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Let's suggest /17

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Let's suggest /17
Message de here4u posté le 26-06-2022 à 17:39:45 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Voici un nouvel exercice d'expression ... Espérons que vous allez vous y essayer ...

Je vous en prie ... Osez participer ! N'ayez pas peur de vous tromper, de faire des fautes, ou d'écrire "hors sujet". Les fautes nous sont utiles, puisqu'elles permettent de réfléchir, de faire des corrections et de donner des explications ...
Paradoxalement, faire une faute est la meilleure chose qui puisse NOUS arriver, à vous, comme à moi ! Merci à ceux qui en font !
N'ayez pas de scrupules, vous ne serez pas jugés, mais simplement guidés et aidés ...
C'est en pratiquant, encore et souvent, que les progrès viendront ! N'hésitez donc pas à intervenir, pour la correction des expressions de vos co-workers, comme pour l'écriture de votre propre expression si vous le désirez ... (Vous pouvez aussi - et certains ne s'en privent presque pas ...) écrire sur le "mode de la conversation", comme vous "parleriez" !)

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles :

Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez, ou Correction en ligne le lundi 11 juillet 2022.

Voici le nouveau sujet !

"Imagine you won a huge amount of money (several million dollars…) unexpectedly. What would you do with it?" (130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

May THE FORCE be with You (with all of you! ) Everybody's welcome! Do not hesitate to write!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 02-07-2022 à 10:43:44 (S | E)
Hello dear writers and proofreaders!

There we go again on the new topic!


If I won several million dollars;
First, I would invite my whole family to the G** S***y restaurant [ the best of France ] to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go shopping to D**r and Ca***er for our new wardrobe and some jewellery.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government will take 50 to 60 per cent of donation fee, some millions will be gone.

I don't need a yacht or a private jet or a big villa which would be a worry source.
So, I would buy or rent a suite on the Seven Sea Splendor [the most luxurious cruise ship in the world].
When I would tired of cruising, I would rent in the
long term a sumptuous suite at the Ve***ce Palace on the Gold Cost[Queensland]

All premium services included
I would no longer like to manage anything [152]

You may start making suggestions... Please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what is clumsy or not clear!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maxwell, postée le 02-07-2022 à 11:24:02 (S | E)


If I won several million dollars; (ce n'est pas la ponctuation que j'aurais choisie)
First, I would invite my whole family to the Guy Savoy restaurant [ the best of France ] (*) to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go shopping to Dior and Cartier (*) for our new wardrobe and some jewellery.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government will take 50 to 60 per cent of donation fee, some millions will be gone.

I don't need a yacht or a private jet or a big villa which would be a worry source.
So, I would buy or rent a suite on the Seven Sea Splendor [the most luxurious cruise ship in the world] (*).
When I would tired of cruising, I would rent in the
long term a sumptuous suite at the Versace Palace on the Gold Cost[Queensland] (*)

All premium services included
I would no longer like to manage anything [152]

Il manque souvent la ponctuation, un ou deux mots de liaison et cela fait beaucoup de pub (*)

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 04-07-2022 à 11:03:11 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Come on! Wake up! Green will be allowed this afternoon.

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de magie8, postée le 04-07-2022 à 15:22:18 (S | E)
If I won several million dollars!..
First, I would invite my whole family to the best restaurant of France to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go shopping to a major Haute Couture house and a famous jeweller.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government will take 50 to 60 percent of donation fee, some millions will be gone.

On the other hand,I don't need a yacht or a private jet or a big villa which would be a trouble source.
So, I would buy or rent a suite on the Seven Sea Splendor [the most luxurious cruise ship in the world] (*).
When I get tired of cruising, I rent in the long term a sumptuous suite in a prestigious palace on the Gold Coast. .

All premium services included
I would no longer like to manage anything [152]

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maxwell, postée le 04-07-2022 à 20:38:23 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions

If I won several million dollars, here's what I would do:
First, I would invite my whole family to the best restaurant in France to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go to the luxury boutiques of the most prestigious brands to renew our wardrobe and buy some jewellery.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government would take a 50 to 60 percent tax on this donation, some million dollars would irremediably be gone.

However, I don't need a yacht, a private jet or a big villa which would be a source of worry. That's why I would buy or rent a suite on the most luxurious cruise ship in the world. Then, when I get tired of cruising, I will probably rent in the long term a sumptuous suite in the most opulent palace of the Gold Coast (in Queensland), with all premium services included...
I would no longer like to manage anything...

(J'ai un peu "brodé" pour compenser la suppression des marques)

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 04-07-2022 à 20:59:15 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Je suis certaine que vous pouvez mieux faire ... Il y a plusieurs fautes qui m'ont fait grogner ...

Allez, on cherche ! (ne reprenez que les membres de phrases fautifs ! ) Courage ! Open your eyes and minds...

Edit: Good, Max! Working on your BDay! You've found the biggest mistake, but I'd like you all to reconsider the sentence with the names of the famous shops, please!("we would all go shopping to D**r and Ca***er for our new wardrobe and some jewellery.)
a lot! EXPRESSION N°2: tomorrow morning.

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 05-07-2022 à 06:05:51 (S | E)
Hello you all!

Mise en ligne un peu anticipée ... (Vous n'avez pas eu la possibilité de résoudre mon problème de " magasins de grandes marques ", mais vous pourrez encore le faire dans la journée ...) Il me sera un peu difficile de travailler dans les heures à venir. Je préfère vous donner la liberté, même si nous risquons d'y perdre un peu en clarté ...

EXPRESSION N°2: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue, and underline any clumsy expression.

Assuming I have enough money left after the tax authorities have collected their share, I'd start by paying off my mortgage (to be debt free) and take care of all my family's debts. I'd definitely give some money to my parents, to make their retirement a little easier.
Then, I would stop tightening my belt for every expense, and stop worrying about money. Yet, I don't want easy money to go to my head. Actually, this wouldn't really change my way of living: I wouldn't quit my job (I do want to work!) and I would still live frugally.
I would put some money aside to cover unplanned expenses, to be prepared for the unexpected (such as an expensive repair for my home). I would also fund my retirement account, invest in bonds and maybe in solar panels...
I would also help out some friends who are struggling financially, and donate to charitable organisations like Doctors Without Borders.
Thanks for this wishful thinking! We can dream, can't we?
175 Words

Any "improvement" is welcome!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maya92, postée le 05-07-2022 à 09:38:18 (S | E)
Hello all,
May I put my oar in your discussion about "les grandes marques" and suggest "Major brands" or Renowned brands" ..

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de magie8, postée le 05-07-2022 à 11:02:31 (S | E)
suggest 17 ( 1)

to the boutiques of major fashion and jewellery brands, to buy some dresses and diamonds
To the major brand shops or to the brand name shops ???

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maya92, postée le 05-07-2022 à 16:40:30 (S | E)

"designers shops"
"high jewellery"

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maxwell, postée le 05-07-2022 à 20:11:21 (S | E)

Pour ma part, je dirais:

To D**r's and Ca****r's

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 05-07-2022 à 20:12:28 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Of course! Everybody may put all the oars they want in the common work!

I (obviously) wasn’t clear enough… I’d like you to keep the world-known names in « almost clear » to get the right corresponding grammar forms… You can do it!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 05-07-2022 à 20:14:46 (S | E)
Ahhhhhh! Great minds…

Je vous en dirai plus avec mon ordi, à la correction… ( là, je n’ai que ma tablette et m’énerve sur les « copier- coller »! )
Thanks a lot!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 06-07-2022 à 17:18:02 (S | E)
Hello, I'm back on my computer!

Please, help us correct possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you...

Assuming I have enough money left after the tax authorities have collected their share, I'd start by paying off my mortgage (to be debt free) and take care of all my family's debts. I'd definitely give some money to my parents, to make their retirement a little easier.
Then, I would stop tightening my belt for every expense, and stop worrying about money. Yet, I don't want easy money to go to my head. Actually, this wouldn't really change my way of living: I wouldn't quit my job (I do want to work!) and I would still live frugally.
I would put some money aside to cover unplanned expenses, to be prepared for the unexpected (such as an expensive repair for my home). I would also fund my retirement account, invest in bonds and maybe in solar panels...
I would also help out some friends who are struggling financially, and donate to charitable organisations like Doctors Without Borders.
Thanks for this wishful thinking! We can dream, can't we? (175 Words)

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 08-07-2022 à 21:47:40 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

No attempts? OK. Let's consider the above text cannot receive other suggestions!

EXPRESSION N°3: please, correct possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you...

If one day I win several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it so huge sum… I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a calm garden. I will give my parents money to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they never travelled. I would like to discover Asia. I don’t know at all this continent and many friends say it’s very interessant to visit it. I would visit a temples and if I’m not tired, I’ll go to the South America and perhaps discover United States too. To visit the grand Canyon and imagine I am being following by Indians is funny. I would be like in a film.
But with my money, I would try to give to associations and organizations who really need help. I don’t think I’ll enjoy easily earnt money. I would have bad conscience and cannot really like it and be happy. 167

for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maxwell, postée le 09-07-2022 à 20:09:35 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N°3: please, correct possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you...

If one day I win several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it so huge sum… I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a calm garden. I will (*)give my parents money to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they never travelled (tense). I would like to discover Asia. I don’t know at all this continent and many friends say it’s very interessant to visit it. I would visit a temples and if I’m not tired, I’ll go to the South America and perhaps discover XXX United States too. To visit the grand Canyon and imagine I am being following by Indians is funny. I would be like in a film.
But with my money, I would try to give to associations and organizations who really need help. I don’t think I’ll enjoy easily earnt (**)money. I would have bad conscience and cannot really like it and be happy. 167

(*) on est parti sur would donc l'alternance avec will me paraît maladroite
(*) forme assez rare

Des mots de liaison seraient les bienvenus

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de vaiana, postée le 10-07-2022 à 13:41:43 (S | E)
Hello everyone! I hope you're having a great Sunday!

EXPRESSION N°3: please, correct possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you...

I give the third text a go, many thanks to its writer.

If one day I win several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a huge amount… I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a peaceful garden. I would give my parents money to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled. I would like to discover Asia. I don’t know that continent whatsoever and many friends of mine say it’s very interesting to visit it. I would visit a temple and if I’d be not tired, I’d go to the South America and would perhaps discover the United States too. I'd take advantage of my journey there to visit the Grand Canyon and imagine I am being following by Indians is funny. I would be like in a movie.
But With my money, I would try to donate to associations and organizations which really need help. I don’t think I’d enjoy easily-earnt money. I would have guilty conscience and couldn't really like it and be happy.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-07-2022 15:44
Consigne ajoutée

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 10-07-2022 à 16:55:35 (S | E)
Hello vaiana!

Thanks for your help!... but at this stage, you're not supposed to give CORRECTIONS (in green)!
You're only required to pinpoint the mistakes in blue!

No choice, now... GREEN allowed!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de vaiana, postée le 10-07-2022 à 18:25:21 (S | E)
Oops sorry, I hadn't understood the rules!

I won't make the same mistake in the future

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maxwell, postée le 10-07-2022 à 20:10:09 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N°3: suggestions

If one day I won (1) several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a (2) huge sum…
I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a calm garden. Then, I would (3) give money to my parents for them to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled (4).

I would also like to discover Asia. I don’t know this continent at all and many friends say it’s a very interesting place to visit. I would visit a temple and if I’m not tired, I’ll go to South (5) America and perhaps discover the (5) United States too. Visiting (6) the Grand Canyon and imagining (6) myself being followed (7) by Indians would be funny: I would be like in a film(8).

Yet, with my money, I would try to give to associations and organisations who really need help. I don’t think I’d (3) enjoy easily earned (9) money. I would feel guilty about it (10) and couldn't (3)really appreciate it and be happy. 167

(1) par concordance des temps, I'd be lost impose un passé ici
(2) it's such a huge sum! ; this sum is so huge!
(3) on est parti sur would donc l'alternance avec will me paraît maladroite
(4) c'est un constat, un bilan au présent
(5) South/North America ; The United States (sous-entendu : of America)
(6) le gérondif s'impose ici : c'est l'action, le fait de visiter qui est amusant
(7) on ne fait pas l'action de suivre : on est suivi par les indiens => followed
(8) film me paraît correct en : Lien internet

(9) earnt est une forme assez rare
(10) ou bien : I would have a guilty conscience

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 11-07-2022 à 23:31:43 (S | E)
Hello dear writers and dear correctors!

De très bonnes EXPRESSIONS, cette fois-ci ! On dirait que "gagner une fortune" vous a motivés !


If I won several million dollars(; Si c’est un titre, le montrer, sinon, rédiger, expliciter …
First, I would invite my whole family to the G** S***y restaurant [ the best (of France ] to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go shopping to D*** and (C****** for our new wardrobe and some jewellery.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government will take 50 to 60 per cent of donation fee, some millions will be gone.
I don't need a yacht or a private jet or a big villa which would be (a worry source.
So, I would buy or rent a suite on the Seven Sea Splendor [the most luxurious cruise ship in the world].
When I (would tired of cruising, I would rent (in the long term (a sumptuous suite at the V****** Palace on the Gold Cost[Queensland]. All premium services included.
I would no longer like to manage anything [152]
Not bad at all (no explicit publicity, please.)

If I won several million dollars(!.. On dirait vraiment un début de phrase…)
First, I would invite my whole family to the best restaurant (of France to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go shopping to a major Haute Couture house and a famous jeweller.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government will take 50 to 60 percent of donation fee, (some (million(s will be gone.(1 et 2)
On the other hand,I don't need a yacht or a private jet or a big villa which would be a (trouble source.
So, I would buy or rent a suite on the Seven Sea Splendor [the most luxurious cruise ship in the world]
When I get tired of cruising,TB I (rent ! in the long term a sumptuous suite in a prestigious palace on the Gold Coast. All premium services included. I would no longer like to manage anything (not clear !)[152] Bien!

If I won several million dollars, here's what I would do: OK
First, I would invite my whole family to the best restaurant in B France to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go shopping to (Dior and (Cartier for our new wardrobe and some jewellery.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government will take 50 to 60 per cent of donation fee, some (millions will be gone.
I don't need a yacht or a private jet or a big villa which would be a (worry source.
So, I would buy or rent a suite on the Seven Sea Splendor [the most luxurious cruise ship in the world] B
When I (would tiredGRRRRRrrr ! of cruising, I would rent B in the long term a sumptuous suite (ordre des mots)at the Versace Palace on the Gold Cost[Queensland] . All premium services included. I would no longer like to manage anything( ?)

If I won several million dollars, here's what I would do:
First, I would invite my whole family to the best restaurant in France to celebrate this event.
Afterwards, we would all go to the luxury boutiques of the most prestigious brands to renew our wardrobe and buy some jewellery.
Then, I would share the money with each member of my family. As the government would take a 50 to 60 percent tax B on this donation, some million dollars TB would irremediably be gone.
However, I don't need a yacht, a private jet or a big villa which would be a source of worry. B That's why I would buy or rent a suite on the most luxurious cruise ship in the world. Then, when I get tired TB of cruising, I will probably TB (mais pourquoi ce passage au présent/ futur ?)rent in the long term a sumptuous suite in the most opulent palace of the Gold Coast (in Queensland), with all premium services included...
I would no longer like to manage anything...

(1) Lien internet

(2) A ten, (= une dizaine), a score ( = "vingt" en vieil anglais), a dozen ( = une douzaine), a hundred ( = une centaine), a thousand ( = mille), a million ( = un million) et a billion sont invariables quand ils sont multipliés par un nombre précis ou précédés de several, some, a few, many.
En effet, ce sont des adjectifs numéraux (cardinaux), et comme tous les adjectifs, ils sont toujours invariables. Ils sont suivis d'un nom (exprimé ou sous-entendu).

AB expression et AB correction.


Assuming I have enough money left after the tax authorities have collected B their share, I'd start by paying off my mortgage (to be debt free) and take care of all my family's debts. I'd definitely give some money to my parents, to make their retirement a little easier.TB
Then, I would stop tightening my belt for every expense, and stop worrying about money. Yet, I don't want easy money to go to my head. TB Actually, (this : pourrait être plus clair !) wouldn't really change my way of living: I wouldn't quit my job (I do want to work!) and I would still live frugally.
I would put some money aside to cover unplanned expenses, to be prepared for the unexpected (such as an expensive repair for my home). I would also fund my retirement account, invest in bonds and maybe in solar panels...
I would also help out some friends who are struggling financially, and donate to charitable organisations like Doctors Without Borders.
Thanks for this wishful thinking! We can dream, can't we? 175 Words. TTB. De bons emplois idiomatiques …


If one day I (win several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it (xx so huge sum… I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a calm garden. I (will (*)give my parents money to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they (never travelled (tense). I would like to discover Asia. I don’t know at all (this continent(ordre des mots) and many friends say (it’s very interessant **to visit it. I would visit (a temples and if I’m not tired, I’ll go to (the South America and perhaps discover XXX United States too. (To visit the grand Canyon and imagine I am being following by Indians (is funny. I would be like in a film.
But with my money, I would try to give to associations and organizations who really need help. I don’t think I’ll enjoy easily (earnt (***)money. I would have (X bad conscience and cannot really like it and be happy. 167

* on est parti sur would donc l'alternance avec will me paraît maladroite[pas seulement maladroite ...; fautive !]
** don’t laugh, please… I’ve heard it soooooo many times!
*** forme assez rare et en plus ... le mot de vocabulaire ne convient pas ici

If one day I (win several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a huge amount… I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a peaceful B garden. I would give my parents money to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled. I would like to discover Asia. I don’t know that continent whatsoever and many friends of mine say it’s very interesting to visit it. I would visit (a templeS and if (I’d be not tired, I’d go to the South America and would perhaps discover the United States too. I'd take advantage of my journey there to visit the Grand Canyon and imagine I am being (following by Indians is funny. (temps?)I would be like in a movie.
But With my money, I would try to donate B to associations and organizations which really need help. I don’t think I’d enjoy (easily-earnt money(That's a contradiction in terms!). I would have X guilty conscience and couldn't really like it and be happy.

-Easily-won ! money (revoir la différence entre « earn » et « win » ! Lien internet

Win/ gain dus à la chance ou au hasard// earn est mérité.
-J’ai été également gênée par l’alternance « will/would ». Ici, il fallait le « would » !

EXPRESSION N°3: suggestions

If one day I won (1) several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a (2) huge sum…
I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a calm garden. Then, I would (3) give money to my parents for them to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled (4).
I would also like to discover Asia. I don’t know this continent at all and many friends say it’s a very interesting place to visit. I would visit a temple and if I’m not tired, I’ll go to South (5) America and perhaps discover the (5) United States too. Visiting (6) the Grand Canyon and imagining (6) myself being followed (7) by Indians would be funny: I would be like in a film(8).
Yet, with my money, I would try to give to associations and organisations who really need help. I don’t think I’d (3) enjoy easily earned (9) money.(Still a contradiction in terms!) I would feel guilty about it (10) and couldn't (3)really appreciate it and be happy. 167

(1) par concordance des temps, I'd be lost impose un passé ici
(2) it's such a huge sum! ; this sum is so huge!
(3) on est parti sur would donc l'alternance avec will me paraît maladroite[fautive ...]
(4) c'est un constat, un bilan au présent
(5) South/North America ; The United States (sous-entendu : of America)
(6) le gérondif s'impose ici : c'est l'action, le fait de visiter qui est amusant
(7) on ne fait pas l'action de suivre : on est suivi par les indiens => followed
(8) film me paraît correct en : Lien internet
(9) earnt est une forme assez rare et "easily earned" ne convient pas !
(10) ou bien : I would have a guilty conscience


ATTENTION EXPRESSION N°4: was a "last-minute post"... and couldn't be published... I suggest you insist on it for the usual Follow Up Work!

Were I to win several million dollars, I think I would start with sharing with both my family and my friends. I'd also change my lifestyle, especially through food, by buying many organic products resulting from local farming.
By the same token, I would donate B to charities because I'd be sick having so much money while people around the (work are suffering from poverty. I'd also help French homeless people by creating associations that could give them some money and help them find some gigs(niveau de langue !) and a house. After a few years, I'd create a rescue center for abandoned animals.
Last but not least, I'd go on vacation on heavenly islands with my relatives, where we'd accommodate in resorts with gigantic swimming pools and palm trees. I'd take time out and enjoy by receiving scalp massages and tasting local food. TB

-By the same token: following from this, similarly/ likewise/ thus/ besides/ therefore/ in the same way/ moreover/ furthermore/ and what's more/ (in proof of which)/ for the same reason
Lien internet

Je trouve l’expression trop formelle … ( le contraire de «gigs» qui est vraiment trop casual…) Il faut de la cohérence à l’intérieur d’un niveau de langue … (sauf, bien sûr, si les personnages décrits en train de parler sont de milieux très très différents ! )

BRAVO à tous. J'espère donc un travail de F up W de votre choix .... en fonction de vos possibilités et disponibilités, bien sûr !

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maxwell, postée le 12-07-2022 à 20:30:10 (S | E)


If one day I won several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a huge sum…
I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a peaceful garden. Then, I would give money to my parents for them to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled.
I would also like to discover Asia. I don’t know that continent at all and many friends say it’s a very interesting place to visit. I would visit temples and if I’m not tired, I’ll go to South America and perhaps discover the United States too. Visiting the Grand Canyon and imagining myself being followed by Indians would be funny: I would be like in a film.
Yet, with my money, I would try to give to associations and organisations who really need help. I don’t think I’d enjoy easily won money. I would feel guilty about it and couldn't really appreciate it and be happy. 167


Were I to win several million dollars, I think I would start with sharing with both my family and my friends. I'd also change my lifestyle, especially through food, by buying many organic products resulting from local farming.
Likewise, I would donate to charities because I'd feel uneasy having so much money while people around the world are suffering from poverty. I'd also help French homeless people by creating associations that could give them some money and help them find a job and a house. After a few years, I'd create a rescue center for abandoned animals.
Last but not least, I'd go on vacation to heavenly islands with my relatives: we'd stay in resorts with gigantic swimming pools and palm trees. I'd take time out and enjoy by receiving scalp massages and tasting local food.

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de vaiana, postée le 13-07-2022 à 02:13:46 (S | E)
Hello Thanks, now all I have to do is poring over these corrections...and get back to work... since I has been told they weren't games

At least, I will try my best.


If one day I won several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a huge amount… I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a peaceful garden. I would give my parents money to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled. I would like to discover Asia. I don’t know that continent whatsoever and many friends of mine say it’s very interesting to visit it. I would visit temples and if I wouldn't be too tired /sleepy, I’d go to South America and would perhaps discover the United States too. I'd take advantage of my journey there to visit the Grand Canyon and to imagine being followed by Indians, which would be funny. That would be like in a movie.
With my money, I would try to donate to associations and organizations which really need help. I don’t think I’d enjoy easily-won money. I would have a guilty conscience and couldn't really like it, which would make me unhappy. (to avoid the repetition of "and").


Were I to win (or... if I won) several million dollars, I think I would start with sharing with both my family and my friends. I'd also reconsider my lifestyle, especially through food, by buying many organic products resulting from local farming.
By the same token/Further on, I would donate to charities because I'd be sick having so much money while knowing that lots of people around the world () are suffering from poverty would drive me nuts. I'd also help French homeless people by creating associations that could give them some money and help them find some jobs and potentially a house. After a few years, I'd create a rescue center for abandoned animals.
Last but not least, I'd go on vacation onto heavenly islands with my relatives, where we'd be hosted in resorts with gigantic swimming pools and palm trees. I'd take time out and enjoy by receiving scalp massages and tasting local food.

Now a little question :
Is the 'upside-down construction' for conditional sentences (were I to do that, had I had done that...) common in spoken English? I got used to make use of that kind of construction even though I don't know whether it's widespread ... that's the fitting occasion to be enlighten

And... 'by the same token' is an idiom I was taught by my latest English teacher So I wanted to give a nod to her

See you

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 14-07-2022 à 16:05:44 (S | E)
Hello dears

My reactions in front of the Follow up Works...


If one day I won several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a huge sum…
I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a peaceful garden. Then, I would give money to my parents for them to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled.
I would also like to discover Asia. I don’t know that continent at all and many friends say it’s a very interesting place to visit. I would visit temples and if I’m not tired, I’ll go to South America and perhaps discover the United States too. Visiting the Grand Canyon and imagining myself being followed by Indians would be funny: I would be like in a film.
Yet, with my money, I would try to give to associations and organisations who really need help. I don’t think I’d enjoy easily won money/ 'or "easy money"). I would feel guilty about it and couldn't really appreciate it and be happy. 167

Très bonne correction !

2) Hello Thanks, now all I have to do is poring over these corrections...and get back to work... since I has been told they weren't games [] but you can enjoy work, can't you?

At least, I will try my best.


If one day I won several million dollars (or euros…), I’d be lost… it's such a huge amount… I would buy a house, not a castle, not a luxurious and very big house, but just a comfortable home with a peaceful garden. I would give my parents money to travel and enjoy their retirement, because they have never travelled. I would like to discover Asia. I don’t know that continent whatsoever and many friends of mine say it’s very interesting to visit (it). I would visit temples and if I wouldn't be too tired /sleepy, I’d go to South America and would perhaps discover the United States too. I'd take advantage of my journey there to visit the Grand Canyon and to imagine being followed by Indians, which would be funny. That would be like in a movie.
With my money, I would try to donate to associations and organizations which really need help. I don’t think I’d enjoy easily-won money. I would have a guilty conscience and couldn't really like it, which would make me unhappy. (to avoid the repetition of "and").

Bien corrigé, sauf ces deux horreurs qui m'ont fait mal ... [You can't do that to me! ]
Lien internet

To be continued when I have recovered from my shock!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de maxwell, postée le 16-07-2022 à 16:07:50 (S | E)
Here's my correction:

Hello Thanks, now all I have to do is pore over these corrections...and get back to work... since I have been told they weren't games

I would visit temples and (if I'm not too tired /sleepy), I’d go to South America and would perhaps discover the United States too

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de vaiana, postée le 16-07-2022 à 16:17:35 (S | E)
Hello teacher! I hope you've recovered from the shock, I'm sorry

I should have proofread my correction...

Thanks Maxwell

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 17-07-2022 à 00:14:34 (S | E)

Phewwww! For the relief!

I'm feeling better now and can go on!


A) Were I to win several million dollars, I think I would start with sharing with both my family and my friends. I'd also change my lifestyle, especially through food, by buying many organic products resulting from local farming.
Likewise, I would donate to charities because I'd feel uneasy having so much money while people around the world are suffering from poverty. I'd also help French homeless people by creating associations that could give them some money and help them find a job and a house. After a few years, I'd create a rescue center for abandoned animals.
Last but not least, I'd go on vacation to heavenly islands with my relatives: we'd stay in resorts with gigantic swimming pools and palm trees. I'd take time out and enjoy (myself) by receiving scalp massages and tasting local food.

et TB correction aussi.

B) Were I to win (or... if I won) several million dollars, I think I would start with sharing with both my family and my friends. I'd also reconsider my lifestyle, especially through food, by buying many organic products resulting from local farming.
By the same token/Further on, I would donate to charities because I'd be sick having so much money while knowing that lots of people around the world () are suffering from poverty would drive me nuts. I'd also help French homeless people by creating associations that could give them some money and help them find some jobs and potentially a house. After a few years, I'd create a rescue center for abandoned animals.
Last but not least, I'd go on vacation onto heavenly islands with my relatives, where we'd be hosted in resorts with gigantic swimming pools and palm trees. I'd take time out and enjoy (myself) by receiving scalp massages and tasting local food.

et très bonne correction également. Une chose me gêne cependant : le mélange des "niveaux de langue"
ex: "Were I to..." est formel et ... "by the same token", l'est aussi mais "I'd be sick" et "would drive me nuts" are definitely casual... Il faut une cohérence dans le choix du niveau de langue ... qui doit être adapté à l'interlocuteur ...
- Je mettrais naturellement un infinitif après "I'd be sick"[ ou alors:"sick of having"] et soit un infinitif soit "uneasy about + ing". Attention à la tendance [qui s'intensifie] de remplacer les infinitives (et même les propositions infinitives après "to want etc.") par des formes en ing. Elles sont rarement justifiables, en en tout cas ! (et les jours d'examens ! )

Now a little question :
Is the 'upside-down construction' for conditional sentences (were I to do that, had I had done that...) common in spoken English?[They're more formal, and "written formally"...] I got used to make use * of that kind of construction even though I don't know whether it's widespread ... that's the fitting occasion to be enlighten.Yes, you can try... and I'll tell you when I don't like it!... but you can choose to say it anyway!

* Lien internet

And... 'by the same token' is an idiom I was taught by my latest English teacher So I wanted to give a nod to her (/wink, at her)

a lot to both of you for this great Follow up!

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de vaiana, postée le 17-07-2022 à 01:03:54 (S | E)
Teacher, thanks for your feedback and explanations

Once again..... for the mistakes!

*I got used to using that kind of construction
**that'd be the fitting occasion to be enlightened

See you

Réponse : Let's suggest /17 de here4u, postée le 17-07-2022 à 09:09:57 (S | E)

It was my pleasure, really!


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