Let's Suggest/ 26
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Message de here4u posté le 09-11-2022 à 23:03:32 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!
Here is the new topic for you to write about...
I hope many of you will participate freely!
You shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct!
Here is today's topic:
"Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?: at the seaside, in the mountains, in the countryside, in a big city? Give your reasons" (between 130 and 150 words) (+ or - 10%!)[I'm not expecting a confession... You may invent whatever you fancy! ]
Un tel sujet exige des structures et des "notions" bien particulières ...
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger … Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

IMPORTANT! Pour me faciliter le transfert de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un ( la correction souhaitée, s'il vous plaît ? 
ex: (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... . Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie ... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes bleu ou souligné ou vert, mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail ... et dois tout refaire mot à mot avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de reprise point par point ... Merci de votre aide !

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet
Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ) 
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :
Do your best, I trust You!
Correction en ligne le jeudi 24 novembre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Message de here4u posté le 09-11-2022 à 23:03:32 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!

Here is the new topic for you to write about...

You shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct!

Here is today's topic:
"Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?: at the seaside, in the mountains, in the countryside, in a big city? Give your reasons" (between 130 and 150 words) (+ or - 10%!)[I'm not expecting a confession... You may invent whatever you fancy! ]

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger … Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

ex: (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... . Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie ... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes bleu ou souligné ou vert, mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail ... et dois tout refaire mot à mot avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de reprise point par point ... Merci de votre aide !

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :

Correction en ligne le jeudi 24 novembre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 14-11-2022 à 08:43:05 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here is our first expression!

EXPRESSION N°1: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you consider is clumsy...
Were I given the choice, I would definitely live near a big city. Too bad about the great landscapes, the air quality, the weather...
Spending your holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the countryside is a wonderful thing: it gives you unforgettable memories. However, when you need to see a doctor, it is getting more and more difficult to get an appointment nearby in sparsely populated areas. Personally, I would feel vulnerable, helpless, isolated in the mountains or at the seaside during off-season periods.
Moreover, you are more likely to find a job that matches your aspirations in a big city.
Admittedly, everything is more expensive in a big city, especially renting or buying a home. That's why I think living in the suburbs is ideal provided the public transportation system is working properly...
And you can still go on holiday wherever you fancy! (149 words)

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 19-11-2022 à 11:50:43 (S | E)

No suggestions? no green (allowed for two days)? No Congratulations?

EXPRESSION N°2: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you... Green allowed on 22 Nov.
The question is . Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly laid eggs, When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables `and fruits from your garden, it is pleasant.
However I also need to live not far from a city where there are all the amenities and distractions such as theatre, museum, shopping centre, hospital on site.
But above all what I need the most, this is to live near water: ocean, seaside, lake, river whatever but be able to swim, bathe,outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 19-11-2022 à 17:26:34 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you...
The question is . (poncutation) Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly laid eggs, (ponctuation) When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables `and fruits from your garden, it is pleasant.
However I also need to live not far from a city where there are all the amenities and (distractions such as theatre, museum, shopping centre, hospital on site.
But above all (ponctuation) what I need (the most(, this is to live near water: ocean, seaside, lake, river (whatever but be able to swim, bathe,(ponctuation)outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 21-11-2022 à 08:41:21 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Green allowed!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de magie8, postée le 21-11-2022 à 11:31:47 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you...
The question is:" Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?"
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly laid eggs. When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables `and fruits from your garden, it is pleasant.
However I also need to live not far from a city where there are all the amenities and entertainments such as theatre, museum, shopping centre, hospital on site.
But above all, what I need () most, it is to live near water: ocean, seaside, lake, river, It matters not, but I want to be able to swim, bathe outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 21-11-2022 à 20:24:25 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions
The question (you're asking is(: where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had (fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder; we also had freshly laid eggs. When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables and fruits from your garden: I find it (1) pleasant.
However I also need to live not far from a city (that offers all the amenities and (entertainments you need such as theatre, museum, shopping centre, hospital (and so forth.
But above all, what I need (most is (2) to live near water: ocean, seaside, lake, river: (no matter where I live, I need to swim (or bathe outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots
(1) comme il s'agit d'un avis personnel, j'ai préféré l'expliciter. En plus, cela permet de bien faire la transition avec le paragraphe suivant où l'auteur parle à la 1ère personne.
(2) "What I need most" est le sujet de "is". Pas besoin de rajouter autre chose
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de amalia80, postée le 22-11-2022 à 08:37:53 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: Please, help us, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you consider is clumsy...
Were I given the choice, I would definitely live near a big city. Too bad about the great landscapes, the air quality, the weather...
Spending your holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the countryside is a wonderful thing: it gives you unforgettable memories. However, when you need to see a doctor, it is getting more and more difficult to get an appointment nearby in sparsely populated areas. Personally, I would feel vulnerable, helpless, isolated in the mountains or at the seaside during off-season periods.
Moreover, you are more likely to find a job that matches your aspirations in a big city.
Admittedly, everything is more expensive in a big city, especially renting or buying a home. That's why I think living in the suburbs is ideal provided the public transportation system is working properly...
And you can still go on holiday wherever you fancy! (149 words)
I don't find anything to correct!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 22-11-2022 à 13:43:53 (S | E)
Hello dears!
EXPRESSION N°3: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you...
I lived in a village a long time and I dreamt to live in a big town because my village was so calm and « dead » . There was just a little school, but no college or lycéé.
In a village, people know everybody and their stories and people speak a lot, and are jealous often, and wicked. In a town you live freely, without even to know your neigbhours and if they are noisy, you beat the walls or the floor… You have discotheques and cinemas, bowling, and you have a lots of fun with your friends.
Of course, the sea would be good… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less place in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it when even.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de amalia80, postée le 22-11-2022 à 15:23:32 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you...
I lived in a village( x a long time and I dreamt(to live in a big town because my village was so calm and « dead » . There was just a little school, but no college or( lycée .
In a village, people know everybody and their stories and people speak a lot, and are( jealous often, and wicked. In a town you live freely, without even ( to know your neigbhours and if they are noisy, you (beat the walls or the floor… (You have discotheques and cinemas, bowling, and you have a (lots of fun with your friends.
Of course, the sea would be( good … So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less (place in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it( when even
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 22-11-2022 à 20:41:16 (S | E)
Hello dears!
EXPRESSION N°3: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you...
I lived in a village a long time and I dreamt (to live in a big town because my village was (so calm and « dead » . There was just a little school, but no college or (lycéé.
In a village, people know (everybody and their stories and people (speak a lot, and (are jealous often, and wicked. In a town you live freely, without even (to know your neigbhours and if they are noisy, you beat the walls or the floor… You have discotheques and cinemas, bowling, and you have a (lots of fun with your friends.
Of course, (the sea would be good… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less (place in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it (when even.
(pas d'espace avant la ponctuation)
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 22-11-2022 à 21:25:40 (S | E)
Hello dears !
Green allowed tomorrow morning as I have other expressions to post. You’ll have to be quick… and follow the instructions… as I can post only one EXPRESSION at a time …

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de amalia80, postée le 23-11-2022 à 07:13:05 (S | E)
Expression number 3 green allowed
I lived in a village( for a long time and I dreamt(of living in a big town because my village was so calm and « dead » . There was just a little school, but no college or( high-school.
In a village, people know everybody and their stories and people speak a lot, and are( often jealous, and wicked. In a town you live freely, without even ( knowing your neigbhours and if they are noisy, you (hit the walls or the floor… ( There are discotheques and cinemas, bowling, and you have ( a lot of fun with your friends.
Of course, the sea would be( nice… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less ( space in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it( anyway
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 23-11-2022 à 10:41:14 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Green expected for EXPRESSION 3 (till early evening!)

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 23-11-2022 à 20:25:54 (S | E)
Hello dears!
EXPRESSION N°3: suggestions:
I lived in a village a long time and I dreamt (of living in a big town because my village was (too calm and « dead » (for me. There was just a (primary (1) school, but no college or (secondary school.
In a village, people know (each other and (know each other'slittle stories: (they talk a lot, (are often jealous and wicked.
(By contrast(2), in a town you live freely, without even (knowing (3) your neigbhours and if they are noisy, you beat the walls or the floor… You have discotheques, cinemas, bowling, and you (can have a (lot of fun with your friends.
Of course, (living near the sea would be (fine… So, a city near the sea is ideal. (Obviously,(4) when you live in (a town, you have less (room in your house or (in your flat (than when you live in a village because the land is very expensive but I (prefer that anyway.
(1) Certes, j'interprète

(2) changement de paragraphe + mot de liaison pour bien marquer l'opposition
(3) Without + Verb +ing
(4) ça faisait un peu trop de "of course"
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 23-11-2022 à 21:41:06 (S | E)
Hello, dear All!

Certains se sont réveillés un peu tard ... Il nous faut donc faire les deux étapes de la correction de cette expression en même temps (coller deux fois le texte : dans la première copie, les indications seront en bleu et soulignées ... Dans le suivant, vous pourrez proposer vos solutions en vert.
Thanks for being flexible!

EXPRESSION N°4: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you...

If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather the back country of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to shops and health services, so that we didn't have to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by fig-trees,I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
Do you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 24-11-2022 à 20:30:04 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°4: Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what looks clumsy to you...
If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather the back country of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to (XXX shops and health services, so that we didn't have to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by (fig-trees,I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
Do you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words

EXPRESSION N°4: suggestions
If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather the back country of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to (the (1)shops and health services, so that we didn't have to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by (fig trees, I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
(What about you? (2) (Can you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words
(1) Ce ne sont pas n'importe quels magasins : ce sont ceux de la petite ville choisie par l'auteur
(2) Pour faire écho aux 2 perceptions de l'auteur et les relier aux 2 questions suivantes sur les perceptions du lecteur, ça m'a semblé une bonne idée
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 24-11-2022 à 23:06:42 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Encore une fois, une grande partie de la correction s'est évaporée ...

C'est reparti !

Were I given the choice *, I would definitely live near a big city. Too bad about the great landscapes, the air quality, the weather( ?)...
Spending your holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the countryside is a wonderful thing: it gives you unforgettable memories. However, when you need to see a doctor, it is getting more and more difficult to get an appointment nearby in sparsely populated areas TB. Personally, I would feel vulnerable, helpless, isolated in the mountains or at the seaside during off-season periods.TB
Moreover, you are more likely to find a job TB that matches your aspirations in a big city.
Admittedly, everything is more expensive in a big city, especially renting or buying a home. That's why I think living in the suburbs is ideal provided the public transportation system is working properly...
And you can still go on holiday wherever you fancy! (149 words)
* Inversion un peu formelle ici ...

EXPRESSION N°1: (no) indications N°1 and appreciation!
Were I given the choice, I would definitely live near a big city. Too bad about the great landscapes, the air quality, the weather...

Spending your holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the countryside is a wonderful thing: it gives you unforgettable memories. However, when you need to see a doctor, it is getting more and more difficult to get an appointment nearby in sparsely populated areas. Personally, I would feel vulnerable, helpless, isolated in the mountains or at the seaside during off-season periods.
Moreover, you are more likely to find a job that matches your aspirations in a big city. Admittedly, everything is more expensive in a big city, especially renting or buying a home. That's why I think living in the suburbs is ideal provided the public transportation system is working properly...
And you can still go on holiday wherever you fancy! (149 words)
I don't find anything to correct!

Une très bonne expression en effet ! Bravo !
EXPRESSION N°2: initial text.
The question( is . Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject: (During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had (the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly laid eggs.
(Also when you live in the countryside, you harvest your own vegetables `and fruits from your garden, it is pleasant.
However I also need to live not far from a city where there are all the amenities/ services and distractions such as XXX((theatre, (museum, (shopping centre, (hospital on site.
But above all what I need (the) most, (this is to live near XXX water: ocean, seaside, lake, river whatever but be able to swim, bathe,outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots
Bonne expression! Bravo!

EXPRESSION N°2: indications 1:
The question is(. (pon(cutation) Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had (the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly laid eggs, (ponctuation) When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables `and fruits from your garden, it is pleasant.
However I also need to live not far from a city where there are all the amenities and distractions such as xxxtheatre, (museum, (shopping centre, (hospital on site.
But above all (ponctuation) what I need (the most(, this is to live near xxx water: ocean, seaside, lake, river (whatever but be able to swim, bathe,(ponctuation)outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots
Bonne correction.

EXPRESSION N°2 Suggestions 1 :
The question is:" Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?" B
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had (the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly laid eggs. When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables `and fruits from your garden, it is pleasant.
However I also need to live not far from a city where there are all the amenities and entertainments such as xxxtheatre, (museum, (shopping centre, (hospital on site.
But above all, what I need () most, (it) is to live near xxx water: ocean, seaside, lake, river, (It matters not,OHHhhhh !

Un peu irrégulier malgré de très bonnes choses.

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions 2:
The question (you're asking is(: where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had (fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder; we also had freshly laid eggs TB.When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables and fruits from your garden: I find it (1) pleasant. (un peu trop vague …)
However I also need to live not far from a city (that offers all the amenities and (entertainments you need such as theatre, museum, shopping centre, hospital (and so forth.
But above all, what I need (most is (2) to live near XXX water: ocean, seaside, lake, river: (no matter where I live, I need to swim (or bathe outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots
(1) comme il s'agit d'un avis personnel, j'ai préféré l'expliciter. En plus, cela permet de bien faire la transition avec le paragraphe suivant où l'auteur parle à la 1ère personne.[D'accord! De plus, je n'aime pas ici l'adjectif "pleasant". J'en voudrais un plus exact et plus fort !

(2) "What I need most" est le sujet de "is". Pas besoin de rajouter autre chose OK
TB corrections. Bien !

EXPRESSION N°3:initial text:
I lived in a village (a long time *and I dreamt (to live in a big town because my village was (so ? calm and « dead » . There was just a (little school, ??? **but no college or (lycéé. In a village, people know everybody and their stories Band people speak a lot, and are (jealous often, and wicked. In a town you live freely, without even (to know your (neigbhours and if they are noisy, you (beat the walls or the floor… You have discotheques and cinemas, (bowling, and you have a (lots of fun with your friends. § ? Of course, the sea would be good… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less (place in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it (when even.146
Style trop parlé. Manque de construction … Eviter les accumulations de coordonnées … Quelques bons points cependant.

*for a long time ? / a long time ago ?
** Est-ce la taille de l’école, ou simplement, comme le laisse sous-entendre la suite, l’école primaire ?
EXPRESSION N°3: indications 1
I lived in a village( x a long time and I dreamt(to live in a big town because my village was so calm and « dead » . There was just a little school, but no college or( lycée .
In a village, people know everybody and their stories and people speak a lot, and are( jealous often, and wicked.:// In a town you live freely, without even ( to know your (neigbhours and if they are noisy, you (beat the walls or the floor… (You have discotheques and cinemas, (bowling, and you have a (lots of fun with your friends.
Of course, the sea would be( good … So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less (place in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it( when even
Bonne correction.

EXPRESSION N°3 : indications 2
I lived in a village (a long time and I dreamt (to live in a big town because my village was (so calm and « dead » . There was just (a little school, but no college or (lycéé.
In a village, people know (everybody and their stories and people (speak a lot, and (are jealous often, and wicked. In a town you live freely, without even (to know your (neigbhours and if they are noisy, you (beat the walls or the floor… You have discotheques and cinemas, (bowling, and you have a (lots of fun with your friends.
Of course, (the sea would be good… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less (place in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it (when even.
(pas d'espace avant la ponctuation) Bonnes indications !

EXPRESSION N° 3: suggestions 1:
I lived in a village( for a long time and I dreamt(of living

In a village, people know everybody (and their stories and people speak a lot, and are( often jealous, and wicked. In a town you live freely, without even ( knowing your (neigbhours and if they are noisy, you (hit the walls or the floor… ( There are discotheques and cinemas, (bowling, and you have ( a lot of fun with your friends.
Of course, the sea would be( nice… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Of course in towns you have less ( space /room in your house or flat because the land is very expensive but I like it( anyway
TB suggestions.

EXPRESSION N°3: suggestions 2:
I lived in a village XXX a long time and I dreamt (of living in a big town TB because my village was (too calm and « dead » (for me.TB There was just a (primary (1) schoolTTB , but no college or (secondary school.
In a village, people know (each other and (know each other's little stories: (they talk a lot, (are often jealous and wicked.
(By contrast(2), in a town you live freely, without even (knowing (3) your (neigbhours and if they are noisy, you (beat the walls or the floor… You have discotheques, cinemas, (bowling, and you (can have a (lot of fun with your friends.
Of course, (living near the sea would be (fine… B So, a city near the sea is ideal. (Obviously,(4) when you live in (a town, you have less (room in your house or (in your flat (than when you live in a village because the land is very expensive but I (prefer that anyway. TB. Bravo

(1) Certes, j'interprète [Pas du tout !

(2) changement de paragraphe + mot de liaison pour bien marquer l'opposition

(3) Without + Verb +ing
(4) ça faisait un peu trop de "of course" OUI!

If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather the back country of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to (XXX shops and health services, so that we didn't have to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by (fig-trees,I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
Do you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words Bravo! Très bon texte!

EXPRESSION N°4: suggestions
If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather the back country of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to (the (1)shops and health services, so that we didn't have to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by (fig trees, I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
(How about you? (2) (Can you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words TBonnes corrections.
(1) Ce ne sont pas n'importe quels magasins : ce sont ceux de la petite ville choisie par l'auteur
(2) Pour faire écho aux 2 perceptions de l'auteur et les relier aux 2 questions suivantes sur les perceptions du lecteur, ça m'a semblé une bonne idée [It was!]

Cette correction m'a demandé, là où je suis,

D'autre part, certaines EXPRESSIONS sont très bonnes. Il me semble que lorsque vous vous sentez "à l'aise", vous pourriez, complexifier un peu votre expression (moins de verbes avoir et être, moins de mots de liaison "passe-partout", des temps plus complexes, etc.) Si vous le désirez, (mais uniquement si vous le demandez ... et elles ne seront pas obligatoires à utiliser ...) je peux vous suggérer quelques types de structures à employer en fonction du thème ... A vous de me dire !
Dans tous les cas, BRAVO à vous à la fois pour vos expressions, souvent très bonnes et pour les corrections, toujours excellentes !

Sentez-vous libres de travailler plus loin sur un Follow Up Work de votre choix. (mais laissez moi le temps de "boucler" les autres exercices de quinzaine)
Trop fatiguée pour relire une fois de plus et poster le devoir suivant ... Promis, ce sera fait ... (demain matin, j'espère ! )

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de amalia80, postée le 25-11-2022 à 06:51:54 (S | E)
j'ai repris mon texte en tenant compte des corrections.

If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather the back country of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to the shops and health services, so that we didn't have to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by fig trees, I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
How about you? Can you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de magie8, postée le 25-11-2022 à 07:06:33 (S | E)
hello Here is follow up
let's suggest26

The question is:" Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?"
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly-laid eggs.( ou eggs of the day or newly eggs) When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables `and fruits from your garden, I find it pleasant.(incomparable)
However I also need to live not far from a city (I also want to live close to a city) where there are all the amenities and entertainments(leisure attractions)you need such as xxx( the) theatre, (museum, (shopping centre, (hospital on site.
But above all, what I need(like ) most, () is to live near xxx (the) water: ocean, seaside, lake, river, (It matters not( no matter) but I want to be able to swim, bathe outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area. 142mots
kisses, good courage

Je ne sais pas pourquoi fresly laid eggs est souligné? c est ce que j' ai trouvé le plus souvent comme traduction pour les oeufs fraîchement pondus
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 25-11-2022 à 08:43:43 (S | E)
Entre deux "obligations"...
Amalia's F up W
j'ai repris mon texte en tenant compte des corrections.
If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather the back country of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to the shops and health services, so that we didn't have (pourquoi ce preterite?)to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by fig trees, I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
How about you? Can you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words C'est presque PARFAIT !

voir arrière pays: Lien internet
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de amalia80, postée le 25-11-2022 à 09:54:40 (S | E)
Amalia's F up W
j'ai repris mon texte en tenant compte des corrections.

If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer; but rather( the hinterland of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to the shops and health services, so that we( would not have to take our car. I can already see the central place of the town shaded by fig trees, I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
How about you? Can you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words C'est presque PARFAI
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 25-11-2022 à 12:00:46 (S | E)
Hum hum, Amalia!

Ta phrase n'a pas de "if clause".... donc, elle ne réclame pas la concordance des temps de cette clause.
En revanche, ta phrase est au conditionnel (présent, au début...), comme tu le dis très bien, .... donc ....??? [Pour une fois, c'est la même concordance qu'en français ... Courage ! ]

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 25-11-2022 à 12:13:45 (S | E)
Hello! Magie's F up W!
hello Here is follow up
let's suggest26
The question is:" Where would you rather live if you were given the choice?"
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had the fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder and freshly-laid eggs.( ou eggs of the day or
However I also need to live not far from a city (I also want to live close to a cityOUI! C'est bien plus clair! ) where there are all the amenities and entertainments(leisure attractions)you need such as xxx*( the) theatre, (museum, (shopping centre, (hospital on site.
But above all, what I need(like ) most, () is to live near xxx (the OUIque tu définies ensuite...) water: xxx ocean, xxx seaside, x lake,x river, (
kisses, good courage j ai laissé ce qui n était pas bon et mis entre parenthèse ma correction' je ne suis pas certaine d' avoir bien fait pour te faciliter la tâche?)
* Là, tu dois soit mettre des articles, soit des pluriels ...
Je ne sais pas pourquoi fresly laid eggs est souligné? c est ce que j' ai trouvé le plus souvent comme traduction pour les oeufs fraîchement pondus: pour les oeufs, ton expression est bonne, mais maladroite ... regarde comment Maxwell l'a reprise ...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 25-11-2022 à 21:21:00 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions:
(If I were given the choice, I would definitely live near a big city. Too bad about the great landscapes, the air quality, the weather(1)...
Spending your holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the countryside is a wonderful thing: it gives you unforgettable memories. However, when you need to see a doctor, it is getting more and more difficult(2) to get an appointment nearby in sparsely populated areas. Personally, I would feel vulnerable, helpless, isolated in the mountains or at the seaside during off-season periods.
Moreover, you are more likely to find a job that matches your aspirations in a big city.
Admittedly, everything is more expensive in a big city, especially renting or buying a home. That's why I think living in the suburbs is ideal provided the public transportation system is working properly...
And you can still go on holiday wherever you fancy! (149 words)
(1) Comme je choisirais de vivre près d'une grande ville, ce n'est a priori pas le meilleur choix pour profiter de superbes paysages, d'une qualité de l'air irréprochable et d'un beau temps garanti. Donc, j'ai simplement voulu dire : "Tant pis pour les beaux paysages, la qualité de l'air et le (beau) temps." Comment l'aurais-tu exprimé ?
(2) je n'ai pas compris ce qui ne convient pas ici.
EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions :
The question is: where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder; we also had freshly laid eggs. When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables and fruits from your garden: I find it (both rewarding and motivating.
However I also need to live (near a city (1) that offers all the amenities and entertainments you need such as (the theatres, the museums, the shopping centres and the hospital.
But above all, what I need most is to live near (the water: ocean, seaside, lake, river: no matter where I live, I need to swim or bathe outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area.
(1) voulais-tu souligner "that offers" ou bien est-ce correct ?
EXPRESSION N°3: final suggestions:
I lived in a village (for a long time and I dreamt of living in a big town because my village was too calm and « dead » for me. There was just a primary school, but no (high school or secondary school.
In a village, people know each other and know each other's little stories: they talk a lot, are often jealous and wicked.
By contrast, in a town you live freely, without even knowing your (neighbours and if they are noisy, you (bang the walls or (you stamp your foot… You have discotheques, cinemas, (bowling alleys, and you can have a lot of fun with your friends.
Of course, living near the sea would be fine… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Obviously, when you live in a town, you have less room in your house or in your flat than when you live in a village because the land is very expensive but I prefer that anyway.
EXPRESSION N°4: final suggestions
If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer but rather (for the hinterland of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to the shops and health services, so that (we wouldn't need to take our car. I can already see the central (area of the town shaded by fig trees, I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
How about you? Can you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move! 145words
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 27-11-2022 à 06:08:03 (S | E)
hello dear!

Encore une fois je commence ...mais il se peut que je doive m'arrêter très soudainement !

EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions:
(If I were given the choice,(est très bien !) I would definitely live near a big city. Too bad about the great landscapes,(me semble ici trop familier .... surtour après ton inversion ...je mettrais quelque chose comme: 'I would then have to renounce the great ...") the air quality, the weather(1Il y a de nombreuses grandes villes à l'étranger ( et même en France ) où tu as toujours du beau temps ... ))...
Spending your holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the countryside is a wonderful thing: it gives you unforgettable memories. However, when you need to see a doctor, it is getting more and more difficult(2) * to get an appointment nearby in sparsely populated areas. Personally, I would feel vulnerable, helpless, isolated in the mountains or at the seaside during off-season periods.
Moreover, you are more likely to find a job that matches your aspirations in a big city.
Admittedly, everything is more expensive in a big city, especially renting or buying a home. That's why I think living in the suburbs is ideal provided the public transportation system is working properly...(, which is wishful thinking...)
And you can still go on holiday wherever you fancy! (149 words)
(1) Comme je choisirais de vivre près d'une grande ville, ce n'est a priori pas le meilleur choix pour profiter de superbes paysages, d'une qualité de l'air irréprochable et d'un beau temps garanti. Donc, j'ai simplement voulu dire : "Tant pis pour les beaux paysages, la qualité de l'air et le (beau) temps." Comment l'aurais-tu exprimé ?
(2) je n'ai pas compris ce qui ne convient pas ici. * c'est l'affirmation implicite qu'il y a abondance de médecins dans les grandes villes ... J'ai plusieurs fois expérimenté le "désert médical" des grandes villes, surtout en cas d'urgence et pendant des week-ends "stratégiques"... j'insisterais surtout sur les délais, mais là, je crois que tu ne pourras vivre nulle part (souvenirs désespérants de "séjours" aux urgences de Boston, Oslo etc) ... mais je comprends ce que tu voulais dire !

Voilà ! TTB travail.

EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions :
The question is: where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder; we also had freshly laid eggs.tu as bien ressenti le côté maladroit de la phrase originale

However I also need to live (near a city (1) that offers all the amenities and entertainments you need such as (the theatres, the museums, the shopping centres and the hospital.(j'aurais mis : a theatre/ museums/ shopping centres and at least a hospital)
But above all, what I need most is to live near (the water:the/an ocean, the seaside, a lake, a river: no matter where I live, I need to swim or bathe outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area.

to be continued!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de here4u, postée le 10-12-2022 à 18:46:21 (S | E)
Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 25-11-2022 à 21:21:00 (S | E)
FOLLOW-UP WORK: A quick review of the correction of the correction...

EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions:
(If I were given the choice, I would definitely live near a big city. Too bad about the great landscapes, the air quality, the weather(1)...
Spending your holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the countryside is a wonderful thing: it gives you unforgettable memories. However, when you need to see a doctor, it is getting more and more difficult(2) to get an appointment nearby in sparsely populated areas. Personally, I would feel vulnerable, helpless, isolated in the mountains or at the seaside during off-season periods.
Moreover, you are more likely to find a job that matches your aspirations in a big city.
Admittedly, everything is more expensive in a big city, especially renting or buying a home. That's why I think living in the suburbs is ideal provided the public transportation system is working properly...
And you can still go on holiday wherever you fancy! (149 words)
(1) Comme je choisirais de vivre près d'une grande ville, ce n'est a priori pas le meilleur choix pour profiter de superbes paysages, d'une qualité de l'air irréprochable et d'un beau temps garanti. Donc, j'ai simplement voulu dire : "Tant pis pour les beaux paysages, la qualité de l'air et le (beau) temps." Comment l'aurais-tu exprimé ?
You know, I understand English...

Ce n'est pas une faute, mais une maladresse ...

(2) je n'ai pas compris ce qui ne convient pas ici. Encore une fois, je trouve que c'est maladroit (trop vague) ... je crois que le problème est (en ville aussi ...) les délais ... donc, j'aurais mis qqch de plus précis du type "il faut attendre de plus en plus longtemps pour ???"
EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions:
The question is: where would you rather live if you were given the choice?
Here are my ideas on the subject:
During my childhood I lived on a farm and I liked that. We had fresh milk every morning directly from the cow's udder; we also had freshly laid eggs. When you live on a farm, you harvest your own vegetables and fruits from your garden: I find it (both rewarding and motivating.
However I also need to live (near a city (1) that offers all the amenities and entertainments you need such as (the theatres, the museums, the shopping centres and the hospital.
But above all, what I need most is to live near (the water:the ocean, the seaside, a lake, a river: no matter where I live, I need to swim or bathe outdoors and of course in a warm and sunny area.
(1) voulais-tu souligner "that offers" ou bien est-ce correct ?C'est OK!
Une très bonne correction.
EXPRESSION N°3: final suggestions:
I lived in a village (for a long time and I dreamt of living in a big town because my village was too calm and « dead » for me. There was just a primary school, but no (high school or secondary school.
In a village, people know each other and know each other's little stories (secrets?): they talk a lot, are often jealous and wicked.
By contrast, in a town you live freely, without even knowing your (neighbours and if they are noisy, you (bang on the walls or (you stamp your foot… You have discotheques, cinemas, (bowling alleys, and you can have a lot of fun with your friends.
Of course, living near the sea would be fine… So, a city near the sea is ideal. Obviously, when you live in a town, you have less room in your house or in your flat than when you live in a village because the land is very expensive but I prefer that anyway.
très bonne correction
EXPRESSION N°4: final suggestions
If I could choose my place of residence, I would definitely go to the south of France.
I wouldn't opt for the seaside, too expensive and much too crowded in summer but rather (for the hinterland/ the inland region of Provence, where the light is so beautiful and the climate less humid than that of the Loire valley.
My choice would be a house in a small town, close to the shops and health services, so that (we wouldn't need to take/ drive our car. I can already see the central (area of the town shaded by fig trees, I can hear the gentle murmur of the fountain and the exclamations of the players of boules.
How about you? Can you see the colourful market stalls? Can you hear the cicadas singing?
Does it seem too idyllic or unreal?
I'm sure that such a place exists, we just need to find it and move there! 145words
Très bonnes corrections
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