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Rack your brains and Help!/68

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Rack your brains and Help!/68
Message de here4u posté le 14-04-2020 à 21:29:34 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends!

Voici votre nouvel exercice Rack Your Brains!
PLEASE, HELP MY STUDENT... He has left 20 mistakes in this text… - some are recurring! (They should be corrected IN CAPITAL LETTERS, please!)
Il s'est intéressé à un aspect important dans la vie sociale britannique ...
Cet exercice est un et la correction sera en ligne le mardi 28 avril, tard.

Fifty million pints - give or make: that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their basement at any given time. The better-before dates on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beer are usually set on six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste. The whole situation is heart-broken. Supermarket alcohol sales increased of more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants – have closed on 20 March. "People are missing of these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing, but aspects of life like going to the cinema or cafe, or going for a cuppa, are something we treasure." /// END OF PART 1 ///
Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown will be over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of ten millions of pints. Can we except scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in US a century ago, where bottles and barrels were smashing, their contents poured away? Probably not. In US, bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get ride at large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid about it. The government has temporarily overrided the dumping of beer. ///END OF PART 2 /// But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit. One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to do the same "priority" access to methylated spirits - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've closed pubs temporarily in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic. /// END OF TEXT///

May you have PATIENCE to bear the confinement (if not enjoy it...) and MAY THE FORCE be with You!

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de magie8, postée le 18-04-2020 à 11:04:59 (S | E)
hello bonjour à tous toujours bon pied bon oeil je l'espère pour vous READY TO CORRECT
et je traduirai la 1ere partie après correction

Fifty million pints - give or TAKE: that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their CELLARS at any given time. The BEST-BEFORE dates on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beer are usually set on six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste. The whole situation is HEART-BREAKING. Supermarket alcohol sales increased BY more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants – CLOSED on 20 March(preterit). "People are missing of these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing WITH , but aspects of life like going to the cinema or cafe, or going for a PINT, are something we treasure." /// END OF PART 1 ///
Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown will be over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of TENS millions of pints. Can we EXPECT scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in THE US a century ago, where bottles and barrels were SMASHED , their contents poured away? Probably not. In THE US, bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get ride OF large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid ON it. The government has temporarily ALLOWED the dumping of beer. ///END OF PART 2 /// But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit. One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to do the same "priority" access to methylated spirits - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've TEMPORARILY closed pubs in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic. /// END OF TEXT///

Depuis plusieurs jours je relis cette phrase government has overrided the dumping
overrided= supprimé ,annulé semble possible mais ne me paraît pas logique avec la phrase qui suit , ils doivent garder une trace de ce qui a été détruit donc le gouvernement a autorisé ou permis de façon temporaire le déversement de la biere dans les égoûts

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de magie8, postée le 18-04-2020 à 12:53:00 (S | E)
hello je travaille aussi en même temps sur la traduction française cela m aide pour corriger les fautes je posterai la 1ere partie après correction, bon courage à tous à bientôt 😘😐

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de taiji43, postée le 19-04-2020 à 16:49:49 (S | E)
Hello Dear Here4U and my Forum'smates

I managed to work on rack your brain despite a few family problems

I made masks but I have trouble breathing with 3 layers! So what can I do do? waiting for better masks from the government????

Hello Dear Here4U

Fifty million pints - give or TAKE: that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their BASEMENTS at any given time. The BEST-before dates on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually
three to four months after delivery.

Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beer are usually set on six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste. The whole situation is heart-BREAKING. Supermarket alcohol sales increased BY more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants – CLOSED on 20 March. "People are LACKING (verbe pour dire faire défaut to be lacking) THESE things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing WITH , but aspects of life going to the cinema or TO THE cafe, or going for a PINT, are something we treasure

" /// END OF PART 1 ///
Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown IS over,( pas de futur avec once conjonction de temps) taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of TENS OF millions of pints.
SHOULD we EXPECT ( on emploie should avec to expect) scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in THE US a century ago, where bottles and barrels were SMASHED , their contents poured away?

Probably not. In US (pas d'article ok ici US est pris comme un adjectif), bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging . Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. THE British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such AN action.

Under Treasury rules, when publicans get RID OF large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid FOR it. The government has temporarily OVERRIDDEN the dumping of beer. ///END OF PART 2 /

// But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof . it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit. One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to HAVE /GET the same "priority" access to methylated spirits - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.

Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've TEMPORARILY closed pubs in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic. /// END

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de maya92, postée le 19-04-2020 à 17:44:36 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Fifty million pints - give or TAKE: that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their basementS at any given time. The BEST-before dates on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beerS are usually set on six to nine weeks. So most stockS could go to waste. The whole situation is heart-broken. Supermarket alcohol sales increased BY more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants –CLOSED on March 20th. "People are LACKING these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing WITH, but aspects of life SUCH AS going to the cinema or TO A cafe, or going for a cuppa, are something we treasure." /// END OF PART 1 ///

Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown is over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get RID OF tenS millions of pints. SHOULD we EXPECT scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in US a century ago, where bottles and barrels were SMASHED, their contents poured away? Probably not. In THE US, bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get RID OF large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid about it. The government has temporarily overrided the dumping of beer. ///END OF PART 2 ///

But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit. One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to do THAT the same "priority" access to methylated spirits - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've closed pubs temporarily in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help BUSINESS, including pubs, through the pandemic. /// END OF TEXT///

Thank u - Have a nice Sunday

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de here4u, postée le 22-04-2020 à 17:05:40 (S | E)

Bientôt, je vais commencer l'envoi des corrections ... Il vous reste encore du temps pour poster votre travail ...
Je vous attends !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de joe39, postée le 22-04-2020 à 18:49:11 (S | E)
Dear here4u,
After this enormous quantity of beer,
I feel a little bit drunk, but nonetheless
I’m sending you my “hunt for mistakes”,
Ready to be evaluated.
20 mistakes.

Fifty million pints - give or TAKE - 1: that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their BASEMENTS - 2 at any given time. The BEST- 3 before dates on PASTEURIZED - 4 beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other UNPASTEURIZED – 5 beer are usually set on six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste. The whole situation is heart-BREAKING - 6. Supermarket alcohol sales increased BY – 7 more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants –WHICH -8 have closed on 20 March. "People are missing of these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing WITH -9, but aspects of life like going to the cinema or TO A - 10 cafe, or going for a PINT – 11 (**the noun cuppa defines a cup of tea or coffee), are something we treasure." /// END OF PART 1 ///

Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown will be over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of TENS - 12 of millions - of pints. Can we except scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in THE US-13 a century ago, where bottles and barrels were SMASHED - 14, their contents poured away? Probably not. In THE US, bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. THE - 15 British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such AN - 16 action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get RID OF -17 large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid about it. TEMPORARILY, THE GOVERNMENT HAS OVERRIDDEN- 18 the dumping of beer. ///END OF PART 2 ///
But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit. One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand SANITIZER - 19, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to HAVE - 20 the same "priority" access to methylated spirits - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. TEMPORARILY, they’ve - closed pubs in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic. /// END OF TEXT///

Hoping you are well and full of beans, notwithstanding the havoc, I remain, thanking you for your exercise and wishing you a pleasant evening.
Take care.
So long

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de chocolatcitron, postée le 23-04-2020 à 02:21:30 (S | E)
Rack your brains and Help!/68
Message de here4u posté le 14-04-2020 à 21:29:34 (S | E | F) le mardi 28 avril, tard.
Hello my dear Here4u, thanks!FINISHED ! I'll translate the third part… !
Hi Everybody!

PLEASE, HELP MY STUDENT... He has left 20 mistakes in this text.

Il s'est intéressé à un aspect important dans la vie sociale britannique ...
Here is my work:
Fifty million pints - give or 1 TAKE: that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their 2 BASEMENTS at any given time. 3 THE BEST BEFORE dates on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beer are usually set 4 AT six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste. The whole situation is 5 HEART-BREAKING. Supermarket alcohol sales increased of more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants – 6 HAVE BEEN closed on 20 March. "People are missing 7 [ ] these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing 8 WITH, but aspects of life like going to the cinema or cafe, or going for a 9 PINT, are something we treasure." /// END OF PART 1 ///Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown 10 IS over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of 11 TENS OF millions of pints. Can we except scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in 12 THE US a century ago, where bottles and barrels were 13 SMASHED, their contents poured away? Probably not. In 12 bis THE US, bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some 14 AMONG THE UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. 15 THE British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get 16 RID 17 OF large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid 18 ON it. The government has temporarily overrided.the dumping of beer. ///END OF PART 2 /// But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit. One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to do the same "priority" access to 19 THE methylated spirits - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've 20 TEMPORARILY closed pubs in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic. /// END OF TEXT///

May THE FORCE be with You, my dear Here4u!
Have a very sweet week, the softer you can have!
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de here4u, postée le 26-04-2020 à 13:35:58 (S | E)

Envoi des corrections en cours ... Allez, on se dépêche ... Encore quelques jours pour poster ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de alpiem, postée le 26-04-2020 à 22:57:54 (S | E)
HELLO, here is my 68 RACK READY

Fifty millions OF pints- GIVE or TAKE :that's is the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of corona virus.
Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers,ales and ciders-save for takeaways and home deliveries.
It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have on average, 15 barrels in their basementS at any given time.
The better-before dates on pasterised beer- including most lagers- are usually three to four months after delivery.
Those for real ales and other unpasterised beer are usually set TO six to nine weeks.
So most stock could go to waste.
The whole situation is heart-BREAKING.
Supermarket alcohol sales increased of more than FIVE PER CENT last month as pubs-along with cafés and restaurants-have closed on THE 20TH OF March.
"People are missing of these things in their lives.
It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing WITH,but aspects of life like going to the cinema or a café or going for a cuppa tea are something we treasure."

Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown IS over,
taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that though, there's the question of how to
get rid of ten millions of pints.
Can we ACCEPT scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in THE US a century ago,WHEN
bottles and barrels were SMASHED, their contents poured away ?
Probably not. In THE US,bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains because
it's illegal and environmentally damaging.
Some UK publicans have, however resorted to this.
British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such action.
Under Treasury rules, when publicans GET RID OF large amounts of spoilt beer,duty NEEDS NOT be paid FOR it.
The government has temporarily OVERRIDDEN the dumping of beer.////
But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed
rather than put aside for profit.
One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand
sanitizer, by extracting the alcohol.
The government is giving manufacturers who want to do the same," priority" access to metylated spirits-
or "denaturated" alcohol- they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist
the community".
Everyone's ready to help everyone else.They've closed pubs temporarily in order to help protect people
and reduce the spread of the virus.But they are also delivering support to help businesses,including
pubs, through the PANDEMIC.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de here4u, postée le 28-04-2020 à 23:00:34 (S | E)
Hello, Dear workers,

Voici votre correction...

Fifty million pints - give or take (1) : that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their cellar (2) at any given time. The best-before dates (3) on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beer are usually set at (4) six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste.
The whole situation is heart-breaking (5). Supermarket alcohol sales increased by (6) more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants – closed (7) on 20 March.
"People are missing (8) these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing with (9), but aspects of life like going to the cinema or cafe, or going for a pint (10), are something we treasure." /// END of PART ONE ///
Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown is (11) over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of tens of millions of pints(12). Can we expect (13) scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in the US(14) a century ago, where bottles and barrels were smashed (15), their contents poured away? Probably not. In the US(14), bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. The British Institute of Innkeeping (16) is advising against such action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get rid of large amounts(17) of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid on (18) it. The government has temporarily overseen (19) the dumping of beer./// END of PART TWO /// But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit.
One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to do the same, "priority" access to the methylated spirits (20) - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've closed pubs temporarily in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic.///END of TEXT.///

(1) « Give or take » est une expression : Lien internet

(2) a basement est le sous sol d’un bâtiment ou d’une maison. Il est souvent aménagé. On n’y conserve ni vin ni alcool … les tonneaux de bière sont dans «a cellar».
(3) The best-before dates : The best before date, sometimes shown as BBE (best before end), is about quality and not safety. The food will be safe to eat after this date but may not be at its best. Its flavour and texture might not be as good.
(4) to be set AT + durée. = fixer à
(5) situation is heart-broken => situation is heart-breaking ; faute grossière mélangeant la forme en –ing (qui a un sens actif = which breaks your heart) et la forme en –ed ( sens passif). Here, obviously, having to throw away barrels of beer is heart-breaking.
(6) sales increased BY… = augmenter de
(7) closed on 20 March= prétérit car action appartenant au passé précis et révolu.
(8) manquer de quelque chose = to miss something => missing these things
(9) … is dealing with: même s’il est rejeté en fin de phrase, le verbe à particule « to deal with » doit conserver sa particule.
(10) going for a pint= il est question de bière … => a pint of beer / cuppa= cup of tea.
(11) once the lockdown is over; once= conjonction de subordination temporelle => pas de futur (ni de conditionnel) derrière.
(12) to get rid of tens of millions of pints= cascade de numéraux : tens of millions= des dizaines de millions… // millions of pints = des millions de pintes. To ger rid of= se débarrasser de.
(13) to expect // except Ne pas confondre …
(14) In THE US : article défini obligatoire pour exprimer les pays formés de différents états. (The USA/ The Netherlands/ the United Kingdom)
(15) were smashed ; sens passif indispensable. Les tonneaux ont subi l’action (révolue = pendant la Prohibition)=> prétérit nécessaire.
(16) The British Institute of Innkeeping est déterminé (par « of ») => article défini obligatoire.
(17) To get RID of= se débarrasser de // to ride, I rode, ridden.
(18) to pay duty (customs duty) ON an item.
(19) to override= Lien internet
to give a command that cancels the effect of something; set aside; overrule.// to oversee= to supervise; to manage: = Lien internet

(20) "priority" access to the methylated spirits = cet alcool est déterminé. Ce n’est pas n’importe quel alcool.

Comme d'habitude, je compte sur TROIS VOLONTAIRES pour faire le Follow-up work en traduisant le texte ... Ce travail n'est pas très urgent ... Prenez votre temps.
Bravo encore pour ce très bon travail ... et Merci à vous.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de magie8, postée le 29-04-2020 à 17:07:33 (S | E)
hello bonjour ,

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 69 de magie8, postée le 29-04-2020 à 13:05:25 (S | E)
bonjour,voici ma versionde la 1ere partie

Fifty million pints - give or take (1) : that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their cellar (2) at any given time. The best-before dates (3) on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beer are usually set at (4) six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste.
The whole situation is heart-breaking (5). Supermarket alcohol sales increased by (6) more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants – closed (7) on 20 March.
"People are missing (8) these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing with (9), but aspects of life like going to the cinema or cafe, or going for a pint (10), are something we treasure." /// END of PART ONE ///

Environ cinquante millions de pintes :C'est la quantité de bière estimée qui ne devrait pas être utilisée si les pubs restent fermés à cause du coronavirus.Les patrons de bistrots sont actuellement dans l'impossibilité de vendre leurs lagers,bières et cidres hormis avec les plats à emporter et les livraisons à domicile.Il est estimé que les 39.000 pubs du Royaume Uni ont en moyenne 15 barils dans leur caves à n'importe quel moment donné.Les dates de péremption de la bière pasteurisée y compris la plupart des lagers sont généralement de trois mois après la livraison.Celles pour les vraies bières blondes et autres bières non pasteurisées sont de huit à 9 semaines.Aussi la plupart des stocks pourraient être gâchés.
Toute la situation est un crève- coeur.Les ventes dans les super-marchés ont augmenté de plus d'un cinquième le mois dernier.Les pubs ainsi que les restaurants ayant fermé leur portes le 20 mars.Ces choses manquent dans la vie des gens .Ce n'est pas le plus gros problème auquel le pays a affaire mais des aspects de la vie comme aller au cinéma ou au café ou aller prendre une pinte sont affaire quelques choses qui sont précieuses pour nous.

Note:Lagers=bières à fermentation basse pour protéger des bactéries et champignons se conservent mieux et sont moins alcoolisées

Modifié par magie8 le 29-04-2020 18:54

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de here4u, postée le 01-05-2020 à 10:34:41 (S | E)

Thanks Magie for stepping in so fast... I'll start this Follow-up-work now, but respectful of May 1st, it will be open till the end of the week...(In short, we still need two volunteers! )

Fifty million pints - give or take: that's the amount of beer expected to go unused in barrels if pubs remain closed because of coronavirus. Publicans are currently unable to sell their lagers, ales and ciders - save for takeaways and home deliveries. It is estimated that the UK's 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their cellar at any given time. The best-before dates on pasteurised beer - including most lagers - are usually three to four months after delivery. Those for real ales and other unpasteurised beer are usually set at six to nine weeks. So most stock could go to waste.
The whole situation is heart-breaking. Supermarket alcohol sales increased by more than a fifth last month as pubs - along with cafes and restaurants – closed on 20 March.
"People are missing these things in their lives. It's not the biggest issue that the country is dealing with, but aspects of life like going to the cinema or cafe, or going for a pint, are something we treasure."

Environ cinquante millions de pintes : c'est la quantité de bière estimée qui ne devrait pas être utilisée si les pubs restent fermés à cause du coronavirus. Les patrons de bistrots sont actuellement dans l'impossibilité de vendre leurs lagers, bières et cidres hormis avec les plats à emporter* et les livraisons à domicile. Il est estimé que les 39.000 pubs du Royaume Uni ont en moyenne 15 barils dans leur caves à n'importe quel moment donné. Les dates de péremption de la bière pasteurisée y compris la plupart des lagers sont généralement de trois mois après la livraison. Celles pour les vraies bières blondes et autres bières non pasteurisées sont de huit à 9 semaines. Aussi la plupart des stocks pourraient être gâchés perdus.
Toute la situation est un crève-coeur. Les ventes d'alcool dans les super-marchés ont augmenté de plus d'un cinquième le mois dernier tandis que les pubs ainsi que les restaurants ont fermé leurs portes le 20 mars. Ces choses manquent dans la vie des gens . Ce n'est pas le plus gros problème que le pays doit résoudre mais des aspects de la vie, comme aller au cinéma ou au café ou aller prendre une pinte, qui nous sont précieux.

Note: Lagers= bières à fermentation basse pour protéger des bactéries et champignons se conservent mieux et sont moins alcoolisées
* takeaway: le produit lui-même (boisson - bière ou cidre) est emporté ... mais pas de plat l'accompagnant !
Magie! et double

Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown is over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of tens of millions of pints. Can we expect scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in the US a century ago, where bottles and barrels were smashed, their contents poured away? Probably not. In the US, bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. The British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get rid of large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid on it. The government has temporarily overseen the dumping of beer.

Beaucoup de brasseries et de distributeurs ont proposé de reprendre gratuitement les tonneaux une fois le confinement terminé, ce qui soulage les propriétaires d'une partie de la pression financière. Avant cela, cependant,la question se pose de savoir comment se débarrasser d'une dizaine de millions de pintes. Peut-on s'attendre à des scènes comme celles qui ont suivi l'introduction de la prohibition aux Etats-Unis il y a un siècle, où des bouteilles et tonneaux ont été fracassés, leur contenu déversé ? Probablement pas. Aux USA, les propriétaires de bars se sont entendus dire de ne pas jeter de bière périmée dans les égouts, car c'est illégal et nuisible à l'environnement. Le British Institude of Innkeeping déconseille une telle action. Selon les règles du Trésor Public, lorsque les fonctionnaires propriétaires de débits de boissons se débarrassent de grandes quantités de bière périmée, il n'est pas nécessaire de payer les droits sur celle-ci. Le gouvernement a temporairement supervisé le déversement de la bière.
note: le British Institute of Inkeeping est un organisme de formation pour tous les commerces qui sont sujets à l'obtention d'une licence ex.débits de boissons, vente d'alcool, bureaux de tabac etc.
encore Magie! et

But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit.
One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to do the same, "priority" access to the methylated spirits- or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've closed pubs temporarily in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic.

Mais ils doivent tenir un registre précis de tout celà, y compris peut-être faire une video comme preuve que tout a bien été détruit et non pas mis de côté pour en tirer profit. Une des options que les patrons de pub et les brasseurs aimeraient pouvoir tester serait de transformer la bière périmée en désinfectant pour les mains en en extrayant l’alcool. Le gouvernement permet aux fabricants qui veulent le faire un accès prioritaire aux alcools à brûler ou “alcools dénaturés” dont ils ont besoin. Malgré ces temps difficiles, les propriétaires et les tenanciers de pubs font tout ce qu’ils peuvent pour survivre et “aider la communauté”. Tout le monde est prêt à aider tout le monde. On a provisoirement fermé les pubs pour que les gens soient protégés et que le virus se répande moins. Mais on aide aussi les entreprises, y compris les pubs, à traverser cette pandémie.
Maya! et

Mais ils doivent constituer un bon dossier des stocks, y compris peut-être le tournage d'une vidéo comme preuve qu'il a ils ont[les stocks]été détruit, plutôt que mis de côté pour le profit. Une option que les patrons de pubs et les brasseurs aimeraient essayer, est de convertir la bière périmée en désinfectant pour les mains, en extrayant l'alcool. Le gouvernement autorise l'accès aux spiritueux méthylés - ou «alcool dénaturé» - dont les fabricants ont besoin, pour ceux qui veulent aller dans ce sens.
Malgré ces temps difficiles, les propriétaires de pubs et les locataires font tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour survivre et « aider la communauté ». Tout le monde est prêt à aider tout le monde. Ils ont fermé temporairement des pubs afin d'aider à protéger les gens et à réduire la propagation du virus. Mais ils fournissent également un soutien pour aider les entreprises, y compris les pubs, à traverser la pandémie.

Choco! et

Un grand merci à nos volontaires.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de magie8, postée le 02-05-2020 à 16:31:00 (S | E)
bonjour temps épouvantable pour le weekend du 1er mai pas grand chose à faire alors je m occupe à vous transcrire la traduction du 2eme passage

Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown is over, taking some of the financial pressure off landlords. Before that, though, there's the question of how to get rid of tens of millions of pints. Can we expect scenes like those following the introduction of Prohibition in the US a century ago, where bottles and barrels were smashed, their contents poured away? Probably not. In the US, bar owners have been told not to tip out-of-date beer down storm drains, because it's illegal and environmentally damaging. Some UK publicans, have, however, already resorted to this. The British Institute of Innkeeping is advising against such action. Under Treasury rules, when publicans get rid of large amounts of spoilt beer, duty doesn't need to be paid on it. The government has temporarily overseen the dumping of beer.

Beaucoup de brasseries et distributeurs ont proposé de reprendre gratuitement les barils une fois le confinement terminé,ce qui soulage les propriétaires d'une partie de la pression financière.Avant cela,la question se pose de savoir comment se débarrasser d'une dizaine de millions de pintes.Peut-on s'attendre à des scènes comme celles qui ont suivi l'introduction de la prohibition aux Etats - Unis il y a un siècle,où des bouteilles et barils ont été fracassés,leur contenu déversé?Probablement pas.Aux USA,les propriétaires de bars se sont entendus dire de ne pas jeter de bière périmée dans les égouts pluviaux,car c'est illégal et nuisible à l'environnement.Le British Institude of Innkeeping déconseille une telle action.Selon les règles du Trésor Public ,lorsque les fonctionnaires se débarrassent de grandes quantités de bière périmée,il n'est pas nécessaire de payer les droits sur celle-ci.Le gouvernement a temporairement supervisé le déversement de la bière .
note: le British Institute of Inkeeping est un organisme de formation pour tous les commerces qui sont sujets à l'obtention d'une licence ex.débits de boissons, vente d'alcool, bureaux de tabac etc..

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de here4u, postée le 02-05-2020 à 22:14:25 (S | E)

Un grand merci, Magie ! Double travail pour toi !
Allez, les fellow-workers et les "nouveaux" ... On se réveille !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de maya92, postée le 03-05-2020 à 11:48:42 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Mais ils doivent tenir un registre précis de tout celà, y compris peut-être faire une video comme preuve que tout a bien été détruit et non pas mis de côté pour en tirer profit. Une des options que les patrons de pub et les brasseurs aimeraient pouvoir tester serait de transformer la bière périmée en désinfectant pour les mains en en extrayant l’alcool. Le gouvernement permet aux fabricants qui veulent le faire un accès prioritaire aux alcools à brûler ou “alcools dénaturés”. Malgré ces temps difficiles, les propriétaires et les tenanciers de pubs font tout ce qu’ils peuvent pour survivre et “aider la communauté”. Tout le monde est prêt à aider tout le monde. On a provisoirement fermé les pubs pour que les gens soient protégés et que le virus se répande moins. Mais on aide aussi les entreprises, y compris les pubs, à traverser cette pandémie.

Done ...Have a nice Sunday if possible …

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de chocolatcitron, postée le 05-05-2020 à 15:15:19 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u! FINISHED !
Hi everybody!

Here is my translation of the third part:
But they must keep a proper record of it, including perhaps filming a video as proof it's been destroyed, rather than put aside for profit.
One option that publicans and brewers would love to try is converting out-of-date beer into hand sanitiser, by extracting the alcohol. The government is giving manufacturers who want to do the same, "priority" access to the methylated spirits (20) - or "denatured alcohol" - they need.
Despite these difficult times, pub owners and tenants are doing all they can to survive and "assist the community". Everyone's ready to help everyone else. They've closed pubs temporarily in order to help protect people and reduce the spread of the virus. But they are also delivering support to help businesses, including pubs, through the pandemic.///END of TEXT.///

Mais ils doivent constituer un bon dossier des stocks, y compris peut-être le tournage d'une vidéo comme preuve qu'il a été détruit, plutôt que mis de côté pour le profit. Une option que les patrons de pubs et les brasseurs aimeraient essayer, est de convertir la bière périmée en désinfectant pour les mains, en extrayant l'alcool. Le gouvernement autorise l'accès aux spiritueux méthylés - ou «alcool dénaturé» - dont les fabricants ont besoin, pour ceux qui veulent aller dans ce sens.
Malgré ces temps difficiles, les propriétaires de pubs et les locataires font tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour survivre et « aider la communauté ». Tout le monde est prêt à aider tout le monde. Ils ont fermé temporairement des pubs afin d'aider à protéger les gens et à réduire la propagation du virus. Mais ils fournissent également un soutien pour aider les entreprises, y compris les pubs, à traverser la pandémie.

Take care, each of you... and have a very sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de chocolatcitron, postée le 05-05-2020 à 16:37:32 (S | E)
Hello my dear Lucile83 and Here4u!

Typos :

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de here4u, postée le 28-04-2020 à 23:00:34 (S | E)
GER rid of = GET rid of…
(12) to get rid of tens of millions of pints= cascade de numéraux : tens of millions= des dizaines de millions… // millions of pints = des millions de pintes. To ger rid of= se débarrasser de.

Fellow ou follow ? Dans :
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/68 de here4u, postée le 02-05-2020 à 22:14:25 (S | E)
"les fellow-workers"

Le premier typo : c'est sûr, mais pour le second typo, vous êtes professeur d'anglais toutes les deux : à vous de juger !
Thanks to each of you!
Have a very sweet week and be safe!
See you soon.


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