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Let's suggest/18

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Let's suggest/18
Message de here4u posté le 11-07-2022 à 21:43:54 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Voici un nouvel exercice d'expression ... Espérons que vous serez nombreux à vous y essayer ...

Je vous en prie ... Osez participer ! N'ayez pas peur de vous tromper, de faire des fautes, ou d'écrire "hors sujet". Les fautes nous sont utiles, puisqu'elles permettent de réfléchir, de faire des corrections et de donner des explications ...
Paradoxalement, faire une faute est la meilleure chose qui puisse NOUS arriver, à vous, comme à moi ! Merci à ceux qui en font !
N'ayez pas de scrupules, vous ne serez pas jugés, mais simplement guidés et aidés ...
C'est en pratiquant, encore et souvent, que les progrès viendront ! N'hésitez donc pas à intervenir, pour la correction des expressions de vos co-workers, comme pour l'écriture de votre propre expression si vous le désirez ... (Vous pouvez aussi - et certains ne s'en privent presque pas ...) écrire sur le "mode de la conversation", comme vous "parleriez" !)

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez, ou Correction en ligne le mardi 26 juillet 2022.

Voici le nouveau sujet !

"Describe your dream holiday week!" (130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

May THE FORCE be with You (with all of you! ) Everybody's welcome! Do not hesitate to write!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 12-07-2022 à 14:29:38 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers!

Here is EXPRESSION N°1: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.

During my dream vacation week, to begin with, I would sleep in until 11:00 AM every single morning! Preferentially, I would be accommodated within a luxurious abode a few steps away from the Mediterranean Sea so that I could sunbathe on the seaside most of the afternoons. In the evenings, I would taste local food from five-star expensive restaurants on a daily basis and would swim with marine animals such as blue sharks or whales, of course without hurting them, before diving and marveling at the ocean floors and its treasures. Inasmuch as I am a night owl, I would party all nights long until 3:00 PM, what would give me the opportunity to meet new people. Rest of the time, I think I would just unwind by doing hiking and enjoying the landscapes, visiting places like museums or aquariums, etc.

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de maxwell, postée le 13-07-2022 à 15:57:44 (S | E)
During my dream vacation week, to begin with, I would sleep in until 11:00 AM every single morning! Preferentially, I would be accommodated within a luxurious abode a few steps away from the Mediterranean Sea so that I could sunbathe on the seaside most of the afternoons. In the evenings, I would taste local food from five-star expensive restaurants on a daily basis and would swim with marine animals such as blue sharks or whales, of course without hurting them, before diving and marveling at the ocean floors and its treasures. Inasmuch as I am a night owl, I would party all nights long until 3:00 PM, what would give me the opportunity to meet new people. Rest of the time, I think I would just unwind by doing hiking and enjoying the landscapes, visiting places like museums or aquariums, etc.

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 16-07-2022 à 13:35:03 (S | E)

Green has been allowed for quite a long time (remember, it's automatic after 2 days! )
Expecting your corrections...

several EXPRESSIONS in the waiting line...

Reminder: I'm stuck by "a shock" in Let's Suggest 17 (Follow up Work!) and need your help! Quick, I'm suffering!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de maxwell, postée le 16-07-2022 à 16:15:49 (S | E)
EXPRESSION 1: Suggestions
To begin with, during my dream holiday (1) week, I would sleep in until 11:00 AM every single morning! I would preferably be accommodated within a luxurious abode a few steps away from the Mediterranean Sea so that I could sunbathe on the seaside most of the afternoons. In the evenings, I would taste local food from expensive five-star (2) restaurants on a daily basis and would swim with marine animals such as blue sharks or whales, of course without hurting them, before diving and marveling at the ocean floors and their (3) treasures. Inasmuch as I am a night owl, I would party all nights long until 3:00 PM, which (4) would give me the opportunity to meet new people. The rest of the time, I think I would just unwind by hiking and enjoying the landscapes, visiting places like museums or aquariums, etc.

Il manque le nombre de mots

(1) ce n'est pas du tout une faute, juste une précision :
vacation ; holiday
(2) pb d'ordre dans les adjectifs. expensive est plus un jugement de valeur personnel qu'une caractéristique objective (ou au moins reconnue) et doit se placer à mon avis devant five-star
(3) ça me semble plus logique de mettre their puisqu'on parle de floors (et non floor) (sinon, il faut qu'on m'explique )
(4) "ce que" avec antécédent.
Lien internet

Lien internet
Lien internet

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 17-07-2022 à 16:07:36 (S | E)
Hello dears!

EXPRESSION N°1: considérée comme étant prête pour les suggestions finales !

EXPRESSION N°2: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.

My dream holiday week, would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would cancel internet,smart phone and tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and not listen the radio.I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
My only interests would be to swim in a waterfall between the rocks in the rain-forest. Looking at the tropical flowers and the colorful birds.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week I would be happy to come back in the city but for 8 days it would be nice.
(env 150 mots)

a lot for this work! ... and thanks for your future help!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de vaiana, postée le 17-07-2022 à 17:07:13 (S | E)
Hello everyone! for that new essay!


My dream holiday week, would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would cancel Ø internet, Ø smart phone and Ø tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and not listen the radio.I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
My only interests would be to swim in a waterfall between the rocks in the rain-forest. Looking at the tropical flowers and the colorful birds.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week I would be happy to come back in the city but for 8 days it would be nice.

Have a good Sunday!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de maxwell, postée le 17-07-2022 à 20:47:23 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.

My dream holiday week, (ponctuation) would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would cancel internet,smart phone and tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and not listen the radio.I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
My only interests would be to swim in a waterfall between the rocks in the rain-forest. Looking at the tropical flowers and the colorful birds (où est le verbe ?).
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week(ponctuation) I would be happy to come back in the city but for 8 days it would be nice.
(env 150 mots)
Je devine qui est l'auteur

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 17-07-2022 à 22:35:52 (S | E)

"Je devine qui est l'auteur" Do you? I wouldn't!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 19-07-2022 à 22:29:19 (S | E)

Green has been allowed for some time, now! Go!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de magie8, postée le 20-07-2022 à 13:14:17 (S | E)

My dream holiday week, would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would leave away internet, smartphone and tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and listen to the radio either. I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
My only interests would be to swim in a waterfall between the rocks in the rainforest. I would look at tropical flowers and colorful birds.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones...I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back to the city but for 8 days it would be nice.(env 150 mots)

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de maxwell, postée le 20-07-2022 à 17:47:23 (S | E)

Je repars des corrections de Magie8 puisqu'elles sont bonnes (à part leave away internet)

EXPRESSION N°2 : Suggestions

My dream holiday week would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would leave the internet, the smartphone and the tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep.
I wouldn't watch TV and I wouldn't listen to the radio either. I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
Swimming in a waterfall between the rocks in the rainforest and looking at tropical flowers and colourful birds would be my only interests.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back to the city but for 8 days, it would be nice.(env 150 mots)

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 21-07-2022 à 10:50:57 (S | E)
Hello dear workers!

EXPRESSION N°2: Vaiana's correction:

My dream holiday week would be a week without constraint, hassle and any meetings. I would like to forget administrative statements and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would first close the Internet then put aside my smartphone and my tablet, which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and not listen to the radio.I would like to have a peaceful and quiet week without any noise.
My only interests would be to swim under(neath) a waterfall located between the rocks of a rainforest and marvel at its tropical flowers and colorful birds.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish(es); I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour as the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back into the city, it would have been a nice 8-day trip .

I'm not sure about the idea the writer wants to convey at the end of his story so I put my 'correction' in light green


My dream holiday week would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would leave the internet, the smartphone and the tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep.
I wouldn't watch TV and I wouldn't listen to the radio either. B I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
Swimming in a waterfall between the rocks in the rainforest and looking at tropical flowers and colourful birds would be my only interests.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back to the city but for 8 days, it would be nice.(env 150 mots)

Not bad!

EXPRESSION N°3: please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.

No matter where I go, in my dream holiday week, there would be no chores, no commitments, no administrative tasks, no routine. This alone would make an incredible change!
Anywhere I go, I would have enough time to do what I really like: reading, learning, listening to music, playing ping-pong, relaxing, thinking...
I'd choose a place that I hold dear, in a not too crowded seside resort. I would walk in beautiful gardens that others than me maintain by the sweat of their brows(*)... I would take photos to immortalise the moment.
I'd also have all the time I need to do all of Here4U's exercises...
Yet, one week is awfully short for a holiday and I would spend the rest of the year wishing I could relive this week one more time!

(*) J'ai vu plus souvent brow sans "s" mais dans ce cas-là, je ne comprends pas pourquoi

It's YOUR go, now!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 21-07-2022 à 14:27:28 (S | E)
Hello dear workers!

Lisez bien les consignes ! Nous sommes à la première étape du travail (concernant l’EXPRESSION N°3• Vous devez signaler ce que vous pensez être faux et souligner ce qui vous semble maladroit. C'est tout pour le moment ! Vous ne devez en aucun cas réécrire l'EXPRESSION en changeant les mots/ idées du rédacteur ; à la prochaine étape, vous pourrez suggérer ...

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de vaiana, postée le 21-07-2022 à 18:57:04 (S | E)
Hello everyone!


No matter where I go, in my dream holiday week, there would be no chores, no commitments, no administrative tasks, no routine. This alone would make an incredible change!
Anywhere I go, I would have enough time to do what I really like: reading, learning, listening to music, playing ping-pong, relaxing, thinking...
I'd choose a place that I hold dear, in a not too crowded seside resort. I would walk in beautiful gardens that others than me maintain by the sweat of their brows... I would take photos to immortalise the moment.
I'd also have all the time I need to do all of Here4U's exercises...
Yet, one week is awfully short for a holiday and I would spend the rest of the year wishing I could relive this week one more time!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de magie8, postée le 23-07-2022 à 02:54:33 (S | E)
hello dears

My dream holiday week would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would leave the internet and all electronic items which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep.
I wouldn't watch TV and I wouldn't listen to the radio either. B I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
Swimming in a waterfall between the rocks in the rainforest and looking at tropical flowers and colourful birds would be my only interests.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fishes; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed in time for the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back to the city but for 8 days, it would be nice.(env 150 mots)

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de vaiana, postée le 23-07-2022 à 20:18:52 (S | E)
Good evening everyone! Green has been allowed since this morning...the third essay was posted 2 days ago!


No matter where I went(*) for my dream holiday week, there would be no chores, no commitments, no administrative tasks, no routine. This alone would make an incredible change!
Anywhere I went(*), I would have enough time to do what I really like: reading, learning, listening to music, playing ping-pong, relaxing/ unwinding/ winding down, thinking...
I'd choose a place that I hold dear, in a seaside resort not too crowded/ swarmed (with people). I would walk in/through beautiful gardens that other people would have taken care of by the sweat of their brows... I would take pictures to capture the moment.
I'd also have all the time I need to do all of Here4U's exercises...
Yet, one week is awfully short for a holiday and I would spend the rest of the year wishing I could relive this week one more time!

(*) subjunctive mood

See you soon

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 25-07-2022 à 14:25:19 (S | E)

I'm lost! Is that the green version? [If not, green required urgently]

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de vaiana, postée le 25-07-2022 à 18:28:43 (S | E)

What do you mean?

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 26-07-2022 à 23:00:01 (S | E)

Here are the suggestions you've made to help the writers of the different EXPRESSIONS! Thanks a lot for your help! A very good "holiday work" indeed!


During my dream vacation week, to begin with, I would sleep in until 11:00 AM every single morning! Preferentially, I would be accommodated within a luxurious abode a few steps away from the Mediterranean Sea so that I could sunbathe on the seaside most of the afternoons. In the evenings, I would taste local food from five-star expensive restaurants on a daily basis and would swim with marine animals such as blue sharks or whales, of course without hurting them, ha ha ! (What about them hurting YOU ?) before diving and marveling at B the ocean floors and (its treasures. Inasmuch as I am a night owl,B I would party all nights long until 3:00 PM, (what would give me the opportunity to meet new people. (Rest of the time, I think I would just unwind by doing hiking and enjoying the landscapes, visiting places like museums or aquariums, etc.
Not bad at all (à part « l’horreur du «,what»! )

EXPRESSION 1: Suggestions Maxwell:

To begin with, during my dream holiday (1) week, I would sleep in until 11:00 AM every single morning! I would preferably be accommodated within a luxurious abode a few steps away from the Mediterranean Sea so that I could sunbathe on the seaside most of the afternoons. In the evenings, I would taste local food from expensive five-star (2) restaurantsB on a daily basis and would swim with marine animals such as blue sharks or whales, of course without hurting them, before diving and marveling at the ocean floors and their (3) treasures.B Inasmuch as I am a night owl, I would party all nights long until 3:00 PM, which (4) B would give me the opportunity to meet new people. The rest of the time, B I think I would just unwind by hiking and enjoying the landscapes, visiting places like museums or aquariums, etc.

Il manque le nombre de mots ; OUI !

(1) ce n'est pas du tout une faute, juste une précision : vacation ; holiday TB
(2) pb d'ordre dans les adjectifs. "expensive' est plus un jugement de valeur personnel qu'une caractéristique objective (ou au moins reconnue) et doit se placer devant five-star OK revoir : Lien internet

(3) ça me semble plus logique de mettre «their» puisqu'on parle de «floors» (et non floor) (sinon, il faut qu'on m'explique )[… et tu aimes bien qu’on t’explique, non ? BRAVO ! ]
(4) "ce que" avec antécédent. Lien internet

Lien internet

Lien internet

Lien internet

- Au bord de la mer : at the seaside/ by the seaside (UK)// at the ocean/by the Ocean (US)
- Dans la mesure où : to the extent that / inasmuch as/ insomuch as/ ou simplement …. As !
- All night long/ overnight/ throughout the night/
- The rest of the time/ the remaining time/
- To unwind : se détendre, se défouler

EXPRESSION N°2: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.

My dream holiday week, would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would cancel internet,smart phone and tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and not listen the radio.I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
My only interests would be to swim in a waterfall between the rocks in the rain-forest. Looking at the tropical flowers and the colorful birds.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week I would be happy to come back in the city but for 8 days it would be nice.
(env 150 mots)

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions by Vaiana.

My dream holiday week would be a week without constraint, hassle and any meetings. I would like to forget administrative statements and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would first close the Internet then put aside my smartphone and my tablet, which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and not listen to the radio.I would like to have a peaceful and quiet week without any noise.
My only interests would be to swim under(neath) a waterfall located between the rocks of a rainforest and marvel at its tropical flowers and colorful birds.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish(es); I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour as the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back into the city, it would have been a nice 8-day trip .

I'm not sure about the idea the writer wants to convey at the end of his story so I put my 'correction' in light green

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions by MAXWELL and FINAL ONES:

My dream holiday week would be a life without constraint or hassle, with no meeting. I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would leave the internet, the smartphone and the tablet* which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep.
I wouldn't watch TV and I wouldn't listen to the radio either.** I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
Swimming in a waterfall between the rocks in the rainforest and looking at tropical flowers and colourful birds would be my only interests.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish; ***I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour than the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back to the city but for 8 days, it would be nice.(env 150 mots) (which means that you wouldn’t appreciate such a life longer than a week … )
env 150 mots

*Soit au singulier avec un déterminant (my smart phone/ my tablet) soit en général ! au pluriel= toutes les tablettes/ tous les tél.
** Là, je reprendrais le would et Att ! to listen TO the radio.
*** Lien internet
. Toutes sortes
- Lien internet
'. de poissons !
Fish vs. Fishes
The most common plural form of fish is indeed fish. However, under certain circumstances, you can use fishes as the plural form of fish. If you, for example, see two trout swimming together, you could say that you’re looking at fish. However, if the two trout were joined by a salmon, you could describe them as fish or fishes. Fish can refer to multiple fish, especially when they are all the same species of fish. Fishes, however, usually refers to multiple species of fish, especially in scientific contexts.
- Lien internet

- Lien internet
calm/ quiet

EXPRESSION N°3 : Final suggestions!

No matter where I go, in my dream holiday week, ordre des segments ?) there would be no chores, no commitments, no administrative tasks, no routine. This alone would make an incredible change!
(Anywhere I go, I would have enough time to do what I really like: reading, learning, listening to music, playing ping-pong, relaxing, thinking...
I'd choose a place that I hold dear, in (a not too crowded (seside resort. I would walk in beautiful gardens that others than me maintain by the sweat of their brows... I would take photos to immortalise the moment.(???)
I'd also have all the time I need to do all of Here4U's exercises... [Of course !]
Yet, one week is awfully short for a holiday and I would spend the rest of the year wishing I could relive this week one more time! One only ? TTB

EXPRESSION N°3: Vaiana's suggestions

No matter where I went(*) for my dream holiday week, there would be no chores, no commitments, no administrative tasks, no routine. This alone would make an incredible change!
Anywhere I went(*), I would have enough time to do what I really like: reading, learning, listening to music, playing ping-pong, relaxing/ unwinding/ winding down, thinking...
I'd choose a place that I hold dear, in a seaside resort XXXXXXXXxXXX not too crowded/ swarmed (with people). I would walk in/through beautiful gardens that other people would have taken care of(one word or 2?) by the sweat of their brows... I would take pictures to capture the moment.
I'd also have all the time I need to do all of Here4U's exercises...
Yet, one week is awfully short for a holiday and I would spend the rest of the year wishing I could relive this week one more time!

(*) subjunctive mood

Follow up Work as you'll fancy!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de maxwell, postée le 27-07-2022 à 12:02:21 (S | E)

EXPRESSION 1: Final suggestions
To begin with, during my dream holiday week, I would sleep in until 11:00 AM every single morning! I would preferably be accommodated in a luxurious house(1) a few steps away from the Mediterranean Sea so that I could sunbathe by the seaside most of the afternoons. In the evenings, I would taste local food from expensive five-star restaurants on a daily basis and would swim with marine animals such as blue sharks or whales, of course without hurting them, before diving and marveling at the ocean floors and their treasures. Inasmuch as(2) I am a night owl, I would party all nights long until 3:00 PM, which would give me the opportunity to meet new people. The rest of the time, I think I would just unwind by hiking and enjoying the landscapes, visiting places like museums or aquariums, etc.

(1) c'est parce que abode était trop formel que ça ne convenait pas ?
(2) tu as souligné pour lister les possibilités ou bien parce que tu aurais préféré remplacer par "as" ? Inasmuch as est trop formel encore ?

EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions:

My dream holiday week would be a life without constraint or hassle and with no meeting at all (1). I would like to forget administrative statements, and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would leave the internet, my smartphone and my tablet which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep.
I wouldn't watch TV and I wouldn't listen to the radio either. I would want a calm and quiet week without noise.
Swimming in a waterfall between the rocks in the rainforest and looking at tropical flowers and colourful birds would be my only interests.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fishes; I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour as the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back to the city but for 8 days, it would be nice.(env 150 mots)

(1) Je n'ai pas du tout compris ce qui n'allait pas. J'ai rajouté at all pour insister sur l'absence totale de RV.

EXPRESSION N°3 : Final suggestions!

In my dream holiday week, no matter where I went(1), there would be no chores, no commitments, no administrative tasks, no routine. This alone would make an incredible change!
Wherever I went (1)(2), I would have enough time to do what I really like: reading, learning, listening to music, playing ping-pong, relaxing, thinking...
I'd choose a place that I hold dear, in a not too crowded (3) seaside resort. I would walk in beautiful gardens that other people than me maintain by the sweat of their brows... I would take photos to capture the moment.
I'd also have all the time I need to do all of Here4U's exercises...
Yet, one week is awfully short for a holiday and I would spend the rest of the year wishing I could relive this week one more time!

(1) Tu as colorié en vert "went" : c'est la première fois que je vois "No matter where I went" dans ce contexte d'un rêve futur hypothétique (et non passé). Aurais-tu un lien vers un cours grammatical où il y a des exemples avec "no matter" ? (Je n'ai vu que des exemples avec "if")

(2) Est-ce bien la correction que tu attendais ?

(3) Je pensais que "a not too crowded ..." se disait et s'écrivait Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ?

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de vaiana, postée le 27-07-2022 à 16:14:36 (S | E)
Hello everyone!



To begin with, during my dream vacation week, I would sleep in until 11:00 AM every single morning! I would preferably be accommodated in a luxurious house/ villa a few steps away from the Mediterranean Sea so that I could sunbathe by the ocean most of the afternoons. In the evenings, I would taste local food from expensive five-star restaurants on a daily basis and would swim with marine animals such as blue sharks or whales, of course without hurting them, ha ha ! (What about them hurting YOU ? I would only swim with innocuous sharks such as whale sharks or thresher sharks ) before diving and marveling at the ocean floors and their treasures. Inasmuch as I am a night owl, I would party all nights long until 3:00 PM, which would give me the opportunity to meet new people. The rest of the time, I think I would just unwind by doing hiking and enjoying the landscapes, visiting places like museums or aquariums, etc.


My dream holiday week would be a week without constraint, hassle and any meetings. I would like to forget administrative statements and all forms to fill in. During this week, I would first close the Internet then put aside my smartphone and my tablet, which make me crazy. I would have no schedule to keep .
I wouldn't watch TV and not listen to the radio.I would like to have a peaceful and quiet week without any noise.
My only interests would be to swim under a waterfall located between the rocks of a rainforest and marvel at its tropical flowers and colorful birds.
I would buy some local fruits, vegetables and fish(es); I would cook them in banana leaves, directly set on hot stones... I wouldn't need electricity or gas. I would get up and go to bed at the same hour as the sun.
After one week, I would be happy to come back into the city, it would have been a nice 8-day trip .

Why can't I write "underneath the waterfalls?"


No matter where I went for my dream holiday week, there would be no chores, no commitments, no administrative tasks, no routine. This alone would make an incredible change!
Wherever I went, I would have enough time to do what I really like: reading, learning, listening to music, playing ping-pong, winding down, thinking...
I'd choose a place that I hold dear, in an uncrowded seaside resort (attempt: a seaside resort not much swarmed by tourists). I would walk through beautiful gardens that other people would have taken care of(one word or 2? what are you talking about? ) by the sweat of their brows... I would take pictures to capture the moment.
I'd also have all the time I need to do all of Here4U's exercises...
Yet, one week is awfully short for a holiday and I would spend the rest of the year wishing I could relive this week one more time!

Thanks for these corrections!!

Réponse : Let's suggest/18 de here4u, postée le 06-08-2022 à 12:47:39 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Thanks for the reminder... My poor brain is numb with the heat...

EXPRESSION N°1: Maxwell: Yes, "abode" rings too formal to my (casual ) ears. (House/ villa : OK) Pour la même raison, j'utiliserais "as"... Correction validée. // vaiana: OK. Correction validée !

EXPRESSION N°2: Maxwell: TBonne correction validée. (préférer "no meetings".) // vaiana : Bon ! Alors, tu m'a encore entraînée dans des recherches sans fin ! J'ai regardé des vidéos, lu des articles sur le symbolisme de la chute d'eau etc.
J'ai trouvé "below a waterfall"/ under a waterfall ... mais je trouve "underneath" "trop!"... [mais c'est moi !] Correction validée.

Lien internet

Lien internet

EXPRESSION N°3: Maxwell: Ne pas oublier que dans les leçons, les liens ou les exemples, on te donne certains contextes, mais que le cerveau humain a une capacité presque infinie à créer ses propres contextes qui changent les obligations grammaticales des expressions employées ! (Je parle du cerveau humain "normal", non anesthésié par la chaleur, le froid, la fatigue, la maladie, ou tout excitant quel qu'il soit ! N'oubliez jamais la prépondérance du CONTEXTE.
NON ! "in a not too crowded seaside resort." ne se dit pas (ou ne devrait pas se dire !)
Grammaticalement, d'abord : on ne dit pas "a too big book/ a too crowded resort/ a not too crowded resort", mais "too big a book/ too crowded a resort/ not too crowded a resort" .... mais franchement, lorsque j'ai dit ça à mes amis anglophones la semaine dernière, ils étaient perplexes ... => changer la contruction ... ne parler ni comme un dictionnaire, ni comme un livre de grammaire trop rigoureux !

et OUI! "whenever" est l'expression à employer ! Correction validée. et


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