Let's suggest/ 27
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Message de here4u posté le 25-11-2022 à 09:02:37 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!
Here is the new topic for you to write about... I hope many of you will participate freely and enthusiatically...
You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes...
We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct! 
Here is today's topic:
"Have you ever been "ashamed of yourself" in a public place? How did you react?" (No confession is required... You may invent the situation and change a real one to fit your purpose...)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger … Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)
IMPORTANT! Pour me faciliter le transfert de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un "(" la correction souhaitée, s'il vous plaît ?
ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... . Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie ... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail ...
et dois tout refaire mot à mot avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point ...
Merci de votre aide ! 
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet
Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ) 
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :
Do your best, I trust You!

Correction en ligne le jeudi 8 décembre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.
Message de here4u posté le 25-11-2022 à 09:02:37 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!

Here is the new topic for you to write about... I hope many of you will participate freely and enthusiatically...

You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes...

Here is today's topic:
"Have you ever been "ashamed of yourself" in a public place? How did you react?" (No confession is required... You may invent the situation and change a real one to fit your purpose...)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger … Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... . Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie ... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail ...

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :

Correction en ligne le jeudi 8 décembre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 26-11-2022 à 14:49:56 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

Here is the first contribution to Let's Suggest 27.

I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a pettycoat.
As I was walking over the subway ventilation grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas, my attemps were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on scaffolding on the other side of the street started laughing, and one of them clapped. I would have sent them
to hell.
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted to me: "Go along! but go along!" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice, nor any glance for the the spectators.
It's been a long time, but even now, I never walk over a ventilation grille when I wear a skirt!

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 26-11-2022 à 15:01:16 (S | E)
Hello, dears!
EXPRESSION 1 : (mistakes in blue and what is clumsy should be underlined!)
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (pettycoat.
As I was walking over the subway ventilation grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas, my attemps were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on scaffolding on the other side of the street started laughing, and one of them clapped. I would have sent them to hell.
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted to me: "Go along! but go along!" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice, nor any glance for the (the spectators.
It's been a long time, but even now, I never walk over a ventilation grille when I wear a skirt!

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 26-11-2022 à 15:55:00 (S | E)
Hello Maxwell!
je peux peut-être répondre à ta question.

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 27-11-2022 à 07:53:35 (S | E)
Hello Amalia

C'est juste un tout petit détail... Voici ma question : j'espère qu'elle ne t'embarrassera pas (vu ma question, j'aurais préféré parlé indirectement et anonymement à l'"auteur du texte"

Je n'y connais rien aux vêtements féminins

Or, tu dis que la grille d'aération a soulevé la jupe et qu'elle a dévoilé les sous-vêtements.
De deux choses l'une : soit tu inclus le jupon dans les sous-vêtements, soit il aurait fallu préciser que le jupon aussi était soulevé.
(ou alors j'ai fait un faux-sens sur petticoat)

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 27-11-2022 à 09:26:39 (S | E)
Hello Maxwell!
Aucun problème!

Bon dimanche ,et à bientôt sur le site
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 27-11-2022 à 14:24:31 (S | E)

... et si le jupon dépassait, c'était déjà scandaleux ...

Green allowed tonight after 8.

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 27-11-2022 à 21:33:38 (S | E)
Hello, dears!
EXPRESSION 1 : suggestions
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (petticoat.
As I was walking over the subway ventilation grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt (and my petticoat (1), revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my (attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on scaffolding on the other side of the street, started laughing, and one of them clapped. I would have sent them to hell.
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted to me: "(Get going! Come on! (2)" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice, nor any glance for (the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a ventilation grille when I wear a skirt!
(1) Je rajoute cet élément qui me semble important pour l'histoire car je trouve que le fait que le jupon soit relevé est beaucoup plus embarrassant que s'il ne l'était pas. (Et je suis sûr d'être fidèle à l'auteur)

(2) Je me trompe peut-être mais je verrais plutôt des exclamations comme : Go ahead! Get going! Move on!
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 28-11-2022 à 07:17:59 (S | E)
EXPRESSION 1 : suggestions
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (petticoat
As I was walking over the subway ventilation grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt (and its petticoat, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my (attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on scaffolding on the other side of the street, started laughing, and one of them clapped. I would have sent them to hell.
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted to me: "x(Get going! Come on!" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice, nor any glance for the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a ventilation grille when I wear a skirt!
J'ai repris les suggestions de Maxwell ,employé its à la place de the( petticoat) car , en fait , le jupon était attaché à la jupe.
X je voulais dire;"avancez, mais avancez donc! est- ce que" Move along!but move along!" conviendrait aussi?
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 29-11-2022 à 08:43:23 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

EXPRESSION N°2 has come!

Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front two hundred people.
It was at a new product presentation of cocktail party.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass which spilled on the MD suit.
A shame for me!
You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a cloth napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the jacket bottom.
You know what part of the body the bottom of a mans'jacket is on!...
As well as, the Boss said -" Stop it" beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that?...

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 29-11-2022 à 20:48:19 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: mistakes and clumsinesses:
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (XXX two hundred people.
It was at a (new product presentation of cocktail party.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass which spilled on the MD(XXX suit.
A shame for me!
(You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a cloth napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the (jacket bottom.
You know what part of the body the bottom of a (mans'jacket is on!...
(As well as (je n'ai pas compris ce choix de mot de liaison), the Boss said -" Stop it" beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that?...
Thanks for the story!

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 30-11-2022 à 08:41:31 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: mistakes and clumsinesses:
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (x two hundred people.
It was at a (new product presentation of cocktail party
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass which spilled on the MD(xX suit.
A shame for me!
You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a cloth napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the ( jacket bottom
You know what part of the body the bottom of a (mans'jacket is on!...
(As well as, , the Boss said -" Stop it" beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that?...
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de magie8, postée le 02-12-2022 à 11:29:34 (S | E)
Hello! je pense que c est le moment de mettre en vert
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestion
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front "(of two hundred people.
It was at a "(cocktail party for the presentation of a new product.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass which spilled on the MD"('s suit.
A shame for me!
You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a cloth napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the "( bottom of the jacket
You know what part of the body the bottom of a "(jacket for men is on!...
"(So that the Boss said -" Stop it, beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that?...
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 02-12-2022 à 12:15:28 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (of two hundred people.
It was at a ( a cocktail party to present a new prduct
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass which spilled on the MD( 's suit.
A shame for me!
You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a cloth napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the (bottom of the jacket
You know what part of the body the bottom of a ( man's jacket is on!...
( Fortunately , the Boss said -" Stop it" beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that?..
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 02-12-2022 à 20:10:48 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions:
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (of two hundred people.
It was at a (cocktail party for the presentation of a new product.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other (one, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product, as my retail store was the biggest in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass which spilled on the MD('s suit.
A shame for me!
(Can you guess what I did?...(1)
My first instinct was to take a cloth napkin from the buffet: I started to clean the (bottom of his jacket...
You know (which part of the body the bottom of a (men's jacket is on(, don't you?...
(That's why the Boss said: "Stop it, beautiful dyer" fortunately laughing.
Even now, I (still wonder how I could have done that(...(2)
(1) Le point d'interrogation avec une phrase affirmative m'a un peu perturbé. J'ai 2 propositions :
Can you guess what I did?
You can't guess what I did, can you?
(2) je n'aurais pas mis de point d'interrogation ici
J'attendais sagement le feu vert pour les suggestions...
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 03-12-2022 à 00:43:22 (S | E)
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 02-12-2022 à 14:34:52 (S | E)
Hello dears!

No, I haven't forgotten the thread and I'm happy to see that you can handle it on your own!

I'm back home and "free" now... and couldn't wait to post a new EXPRESSION. (another one is in the waiting list!

EXPRESSION N°3: PLEASE HELP! indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what's clumsy.
One evening, as I was walking home, I saw a group of men, standing -or sitting, I don't remember- in the parking lot of a supermarket.
I didn't look at them but as I was approaching -since they were on my way- I could hear one of them say: "Boy, you're dressed like a scarecrow!"
I blushed with embarrassment...Having said that, I didn't understand why he was saying that: I was wearing a paramecium long sleeve shirt, with a matching tie. I admit this way of dressing was very uncommon and vintage but I really liked it.
I pretended I didn't hear anything and I walked a little faster without ever looking at them: I imagined that he was looking for confrontation and might become violent. I didn't feel safe...
It was the first time I had worn this shirt and this tie... and the last one! 152 words
"blue" till tomorrow night and green on Sunday morning. Thanks for your help!

Edit: Puisque vous voulez continuer le 2 (ce qui est TB

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 03-12-2022 à 22:11:43 (S | E)

"J'attendais sagement le feu vert pour les suggestions..."

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 06-12-2022 à 05:32:42 (S | E)

Nobody wants to work on EXPRESSION N°3?

We need a few remarks, or at least an enthusiastic approval...

Be quick! I'll post EXPRESSION N°4 tonight...

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 06-12-2022 à 23:19:19 (S | E)
Hello !

Triste que personne n'ait commenté cette troisième EXPRESSION !

Voici la dernière de cette quinzaine. J'espère qu'elle va vous faire réagir !


When I think of it today, it still makes me blush. I was working as a waitress in Germany to pay for my studies. I am not particularly awkward but when it comes to handling "plate service" holding 3 plates on your left hand and 1 on the right, it may happen some spilling over. The greasy dressing trickled down and landed on the white dressy suit the restaurant patron was wearing. I dashed off and asked my German workmate how could I say I was deeply sorry and beg for his pardon. She told me a too long phrase for me to repeat so she wrote it down ; it read : "Ich Bitte Sie Um Entschuldigung". No time for rehearsal, I was so upset I couldn't utter a word. I went back to the classy dining room and miserably dropped off my scrap of paper in front of the handsome smart customer.
He burst out laughing and ironically rewarded my high-quality service with a large underserved tip.

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 07-12-2022 à 15:12:49 (S | E)
EXPRESSION 4: Mistakes & Clumsinesses:
When I think of it today, it still makes me blush. I was working as a waitress in Germany to pay for my studies. I am not particularly awkward but when it comes to handling "plate service"(ponctuation) holding 3 plates on your left hand and 1 on the right XXX, it may happen some spilling over. The greasy dressing trickled down and landed on the white dressy suit the restaurant patron was wearing. I dashed off and asked my German workmate how could I say I was deeply sorry and beg for his pardon. She told me a too long phrase for me to repeat so she wrote it down ; it read : "Ich Bitte Sie Um Entschuldigung". No time for rehearsal, I was so upset I couldn't utter a word. I went back to the classy dining room and miserably dropped off my scrap of paper in front of the handsome smart customer.
He burst out laughing and ironically rewarded my high-quality service with a large underserved tip.
Il manque le nombre de mots

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 07-12-2022 à 17:19:02 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3: PLEASE HELP! indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what's clumsy.
One evening, as I was walking home, I saw a group of men, standing -or sitting, I don't remember- in the parking lot of a supermarket.
I didn't look at them but as I was approaching -since they were on my way- I could hear one of them say: "Boy, you're dressed like a scarecrow!"
I blushed with embarrassment...Having said that, I didn't understand why he was saying that: I was wearing a paramecium long sleeve shirt, with a matching tie. I admit this way of dressing was very uncommon and vintage but I really liked it.
I pretended I didn't hear anything and I walked a little faster without ever looking at them: I imagined that he was looking for confrontation and might become violent. I didn't feel safe...
It was the first time I had worn this shirt and this tie... and the last one! 152 words
Can you explain me what is a paramecium shirt is? Thank you. (is it the design on the shirt ?)
Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2022 19:32
Gris : Verbe déplacé dans une question indirecte, dernière ligne.
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 07-12-2022 à 17:34:20 (S | E)

I had no idea either... therefore, I looked up in a dictionary...
Lien internet
If this isn't what the author meant, we are interested...

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 07-12-2022 à 20:17:14 (S | E)
It is

You'd get a pretty close idea with these photos:
Lien internet
Lien internet
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 08-12-2022 à 15:08:00 (S | E)

Thank you for the link.
In fact it looks like Cachemire print which was very fashionable in the 70s

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 08-12-2022 à 15:23:56 (S | E)

The second link is particularly interesting...

Nobody's interested in EXPRESSION N°4?

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 08-12-2022 à 20:27:17 (S | E)
EXPRESSION 4: Suggestions:
When I think of it today, it still makes me blush...
I was working as a waitress in Germany to pay for my studies. I am not particularly awkward but when it comes to handling "plate service", holding (three plates on your left hand and (one plate on the right (hand, (sometimes liquid spills out. The greasy dressing trickled down and landed on the white dressy suit the (customer (1) was wearing. I dashed off and asked my German workmate (how I could say (2) I was deeply sorry and (begged his pardon. She told me a too long phrase for me to repeat, so she wrote it down; it read: "Ich Bitte Sie Um Entschuldigung". No time for rehearsal, I was so upset I couldn't utter a word. I went back to the classy dining room and miserably dropped off my scrap of paper in front of the handsome smart customer.
He burst out laughing and ironically rewarded my high-quality service with a large underserved tip.
pas d'espace avant la ponctuation, please

(1) quand j'ai lu "patron" pour la première fois, je ne savais pas s'il s'agissait du client ou du patron : ça peut être les deux : Lien internet
(2) interrogative indirecte => pas d'inversion du sujet et du verbe : Lien internet
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 08-12-2022 à 22:53:19 (S | E)
Hello, dear Writers!

Encore beaucoup de participation pour ces quatre EXPRESSIONS ... (surtout les trois premières ...

Peut-être pourrez-vous m'aider à trouver le moyen de mieux répartir les efforts (et le temps ) entre les différentes EXPRESSIONS. mais comment faire alors que les participants ne s'annoncent pas en avance ? En postant une EXPRESSION, je ne sais pas si plusieurs vont "indiquer les fautes" en bleu et suggérer en vert, ou si j'ai tort d'attendre des participations qui ne sont pas prévues par les membres ... My fingers are aching because I cross them so much and for so long...

I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (pettycoat.
As I was walking over the subway ventilation (grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas, my (attemps were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on ( X scaffolding on the other side of the street started laughing, and one of them clapped. I (would have sent them to hell.
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted (to me: ("Go along! but go along!" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice, (nor any glance for (the the spectators.
It's been a long time, but even now, I never walk over a ventilation (grille when I (wear a skirt!

EXPRESSION 1 :indications N°1:
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (pettycoat.
As I was walking over the subway ventilation (grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas, my (attemps were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on (X scaffolding on the other side of the street started laughing, and one of them clapped. I (would have sent them to hell.
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted (to me: "Go along! but go along!" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice, (nor any glance for the (the spectators.
It's been a long time, but even now, I never walk over a ventilation (grille when I (wear a skirt!TB correction !

EXPRESSION 1: suggestions1
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (petticoat.
As I was walking over the subway ventilation (grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt (and my petticoat (1), revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my (attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing (on X

On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted (to me: "(Get going! Come on! (2)" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice, (nor any glance for (the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a ventilation grille when I (wear a skirt!
(1) Je rajoute cet élément qui me semble important pour l'histoire car je trouve que le fait que le jupon soit relevé est beaucoup plus embarrassant que s'il ne l'était pas.[Indeed, it is!

(2) Je me trompe peut-être mais je verrais plutôt des exclamations comme : Go ahead! Get going! Move on! OK

EXPRESSION 1: suggestions 2:
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (petticoat
As I was walking over the subway ventilation grilles, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt (and its petticoat, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my (attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on A(scaffolding on the other side of the street, started laughing, and one of them clapped. I (would have sent (not the right modal...)them to hell.
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted (to me: "x(Get going! Come on!" and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice,( nor any glance for the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a ventilation (grille when I (wear a skirt!
J'ai repris les suggestions de Maxwell, employé its à la place de the ( petticoat) car , en fait , le jupon était attaché à la jupe.
X je voulais dire : avancez, mais avancez donc! est- ce que" Move along!but move along!" conviendrait aussi?
- Move forward ! / Keep moving !/
- Il s’agit bien d’un échaffaudage ! (ne pas oublier l'article, obligatoire !)
- Grille de ventilation ? [cherchez !]
- I ran away without any thanks for the advice,( nor any … A revoir.
- when I (wear a skirt! : à revoir …
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front XX two hundred people.
It was (at a new product presentation of cocktail party.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other XXX, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product (punctuation) as my retail store was the biggest XXX in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass (which spilled (construction à revoir) on the (MD suit.
A shame for me!
(You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a cloth napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the jacket bottom.
You know what part of the body the bottom of a mans'jacket is on!...
(As well as,

Even now, I wonder how I could have done that(?...(choisir entre interrogative directe et indirecte ...)

EXPRESSION N°2: indications 1:
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (XX two hundred people.
It was at a (new product presentation of cocktail party.(not clear at all !)
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other XXX, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest XXX in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass (which spilled on the MD(X suit.
A shame for me!
(You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a (cloth) napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the (jacket bottom.
You know what part of the body the bottom of a (mans'jacket is on!...
(As well as (je n'ai pas compris ce choix de mot de liaison)[ce n’est pas le bon … et ce qui veut être dit n’est pas clair …], the Boss said -" Stop it" beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that(?...revoir interrogatives directes et indirectes …
EXPRESSION N°2: indications 2:
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (xx two hundred people.
It was at a (new product presentation of cocktail party (Très maladroit.)
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other xxx( , when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product (as my retail store was the biggest xxx in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass which spilled on the MD(xX suit. (revoir toute la construction de cette phrase)
A shame for me!
(You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a (cloth) napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the (jacket bottom
You know what part of the body the bottom of a (mans'jacket is on!...
(As well as, the Boss said -" Stop it" beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that(?...
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions 1:
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front "(of two hundred people.
It was at a "(cocktail party presentation of a new product.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other XXX, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest XXX in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my (glass which spilled on the MD"('s suit.
A shame for me!
(You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a (cloth) napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the "( bottom of the jacket
You know what part of the body the bottom of a "(jacket for men is on!...OK
"(So that the Boss said -" Stop it, ( ???)(huh! That’s a « violent » reaction !) beautiful dyer" fortunately, laughing.
Even now, I wonder how I could have done that(?...

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions2
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (of two hundred people.
It was at a ( a cocktail party to present a new prOduct TB
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other XXX, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product as my retail store was the biggest in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass (which spilled on the MD('s suit.
A shame for me!
(You can't guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a (cloth) napkin from the buffet and I started to clean the (bottom of the jacket
You know what part of the body the bottom of a ( man's jacket is on!...
( Fortunately

Even now, I wonder how I could have done that(?..
EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions 3
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front (of two hundred people.
It was at a (cocktail party for the presentation of a new product.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other (one, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product, as my retail store was the biggest xxx in France.
I started to talk to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my glass (which spilled on the MD('s suit.
A shame for me!
(Can you guess what I did?...(1)
My first instinct was to take a (cloth) napkin from the buffet: I started to clean the (bottom of his jacket...
You know (which part of the body the bottom of a (men's jacket is on(, don't you?... TB
(That's why

Even now, I (still wonder how I could have done that(...(2)
(1) Le point d'interrogation avec une phrase affirmative m'a un peu perturbé. J'ai 2 propositions :
Can you guess what I did?/ You can't guess what I did, can you?
- ce n'est pas le verre qui "spills"!!!! mais son contenu ... Revoir la construction ...
(2) je n'aurais pas mis de point d'interrogation ici. Le point d’interrogation n’avait rien à faire dans la phrase telle qu’elle était !
La proposition interrogative indirecte est introduite par "I wonder".... Le point d'interrogation final est donc impossible !
EXPRESSION N°3 : texte initial
One evening, as I was walking home, I saw a group of men, standing -or sitting, I don't remember- in the parking lot of a supermarket.
I didn't look at them but as I was approaching -since they were on my way- I could hear one of them say: "Boy, you're dressed like a scarecrow!" TTB
I blushed with embarrassment...Having said that,( ? said what ?what did YOU say ? HE spoke, didn't he?) * I didn't understand why he was saying that: I was wearing a paramecium long sleeve shirt, with a matching tie. I admit this way of dressing was very uncommon and vintage but I really liked it.(I think it was very classy...

I pretended I didn't hear anything and I walked a little faster without ever looking at them: I imagined that he was looking for X confrontation and might become violent. I didn't feel safe...
It was the first time I had worn this shirt and this tie... and the last one(too...)! 152 words
- Lien internet
I didn’t know what it was… and I was wrong!
I don’t think this was shame, was it ?... embarrassment, yes… but who cares about other people’s reactions … YOU had done nothing wrong… Wearing the clothes you liked was ok, the tie may have looked a little strange ("too much"!), but it was your right ! I think you should have worn it
conspicuously and proudly…
*That being said ( ?)/ His words were so mysterious to me that I didn’t understand them…/
One evening, as I was walking home, I saw a group of men, standing -or sitting, I don't remember- in the parking lot of a supermarket.
I didn't look at them but as I was approaching -since they were on my way- I could hear one of them say: "Boy, you're dressed like a scarecrow!"
I blushed with embarrassment...Having said that ( ??), I didn't understand why he was saying that: I was wearing a paramecium long sleeve *shirt, with a matching tie. I admit this way of dressing was very uncommon and vintage but I really liked it.
I pretended I didn't hear anything and I walked a little faster (without ever ?looking at them: I imagined that he was looking for X confrontation and might become violent. I didn't feel safe...
It was the first time I had worn this shirt and this tie... and the last one! 152 words
a long sleeve shirt est acceptable// a long-sleeved shirt.

EXPRESSION N°4 : initial text:
When I think of it today, it still makes me blush. I was working as a waitress in Germany to pay for my studies. I am not particularly awkward but when it comes to handling "plate service" holding 3 plates on your left hand and 1 on the right XXX, (it may happen some spilling over. The greasy dressing trickled down and landed on the white dressy suit the restaurant patron was wearing. I dashed off and asked my German workmate how (could I say

He burst out laughing and ironically rewarded my high-quality service with a large (underserved tip.

EXPRESSION 4: Suggestions:
When I think of it today, it still makes me blush...
I was working as a waitress in Germany to pay for my studies. I am not particularly awkward but when it comes to handling "plate service", holding (three plates on your left hand (arm) and (one plate on the right (hand, (sometimes liquid spills out. The greasy dressing trickled down and landed on the white dressy suit the (customer (1) was wearing. I dashed off and asked my German workmate (how I could say (2) I was deeply sorry and (begged his pardon. She told me a too long phrase for me to repeat, so she wrote it down; it read: "Ich Bitte Sie Um Entschuldigung". No time for rehearsal, I was so upset I couldn't utter a word. I went back to the classy dining room and miserably dropped off my scrap of paper in front of the handsome smart customer.
He burst out laughing and ironically rewarded my high-quality service with a large underserved tip.

pas d'espace avant la ponctuation, please
(1) quand j'ai lu "patron" pour la première fois, je ne savais pas s'il s'agissait du client ou du patron :[

(2) interrogative indirecte => pas d'inversion du sujet et du verbe : Lien internet OUI
Bravo à vous tous ...

Je suis un peu déçue de ne pas avoir eu plus de participants pour l'expression 4 ... Pour compenser, je vous demanderai d'axer, si vous le voulez bien, votre Follow up Work avant tout sur cette EXPRESSION, sans négliger pour autant de poser les questions sur les points qui sont restés obscurs dans les autres ! Encore un grand

Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de amalia80, postée le 09-12-2022 à 08:19:02 (S | E)
EXPRESSION 1: suggestions 3
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (petticoat
As I was walking over the subway ( air-vent, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt (and its petticoat, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my (attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on a (scaffolding on the other side of the street, started laughing, and one of them clapped.If I could I (would have sent* (not the right modal...)them to hell!
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted (to me: "x(Move along! Move along! and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice,( or any glance for the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a subway air-vent when I ( I'm wearing a skirt
*je ne vois pas quel autre temps employer (si j'avais pu, je les aurais envoyés au diable!)
*j' avais employé le présent simple car c'est devenu une habitude.
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 11-12-2022 à 10:42:42 (S | E)
Follow-up work
EXPRESSION 1: final suggestions
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a petticoat.
As I was walking over the subway ventilation (grates, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt and my petticoat, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on a scaffolding on the other side of the street, started laughing, and one of them clapped. I (should have said: "go to hell!" (1)
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by (exclaimed(2): "Get going! Come on!" and I did so.
I ran away without (thanking for the advice, (or glancing at the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a ventilation (grate when (wearing (3) a skirt!
(1) J'ai reformulé la phrase pour remplacer le modal. En revanche, je n'ai pas compris pourquoi would ne convenait pas initialement. En effet, on n'a pas la possibilité d'envoyer réellement en enfer. On a juste la possibilité d'insulter.
J'aurais alors précisé la phrase initiale par ce qui était implicite : "I would have sent them to hell if I could."
(2) j'ai remplacé le verbe car il me semble que : "shout at" s'utilise plutôt contre quelqu'un. Or ici, on parle d'un passant plein d'empathie.
(3) je propose ceci mais je n'ai pas compris ce qui n'allait pas.
EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front of two hundred people.
It was at a cocktail party for the presentation of a new product.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other one, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product, as my retail store was the biggest (one in France.
I started (talking(1) to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my (drink which spilled on the MD's suit.
A shame for me!
Can you guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a napkin from the buffet: I started to clean the bottom of his jacket...
You know which part of the body the bottom of a men's jacket is on, don't you?...
(Fortunately, the Boss said: "Stop it, beautiful dyer"(, laughing.
Even now, I still wonder how I could have done that...
(1) pourquoi la forme en ing s'imposait-elle ?
EXPRESSION N°3 : final suggestions
One evening, as I was walking home, I saw a group of men, standing -or sitting, I don't remember- in the parking lot of a supermarket.
I didn't look at them but as I was approaching -since they were (in my way- I could hear one of them say: "Boy, you're dressed like a scarecrow!"
I blushed with embarrassment... (That being said (1), I didn't understand (his reaction: I was wearing a paramecium long sleeve shirt, with a matching tie. I admit this way of dressing was very uncommon and vintage but I really liked it.
I pretended I didn't hear anything and I walked a little faster without (ever(2) looking at them: I imagined that he was (seeking confrontation and might become violent. I didn't feel safe...
It was the first time I had worn this shirt and this tie... and the last (one! 152 words
(1) effectivement, je l'avais mal exprimé. Je voulais dire : ceci (étant) dit, et non pas : "ayant dit cela,"
(2) je n'ai pas compris ce qui ne va pas: "j'ai marché un peu plus vite sans jamais les regarder
EXPRESSION 4: final suggestions:
When I think of it today, it still makes me blush...
I was working as a waitress in Germany to pay for my studies. I am not particularly awkward but when it comes to handling "plate service", holding three plates on your left (arm and one plate on the right hand, sometimes liquid spills out. The greasy dressing trickled down and landed on the white dressy suit the customer was wearing. I dashed off and asked my German workmate how I could say I was deeply sorry and begged his pardon. (The sentence she told me was too long for me to repeat, so she wrote it down; it read: "Ich Bitte Sie Um Entschuldigung". No time for rehearsal, I was so upset I couldn't utter a word. I went back to the classy dining room and miserably dropped off my scrap of paper in front of the handsome smart customer.
He burst out laughing and ironically rewarded my high-quality service with a large (but underserved tip.
Réponse : Let's suggest/ 27 de here4u, postée le 12-12-2022 à 22:29:22 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Be patient please... this may be a little long...

EXPRESSION 1: suggestions 3
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a (petticoat
As I was walking over the subway ( air-vent, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt (and its petticoat, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my (attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on a (scaffolding on the other side of the street, started laughing, and one of them clapped. If I could I (would have sent* (not the right modal...)them to hell!
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by shouted to me: "x(Move along! Move along! and I did so.
I ran away without any thanks for the advice,( or any glance for the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a subway air-vent when( I'm wearing a skirt
* je ne vois pas quel autre temps employer (si j'avais pu, je les aurais envoyés au diable!) L'orthodoxie voudrait une vraie concordance de temps (donc, avec had been able to). ceci aurait été trop formel, presque affecté et faux pour certains ... Donc, je choisirais quelque chose comme
"If it had been possible, I would have ....", simple, en fait ...
*j' avais employé le présent simple car c'est devenu une habitude. Le "never walk" est bien une habitude (présent simple) ; pour "wear", c'est moins simple ... but why not?

EXPRESSION 1: final suggestions
I was about nineteen and meeting some friends in Paris. I was wearing one of my best outfits, very fashionable in the sixties: a wide skirt and a petticoat.
As I was walking over the subway (ventilation) air-vents/grates/ grids, a blast of air lifted my blue skirt and my petticoat, revealing the top of my thighs and my underwear!
Red with shame, motionless and embarrassed, I tried to pull my skirt down, without thinking of moving. Alas! my attempts were unsuccessful!
Some workers, standing on a scaffolding on the other side of the street, started laughing, and one of them clapped. I (should have said: "go to hell!" (1)
On the pavement, a sympathetic passer-by (exclaimed(2): "Get going! Come on!" and I did so.
I ran away without (thanking for the advice, (or glancing at the spectators.
It's been a long time but even now, I never walk over a ventilation (grate when (wearing (3) a skirt!
(1) J'ai reformulé la phrase pour remplacer le modal. En revanche, je n'ai pas compris pourquoi would ne convenait pas initialement. En effet, on n'a pas la possibilité d'envoyer réellement en enfer. On a juste la possibilité d'insulter. See above.
J'aurais alors précisé la phrase initiale par ce qui était implicite : "I would have sent them to hell if I could."
(2) j'ai remplacé le verbe car il me semble que : "shout at" s'utilise plutôt contre quelqu'un. Or ici, on parle d'un passant plein d'empathie.(Certes, mais il hurle quand même !)
(3) je propose ceci mais je n'ai pas compris ce qui n'allait pas.Rien!

EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions
Oh! Yes, I have been ashamed of myself, moreover in front of two hundred people.
It was at a cocktail party for the presentation of a new product.
I was standing by the buffet, with a drink in one hand and a small cake in the other one, when the Managing Director approached me to ask my opinion about the new product, as my retail store was the biggest (one in France.
I started (talking(1) to him gesturing with my hands, forgetting my (drink which spilled on the MD's suit.je préfère spilt...

A shame for me!
Can you guess what I did?...
My first instinct was to take a napkin from the buffet: I started to clean the bottom of his jacket...
You know which part of the body the bottom of a men's jacket is on, don't you?...
(Fortunately, the Boss said: "Stop it, beautiful dyer"(, laughing.
Even now, I still wonder how I could have done that...
(1) pourquoi la forme en ing s'imposait-elle ? Elle ne "s'impose pas" (presque rien ne s'impose plus en anglais

EXPRESSION N°3 : final suggestions
One evening, as I was walking home, I saw a group of men, standing -or sitting, I don't remember- in the parking lot of a supermarket.
I didn't look at them but as I was approaching -since they were (in my way- I could hear one of them say: "Boy, you're dressed like a scarecrow!"
I blushed with embarrassment... (That being said (1), I didn't understand (his reaction/ attack?: I was wearing a paramecium long sleeve shirt, with a matching tie. I admit this way of dressing was very uncommon and vintage but I really liked it.
I pretended I didn't hear anything and I walked a little faster without (ever(2) looking at them: I imagined that he was (seeking confrontation and might become violent. I didn't feel safe...
It was the first time I had worn this shirt and this tie... and the last (one! 152 words
(1) effectivement, je l'avais mal exprimé. Je voulais dire : ceci (étant) dit, et non pas : "ayant dit cela,"
(2) je n'ai pas compris ce qui ne va pas: "j'ai marché un peu plus vite sans jamais les regarder/ moui! Je trouve que "even" aurait été plus efficace ... mais je ne suis pas dans ta tête !

EXPRESSION 4: final suggestions: Sorry, I have to stop for now!

When I think of it today, it still makes me blush...
I was working as a waitress in Germany to pay for my studies. I am not particularly awkward but when it comes to handling TB "plate service", holding three plates on your left arm and one plate on the right hand, sometimes liquid spills out. The greasy dressing trickled down and landed on the white dressy suit the customer was wearing. I dashed off and asked my German workmate how I could say I was deeply sorry and begged his pardon. (The sentence she told me was too long for me to repeat, so she wrote it down; it read: "Ich Bitte Sie Um Entschuldigung". No time for rehearsal, I was so upset I couldn't utter a word. I went back to the classy dining room and miserably dropped off my scrap of paper in front of the handsome smart customer.
He burst out laughing and ironically rewarded my high-quality service with a large (but underserved tip.
Ai-je tort, ou pas ? J'ai l'impression qu'il y a une coquille sur l'avant dernier mot ... L'auteur n'aurait-il pas plutôt voulu dire : undeserved -un+ deserved?
TB expression en tout cas, et bonne correction !

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