Let's Suggest/ 23
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Message de here4u posté le 26-09-2022 à 18:27:46 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!
Here is the new topic we'd like to read about...

You remember I had asked you to suggest topics... You did! Wonderfully! and I thank you for it.
Here, today, is another one of the subjects you've suggested... I hope you'll feel like writing about it. Do not refrain from doing so for fear you might make mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct!

and... You may still suggest ideas for future topics...
Here is today's topic:
"What is interesting to see or do in your city or country?" (between 130 and 150 words)
(You don't have to tell us the truth... You may invent whatever dream place you fancy.)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment, comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger …
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet
Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :
I trust You!
Correction en ligne le mardi 11 octobre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.
Message de here4u posté le 26-09-2022 à 18:27:46 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!

Here is the new topic we'd like to read about...

You remember I had asked you to suggest topics... You did! Wonderfully! and I thank you for it.

Here, today, is another one of the subjects you've suggested... I hope you'll feel like writing about it. Do not refrain from doing so for fear you might make mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct!

and... You may still suggest ideas for future topics...
Here is today's topic:
"What is interesting to see or do in your city or country?" (between 130 and 150 words)
(You don't have to tell us the truth... You may invent whatever dream place you fancy.)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment, comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger …
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :

Correction en ligne le mardi 11 octobre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 27-09-2022 à 19:30:06 (S | E)
Hello dear writers and proofreaders,

Two EXPRESSIONS have arrived already!

I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre north of France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can discover a very interesting and medieval tour and even attend the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer the long walks along this majestic but often impredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts , you can of course have a picnic in a wilderness place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy a Loire fish fry accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So , then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS
Please, help the writer!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de maxwell, postée le 28-09-2022 à 12:11:59 (S | E)

I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre north of France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can discover a very interesting and medieval tour and even attend the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer the long walks along this majestic but often impredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts , you can of course have a picnic in a wilderness place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy a Loire fish fry accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So , then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 29-09-2022 à 08:37:36 (S | E)
Hello !

Green allowed…

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de amalia80, postée le 29-09-2022 à 08:54:52 (S | E)
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the central northern France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can discover a very interesting and medieval tour and even attend the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer long walks along this majestic but often impredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts , you can of course have a picnic in a wilderness place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy a fish fry from the Loire accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So , then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-09-2022 11:18
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de maxwell, postée le 30-09-2022 à 20:34:49 (S | E)
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in north-central France.
As Joan of Arc liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can discover a very interesting and medieval tour and even attend the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
Personally(1), I prefer long walks along this majestic but often impredictable river in winter and spring: in spite of my age, I have remained sporty!
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along the "Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts, you can of course have a picnic in a wilderness place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where we can still enjoy fried fish from the Loire, accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS
(1) But ne me semblait pas le meilleur mot de liaison ici (d'autant qu'il est réutilisé juste après, à bon escient cette fois)
Je pense qu'il est utile d'amorcer le 2e paragraphe (où l'auteur parle de ses goûts personnels) avec Personally, pour marquer une rupture avec le paragraphe précédent qui retrace l'histoire de la ville. => J'ai un peu réorganisé la phrase sans changer le sens.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 02-10-2022 à 14:27:00 (S | E)
Hello, dears,

Here is EXPRESSION N°2! We need your help to indicate the possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...
I tell you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo- Roman city where we can still see some remains, as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known as being one of the five most beautiful of France. For centuries
the France kings' coronation took place in it. In particular Charles VII accompanied by Jeanne D'Arc
Every year during the first week of May a parade with people dressed as in 15th century reminds us of this event.
The St Remi Basilique is another famous monument, The bishop Remi christed Clovis the first king of Francs here.
The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. We fish for roaches and bleachers which were delicious cook and eat like fries. Walking along this canal, we can also see housboats.
This is a cultural university city with many young people and fun-filled.
And the best bit... it is the champagne! since we are in Reims. 150 mots
Thanks a lot for your help! I give you THE FORCE!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de maxwell, postée le 02-10-2022 à 20:13:54 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N°2! indicate the possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...
I tell you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo- Roman city where we can still see some remains, as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known as being one of the five most beautiful of France. For centuries ponctuation ( et pourquoi ce passage à la ligne ?)
the France kings' coronation took place in it. In particular Charles VII accompanied by Jeanne D'Arc (pb de ponctuation)
Every year during the first week of May(ponctuation) a parade with people dressed as in 15th century reminds us of this event.
The St Remi Basilique is another famous monument, The bishop Remi christed Clovis the first king of Francs here.
The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. We fish for roaches and bleachers which were (pourquoi ce passé ?delicious cook and eat like fries. (je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre) Walking along this canal, we can also see housboats.
This is a cultural university city with many young people and fun-filled.
And the best bit... it is the champagne! since we are in Reims. 150 mots
J'aime beaucoup la présentation sous forme d'énigme avec la réponse à la fin ! Bravo !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de vaiana, postée le 04-10-2022 à 17:20:35 (S | E)
Hello everyone

I'm going to tell/ be telling you about a city where I lived (have been living?¹) for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty kilometers/res northeast of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo- Roman city where some remains can still be seen, such as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known for being /to be one of the five most beautiful ones in France. For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of the country took place within it, particularly/especially Charles VII's one, attended by Joan of Arc.
Every/Each year, during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed as in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi² is another famous/ well-known³ monument, and the bishop Remi(gius)⁴ christed Clovis, the first king of France, there.
The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. Roach⁵ and bleachers⁶ can be fished for, which are delicious cooked and eaten like (French) fries. (Upon) walking along this canal, houseboats can also be glimpsed.
This is a cultural fun-filled university city with many young people.
And the best bit is: its champagne, since it is/the city I'm talking about is Reims!
¹ depending on whether the writer still lives in the town
² Lien internet
(when it comes to proper nouns, a good idea is to check on its English Wikipedia page, just to be sure

³ "famous" is used to talk about people whereas "well-known" is used for people and inanimate things
⁴ Lien internet
⁵ Many fish names have the same plural form as singular, and "roach" looks like being one of them: Lien internet
Lien internet
Here you will find a full-fledged list of them: Lien internet
⁶ I don't understand, and neither does my dictionary

Very good essay!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de maxwell, postée le 04-10-2022 à 20:09:53 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions
I'm going to (1) tell you about a city where I lived(2) for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city where we can still see some remains, such as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known for (3) being one of the five most beautiful of France. For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of France took place in it, in particular, that of Charles VII accompanied by Joan of Arc.
Every year during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed as in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi is another famous monument worth seeing. As you know, the bishop Remi christened Clovis, the first King of the Franks (4) in this city (5).
But that's not all! (6)The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. There, we can fish for roaches and bleachers which are delicious to cook and eat when fried (7). Walking along this canal, we can also see houseboats.
This is a cultural university city with many young people and also a fun-filled city.
And the best part is... its champagne, since we are talking about Reims! 150 mots
(1) je l'aurais exprimé ainsi mais je ne sais pas si la formulation de l'auteur est maladroite ?
(2) J'ai supposé ici que l'auteur ne vivait plus dans cette ville (sinon, il aurait fallu employer : I've lived ou mieux : I've been living)
(3) known for being... est aujourd'hui plus courant que known as being, mais je ne pense pas qu'on puisse considérer que l'ancienne formulation soit fausse. Lien internet
(4) ou bien : first king of France.
(5) "here" supposerait qu'on soit sur place en disant cela.
(6) je me suis permis de rajouter un mot de liaison, sinon, la transition était brutale
(7) j'espère que je suis fidèle à l'auteur car je n'ai pas compris le texte d'origine
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de magie8, postée le 05-10-2022 à 04:34:02 (S | E)
Hello bonjour ; j ai repris la correction de Maxwell qui est excellente, j' essaie d' expliquer à ma façon ce qui n 'était pas clair
Today I am telling you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty kilometres North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city where we can still see some remains, as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known for being one of the five most beautiful of France. For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of France took place in it, in particular, that of Charles VII accompanied by Joan of Arc.
Every year during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed like in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi is another well known monument worth seeing. As you know, the bishop Remi christened Clovis, the first King of the Franks in this city.
But that's not all! The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. There, we can fish for roaches and bleachers which are delicious to cook and eat
in the same way as French fries. Walking along this canal, we can also see narrowboats sailing .
This is a cultural university city populated by many young people and with a lot of entertainment .
And the best part is... its champagne, since we are talking about Reims! 150 mots
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 05-10-2022 à 17:46:57 (S | E)

L'EXPRESSION N°3 sera mise en ligne demain !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 06-10-2022 à 10:32:43 (S | E)
Hello dears,

As promised, here is another call for help!

As I have another EXPRESSION waiting in line,


The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very friendly… Of course i can leave it and go anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my all family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , favourtite restaurants where we eat well and cheap. I know all the streets by heart, big shops and little pittoresque streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I have been to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving. Many wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here, the habitants have my accent and many people don’t like us, because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant, people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de amalia80, postée le 06-10-2022 à 12:38:27 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3 : Please, indicate the possible mistakes in blue, and underline what you think is clumsy...
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very friendly… Of course i can leave it and go anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my all family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , favourtite restaurants where we eat well and cheap. I know all the streets by heart, big shops and little pittoresque streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I have been to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving. Many wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here, the habitants have my accent and many people don’t like us, because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant, people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de maxwell, postée le 06-10-2022 à 20:39:51 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3 : Please, indicate the possible mistakes in blue, and underline what you think is clumsy...
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very friendly… Of course i can leave it and go anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my all family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , favourtite restaurants where we eat well and cheap. I know all the streets by heart, XXXX big shops and XXX little pittoresque streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I have been to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving. Many XXXX wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here,(ponctuation) the habitants have my accent and many people don’t like us,(ponctuation) because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant,(ponctuation) people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de amalia80, postée le 07-10-2022 à 12:15:40 (S | E)
Expression numéro 3 suggestions
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very welcoming … Of course I can leave it and go somewhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and all my family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , favorite restaurants where we eat well and cheaply . I know all the streets by heart, big shops and little quaint streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I have been to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving. A lot of people wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here; the inhabitants have my accent and many people don’t like us because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant; people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de maxwell, postée le 07-10-2022 à 20:15:16 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3 : suggestions
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… It does have (0) a history, a lot of (1) history… but it is noisy, dirty and not very welcoming… Of course I could leave it and go anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my whole (2) family are here with me and we laugh a lot together. I have my habits, my favourite restaurants where we eat well and cheaply. I know all the streets by heart, the (3) big shops and the (3) little quaint streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I went (4) to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving ever since. Many people wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here... The inhabitants have my accent and many people don’t like us because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant; we are said to have a bad temper. Yes, I live in Marseille. 156
Pas d'espace avant la ponctuation

(0) autre façon (plus idiomatique) de dire : oui, elle a une histoire
(1) au départ, j'avais pensé mettre : a long history. Mais ce n'est pas tout à fait la même idée. Alors je laisse tel quel

(2) my whole family (l'intégralité de ma famille) ou bien : all my family
(3) the est nécessaire car ce ne sont pas n'importe quels magasins ni n'importe quelles rues : ce sont ceux que connaît parfaitement l'auteur
(4) il semble que ce soit du passé révolu pour l'auteur
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 09-10-2022 à 22:40:29 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here is EXPRESSION N°4: please, help us to improve it - if possible - indicating mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy. Green will be allowed tomorrow evening.
You can't go to Mantes la Jolie without visiting the Collegiate church Notre-Dame. It is one of the top three churches of Ile-de-France by its size and its seniority.
Built from 1150 to 1350, it reflected the power of the Capetian against the Norman Dukes: this rivalry explains the construction of a building of such imposing dimensions.
The Collegiate Church has been a listed historical monument since 1840.
This jewel of Gothic architecture is often referred to as the "little sister" of Notre-Dame de Paris because of its resemblance and its proximity to the Seine.
You'll be impressed by its cathedral-like dimensions: the total length is about 68 meters and the total height of the towers is 61 meters. The 30-meter high nave is on three levels and is lit by a beautiful set of stained-glass windows.
The western facade is pierced by three richly decorated portals crowned by two towers. The magnificent large rose window is one of the oldest in France; the main entrance of the Collegiate Church is considered a masterpiece of western sculpture.
Last but not least, its marvelous organ was built in 1897 by Joseph Merklin. It is one of the four symphonic organs of this period still in use in the world. No wonder this organ was classified as a historical monument in 2016!
Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 11-10-2022 à 15:58:45 (S | E)

Nobody wants to help?


Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de amalia80, postée le 11-10-2022 à 16:50:25 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°4: - indicating mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.
You can't go to Mantes la Jolie without visiting the Collegiate church Notre-Dame. It is one of the top three churches of Ile-de-France by its size and its seniority.
Built from 1150 to 1350, it reflected the power of the Capetian against the Norman Dukes: this rivalry explains the construction of a building of such imposing dimensions.
The Collegiate Church has been a listed historical monument since 1840.
This jewel of Gothic architecture is often referred to as the "little sister" of Notre-Dame de Paris because of its resemblance and its proximity to the Seine.
You'll be impressed by its cathedral-like dimensions: the total length is about 68 meters and the total height of the towers is 61 meters. The 30-meter high nave is on three levels and is lit by a beautiful set of stained-glass windows.
The western facade is pierced by three richly decorated portals crowned by two towers. The magnificent large rose window is one of the oldest in France; the main entrance of the Collegiate Church is considered a masterpiece of western sculpture.
Last but not least, its marvelous organ was built in 1897 by Joseph Merklin. It is one of the four symphonic organs of this period still in use in the world. No wonder this organ was classified as a historical monument in 2016!(239W)
nothing to say about;but apart the Collegiate, what is worth doing and seeing at Mantes la Jolie?

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-10-2022 20:52
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 11-10-2022 à 17:23:24 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here are the EXPRESSIONS, results of your very hard work!

EXPRESSION N°1: original production
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre north of France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can discover a very interesting and medieval tour and even attend the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer the long walks along this majestic but often (impredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical effort(s , you can of course have a picnic in a (wilderness

So , then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions 1
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre north of France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can discover a very interesting and medieval tour and even attend the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer the long walks along this majestic but often (impredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical effort(s , you can of course have a picnic in a (wilderness

So , then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions 2
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the central northern France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can discover a very interesting and medieval tour and even attend the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer long walks along this majestic but often (impredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts , you can of course have a picnic in a (wilderness place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot B for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy a fish fry from the Loire B accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So, then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS TTB
I'm surprised that some obvious mistakes were made... and missed by our careful helpers...

- Attention à la ponctuation : pas d’espace avant une virgule, mais epace après. (idem pour le point)
- the center-north of France/ in northern and central France./ in the north central part of France/ a city in north-central France,
- typical little restaurants/ quaint small villages
- de la friture : small fried fish.
- Lien internet
ordre des adjectifs. L’adjectif le plus subjectif, qui donne votre opinion personnelle, est le premier.
Une bonne expression par ailleurs. Bravo.

EXPRESSION N°2: original production
I tell you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city TB where we can still see some remains, (as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known as being one of the five most beautiful ones (of France. For centuries the France kings' coronation took place in it(. In particular (en début de phrase ?)Charles VII accompanied by J(eanne D'Arc
Every year during the first week of May a parade with people dressed (as in 15th century reminds us of this event.(is a reminder of… ??)
The St Remi Basilique is another famous monument(where) , (T)he bishop Remi (christed Clovis the first (king of Francs here.
The (Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. We fish for roaches and bleachers which were delicious cook and eat like fries. Walking along this canal, we can also see (housboats.
This is a (cultural university city with many young people and fun-filled.
And the best bit... (it) is the champagne, since we are in Reims. 150 mots TTB

- The north central part of France Lien internet
- Lien internet
- The coronation ceremonies of the Kings of France
- The city in northeast France, is it Rheims or Reims? Lien internet
- Baptiser : to christen/ baptise the Bishop of Reims who baptised Clovis.
- the Rhein-Marne-canal.
- A university town and a city of culture
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions 1
I tell you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city where we can still see some remains, as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known as being one of the five most beautiful of France. For centuries ponctuation ( et pourquoi ce passage à la ligne ?)
the France kings' coronation took place in it. In particular Charles VII accompanied by Jeanne D'Arc (pb de ponctuation)
Every year during the first week of May(ponctuation) a parade with people dressed (as in 15th century reminds us of this event.
The St Remi Basilique is another famous monument, The bishop Remi christed Clovis the first king of Francs here.
The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. We fish for roaches and bleachers which were (pourquoi ce passé ?delicious cook and eat like fries. (je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre)[Moi non plus!] Walking along this canal, we can also see housboats.
This is a cultural university city with many young people and fun-filled.
And the best bit... it is the champagne! since we are in Reims. 150 mots

J'aime beaucoup la présentation sous forme d'énigme avec la réponse à la fin ! Bravo ! [Yes, good idea!]
EXPRESSION N°2: Suggestions 2:
I'm going to tell/ be telling you about a city where I lived (have been living?¹) for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty kilometers/res northeast of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo- Roman city where some remains can still be seen, such as a large arch and a forum. B
Its Cathedral is known (for being /)to be one of the five most beautiful ones in France.B For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of the country took place within it, particularly/especially Charles VII's one, attended by Joan of Arc.B
Every/Each year, during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed (as in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi² is another famous/ well-known³ monument, and (the) bishop Remi(gius)⁴ (christed Clovis, the first king of Fran(ce /ks, there.
The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. Roach⁵ and bleachers⁶ can be fished for, which are delicious cooked and eaten like (French) fries. (Upon) walking along this canal, houseboats can also be (glimpsed.ne convient pas ici.
This is a cultural fun-filled university city with many young people.B
And the best bit is: its champagne, since it is/the city I'm talking about is Reims! TB De bonnes corrections.
¹ depending on whether the writer still lives in the town
² Lien internet
(when it comes to proper nouns, a good idea is to check on its English Wikipedia page, just to be sure )
³ "famous" is used to talk about people whereas "well-known" is used for people and inanimate things
⁴ Lien internet
⁵ Many fish names have the same plural form as singular, and "roach" looks like it is one of them: Lien internet [mais dans le premier lien donné, il est annoncé comme ayant « roaches » comme pluriel …]

Here you will find a (full-fledged list of them: Lien internet [full-fledged, par définition, ne peut s’appliquer qu’à des animaux et humains …]
⁶ I don't understand, and neither does my dictionary [Je ne me battrai pas pour ce genre de détails … ]
TB correction, mais n’en fais pas trop !

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions 3:
I'm going to (1) tell you about a city where I lived(2) for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city where we can still see some remains, such as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known for (3) being one of the five most beautiful XXXX of France. For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of France took place (in it/ there ?, in particular, that of Charles VII accompanied by Joan of Arc.B
Every year during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed (as in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi is another famous monument worth seeing.B As you know, (the) bishop Remi christened Clovis,B the first King of the Franks (4)B in this city (5).
But that's not all! (6)The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. There, we can fish for roaches and bleachers which are delicious to cook and eat when fried (7). Walking along this canal, we can also see houseboats.B
This is a cultural university city with many young people and also a fun-filled city.
And the best part is... its champagne, since we are talking about Reims! 150 mots

(1) je l'aurais exprimé ainsi mais je ne sais pas si la formulation de l'auteur est maladroite ?[La forme en –ing est plus agréable à lire … On dirait une histoire que vous racontez …]
(2) J'ai supposé ici que l'auteur ne vivait plus dans cette ville (sinon, il aurait fallu employer : I've lived ou mieux : I've been living)[OK]
(3) known for being... est aujourd'hui plus courant

(4) ou bien : first king of France.["The Franks" is a good reminder of History!]
(5) "here" supposerait qu'on soit sur place en disant cela.
(6) je me suis permis de rajouter un mot de liaison, sinon, la transition était brutale
(7) j'espère que je suis fidèle à l'auteur car je n'ai pas compris le texte d'origine [Je pense que l’auteur aime une « friture » (petits poissons de tous genres frits et croquants …[beurk !]

] TTB correction!

EXPRESSION N°2: Suggestions 4:
j ai repris la correction de Maxwell qui est excellente, j'essaie d'expliquer à ma façon ce qui n'était pas clair [Good! We'll see!]
Today I am telling you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty kilometres North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city where we can still see some remains, (as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known (for being one of the five most beautiful XXXX (of France. For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of France took place (in it, in particular, that of Charles VII accompanied by Joan of Arc.B
Every year during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed like in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi is another well known monument worth seeing. As you know, (the) bishop Remi christened Clovis, the first King of the Franks in this city.TB
But that's not all! The Marne-Rhine canal runs through the city. There, we can fish for roaches and bleachers which are delicious to cook and eat in the same way (as French fries. NON ! là, tu rêves !

This is a cultural university city populated by many young people and with a lot of entertainment .OK
And the best part is... its champagne, since we are talking about Reims! 150 mots Oui ! De bonnes suggestions !
- Not much to add to the remarks that have already been made…
- je n'ai pas aimé : "remains, as ..." suivi d'un nom, et lorsque "as" ne signifie pas "en tant que", il faut mieux mettre "like" ou, et c'était très bien, "such as".
- The Marne-Rhine canal/ the Rhein-Marne canal (found many times).
Toutes vos suggestions (ou presque) améliorent l’EXPRESSION initiale. A vous de choisir parmi toutes les idées données …
EXPRESSION N°3: initial production.
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very friendly… Of course (i can leave it and go anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my all family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , (favourtite restaurants where we eat well and cheap. I know all the streets by heart, XXX big shops and XXX little pittoresque streets where I can find what I want to buy. I have my clubs and groups. (I have been to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving. Many wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here, the habitants have my accent and many people don’t like us, because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant, people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156 A very "realistic" description of your city…

EXPRESSION N°3 :suggestions 1
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very friendly… Of course i can leave it and go anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my all family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , favourtite restaurants where we eat well and cheap. I know all the streets by heart, big shops and little pittoresque streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I have been to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving. Many wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here, the habitants have my accent and many people don’t like us, because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant, people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156 OK!

EXPRESSION N°3 : suggestions 2:
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very friendly… Of course i can leave it and go anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my all family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , favourtite restaurants where we eat well and cheap. I know all the streets by heart, XXXX big shops and XXX little pittoresque streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I have been to school in that same city and have not been feeling like leaving. Many XXXX wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here,(ponctuation) the habitants have my accent and many people don’t like us,(ponctuation) because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant,(ponctuation) people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156
Bonnes indications, bonnes suggestions !

EXPRESSION N°3: suggestions 3:
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… Yes, it has a History, a lot of History … but it is noisy, dirty, and not very welcoming TB (a very good suggestion !)… Of course I can leave it and go somewhere else…B but I don’t want to. My friends and all my family are here with me and we laugh a lot. I have my habits , favoUrite restaurants where we eat well and cheaply.

It’s quite hot here; the inhabitants have my accent and many people don’t like us because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant; people say we have a bad temper. I live in Marseille. 156 De très bonnes corrections !

- You can speak of «cheap/ inexpensive restaurants». BUT: to eat cheaply : [why not ?] at little cost…
EXPRESSION N°3 : suggestions 4
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… It does have (0) a history, a lot of (1) history…* but it is noisy, dirty and not very welcoming… Of course I could leave B it and go (anywhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my whole (2) TB family are here with me and we laugh a lot together. I have my habits, my favourite restaurants where we eat well and cheaply. I know all the streets by heart, the (3) big shops and the (3) little quaint streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I went (4) to school B in that same city and have not[never ?] been feeling like leaving ever since. Many people wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here... The inhabitants have my accent and many people don’t like us because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant; we are said to have a bad temper. Yes, I live in Marseille. 156 TB correction !
Pas d'espace avant la ponctuation
(0) autre façon (plus idiomatique) de dire : oui, elle a une histoire [OK. Pourquoi retirer la majuscule ? Marseilles is part of History, in many ways. ]
*Je n'avais pas compris comme ça ! L'auteur a mis (exprès ou pas) des majuscules à History, et j'ai donc pensé qu'il voulait expliquer que la ville faisait partie de l'Histoire ... et c'est vrai ... mais ça complique le "a lot of History"...
(1) au départ, j'avais pensé mettre : a long history. Mais ce n'est pas tout à fait la même idée. Alors je laisse tel quel [Bonne réflexion.]
(2) my whole family (l'intégralité de ma famille) (ou bien : all my family) [Je préfère vraiment « my whole family». ]
(3) the est nécessaire car ce ne sont pas n'importe quels magasins ni n'importe quelles rues : ce sont ceux que connaît parfaitement [Tout à fait vrai !]
Une très bonne correction, bien justifiée. Bravo !

EXPRESSION N°4: initial production:
You can't go to Mantes la Jolie[ Sorry, I did go there, but didn't visit the Church!

Built from 1150 to 1350, it reflected the power of the (Capetian against the Norman Dukes: this rivalry explains the construction of a building of such imposing dimensions.
The Collegiate Church has been a listed historical monument since 1840.
This jewel of Gothic architecture is often referred to as the "little sister" of Notre-Dame de Paris because of its resemblance and its proximity to the Seine.
You'll be impressed by its cathedral-like dimensions: the total length is about 68 meters and the total height of the towers is 61 meters. The 30-meter high nave is on three levels and is lit by a beautiful set of stained-glass windows.
The western facade is pierced by three richly decorated portals crowned by two towers. The magnificent large rose window is one of the oldest xxxx in France; the main entrance of the Collegiate Church is considered a masterpiece of western sculpture.
Last but not least, its marvelous organ was built in 1897 by Joseph Merklin. It is one of the four symphonic organs of this period still in use in the world. No wonder this organ was classified as a historical monument in 2016!

Lien internet
to know what a Collegiate church is…
Lien internet
: in English: the mantes-la-Jolie Collegiate Church;
An excellent article for a guide to the church…

EXPRESSION N°4: suggestions 1:
You can't go to Mantes la Jolie without visiting the Collegiate church Notre-Dame. It is one of the top three churches of Ile-de-France by its size and its seniority.
Built from 1150 to 1350, it reflected the power of the Capetian against the Norman Dukes: this rivalry explains the construction of a building of such imposing dimensions.
The Collegiate Church has been a listed historical monument since 1840.
This jewel of Gothic architecture is often referred to as the "little sister" of Notre-Dame de Paris because of its resemblance and its proximity to the Seine.
You'll be impressed by its cathedral-like dimensions: the total length is about 68 meters and the total height of the towers is 61 meters. The 30-meter high nave is on three levels and is lit by a beautiful set of stained-glass windows.
The western facade is pierced by three richly decorated portals crowned by two towers. The magnificent large rose window is one of the oldest in France; the main entrance of the Collegiate Church is considered a masterpiece of western sculpture.
Last but not least, its marvelous organ was built in 1897 by Joseph Merklin. It is one of the four symphonic organs of this period still in use in the world. No wonder this organ was classified as a historical monument in 2016! TB
nothing to say about this text; but apart from the Collegiate, what is worth doing and seeing at Mantes la Jolie?

Well! Obviously, you have worked a lot...

I have got used to "indicating" mistakes and what's clumsy in the initial production, and to doing the same with the different texts you have suggested as you were progressing... I do the complementary research at the beginning too and just have to open myself to your suggestions when your work is done.
Yet, this correction has taken me the whole afternoon and I'll have to find ideas to make up for the site's technical particularities. I'll ask Master (Laurent) for help to extend my number of words... (again!)
I hope the different "versions" of the same text don't make things too difficult for you. If they do and if you have good ideas

When reading, I'm sure you'll have objections and/ or questions, as usual. You know that you can always ask them, and that before that, you may do the Follow up Work. You don't have to rewrite the whole texts if it's not necessary. Only do the passages and/ or the sentences you're not sure of, indicating the number of the EXPRESSION clearly, please.
Thanks again for everything! You're GREAT!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de maxwell, postée le 12-10-2022 à 08:07:11 (S | E)
Hello Here4U

EXPRESSION 1: Final suggestions:
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre-north of France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can attend (1) a very interesting medieval tour and even the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer long walks along this majestic but often unpredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts (2), you can of course have a picnic in a wild place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy fried fish (3) from the Loire accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So, then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS
(1) je n'ai pas tellement compris pourquoi discover n'allait pas
(2) je n'ai pas compris pourquoi tu as mis en bleu le "s" :
ne peut-on pas dire : these physical efforts ?
(3) y a-t-il une différence entre fried fish et fish fry ?
EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions:
I'm going to tell you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city where we can still see some remains, such as a large arch and a forum.
Its Cathedral is known to be one of the five most beautiful ones in France. For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of France took place there, in particular, that of Charles VII accompanied by Joan of Arc.
Every year during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed like in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi is another famous monument worth seeing. As you know, bishop Remi christened Clovis, the first King of the Franks in this city.
But that's not all! The Marne-Rhine (1) canal runs through the city. There, we can fish for roaches and bleachers which are delicious to cook and eat when fried. Walking along this canal, we can also see houseboats.
This is a cultural and (2)university city with many young people and also a fun-filled city.
And the best part is... its champagne, since we are talking about Reims! 150 mots
(1) The Marne-Rhine canal ne convient pas ?
(2) ça va comme ça ?
EXPRESSION N°3 : final suggestions:
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… It is part of History and it does have a history, a lot of history… but it is noisy, dirty and not very welcoming… Of course I could leave B it and go somewhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my whole family are here with me and we laugh a lot together. I have my habits, my favourite restaurants where we eat well and cheaply. I know all the streets by heart, the big shops and the little quaint streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I went to school in that same city and have never been feeling like leaving ever(1) since. Many people wouldn’t like my city.
It’s quite hot here... The inhabitants have my accent and many people don’t like us because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant; we are said to have a bad temper. Yes, I live in Marseilles. 156
(1) si je mets : I have never been feeling like leaving : est-ce que rajouter ensuite ever devient incorrect ou bien au contraire, insiste sur l'idée de jamais ?
EXPRESSION N°4: final suggestions:
If there's one thing you should visit in Mantes la Jolie, it is the Collegiate Church Notre-Dame. It is one of the top three churches in Ile-de-France by its size and its seniority.
Built from 1150 to 1350, it reflected the power of the Capetians against the Norman Dukes: this rivalry explains the construction of a building of such imposing dimensions.
The Collegiate Church has been a listed historical monument since 1840.
This jewel of Gothic architecture is often referred to as the "little sister" of Notre-Dame de Paris because of its resemblance and its proximity to the Seine.
You'll be impressed by its cathedral-like dimensions: the total length is about 68 meters and the total height of the towers is 61 meters. The 30-meter high nave is on three levels and is illuminated by a beautiful set of stained-glass windows.
The western facade is pierced by three richly decorated portals crowned by two towers. The magnificent large rose window is one of the oldest ones in France; the main entrance of the Collegiate Church is considered a masterpiece of western sculpture.
Last but not least, its marvelous organ was built in 1897 by Joseph Merklin. It is one of the four symphonic organs of this period still in use in the world. No wonder this organ was classified as a historical monument in 2016!
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de amalia80, postée le 13-10-2022 à 07:02:44 (S | E)
EXPRESSION 1: Final suggestions:
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre-north of France
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can attend a very interesting medieval tour and even the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer long walks along this majestic but often unpredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts , you can of course have a picnic in a wild place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy fried fish from the Loire accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So, then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 Words
Thank you for your help.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 13-10-2022 à 20:36:16 (S | E)
Vous pouvez continuer à proposer des Follow up Work... Laissez moi satisfaire les échéances prévues (encore 3 exercices sur 4) et je regarde vos
suggestions finales (avant la fin du week-end)!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 14-10-2022 à 11:35:13 (S | E)
Hello Dears!

Je commence la relecture des Follow up Work; je serai obligée de fractionner mon travail ! merci de votre patience.
EXPRESSION 1: Final suggestions:
I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre-north of France.
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can attend/ follow/ go for a very interesting medieval tour and even the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer long walks along this majestic but often unpredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts, you can of course have a picnic in a wild place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy fried fish/ fish fry from the Loire accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So, then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 WORDS
- je n'ai pas tellement compris pourquoi discover n'allait pas: ça me gênait, c'est tout !

- je n'ai pas compris pourquoi tu as mis en bleu le "s" : ne peut-on pas dire : these physical efforts ?Lien internet
Lien internet
Lien internet
Lien internet
Donc choix subtil et subjectif ... A vous de voir ...
- y a-t-il une différence entre fried fish et fish fry ? Oui ! "fried fish"= du poisson (de n'importe quelle espèce) frit. "fish fry": de la petite friture, mélangée et frite telle quelle ...
EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions:
I'm going to tell you about a city where I lived for 15 years.
It is located one hundred and fifty km North East of Paris. It is an ancient Gallo-Roman city where we can still see some remains, such as a large arch and a forum. B
Its Cathedral is known to be one of the five most beautiful ones in France.B For centuries, the coronation of the Kings of France took place there, in particular, that of Charles VII accompanied by Joan of Arc.
Every year during the first week of May, a parade with people dressed like in the 15th century reminds us of this event.
The Basilica of Saint-Remi is another famous monument worth seeing. B As you know, bishop Remi christened Clovis, the first King of the Franks in this city.
But that's not all! The Marne-Rhine (1) canal runs through the city. There, we can fish for roaches and bleachers which are delicious to cook and eat when fried. Walking along this canal, we can also see houseboats.
This is a cultural and university city with many young people and also a fun-filled city.
And the best part is... its champagne, since we are talking about Reims! 150 mots TB EXPRESSION, TB améliorée !

(1) The Marne-Rhine canal ne convient pas ? see above!
EXPRESSION N°3 : final suggestions: TO BE CONTINUED...
The city where I live isn’t my « dream city »… It is part of History and it does have a history, a lot of history…* but it is noisy, dirty and not very welcoming… Of course I could leave it and go somewhere else… but I don’t want to. My friends and my whole family are here with me and we laugh a lot together. I have my habits, my favourite restaurants where we eat well and cheaply. I know all the streets by heart, the big shops and the little quaint streets where I can find what I want to buy or do. I have my clubs and groups. I went to school in that same city/ this very city and have never been feeling like leaving
It’s quite hot here... The inhabitants have my accent and many people don’t like us because we are chauvinistic and a little arrogant; we are said to have a bad temper. Yes, I live in Marseilles. 156 Bien et bien corrigé!

(1) si je mets : I have never been feeling like leaving : est-ce que rajouter ensuite ever devient (incorrect ou bien au contraire, insiste sur l'idée de jamais ?) inutile, répétitif! ou alors, tu insistes lourdement !
* Pas encore très clair si on n'a pas de footnote!...
EXPRESSION N°4: final suggestions:
If there's one thing you should visit in Mantes la Jolie, it is the Collegiate Church Notre-Dame. It is one of the top three churches in Ile-de-France B by its size and (its) seniority.
Built from 1150 to 1350, it reflected the power of the Capetians against the Norman Dukes: this rivalry explains the construction of a building of such imposing dimensions.(Je n'aime toujours pas ton mélange des temps, mais OK ...)
The Collegiate Church has been a listed historical monument since 1840.
This jewel of Gothic architecture is often referred to as the "little sister" of Notre-Dame de Paris because of its resemblance and its proximity to the Seine.
You'll be impressed by its cathedral-like dimensions: the total length is about 68 meters and the total height of the towers is 61 meters. The 30-meter high nave is on three levels and is illuminated by a beautiful set of stained-glass windows.
The western facade is pierced by three richly decorated portals crowned by two towers. The magnificent large rose window is one of the oldest ones in France; the main entrance of the Collegiate Church is considered a masterpiece of western sculpture.
Last but not least, its marvelous organ was built in 1897 by Joseph Merklin. It is one of the four symphonic organs of this period still in use in the world. No wonder this organ was classified as a historical monument in 2016! TTB

EXPRESSION 1: Final suggestions: Seen and approved!

I live in Orléans, a pretty town on the banks of the river Loire, in the centre-north of France
Joan of Arc having liberated the city from the English in 1429, tourists can attend/ follow/ go for a very interesting medieval tour and even the famous annual festival, every 8th of May.
But, in spite of my age, I have remained sporty and I prefer long walks along this majestic but often unpredictable river in winter and spring.
With my husband, we often get on our bicycles to ride along "the Loire à vélo" tour. After these physical efforts, you can of course have a picnic in a wild place or in a landscaped area; but we have a soft spot for the small typical restaurants where you can still enjoy fried fish from the Loire accompanied by new vegetables grown in the valley.
So, then, when are you coming to visit my area? 152 Words Very good work, indeed!

Thank you for your help.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de amalia80, postée le 14-10-2022 à 12:27:09 (S | E)
Quand je lis les explications de Here4u sur le débat

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 23 de here4u, postée le 14-10-2022 à 22:38:33 (S | E)
Hello amalia!

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