Let's Suggest/19
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Message de here4u posté le 26-07-2022 à 19:07:52 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!
Voici un nouvel exercice d'expression de "vacances"
... Espérons que vous serez nombreux à vous y essayer ... 
Je vous en prie ... Osez participer ! N'ayez pas peur de vous tromper, de faire des fautes, ou d'écrire "hors sujet". Les fautes nous sont utiles, puisqu'elles permettent de réfléchir, de faire des corrections et de donner des explications ...
Paradoxalement, faire une faute est la meilleure chose qui puisse NOUS arriver, à vous, comme à moi !
Merci à ceux qui en font ! 
N'ayez pas de scrupules, vous ne serez pas jugés, mais simplement guidés et aidés ...
C'est en pratiquant, encore et souvent, que les progrès viendront ! N'hésitez donc pas à intervenir, pour la correction des expressions de vos co-workers, comme pour l'écriture de votre propre expression si vous le désirez ... (Vous pouvez aussi - et certains ne s'en privent presque pas ...) écrire sur le "mode de la conversation", comme vous "parleriez" !)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)
2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet
( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez,
Correction en ligne le mardi 09 août 2022.
Voici le nouveau sujet !
"Describe the top three wishes of your 'bucket list!' " (130 - 150 mots au maximum.), ("a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.")
May THE FORCE be with You (with all of you!
) Everybody's welcome! Do not hesitate to write!

Message de here4u posté le 26-07-2022 à 19:07:52 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Voici un nouvel exercice d'expression de "vacances"

Je vous en prie ... Osez participer ! N'ayez pas peur de vous tromper, de faire des fautes, ou d'écrire "hors sujet". Les fautes nous sont utiles, puisqu'elles permettent de réfléchir, de faire des corrections et de donner des explications ...

Paradoxalement, faire une faute est la meilleure chose qui puisse NOUS arriver, à vous, comme à moi !

N'ayez pas de scrupules, vous ne serez pas jugés, mais simplement guidés et aidés ...

C'est en pratiquant, encore et souvent, que les progrès viendront ! N'hésitez donc pas à intervenir, pour la correction des expressions de vos co-workers, comme pour l'écriture de votre propre expression si vous le désirez ... (Vous pouvez aussi - et certains ne s'en privent presque pas ...) écrire sur le "mode de la conversation", comme vous "parleriez" !)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)
2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet
( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez,

Voici le nouveau sujet !
"Describe the top three wishes of your 'bucket list!' " (130 - 150 mots au maximum.), ("a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.")
May THE FORCE be with You (with all of you!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 28-07-2022 à 14:38:25 (S | E)
Hello dear Friends!

We need you once more to help us perfect the EXPRESSIONS...

EXPRESSION N°1: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.
The third wish of my bucket list woud be to live in a house on a large land in the countryside, which would enable me to own cows, hens, fruit trees, a garden and so forth, so that I could bake cakes or make yoghurts with fresh produce from my place.
My second dream would be to go on a trip throughout America with my relatives. I would start with venturing out into Amazonia, of course with a local explorer in order not to take the chance of dealing with any wild animals such as cheetahs or apes, then I would go north onto some Caribbean islands by boat. Finally, I would go to North America and roam up from Mexico to Canada.
To end, my first wholehearted wish would be world peace; that is to say fewer wars, less poverty, less abuse while more love, mutual aid and sharing! (150)

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de maxwell, postée le 28-07-2022 à 20:18:46 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.
The third wish of my bucket list woud be to live in a house on a large land in the countryside, which would enable me to own cows, hens, fruit trees, a garden and so forth, so that I could bake cakes or make yoghurts with fresh produce from my place.
My second dream would be to go on a trip throughout America with my relatives. I would start with venturing out into Amazonia, of course with a local explorer in order not to take the chance of dealing with any wild animals such as cheetahs or apes,(phrase un peu longue à couper ici) then I would go north onto some Caribbean islands by boat. Finally, I would go to North America and roam up (1) from Mexico to Canada.
To end, my first wholehearted wish would be world peace; that is to say fewer wars, less poverty, less abuse while more love, mutual aid and sharing! (150)

(1) Je ne suis pas sûr que up soit correct ici et j'aimerais bien le voir commenter par Here4U

Juste quelques remarques :
- c'est original de lister le TOP 3 dans ce sens. Mais c'est un peu déroutant car inattendu. Une petite phrase d'introduction pour préparer les esprits aurait été la bienvenue. Ou beaucoup mieux : lister dans l'ordre.
- Le dernier voeu me paraît hors sujet. Il est demandé ce qu'on aimerait accomplir de son vivant (et non pas : ce qu'on aimerait voir accomplir par les autres)
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de maxwell, postée le 31-07-2022 à 09:35:27 (S | E)
Si après 48H, c'est permis, je me lance

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions
The first wish of my bucket list woud be to live in a house on a large land in the countryside, which would enable me to own cows, hens, fruit trees, a garden and so forth, so that I could bake cakes or make yoghurts with fresh produce from my place.
My second dream would be to go on a trip throughout America with my relatives. I would start with venturing out into Amazonia, of course with a local explorer not to take the chance of dealing with any wild animals such as cheetahs or apes. Then I would go north onto some Caribbean islands by boat. Finally, I would go to North America and roam from Mexico to Canada.
Actually(1), my first wholehearted wish would be world peace; that is to say fewer wars, less poverty, less abuse along with more love, mutual aid and sharing! (150)
(1) Au départ, j'avais pensé mettre "last but not least", indispensable puisque j'ai bouleversé le classement. Mais comme ce dernier souhait est un peu à part et ne fait pas partie réellement de la bucket list, je le vois plutôt comme une réflexion, une conclusion.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de vaiana, postée le 31-07-2022 à 15:30:18 (S | E)
Hello Maxwell

When you list a "top" or a "flop," it's quite rare to do it in ascending order

Starting with the last and ending with the first is more usual and logical

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 01-08-2022 à 11:53:40 (S | E)
Hello Dears!

Bravo Maxwell !

Now for the order of the list... I must admit that at first, I was quite surprised when I read EXPRESSION N°1 with the countdown... (but is it a countdown?

EXPRESSION N°2 will be posted tonight.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 02-08-2022 à 08:45:22 (S | E)
Hello dears!

I was hoping someone might step in and perfect EXPRESSION N°1, but it seems they're all enjoying a break!

EXPRESSION N°2:Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.
My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly: Bringing up my children to the best on my ability is very important. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to defend themselves in life.
Secondly: Continue doing my job with various tasks. It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Thirdly: Keep my husband's love. Be still beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. We are a perfect match.
I have no special skills to do everything else.
I am not looking for fame.
Remain in good harmony with everyone around me, makes me happy.
If I succeeded to manage well, children, business and love, I would have had a good life. env 150 mots

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de vaiana, postée le 02-08-2022 à 15:47:51 (S | E)
Hello my friends

My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly: Bringing up my children to the best on my ability is very important. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to defend themselves in life.
Secondly: Continue doing my job with various tasks. It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Thirdly: Keep my husband's love. Be still beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. We are a perfect match.
I have no special skills to do everything else.
I am not looking for fame.
Remain in good harmony with everyone around me, makes me happy.
If I succeeded to manage well, children, business and love, I would have had a good life.
Good essay

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de maxwell, postée le 02-08-2022 à 20:24:26 (S | E)
EXPRESSION 2:Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.
My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly: Bringing up my children to the best on my ability is very important. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to defend themselves in life.
Secondly: Continue doing my job with various tasks. It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Thirdly: Keep my husband's love. Be still beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. We are a perfect match.
I have no special skills to do everything else. (not clear to me)
I am not looking for fame.
Remain in good harmony with everyone around me, makes me happy.
If I succeeded to manage well, children, business and love, I would have had a good life. env 150 mots
Des mots de liaison seraient les bienvenus.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 04-08-2022 à 16:55:08 (S | E)
Hello, Dears,

" Vert " autorisé à partir de ce soir !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de maxwell, postée le 04-08-2022 à 20:38:29 (S | E)
My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly, bringing up my children to the best of my ability is very important to me. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to defend themselves in life.
Secondly, I wish to keep(1) doing my job with various tasks. It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Keeping (1) my husband's love is my third wish. I'd also like to be(1) still beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. I think we are a perfect match.
I don't think I have other special skills that I would want to use. (2) I am also not looking for fame. Actually, remaining(1) in good harmony with everyone around me makes me happy. If I succeed in reconciling work, family and private life well, I will have had a good life. env 150 mots
(1) Continue en début de phrase a pour moi, le sens d'un impératif : continuez
(2) La phrase était trop imprécise et ça me semble un peu sévère (voire de l'auto-flagellation). J'ai essayé d'interpréter l'intention de l'auteur en essayant d'atténuer mais ce n'est pas facile à faire. Désolé si je trahis sa pensée

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 08-08-2022 à 10:50:29 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Pas plus d'amateurs ...

As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! I've been trying for weeks to make a mustard as tasty as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess who is the murderer at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before I've understood all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding it. As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...(134W)
Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de vaiana, postée le 08-08-2022 à 21:27:08 (S | E)
As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! I've been trying for weeks to make a mustard as tasty as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess who is the murderer at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before I've understood all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding (repetition) it. As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 09-08-2022 à 16:48:20 (S | E)
Hello !

No green?

Tell me if you need one more evening to work, and if you'd rather have the correction tomorrow...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 09-08-2022 à 23:17:46 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Bon !

Je le fais ... In sistez sur l'EXPRESSION N°3 si vous en ressentez le besoin !

The third wish of my bucket list woud be to live in a house on a large land in the countryside, which would enable me to own cows, hens, fruit trees, a garden and so forth, so that I could bake cakes or make yoghurts with fresh produce from my place.(Phrases aussi longues à éviter ...)
My second dream would be to go on a trip throughout (America with my relatives. I would start with venturing out into Amazonia, of course with a local explorer in order not to take the chance of dealing with ? / facing ? any wild animals such as cheetahs or apes,(phrase un peu longue à couper ici : [D’accord !]) then I would go north onto some Caribbean islands by boat. Finally, I would go to North America and roam (up) from Mexico to Canada.
To end, my first wholehearted wish would be world peace; that is to say fewer wars, less poverty, less abuse (while more love, mutual aid and sharing! (à reformuler !)(150)
(1) Je ne suis pas sûr que "up" soit correct ici et j'aimerais bien le voir commenter par Here4U. "up" n'est pas indispensable ici.
Juste quelques remarques :
- « c'est original de lister le TOP 3 dans ce sens. Mais c'est un peu déroutant car inattendu. Une petite phrase d'introduction pour préparer les esprits aurait été la bienvenue. Ou beaucoup mieux : lister dans l'ordre. »[Ca se discute : ma logique : 1-2-3 et il est vraie que j'ai été un peu surprise, but we have to be flexible!

- « Le dernier voeu me paraît hors sujet. Il est demandé ce qu'on aimerait accomplir de son vivant (et non pas : ce qu'on aimerait voir accomplir par les autres) » [ Bonne remarque ! mais «a bucket list» est défini dans l’énoncé : a person hopes to have… et là, c’est correct !]
EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions
The first wish of my bucket list woud be to live in a house on a large land in the countryside, which would enable me to own cows, hens, fruit trees, a garden and so forth, so that I could bake cakes or make yoghurts with fresh produce (1)from my place.(Phrase trop longue !)
My second dream would be to go on a trip throughout (America (2) with my relatives. I would start with venturing out into Amazonia, of course with a local explorer not to take the chance of(3) dealing with any wild animals such as cheetahs or apes. Then I would go north onto some Caribbean islands by boat. Finally, I would go to North America and roam from Mexico to Canada.
Actually, my first wholehearted wish would be world peace; that is to say fewer wars, less poverty, less abuse along with more love, mutual aid and sharing! (150) TTB

(1) Bon emploi de « produce » (nom). Lien internet
(sens C2) Lien internet
(2) Lien internet
: Garder à l’esprit la différence entre America : North America and the Americas … surtout qu’ici, vaiana nous emmenait directement en Amazonie !

(3) Pour moi, il y a une réelle différence entre «take the chance of» et «run the risk of»: (distinction implicitement faite par l’utilisation de «venturing out» qui marque bien la nuance de « risque ».
-«Run the risk of: to be in a situation in which something bad could happen» -facing a cheetah or an ape… is a risk for me!

«What's the difference between taking a chance and taking/ running a risk? Taking chances means assuming everything will work itself out. It is essentially a leap of faith. Inversely, taking calculated risks means doing your due diligence by asking sources you trust for guidance and understanding the gravity of what you are about to do.”
Lien internet
TB EXPRESSION et TB correction !

My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly: Bringing up my children to (the best on my ability is very important. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to defend themselves in life.
Secondly: (Continue doing my job with various tasks (pas très clair pour moi !) . It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Thirdly: (Keep my husband's love. (Be still beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. We are a perfect match.
I have no special skills to do everything else.
I am not looking for fame. ?? So what ? we didn’t promise you « fame ».
(Remain in good harmony with everyone around me, makes me happy.
If I (succeeded to manage well, children, business and love, I would have had a good life. env 150 mots

My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly, bringing up my children to the best of my ability is very important to me. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to defend themselves in life.
Secondly, I wish to keep(1) doing my job with various tasks. It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Keeping (1) my husband's love is my third wish. I'd also like to be(1) still beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. I think we are a perfect match.
I don't think I have other special skills that I would want to use. (2) I am also not looking for fame. Actually, remaining(1) in good harmony with everyone around me makes me happy. If I succeed in reconciling work, family and private life well, I will have had a good life. env 150 mots

(1) « 'Continue' en début de phrase a pour moi, le sens d'un impératif : continuez » L’argument est surtout que « Bring/ Keep/ be etc" doivent tous être des gérondifs mis pour "le fait de" garder etc.)»
(2) La phrase était trop imprécise et ça me semble un peu sévère (voire de l'auto-flagellation)

[- Au mieux de mes capacités : the best of my abilities Lien internet
- Se défendre dans la vie : to fend for themselves in life/ take care of themselves in life./ to defend themselves in life/
- Rester en harmonie avec : To keep in harmony with / to keep in tune with/
- Réussir à : to succeed in + ing/ to manage to do/
- To be beautiful in sb’s eyes. Je crois que je construirais avec un verbe pour « continuer d’être » car "still" me gêne.
- Je pense que la dernière partie n’est plus vraiment le sujet … ]
As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! I've been trying for weeks to make (a mustard as tasty as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding (enough? time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess (who is the murderer at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before I've understood all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding it. As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...

EXPRESSION N°3: suggestions. but no green...

As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! I've been trying for weeks to make a mustard as tasty as (je reconstruirais … ordre des compléments et des mots !)the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess (who is the murderer at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before I've understood all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding (repetition [Oui]) it. As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...
TB EXPRESSION et TB correction ! BRAVO !

Allez! Quelques petites phrases de Follow up pour me corriger les horreurs que vous m'avez laissées ...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de vaiana, postée le 10-08-2022 à 00:40:49 (S | E)

How come I cannot use "while" in the last sentence of my essay?

Isn't green only allowed after 48 hours? I'm muddled with all those rules

As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular on my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! For weeks, I have been trying to make a mustard as tasty as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding enough time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess who the murderer is at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before I've understood all that I learnt during my childhood without really comprehending/getting the meaning of it. As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 10-08-2022 à 14:27:36 (S | E)
Hello vaiana! Hello dears!
How come I cannot use "while" in the last sentence of my essay? Please provide your explanation in English, I can no longer stand French on here... it's an English site
I don't really like the way you're "asking for an explanation..."

- dans les diverses corrections des exercices, je veux toucher le plus de monde possible. (qu'ils aient "rendu" l'exercice ou non !) Je sais que les termes grammaticaux en anglais sont peu connus des étudiants et encore moins des personnes qui ont quitté les études depuis quelque temps ...
Lors des épreuves orales des concours de recrutement au professorat, au milieu de l'exposé, de l'explication de texte forcément en anglais, il est demandé une explication de points de grammaire en français, pour que ce soit accessible aux étudiants. Les mêmes exigences sont demandées aux "Tuteurs" lors de la formation des professeurs stagiaires.
En fonction de mes objectifs, il me revient donc de choisir la langue dans laquelle je vais essayer de transmettre des informations et explications jugées nécessaires.
- D'autre part, ce site est un site français qui permet l'étude de l'anglais, l'espagnol, l'allemand, le néerlandais, le latin, les mathématiques etc ... le tout diffusé dans le monde entier. Il possède un "English only" Forum: Lien internet
, mais les auteurs et intervenants sont "libres des moyens pédagogiques employés", tant qu'ils respectent les obligations légales et les règles du site.
Alors revenons à : "less abuse while more love,", which looks (and would sound) strange AND WRONG to me! "While" is definitely not the correct link word here, and the whole phrase as it is looks mysterious, if not contradictory... The juxtaposition of "abuse" and "love" makes no sense to me and needs an explanation...
EXPRESSION N°3: I still don't like "For weeks, I have been trying to make a mustard as tasty as the one I used to buy". It's not wrong, but just looks clumsy...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de maxwell, postée le 10-08-2022 à 16:27:07 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions
The first wish of my bucket list woud be to live in a house on a large land in the countryside: it would enable me to own cows, hens, fruit trees, a garden and so forth, so that I could bake cakes or make yoghurts with fresh produce from my place.
My second dream would be to go on a trip throughout the Americas with my relatives. I would start with venturing out into Amazonia, of course with a local explorer not to run the risk of dealing with any wild animals such as cheetahs or apes. Then I would go north onto some Caribbean islands by boat. Finally, I would go to North America and roam from Mexico to Canada.
Actually, my first wholehearted wish would be world peace, that is to say fewer wars, less poverty, less abuse along with more love, mutual aid and sharing! (150)
EXPRESSION 2: final suggestions
My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly, bringing up my children to the best of my ability is very important to me. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to take care of themselves in life.
Secondly, I wish to keep doing my job and be assigned various tasks. It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Keeping my husband's love is my third wish. I'd also like to remain beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. I think we are a perfect match.
I don't think I have other special skills that I would want to use. I am also not looking for fame. Actually, remaining in good harmony with everyone around me makes me happy. If I succeed in reconciling work, family and private life well, I will have had a good life. env 150 mots
EXPRESSION 3 : final suggestions
As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! For weeks (1), I've been trying to make as tasty a mustard as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding enough time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess who the murderer is at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding it, has been explained to me. As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...
(1) Je n'ai pas tellement compris pourquoi la place initiale de "for weeks" n'était pas optimale dans cette phrase.
En tout cas, il me semble que si on rejetait "for weeks" en fin de phrase, le lecteur serait un peu perdu car ce segment côtoierait "I used to buy at the supermarket"
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de vaiana, postée le 10-08-2022 à 19:54:50 (S | E)
Hello, I would have directly asked someone else if I had known I would be lashed out at

If you want to write in French then do as you please...

As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! For weeks, I've been trying to make a mustard that tastes as good as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding enough time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess who the murderer is at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding it is explained to me(1). As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...
(1) You can't use the passive voice with "to explain" since "to explain somebody something" doesn't exist.
"Before I was taught..." seems okay.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de maxwell, postée le 10-08-2022 à 20:20:36 (S | E)

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de here4u, postée le 10-08-2022 à 22:33:56 (S | E)
Hello! Here are the final reflexions on your Follow up Work.

EXPRESSION N°1: Follow up
The first wish of my bucket list woud be to live in a house on a large land in the countryside: it would enable me to own cows, hens, fruit trees, a garden and so forth, so that I could bake cakes or make yoghurts with fresh produce from my place.
My second dream would be to go on a trip throughout the Americas with my relatives. I would start with venturing out into Amazonia, of course with a local explorer not to run the risk of dealing with/ facing any wild animals such as cheetahs or apes. Then I would go north onto some Caribbean islands by boat. Finally, I would go to North America and roam from Mexico to Canada.
Actually, my first wholehearted wish would be world peace, that is to say fewer wars, less poverty, less abuse along with more love,B mutual aid and sharing! (150)
Very good Follow up!

My main wishes would be to keep everything I have.
Firstly, bringing up my children to the best of my ability is very important to me. I want to give them a good education and a happy childhood. I hope that they will do well at school and be able to take care of/ fend for/ themselves in life.
Secondly, I wish to/ would like to/ keep doing my job and be assigned various tasks. It is an interesting job that I enjoy. I earn enough money to have a comfortable life.
Keeping my husband's love is my third wish. I'd also like to remain beautiful in his eyes even when I am 80 years old. We support each other. I think we are a perfect match.
I don't think I have other special skills that I would want to use. I am also not looking for fame. Actually, remaining in good harmony with everyone around me makes me happy. If I succeed in reconciling work, family and private life well, I will have had a good life. env 150 mots

EXPRESSION 3 : Follow up
As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list!B For weeks (1), I've been trying to make as tasty a mustard as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...
Finding enough time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess who the murderer is at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding it, has been explained to me. As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...
(1) Je n'ai pas tellement compris pourquoi la place initiale de "for weeks" n'était pas optimale dans cette phrase.
En tout cas, il me semble que si on rejetait "for weeks" en fin de phrase, le lecteur serait un peu perdu car ce segment côtoierait "I used to buy at the supermarket"
Let's Suggest/19 de vaiana,
Hello, I would have directly asked someone else if I had known I would be lashed out at

If you want to write in French then do as you please... As per the historic(= an adjective!) of this forum, you used to write on here only in English some years ago [grammar has always be explained in French, except for the lessons published on tolearnenglish.com, of course!] and I found it more interesting since it enabled a total immersion; it wasn't a reproach, much less an order.

As you're going to see, there's nothing spectacular about my bucket list...
Making my own mustard is the first wish on my bucket list! B For weeks, I've been trying to make a mustard that tastes as good as the one I used to buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately, so far, I have failed...B
Finding enough time to read all the books I've bought is my second wish. I'm especially thinking of Agatha Christie's novels: I'd love to guess who the murderer is at least once...
Last but not least, I wouldn't want to die before all that I learnt during my childhood without really understanding it is explained to me(1). As Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote : "In youth, we learn, in age, we understand". Well, it's time for me to understand...

"Before I was taught..." seems okay.

Max écrit : "all that I learnt [during my childhood without really understanding it,] has been explained to me.
sujet ///// compléments non indispensables ///// verbe "to explain sth to sb" au passif ! (je ne sais pas si la mise en page sera respectée - J'examine les différents éléments de la phrase en question, mais ça n'a pas marché la première fois !)
"all that I learnt: all that: sujet /////
[during my childhood without really understanding it,] compléments non indispensables /////
has been explained to me.///// verbe "to explain sth to sb" au passif !
Le temps est un present perfect de bilan d'action, et c'est PARFAIT.

Il ne serait pas possible d'utiliser le DOUBLE PASSIF où "to me" deviendrait alors forcément sujet ... La structure du verbe ne serait plus respectée ... mais c'est une autre histoire.

paragraphe 3.
Maintenant, "for weeks" en début de phrase ne me gênait pas trop .... c'était toute la phrase qui me gênait

Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de vaiana, postée le 10-08-2022 à 22:55:49 (S | E)
Good evening

(As) per the history of this forum

Il ne serait pas possible d'utiliser le DOUBLE PASSIF où "to me" deviendrait alors forcément sujet ... La structure du verbe ne serait plus respectée ... mais c'est une autre histoire.

Yes sorry, I meant "double passive"; I wrote this because Maxwell had written "I've been explained" before thanking me and modifying his sentence.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/19 de maxwell, postée le 11-08-2022 à 20:29:39 (S | E)
That's right

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