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Rack your brains and help!/58

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Rack your brains and help!/58
Message de here4u posté le 10-11-2019 à 16:13:30 (S | E | F)
Hello !
(2è essai! ! I have accidentally deleted the layout of this exercise which I had just finished...)

Voici donc, à nouveau, un sujet "anecdotique", un peu "improbable" comme My Student les aime. Il vous en a fait un compte-rendu en faisant beaucoup d'efforts, mais a tout de même laissé 15 fautes ... Pourrez-vous l'aider à les trouver et les corriger ?
Merci pour lui ...

Cet exercice est un et la correction sera en ligne le lundi 26 novembre tard.
Please, help my Student! Ce texte contient 15 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)

A hungry herder of 500 goats has helped saving the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library hided the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a preventable measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped saving exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a peace of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job easily," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were hid from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear around 13 acre of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges down at $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his herder to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
Rangers and volunteers have been scraggling to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In any cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let lost in the hope they can escape by their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is fled with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also having to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

(*) Can you guess what/ who these names stand for?

I give you THE FORCE, as ever!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de maxwell, postée le 11-11-2019 à 16:45:30 (S | E)
Pour le follow-up, je prendrai la 3ème partie

Hello Here4U
I may have corrected too many things because I often hesitate and opts for the safest answer. Anyway, thanks again
Help my student:

A HUNGARIAN herder of 500 goats has helped TO SAVE the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTIVE measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts THROUGHOUT the state.
The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped TO SAVE exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.
///END OF PART 1///

"We were told by one of the firefighters that they BELIEVED that FIREBREAKS made their job EASIER," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear ABOUT 13 ACRES of land.
Scott Morris started the company last November and IS CHARGING UP TO $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his NUMBER OF HERDERS to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by (*) staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of FIRE?
///END OF PART 2///

Rangers and volunteers have been STRUGGLING to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, LEAVING them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In any CASE, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let lost in the hope THAT they can escape ON their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is FLOODED with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of FIRE have also HAD to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.
///END OF PART 3///

(*) j'étais tenté de mettre THE ici.

Can you guess what/ who these names stand for? Vincent Van Gogh, Selena Gomez, Mozart

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de magie8, postée le 11-11-2019 à 18:15:00 (S | E)
bonjour je me lance et je ferais le follow up de la 1ere partie bon POUR CORRECTION

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped SAVE the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTATIVE measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break ou FIREBREAK ( J'AI VU LES 2 ) that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped SAVE exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job EASIER ," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear around 13 acre of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges AROUND( environ, autour de)
at $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his HERD to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
Rangers and volunteers have been (scraggling)??? STRUGGLING(se sont efforcés)ou SCRAMBLING ( en se bousculant, se sont dépéchés)to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In SOME cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let LOOSE(lachés, détachés) in the hope they can escape by their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is (fled)??FLOODED,(inondé)SWARMED(assailli) with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also HAD to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

(*) Can you guess what/ who these names stand for? Vincent Van Gogh, Selena Gomez,Mozart.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de magie8, postée le 11-11-2019 à 20:10:33 (S | E)
BONSOIR j'avais fini mon travail, j'y avais passé 3 heures et tout est disparu , j attends avant de recommencer il va peut etre reapparaître , je ferais le follow up de la 1ere partie
C'EST UNE VRAIE galère tout se bloque , disparaît j'ai dû refaire 4 fois du coup je n'ai pas fini
MERCREDI 13 FINI CE TRAVAIL de devinettes , bien creusé la tête à here4u

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de taiji43, postée le 13-11-2019 à 17:34:46 (S | E)
Hello Here4U

here is my correction

but it is not guaranteed to be accurate from beginning to end

and thank you for your correction


A HUNGARIAN herder of 500 goats has helped SAVE the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.

In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTIVE measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break or FIREBREAKS that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.

The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts OVER the state. The CAPRIN contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped SAVE exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///

"We were told by one of the firefighters that they BELIEVED that fire break made their job EASIER ," a library spokeswoman, said.

The goats were HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear THROUGH AROUND 13 ACRES of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and INVOICED /CHARGED THEM around $1,000 per acre of land.

As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his HERD to meet demand.

Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff

What has happened to animals caught in the path/WAY of fires?///END OF PART 2///

Rangers and volunteers have been (scraggling)??? to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more.
In any CASE, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let LOOSE in the hope THAT they can escape ON their own and be recovered later.

Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is FLOODED,(inondé) with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also HAD to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-11-2019 à 22:41:07 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help!/58 le lundi 26 novembre
Message de here4u posté le 10-11-2019 à 16:13:30 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Here4u, and thank you!
Hi Everybody! Pour le deuxième paragraphe du follow-up work, la place est encore libre : cette fois-ci je ne participe pas ! FINISHED.

Here is my work:
Please, help my Student! Ce texte contient 15 fautes à corriger !

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped SAVE the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTATIVE measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped SAVE exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job EASIER," a library spokeswoman, TOLD.
The goats were HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear around 13 ACRES of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges down at $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his HERD to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
RANCHERS and volunteers have been SCRAMBLING to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In SOME cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let LOOSE in the hope they can escape ON their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is FLOODED with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also HAD to evacuate animals. The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

PS : je ne suis pas certaine de moi, pour les mots trouvés… j’ai fait en fonction du sens que j’avais capté et de la logique de ce texte. Maintes recherches, comme toujours, tu peux le constater ci-dessous. Triste sort pour ces pauvres chèvres, sans oublier tous les habitants victimes de cette brousse… C’est atroce !😥

(*) Can you guess what/ who these names stand for?
Vincent Van Gogh, a famous painter, Selena Gomez an american actress, et ??? ma langue au chat !

See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de joe39, postée le 15-11-2019 à 11:54:00 (S | E)
Hello, dear here4u,
Hoping I have found the real mistakes ,
Ready to be checked.
Please, help my Student! Ce texte contient 15 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped saving the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTATIVE measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped saving exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job EASIER," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear around 13 acre of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges AROUND $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his HERD to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
Rangers and volunteers have been STRUGGLING to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In SOME cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let FREE in the hope they can escape ON their own and THEN be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners – IS FLOODED with pictures of missing animals amid the fires
Several shelters under threat of fires have also HAD to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

(*) Can you guess what/ who these names stand for?

Vincent van Goat and Selena Goatmez were among the 500 goats brought in to eat the flammable scrub around the library. The staff of herder liked their animals would be given unique names. Goatzart?? I could find Goatzart as an American film director CEO of Goatzart GMC .- screen writer “Create outside the box”.

I thank you very much and remain,
Wishing you a great weekend.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de maya92, postée le 15-11-2019 à 17:20:39 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped saving the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTIVE measure. The goats ate the BUSH , creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped saving exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job EASIER," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear OFF 13 acres of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges UP TO $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his HERD to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by THE staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
Rangers and volunteers have been STRUGGLING to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In any case, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let LOOSE in the hope they can escape by their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is FLOODED with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also HAD to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///
*Van Gogh – Selena Gomez - Mozart

Exhausting, funny, but finished - Thank u

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de alpiem, postée le 16-11-2019 à 07:33:15 (S | E)
HI,every pen friends ,here is my go.Rack 58 ready for correction

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped saving the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a preventIVE measure.
The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state.
The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped saving exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a pEace of the Berlin Wall.
///END OF PART 1///
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believeD that fire breakS made their job easYER," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were hiRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear around 13 acreS of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and chargeS down at $1,000 (£771) per acre of land.
As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his HERD to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
Rangers and volunteers have been STRUGGling to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more.
In any cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer TO rescue, the animals are simply let lost in the hope they can escape by their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is SWAMPED with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also BEEN having to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

(*) Can you guess what/ who these names stand for? Vincent VAN GOGH,peintre. Selena GOMEZ DE LA SERNA and

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de jojo2019, postée le 16-11-2019 à 12:08:34 (S | E)
Here is my correction. Thank you and have a good day,

A hungry herder HERD of 500 goats has helped saving the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library hided HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a preventable measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped saving SOME/MANY exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a peace PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///

"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe BELIEVED that fire break made their job easily EASIER," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were hid HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear around 13 acre ACRES of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges CHARGED down at $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says SAID he will WOULD need to double his herder HERD to meet demand.
Another large southern California CALIFORNIAN institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by THE staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///

Rangers and volunteers have been scraggling to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In any cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let lost in the hope THAT they can WILL escape by their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners is fled FED with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also having to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de here4u, postée le 21-11-2019 à 21:55:12 (S | E)

Come on, last-minute workers... Still plenty of time left...

Je commence cependant à transférer vos corrections ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de swan85, postée le 24-11-2019 à 13:32:51 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Thank you for this exercise.

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped SAVE the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goats to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTIVE measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state.
The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped SAVE exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///

"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job EASIER," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were HIRED from a local company - 805 Goats - to clear around 13 ACRES of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges down at $1,000 (£771) per acre of land.
As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his HERD to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
Rangers and volunteers have been STRUGGLING to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In any CASE , when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let LOOSE in the hope they can escape by their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is FLOODED with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also HAD to evacuate animals.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

(*) Can you guess what/ who these names stand for? Vincent Van Gogh , Selena Gomez, ( Goatzart ?? Sorry I don’t find)

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de here4u, postée le 25-11-2019 à 16:50:07 (S | E)

Sorry, I've promised the correction of this RYB for "lundi 26 novembre" ... but "lundi" is the 25th and the 26th is a Tuesday!
My correction is ready but I wouldn't want to punish any late poster by publishing the correction today and not on the 26th as announced.
The worst thing is that I've made the same mistakes concerning Ex 168... (and will act similarly )
As the new RYB (69) is ready, I'll post it now... a little early for those of you who are eager to "suffer"!

In the future, if you detect such discrepancies, PLEASE, help me correct them.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de here4u, postée le 26-11-2019 à 22:51:41 (S | E)
Hello Dear All!

Nous voici donc mardi 26 et ... votre correction est là comme promis !

Mon élève attirait notre attention sur un phénomène économique, écologique et civique ... qui n'est cependant pas encore très répandu ... Bientôt, peut-être ...
Vous savez que j'espère toujours la déclaration de volontaires pour le travail de traduction qui couronne votre travail. Une fois le texte corrigé, ces quelques lignes de traduction ne doivent normalement vous demander que peu d'efforts et de temps ... Un petit effort serait apprécié pour faire tourner notre "volant de volontaires" ... Pour ce travail, il reste UNE PLACE LIBRE POUR LA TRADUCTION DE PART 2.

Un grand d'avance aux trois courageux travailleurs ! Je compte sur vous !

A hungry herd (9) of 850 goats has helped save (1) the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library hired the goats(2) to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a preventative (3) measure. The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break that slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped save (1) exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a piece (4) of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job easier (5)," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were hired (6) from a local company - 805 goats - to clear around 13 acres (7) of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges around/ up to (8) $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his herd (9) to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?///END OF PART 2///
Ranchers (10) and volunteers have been scrambling (11) to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In some cases (12), when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let loose (13) in the hope they can escape on their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is flooded with (14) pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also had to (15) evacuate animals.
Of the more than ten active wildfires raging in California, the Kincade Fire in the north of the state is the largest, with more than 76,000 acres burned so far.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.///END OF PART 3///

(1) A herd of 500 goats has helped save/ TO HELP SOMEONE DO SOMETHING// ou TO HELP SOMEONE TO DO something mais pas de forme en –ing (c’est une faute) … et ça fait au moins 3 fois que mon élève la fait …
In this text, the whole herd (of 500 goats) was the hero even if 3 animals are mentioned specifically.
(2) et (6) the library hired= to hire= Lien internet

(3) preventative= an adjective= preventive; Lien internet

(4) a piece of the Berlin Wall; ne pas confondre « piece » et « peace ».
(5) to make their job easier; easier est le comparatif de supériorité de l’adjectif «easy»=> easier=> the easiest.
(7) 13 acres of land: an acre= environ ½ hectare Lien internet

(8) charges down at $1,000 (£771)… and charges around= environ/ up to= jusqu’à $1,000 (£771) per acre of land
(9) a herd= un troupeau ; un berger = a shepherd; Idée vraiment saugrenue de transformer le « hungry herd » en « Hungarian » ! = hongrois.
(10) a rancher= Lien internet
= propriétaire d’un ranch, qui élève du bétail. Ne pas confondre avec a ranger= Lien internet
= a member of the police.
(11) volunteers have been scraggling to evacuate farm animals : scraggling n’existe pas … Vous avez proposé « struggling », qui convenait … mais l’auteur avait utilisé « scrambling » meaning moving hands and feet, making efforts.
(12) In any cases: ne pas oublier le sens de «any»= n’importe lequel. A la forme affirmative, quelques = some=> in some cases… Pas vraiment le même sens que «in any case…» Lien internet

(13) animals are simply "let loose"= forme passive de "to let animals loose"= free. A ne pas confondre avec to lose, I lost, lost= perdre.
(14) to be flooded with= illustrates the idea of a big quantity, a large number of people. To flee, I fled, fled= s’enfuir.
(15) have had to: to have to= équivalent de "must" au passé.

Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart.
This was a humoristic way of naming three goats:
Vincent van Gogh= Lien internet

Selena Goatmez= Lien internet

Goatzart !!! was, of course Mozart= Lien internet

Je ne vous ai, évidemment, donné aucune indication pour la traduction, puisque c'est le "follow-up work' qui terminera ce travail. Merci aux deux volontaires de la première heure ... et au 3è qui ne va pas manquer de se déclarer, j'en suis certaine !
Double dose of THE FORCE for our translators...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de magie8, postée le 26-11-2019 à 22:53:13 (S | E)
bonsoir, le prochain RYB ce n'est pas le 69 mais le 59
ma traduction du follow up 58 est prête(1ere partie) j'attends la correction pour la poster, il est déjà presque 23h je tombe de sommeil , je verrais cela demain 😘

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de magie8, postée le 26-11-2019 à 23:19:36 (S | E)
hello bonsoir j'étais en même temps que here4u sur le site alors un dernier effort avant de me coucher ainsi je ne serais pas obligée de me lever trop tôt demain bon courage aux suivants 😺

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped SAVE the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goat to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTATIVE The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped SAVE exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///

Un troupeau de chèvres affamées a aidé à sauvegarder la bibliothèque présidentielle Ronald Reagan des feux de forêts en Californie.En Mai la bibliothèque a embauché des chèvres pour nettoyer les broussailles inflammables entourant le complexe à titre préventif.Les chèvres ont mangé les broussailles créant un pare-feu qui a ralenti la progression des flammes et donné plus de temps aux pompiers pour réagir.La bibliothèque près de Los Angeles a été menacée par le Easy fire le dernier d’une série d’incendies provoquant des évacuations et des coupures de courant à travers l’Etat.Les entreprises caprines qui incluaient Vincent Van Goat ,Selena Goatmez et Goatzart ont aidé à sauver les collections du musée y compris un jet Air France et un morceau du mur de Berlin.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de maxwell, postée le 27-11-2019 à 07:23:16 (S | E)
Here's the 3rd part:
No wonder I didn't choose the 1st part! I thought herder was correct, so I changed hungry, crossing my fingers

Ranchers and volunteers have been scrambling to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In some cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let loose in the hope they can escape on their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is flooded with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also had to evacuate animals.
Of the more than ten active wildfires raging in California, the Kincade Fire in the north of the state is the largest, with more than 76,000 acres burned so far.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.

Les propriétaires de ranch et les bénévoles se sont dépêchés d'évacuer les animaux de ferme, les emportant dans des remorques et les déposant en lieu sûr, puis faisant demi-tour pour en sauver davantage. Dans certains cas, quand les flammes se propageaient trop rapidement pour les sauvetages en remorque, on lâchait simplement les animaux dans l'espoir qu'ils puissent s'échapper par eux-mêmes pour être récupérés plus tard.
Tout comme leurs propriétaires, les animaux domestiques ont été déplacés de leurs foyers, beaucoup d'animaux ayant été tués ou perdus.
Le groupe Facebook Sauvetage et réunification des animaux domestiques qui se consacre à permettre de réunir les animaux domestiques et leurs propriétaires, est submergé d'images d'animaux portés disparus au milieu des incendies.
Plusieurs abris menacés par les incendies ont également dû évacuer les animaux.
Parmi la douzaine (*) de feux de forêt actifs faisant rage en Californie, l'incendie de Kincade dans le nord de l'état, est le plus vaste, avec plus de 30 000 hectares brûlés jusqu'ici.
Le gouverneur a déclaré l'état d'urgence dans tout l'état de Californie.

(*) je ne sais pas si j'interprète bien : more than ten en disant douzaine (sinon, il aurait fallu être plus précis que ça)

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de chocolatcitron, postée le 27-11-2019 à 15:58:16 (S | E)

Allez, la place est toujours libre ? Alors, je travaille sur cette deuxième partie : j'ai raté ce passage, donc je recommence, et je libèrerai Here4u.

Here is my work:
"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break made their job easier (5)," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were hired (6) from a local company - 805 goats - to clear around 13 acres (7) of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges around/ up to (8) $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his herd (9) to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?"

« L'un des pompiers nous a dit qu'ils croyaient que les coupe-feux facilitaient leur travail », a déclaré un porte-parole de la bibliothèque.
Les chèvres ont été louées (1) à une entreprise locale - 805 chèvres - pour défricher environ 13 acres de terre. Scott Morris a lancé l'entreprise en novembre dernier et a réduit ses frais à 1 000 $ (771 livres) l'acre de terre. Comme la Californie continue de multiplier les feux de forêt gigantesques, M. Morris dit qu'il devra doubler son cheptel pour répondre à la demande.
Une autre grande institution du sud de la Californie - le Getty Museum de Los Angeles - a également été protégée cette semaine par le travail de nettoyage effectué par le troupeau (2).
Qu'est-il arrivé aux animaux piégés dans la trajectoire des incendies?"

1) Hired = Ici, je pense que c'est le sens de louer un service, engager, embaucher (non, car elles ne sont pas rémunérées).
2) Staff = équipe, personnel… ici, je traduis par troupeau, cheptel, puisque les chèvres ne sont pas des personnes.

Merci Here4u, et les deux co-volontaires, Maggie, et Maxwell.
Have a very sweet week, each of You!
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de here4u, postée le 27-11-2019 à 17:48:46 (S | E)
Hello, dear All and again to our three volunteers for the follow-up work!

A hungry HERD of 500 goats has helped SAVE the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library from the California wildfires.
In May, the library HIRED the goat to clear flammable scrub surrounding the complex as a PREVENTATIVE The goats ate the brush, creating a fire break slowed the flames and gave firefighters extra time to react.
The library near Los Angeles was threatened by a fire causing evacuations and power cuts across the state. The caprine contractors included Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez and Goatzart. (*) They helped SAVE exhibits including an Air Force One jet and a PIECE of the Berlin Wall.///END OF PART 1///

Un troupeau de 500 chèvres affamées a aidé à sauvegarder la bibliothèque présidentielle Ronald Reagan des feux de forêts en Californie. En mai la bibliothèque a "payé les services de chèvres" pour nettoyer les broussailles inflammables entourant le complexe à titre préventif. Les chèvres ont brouté les broussailles créant un pare-feu qui a ralenti la progression des flammes et donné plus de temps aux pompiers pour réagir.
La bibliothèque près de Los Angeles a été menacée par (le Easy fire le dernier d’une série d’) un incendies provoquant des évacuations et des coupures de courant à travers l’Etat. Les contractuelles caprines qui incluaient Vincent Van Goat, Selena Goatmez et Goatzart ont aidé à sauver les collections du musée y compris un jet Air Force One ** et un morceau du mur de Berlin.

* a contractor= un contractuel, un "vacataire" (contractor (non-employee) = contractuel, contractuelle nm, nf. Ce sont des travailleurs qui sont rétribués à la "vacation" (= un certain nombre d'heures) pour une tâche exceptionnelle.
The government employs contractors for security overseas.
Le gouvernement emploie des contractuels pour assurer sa sécurité à l'étranger.
** = ( ancien) avion présidentiel conservé dans un musée.

"We were told by one of the firefighters that they believe that fire break *** made their job easier (5)," a library spokeswoman, said.
The goats were hired (6) from a local company - 805 goats - to clear around 13 acres (7) of land. Scott Morris started the company last November and charges around/ up to (8) $1,000 (£771) per acre of land. As California continues to have more wildfires, Mr Morris says he will need to double his herd (9) to meet demand.
Another large southern California institution - the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - was also protected this week by scrub-clearing work carried out by staff.
What has happened to animals caught in the path of fires?"
*** "that" est ici un démonstratif et pas un relatif comme beaucoup l'ont pensé ... C’était le sujet du verbe «made easier ».

« L'un des pompiers nous a dit qu'ils croyaient que ce coupe-feu leur a facilité le travail », a déclaré un porte-parole de la bibliothèque.
Les chèvres ont été louées (1) à une entreprise locale - 805 chèvres - pour défricher environ 13 acres de terre. Scott Morris a lancé l'entreprise en novembre dernier et a réduit ses frais à se fait payer jusqu'à 1 000 $ (771 livres) l'acre de terre. Comme la Californie continue de subir de nombreux feux de forêt, M. Morris dit qu'il devra doubler son cheptel pour répondre à la demande.
Une autre grande institution du sud de la Californie - le Getty Museum de Los Angeles - a également été protégée cette semaine par le travail de nettoyage effectué par son personnel.
Qu'est-il arrivé aux animaux piégés dans la trajectoire des incendies?" Comme je suis une incorrigible optimiste, je parie que la plupart a réussi à se sauver, puisqu'ils avaient été libérés de leurs entraves et de leurs enclos.

No wonder I didn't choose the 1st part! I thought herder was correct, so I changed hungry, crossing my fingers Après la première surprise, tu m'as bien fait sourire ... En mettant "herder", possible, mais pas logique ici, sinon, c'était lui qui avait très faim ... ou ... il devenait hongrois !

Ranchers and volunteers have been scrambling to evacuate farm animals, carrying them away on trailers, dropping them somewhere safe, and then turning around to rescue more. In some cases, when the flames move too quickly for trailer rescues, the animals are simply let loose in the hope they can escape on their own and be recovered later.
Along with their owners, pets have been displaced from their homes too, with many animals killed or lost.
The Pet Rescue and Reunification Facebook group - dedicated to helping reunite pets with their owners - is flooded with pictures of animals missing amid the fires.
Several shelters under threat of fires have also had to evacuate animals.
Of the more than ten active wildfires raging in California, the Kincade Fire in the north of the state is the largest, with more than 76,000 acres burned so far.
The governor has declared a state-wide emergency.

Les propriétaires de ranch et les bénévoles se sont dépêchés d'évacuer les animaux de ferme, les emportant dans des remorques et les déposant en lieu sûr, puis faisant demi-tour pour en sauver davantage. Dans certains cas, quand les flammes se propageaient trop rapidement pour les sauvetages en remorque, on lâchait simplement les animaux dans l'espoir qu'ils puissent s'échapper par eux-mêmes pour être récupérés plus tard. (Voilà ta réponse, Choco !)
Tout comme leurs propriétaires, les animaux domestiques ont été déplacés de chez eux, beaucoup d'animaux ayant été tués ou perdus.(mais peut-être "retrouvés" par d'autres propriétaires éloignés ...)
Le groupe Facebook Sauvetage et réunification des animaux domestiques qui se consacre à permettre de réunir les animaux domestiques et leurs propriétaires, est submergé d'images d'animaux portés disparus au milieu des incendies. ()
Plusieurs abris (refuges) menacés par les incendies ont également dû évacuer les animaux.
Parmi la douzaine de feux de forêt actifs faisant rage en Californie, l'incendie de Kincade dans le nord de l'état, est le plus étendu, avec plus de 30 000 hectares brûlés jusqu'ici.
Le gouverneur a déclaré l'état d'urgence dans tout l'état de Californie. À part « the Hungarian herder », tout était parfaitement compris ...

Vous le voyez, ce petit texte était bien méchant ... Il fallait bien "l'écouter", le lire et le relire, pour en saisir la logique somme toute amusante ! Les animaux se régalent de belles broussailles, et sauvent le patrimoine culturel ! Merci à eux !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/58 de jojo2019, postée le 30-11-2019 à 22:45:21 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, hello everybody,
Thank you very much for the answer and the translations . I have two questions :

« m. Morris says » , c’est une discours indirect, pourquoi est-ce au présent ?
And « in the hope they can escape« , Je sais que le subjonctif n’existe pas vraiment en anglais mais l’utilisation de « can » me pose question d’où ma proposition d’un futur avec will.
J’ai cherché dans les leçons en ligne du site mais peut-être ne suis-je pas tombée sur les celles qui correspondent à mes interrogations . Pourriez-vous m’aider ?
Thank you very much and good night,


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