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Rack Your Brains and Help/87

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Rack Your Brains and Help/87
Message de here4u posté le 27-01-2021 à 21:52:50 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends!

Comme le Rack Your Brains précédent était très long, je me suis obligée à faire celui-ci très court … Toujours à la recherche de bien-être (ce qui n’est pas facile en ce moment …), voici un autre « moyen » d’apaiser le stress …
"My poor Student" a laissé 15 fautes (avec si peu de texte, il devrait prendre des vitamines).
J’ai compensé en "m’amusant" sur l’une des fautes (qui est récurrente). A chaque occurrence (et elles sont nombreuses ! ) vous devrez bien réfléchir …

Please, Rack Your Brains and Help my Student : (15 mistakes to correct, please !)

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online experimence wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck indoor. Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But everyone has not the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives in an urban environment and do not have got a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a screenpaper - it can be a really passive and silent experiment, others might engage in watching nature documents. And of course nature documents fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen recordings of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END OF PART ONE /// But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of experience can impact on our wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help understanding the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television. People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen at hazard. Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual experiment, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide informations about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual experiments of nature can be as beneficiary as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.///END OF PART TWO /// These sort of sounds and our listening to them and the effects it has on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The experience has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be struck in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Research hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital experiments as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to audiences across the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///

Cet exercice est un et la correction sera en ligne le jeudi 11 février 2021, tard. I give you THE FORCE and am expecting your good work !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de taiji43, postée le 31-01-2021 à 18:57:28 (S | E)
Dear Here4U
I venture to send my translation despite the fact that I am not sure of the correct use of words: experience, experiment, documentaries, contained in sentences

I hope the supervisor ,proofreader ,won't have too much work to do…


felling DOWN , Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online experimence wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck INDOORS Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are THE happiest and (THE)healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But everyone has not the luxury of getting outdoors.

Whether we are in lockdown or not,
four fifths of the UK population lives(OK avec un S en anglais, s’accorde avec four-fifth ) in an urban environment and DOESN’T have got a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a screenpaper ????( I am stuck) it can be a really passive and silent EXPERIENCE, others might engage in watching nature DOCUMENTS And of course nature DOCUMENTARIES fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature."

Perhaps some people might prefer to listen recordings of the sounds of nature= (recordings of NATURE SOUNDS ) on headphones.

///END OF PART ONE /// But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of EXPERIENCES can impact on our wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help UNDERSTAND the emotions THAT people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television.

THEN ,Participants will be asked to provide INFORMATION about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual experiments of nature can be as BENEFICIAL (bénéfique) as being outdoors.

One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise THESE sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, AND creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.///END OF PART TWO ///

These sort of sounds and our listening to them and the effects THEY HAVE on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The experience has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.

Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be STUCK in long-term care and can't PHYSICALLYget outside . Research hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital EXPERIENCES as encounters in their own right.

We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually, it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to AUDIENCE accross the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de joe39, postée le 04-02-2021 à 12:38:58 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
The miserable weather,
Didn't allow me,
to be in nature,
And therefore,
To reduce stress,
And boost my mood,
I decided I could,
submit you my work,
Ready to be examined,
With kindliness
But no more no less,
Than it deserves.

15 mistakes

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online EXPERIMENT - 1 wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck INDOORS - 2. Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are THE- 3 happiest and THE healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But everyone has not 4 the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives in an urban environment and do not have got a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a ELECTRONIC CARD-6 it can be a really passive and silent EXPERIENCE - 7, others might engage in watching nature DOCUMENTARY 8. And of course nature DOCUMENTARIES-9 fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen recordings of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END OF PART ONE ///

But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of EXPERIENCE can impact on our wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help understanding the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television.
People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen RANDOMLY - 10. Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual experiment, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide INFORMATION - 11 about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual experiments of nature can be as BENEFICIAL 12 as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can INTERNALIZE - 13 those sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim. ///END OF PART TWO ///
These sort of sounds and our listening to them and the effects THEY HAVE- 14 on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The experience has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be STUCK 15 in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Research hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital EXPERIENCES as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to audiences across the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///

…And just to make you smile a bit, I offer you, thanking for your exercise, a virtual glass of Beaujolais Nouveau wishing you a nice lunch.
So long

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de magie8, postée le 05-02-2021 à 18:44:10 (S | E)

Please, Rack Your Brains and Help my Student : (15 mistakes to correct, please !)READY TO CORRECT THANK YOU

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online EXPERIMENT wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck INDOORS . Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But everyone has not the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives in an urban environment and do not have got a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a COMPUTER-SCREEN - it can be a really passive and silent experiment, others might engage in watching nature DOCUMENTARIES . And of course nature DOCUMENTARIES fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen recordings of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END OF PART ONE /// But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of EXPERIENCES can impact on our WELL-BEING : therefore, a "unique experiment" to help UNDERSTAND the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television. People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen at RANDOM . Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual EXPERIENCE , others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide INFORMATION about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual EXPERIENCES of nature can be as BENEFICIAL as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.///END OF PART TWO /// These sort of sounds and our listening to them and the effects it has on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The experience has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be STUCK in long-term care and can't get outside physically. RESEARCHERS hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is THOUGHT about these digital EXPERIENCES as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for WELL-BEING, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to audiences across the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///


Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de maxwell, postée le 06-02-2021 à 12:13:34 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Short? I didn't find the text too short. Not too easy as well, but not too hard. Just perfect. I hope I've helped my student enough Thanks a lot!

Please, Rack Your Brains and Help my Student : (15 mistakes to correct, please !)

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online EXPERIMENT wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck INDOORS. Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But NOT everyone has the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives in an urban environment and DOES not have [] a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a WALLPAPER - it can be a really passive and silent EXPERIENCE, others might engage in watching nature documents. And of course nature documents fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen TO recordings of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END OF PART ONE ///  But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of experience can impact [] our wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help UNDERSTAND the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television.  People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen at RANDOM.  Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual EXPERIENCE, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide INFORMATION about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual EXPERIENCES of nature can be as BENEFICIAL as being outdoors. 
One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.///END OF PART TWO ///
 These SORTS of sounds and our listening to them and the effects THEY HAVE on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The EXPERIMENT has become especially relevant in [] light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be STRICKEN in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Research HOPES to deliver ITS FIRST findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital EXPERIENCES as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to audiences across the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de maya92, postée le 06-02-2021 à 17:26:15 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Please, Rack Your Brains and Help my Student : (15 mistakes to correct, please !)

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online EXPERIMENT wants to help scientists understand how BETTER IT IS to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck INDOORS. Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happieR and healthieR in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But everyone has not the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population live in a urban environment and do not have () a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a screen paper - it can be a really passive and silent EXPERIENCE, others might engage in watching nature documents. And of course nature documents fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen TO recordings of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END OF PART ONE ///
But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of experience can impact on our well-being: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help understanding the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television. People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature EXPERIMENT". But what people hear will be different and chosen at RANDOM. Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual EXPERIENCE, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide INFORMATION about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual experiments of nature can be as BENEFICIAL as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.///END OF PART TWO ///4
These KINDS of sounds and our listening to them and the effects THEY HAVE on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The EXPERIMENT has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be STUCK in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Research hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital experiments as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic EXPERIMENT and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital EXPERIENCE of nature to AUDIENCE across the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///

Why do I always find too many mistakes ... Have a nice rainy week end

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de alpiem, postée le 09-02-2021 à 10:12:52 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/87

Feeling low? Being in nature is known FOR reducing stress and boosting your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside. A groundbreaking online EXPERIMENT wants to help scientists understand how BEST IT IS
to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck indoors.
Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature -seeing, hearing,and smelling it.
But everyone has not the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population LIVE in
an urban environment and do not have got a garden.
Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a SCREENSAVER- it can be a very passive and silent EXPERIENCE, others might
engage in whatching nature documents.
And of course nature documents fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature.
Perhaps some people might prefer to listen recordings of nature on headphones.///END OF PART ONE///.

But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of EXPERIMENTS can impact on our wellbeing, a "unique EXPERIENCE" to help UNDERSTAND the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television.
People are asked to whatch a three-minute video of a" virtual experience".
But what people hear will be different and chosen at RAMDOM.
Some people might encounter something which focuses on the virtual experiment, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound.
Participants will then be asked to provide informations about the emotions they HAVE EXPERIENCED WHATCHING the video.
Virtual experiments of nature can be as BENEFICIAL as WHEN being outdoors.
One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere.
We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, creative way and it isn't
just some artistic whim.///END OF PART TWO///.

These sounds and our listening to them and the effect on us are important for our PSYCHOLOGIC health and well-being.
The experience has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns.
But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be STUCK in long-term care and can't get
outside physically.
Research hope to deliver their initial findings by THIS summer.What we have never really done is think about these digital
experiments as encounters in their own right.
We're saying that whatching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it
can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature
to audiences across the UK.///END OF THE TEXT///

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de here4u, postée le 09-02-2021 à 22:30:20 (S | E)

Time is running out... Still have a little time to post! Go for it!
I've started posting your tries...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de chocolatcitron, postée le 11-02-2021 à 22:47:19 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/87
Message de here4u posté le 27-01-2021 à 21:52:50 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Here4u, thanks!
Hi everybody!

Drôle de semaine, assez "pourrie" : voici mon travail qui n'est pas "abouti", mais... chacun fait comme il peut !

Comme le Rack Your Brains précédent était très long, je me suis obligée à faire celui-ci très court … Toujours à la recherche de bien-être (ce qui n’est pas facile en ce moment …), voici un autre « moyen » d’apaiser le stress …
"My poor Student" a laissé 15 fautes (avec si peu de texte, il devrait prendre des vitamines).
J’ai compensé en "m’amusant" sur l’une des fautes (qui est récurrente). A chaque occurrence (et elles sont nombreuses ! ) vous devrez bien réfléchir …

Please, Rack Your Brains and Help my Student : (15 mistakes to correct, please !)

Feeling low BLU (familier)/DOWN (informel) (déprimé, démoralisé)? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A (groundbreaking US) GROUND-BREAKING (avant-gardiste, novatrice UK) online experimence (experience de vie) EXPERIMENT (scientifique) wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck indoor. Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing, and smelling it. But NOT everyone has the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives LIVE in an urban environment and do not have got a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out (regarder dehors) THROUGH a window or at a screenpaper PAPER-SCREEN (shojis = paravent japonais en papier)- it can be a really passive and silent experiment EXPERIENCE; others might engage TO WATCH (se lancent dans…) in watching nature documents. And, of course, nature documents fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen LISTENING recordings of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END OF PART ONE /// But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of experience can impact on our wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help understanding the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television. People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen at RANDOM hazard. Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual experiment, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide informations INFORMATION about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual experiments of nature can be as beneficiary as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in a quite interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim (caprice, coup de tête, lubie) .///END OF PART TWO /// These sort SORTS of sounds and our listening to them and the effects it has THEY HAVE on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The experience EXPERIMENT has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be (struck =frappés US) STRICKEN in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Research hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital experiments as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to audiences (des DIFFERENTS PUBLICS) across the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///

Cet exercice est un et la correction sera en ligne le jeudi 11 février 2021, tard. I give you THE FORCE and am expecting your good work !

Not really finished… but time has gone and thanks Here4u : here is the force💪☀️❤️!
Stay safe!
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de here4u, postée le 11-02-2021 à 23:26:11 (S | E)
Hello, dear hardworkers,

Voici votre corrigé d'un devoir qui a été, dans l'ensemble, bien réussi ! et
ATTENTION ! J'ai rédigé et sauvegardé cette correction en début de soirée ... Lorsque je reprends mon texte, maintenant, il y a "des choses étranges" qui se sont passées (des lettres ajoutées - des points d'interrogation mis un peu partout à la place des tirets et des guillemets ... (facéties de "The machine" )J'ai relu et relu, mais s'il en reste, pardonnez-moi ! (il y en avait tellement !) Sorry !

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online experiment (1) wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck indoors (2). Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But not everyone has (3) the luxury of getting outdoors (2). Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives in an urban environment and do not have a garden(4). Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a screensaver (5)- it can be a really passive and silent experience(1), others might engage in watching nature documentaries (6). And of course nature documentaries (6) fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen to recordings (7)of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END of PART ONE /// But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of experience (1) can impact our (8) wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment"(1) to help understand (9) the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television. People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen at random (10). Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual experience (1), others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide information (11) about the emotions they experience (1) when they watch the video. Virtual experiences (1) of nature can be as beneficial (12) as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in quite an interesting (13), creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.///END of PART TWO /// These sorts of sounds and our listening to them (7) and the effects it has on us are important for our psychological health and well-being.
The experiment (1) has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic. Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be stuck (14) in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Researchers(15) hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital experiences(1) as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience(1) and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment (1)is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences(1) of nature to audiences across the UK./// END of the TEXT ///.

(1) Comme je vous l'avais annoncé, la distinction entre « experience » et « experiment » faisait l'objet d'une réflexion nécessaire (à chaque emploi) puisqu'elle était utilisée 12 fois dans ce texte ... (pas de ma faute ! ) Bien revoir la leçon : Experience ou Experiment-anglais ( car il reste quelques hésitations ...
(2) Indoor: (adjective): Carried on or situated inside a building. Used in or suitable for. 'We have an indoor swimming pool.' She is fond of indoor games.'
Indoors: (adverb) : In or into a building. 'As he was out of sorts, he stayed indoors.'
What is the difference between Indoor and Indoors? - English Vocabulary Doubts (
(3) Le sens de «not everyone has» (= il y a certaines personnes qui n'ont pas.) est très différent de «Everyone has not» (où « tout le monde n'a pas », donc « personne n'a » !) C'est une structure « piégeuse » pour les francophones un peu inattentifs. Tout le monde n'a pas-anglais (
(4) four fifths of the UK population do not have a garden: attention à ne pas mélanger les deux expressions également exactes. "the population don't have a garden" [have= un verbe] et «the population haven't got a garden»[ have = un auxiliaire].
(5) «screenpaper»= NON !// a screensaver= économiseur d'écran/ écran de veille /// «wallpaper»= background image: fond d'écran. J'avais, traitreusement, fait un mélange des deux
(6) to watch «documentaries». A «document» peut avoir un très grand nombre de formes : Le verbe "to watch" sous-entendait qu'il s'agissait de regarder, par l'intermédiaire d'un appareil (TV, ordinateur, téléphone, ou tablette) un reportage un peu long : un "documentaire".
(7) To listen TO something (répété deux fois)
(8) «can impact our wellbeing» mais «to have an impact ON something/ your well-being».
(9) To help + verbe = to help base verbale OU to help TO do something, mais PAS to help +ing.
(10) au hasard = "at random"; "a hazard": un danger, un risque.
(11) «information» = les informations : indénombrable au singulier (ne prend pas de -s/ verbe au singulier)
(12) to be beneficial: beneficial - English-French Dictionary
(13) d'une façon tout à fait intéressante : (ATTENTION à l'ordre des mots !) : "quite AN interesting way".
(14) Ne pas mélanger : to strike, I struck, struck : frapper, sonner l'heure (mais en adjectif composé, dire : panic-striken) ET to stick, I stuck, stuck : coller ( ce dont nous avions besoin ici dans notre extrait !) Nous verrons comment les volontaires traduiront ....
(15) "Research hope" : n'est pas possible : Comment la recherche pourrait-elle espérer ??? et où serait passé le -s de la 3è personne ? =>"researchers".

Voilà ! Il ne nous "reste plus" qu'à demander l'aide de TROIS VOLONTAIRES pour le Follow-up Work...
Je vous rappelle que le travail n'est pas URGENT, mais que j'ai hâte de savoir si j'aurai bien trois volontaires !
Bravo à tous les travailleurs ... Bravo aussi aux volontaires qui ne vont pas manquer de se désigner !
Un grand merci à tous !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de maxwell, postée le 13-02-2021 à 06:22:13 (S | E)
Je prendrai la 2e partie

But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of experience can impact our wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help understand the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television. People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen at random. Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual experience, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide information about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual experiences of nature can be as beneficial as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in quite an interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.

Mais nous ne comprenons pas vraiment comment chacune de ces différentes sortes d'expérience peut impacter notre bien-être : donc, une expérimentation unique pour aider à comprendre les émotions que les gens ressentent quand il regardent des scènes de la nature sur le net ou à la télévision. On demande aux gens de regarder une vidéo de trois minutes sur une "expérience virtuelle de la nature". Mais ce que les gens vont entendre sera différent et choisi aléatoirement. Certaines personnes pourraient rencontrer quelque chose qui se focalise sur l'aspect visuel de l'expérience, d'autres sur l'aspect auditif. On demandera ensuite aux participants de fournir des informations sur les émotions qu'ils ressentent quand ils regardent la vidéo. Les expériences virtuelles de la nature peuvent être aussi bénéfiques que le fait d'être en plein air. Un des aspects libérateurs du son est qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'être sous la pluie ou mal à l'aise ou de parcourir des kilomètres pour aller quelque part. On peut ralentir, intérioriser ces sons et méditer sur eux d'une façon assez intéressante et créative, et ce n'est pas qu'un simple caprice artistique.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de here4u, postée le 13-02-2021 à 09:45:08 (S | E)
Merci, Max, de ton enthousiasme de ton oeil de lynx !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de magie8, postée le 13-02-2021 à 13:52:34 (S | E)
bonjour voici ma traduction du 1er paragraphe

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online experiment (1) wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck indoors (2). Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But not everyone has (3) the luxury of getting outdoors (2). Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives in an urban environment and do not have a garden(4). Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a screensaver (5)- it can be a really passive and silent experience(1), others might engage in watching nature documentaries (6). And of course nature documentaries (6) fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen to recordings (7)of the sounds of nature on headphones. ///END of PART ONE //

Vous vous sentez dépressif?Etre dans la nature est connu pour réduire le stress et améliorer votre humeur.
Mais que faire si vous ne pouvez pas sortir? Une expérience révolutionnaire sur internet veut aider les scientifiques à comprendre la meilleure façon d'apporter les avantages de la nature à ceux qui sont bloqués à la maison . De nombreuses études au cours des 40 dernières années ont montré que nous sommes plus heureux et en meilleure santé dans la nature.Voir, entendre et sentir.Mais il y a certaines personnes qui n'ont pas le luxe d'aller en plein air .Que nous soyons en confinement ou pas,les quatre cinquièmes de la population vivent en milieu urbain et n'ont pas de jardin.Les gens peuvent-ils profiter de la nature chez eux?Certains d'entre nous pourraient juste regarder par la fenêtre ou sur un écran de veille.Cela peut être une expérience réellement passive et silencieuse. D'autres pourraient s'intéresser à regarder des documentaires sur la nature.Et bien sûr les documentaires sur la nature fusionnent avec un merveilleux mélange de musique et des scènes de la nature".Peut-être que certaines personnes pourraient préférer écouter des disques de bruits de la nature dans des écouteurs de téléphone"..

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de maya92, postée le 13-02-2021 à 16:30:49 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,,

3e partie :

These sort of sounds and our listening to them and the effects it has on us are important for our psychological health and well-being. The experience has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic.
Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be struck in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Research hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital experiments as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to audiences across the UK. ///End of the TEXT ///

Ces bruits, notre façon de les écouter et les effets qu’ils ont sur nous sont importants pour notre santé psychologique et notre bien-être. L’expérience s’est révélée particulièrement appropriée à la lumière du confinement à cause du Covid 19. Mais sa préparation a commencé avant la pandémie. Pensez aux personnes qui viennent d’être opérés .. ou à ceux qui sont peut-être en soins de longue durée et ne peuvent pas sortir. La recherche médicale espère rendre ses premières découvertes pour l’été. Ce que nous n’avons pas vraiment fait, c’est considérer ces découvertes numériques inattendues comme exactes. Nous disons que regarder la nature à la télévision ou sur votre ordinateur n’est pas seulement un médiocre substitut à la réalité ça pourrait être également une pratique thérapeutique et c’est cela que nous espérons explorer davantage. L’expérience fait partie d’un projet appelé “Prises de son pour le bien-être”, et ces expériences numériques sur la nature sont rendues publiques dans tout le Royaume Uni.

Voilà comme il ne restait plus que la 3e partie ...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/87 de here4u, postée le 14-02-2021 à 08:02:04 (S | E)

Voici votre FOLLOW UP WORK terminé !

Feeling low? Being in nature is known to reduce stress and boost your mood.
But what if you cannot get outside? A groundbreaking online experiment wants to help scientists understand how best to bring the benefits of nature to those stuck indoors. Numerous studies over the past 40 years have shown we are happiest and healthiest in nature - seeing, hearing and smelling it. But not everyone has the luxury of getting outdoors. Whether we are in lockdown or not, four fifths of the UK population lives in an urban environment and do not have a garden. Can people enjoy nature at home?
Some of us might just gaze out of a window or at a screensaver - it can be a really passive and silent experience, others might engage in watching nature documentaries. And of course nature documentaries fuse this wonderful blend of music with scenes of nature." Perhaps some people might prefer to listen to recordings of the sounds of nature on headphones.

Vous vous sentez dépressif* déprimé ? Etre dans la nature est connu pour réduire le stress et améliorer votre humeur.
Mais que faire si vous ne pouvez pas sortir? Une expérience révolutionnaire/ avant-gardiste sur internet veut aider les scientifiques à comprendre la meilleure façon d'apporter les avantages de la nature à ceux qui sont bloqués à la maison . De nombreuses études au cours des 40 dernières années ont montré que nous sommes plus heureux et en meilleure santé dans la nature : en la regardant, l'écoutant ** et la ressentant. Mais certaines personnes n'ont pas le luxe d'aller en plein air. Que nous soyons en confinement ou pas, les quatre cinquièmes de la population vivent en milieu urbain et n'ont pas de jardin. Les gens peuvent-ils profiter de la nature chez eux ? ///
Certains d'entre nous pourraient juste regarder par la fenêtre ou sur un écran de veille. Cela peut être une expérience réellement passive et silencieuse. D'autres pourraient s'intéresser à regarder des documentaires sur la nature. Et bien sûr les documentaires sur la nature fusionnent un merveilleux mélange de musique et des scènes de la nature". Certaines personnes préféreraient peut-être écouter des disques enregistrements de bruits de la nature dans des casques".
Bravo, Magie. Tu as très bien compris.

* Lien internet

** j'ai préféré introduire de la conscience, de la volonté ... ( remplacement des verbes de perception involontaire ...)

But we've actually got very little understanding of how each of those different kinds of experience can impact our wellbeing: therefore, a "unique experiment" to help understand the emotions people feel when they watch scenes of nature online or on television. People are asked to watch a three-minute video of a "virtual nature experience". But what people hear will be different and chosen at random. Some people might encounter something which focuses on the visual experience, others might encounter something which focuses more on sound. Participants will then be asked to provide information about the emotions they experience when they watch the video. Virtual experiences of nature can be as beneficial as being outdoors. One of the liberating aspects of sound is that you don't need to be in the rain or uncomfortable or walk miles to go somewhere. We can slow down, we can internalise those sounds and think about them in quite an interesting, creative way, and this isn't just some artistic whim.

Mais en fait, nous ne comprenons pas vraiment comment chacune de ces différentes sortes d'expérience peut impacter notre bien-être : donc, "une expérimentation unique" pour aider à comprendre les émotions que les gens ressentent quand il regardent des scènes de la nature sur le net ou à la télévision. On demande aux gens de regarder une vidéo de trois minutes sur une "expérience virtuelle de la nature". Mais ce que les gens entendent sera différent et choisi aléatoirement. Certaines personnes pourraient rencontrer quelque chose qui se focalise sur l'aspect visuel de l'expérience, d'autres sur l'aspect auditif. On demandera ensuite aux participants de fournir des informations sur les émotions qu'ils ressentent quand ils regardent la vidéo. Les expériences virtuelles de la nature peuvent être aussi bénéfiques que le fait d'être en plein air. Un des aspects libérateurs du son est qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'être sous la pluie ou mal à l'aise ou de parcourir des kilomètres pour aller quelque part. On peut ralentir, intérioriser ces sons et méditer sur eux d'une façon assez intéressante et créative, et ce n'est pas qu'un simple caprice artistique. Parfait, Maxwell ! Bravo !

These sorts of sounds and our listening to them and the effects it has on us are important for our psychological health and well-being.
The experiment has become especially relevant in the light of Covid-19 lockdowns. But planning for it began before the pandemic. Thinking about people who might be recovering from surgery... or people who might be stuck in long-term care and can't get outside physically. Researchers hope to deliver their initial findings by the summer. What we've never really done is think about these digital experiences as encounters in their own right. We're saying that watching nature on TV or on your computer isn't just a poor surrogate for the real thing, actually it can be a therapeutic experience and that's really what we're hoping to explore more.
The experiment is part of a project called Soundscapes for Wellbeing, which is bringing digital experiences of nature to audiences across the UK.

Ces bruits, notre façon de les écouter et les effets qu’ils ont sur nous sont importants pour notre santé psychologique et notre bien-être. L’expérience s’est révélée particulièrement appropriée à la lumière du confinement à cause du Covid 19. Mais sa préparation a commencé avant la pandémie. Pensez aux personnes qui viennent d’être opérées ... ou aux patients en soins de longue durée et ne peuvent pas sortir. La recherche médicale espère rendre ses premières conclusions pour l’été. Ce que nous n’avons pas vraiment fait, c’est considérer ces découvertes numériques inattendues comme exactes. Nous disons que regarder la nature à la télévision ou sur votre ordinateur n’est pas seulement un substitut médiocre
à la réalité, mais en fait, pourrait être également une pratique thérapeutique et c’est cela que nous espérons explorer davantage.
L’expérience fait partie d’un projet appelé “Prises de son pour le bien-être” , et ces expériences numériques sur la nature sont rendues publiques dans tout le Royaume Uni.
C'est tout à fait ça, Maya ! Un grand merci ! Bravo!

Un grand et à tous les participants et une "dose" supplémentaire pour nos trois volontaires !


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