Rack Your Brains and Help/90
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Message de here4u posté le 12-03-2021 à 14:19:51 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Friends!
Once again, my Student needs your Help!
This time, we're back to you so that you can help him correct his grammar and vocabulary. The topic, this time, is "Flexibility", a concept which is very important for Anglo Saxons...
We might as well know what it is and practise it as often and as much as possible...
THERE ARE 15 MISTAKES in this text. Please, correct the mistakes in CAPITAL LETTERS; 
Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings with the circumstances you find yourself. Situations change, and so it’s important to be allowed to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children at a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain functioning in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s experiments are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation that they’re. When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning. /// END OF PART ONE /// So your brain can upload, it can learn, or your brain can not know the sense data and just go with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way that people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress. One of the things about psychological unflexibility is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful for them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than a satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO /// That stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction is quite often to do with unflexibility in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive receiver of whatever the world gives to you. Spending time cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So to expose yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is really good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
Cet exercice est un
. Sa correction sera en ligne le samedi 27 mars, tard.
I trust you for your help... and give you THE FORCE... as ever!
Message de here4u posté le 12-03-2021 à 14:19:51 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Friends!

Once again, my Student needs your Help!

We might as well know what it is and practise it as often and as much as possible...

Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings with the circumstances you find yourself. Situations change, and so it’s important to be allowed to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children at a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain functioning in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s experiments are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation that they’re. When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning. /// END OF PART ONE /// So your brain can upload, it can learn, or your brain can not know the sense data and just go with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way that people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress. One of the things about psychological unflexibility is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful for them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than a satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO /// That stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction is quite often to do with unflexibility in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive receiver of whatever the world gives to you. Spending time cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So to expose yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is really good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
Cet exercice est un

I trust you for your help... and give you THE FORCE... as ever!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de taiji43, postée le 16-03-2021 à 18:01:29 (S | E)
Dear here4U,
This language level is not very formal, so we wonder if it is correct or if it is wrong.
... Always... the prepositions to check, as well as the tenses : verbs : in infinitive form or gerund…

HEREU take care of yourself ; and all of you..
As usual, Thank you for your correction that will enlighten me...


Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings with the circumstances you find yourself. Situations change, and so it’s important to be allowed to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you WERE born, your brainWAS not finished. If you expose your children TO a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain TO FUNCTION in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s EXPERIENCES are very restricted, then HE will have less flexibility to adjust HIS actions to the situation , he is in. When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning /// END OF PART ONE ///
(faudrait-il -il garder les pronoms au pluriel ??? they will have, their actions, they are in?? :je pense que oui???car l’auteur parle à plusieurs personnes ???)
So your brain can upload, it can learn, or your brain can not know the sense data and just go with its own prediction.
Flexibility means TO TAILOR a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error.
A lot of what psychological flexibility is about ; is the way that (OK) or IN WHICH people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress.
Cette phrase paraît correcte cependant j’aurais écrit :Psychological flexibility is largely about how people use the resources, they have, to cope with stress :La flexibilité psychologique concerne en grande partie de la manière dont les gens utilisent les ressources dont ils disposent pour faire face au stress.
One of the things about psychological INFLEXIBILITY(rigidité) is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful TO them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt.
The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck INTO a less than a satisfactory situation, to move them from there, into a zone of achieving( or achievement zone) more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO ///
WHAT (ce qui ) stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction INTO one of higher satisfaction is quite often to do with INFLEXIBILITY in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing.
So, there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive RECIPIENT of whatever the world gives to you. Spending time cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can or MAY PLUS FORMEL solve problems more flexibly in the future. So, EXPOSING yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is really good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de maxwell, postée le 17-03-2021 à 11:35:29 (S | E)
Thanks a lot for this exercise. I don't know if I've found enough mistakes but I can't find another one. We'll see

Help My Student:
Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings TO the circumstances you find yourself. Situations change, and so it’s important to be ABLE to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children TO a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain TO FUNCTION in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s EXPERIENCES are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation WHICH they’re IN. When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning. /// END OF PART ONE /// So your brain can RECORD, it can learn, or your brain can IGNORE the sense data and just go with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way that people use WHATEVER resources [] they have available TO DEAL with stress. One of the things about psychological unflexibility is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful for them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than [] satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO /// WHAT stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction HAS quite often to do with unflexibility in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive receiver of whatever the world gives [] you.
Spending time ON cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So EXPOSING yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is A really good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de magie8, postée le 18-03-2021 à 19:28:13 (S | E)
hello bonjour READY TO CORRECT

Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings TO the circumstances you find yourself. Situations change, and so it’s important TO BE ABLE to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you're born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children at a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain functioning in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s EXPERIENCES are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation that they’re IN. When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning. /// END OF PART ONE /// So your brain can upload, it can learn, or your brain can not know the sense data and just go with HIS own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way WHICH people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress. One of the things about psychological INFLEXIBILITY is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful TO them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than a satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO /// WHAT stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction is quite often to do with INFLEXIBILITY in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive RECIPIENT of whatever the world gives( )you. Spending time cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So EXPOSING yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is A really good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
RECEIVER= un recepteur de radio ou de téléphone ou un terme de joueur de foot americain= LE RECEVEUR
Dans ce texte il s'agit d'une personne qui reçoit quelque chose: un bénéficiaire, un destinataire = recipient
ALLOWED= autorisé par quelqu'un
TO BE ABLE TO = être capable physiquement ou intellectuellement
J'ai hésité avec ENABLED= permis grace à des compétences acquises .Cela pourrait aller aussi puisque cela parle d'acquérir la capacité à l'adaptation par des expériences

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de here4u, postée le 21-03-2021 à 11:26:07 (S | E)
Hey dears!

Wake up guys...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de maya92, postée le 22-03-2021 à 17:27:17 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings TO the circumstances you find yourself IN. Situations change, and so it’s important to be ABLE to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children TO a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain TO FUNCTION in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s EXPERIENCES are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation (that) they’re IN. When your brain can’t predict ANYTHING, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning. /// END OF PART ONE ///
So your brain can TAKE IN, it can learn, or your brain can’t know the sense data and just go ON with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way (that) people use resources that are available for them TO DEAL with stress. One of the things about psychological INFLEXIBILITY is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful TO them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to REMOVE people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than () satisfactory situation, to move them out of THAT into a zone of achieving MOST of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO //
That stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction INTO one of higher satisfaction. THIS HAS quite often to do with INFLEXIBILITY in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive receiver of whatever the world gives (to) you. Spending time ON cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So to expose yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is really A good investment. ///
I found too many mistakes ...(I never have the right amount of mistakes)

Thank u

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de joe39, postée le 24-03-2021 à 11:09:45 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Please find hereunder my work,
Ready to be checked.
15 mistakes.
Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings with the circumstances you find yourself. Situations change, and so it’s important to be allowed to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished YET - 1. If you expose your children TO – 2 a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain TO FUNCTION AS a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s EXPERIENCES 3 are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation IN WHICH THEY WERE IN - 4.
When your brain can’t predict ANYTHING - 5, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning. /// END OF PART ONE ///
So your brain can upload, it can learn, or your brain can not DETECT - 6 the sense data and just go with its own prediction.
Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by RELIABLE - 7 predicting or by learning when there is a prediction error.
A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way that people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress. One of the things about psychological INFLEXIBILITY - 8 is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful TO – 9 them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than a satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO /// WHAT - 10 stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction HAS - 11 quite often to do with INFLEXIBILITY in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really LIFE LESSON - 12 here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive receiver of whatever the world gives to you. Spending time cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction ERRORS -13 so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So EXPOSING - 14 yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is really A- 15 good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
I hope you are doing well and thanking a lot for the “psychological atmosphere” you made us to embed in, I hope you have a pleasant day.
So long.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de chocolatcitron, postée le 25-03-2021 à 16:14:27 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/90 le samedi 27 mars.
Message de here4u posté le 12-03-2021 à 14:19:51 (S | E | F)
Hello, my dear Here4u!

Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
I'll try to find your 15 MISTAKES left.
Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings 1 TO the circumstances you find yourself. Situations change, and so it’s important to be 2 ABLE to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children 3 TO a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain 4 FUNCTION in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s 5 EXPERIENCES are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation 6 THAN they’re. When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning. /// END OF PART ONE /// So your brain can 7 RECORD, it can learn, or your brain can not know the sense data and just go with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way that people use resources that they have available in 8 TO DEAL with stress. One of the things about psychological unflexibility is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful for them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt 9 TO. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than a satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO /// 10 WHAT stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction 11 THAN 12 HAS quite often to do with unflexibility in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive receiver of whatever the world gives to you. Spending time 13 ON cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So 14 EXPOSING yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is 15 A really good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
I give you THE FORCE!💪☀️❤️
Thanks Here4u, I did my very best…

Stay safe, all of You!
See you soon.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de here4u, postée le 27-03-2021 à 23:43:38 (S | E)
Hello, Dears!

Voici votre correction. J'espère que vous avez "révisé" cette "flexibility" très Anglo-saxonne qui nous est indispensable, surtout en cette terrible période que le monde entier traverse.

Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings to (1) the circumstances you find yourself in(2). Situations change, and so it’s important to be able* to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children to (3) a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain to function (4) in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s experiences (5) are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation that they’re in (2).
When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning.
/// END OF PART ONE /// So your brain can update (6), it can learn, or your brain can ignore (7) the sense data and just go with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way in which (8) people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress. One of the things about psychological inflexibility (9) is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful to (10) them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential. /// END OF PART TWO /// What (11) stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction is quite often to do with inflexibility (9) in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive recipient (13) of whatever the world gives you (14). Spending time cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So exposing (15) yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is really good investment. /// END OF THE TEXT///.
(1) to adjust sg to sg else => to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings to something
* "to be allowed" est l'équivalent du modal "may". Il exprime une permission, une autorisation. Au contraire, "to be able to" est l'équivalent du modal "can" et exprime une capacité physique ou intellectuelle.
(2) circumstances you find yourself in : attention de ne pas oublier la préposition rejetée en fin de phrase = circumstances in which you find yourself.
(3) to expose sb to sg: expose your children to a lot of varying experiences
(4) ... child’s brain to function : ici à le sens de « pour » et exprime le but.
(5) your child’s experiences: = expérience de la vie (à ne pas confondre avec « experiment » : expérience scientifique. )
(6) your brain can upload - Lien internet
=> your brain can update Lien internet
; bien faire la différence entre les deux verbes.
(7) "to ignore" est fort ; cela signifie « ne pas tenir compte de » Lien internet
: to keep oneself from noticing or recognizing; to disregard.
(8) ... is the way in which people use resources : attention au pronom relatif.
(9) flexibility => le contraire = inflexibility.
(10) To be helpful TO someone.
(11) What stops people...: Ce qui empêche les gens de …
(13) a receiver : RECEIVER= un récepteur de radio ou de téléphone/ un terme de joueur de football américain = LE RECEVEUR
Dans ce texte il s'agit d'une personne qui reçoit quelque chose: un bénéficiaire, un destinataire = a recipient
(14) whatever the world gives you: tout [ quoique ce soit!] ce que le monde nous donne … (attention à la construction de «to give») Lien internet
(15) To expose= pour exposer /// exposing= exposer.
Inutile de vous préciser que j'attends les volontaires pour le Follow up Work!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de maxwell, postée le 28-03-2021 à 09:07:53 (S | E)
Si j'ai bien suivi, magie8 prend la 1e partie, je prends la 2e
Part II:
So your brain can update, it can learn, or your brain can ignore the sense data and just go with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way in which people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress. One of the things about psychological inflexibility is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful to them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential.
Votre cerveau peut donc mettre à jour, apprendre ou ne pas tenir compte des informations sensorielles et faire avec ses propres prédictions. La flexibilité psychologique réside essentiellement dans la façon dont les gens utilisent leurs ressources disponibles dans la manière de gérer le stress. Une des problématiques touchant le manque de souplesse psychologique est que les gens n'utilisent pas leurs ressources d'une façon qui leur est profitable. Bien souvent, ils utilisent une palette de ressources très limitée pour pouvoir s'adapter. L'idée de la flexibilité psychologique est vraiment de faire évoluer les gens depuis un état que les psychologues appellent la langueur, où ils sont bloqués dans une situation laissant à désirer, pour les faire accéder à un stade où ils réalisent davantage leur potentiel.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de magie8, postée le 28-03-2021 à 12:53:34 (S | E)
hello , bonjour voici ma traduction

Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings to (1) the circumstances you find yourself in(2). Situations change, and so it’s important to be able* to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children to (3) a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain to function (4) in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s experiences (5) are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation that they’re in (2).
When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning.
La flexibilité est la capacité d'adapter vos pensées, actions et sentiments aux circonstances dans lesquelles vous vous trouvez.Les situations changent, et il est donc important de pouvoir s'adapter et se comporter de la manière la plus fonctionnelle possible pour atteindre vos objectifs.
A la naissance,votre cerveau n'est pas terminé.Si vous exposez vos enfants à un grand nombre d'expériences différentes,vous préparez son cerveau à fonctionner de manière flexible et à apprendre de nouvelles choses en cas de nécessité.Si les expériences de votre enfant sont limitées ,il aura moins de flexibilité
pour adapter ses actions à la situation dans laquelle il se trouve.Lorsque votre cerveau ne peut pas anticiper ou lorsque vous devez assimiler des informations imprévues. C'est cela que nous appelons l'apprentissage.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de taiji43, postée le 29-03-2021 à 15:12:03 (S | E)
Bonjour Here4U et à vous tous,
voici ma traduction de la troisième partie
Ce qui empêche les gens de passer d'une attitude de contentement relatif à un état de plus intense satisfaction dans leur vie est souvent lié au manque de flexibilité dans la façon dont ils abordent le problème auquel ils sont confrontés. Il y a donc une leçon très profonde à en tirer. Vous pouvez prendre plus de contrôle sur votre environnement. Vous n'êtes pas seulement un bénéficiaire passif de ce que le monde vous offre. Passer du temps à cultiver des expériences et à rechercher de nouvelles informations est un investissement dans le maintien d'un cerveau flexible. Ce sont autant d'occasions de vous exposer à l'erreur de prédiction afin que votre cerveau puisse résoudre les problèmes avec plus de souplesse à l'avenir. Ainsi, s'exposer à des choses que l'on ne connaît pas, et peut-être même à des idées que l'on n'aime pas, pourraient vous faire sentir « naze » sur le moment, mais c'est en fait un très bon investissement. /// FIN DU TEXTE/·
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/90 de here4u, postée le 01-04-2021 à 16:34:28 (S | E)
Hello, dear Friends,

Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions and feelings to the circumstances you find yourself in. Situations change, and so it’s important to be able to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.
When you’re born, your brain is not finished. If you expose your children to a lot of varying experiences, then you’re basically wiring your child’s brain to function in a flexible way and to learn new things when necessary. If your child’s experiences are very restricted, then they will have less flexibility to adjust their actions to the situation that they’re in.
When your brain can’t predict something, or when you have to take in new information that you didn’t predict, that’s what we call learning.
La flexibilité est la capacité d'adapter vos pensées, vos actions et vos sentiments aux circonstances situations/ conditions dans lesquelles vous vous trouvez. Les situations changent, et il est donc important de pouvoir s'adapter et se comporter de la manière la plus fonctionnelle possible pour atteindre vos objectifs. TTB
A la naissance, votre cerveau n'est pas terminé. Si vous exposez vos enfants à un grand nombre d'expériences différentes, vous préparez son cerveau à fonctionner de manière flexible et à apprendre de nouvelles choses en cas de nécessité.

Bravo, Magie ! Tu as très bien compris et traduit !

So your brain can update, it can learn, or your brain can ignore the sense data and just go with its own prediction. Flexibility means tailoring a response to the specific situation, either by predicting well or by learning when there is a prediction error. A lot of what psychological flexibility is about is the way in which people use resources that they have available in dealing with stress. One of the things about psychological inflexibility is that people are not using their resources in a way that’s helpful to them. Quite often they’re using a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt. The idea in psychological flexibility is really to move people from a state of what psychologists call languishing, of being stuck in a less than satisfactory situation, to move them out of there into a zone of achieving more of their potential.
Votre cerveau peut donc mettre à jour (actualiser), apprendre ou ne pas tenir compte des informations sensorielles et faire avec (se contenter de) ses propres prédictions. La flexibilité psychologique réside essentiellement dans la façon dont les gens utilisent leurs ressources disponibles dans la manière de gérer le stress. Une des problématiques touchant le manque de souplesse psychologique est que les gens n'utilisent pas leurs ressources d'une façon qui leur est profitable. Bien souvent, ils utilisent une palette de ressources très limitée pour pouvoir s'adapter. L'idée de la flexibilité psychologique est vraiment de faire évoluer les gens depuis un état que les psychologues appellent la langueur, où ils sont bloqués dans une situation laissant à désirer, pour les faire accéder à un stade où ils réalisent davantage leur potentiel. Bravo, Maxwell ! C'est un très bon texte.

What stops people from changing their lives from a state of low satisfaction to one of higher satisfaction is quite often to do with inflexibility in the way they approach the problem that they’re facing. So there’s a really deep lesson here. You can take more control over your environment. You are not just a passive recipient of whatever the world gives you. Spending time cultivating experiences and foraging for new information is an investment in maintaining a flexible brain. These are all opportunities to expose yourself to prediction error so that your brain can solve problems more flexibly in the future. So exposing yourself to stuff you don’t know, and maybe even ideas you don’t like, might make you feel crappy in the moment but actually it is really good investment.
Ce qui empêche les gens de passer d'une attitude de contentement relatif à un état de plus intense satisfaction dans leur vie est souvent lié au manque de flexibilité dans la façon dont ils abordent le problème auquel ils sont confrontés.

Bravo, Taiji ! Le texte est très bien traduit.

Bravo à nos trois volontaires et encore un grand merci de la part de tous !

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