RYB/let’s suggest-2
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Message de here4u posté le 12-11-2021 à 22:10:08 (S | E | F)
Hello, chers tous !
Merci à ceux qui ont bien voulu travailler sur le premier sujet que je vous ai donné. Voici le deuxième ainsi que le rappel des modalités de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur un sujet imposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès maintenant … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum - un seul envoi par personne.) Vous êtes libres de faire cet exercice, ou non ! ( maximum de « rédacteurs » : 8 pour le moment et toujours sur la base de «first sent, first published, first corrected» jusqu’à ce que le « quorum » soit atteint [avec un max de 8 à 10, à revoir si nécessaire ...]
EN BLEU, et en soulignant les maladresses, sans donner la «correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir est corrigé à la fois …
3. Dans un troisième temps, après deux jours de « publication », CHACUN pourra (en une fois) faire des suggestions de corrections. (formulées en vert). Lorsque la première publication est « terminée », je publie la deuxième etc…
4. Pendant tout ce temps, je serai en train d’élaborer « la correction finale » (explication des fautes et justification du choix final … Le quatrième temps sera, à la date annoncée, la publication des suggestions pour l’ensemble des productions.
Chaque rédacteur pourra réécrire son texte initial, s’il le veut, en faisant ses corrections « éclairées ». (C’est en quelque sorte un Follow up work – qui n’est pas obligatoire !) Votre sujet :
Let’s suggest! 2: (This topic is inspired by a film (Worth) that I watched a few weeks ago.
"How much is a human life worth? Are all lives worth the same?"
I do hope many of you will try to give us their opinions.
No bank holidays and horribly long "weekends" in view...
, therefore, I'm expecting many tries... and many corrections. MAY THE FORCE be with all of you!

Cet exercise est un

( ou moins/ ou plus, ça dépendra de vous, d’où vous mettrez la barre …).
La correction des différents essais sera en ligne le samedi 27 novembre 2021.
By the way... I forgot to ask you about anonymity. (which was required by some of you, and which I thought was a good idea in the first steps...)
When you send me your tries, I suggest you mention whether you want your pseudo revealed at the moment of the final correction (just to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar! ) You may, of course still choose to write freely and "anonymously"... I can be discreet as the grave...

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-11-2021 07:46
Bug police réparé
Message de here4u posté le 12-11-2021 à 22:10:08 (S | E | F)
Hello, chers tous !

Merci à ceux qui ont bien voulu travailler sur le premier sujet que je vous ai donné. Voici le deuxième ainsi que le rappel des modalités de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur un sujet imposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès maintenant … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum - un seul envoi par personne.) Vous êtes libres de faire cet exercice, ou non ! ( maximum de « rédacteurs » : 8 pour le moment et toujours sur la base de «first sent, first published, first corrected» jusqu’à ce que le « quorum » soit atteint [avec un max de 8 à 10, à revoir si nécessaire ...]
EN BLEU, et en soulignant les maladresses, sans donner la «correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir est corrigé à la fois …
3. Dans un troisième temps, après deux jours de « publication », CHACUN pourra (en une fois) faire des suggestions de corrections. (formulées en vert). Lorsque la première publication est « terminée », je publie la deuxième etc…
4. Pendant tout ce temps, je serai en train d’élaborer « la correction finale » (explication des fautes et justification du choix final … Le quatrième temps sera, à la date annoncée, la publication des suggestions pour l’ensemble des productions.
Chaque rédacteur pourra réécrire son texte initial, s’il le veut, en faisant ses corrections « éclairées ». (C’est en quelque sorte un Follow up work – qui n’est pas obligatoire !) Votre sujet :
Let’s suggest! 2: (This topic is inspired by a film (Worth) that I watched a few weeks ago.
"How much is a human life worth? Are all lives worth the same?"
I do hope many of you will try to give us their opinions.

Cet exercise est un

La correction des différents essais sera en ligne le samedi 27 novembre 2021.
By the way... I forgot to ask you about anonymity. (which was required by some of you, and which I thought was a good idea in the first steps...)
When you send me your tries, I suggest you mention whether you want your pseudo revealed at the moment of the final correction (just to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar! ) You may, of course still choose to write freely and "anonymously"... I can be discreet as the grave...

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-11-2021 07:46
Bug police réparé
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 12-11-2021 à 22:22:08 (S | E)
Hum hum... Police bug...
Help, please, dear Lucile!

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-11-2021 07:49
Well,a few hours later ... it is repaired

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 13-11-2021 à 09:54:30 (S | E)

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 14-11-2021 à 19:58:13 (S | E)
Hello, Dear workers!

"How much is a human life worth? Are all lives worth the same?"
At first sight, I would have said all lives are worth the same: everyone has the right to live their lives the way they choose, and who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals on the grounds that the human race is superior to the animal race? That's very arguable.
Yet, one person's freedom ends where another's begins. Some people think that death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Multi-recidivists will start again when they are released from prison, having served half of an already reduced sentence, while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe some people are hopelessly lost. (141)
Cette production répond bien à la demande.

Votre co-worker et moi comptons sur vous !

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de taiji43, postée le 16-11-2021 à 17:17:03 (S | E)
Don't mind me correcting your test , it's following what I think and not necessarily exact
At first glance, I would have said that all lives have the same value: everyone has the right to live his or her life as he or she wishes, and who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals under the pretext that the human race is superior to the animal race? This is very debatable.xxx
However, one person's freedom ends where another's begins. Some people think that the death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Repeat offenders will do it again when they get out of prison, having served half x already reduced sentence, while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe that some people are hopelessly lost.
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 16-11-2021 à 17:41:56 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Of course we "don't mind" your correcting the expressions...

N'oubliez pas, non plus, d'envoyer vos expressions en mp. (pour le moment, nous n'avons pas de file d'attente !

At first sight/ glance, I would have said all lives are worth the same: everyone has the right to live their lives the way they choose,(not really the required topic) and who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals on the grounds that the human race is superior to the animal race? That's very arguable.
Yet, one person's freedom ends where another's begins. Some people think that death penalty (topic? should be clarified.) should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Multi-recidivists will start again when they are released from prison, having served half of an already reduced sentence, while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe some people are hopelessly lost. (141)
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 17-11-2021 à 07:40:49 (S | E)

Just a tip for those of you who are working silently...
Le sujet donné ne traite pas vraiment de Liberté ou de peine de mort .... mais de la VALEUR (du PRIX en $ ou € ou toute autre appréciation subjective !) d'une vie humaine ... Le film que j'ai vu parlait de l'indemnisation des victimes du 9/11 et du montant qui devait être attribué à chacun et à chaque famille pour "compenser" la perte d'une ou plusieurs vies ... Tout aussi philosophique, mais aussi plus terre à terre ...
At first glance, I would have said that all lives have the same value: everyone has the right to live his or her life as he or she wishes, and who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals under the pretext that the human race is superior to the animal race? This is very debatable.xxx ???
However, one person's freedom ends where another's begins. Some people think that the death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Repeat offenders will do it again when they get out of prison, having served half x already reduced sentence, while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe that some people are hopelessly lost.
Je vous attends avec impatience.

Vous pouvez maintenant proposer des suggestions en vert pour l'expression N° 1. (nous avons une autre expression en attente.)

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de taiji43, postée le 17-11-2021 à 12:34:30 (S | E)
At first glance,o I would have said that all lives have the same value: everyone has the right to live his or her life as he or she wishes, and who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals under the pretext that the human race is superior to the animal race? IT is very debatable.POINT
However, « one person's freedom ends where another's begins ».(JOHN STUART MILL)° Some people think that the death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Rehaving served half x already reduced sentence,peat offenders will do it again when they ARE RELEASE FROM prison, AFTER SERVING THE SENTENCE ALREADY REDUCED BY HALF while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe that some people are hopelessly lost. after serving the
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 17-11-2021 à 20:10:31 (S | E)
J'apporte des "corrections" mais je n'ai pas compris pourquoi le texte original n'était pas bon sur les éléments soulignés (à part le "hors-sujet"

On the face of it, I would have said all lives are worth the same: everyone has the right to live their lives the way they choose, and who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals on the grounds that the human race is superior to the animal race? That's very arguable.
Yet, one person's freedom ends where another one's begins. Some people think that death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Multi-recidivists will do it again when they are released from prison, having served half of an already reduced sentence, while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe some people are hopelessly lost. (141)
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 19-11-2021 à 11:57:30 (S | E)
Hello dears,
Thanks for your corrections. Let consider EXPRESSION N°1 is correct ! Here's the following one. Elle remplit bien les conditions.

DO NOT FORGET that I need your tries to make sure this exercise can live!
It is surprising to ask a question like this. A life is a life and not one worth more than another. How can you give worth to a life? A life has no price, and every life are sacred and must be respected, even for the animals... Of course some people are very useful for the society and some people are less useful or not at all. To prioritize shops was shocking for many peoples during covid confinements, and I think that if you want to prioritize people, it’s going to be more shocking yet. I should be very shocking if somebody tells that I less worth than my neigbhourgs or that they worth less than me. We know it has been doing during the war and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
A vous de jouer ! Merci

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 19-11-2021 à 20:05:32 (S | E)
It is surprising to ask a question like this. A life is a life and not one worth more than another. How can you give worth to a life? A life has no price, and every life are

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 20-11-2021 à 22:36:36 (S | E)

Qui veut partir à la chasse aux fautes ?

It is surprising to ask a question like this. A life is a life and not one worth more than another. How can you give worth to a life? A life has no price, and every life are sacred and must be respected, even for the animals(not clear)... Of course some people are very useful for the society and some people are less useful or not at all. To prioritize shops was shocking for many peoples during covid confinements, and I think that if you want to prioritize people, it’s going to be more shocking yet. I should be very shocking if somebody tells XX (tense)that I less worth than my neigbhourgs or that they XXX worth less than me. We know it has been doing during the war and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
Good luck!

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 22-11-2021 à 12:05:39 (S | E)
Je n’ose pas dire que vous pouviez, depuis hier soir déjà,

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de taiji43, postée le 22-11-2021 à 15:37:30 (S | E)
dearHere stop crying

It is without pretension that I have corrected this text.
It is surprising to ask nSUCH A QUESTION A life is a life and not one IN WORTH more than another. How can you VALUE a life? A life has no price, and every life IS sacred and must be respected, even the animals’. Of course some people are very useful for SOCIETY (sans the) and some people are less useful or not HELPFUL at all. PRIORITIZING shops was shocking for many PEOPLE during covid containment,and I think that if you want to prioritize people, it’s going to be more shocking yet. I should be very SHOCKED if somebody TOLD ME that I less VALUABLE than my neigbhourgs or that they ARE worth less than me. We knowwe know THAT THIS HAPPENED DURING THE WAR and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 22-11-2021 à 20:44:06 (S | E)
Asking this kind of question can seem surprising. A life is a life and no life is worth more than another. How can you quantify the value of a life? A life has no price, and every life is sacred and must be respected, even when it comes to animal life... Of course some people are very useful to society and some people are less useful or even unwanted. Prioritising shops was shocking for many people during the lockdowns, and I think that prioritising people would be even more outrageous. I should be very shocked if somebody said that I was worth less than my neigbhourgs and vice versa. We know that this was the case during the Second World War and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 23-11-2021 à 13:26:43 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers!

We may consider the preceding correction, summing up the different suggestions is good!

Asking this kind of question can seem surprising. A life is a life and no life is worth more than another. How can you quantify the value of a life? A life has no price, and every life is sacred and must be respected, even when it comes to animal life... Of course some people are very useful to society and some people are less useful or even unwanted. Prioritising shops was shocking for many people during the lockdowns, and I think that prioritising people would be even more outrageous. I should be very shocked if somebody said that I was worth less than my neigbhourgs and vice versa. We know that this was the case during the Second World War and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
Here is another try.
Anyone is somebody’s son or daughter, obviously! he can be anybody’s mother, father, brother or sister…. It all depend of the individuals and of how they tend to live their lives, organize (or not) their work, their family and their leisures. A family of several kids gives the head of this family more responsabilities because several lives depend of one person. A father must provide for his kids and make sure they have a decent future. A mother is necessary for kids and for their emotional balance and future happiness.
Yet, a life is worth everything in itself. To save one life is as important as saving a lot. A rescue’s importance mustn’t be proportionnal to the number of people that must, should or can be saved.
Single or married, with or without family, a person is sacred, a life is everything, my life and your life are worth everything.
Well! The number of words isn't specified (and I couldn't reach twice the same number)

Please, indicate the mistakes in blue and underline what you think is clumsy!
Here is THE FORCE!

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 23-11-2021 à 20:07:52 (S | E)
Asking this kind of question can seem surprising. A life is a life and no life is worth more than another. How can you quantify the value of a life? A life has no price, and every life is sacred and must be respected, even when it comes to animal life... Of course some people are very useful to society and some people are less useful when not undesirable. Prioritising shops was shocking for many people during the lockdowns, and I think that prioritising people would be even more outrageous. I would be very shocked if somebody said that I was worth less than anyone in my neigbhourhood and vice versa. We know that this was the case during the Second World War and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
ah oui, il y avait un g en trop à neighbour

Anyone is somebody’s son or daughter, obviously! he can be anybody’s mother, father, brother or sister…. It all depend of

Yet, a life is worth everything in itself. To save one life is as important as saving a lot. A rescue’s importance mustn’t be proportionnal to the number of people that must, should or can be saved.
Single or married, with or without family, a person is sacred, a life is everything, my life and your life are worth everything.
Edit Wednesday : I got it

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 25-11-2021 à 23:07:10 (S | E)

Vous pouvez maintenant corriger en vert!
Anyone is somebody’s son or daughter, obviously! he can be anybody’s mother, father, brother or sister…. It all depend of the individuals and of how they tend to live their lives, organize (or not) their work, their family and their leisures. A family of several kids gives the head of this family more responsabilities because several lives depend of one person. A father must provide for his kids and make sure they have a decent future. A mother is necessary for kids and for their emotional balance and future happiness.
Yet, a life is worth everything in itself. To save one life is as important as saving a lot. A rescue’s importance mustn’t be proportionnal to the number of people that must, should or can be saved.
Single or married, with or without family, a person is sacred, a life is everything, my life and your life are worth everything.
THE FORCE is with You! (Expression N° 4 is waiting to be published! It will be on Friday evening in any case.)

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de taiji43, postée le 26-11-2021 à 19:06:16 (S | E)
EVERYONE is somebody’s son or daughter, obviously! IT CAN BE MATTER OF : mother, father, brother or sister…. It all depend ON
the individuals HOW they tend to live their lives, organize (or not) their work, their family and their LEISURE . A family
of several kids gives the head of this family more RESPONSIBILITY because several lives depend ON one person. A father must provide
for his kids and make sure they have a decent future. A mother is INDISPENSABLE TO kids and for their emotional balance and future happiness.
Yet, a life is worth everything in itself. SAVING one life is as important as saving MANY OF THEM. THE SIZE OF
THE RESCUE SHOULD NOT be PROPORTIONAL to the number of people that must, should or can be saved.
Single or married, with or without ANY family, a person is sacred, a life is everything, my life and your life are worth everything.
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 26-11-2021 à 20:08:04 (S | E)
Everyone is somebody’s son or daughter, obviously! They can be the mother, father, brother or sister of anyone…. It all depends on individuals and how they tend to live their lives, organise (or not) their work, their family and their leisure activities. A family of several kids gives the head of this family more responsibilities because several lives depend on one person. A father must provide for his kids and make sure they have a decent future. A mother is vital to her kids and their emotional balance and future happiness.
Yet, a life is worth everything in itself. Saving one life is as important as saving many. The importance of a rescue shouldn’t be measured by the number of people that must, should or can be saved.
Single or married, with a family or not, a person is sacred, a life is everything, my life and your life are worth everything.
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 26-11-2021 à 21:59:52 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. We can consider this expression is correct (though a little clumsy at times...) Here is the last expression dealing with this topic...
As the final correction is tomorrow night, you may indicate the mistakes in blue, underline what is not the way it could be. In a second step, (but in the same post if you fancy it), you may suggest "the right forms" in green.

how worst a life ?
if we talk about money compensation to be given to families in case of accident or crime.
A judge will take into account the age, family and economic situation of the deceased. If it is a 35 year old man with young children and good diplomas, the judge will consider that the compensation will be higher than for a retired employee.
If we talk about priority in the metro or in a queue, is it a privilege for a pregnant woman or an elderly disabled person to go first ?..
each individual has his value , not necessary the same for everyone. There are jobs that everyone can do and others that require special skills that only a few individuals possess. Is it the same salary for a stewart and an astronaute ?...130 mots
THE FORCE is with you!

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 27-11-2021 à 07:26:09 (S | E)
how worst a life ?
if we talk about money compensation to be given to families in case of accident or crime.
A judge will take into account the age, family and economic situation of the deceased. If it is a 35 year old man with young children and good diplomas, the judge will consider that the compensation will be higher than for a retired employee.
If we talk about priority in the metro or in a queue, is it a privilege for a pregnant woman or an elderly disabled person to go first ?.. (punctuation) (I don't get the point. It is a justified advantage, but a very small one...)
each individual has his value , not necessary the same for everyone. There are jobs that everyone can do and others that require special skills that only a few individuals possess. Is it the same salary for a stewart and an astronaute ?...130 mots
Pour Here4U : avant de poster en vert, je suis preneur de ta vision des corrections à apporter
Pour le rédacteur : je suis preneur d'un éclaircissement sur la phrase qui n'est pas très claire
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 27-11-2021 à 09:31:11 (S | E)
Hello !

J’attends jusqu’à la mi journée, afin de laisser qui le désire intervenir, avant d’indiquer fautes et maladresses …

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 27-11-2021 à 14:27:39 (S | E)

how worst a life ?if we talk about money compensation to be given to families in case of accident or crime.
A judge will take into account the age, family and economic situation of the deceased XX XXXXXX. If it is a 35 year old man with young children and good diplomas, the judge will consider that the compensation will be higher than for a retired employee.
If we talk about priority in the metro ? or in a queue, is it a privilege for a pregnant woman or an elderly disabled person to go first ?.. (punctuation) (I don't get the point. It is a justified advantage, but a very small one...)
each individual has his value , not necessary the same for everyone. There are jobs that everyone can do and others that require special skills that only a few individuals possess. Is it the same salary for a stewart and an astronaute ?...130 mots The ending is quite abrupt...

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 27-11-2021 à 15:44:25 (S | E)
How much is a life worth?
If we talk about compensation money to be given to families in case of accident or crime: a judge will take into account the age, family and economic situation of the deceased person. For a 35 year old man with young children and good diplomas, the judge will consider that the compensation will be higher than for a retired employee.
Now, if we talk about prioritising people on public transport or in a queue, pregnant women, disabled people and old people usually have priority. For all that, are their lives worth more than others?
Each individual has their own value, not necessarily the same for everyone. There are jobs that everyone can do and others that require special skills that only a few individuals possess. Is it the same salary for a steward and an astronaut? Wages can be a measure of a person's value, even though it can't be that simple.
j'ai reformulé en essayant de rester dans l'esprit de l'auteur

Désolé pour in case of accident or crime : je ne vois pas ce qui ne va pas

Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 27-11-2021 à 22:59:49 (S | E)
Hello, dear faithful workers and all of you!

Voici vos corrections : Un grand merci aux rédacteurs et aux correcteurs pour le très bon travail fourni !

J'ai bien aimé la variété de vos réponses ...

On the face of it, I would have said all lives are worth the same: everyone has the right to live their lives the way they choose, and who can claim to deserve to live more than others?* Who has the right to judge?* Everyone has faults.* Do I also have the right to kill animals on the grounds that the human race is superior to the animal race? That's very arguable.*
Yet, one person's freedom ends where another one's begins. Some people think that death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Multi-recidivists will do it again when they are released from prison, having served half of an already reduced sentence,* while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe some people are hopelessly lost. (141)
- At first sight?/ On the face of it ?: At/ after first reading… would be more logical…
* in my opinion, this has nothing to do with the subject: it’s off topic.

- emploi de "on the grounds that": Lien internet
- « La liberté des uns s’arrête … » Là, vous m’avez entraînée très très loin : Les recherches m’ont menée à l’auteur de la "citation" … Originellement, elle se retrouve dans : Lien internet
"Art. 4. La liberté consiste à pouvoir faire tout ce qui ne nuit pas à autrui : ainsi, l'exercice des droits naturels de chaque homme n'a de bornes que celles qui assurent aux autres Membres de la Société la jouissance de ces mêmes droits. Ces bornes ne peuvent être déterminées que par la Loi."
C’est une citation d’Alexandre de Lameth (1760-1829) dans La Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen, faite par Stéphane Rials : Hachette pluriel p 224 (1988)
Lameth a dit cette phrase en premier (en même temps que les rédacteurs de la déclaration DDHC …) en français. J.S. Mill l’a traduite dans Of Liberty publié après la mort de sa femme Harriet Taylor Mill in 1858. Cette expression est souvent répétée maintenant … «A person's freedom ends where another man's freedom begins.» Bien sûr, on trouvera «another’s freedom», mais je préfère ici l’orthodoxie britannique qui veut que l’on ajoute «one» ou un nom derrière «another».
- multi-recidivists/ repeat offenders/
- to release from prison – a prison sentence -
Asking this kind of question can (seem surprising. A life is a life and no life is worth more than another XXX. How can you quantify the value of a life? A life has no price, and every life is sacred and must be respected, even when it comes to animal life... Of course some people are very useful to society and some people are less useful or even (unwanted. Prioritising shops was shocking for many people during the lockdowns, and I think that prioritising people would be even more outrageous. I (should be very shocked if somebody said that I was worth less (or more !) than my (neigbhourgs and vice versa. We know that this was the case during the Second World War and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
- La première phrase de l’expression initiale : it is surprising to : maladroite – trop calquée sur l’expression française. De même : if you want to … est très employé en français mais l’emploi d’un gérondif est beaucoup plus idiomatique en anglais …
-valoir : to BE worth/ valoir la peine : to be worth it/ worth while/
-«every» est, bien sûr suivi du verbe au SINGULIER (et du pronom au pluriel en cas de nécessité).
- some people are useful : TO BE USEFUL TO sby. "useful for something" and "useful to someone" Lien internet
: very useful/ useful/ less useful than/ useless. (Attention

- «confinement» ne convenait pas. (Lien internet
«Containment» est juste (Lien internet
, mais «lockdown» ( Lien internet
est plus répandu et utilisé.
- more shocking (yet: more shocking still.) It’s shocking FOR him TO see…
- Ne pas confondre : shocking (sens actif): choquant// shocked : (sens passif) choqué.
- Attention à l’orthographe : NEIGHBOURS
- The war : the Second World War ou WW2
Everyone is somebody’s son or daughter, obviously! They can be the mother, father, brother or sister of anyone…. It all depends on individuals and how they tend to live their lives, organise (or not) their work, their family and their leisure activities. A family of several kids gives the head of this family more responsibilities because several lives depend on one person. A father must provide for his kids

Yet, a life is worth everything in itself. Saving one life is as important as saving many. The importance of a rescue shouldn’t be measured by the number of people that must, should or can be saved.

Single or married, with a family or not, a person is sacred, a life is everything, my life and your life are worth everything.

- Anyone/ anybody : n’importe qui. // Someone/ somebody : quelqu’un// Everyone/ everybody : tout le monde. Attention !

- dépendre de : to depend ON.
- leisure: indénombrable : Lien internet
- to be responsible for=> a responsibility
- to be necessary to me/ it’s necessary for her to do…)/ it's vital to sb/ it’s necessary to do sth
- To save one life: pour sauver une vie// sauver une vie : saving a life: = le fait de sauver une vie.
- (A rescue’s importance: pas de génitif (cas possessif) ici. The importance of a rescue…
- (mustn’t be proportional pas le bon modal ! En revanche, la suite de modaux «must, should or can be saved» est TTB .
- proportional to (un seul N) est TB.
- with or without a family/ with a family or not ; l’article est indispensable après la préposition « without ».
How much is a life worth?
If we talk about compensation money to be given to families in case of accident or crime: a judge will take into account the age, family and economic situation of the deceased person. For a 35 year old man with young children and good diplomas, the judge will consider that the compensation will be higher than for a retired employee.
Now, if we talk about prioritising people on public transport or in a queue, pregnant women, disabled people and old people usually have priority. For all that, are their lives worth more than others?
Each individual has their own value, not necessarily the same for everyone. There are jobs that everyone can do and others that require special skills that only a few individuals possess. Is it the same salary for a steward and an astronaut? Wages can be a measure of a person's value, even though it can't be that simple.
- TBonne reformulation de la question (qui au départ, était une horreur !

- Eviter "talk about" pour "traiter un sujet" … ça fait « bavardage »

- in case of accidents (or "an accident") OK pour crime.
- Attention à la confusion entre «worst», «worse» et «worth» : worst= le superlatif de l’adjectif bad et «worse» en est le comparatif => bad, worse than, the worst…
- Worth: la valeur// to be worth= valoir // to be worth it: valoir la peine.
- Ne pas « oublier » les majuscules en début de phrases ou de paragraphes.
- "Precedence": the right to be dealt with or placed before others because of order, rank, importance, or particular characteristics.

- Every individual has their own value.
- not necessarily (adverbe) the same one…
- a steward=> a stewardess.


Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de maxwell, postée le 28-11-2021 à 08:43:05 (S | E)
Follow-up work:
At first reading, I would have said all lives are worth the same: everyone has the right to live their lives the way they choose, and who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals on the grounds that the human race is superior to the animal race? That's very arguable.
Yet, one person's freedom ends where another one's begins. Some people think that death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Repeat offenders will do it again when they are released from prison, having served half of an already reduced sentence, while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe some people are hopelessly lost. (141)
Asking this kind of question is surprising. A life is a life and no life is worth more than another one. How can you quantify the value of a life? A life has no price, and every life is sacred and must be respected, even when it comes to animal life... Of course some people are very useful to society and some people are less useful when not undesirable. Prioritising shops was shocking for many people during the lockdowns, and I think that prioritising people would be even more outrageous. I would be very shocked if somebody said that I was worth less (or more) than my neigbhours and vice versa. We know that this was the case during the Second World War and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)
tu as souligné the importance of a rescue : je n'ai pas compris pourquoi c'est maladroit
How much is a life worth?
If we deal with compensation money to be given to families in case of an accident or crime: a judge will take into account the age, family and economic situation of the deceased person. For a 35 year old man with young children and good diplomas, the judge will consider that the compensation will be higher than for a retired employee.
Now, if we talk about prioritising people on public transport or in a queue, pregnant women, disabled people and elderly people usually have priority. For all that, are their lives worth more than others?
Each individual has their own value, not necessarily the same for everyone. There are jobs that everyone can do and others that require special skills that only a few individuals possess. Is it the same salary for a steward and an astronaut? Wages can be a measure of a person's value, even though it can't be that simple.
Réponse : RYB/let’s suggest-2 de here4u, postée le 30-11-2021 à 11:38:12 (S | E)

Last touch to your expressions !

At first reading, I would have said all lives are worth the same: everyone has the right to live their lives the way they choose, and w. Who can claim to deserve to live more than others? Who has the right to judge? Everyone has faults. Do I also have the right to kill animals on the grounds that the human race is superior to the animal race? That's very arguable.
Yet, "one person's freedom ends where another one's begins". Some people think that death penalty should be reinstated for heinous crimes. No wonder! Repeat offenders will do it again when they are released from prison, having served half of an already reduced sentence, while nothing will bring back to life the innocent people who died because of them. In such cases, I do believe some people are hopelessly lost. (141)

Asking this kind of question is surprising. A life is a life and no life is worth more than another one. How can you quantify the value of a life? A life has no price, and every life is sacred and must be respected, even when it comes to animal life... Of course some people are very useful to society and some people are less useful when not undesirable. Prioritising shops was shocking for many people during the lockdowns, and I think that prioritising people would be even more outrageous. I would be very shocked if somebody said that I was worth less (or more) than my neigbhours neighbours and vice versa. We know that this was the case during the Second World War and I do not want to see that horrible period again. (138 mots)

tu as souligné the importance of a rescue : je n'ai pas compris pourquoi c'est maladroit
Yes, I did! (and persist!) I don't think "importance" is the right word... but if the author of the expression insists...

How much is a life worth?
If we deal with compensation money to be given to families in case of an accident or crime: a judge will take into account the age, family and economic situation of the deceased person. For a 35 year old man with young children and good diplomas, the judge will consider that the compensation will be higher than for a retired employee.
Now, if we talk about prioritising people on public transport or in a queue, pregnant women, disabled people and elderly people usually have priority. For all that, are their lives worth more than others?
Each individual has their own value, not necessarily the same for everyone. There are jobs that everyone can do and others that require special skills that only a few individuals possess. Is it the same salary for a steward and an astronaut? Wages can be a measure of a person's value, even though it can't be that simple.

Thanks a lot, dear Maxwell, for your very good Follow up!

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