of the amount of ROUGH sleepers dying in the British streets is a huge issue. Government RESEARCHES from late 2017 estimateS there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of “national shame”.

"Privilégié" privileged

1. preferred
My preferred cousin is PATRICK
2. special
The two families share a common history and a special relationship.
3. Privilégié - favorisé -
My neighbors have a privileged life, they were born under a lucky star.

ready for correction

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de maxwell, postée le 12-09-2018 à 18:06:23 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Sorry for being late: I couldn't spare much time last week. Fortunately, there was only one torture

Thanks a lot for the much easier abacus As for "Help my student", I'm only confident about 8 mistakes. I've quibbled for the other two...

I) Help my student :
More than TWO THIRDS of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare money? and that is hitting the HOMELESS hard.
Consequently, homeless people HAVE SIGNED up to a service that provides them WITH a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. All donations feed into the homeless person's account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure THAT the money helps them reach an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning people a code, as if they were consumer GOODS, is dehumanising, but it's an attempt to make the MOST of a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to mere statistics in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how HE ended up in the STREET and what HE'S saving for. This can allow them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of official record of the amount of ROUGH sleepers dying in [] British streets is a huge issue. Government research from late 2017 estimates THAT there were 4,751 people sleeping rough on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of ?national shame?.

II) Abacus:


TOBACCO = tabac
BUTT = clope / mégot
INHALING = inhalation
TOXIC = toxique, nocif
ASH = cendres
NICOTINE = nicotine
TAR = goudron
CANCER = cancer
FAG = clope
DEATH = mort

III) Another torture: "Privilégié."
1) adj et nom. qui jouit de privilèges sociaux reconnus, qui bénéficie d'avantages matériels importants : nanti, cossu, huppé, opulent, riche, argenté, avantagé, favorisé, fortuné : PRIVILEGED, ADVANTAGED, HONOURED, FAVOURED, RULING, ENTITLED, ELITE, POWERFUL
- nom : un élu, un favori. A PRIVILEGED PERSON ; VIP ;
=> "She looks like an ADVANTAGED girl from ELITE society." "You're right, this FAVOURED young lady grew up in affluence, in the most PRIVILEGED class in Great Britain."

2) plus généralement : qui a quelque avantage (libertés, prérogatives, traitement de faveur, richesses) par rapport aux autres ; qui a de la chance, que le sort favorise : favorisé, avantagé, gâté : PRIVILEGED, FAVOURED, LUCKY, FORTUNATE, BLESSED, INDULGED
=> "Lucky you! You've got selected as a LUCKY customer to get one gift of your choice. And as our most FAVOURED customer, you're entitled to a 50 percent discount on your next purchase! Don't tell the others! ..."

3) qui a reçu de la nature un don particulier, qui a des aptitudes exceptionnelles : doué, favori, préféré, attitré, élu, choisi, exercé, habile, virtuose, adroit : GIFTED, BLESSED, TALENTED, ENDOWED
=> "A human being is a GIFTED creature of God..." "Among men, some are more ENDOWED than others: when you see such amazing paintings, you realize that this painter is a BLESSED man."

4) préféré à autre chose, qui convient parfaitement à qqch : préféré, choisi, sélectionné, désigné, dédié (pour : cible/adversaire, interlocuteur/contact, instrument/outil/moyen/méthode/solution...) : PREFERRED, FAVOURED, FAVOURITE, RECOMMENDED, CHOSEN, SELECTED, BEST-LIKED, SINGLED OUT, KEY, PET, OF CHOICE, (informal) FAVE
- créancier privilégié : créancier qui doit être payé prioritairement aux autres. : PREFERRED
=> "Would you put me through to your KEY contact for buying matters? I'd like to ask him what his PREFERRED payment method is."

- moment privilégié = instant fort apprécié : VERY SPECIAL MOMENT/OCCASION/TIME, MAGIC MOMENT; IDEAL OPPORTUNITY FOR...
-témoin privilégié = de premier plan, qui est aux premières loges : INSIDER
=> "He and I have a SPECIAL relationship of friendship. Last night, after dinner, we shared a MAGIC moment looking at the sparkling stars..."

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/29 de here4u, postée le 15-09-2018 à 22:15:52 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends!

An early post, tonight... I won't be able to do it later... Si certains veulent encore poster jusque tard dans la nuit, n'hésitez pas quand même ...

Pas facile, de corriger un texte où les fautes sont (relativement ) peu nombreuses et visent des points un peu « fragiles » chez les étudiants …
I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!

More than two-thirds (1) of all retail transactions in Britain are now being made on debit and credit cards. With less cash in use, people have less spare change – and that is hitting the homeless (2) hard.
Consequently, homeless people have signed up (3) to a service that provides them with (4) a code that cashless givers can scan with their phones to transfer money. All donations feed into the homeless person’s account, which is managed by a social worker to ensure the money helps them reach (5) an agreed target, such as saving for a rental deposit.
Some will argue that assigning(6) people a code, as if they were consumer goods(7), is dehumanising,(8) but it’s an attempt to make the best of (9) a terrible situation. These people have been reduced to mere statistics in studies. Scanning the code provides a short biography of the person in need, detailing how they ended up on the streets(10) and what they’re saving for. This can enable (13) them to reclaim their identity in a society where they are often ignored.
The absence of an official record of the amount of rough sleepers (11) dying on the British streets(10) is a huge issue. Government research from late 2017 estimates there were 4,751 (12) people sleeping rough (11) on a given night. Theresa May declares this to be an issue of “national shame”.

(1) A third= un tiers ; c’est un nom, qui représente ici une unité … donc, il s’accorde au pluriel ! => two thirds
Lien internet

(2) The homeless est un adjectif substantivé. On lui ajoute un déterminant (the) et il devient « nom » mais il reste invariable comme tous les adjectifs substantivés ( sauf "the Whites/ the Blacks/ the Reds/ the Coloureds," etc.
(3) «Consequently» montre bien le bilan qui est fait, la conséquence tirée … => present perfect. « They have signed up ».
(4) Attention à la construction de ce verbe : to provide somebody with something => provide them with a code …
(5) To help + verbe: se construit soit avec l’infinitif sans to, soit avec l’infinitif complet. Les deux constructions sont acceptables, la première étant plus fréquente. Help + V + ing est faux.
Lien internet

(6) « Assigning » = le fait de … C’est bien ce qu’il convenait d’utiliser ici.
(7) La difficulté était de voir qu’ici, il ne s’agissait pas de l’adjectif « good », mais du nom « goods »= marchandise/ article/ produit.
(8) Ne pas corriger la finale : ise/ ising = British English// ize/ izing= American English
(9) To make the best of : Lien internet
, mais « better off » signifie = plus riche, plus aisé. Attention aussi à ne pas confondre avec : to get the better of sb. Lien internet

(10) "In the streets?" OR « On the streets» ? dans les deux cas rencontrés ici, c’était bien « on the streets ».
Lien internet

Lien internet

Lien internet

(11) «a rough sleeper» = il dort « à la dure », dans les rues … mais il peut être « tough » !! (Hum, désolée, je n'ai pas pu résister !) Lien internet

(12) En anglais, on écrit bien 4,751 = 4 751= « quatre mille sept cent cinquante et un » en français. Si vous mettez un point, vous tombez au-dessous de 5 unités !(= quatre virgule cinquante et un). Le résultat des deux chiffres est très différent …
Si vous voulez savoir dire et écrire « 865,423,213 » en étant certain de ne pas vous tromper, revoir N°142 de notre Master : la base !
(13) To be able (to)= capacité => to enable // To be allowed (to)= permission, autorisation => to allow.

Je dois avouer que cet exercice n'était pas facile et vous faisait mériter vos Un peu plus difficile d'anticiper vos "difficultés" par rapport aux élèves réguliers (vous travaillez dans l'ensemble beaucoup plus qu'eux ... )

II) Our beloved abacus for the last time of the season! Once again, you’ll have to find 10 words- The theme is : KILLER

TOBACCO = le tabac
BUTT = clope / mégot
INHALING = inhaler (inspirer)
TOXIC = toxique, nocif
ASH = des cendres
NICOTINE = la nicotine
TAR = le goudron
CANCER = le cancer
FAG = une clope
DEATH = la mort
Dans l'ensemble, ceux qui l'ont terminé l'ont trouvé beaucoup plus facile que le précédent.

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) : «privilégié», Excellente correction de Maxwell toujours !
1) adj et nom qui jouit de privilèges sociaux reconnus, qui bénéficie d'avantages matériels importants : nanti, cossu, huppé, opulent, riche, argenté, avantagé, favorisé, fortuné : PRIVILEGED, ADVANTAGED, HONOURED, FAVOURED, RULING, ENTITLED, ELITE, POWERFUL
- nom : un élu, un favori. A PRIVILEGED PERSON ; VIP ;
=> "She looks like an ADVANTAGED girl from ELITE society." "You're right, this FAVOURED young lady grew up in affluence, in the most PRIVILEGED class in Great Britain."

2) plus généralement : qui a quelque avantage (libertés, prérogatives, traitement de faveur, richesses) par rapport aux autres ; qui a de la chance, que le sort favorise : favorisé, avantagé, gâté : PRIVILEGED, FAVOURED, LUCKY, FORTUNATE, BLESSED, INDULGED
=> "Lucky you! You've got selected as a LUCKY customer to get one gift of your choice. And as our most FAVOURED customer, you're entitled to a 50 percent discount on your next purchase! Don't tell the others!..."

3) qui a reçu de la nature un don particulier, qui a des aptitudes exceptionnelles : doué, favori, préféré, attitré, élu, choisi, exercé, habile, virtuose, adroit : GIFTED, BLESSED, TALENTED, ENDOWED
=> "A human being is a GIFTED creature of God..." "Among men, some are more ENDOWED than others: when you see such amazing paintings, you realize that this painter is a BLESSED man."

4) préféré à autre chose, qui convient parfaitement à qqch : préféré, choisi, sélectionné, désigné, dédié (pour : cible/adversaire, interlocuteur/contact, instrument/outil/moyen/méthode/solution...) : PREFERRED, FAVOURED, FAVOURITE, RECOMMENDED, CHOSEN, SELECTED, BEST-LIKED, SINGLED OUT, KEY, PET, OF CHOICE, (informal) FAVE
- créancier privilégié : créancier qui doit être payé prioritairement aux autres. : PREFERRED
=> "Would you put me through to your KEY contact for buying matters? I'd like to ask him what his PREFERRED payment method is."

-témoin privilégié = de premier plan, qui est aux premières loges : INSIDER
=> "He and I have a SPECIAL relationship of friendship. Last night, after dinner, we shared a MAGICAL moment looking at the sparkling stars..."
Merci à tous pour votre travail ... et Bravo! (Notre N° 30 vous attend ! Faites-lui honneur !


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