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Rack Your Brains and Help/89

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Rack Your Brains and Help/89
Message de here4u posté le 25-02-2021 à 13:38:54 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends and hardworkers...

Pour cet exercice de « vacances », j’ai eu envie de changer la forme de l'exercice … J’ai donné à mon « Student » un texte qui n’a pas de fautes (mais qui est formé de plusieurs entretiens avec des personnes « ordinaires » - Kate, Paul and Pedro). Cette fois, vous n’aurez pas de fautes à corriger, mais je vous propose des questions pour aider "my Student" à comprendre le texte et l'obliger à bien regarder ce qui est dit dans le texte. Ces questions prennent plusieurs formes : pour certaines, vous devrez juste choisir la bonne réponse, qui vous est proposée ; pour d’autres, une petite justification courte vous sera demandée (« in your own words » - ne recopiez pas le texte !

Vous n’êtes, comme d’habitude pas obligés de tout faire, mais numérotez bien ce qui est fait afin que je puisse m’y retrouver … Le Follow up Work sera, comme vous le demandez, sous forme de versions des différentes parties (4 cette fois => 4 volontaires ? ) Merci d'avance !

I) Kate: «I’m not getting enough money to be able to sustain myself. There were weeks when there was nothing in our house.» The young personal trainer lost her income after gyms closed as part of coronavirus restrictions. «Once the rent’s paid, I then have to pay electricity, and food. There are sometimes I would make myself go hungry a bit, because I want to try and stretch out what I have. When it was really bad, just before Christmas there, I did get a bit of help with the food bank. A lot of the time, especially because it has been colder and it has been snowing, I’m sitting with a hoodie on, I’m sitting with a water bottle. I can’t afford to heat myself, heat the property.
II) Paul: a self-employed taxi driver had to stop work for health reasons. «Living through one meal a day, me and the wife get up in the morning, you might have toast and tea, that’s it. » [Part 1 for the Follow up Work]
Then our next meal is about three or four o’clock. Then, if we’re hungry, we just go to bed. We stay in one room most of the time now. We stay in our bedroom because it’s the nicest, warmest room in the house. We have a TV in the room, we stay in the room out of the road – we don’t put the heating on and that’s it. Even friends now, I still haven’t told friends. You know there’s embarrassment.»
III) Pedro: «Hunger is horrific. So just if there is any small bit I can do, I’m very happy to do it.» An award-winning chef has been cooking for some of those most affected by lockdown. The life of a chef is quite busy in terms of the pace of it, it doesn’t really slow down. Covid resulted in everybody, kind of being altered in their working week and changing their perspectives. For myself, I didn’t comprehend how rife food poverty was in the community. [Part 2 for the Follow up Work] It wasn’t until I saw individuals that I would be close to, reach out to me personally and say that they were struggling. From then, I guess, the idea of not having a warm cooked meal was something that I just couldn’t imagine and it made me kind of think: «There’s something I, as a chef, can do.» Using excess restaurant food, he has cooked over 1,000 meals for foodbanks and charities throughout Northern Ireland. All kitchens will always have an excess of food, there’ll always be something. I’ll use up whatever food we have left, and I’ll get in some basic veg, meat, proteins (anything from chicken pies, chicken curries, beef curries, stroganoffs, bolognese.) It’s not gourmet, but it’s three to four of your five portions of veg a day in that alone.» [End of Part 3 for the Follow up Work] This chef was « a star », just arrived and offering his services. He made extra warm meals, two, three times a week and then got them out to the most at risk within the community. On average, in that town, each day between 50 to 70 people are receiving a meal: people that are shielding and can’t get out. They’re beautiful meals. People only have to heat them in the microwave or the oven, whatever they prefer to do. They’re meals that you wouldn’t make yourselves, which are lovely and tasty. An old woman said : «I haven’t been to the supermarket from February a year ago. A couple of girls bring them every couple of days and it’s credit to those people that they’re doing that work. I don’t think I’ll ever have words to thank them enough. » [Part 4: end of the document]

I) KATE: What was her job? (Explain in a short sentence.) Could she make ends meet? Why or why not?
a) Can Kate pay for food? What does she do when she’s hungry? (2 things!)
b) Can Kate pay for her heating? How does she manage to keep warm? (2 ways).

II) PAUL: Explain why his job was precarious and what solutions he imagined to eat and be heated « satisfactorily ».(2 short sentences)

III) PEDRO: Choose the right answers:
A)a) Pedro is a cook in a fast food restaurant.
b) Pedro cooks balanced meals for the destitute with products he buys with his own money.
c) Pedro gives away free meals made with extra ingredients he can find.

B)a) The meals given are «gourmet meals.»
b) The meals are well-balanced and healthy.
c) The meals are basic, ordinary and restorative.

C) Pedro always makes the same meals because the people like them. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a few words.)
D) The old woman didn’t go to the supermarket because she was seriously ill. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a sentence.)

Comme toujours, et vu la difficulté des documents, je pense que le FOLLOW UP WORK ( traductions ) sera nécessaire. Vous pouvez soit le faire en même temps que la compréhension de texte, soit annoncer votre choix et le différer. IT’S UP TO YOU!

J'espère que cet exercice vous "plaira" ... et que vous ne le trouverez ni ennuyeux, ni trop "difficile". Tel qu'il est, il mérite ses et la correction sera en ligne le vendredi 12 mars.

Of course, I hope the FORCE will be with YOU.
Take care of Yourselves and everyone around you.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de taiji43, postée le 27-02-2021 à 18:46:16 (S | E)
Dear Here4U
Here are my answers posted in a hurry because I'm going to be away

Thank you for your correction

Ready to be corrected

1) Kate
she was working in a gymnasium, where she was giving private training sessions.
She was hard up for money
because the gym club was closed by decree to prevent the spread from the virus that was raging around the world.
a) after this closure she didn't have enough money to buy food.

b) When she was racked by hunger, in order to fend off hunger , she went to a golden heart wich tided over with emergency supplies or most of the time she was bearinf hunger

c)she couldn't afford to pay for her heating and wore a hooded sweat and a bottle of hot water to keep warm her body

His situation has becomme precarious

paul has got his own cab, and has to earn a living. If he is dreadfully ill, he will have no money left
when he is hungry and wants to be warm, he stays in the least cold room, and stays in his bed under the covers

A= c
C = no
the meals are not always the same since he takes the leftovers in his restaurants which are different every day
she gets the meals delivered which are well presented and succulent

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de magie8, postée le 03-03-2021 à 18:52:10 (S | E)
bonjour à tous merci a here4u pour ce nouvel exercice SUPER ready to correct

I) KATE: What was her job? (Explain in a short sentence.) Could she make ends meet? Why or why not?
Kate was a personal coach in a sports hall, no she couldn't make ends meet , because she had lost a big part of her income when gyms are forced to stop their activities to prevent the spread of the virus

a)Can Kate pay for food?What does she do when she's hungry?
She get now too little money.After paying the rent and utilities, there is not enough money left for food and heating.
Sometimes she does not eat,When it becomes too difficult, she goes to charity for a bit of help .

b) Can Kate pay for her heating? How does she manage to keep warm? (2 ways).
No, she can't, when she is too cold, she puts on a hooded sweat and sit down with a bottle of hot water.

II) PAUL: Explain why his job was precarious and what solutions he imagined to eat and be heated « satisfactorily ».(2 short sentences)
Paul 's work is precarious because he is a self-employed taxi driver , he has not a fixed salary and he is not healthy.
When he is too cold he goes to bed and stays many hours in the bedroom which is the warmest room.He has only a breakfast and a lunch a day no dinner .

III) PEDRO: Choose the right answers:
A)a) Pedro is a cook in a fast food restaurant.
b) Pedro cooks balanced meals for the destitute with products he buys with his own money.
c) Pedro gives away free meals made with extra ingredients he can find.
the good one is C.

B)a) The meals given are «gourmet meals.»
b) The meals are well-balanced and healthy.
c) The meals are basic, ordinary and restorative.
the good answer is :b

C) Pedro always makes the same meals because the people like them. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a few words.)
NO it is wrong , the meals are every days differents because he cooks them with the leftover from the restaurant

D) The old woman didn’t go to the supermarket because she was seriously ill. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a sentence.)
it is wrong she is not ill . As her food is delivered at home ,She doesn't need to go to the supermarket .The meals are tasty, generous , and varied.

traduction de la 1ere partie

Kate"Je ne reçois pas assez d'argent pour pouvoir subvenir à mes besoins,Certaines semaines il n'y avait plus rien dans la maison " La jeune entraîneuse sportive a perdu ses revenus suite à la fermeture des salles de sports dans le cadre des restrictions liées au coronavirus." Une fois le loyer réglé, je dois en plus payer pour l'électricité et la nourriture.Parfois je m'affame un peu parce que je veux essayer de faire durer ce que j'ai.Quand cela allait vraiment mal, juste un peu avant Noel,j'ai reçu un peu d'aide de la banque alimentaire.La plupart du temps surtout quand il a fait froid et qu'il neigeait, je me suis assise vêtue d'un gilet à capuche et je restais ainsi avec une bouteille d'eau.Je n'avais pas les moyens de me chauffer moi ni l'appartement."
Paul: un chauffeur de taxi indépendant a dû arrêter son travail pour des raisons de santé ."Vivant avec un repas par jour, ma femme et moi nous nous levons le matin,il nous est possible de prendre des toasts et du thé ,c'est tout."

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de maxwell, postée le 06-03-2021 à 08:16:22 (S | E)
Hello Here4U!
Good idea to make a change now. It also helps us not get bogged down

I) KATE: What was her job? (Explain in a short sentence.) Could she make ends meet? Why or why not?
Kate was a personal gym coach. As gyms closed due to the Covid restrictions, she lost her income and could hardly make ends meet.

a) Can Kate pay for food? What does she do when she’s hungry? (2 things!)
She can't pay for all the food she needs. When she's hungry, before anything else, she tries to make do with what she has, reducing rations, and never wasting anything. When that's not enough, she resigns herself to turning to the food bank.

b) Can Kate pay for her heating? How does she manage to keep warm? (2 ways).
Unfortunately, she can't pay for the heating of her house. Therefore, to keep her warm, she either puts on warm clothes such as a hoodie, or she places a hot water bottle on her.

II) PAUL: Explain why his job was precarious and what solutions he imagined to eat and be heated « satisfactorily ».(2 short sentences)
Paul was a freelance taxi-driver; As he was ill, he couldn't work any longer. To get by, he only has a meal a day, and go to bed early if he's hungry, where he stays warm close to his wife

III) PEDRO: Choose the right answers: A)c B)b
A)a) Pedro is a cook in a fast food restaurant.
b) Pedro cooks balanced meals for the destitute with products he buys with his own money.
c) Pedro gives away free meals made with extra ingredients he can find.

B)a) The meals given are «gourmet meals.»
b) The meals are well-balanced and healthy.
c) The meals are basic, ordinary and restorative.

C) Pedro always makes the same meals because the people like them. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a few words.)
Wrong. Pedro can't know in advance what meals he's going to prepare because he makes them out of what's left.

D) The old woman didn’t go to the supermarket because she was seriously ill. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a sentence.)
We don't really know why she hasn't been able to go to the supermarket for a year: We can guess that she ran out of money, but she also may have become physically dependent..

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de here4u, postée le 06-03-2021 à 10:34:11 (S | E)
Hello Dears!

Thanks for your feedback! It's important for me to know if the (temporary) changes I made are useful to you (or not!), if you find this phase of the exercise less time-consuming, etc. [Any criticism - or suggestion- is welcome!] It has, I think, the advantage of making you express yourselves (in your own words! )giving me the precise proof of your understanding of the passage.

A little disappointed as to the participation... but there's still a lot of time... Do not hesitate to answer, and (possibly) choose a part of the document for the F up W!
Have a great week-end! and thanks for making my work useful...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de alpiem, postée le 07-03-2021 à 19:09:54 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/89
Hello,I hope everybody's OK

I)KATE:She was a gym's trainer.Due to the coronavirus restrictions she had lost her job.
She was occasionally running out of money.
So,she couldn't make ends meet.
a.She can't provide for food once she has paid her rent and electricity.
When hungry,she can get help from the food bank or she would stretch out

what she has left in order to split it and pick a little for eating.

b.She can't afford to heat her room. So, to keep warm she stays wearing a hoody, or a bottle of water.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de alpiem, postée le 09-03-2021 à 11:04:59 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/89
Hello,I hope everybody's OK

I)KATE:She was a gym's trainer.Due to the coronavirus restrictions she had lost her job.
She was occasionally running out of money.
So,she couldn't make ends meet.
a.She can't provide for food once she has paid her rent and electricity.
When hungry,she can either get help from the food bank or she would stretch out

what she has left in order to split it and pick a little for eating.

b.She can't afford to heat her room. So, to keep warm she would either stay wearing a hoody,
(somewhere being heated...?) or a bottle of water.(hot...?

II) Paul:Out-of-work driver ,he gets up early with wife and they take their only brekfast. Then they stay in the bedroom most of the time,
get a tea around three p.m. and go to sleep and keep hot in bed, the bed room being the hottest one in the apartment.

III) PEDRO: Choose the right answers:
A) =c :Pedro gives away free meals made whith extra ingredients he can find.
B) =b:The meals are well balanced and heathy
C) =Wrong,Pedro would make meals you could be making yourself , tasty and lovely and he used to go and get excess retaurant food
whatever around his country meaning that each week and each day, the meals would be different .
D) Half-wrong: the old lady doesn't deliver her medical status but that she's old.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de taiji43, postée le 09-03-2021 à 18:24:50 (S | E)
TTRADUCTION DE LA DEUXIÈME PARTIE(partie 2 pour le travail suivi

Ensuite, notre prochain repas est prévu vers trois ou quatre heures. Puis, si nous avons faim, nous allons nous coucher. Maintenant nous restons dans une chambre la plupart du temps. Nous restons dans notre chambre parce que c'est la pièce la plus agréable et la plus chaude de la maison. Nous avons une télévision dans la chambre, nous restons dans la chambre, à l'écart de la route - nous ne mettons pas le chauffage ; c'est tout. Au sujet de mes amis maintenant, je n'en ai toujours pas parlé à mes amis. Vous savez que cela cause de l’embarras".

III) Pedro : "La faim est horrible. Alors si je peux faire quelque chose, je suis très heureux de le faire". Un chef primé a fait la cuisine pour certains des plus touchés par le confinement. La vie d'un chef est assez chargée en termes de rythme, elle ne ralentit pas vraiment. Grâce à Covid, tout le monde a été modifié dans sa semaine de travail et a changé de perspective. Pour ma part, je ne comprenais pas à quel point la pauvreté alimentaire était répandue dans la communauté. [ Fin :Partie 2 pour le travail de suivi

TRADUCTION de la troisième Partie

IV) Ce n'est que lorsque j'ai vu des personnes que je me suis senti touché, que j'ai tendu la main à quelqu'un et que j'ai dit qu'elles avaient des difficultés. À partir de là, je suppose que l'idée de ne pas avoir de repas chaud cuisiné était quelque chose que je ne pouvais pas imaginer, et cela m'a fait penser : "En tant que chef, il y a quelque chose que je peux faire". En utilisant les surplus de nourriture des restaurants, il a cuisiné plus de 1000 repas pour des banques alimentaires et des organisations caritatives dans toute l'Irlande du Nord. Toutes les cuisines auront toujours un excès de nourriture, il y aura toujours quelque chose. J'utiliserai toute la nourriture qu'il nous reste et je me procurerai des légumes, de la viande et des protéines de base (tout ce qui est tarte au poulet, curry de poulet, des curry de bœuf, des stroganoffs, de la bolognaise). Ce n'est pas exactement gastronomique , mais cela représente trois à quatre de vos cinq portions de légumes par jour.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de joe39, postée le 10-03-2021 à 10:32:25 (S | E)
Good morning dear4u, here is my try,
Ready to be corrected

I) Kate: «I’m not getting enough money to be able to sustain myself. There were weeks when there was nothing in our house.» The young personal trainer lost her income after gyms closed as part of coronavirus restrictions. «Once the rent’s paid, I then have to pay electricity, and food. There are sometimes I would make myself go hungry a bit, because I want to try and stretch out what I have. When it was really bad, just before Christmas there, I did get a bit of help with the food bank. A lot of the time, especially because it has been colder and it has been snowing, I’m sitting with a hoodie on, I’m sitting with a water bottle. I can’t afford to heat myself, heat the property.
II) Paul: a self-employed taxi driver had to stop work for health reasons. «Living through one meal a day, me and the wife get up in the morning, you might have toast and tea, that’s it. »
Then our next meal is about three or four o’clock. Then, if we’re hungry, we just go to bed. We stay in one room most of the time now. We stay in our bedroom because it’s the nicest, warmest room in the house. We have a TV in the room, we stay in the room out of the road – we don’t put the heating on and that’s it. Even friends now, I still haven’t told friends. You know there’s embarrassment.»
III) Pedro: «Hunger is horrific. So just if there is any small bit I can do, I’m very happy to do it.» An award-winning chef has been cooking for some of those most affected by lockdown. The life of a chef is quite busy in terms of the pace of it, it doesn’t really slow down. Covid resulted in everybody, kind of being altered in their working week and changing their perspectives. For myself, I didn’t comprehend how rife food poverty was in the community. [Part 2 for the Follow up Work] It wasn’t until I saw individuals that I would be close to, reach out to me personally and say that they were struggling. From then, I guess, the idea of not having a warm cooked meal was something that I just couldn’t imagine and it made me kind of think: «There’s something I, as a chef, can do.» Using excess restaurant food, he has cooked over 1,000 meals for foodbanks and charities throughout Northern Ireland. All kitchens will always have an excess of food, there’ll always be something. I’ll use up whatever food we have left, and I’ll get in some basic veg, meat, proteins (anything from chicken pies, chicken curries, beef curries, stroganoffs, bolognese.) It’s not gourmet, but it’s three to four of your five portions of veg a day in that alone.» [End of Part 3 for the Follow up Work] This chef was « a star », just arrived and offering his services. He made extra warm meals, two, three times a week and then got them out to the most at risk within the community. On average, in that town, each day between 50 to 70 people are receiving a meal: people that are shielding and can’t get out. They’re beautiful meals. People only have to heat them in the microwave or the oven, whatever they prefer to do. They’re meals that you wouldn’t make yourselves, which are lovely and tasty. An old woman said : «I haven’t been to the supermarket from February a year ago. A couple of girls bring them every couple of days and it’s credit to those people that they’re doing that work. I don’t think I’ll ever have words to thank them enough. » [Part 4: end of the document]

Follow up Work]
Kate - Je ne gagne pas assez d'argent pour subvenir à mes besoins. ll y avait des semaines où il n'y avait rien dans notre maison. » La jeune entraîneuse personnelle a perdu ses revenus après la fermeture des gymnases dans le cadre des restrictions relatives aux coronavirus. «Une fois le loyer payé, je dois payer l’électricité et la nourriture.
Parfois j'aimerais essayer volontairement de souffrir un peu de faim, d'essayer de faire durer plus longtemps ce que j’ai à manger. Quand ça allait vraiment mal, juste avant Noël, J'ai obtenu un peu d'aide de la banque alimentaire.
Souvent, surtout parce qu’il fait plus froid et qu’il neige, je suis assis avec un sweat à capuche, je suis assis avec un thermos. Je n'ai pas les moyens de me chauffer et de chauffer la propriété.
II ) Paul : un chauffeur de taxi indépendant a dû arrêter de travailler pour des raisons de santé. «En vivant un seul repas par jour, ma femme et moi nous levons le matin, vous pourriez avoir du pain grillé et du thé, c’est tout.
Ensuite, notre prochain repas est vers trois ou quatre heures. Ensuite, si nous avons faim, nous allons nous coucher.
Nous restons dans une pièce la plupart du temps maintenant. Nous restons dans notre chambre car c'est la pièce la plus agréable et la plus chaude de la maison. Dans la chambre, qui est à l’écart de la route, nous avons
une télévision, nous n’allumons pas le chauffage et c’est tout. Même mes amis maintenant, je ne l'ai toujours pas dit à mes amis. Vous pouvez comprendre à quel point cette situation est embarrassante. »
III -Pedro- «La faim est horrible. Donc, s'il y a un petit peu que je peux faire, je suis très heureux de le faire. » Un chef primé a cuisiné pour certaines des personnes les plus touchées par le confinement.
La vie d'un chef est assez chargée en termes de rythme, elle ne ralentit pas vraiment. Covid a amené tout le monde à changer sa semaine de travail et à changer ses perspectives.
Pour ma part, je ne comprenais pas à quel point la pauvreté alimentaire sévissait dans la communauté.
Ce n’est que lorsque j’ai vu des personnes dont je serais proche, me contacter personnellement et me dire qu’elles luttaient contre la situation difficile d’aujourd’hui.
À partir de là, je suppose que l’idée de ne pas avoir de repas chaud cuit était quelque chose que je ne pouvais tout simplement pas imaginer et cela m'a fait penser:«Il y a quelque chose que je, en tant que chef, peux faire.». Ainsi, en utilisant la nourriture non cuite au restaurant, il a cuisiné plus de 1000 repas pour des banques alimentaires et des associations caritatives dans toute l'Irlande du Nord. Toutes les cuisines auront toujours un excès de nourriture, il y aura toujours quelque chose.
« J’ utiliserai tout ce qu'il nous reste de nourriture et j'apporterai des légumes de base, de la viande, des protéines (des tartes au poulet, des currys de poulet, des currys de bœuf, des Stroganoff, de la bolognaise). Ce n’est pas « Haute Cuisine », mais c’est trois à quatre de vos cinq portions de légumes par jour rien que pour cela. »
Ce chef était «une star», tout juste arrivé et offrant ses services. Il préparait des repas chauds supplémentaires, deux, trois fois par semaine, puis les distribuait aux personnes les plus à risque de la communauté. En moyenne, dans cette ville, entre 50 et 70 personnes reçoivent chaque jour un repas: des personnes qui sont isolés et ne peuvent pas sortir. Ce sont de beaux repas. Les gens n'ont qu'à les chauffer au micro-ondes ou au four, comme ils le souhaitent. Ce sont des plats que vous ne feriez pas vous-même, qui sont délicieux et savoureux-.
Une vieille femme a dit: «Je n’ai pas été au supermarché depuis février il y a un an. Quelques filles les amènent tous les deux jours et c’est le mérite de ces personnes qu’elles font ce travail. Je ne pense pas que j’aurai jamais assez de mots pour les remercier. »
End of the Follow up Work

I) KATE: What was her job? (Explain in a short sentence.) Could she make ends meet? Why or why not?
She was a private personal trainer. Now she is jobless because of anti-covid restrictions and she can barely make ends meet.
a) Can Kate pay for food? What does she do when she’s hungry? (2 things!)
No, she can’t pay for the food she needs. She tights her belt, tries not to waste anything and when she has exhausted every resource, she turns to the bank of food for help.
b) Can Kate pay for her heating? How does she manage to keep warm? (2 ways).
No, she can’t pay for heating and , in order to keep warm she get dressed with a hoodie and/or sits down with a warm water bottle.
II) PAUL: Explain why his job was precarious and what solutions he imagined to eat and be heated « satisfactorily ».(2 short sentences)
Paul’s job was precarious because he was an independent taxi-driver compelled to stay at home for an illness. As his wife and him can have only a meal a day, they “divided” it into two part: the first one for breakfast end the second one in the afternoon. When they were hungry they went to bed, because the bedroom was the warmest one in the house and they could stay there, watching TV, without put the heating on.
III) PEDRO: Choose the right answers:
c) Pedro gives away free meals made with extra ingredients he can find.
b) The meals are well-balanced and healthy.
C) Pedro always makes the same meals because the people like them. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a few words.) Wrong. He get ready meals with everything he can find out of good kitchen leftovers. Therefore
people don’t know in advance what Pedro will prepare.
D) The old woman didn’t go to the supermarket because she was seriously ill. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a sentence.)Indeed we ignore the reason why she didn’t get to the supermarket (health, age, some
handicap, fear of being infected etc.) because she didn’t declare it. Anyway we can suppose that she is probably helped also by someone else, as not everything necessary for everyday living can be found in the supermarket.

As you can see, I have chosen to do the whole Follow Up Work. I touch wood. Thank you.
I hope you have a nice day. Stay safe and take care.
So long.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de here4u, postée le 12-03-2021 à 22:30:31 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers!

Voici la correction de votre "Rack Your Brains" nouvelle formule transitoire ... Il n'y a, bien sûr, pas de "réponse" type pour cette sorte de travail. Vos réponses étaient excellentes et ne nécessitaient pas un "corrigé" à proprement dire ... Bravo!

I) Kate: «I’m not getting enough money to be able to sustain myself. There were weeks when there was nothing in our house.» The young personal trainer lost her income after gyms closed as part of coronavirus restrictions. «Once the rent’s paid, I then have to pay electricity, and food. There are sometimes I would make myself go hungry a bit, because I want to try and stretch out what I have. When it was really bad, just before Christmas there, I did get a bit of help with the food bank. A lot of the time, especially because it has been colder and it has been snowing, I’m sitting with a hoodie on, I’m sitting with a water bottle. I can’t afford to heat myself, heat the property.
II) Paul: a self-employed taxi driver had to stop work for health reasons. «Living through one meal a day, me and the wife get up in the morning, you might have toast and tea, that’s it. » [End of Part 1 for the Follow up Work]
Then our next meal is about three or four o’clock. Then, if we’re hungry, we just go to bed. We stay in one room most of the time now. We stay in our bedroom because it’s the nicest, warmest room in the house. We have a TV in the room, we stay in the room out of the road – we don’t put the heating on and that’s it. Even friends now, I still haven’t told friends. You know there’s embarrassment.»

III) Pedro: «Hunger is horrific. So just if there is any small bit I can do, I’m very happy to do it.» An award-winning chef has been cooking for some of those most affected by lockdown. The life of a chef is quite busy in terms of the pace of it, it doesn’t really slow down. Covid resulted in everybody, kind of being altered in their working week and changing their perspectives. For myself, I didn’t comprehend how rife food poverty was in the community. [End of Part 2 for the Follow up Work] It wasn’t until I saw individuals that I would be close to, reach out to me personally and say that they were struggling. From then, I guess, the idea of not having a warm cooked meal was something that I just couldn’t imagine and it made me kind of think: «There’s something I, as a chef, can do.» Using excess restaurant food, he has cooked over 1,000 meals for foodbanks and charities throughout Northern Ireland. All kitchens will always have an excess of food, there’ll always be something. I’ll use up whatever food we have left, and I’ll get in some basic veg, meat, proteins (anything from chicken pies, chicken curries, beef curries, stroganoffs, bolognese.) It’s not gourmet, but it’s three to four of your five portions of veg a day in that alone.» [End of Part 3 for the Follow up Work] This chef was « a star », just arrived and offering his services. He made extra warm meals, two, three times a week and then got them out to the most at risk within the community. On average, in that town, each day between 50 to 70 people are receiving a meal: people that are shielding and can’t get out. They’re beautiful meals. People only have to heat them in the microwave or the oven, whatever they prefer to do. They’re meals that you wouldn’t make yourselves, which are lovely and tasty. An old woman said : «I haven’t been to the supermarket from February a year ago. A couple of girls bring them every couple of days and it’s credit to those people that they’re doing that work. I don’t think I’ll ever have words to thank them enough. » [End of Part 4 : end of the document]

I) KATE: What was her job? (Explain in a short sentence.) Could she make ends meet? Why or why not?

Kate was «a personal trainer», which means that she depended on the people’s demand for her lessons, given in a gym. When the gyms closed, she could no longer earn a living.

a) Can Kate pay for food? What does she do when she’s hungry? (2 things!) She can’t afford to buy food after paying her rent and electricity. Therefore, she «stretched out» what she had, eating small, insufficient, quantities to make the food last longer. When she had none left, she asked for help from the «food bank».

b) Can Kate pay for her heating? How does she manage to keep warm? (2 ways).

No, Kate can’t pay for her heating. Consequently, she wears a «hoodie» [a sweat-shirt with a hood] to keep herself warn, and occasionally she takes «a hot-water-bottle» [a receptacle, now usually made of rubber, designed to be filled with hot water, used for warming a bed or parts of the body.]

II) PAUL: Explain why his job was precarious and what solutions he imagined to eat and be heated « satisfactorily ».

Paul is «a self-employed taxi driver», which means that he is his own boss, but also that he has no benefits if he cannot or doesn't work.
To eat and be heated «satisfactorily», he and his wife have «chosen» a solution: first, they have a very light continental breakfast of toast and tea, then, by mid-afternoon, they have their only meal; finally, they stay in their bedroom because it’s the warmest place in their home. They go to bed, applying the saying: «sleep and forget your hunger.»

II) PEDRO: Choose the right answers:

A) a) Pedro is a cook in a fast food restaurant.
b) Pedro cooks balanced meals for the destitute with products he buys with his own money.
c) Pedro gives away free meals made with extra ingredients he can find.

B) a) The meals given are «gourmet meals.»
b) The meals are well-balanced and healthy.
c) The meals are basic, ordinary and restorative.

C) Pedro always makes the same meals because the people like them. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a few words.)

Wrong. Pedro is forced to change the menu everyday (and perhaps even several times a day ) as it depends on the surplus ingredients found in restaurants. He cooks from 50 to 70 meals a day, two or three times a week. As he is a very good cook, (he is an award-winning chef, a «star») and can’t imagine people starving when he could cook for them.

D) The old woman didn’t go to the supermarket because she was seriously ill. (Right or Wrong? Explain in a sentence.)
No, the old woman didn’t go to the supermarket, not because she was ill, but because she didn’t dare to go out. As a vulnerable person, she was confined, locked down at home and therefore, couldn't go shopping. She depends on volunteers to bring her what to feed herself with.

Bravo donc à tous ainsi qu'à ceux qui se sont déclarés volontaires pour les traductions des différentes parties !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/89 de here4u, postée le 14-03-2021 à 17:58:05 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers!

Correction de votre Follow up Work: (enfin ... ! J'avais oublié ! Sorry!

I) Kate: «I’m not getting enough money to be able to sustain myself. There were weeks when there was nothing in our house.» The young personal trainer lost her income after gyms closed as part of coronavirus restrictions. «Once the rent’s paid, I then have to pay electricity, and food. There are sometimes I would make myself go hungry a bit, because I want to try and stretch out what I have. When it was really bad, just before Christmas there, I did get a bit of help with the food bank. A lot of the time, especially because it has been colder and it has been snowing, I’m sitting with a hoodie on, I’m sitting with a water bottle. I can’t afford to heat myself, heat the property.

I. A.) Kate- Je ne gagne pas assez d'argent pour subvenir à mes besoins. ll y avait des semaines où il n'y avait rien dans notre maison. » La jeune entraîneuse *coach personnelle a perdu ses revenus après la fermeture des gymnases dans le cadre des restrictions relatives au coronavirus. « Une fois le loyer payé, je dois encore payer l’électricité et la nourriture.
Parfois j'aimerais essayer je me laissais** volontairement de souffrir un peu de la faim, d'essayer de faire durer plus longtemps ce que j’ai à manger. Quand ça allait vraiment mal, juste avant Noël, j'ai obtenu un peu d'aide de la banque alimentaire. Souvent, surtout parce qu’il fait plus froid et qu’il neige, je suis assisE reste blottie avec un sweat à capuche, je suis assis avec un thermos blottie avec une bouillotte. Je n'ai pas les moyens de me chauffer et de chauffer la propriété.
Bravo, Joe ! Un excellent effort pour un passage difficile !

* ATTENTION ! En français, "entraîneuse" a le plus souvent un autre sens ! Lien internet
- En revanche, l'expression passerait bien au masculin !
** Le "would" est ici fréquentatif. Il exprime une répétition de l'action. Elle le faisait souvent.
to sit= être assis/ rester assis ///// to sit down= s'asseoir= un mouvement. "To sit" implique un manque de mouvement que j'ai traduit par "blottie".

II) Paul: a self-employed taxi driver had to stop work for health reasons. «Living through one meal a day, me and the wife get up in the morning, you might have toast and tea, that’s it. »
Then our next meal is about three or four o’clock. Then, if we’re hungry, we just go to bed. We stay in one room most of the time now. We stay in our bedroom because it’s the nicest, warmest room in the house. We have a TV in the room, we stay in the room out of the road – we don’t put the heating on and that’s it. Even friends now, I still haven’t told friends. You know there’s embarrassment.»

II ) A) Paul :
"Me and the wife" montre que le style est relâché, peu soigné, très familier. C'est pourquoi j'ai transformé tous les "nous" en "on"...
un chauffeur de taxi indépendant, il a dû arrêter de travailler pour raisons de santé. «En prenant un seul repas par jour, ma femme et moi on se lève le matin, et il se peut qu'on prenne du pain grillé et du thé, c’est tout.
Ensuite, notre repas suivant est vers trois ou quatre heures. Ensuite, si on a faim, on va se coucher.
On reste dans une pièce la plupart du temps maintenant. On reste dans notre chambre car c'est la pièce la plus agréable et la plus chaude de la maison. Dans la chambre, la plus éloignée de la route, on a une télé, on n’allume pas le chauffage et c’est tout. Même mes amis maintenant, je ne l'ai toujours pas dit à mes amis. Vous comprenez à quel point cette situation est embarrassante. »
Encore BRAVO, Joe !

II. B) ... Ensuite, notre prochain repas est prévu vers trois ou quatre heures("on prend ..."). Puis, si on a faim, on va se coucher. Maintenant nous restonson reste dans une chambre la plupart du temps. Nous restons dans notre chambre parce que c'est la pièce la plus agréable et la plus chaude de la maison. Nous avons On a une télévision dans la chambre, nous restons dans la chambre, à l'écart de la route - nous ne mettons on ne met pas le chauffage ; c'est tout. Au sujet de mes amis maintenant, je n'en ai toujours pas parlé à mes amis. Vous savez que cela cause de l’embarras".
TBien compris, Taiji! Même remarque que pour la version de Joe !

III) Pedro: «Hunger is horrific. So just if there is any small bit I can do, I’m very happy to do it.» An award-winning chef has been cooking for some of those most affected by lockdown. The life of a chef is quite busy in terms of the pace of it, it doesn’t really slow down. Covid resulted in everybody, kind of being altered in their working week and changing their perspectives. For myself, I didn’t comprehend how rife food poverty was in the community.

III.-Pedro- A) «La faim est horrible. Donc, s'il y a un petit peu que je peux faire, je suis très heureux de le faire. » Un chef primé a cuisinéfait la cuisine pour certaines des personnes les plus touchées par le confinement.
La vie d'un chef est assez chargée en termes de rythme, elle ne ralentit pas vraiment. LE Covid a amené tout le monde à changer sa semaine de travail et à changer ses perspectives. Pour ma part, je ne comprenais pas à quel point la pauvreté alimentaire sévissait dans la communauté.
BRAVO, Joe ! TTBien.

I Pedro : B) "La faim est horrible. Alors si je peux faire quelque chose, je suis très heureux de le faire". Un chef primé a fait la cuisine pour certains des plus touchés par le confinement. La vie d'un chef est assez chargée en termes de rythme, elle ne ralentit pas vraiment. Grâce à= A cause du Covid, pour tout le monde la semaine de travail a été modifiéE dans sa semaine de travail et chacun a changé de perspective. Pour ma part, je ne comprenais pas à quel point la pauvreté alimentaire était répandue dans la communauté. BRAVO, Taiji ! TTbien

It wasn’t until I saw individuals that I would be close to, reach out to me personally and say that they were struggling. From then, I guess, the idea of not having a warm cooked meal was something that I just couldn’t imagine and it made me kind of think: «There’s something I, as a chef, can do.» Using excess restaurant food, he has cooked over 1,000 meals for foodbanks and charities throughout Northern Ireland. All kitchens will always have an excess of food, there’ll always be something. I’ll use up whatever food we have left, and I’ll get in some basic veg, meat, proteins (anything from chicken pies, chicken curries, beef curries, stroganoffs, bolognese.) It’s not gourmet, but it’s three to four of your five portions of veg a day in that alone.»

A) Ce n’est que lorsque j’ai vu des personnes dont je seraisj'étais proche, me contacter personnellement et me dire qu’elles luttaient contre la situation difficile d’aujourd’hui. À partir de là, je suppose que l’idée de ne pas avoirqu'elles n'avaient pas de repas chaud cuit était quelque chose que je ne pouvais tout simplement pas imaginer et cela m'a fait penser : « Il y a quelque chose que je moi, en tant que chef, je peux faire.». Ainsi, en utilisant la nourriture non cuite au restaurant, il a cuisiné plus de 1000 repas pour des banques alimentaires et des associations caritatives dans toute l'Irlande du Nord. Toutes les cuisines ont toujours un excès de nourriture, il y aura toujours quelque chose.
« J’utiliserai tout ce qu'il nous reste de nourriture et j'apporterai j'y intègre des légumes de base, de la viande, des protéines (des tartes au poulet, des currys de poulet, des currys de bœuf, des Stroganoff, de la bolognaise). Ce n’est pas de « Haute Cuisine », mais c’est trois à quatre de vos cinq portions de légumes par jour rien que pour cela. »
Très bon travail, Joe ! Bravo !

B) Ce n'est que lorsque j'ai vu des personnes de mon entourage que je me suis senti touché, que j'ai tendu la main à quelqu'unme demander de l'aide et que j'ai ditdisant qu'elles avaient des difficultés en ce moment. À partir de là, je suppose que l'idée de ne pas avoir de repas chaud cuisiné était quelque chose que je ne pouvais pas imaginer, et cela m'a fait penser : "En tant que chef, il y a quelque chose que je peux faire". En utilisant les surplus de nourriture des restaurants, il cuisine plus de 1000 repas pour des banques alimentaires et des organisations caritatives dans toute l'Irlande du Nord. Toutes les cuisines auront toujours un excès de nourriture, il y aura toujours quelque chose. J'utiliserai toute la nourriture qui nous reste et je me procurerai des légumes, de la viande et des protéines de base (tout ce qui est tarte au poulet, curry de poulet, des curry de bœuf, des stroganoffs, de la bolognaise). Ce n'est pas exactement gastronomique , mais cela représente trois à quatre de vos cinq portions de légumes par jour. Très bien compris, Taiji ! Bravo !

This chef was « a star », just arrived and offering his services. He made extra warm meals, two, three times a week and then got them out to the most at risk within the community. On average, in that town, each day between 50 to 70 people are receiving a meal: people that are shielding and can’t get out. They’re beautiful meals. People only have to heat them in the microwave or the oven, whatever they prefer to do. They’re meals that you wouldn’t make yourselves, which are lovely and tasty. An old woman said : «I haven’t been to the supermarket from February a year ago. A couple of girls bring them every couple of days and it’s credit to those people that they’re doing that work. I don’t think I’ll ever have words to thank them enough. »

Ce chef était «une star», tout juste arrivé et offrant ses services. Il préparait des repas chauds supplémentaires, deux, trois fois par semaine, puis les distribuait aux personnes les plus à risque de la communauté. En moyenne, dans cette ville, entre 50 et 70 personnes reçoivent chaque jour un repas: des personnes qui sont isolés et ne peuvent pas sortir. Ce sont de beaux repas. Les gens n'ont qu'à les chauffer au micro-ondes ou au four, comme ils le souhaitent. Ce sont des plats que vous ne feriez pas vous-même, qui sont délicieux et savoureux-.
Une vieille femme a dit: «Je n’ai pas été au supermarché depuis février il y a un an. Quelques filles les amènent tous les deux jours et c’est le mérite de ces personnes qu’elles qui font ce travail. Je ne pense pas que j’aurai jamais assez de mots pour les remercier. »
Bravo, Joe! et encore toutes nos FELICITATIONS pour tout ce travail accompli ...

Encore désolée de ce retard ! Bravo à tous !


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