RYB/let's suggest 7
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RYB/let's suggest 7
Message de here4u posté le 26-01-2022 à 22:07:55 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!
Certains d'entre vous m'ont dit qu'ils n'osaient pas écrire ici pour être corrigés par d'autres et ne se sentaient pas non plus la légitimité
de corriger les écrits d'autres membres ... C'est pourtant bien le principe de ce site qui vous laisse la liberté de poser des questions, présenter vos écrits et être corrigés par les uns et les autres, en toute gentillesse, sans aucun jugement. N'hésitez donc pas à participer, pour la correction comme pour l'écriture ...
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)
2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités entières sont accessibles : Lien internet
( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ).
Le sujet sera ... ce que vous en ferez,
Correction en ligne le mercredi 9 février 2022.
Voici le nouveau sujet !
- Do you think the truth should always be told? (130-150 words)
May THE FORCE be with You (with many of you! ) Everybody's welcome!

Message de here4u posté le 26-01-2022 à 22:07:55 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Certains d'entre vous m'ont dit qu'ils n'osaient pas écrire ici pour être corrigés par d'autres et ne se sentaient pas non plus la légitimité

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)
2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités entières sont accessibles : Lien internet
( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ).
Le sujet sera ... ce que vous en ferez,

Voici le nouveau sujet !
- Do you think the truth should always be told? (130-150 words)
May THE FORCE be with You (with many of you! ) Everybody's welcome!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de lucile83, postée le 27-01-2022 à 16:55:49 (S | E)
here4u a raison !
Je disais dans ce cas-là à mes élèves que s'ils ne corrigeaient pas ou avaient peur de corriger, ils ne progresseraient pas.

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 27-01-2022 à 18:29:31 (S | E)

Merci, Lucile !

Bien sûr que j'ai raison !

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 28-01-2022 à 14:01:17 (S | E)
Hello Dears!

Are you ready to suggest?

The truth must be told in all circumstances regardless of the consequences.
Lies, unspoken things, secrets rot relationships and are always found out in the end. At that point the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the real facts.
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it.
It is our duty to tell the truth, so the truth can be liberating.
Therefore we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly ; this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence, with kindness, calmly in small doses.
All truths must be told if we can find the right way to do it.(115 mots)
Please, indicate the possible mistakes in blue and underline what you think is clumsy!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 28-01-2022 à 20:47:52 (S | E)
The truth must be told in all circumstances regardless of the consequences.
Lies, unspoken things, secrets rot relationships and are always found out in the end. At that point the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the real facts.
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it.
(un mot de liaison me semble nécessaire ici) It is our duty to tell the truth, so the truth can be liberating.
Therefore we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly ; this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence, with (repetition)kindness, calmly in small doses.
All truths must be told if we can find the right way to do it.(115 mots)

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de taiji43, postée le 29-01-2022 à 18:34:00 (S | E)
je me permets de répondre à Here4U ,notre excellent professeur,
Proposer à tous une correction ECRITE qui est peut-être fausse peut embrouiller l'esprit des participants car ils vont lire les propositions. Si on se trompe dans la correction écrite,c'est la porte ouverte à des confusions. Donc le mieux est de ne pas prêter trop attention à ces propositions de corrections et de regarder la correction finale par Here4U ??? Dans l'ancien RYB notre correction écrite était proposée au professeur directement,personne d'autres ne participaient donc, sans danger.
Désolée et très amicalement.
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 29-01-2022 à 22:03:37 (S | E)
L'auto-correction et l'inter-correction, sont parmi les meilleures façons d'apprendre ... C'est indéniable ...
Les règles de ce nouveau RYB sont claires et annoncées dès le début de l'exercice. Tant que le texte n'est pas en vert et "corrigé", il contient ou peut contenir des fautes ...
Les "EXPRESSIONS" ne sont pas à apprendre ... juste à lire et relire pour voir ce que chacun peut suggérer pour améliorer le texte (sans jamais le réécrire) dans une interactivité sans jugements ...(elles restent d'ailleurs le plus souvent anonymes ...)
Elles ne sont pas "dangereuses", même si elles sont insuffisamment corrigées. Je "passe" très souvent sur les fils et indiquerais une faute qui resterait trop longtemps "exposée" sans être améliorée.
Oser écrire, c'est comme oser parler, ce n'est pas toujours facile, je vous l'accorde ... mais je vous encourage quand même à le faire ... pour le moment encore.

Bien amicalement à tous. Je vous attends, ... pour vous aider !

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 30-01-2022 à 08:54:33 (S | E)

Vous pouvez maintenant SUGGÉRER des améliorations … L'expression N 2 sera postée dans la soirée.

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 30-01-2022 à 09:18:06 (S | E)
The truth must be told in all circumstances regardless of the consequences. Lies, unspoken things or secrets spoil relationships and are always found out in the end. At that point, the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the real facts.
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it. Therefore, it is our duty to tell the truth especially when it is liberating. Yet, we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly: this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence and kindness, calmly in small doses.(*)
Finally, the truth must be told each time we can find the right way to do it.(115 mots)
only one truth

(*)l'énumération est peut-être un peu longue ?
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 30-01-2022 à 22:27:28 (S | E)
Hello, dears!
EXPRESSION N°1: considérée comme étant prête

The truth must be told in all circumstances regardless of the consequences. Lies, unspoken things or secrets spoil relationships and are always found out in the end. At that point, the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the real facts.
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it. Therefore, it is our duty to tell the truth especially when it is liberating. Yet, we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly: this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence and kindness, calmly in small doses.(*)
Finally, the truth must be told each time we can find the right way to do it.(115 mots)
Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)
If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because you'll be discovered by those who believed you.
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also make children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, not telling what you think to people you don't really like by being polite and kind helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating.
Besides, not telling everything is a form of lying. Who can claim to tell the truth in all circumstances? (144)
Please, put possible mistakes in blue , and underline what looks clumsy...

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 01-02-2022 à 16:22:10 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

Nobody here? No volunteer to help? Did you "quit"?

Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)
If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because you'll be discovered by those who believed you.
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also make children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, not telling what you think to people you don't really like by being polite and kind helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating.
Besides, not telling everything is a form of lying.

Not bad at all...

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 01-02-2022 à 20:41:57 (S | E)

Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)
If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because it will finally be noticed: those who believed you may never forgive you...
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also make children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, being polite and kind, not telling what you think to people you don't really like helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating.
Besides, not telling everything, concealing secrets is a form of lying. Who can claim to tell the truth in all circumstances? (144)
J'ai inversé l'ordre, je ne sais pas si c'est que tu attendais ?
Tu n'as pas compris l'avant-dernière phrase

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 03-02-2022 à 12:01:54 (S | E)
Hello Dear readers, or composers or even potential "correctors"!

Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)
If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because it will finally be noticed: those who believed you may never forgive you...
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also make children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, being polite and kind, not telling what you think to people you don't really like helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating.
Besides, not telling everything, concealing secrets is a form of lying. Who can claim to tell the truth in all circumstances? (144)
J'ai inversé l'ordre, je ne sais pas si c'est que tu attendais ? (I'll look into that!

Tu n'as pas compris l'avant-dernière phrase (sorry!

EXPRESSION N°3: (put in blue what you think is wrong, and underline what is clumsy...)
Of course the truth is very important. But it can be quite funny to lie because sometimes we know that what we want to do is forbidden (eat chewing gum or play on your telephone at the college), or that you have robbed a thing and it wasn’t at you. Very often, you are obliged to lie because you started to say something not all true and if you don’t continue you will be obliged to confess to lie.
Sometimes, if you say the true you’re crual : for example, you’re with an ill person or an old person and you know that she will die. She will not be treatment for her malady. So, you lie and say everything will go alright even so you think that she is going to die. You lie for to be uncrual. 141 words

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 03-02-2022 à 20:52:17 (S | E)
Hello !
Of course the truth is very important. But it can be quite funny to lie because sometimes we know that what we want to do is forbidden (eat chewing gum or play on your telephone at the college), or that you have robbed a thing and it wasn’t at you. Very often, you are obliged to lie because you started to say something not all true and if you don’t continue you will be obliged to confess to lie.
Sometimes, if you say the true you’re crual : for example, you’re with an ill person or an old person and you know that she will die. She will not be treatment for her malady. So, you lie and say everything will go alright even so you think that she is going to die. You lie for to be uncrual. 141 words
I didn't know that malady existed...

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 04-02-2022 à 12:15:56 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

EXPRESSION 3: 'my touch of help"!

Of course* the truth is very important. But it can be quite funny to lie because sometimes we know that what we want to do is forbidden (revoir la construction)(eat chewing gum or play on your telephone at the college),(revoir la ponctuation du segment entier...) or that you have robbed a thing and it wasn’t at you. Very often, you are obliged to lie because you started to say something not all true and if you don’t continue you will be obliged to confess to lie.(revoir aussi la ponctuation et inclure des mots de liaison )
Sometimes, if you say the true you’re crual : for example, you’re with an ill person or an old person and you know that she will die. She will not be treatment for her malady. So, you lie and say everything will go alright even so you think that she is going to die. You lie for to be uncrual. 141 words
* maladroit comme début d'expression ...
Come on, you can help a lot!

Green expected tomorrow morning.

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 04-02-2022 à 20:33:22 (S | E)
Hello, dears!
Telling the truth is obviously very important. Yet, breaking the ban and lying can sometimes be quite funny: for example, chewing gum, playing on your telephone at school, robbing a thing that wasn’t yours. Very often, you are obliged to lie especially when you started to say something not quite true: then, if you don’t continue lying, you will be forced to confess you've lied.
Sometimes, if you tell the truth, you’re cruel: for instance, you’re with an ill elderly person and you know that they're going to die. Their disease will not be treated. So, you lie and say everything will be fine even though you think that they are dying. You lie not to be cruel to them. 141 words
Je n'ai pas compris ce qui n'allait pas avec "an ill person"
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 05-02-2022 à 18:29:33 (S | E)
Just a reminder:
"de here4u, postée le 04-02-2022 à 12:15:56 (S | E)"
Green expected tomorrow morning. (All against 'the Big Quit!' ):
tomorrow= the following day= the day after!
Green really expected NOW!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 06-02-2022 à 11:01:52 (S | E)
Hello « guys »!

Pleaaaaase, give me another green version of EXPRESSION N°3 ….

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de anne092, postée le 06-02-2022 à 19:58:25 (S | E)
To tell or not to tell the truth: that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effet of so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which prove destructive on generations. Not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For exemple, hiding the existence of first-born children can lead to the destruction of the family relationships and truth will out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to exercises dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be cristal-clear unless you are named Woody Allen.
Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2022 21:15
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 06-02-2022 à 21:07:29 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Nobody wanted to "make more suggestions" for EXPRESSION N°3!

Anyway, the time had (almost) come for another EXPRESSION to be posted!
Welcome to anne092 on this site and on this thread...

For this exercise, (alone), you weren't supposed to post directly on the Forum, but should have posted to me ... (I had another expression waiting to be published... and you've skipped the line!

EXPRESSION N°4: Don't forget to indicate the possible mistakes in blue, and underline what you think is clumsy!
To tell or not to tell the truth: that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effet of so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which prove destructive on generations. Not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For exemple, hiding the existence of first-born children can lead to the destruction of the family relationships and truth will out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to exercises dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be cristal-clear unless you are named Woody Allen.
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 07-02-2022 à 20:37:38 (S | E)
To tell or not to tell (1) the truth: that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effet of XXX so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which prove (tense) destructive on generations. Not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For exemple, hiding the existence of first-born children can lead to the destruction of the family relationships and XXX truth will XXX out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to exercises dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be cristal-clear unless you are named Woody Allen.
(1) Je ne suis pas sûr de moi ici : Shakespeare écrivait bien 'To be or not to be'... J'ai hâte d'avoir la réponse...
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 07-02-2022 à 21:37:25 (S | E)
Hello dear workers,
To tell or not to tell the truth:* that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effet of XXX so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which prove (tense) destructive on generations. Not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For exemple, hiding the existence of first-born children can lead to the destruction of the family relationships and XXX truth will XXX out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to exercises dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be cristal-clear unless you are named Woody Allen.
* De toute évidence, anne092 a fait exprès "d'imiter Shakespeare" !

"Green" allowed tomorrow morning!
Rappel for the newcomers!
vert = forme correcte et suggestion de correction
bleu = erreur
underline: what is clumsy. => you may suggest another construction.

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 08-02-2022 à 14:23:56 (S | E)

Anyone here?

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 08-02-2022 à 20:41:56 (S | E)
Hello dear workers,
Telling the truth or not: that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effects of the so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which have proven to be destructive to generations, not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For example, hiding the existence of first-born children can lead to the destruction of the family relationships since the truth will come out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to behaviours that are dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be crystal-clear unless your name is Woody Allen.
je me lance du coup... (ça m'intéresse d'avoir un avis sur mes corrections)
Je n'ai pas compris ce qui ne va pas avec "compels us"
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 08-02-2022 à 22:20:09 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Anne092... You had a right to make suggestions about your own EXPRESSION (I'll post the 4th one tomorrow morning...)
Maxwell: you'll have your explanations in the final corrections... not before!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 09-02-2022 à 09:49:09 (S | E)
Hello dear few workers!

EXPRESSION 4: Ready for "correction"...

Telling the truth or not: that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effects of the so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which have proved */ proven to be destructive to generations, not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For example, hiding the existence of first-born children (not very clear without a context!) can lead to the destruction of the family relationships since the truth will come out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to behaviours

Very good, indeed!

* I much prefer the British form, sorry!

Pour la dernière expression, vous pouvez poster les deux "versions" à la suite : version avec les erreurs en bleu et les maladresses soulignées, puis, aussitôt après, vos suggestions en vert dans une autre copie.
Les explications finales seront données à partir de 22h ce soir, pas avant !

Sometimes, I should like to tell true, but I can’t. I’m habited to lie and I like it. It’s funny. I lie to my parents, i lie to my friends, I lie to every body. I see the astonished face of the people in front and I laugh innerly.
I read that true can hurt. « All truths are not good to be told. » and very often, the true can hurt. I don’t want hurting people. My friends know that they had to beware of that I say to them. They think it is funny, and I think it is funny also. Perhaps, a day, I shall stop to lie, when I will be older. 118 (sorry I ‘m not allowed to write more.)
You can help, can't you?

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 09-02-2022 à 20:26:28 (S | E)
Sometimes, I should like to tell true, but I can’t. I’m habited

I read that true can hurt. « All truths are not good to be told. » and very often, the true can hurt (repeated). I don’t want hurting

Sometimes, I wish I could tell the truth, but I can't. I'm used to lying and I like it. I find that funny. I lie to my parents, I lie to my friends, I lie to everybody. I see the astonished faces of the people in front of me and I laugh inwardly.
I've read that the truth can hurt. They say that not all truths are good to be told, and very often indeed, the truth can hurt. I don’t want to hurt people. My friends know that they have to beware of what I say to them. They think my lying is funny, and so do I. Perhaps, one day, I shall stop lying when I am older. 118
Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 09-02-2022 à 23:48:40 (S | E)
Hello Dears,

L'union fait la force ...

The truth must be told in all circumstances regardless of the consequences.
Lies, unspoken things, secrets rot relationships and are always found out in the end. At that point the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the real facts.
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it.
It is our duty to tell the truth, so

Therefore we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly ; this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence, with kindness, calmly in small doses.
All truths must be told if we can find the right way to do it.(115 mots)
Nos suggestions pour l’EXPRESSION N° 1:
The truth must be told B in all circumstances regardless of the consequences. Lies, unspoken things or secrets(, spoil relationships and are always (found out in the end. At that point, the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the real facts.(the blunt truth ?)
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it. (This should be developed a little !)Therefore, B it is our duty to tell the truth especially when it is liberating. Yet, we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly: this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence and kindness, calmly in small doses.(What do you mean

Finally, the truth must be told each time we can find the right way to do it.B (115 mots)[A little short.] Une bonne expression !

- To tell the truth.
- To find out : to discover/ to get information about something, or to learn a fact for the first time:
- découvrir la vérité/ Révéler un secret : quelques nuances dans les verbes employés ...
* to reveal = to show from behind a barrier
* to unveil = to remove the barrier and show the hidden truth
* to disclose = to show what is already known
- the real facts/ (the blunt truth ?)/ the actual fact ?
Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)
If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because you'll be discovered by those who believed you.
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also make children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, not telling what you think to people you don't really like by being polite and kind helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating.
Besides, not telling everything is a form of lying. Who can claim to tell the truth in all circumstances? (144)
Suggestions concerning EXPRESSION 2:
Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)

If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because it will finally be (noticed: those who believed you may never forgive you...
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also (make children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, being polite and kind, not telling what you think to people you don't really like helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating.(je pense que je re formulerais cette phrase (très lourde) autrement : "Si l’on dit à des gens que l’on ne les apprécie pas, etc…")
Besides, not telling everything, concealing secrets is a form of lying. Who can claim to tell the truth in all circumstances? (144)C’était une bonne expression.

- Mensonge par omission : a lie by omission/ to lie by omission
- Se souvenir que «to make someone do something» implique une contrainte : On ne « force pas » les enfants à croire au Père Noël, on les « encourage à le faire », ou on les « laisse faire » ! On peut aussi leur « raconter une jolie histoire » et espérer qu’il vont la croire … C'est souvent le cas, en fait !
Of course the truth is very important. But it can be quite funny to lie because sometimes we know that what we want to do is forbidden (eat chewing gum or play on your telephone at the college), or that you have robbed a thing and it wasn’t at you. Very often, you are obliged to lie because you started to say something not all true and if you don’t continue you will be obliged to confess to lie.
Sometimes, if you say the true you’re crual : for example, you’re with an ill person or an old person and you know that she will die. She will not be treatment for her malady. So, you lie and say everything will go alright even so you think that she is going to die. You lie for to be uncrual. 141 words
EXPRESSION 3: Maxwell’s suggestions:
Telling the truth is obviously very important. Yet, breaking the ban and lying can sometimes be quite funny: for example, chewing gum, playing on your telephone at school, (robbing a thing that wasn’t yours.(B) Very often, you are obliged to( ?) lie especially when you started (to say something not quite true: then, if you don’t continue lying, you will be forced to confess you've lied.
Sometimes, if you tell the truth, you’re cruel: for instance, you’re with (an ill elderly person ? (not the original text: = cumul des handicaps!

- Rob or steal? (de English Grammar Today) : Rob and steal both mean ‘take something from someone without permission’.
Rob focuses on the place (or person) from which the thing is taken:
The gang robbed three banks over a period of six months, but were finally caught.
Our local post office was robbed early on Tuesday morning.
A young woman was attacked and robbed as she walked home from work last night.
Warning: When we are talking about a house, we use burgle:
The house was burgled while they were all sleeping.
Steal focuses on the thing that is taken:
The thieves entered the museum through the roof and stole three paintings worth more than two million euros.
Our car was stolen from outside our house last week.
Warning: We usually don’t say rob + object stolen: He stole my wallet.
- Ill ne se place pas comme épithète (à côté d'un nom. Il est toujours attribut du sujet: The sick boy was really ill during the whole journey.): Lien internet
To tell or not to tell the truth: that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effet of so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which prove destructive on generations. Not(punctuation? Not a real sentence...) to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For exemple, hiding the existence of first-born children can lead to the destruction of the family relationships and truth will out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to exercises dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be cristal-clear unless you are named Woody Allen.

EXPRESSION 4: Ready for "correction"...
Telling the truth or not: that is an issue indeed... (I liked the Shakespearean expression...

Psychologists have warned us on the side effects of the so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which have proved */ proven (1)to be destructive to generations, not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For example, hiding the existence of first-born children (not very clear without a context!(2)) can lead to the destruction of the family relationships since the truth will come out in the end...
Yet society teaches us - and compels us - to behaviours (4) that are dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be crystal-clear unless your name is Woody Allen.
Very good, indeed!

(1) Il s’agit bien, ici, d’un bilan d’action. Après coup, au fil des ans, les conséquences se révèlent être désastreuses … => indication du present perfect.

(2) «Half-sibblings born from a former relationship/ union??» Lien internet
(3) Le verbe «to out» existe, mais est quand même assez familier et rare. (cf wordreference.com)
out [sb] as [sth]⇒ vtr
slang (reveal or expose: as [sth]) (dévoiler) révéler que [qqn] est [qch] vtr
The speaker outed him as the author of the controversial report.

Sometimes, (I should like to tell (true, but I can’t. I’m (habited to lie) and I like it. It’s funny. I lie to my parents, (i lie to my friends, I lie to (every body. I see the astonished (face of the people in front XX XX and I laugh (innerly.
I read that XX (true can hurt."Some things are better left unsaid" and very often, the (true can hurt. I don’t want (hurting people. My friends know that they (had to beware of (that I say to them. They think it is funny, and I think it is funny (also. Perhaps, (a day, I shall (stop to lie, when I (will be older. 118 (sorry I ‘m not (allowed to write more.)[Yes, you are!]

Our suggestions for EXPRESSION N°5:
Sometimes, I wish I could tell the truth ? *, but I can't. I'm used to lying and I like it. I find that funny. I lie to my parents, I lie to my friends, I lie to everybody. I see the astonished faces of the people in front of me and I laugh inwardly B.
I've read that the truth can hurt. They say that not all truths are good to be told**, and very often indeed, the truth can hurt. I don’t want to hurt people. My friends know that they have to beware of what I say to them. They think my lying is funny, and so do I. Perhaps, one day, I shall stop lying when I am older. 118 Bonne correction

*Etrange … qu’est-ce qui t’ empêche de dire la vérité ?
** C’est un proverbe, et notre rédacteur a eu l’honnêteté de mettre des guillemets.

Lien internet
- Attention : ne pas confondre les modaux «should» : devrait, implique un "devoir/ conseil ou un regret" à la négation) et "would" (ici auxiliaire du conditionnel)
- To be true// to tell the truth/
- «habit» : une habitude mais avoir l’habitude de : to be used to + V+ing.
- I doit toujours avoir une majuscule. Très mauvaise habitude « tendance » à mettre une minuscule.
- Everybody : tout le monde, en un seul mot.
- Pluriel concret nécessaire à « faces ».
- Devant moi : in front of me/ opposite me/ facing me.
- Rire en moi-même : to laugh to oneself.
- Attention aux verbes de volonté, suivis de la proposition infinitive. (tendance « moderne »

- «that» : que/// «what» : ce que
Beaucoup de suggestions ... J'espère que celles-ci vous inspireront (tout [ peut-être pas,

Un grand MERCI à tous ceux qui ont rédigé et à ceux qui ont corrigé ...

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 10-02-2022 à 00:05:15 (S | E)
Hello, Lucile !

Au secours ... Bug de taille de police ... Merci de ton aide par avance !

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de lucile83, postée le 10-02-2022 à 08:53:28 (S | E)

Tout est réparé, pas de souci ... 👍👍

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 10-02-2022 à 09:11:14 (S | E)
Un grand

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