Rack Your Brains and Help/93
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basRack Your Brains and Help/93
Message de here4u posté le 26-04-2021 à 17:15:40 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,
"Vacances", encore, confinement et couvre-feu aussi ... Adaptabilité aux événements, aux circonstances ... Incertitudes toujours ... Nous faisons tous "au-mieux", et je vais continuer à essayer de le faire aussi malgré quelques "ignorances" de dates et autres ... Disons que dans l'idéal, cet exercice devrait être corrigé en ligne pour le jeudi 13 mai ou le vendredi 14 mais pour une fois, ces dates ne peuvent pas être garanties. I'll do my best!
En tout cas, j'ai essayé de vous le rendre "léger", sinon facile, et c'est bien un

RACK YOUR BRAINS AND HELP, please... there are 16 mistakes in this extract... (Some mistakes may be repeated...
Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in mornings, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a smoky coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how my room could be tidy. Am I obsessed by cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically our lifestyles were different.///END of PART ONE/// Her wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t allowed to focus even an half hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day too.» I know that I don’t have to work all the day. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down not for achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how should be a person.///END of PART TWO/// People who go against what is right for them actually do it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act again your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements too. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I don’t need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks his own balance as well as he can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way much too things, and probably never will. ///END of TEXT///
Well well... May the FORCE be with us all. Take great care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Message de here4u posté le 26-04-2021 à 17:15:40 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,
"Vacances", encore, confinement et couvre-feu aussi ... Adaptabilité aux événements, aux circonstances ... Incertitudes toujours ... Nous faisons tous "au-mieux", et je vais continuer à essayer de le faire aussi malgré quelques "ignorances" de dates et autres ... Disons que dans l'idéal, cet exercice devrait être corrigé en ligne pour le jeudi 13 mai ou le vendredi 14 mais pour une fois, ces dates ne peuvent pas être garanties. I'll do my best!

RACK YOUR BRAINS AND HELP, please... there are 16 mistakes in this extract... (Some mistakes may be repeated...

Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in mornings, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a smoky coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how my room could be tidy. Am I obsessed by cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically our lifestyles were different.///END of PART ONE/// Her wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t allowed to focus even an half hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day too.» I know that I don’t have to work all the day. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down not for achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how should be a person.///END of PART TWO/// People who go against what is right for them actually do it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act again your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements too. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I don’t need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks his own balance as well as he can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way much too things, and probably never will. ///END of TEXT///
Well well... May the FORCE be with us all. Take great care of yourselves and your loved ones.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de maxwell, postée le 28-04-2021 à 17:55:58 (S | E)
Hello Here4U

Thanks a lot again! I've been reading very carefully and slowly each sentence, and finally, I've found enough mistakes to feel rather satisfied. Some of them are really classic ones

RACK YOUR BRAINS AND HELP, please... there are 16 mistakes in this extract... (Some mistakes may be repeated... )
Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in THE MORNING, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a smoky coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I LINE UP my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how TIDY my room could be []. Am I obsessed WITH cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big MATTER in my life. Ever since I was a kid it HAS determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically our lifestyles were different. HERS wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t ABLE to focus even HALF AN hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day too.» I know that I don’t have to work all [] day. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down for NOT achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how [] a person SHOULD BE. People who go against what is right for them actually do it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act AGAINST your best INTERESTS. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…If sloth exists it must be because it HAS some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements EITHER.
Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I DIDN'T HAVE to be alone in this, and that ENABLED me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks THEIR own balance as well as THEY can. As for us, we'VE found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way TOO MANY things, and probably never will.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de taiji43, postée le 28-04-2021 à 23:21:38 (S | E)
Dear Here4U
I had finished this morning this correcction but I erased it at the time of sending it . So ? I have made it again this evening.

Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in THE mornings, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a( smoky =fumé = non ) STEAMING coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work».
Every time I get to work, I REALIZE how TIDY my room could be . Am I obsessed by cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I REALIZE how radically our lifestyles were different. HERS (la sienne) wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve.
Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I (wasn’t allowed to)???COULD N’T(déjà vu dans un autre texte) focus even HALF AN hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day too (too = aussi Ou si on traduit par : non plus = either) .» I know that I don’t have to work ALL DAY. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down FOR NOT achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of WHAT a person SHOULD BE. People who go against what is right for themselves ???( pour eux-mêmes ), actually do it OUT OF (par) ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you ( a hat) ????? makes you act AGAINST (contre) your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievement EITHER ( non plus)Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I don’t need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks THEIR own BALANCES as well as THEY can. As for us, we found it , through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at
I ‘ve spent years wanting to do (way ???) TOO MANY things, and probably never will
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de alpiem, postée le 01-05-2021 à 22:20:52 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/93
Hello dear coach,I have been scrutinizing every sentence, I acknowledge that it's the best thing to be done!

Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in THE MORNING, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important CHORES. «I have to work».
I make myself a smoky coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I LINE UP my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how TIDY my room HAS TO be. Am I obsessed by cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it HAS DETERMIDED the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically DIFFERENT our lifestyles were . HER'S wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang.
Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. SINCE a young age I HAVE had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t ABLE to focus even HALF AN hour MORE. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day too.» I know that I don’t have to work all day LONG. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down for NOT achieving their goals and NOT contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how should be a person. People who go against what is right for them actually do it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act again your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements too. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I don’t need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks THEIR own balance as well as THEY can. As for us, we found it through supporting each OTHERS, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way much too things, and probably never will.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de here4u, postée le 05-05-2021 à 16:34:18 (S | E)

Comme "annoncé", pour pallier les difficultés possibles et incertitudes de mi-mai, je commence à envoyer vos corrections dès réception (et temps
de correction nécessaire ...

You're needed on Our Story too!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de chocolatcitron, postée le 07-05-2021 à 08:06:28 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u,

Merci à toi.
Bonne journée...

Stay safe!
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de here4u, postée le 07-05-2021 à 09:38:02 (S | E)
Hello, dear Choco!

Of course! (as usual...)

I also forgot to indicate the different parts for the Follow up Work:

* ... lifestyles were different." ///END of PART ONE/// (Désolée ... Je n'ai plus accès aux données ...

* ... be a person.///END of PART TWO/// People who go...
*... never will. ///END of TEXT///

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2021 23:01
I added the different parts of the text ...
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de chocolatcitron, postée le 07-05-2021 à 10:50:38 (S | E)
Thanks, Here4u, I'll translate the first part ❤️ : "first come, first served!"

Don't worry, I'll post my work tonight, so, you 'll have a little time for marking, before your ...

See you soon...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de maya92, postée le 07-05-2021 à 11:20:23 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in the MORNING, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a STEAMING coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well ORDERLY. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how TIDY my room could be. Am I obsessed by cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it HAS determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically DIFFERENT our lifestyles were. HERS wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t ABLE to focus even HALF-AN-hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day EITHER.» I know that I don’t have to work all day. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down for NOT achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how a person SHOULD BE. People who go against what is right for them actually do it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But THIS perception IS clouded by THE desire that makes you act AGAINST your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it CERTAINLY HAS some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself ON to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements too. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I DIDN’T need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks THEIR own balance as well as THEY can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way much too things, and probably never will.
Did it in a hurry and again not the right amount ...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de chocolatcitron, postée le 07-05-2021 à 14:32:52 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/93
Message de here4u posté le 26-04-2021 à 17:15:40 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Here4u !

Hi everybody !

Here is my work:
RACK YOUR BRAINS AND HELP, please... 16 mistakes have been left:

1- Get to work = avoir l’occasion de faire quelque chose. Get working = commencer à faire quelque chose.
2- In mornings = les matins. In the morning = tous les matins.
3-Smoky = enfummé par la fumée. Steaming = qui fume (liquide chaud ou glacé dégageant de la vapeur).
4-How + adj + nom + verbe. How tidy my room could be.
5-Pronom possessif : hers = le sien, son style de vie.
6-Yin and Yang = uncountable, donc pas de « an » devant interesting.
7-Since my earliest childhood = depuis ma plus tendre enfance, point de départ donc since.
8-To able to capacité ; to be allowed to = permission.
9-Half an hour = une demi-heure.
10-Fell bad about = se culpabiliser au sujet de…
11-You don’t have to = absence d’obligation, vous n’avez pas à, il ne vous faut pas…
12-All day long = toute la journée. All the day : bof !
13-Look down upon = toiser, regarder de haut, avec dédain, dédaigner.
14-Clouded + over = se couvrir.
15-Satisfied + with = satisfait de, content de...
16-Their au lieu de his, car everyone + verbe singulier et pronoms au pluriel.
17-They au lieu de he, car everyone + verbe singulier et pronoms au pluriel.
18-Too many = countable (things). much too ? = too much + uncountable.
Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and 1-gets WORKING. As for me, before I 1(bis) get WORKING 2-in THE MORNING, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a 3-STEAMING coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I 1 (ter)-get WORKING, I realise 4-HOW TIDY MY ROOM COULD BE. Am I obsessed by cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth. Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid, it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically our lifestyles were different. /// FIRST PART/// 5-HERS wasn’t tainted by sloth.
Irene and I formed 6-[] interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. 7-SINCE MY EARLIEST CHILDHOOD I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t 8-ABLE to focus even 9-half AN hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel 10-BAD ABOUT my life. «Well… you don’t have 11-TO WORK 12-ALL DAY LONG too.» I know that I don’t have to work 12 (bis) ALL DAY LONG. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are 13-looked down UPON not for achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how should be a person. ///SECOND PART/// People who go against what is right for them actually do it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception 14-clouded OVER by desire that makes you act again your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware… If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt 15-satisfied WITH. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements too. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I don’t need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks 16-THEIR own balance as well as 17-THEY can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way 18-TOO MANY things, and probably never will. ///THE END///
Irène a de nombreuses qualités, mais j’admire surtout deux d’entre elles. Elle se réveille sans difficulté, et commence à travailler. Comme pour moi, avant que je commence à travailler le matin, je me retrouve toujours occupé par une corvée extrêmement importante mais irritante. « Je dois travailler ». Je me fais un café fumant. « Je dois travailler. » Je consulte mes réseaux sociaux une minute de plus ». « Je dois travailler » J’aligne mes chaussures pour qu’elles paraissent bien rangées. « Je dois travailler ». À chaque fois que je commence à travailler, je réalise la possibilité que ma chambre soit en désordre ». Suis-je obsédé par le nettoyage ? Non, ce sont toutes des excuses. Ce sont des lubies, ce sont les paradoxes de la paresse. La paresse a toujours été un gros problème dans ma vie. Depuis mon enfance, cela a déterminé la façon dont j’interagissais avec autrui. Quand j’ai rencontré Irène, à l’école de dessin, nous avons commencé à traîner, j’ai réalisé combien nos vies étaient radicalement opposées. La sienne n’était pas ternie par la paresse.
Irène et moi formions un Yin et Yang intéressant. Irène est méthodique, et introvertie. Et je suis dissipé. Nous nous complétons parfaitement. Dès ma plus tendre enfance, j’ai eu un flou relationnel avec l’obligation. Dans ma vie d’adulte, cette propension ne semblait pas s’améliorer. Hier, j’ai passé sept heures devant mon écran d’ordinateur, et je n’ai pas été capable de me focaliser ne serait-ce qu’une demi-heure. Vraiment, c’était affreux, je culpabilisais au sujet de ma vie. Eh bien, vous n’avez pas à travailler toute la journée, aussi. » Je sais que je n’ai pas à travailler toute la journée. Mais si je n’étais pas productif, je sentais que je devais passer plus de temps à essayer de l’être autrement. Je me sentais coupable. C’est absurde.
Nous vivons dans une société de consommation. Les personnes improductives sont toisées pour ne pas atteindre leurs buts ni contribuer à la société. Ils ne considèrent pas le modèle de comment devrait être une personne. Les gens qui vont à l’encontre de ce qui est bon pour eux, le font d’ailleurs par ignorance, car ils ne sont pas complètement au courant des bénéfices de telles actions. Mais cette perception se couvre d’un désir qui vous signifie votre plus grand intérêt. C’est parce que vous n’êtes pas entièrement au courant… Si la paresse existe, ce doit être parce qu’elle doit avoir des fonctions d’évolution. Donc, ce ne peut être cette blessure. Je me suis toujours forcé à réaliser mes buts, mais je n’en ai jamais été satisfait. J’ai sollicité la reconnaissance immédiate des autres, j’ai eu le désir ardent de montrer que j’étais capable d’agir. Je ne me suis pas permis de me reposer, ni fait preuve d’autosatisfaction sur mes actions non plus. Le travail main dans la main avec une amie m’a appris que je n’avais pas besoin d’être en solo pour le faire, et cela me permettait d’apprécier davantage mon temps libre.
À la fin, tout le monde cherche son propre équilibre, autant qu’il le peut. Comme pour nous, nous l’avons trouvé en nous encourageant mutuellement, en étant certain que nous pouvons réellement nous concentrer sur nos aptitudes. J’ai passé des années en voulant me disperser sur trop de choses, et je ne les ai probablement jamais accomplies.
Thanks a lot for this very long but such a pleasant text! I love it!
Take great care of Yourselves, and your loved ones, all of You.
Here is the Force, my dear Here4u.

See you soon.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de lucile83, postée le 08-05-2021 à 17:06:39 (S | E)
Hello there,
You can rack your brains and go on with that exercise

Thanks a lot !
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de swan85, postée le 08-05-2021 à 22:10:47 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Here is what I tried to do :
Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in THE MORNING, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a smoky STEAMING coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align LINE UP my shoes so that they look well organized . «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realize how TIDY my room could be . Am I obsessed WITH cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it HAS determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically DIFFERENT our lifestyles were. ///end of part one/// HERS wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t ABLE to focus even half AN hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day too.» I know that I don’t have to work all the day. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down for NOT achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how A PERSON should be. ///end of part two///People who go against what is right for them ARE actually DOING it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act again your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements too. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I DIDN’T need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks his own balance as well as he can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do TOO MANY things, and probably never will.///end of text///.
Bon courage à vous.
A bientôt.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de magie8, postée le 12-05-2021 à 18:28:52 (S | E)

Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work . As for me, before I get to work in THE MORNING , I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a STEAMING coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how TIDY my room could be. Am I obsessed ABOUT or WITH cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically DIFFERENT our lifestyles were.///END of PART
HERS wasn’t tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I wasn’t ABLE TO focus even an half AN hour. Really, it was horrible, I FELT terrible about my life. «Well… you don’t have to be working all day LONG EITHER .» I know that I don’t have to work all day LONG. But if I haven’t been productive, I FELT I must spend more time trying otherwise. I feel guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down for NOT achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how A PERSON should be.///END of PART TWO///
People who go against what is right for them actually do it by ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act AGAINST your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements EITHER. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I DIDN'T need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks THEIR own balance as well as THEY can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way much too MANY things, and probably never will. ///END of TEXT///
je traduirais la 2eme partie après correction

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de here4u, postée le 13-05-2021 à 21:18:06 (S | E)
Hello Dear Friends,

Here I am again in living quarters that I'd have preferred to avoid, but Life is what it is, isn't it?

Feel free to volunteer for the Follow Up Work... I think the whole text is covered but you may choose to work what has already been worked on as long as you don't copy your friends'versions!

Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in the morning (1), I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a smoky coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how tidy my room could be.(2) Am I obsessed with (3) cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically different our lifestyles were.(2) ///END of PART ONE/// Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in the morning (1), I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a smoky coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, Irealise how tidy my room could be. (2) Am I obsessed with (3) cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically different our lifestyles were.(2) Hers wasn’t (4) tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I couldn’t focus (5)even half an hour(6). Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. « Well… you don’t have to be working all day either(7). » I know that I don’t have to work all day(8). But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I’m feeling guilty(9). It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down upon(10) for not achieving (11)their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how a person should be(2).///END of PART TWO/// People who go against what is right for themselves(12) actually do it out of(13) ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act against (14) your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements either(7). Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I don’t need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks their(15) own balance as well as they(15) can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way too many things(16), and probably never will .///END of the TEXT///.
(1) work
(2) realise how my room could be tidy : how tidy my room could be.= How + adjectif + sujet + verbe.// J’ai bien insisté … Il y avait trois fois la structure : how radically different our lifestyles were// of how a person should be//
(3) obsessed by: obsessed with
(4) Her wasn’t tainted: était incorrect ; She wasn’t… était bon, mais là, il s’agissait d’un pronom possessif (hers) mis pour « her lifestyle ». => Hers wasn’t tainted
(5) I wasn’t allowed : est l’équivalent de "may" au passé (qui indique une permission donnée), parfois de "can" et avec certains verbes, cela convient parfaitement. Néanmoins cela devient « étonnant » si l’on ajoute le verbe « focus » => cependant il existe la forme can/ could qui convenait exactement. => I couldn’t focus:
(6) an half hour : half an hour. ou a half hour!
(7) you don’t have to be working all day too. = FORME IMPOSSIBLE ; La phrase est négative= non plus = not either => you don’t have to be working all day either Lien internet
(8) to work all the day=> work all day/ work the whole day (en entier)
(9) I feel guilty. Serait une généralité … Ici, le sens est « lorsque j’agis ainsi, je me sens coupable : I’m feeling guilty.
(10) mépriser : to look down on/ upon// au passif : are looked down upon
(11) «not for achieving» est FAUX. for not achieving donne la cause, la raison pour laquelle certains sont méprisés : he was punished for cheating= pour avoir triché/ parce qu’il avait triché.
(12) il sait ce qui est bon pour lui = pour lui-même =>for himself. People est pluriel => for themselves.
(13) par ignorance/ par amour/ par timidité : OUT OF ignorance/ our of love/ out of shyness.
(14) you act against your best interest : again n’avait aucun sens, ici.
(15) everyone seeks their own balance as well as they can : everyone : pronom indéfini qui exige le verbe au singulier (seeks) mais repris avec des adjectifs/ pronoms pluriel (their : adjectif possessif pluriel – they : pronom personnel sujet pluriel.)
(16) to do way too many things : to do much too many things : beaucoup trop de choses.
Congrats all of you for your great work!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de taiji43, postée le 14-05-2021 à 11:11:03 (S | E)
Je vais traduire la troisième partie bonne journée à tous ,et bon courage à toi Here4U
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de taiji43, postée le 14-05-2021 à 15:46:36 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
here is my third part translation
which has already been done by chocolatcitron but which is sometimes different and done after your correction
Les gens qui vont à l'encontre de ce qui est juste pour eux le font en réalité par ignorance, car ils ne sont pas pleinement conscients des avantages de telles actions. Mais c'est une perception obscurcie par le désir qui vous fait agir contre votre meilleur intérêt. C'est parce que vous n'êtes pas entièrement conscient...
Si le paresse existe, ce doit être parce qu’elle doit avoir une fonction évolutive. Donc ça ne peut pas être si nuisible. Je me suis toujours poussé pour atteindre mes objectifs, mais je ne me suis jamais senti satisfait. Je recherchais la reconnaissance immédiate des autres et j'avais le besoin impérieux de montrer ce dont j'étais capable. Je ne me permettais pas non plus de me reposer ou de me réjouir de mes réalisations. Travailler main dans la main avec un(e) ami(e) m'a appris que je n'avais pas besoin d'être seul pour réaliser un travail, et cela m'a permis de profiter davantage de mon temps libre. Au final, chacun cherche son propre équilibre du mieux qu'il peut. En ce qui nous concerne, nous l'avons trouvé en nous soutenant mutuellement, en nous assurant que nous pouvons vraiment nous concentrer sur ce pour quoi nous avons des aptitudes. J'ai passé des années à vouloir faire beaucoup trop de choses, que je ne ferai probablement jamais.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de magie8, postée le 14-05-2021 à 23:57:20 (S | E)
traduction 2e partie hello
Hers wasn’t (4) tainted by sloth. Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I couldn’t focus (5)even half an hour(6). Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. « Well… you don’t have to be working all day either(7). » I know that I don’t have to work all day(8). But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I’m feeling guilty(9). It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down upon(10) for not achieving (11)their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how a person should be(2).///END of PART TWO//
La sienne n'était pas entachée par la paresse.Hélène et moi formions un yin et yang intéressant.Irène est disciplinée et introvertie.Je suis dissipée.Nous nous complétons parfaitement.Dès mon plus jeune âge j'ai eu une relation floue avec le devoir. Dans ma vie d'adulte,cette tendance n'a pas semblé s'améliorer. Hier j'ai passé deux heures sur l'ordinateur et je n'ai pas pu me concentrer même une demi-heure.C'était horrible,je me sentais mal dans ma vie. "Tu n'es pas obligée de travailler toute la journée non plus". Je sais que je ne suis pas obligée de travailler toute la journée .Mais si je n'ai pas été productive,je sens que je dois passer plus de temps à essayer sinon je me sens coupable. C'est absurde.
Nous vivons dans une société de consommation.Les personnes improductives sont méprisées, parce qu'elles n'atteignent pas leurs objectifs et ne participent pas à la société. Elles ne correspondent pas au modèle que l'on attend d'elles.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/93 de here4u, postée le 15-05-2021 à 08:16:38 (S | E)
Hello, dear Workers,


Irene has a lot of qualities, but I particularly admire two of them. She wakes up with no difficulty and gets to work. As for me, before I get to work in the morning, I always find myself busy with some irritating but extremely important chore. «I have to work». I make myself a smoky coffee. «I have to work». I check my social media one more minute. «I have to work». I align my shoes so that they look well organised. «I have to work». Every time I get to work, I realise how tidy my room could be. Am I obsessed with cleaning? No, they’re all excuses. They’re whims, they’re paradoxes of sloth.
Sloth has always been a big theme in my life. Ever since I was a kid it determined the way I interacted with the world. When I met Irene in art school and we started hanging out, I realised how radically different our lifestyles were.
Irène a de nombreuses qualités, mais j’admire surtout deux d’entre elles. Elle se réveille sans difficulté, et commence à travailler(se met au travail aussitôt!) . Comme pour moi,NON! avant que je commence à travailler le matin, je me retrouve toujours occupé par une corvée extrêmement importante mais irritante. « Je dois travailler ». Je me fais un café fumant. « Je dois travailler. » Je consulte mes réseaux sociaux une minute de plus ». « Je dois travailler » J’aligne mes chaussures pour qu’elles paraissent bien rangées. « Je dois travailler ». À chaque fois que je commence à travailler, je réalise la possibilité que ma chambre soit en désordre ». Suis-je obsédéE par le nettoyage ? Non, ce sont toutes des excuses. Ce sont des lubies, ce sont les paradoxes de la paresse. La paresse a toujours été un gros problème dans ma vie. Depuis mon enfance, cela a déterminé la façon dont j’interagissais avec autrui. Quand j’ai rencontré Irène, à l’école de dessin, nous avons commencé à traîner, j’ai réalisé combien nos vies étaient radicalement opposées. La sienne n’était pas ternie par la paresse. Une petite erreur, Choco et n'oublie pas qu'en françaisn on "réalise" un rêve et/ou un bénéfice, mais on se "rend compte de quelque chose"! C'est Très bien. BRAVO!

Irene and I formed an interesting yin and yang. Irene is disciplined and introverted. And I’m unfocused. We complement each other just right. From a young age I had a blurry relationship with duty. In my adult life, this tendency didn’t seem to improve. Yesterday I spent seven hours in front of the computer and I couldn’t focus even half an hour. Really, it was horrible, I feel terrible about my life. « Well… you don’t have to be working all day either. » I know that I don’t have to work all day. But if I haven’t been productive, I feel I must spend more time trying otherwise. I’m feeling guilty. It’s absurd.
We live in a consumer society. Unproductive people are looked down upon for not achieving their goals and contributing to society. They don’t fit the pattern of how a person should be.
Irène et moi formions un Yin et Yang intéressant. Irène est méthodique, et introvertie. Et je suis dissipéE. Nous nous complétons parfaitement. Dès ma plus tendre enfance, j’ai eu un flou relationnel avec l’obligation. Dans ma vie d’adulte, cette propension ne semblait pas s’améliorer. Hier, j’ai passé sept heures devant mon écran d’ordinateur, et je n’ai pas été capable de me focaliser (concentrer?) ne serait-ce qu’une demi-heure. Vraiment, c’était affreux, je culpabilisais au sujet de ma vie. Eh bien, vous n’avez pas à* travailler toute la journée, aussi. » Je sais que je n’ai pas à travailler toute la journée. Mais si je n’étais pas productif, je sentais que je devais passer plus de temps à essayer de l’être autrement. Je me sentais coupable. C’est absurde.

Nous vivons dans une société de consommation. Les personnes improductives sont toisées pour ne pas atteindre leurs buts ni contribuer à la société. Ils ne considèrent pas le modèle de comment devrait être une personne.
* elle se parle à elle-même ! .... et ne se vouvoie pas !
Bonne compréhension, je pense, mais de la maladresse d'expression ! Merci, Choco ! 2
La sienne??? la quoi? n'était pas entachée par la paresse. Hélène et moi formions un yin et yang intéressant. Irène est disciplinée et introvertie. Je suis dissipée. Nous nous complétons parfaitement. Dès mon plus jeune âge j'ai eu une relation floue avec le devoir. Dans ma vie d'adulte, cette tendance n'a pas semblé s'améliorer. Hier j'ai passé deux heures ???? sur l'ordinateur et je n'ai pas pu me concentrer

Nous vivons dans une société de consommation. Les personnes improductives sont méprisées,

Bien compris et bien traduit, Magie ! Bravo!

People who go against what is right for themselves actually do it out of ignorance, because they are not fully aware of the benefits of such actions. But it is perception clouded by desire that makes you act against your best interest. That’s because you’re not entirely aware…
If sloth exists it must be because it must have some evolutionary function. So it cannot be that harmful. I always pushed myself to achieve my goals, but I never felt satisfied. I sought immediate recognition from others and had the urge to show what I was capable of. I didn’t allow myself to rest or enjoy my achievements either. Working hand in hand with a friend taught me I don’t need to be alone in this, and that allowed me to enjoy my free time more. In the end, everyone seeks their own balance as well as they can. As for us, we found it through supporting each other, making sure we can really focus on what we are good at. I’ve spent years wanting to do way too many things, and probably never will .
Les gens qui vont à l’encontre de ce qui est bon pour eux, le font d’ailleurs par ignorance, car ils ne sont pas complètement au courant des bénéfices de telles actions. Mais cette perception se couvre d’(est troublée par ?)un désir qui vous signifie qui vous fait agir à l'encontre de votre plus grand intérêt. C’est parce que vous n’êtes pas entièrement au courant… Si la paresse existe, ce doit être parce qu’elle doit avoir des fonctions d’ dans l'évolution. Donc, ce ne peut être cette blessure aussi dangereux que cela. Je me suis toujours forcé à réaliser mes buts, mais je n’en ai jamais été satisfaitE. J’ai sollicité la reconnaissance immédiate des autres, j’ai eu le désir ardent de montrer que de quoi j’étais capable
À la fin, tout le monde cherche son propre équilibre, autant qu’il le peut. Comme pour nous, nous l’avons trouvé en nous encourageant mutuellement, en étant certain que nous pouvons réellement nous concentrer sur nos aptitudes. J’ai passé des années en voulant me disperser sur beaucoup trop de choses, et je ne les ai probablement jamais accomplies.
Bien compris, choco! BRAVO ("Revoir l'expression": as for me: quant à moi. )

Les gens qui vont à l'encontre de ce qui est juste pour eux le font en réalité par ignorance, car ils ne sont pas pleinement conscients des avantages de telles actions. Mais c'est une perception obscurcie par le désir qui vous fait agir contre votre meilleur intérêt. C'est parce que vous n'êtes pas entièrement conscient ...

Si le paresse existe, ce doit être parce qu’elle doit avoir une fonction évolutive.

Un grand merci et

Modifié par here4u le 17-05-2021 16:12
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