Let's Suggest /28
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Message de here4u posté le 08-12-2022 à 18:32:35 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!
Here is the new topic for you to write about... I hope many of you will participate enthusiatically...
You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes...
We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct! 
Here is today's topic:
"What's your favourite activity during your leisure time?"(130 to 150 words) (No confession is required... You may invent what you write to fit your purpose...)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger … Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)
IMPORTANT! Pour me faciliter le transfert de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un "(" la correction souhaitée, s'il vous plaît ? 
ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... . Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie ... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail ... et dois tout refaire mot à mot avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point ... Merci de votre aide !

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet
Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :
Do your best, I trust You!
Correction en ligne le jeudi 22 décembre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Message de here4u posté le 08-12-2022 à 18:32:35 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!

Here is the new topic for you to write about... I hope many of you will participate enthusiatically...

You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes...

Here is today's topic:
"What's your favourite activity during your leisure time?"(130 to 150 words) (No confession is required... You may invent what you write to fit your purpose...)
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger … Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... . Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie ... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail ... et dois tout refaire mot à mot avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point ... Merci de votre aide !

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant : Lien internet

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :

Correction en ligne le jeudi 22 décembre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de here4u, postée le 09-12-2022 à 12:30:07 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here is our first EXPRESSION 28. Les indications en bleu seront acceptées jusque demain soir (10/12) et les suggestions en vert dès le 11/12 au matin.
Lorsqu'un membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs ou maladresses (bleu), souvenez-vous que votre indication se fait à partir de cette version du texte. Vous avez donc à vous prononcer sur le texte initial en même temps que sur les indications de fautes proposées ... (ceci évitera les versions multiples de "corrections" presque identiques à la fin ...)

EXPRESSION N°1: Please Help, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is: to walk.
It's a free exercise, you can do it when and where you want, you don't need any special talent or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still get the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale 10 years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour of free time, I go out for a walk; Whatever, the weather: Hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take pleasure to walk randomly in the streets of the cities, to discover historical monuments as much as go hiking
along the rivers or in the seaside. I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing on rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. And in addition with the walk I protect my health. env:160 mots

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de maxwell, postée le 11-12-2022 à 17:20:19 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: Please Help, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what you think is clumsy.
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is(: to walk.
It's a free exercise, you can do it when and where you want, you don't need any special talent or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (get the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale 10 years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour of free time, I go out for a walk; Whatever,(ponctuation) the weather: (Hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take pleasure (to walk randomly in the streets of the cities, (to discover historical monuments as much as go hiking
along the rivers or in the seaside. I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing on rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. (And in addition with the walk I protect my health. pas très clair env:160 mots
EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is (going for a walk.
It's a free exercise, you can do it (whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special (skill or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (use the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale (ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour (to spare, I go out for a walk: Whatever the weather: (hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take pleasure (walking randomly in the streets of the cities, (discovering (1) historical monuments as (well as (going hiking along the rivers or (at the seaside. I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing (rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. (Besides, while walking, I protect my health! (2) env:160 mots
(1) si on met "to discover" : il y a une intention de visiter des monuments historiques, qui est contradictoire avec le fait de se promener au hasard dans les rues
(2) Tel que c'est exprimé (And in addition with the walk), on ne sait pas si l'auteur veut dire : En plus du plaisir de marcher, c'est bon pour la santé ; ou bien s'il veut dire : En plus de l'activité de marcher, j'ai une autre activité qui est de protéger ma santé. Je vais partir sur la 1ère idée qui me paraît la plus probable...

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de amalia80, postée le 12-12-2022 à 12:38:58 (S | E)
j'ai repris les excellentes suggestions de Maxwell et je vais essayer d'y ajouter les miennes.
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is (going for a walk(walking
It's a free exercise, you can do it (whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special (skill or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (use the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale (ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour (to spare, I go out for a walk: Whatever the weather(is: (hot sunshine, wind or rain; nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take(as much pleasure (walking randomly in the streets of the cities, (discovering historical monuments as (I do in hiking along the rivers or by the sea.
I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing( rocks or mountains.
A long- distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails.Besides, walking is good for my health!
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de magie8, postée le 13-12-2022 à 03:18:13 (S | E)
bonjour excellentes corrections et remarques , here my suggestions:
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is (going for a walk(walking
It's a free exercise, you can do it (whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special (skill or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (use the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale (ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour (to spare, I go out for a walk: Whatever the weather(is: (hot sunshine, wind or rain; nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take(as much pleasure (walking randomly in the streets of the cities, (finding out historical monuments as (I do in hiking along the rivers or by the sea.
I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing( rocks or mountains.
A long- distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails.# And icing on the cake, is that the walk keeps me healthy
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de here4u, postée le 13-12-2022 à 14:47:17 (S | E)
Hello dear workers!

EXPRESSION N°2: We need your HELP!

What can be more magical than riding with your nose in the wind and your heart light and happy?
This is how,five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say:"It's for young people!" You are wrong. A lot of members of our group are elderly and fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is velotourism!.
160 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de maxwell, postée le 13-12-2022 à 20:10:16 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: mistakes and clumsiness
What can be more magical than riding with your nose in the wind and your heart light and happy?
This is how,five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say:"It's for young people!" You (are wrong. A lot of members of our group (are (1)elderly and fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is (velotourism!.
160 words
(1) Soit le temps est incorrect, soit il manque du contexte. Les paragraphes précédents relataient des faits passés et brusquement, on parle d'un groupe au présent. Quel groupe ? Cela mérite quelques mots. (on peut deviner, mais on est obligé d'interpréter...)

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de amalia80, postée le 15-12-2022 à 12:46:52 (S | E)
What can be more magical than riding with your nose in the wind and your heart light and happy?
This is how,five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say:"It's for young people!" You ( would be wrong :. (x in our group of friends we are currently elderly and still fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is * (cyclotourism!
160 words
x Si je précise tout de suite de quel groupe il s'agit,ma dernière phrase n'a plus lieu d'être, et c'est la conclusion de ma production.Je laisse le présent car actuellement, dans ce groupe,nous sommes toujours agés mais en forme .
* Je change velotourism qui gène Maxwell

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de maxwell, postée le 15-12-2022 à 20:54:09 (S | E)
What can be more magical than riding with your nose in the wind and your heart light and happy?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We (rode an average of 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say: "It's for young people!" (yet you (would be wrong: (in our group of friends, we are currently elderly and still fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is (bicycle touring!
Je suis reparti de la correction d'Amalia mais en remettant les espaces là où il fallait et en changeant parfois la ponctuation

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de here4u, postée le 18-12-2022 à 12:32:49 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is EXPRESSION N°3. Please HELP, as usual, (indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what is clumsy...)

My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing all Here4U's exercises!
Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more I learn vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties.
I particularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity makes me work my brains, which is all the more essential as I'm getting older. For example, "Our story" gives me an opportunity to imagine a sequel to a story, and express it in a concise manner. "Playing with words" is a challenging game in which I need to use compulsory words to make the shortest sentence... Yet, what seems to be an easier exercise (translating into French) is full of surprises and very educational.
Of course, I have other interests, but more often than not, I prioritise Here4U's exercises other the other activities.
170 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de amalia80, postée le 18-12-2022 à 19:41:29 (S | E)
Here is EXPRESSION N°3. Please HELP, as usual, (indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what is clumsy...)
My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing all Here4U's exercises!
Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more I learn vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties . .
I particularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity makesme work my brains , , which is all the more essential as I'm getting older. For example, "Our story" gives me an opportunity to imagine a sequel to a story, and x express it in a concise manner. "Playing with words" is a challenging game in which I need to use compulsory words to make the shortest sentence... Yet, what seems to be an easier exercise (translating into French) is full of surprises and very educational.
Of course, I have other interests, but more often than not , Iprioritise Here4U's exercises other the other activities.
170 words
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de here4u, postée le 20-12-2022 à 08:37:49 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Green allowed.

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de amalia80, postée le 20-12-2022 à 11:00:43 (S | E)
Expression N°3 suggestions
My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing all HERE4U's exercises! Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me to keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties I learn.
I partcularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity makes my brain work, which is all the more essential as I'm getting older.For exemple, "Our story" gives me an opportunity to imagine the continuation of a story, and (to express it in a concise manner."Playing with words" is a challenging game in which I have to use compulsory words to make the shortest sentence. Yet , what seems to be an easier exercise (translating into French) is full of surprises and very educational.
Of course, I have other interests, but most of the time, I give priority to HERE4U's exercises over other activities.
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de here4u, postée le 22-12-2022 à 22:57:19 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers,

[Hum .... Mon travail a "verdi" pendant la nuit .... Etrange ... Je vais essayer de trouver le bug, mais on dirait qu'il vient de plus haut ...
Je ferai ce que je pourrai en attendant Lucile (

Voici vos suggestions et les miennes concernant les EXPRESSIONS produites sur le sujet donné. Elles étaient bonnes et les corrections satisfaisantes. Bravo, donc, et merci.

EXPRESSION N°1: indications 1:
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is ( : to walk.
It's a free exercise, you can do it when and where you want, you don't need any special talent or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (get the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale 10 years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour of free time, I go out for a walk; (Whatever,(ponctuation) the weather: (Hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take pleasure (to walk randomly in the streets of the cities, (to discover historical monuments as much as go hiking along the rivers or (in the seaside. I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing on rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. (And in addition with the walk I protect my health. pas très clair env:160 mots Bonnes remarques.

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is (going for a walk.
It's a free exercise, you can do it (whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special (skill or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (use B the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale (ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour (to spare TB , I go out for a walk: (Whatever the weather: (hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take pleasure XX(walking randomly in the streets of the cities, (discovering (1) historical monuments as (well as (going hiking along the rivers or (at the seaside. I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing (rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. (Besides, while walking, I protect my health! (2) env:160 mots TB correction.

(1) si on met "to discover": il y a une intention de visiter des monuments historiques, ce qui est contradictoire avec le fait de se promener au hasard dans les rues. OK
(2) Tel que c'est exprimé (And in addition (with the walk), on ne sait pas si l'auteur veut dire : En plus du plaisir de marcher, c'est bon pour la santé ; ou bien s'il veut dire : En plus de l'activité de marcher, j'ai une autre activité qui est de protéger ma santé. Je vais partir sur la 1ère idée qui me paraît la plus probable...
Une T bonne correction.

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions 2:
j'ai repris les excellentes suggestions de Maxwell et je vais essayer d'y ajouter les miennes. B ! C’est ce qu’il faut faire.
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is (going for a walk(walking
It's a free exercise, you can do it (whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special (skill or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (use the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale (ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour (to spare, I go out for a walk: (Whatever the weather(is:Bonne correction. (hot sunshine, wind or rain; nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take(as much pleasure (walking randomly in the streets of the cities, (discovering historical monuments as (I do (in) hiking along the rivers or by the sea.
I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing( rocks or mountains.B
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. Besides, walking is good for my health! TBonne correction.

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions 3:
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is (going for a walk/(walking
It's a free exercise, you can do it (whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special (skill or expensive equipment. B
Personally, I still (use the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale (ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour (to spare, I go out for a walk: Whatever the weather(is: (hot sunshine, wind or rain; nothing can stop me.B
Believe me, I take(as much pleasure (walking randomly in the streets of the cities, (finding out historical monuments as (I do in hiking along the rivers or by the sea.
I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing (rocks or mountains. B
A long- distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. And icing on the cake, is that the walk keeps me healthy TB
My reactions to the original text:
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is: (to walk.
It's a free exercise, you can do it when and where you want, you don't need any special talent or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still (get the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale 10 years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour of free time, I go out for a walk; (Whatever, the weather (1) (Hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take (pleasure to walk (2)randomly in the streets of the cities, (to discover historical monuments as much as XX go hiking along the rivers or (in the seaside(3). I also like good walks in the forest and even (climbing on rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek (4)all day for a week on the walking trails. And (5)(in addition with the walk) I protect my health. env:160 mots Bien!

(1) Revoir la construction.
(2) To take pleasure : Lien internet
(3) Au bord de la mer : Lien internet
(4) Une randonnée : a hike/ a ramble/ a walk/ a trek/
(5) En plus de : Lien internet
as well as/ in addition to sth/ sb// on top of sth/
EXPRESSION N°2: indications 1:
What can be more magical than riding with your nose in the wind and (your heart light and happy?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products. TB
You might say:"It's for young people!" You (are wrong. A lot of members of our group (are (1)elderly and fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is (velotourism!.
160 words TB

(1) Soit le temps est incorrect, soit il manque du contexte. Les paragraphes précédents relataient des faits passés et brusquement, on parle d'un groupe au présent. Quel groupe ? Cela mérite quelques mots. (on peut deviner, mais on est obligé d'interpréter...)[ Oui, c’est possible ! mais ça ne m’a pas vraiment gênée … Mon sens de l’induction doit bien marcher !

EXPRESSION 2: Suggestions N°1:
What can be more magical than riding with your nose in the wind and your heart light and happy?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.B
You might say:"It's for young people!" You ( would be wrong :. (x in our group of friends we are currently elderly and still fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is * (cyclotourism!
160 words
x Si je précise tout de suite de quel groupe il s'agit, ma dernière phrase n'a plus lieu d'être, et c'est la conclusion de ma production.Je laisse le présent car actuellement, dans ce groupe,nous sommes toujours âgés mais en forme . [ça se défend !]
* Je change velotourism qui gêne Maxwell, mais le terme apparaît dans le Linguee. [Je n'ai pas trouvé !

What can be more magical than riding with your nose in the wind and your heart light and happy?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We (rode an average of 50km a day OK à mon avis, c’est mieux …) , and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say: "It's for young people!" (yet you (would be wrong: (in our group of friends, we are currently elderly and still fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is (bicycle touring!
Je suis reparti de la correction d'Amalia mais en remettant les espaces là où il fallait (

EXPRESSION N°2 : my reactions to the original text:
What can be more magical than riding (a bike) with your nose in the wind and (your heart light and happy?(a light and happy heart ( ?))
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses. TB
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say: "It's for young people!" You are wrong. A lot of members of our group are elderly and fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart XXX *and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is velotourism!.(bicycle touring)
160 words TTB. Bravo !
*Pour moi, ici, il manque un nom : heart rate/ heart beat/ heart rhythm??? A heart isn't a "physiological function", it's an organ.
Une bonne expression.

My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing all XX Here4U's exercises!
Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more I learn vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties.(construction à revoir !)
I particularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity makes me work my brains, (à revoir) which is all the more essential as I'm getting older.

Of course, I have other interests, but more often than not, I prioritise Here4U's exercises (other the other activities.
170 words TTB
Lien internet
EXPRESSION N°3: indications 1:
My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing all Here4U's exercises!
Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more I learn vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties .
I particularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity makesme work my brains , which is all the more essential as I'm getting older. For example, "Our story" gives me an opportunity to imagine a sequel to a story, and x express it in a concise manner. "Playing with words" is a challenging game in which I need to use compulsory words to make the shortest sentence... Yet, what seems to be an easier exercise (translating into French) is full of surprises and very educational.
Of course, I have other interests, but more often than not , I prioritise Here4U's exercises other the other activities.
170 words Bonne expression.

Expression N°3: suggestions:
My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing (all HERE4U's exercises! Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me (to) keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more (vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties I learn.
I particularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity (makes my brain work, which is all the more essential as I'm getting older. For exemple, "Our story" gives me an opportunity to imagine (the continuation of a story, and (to express it in a concise manner."Playing with words" is a challenging game in which I(have to use compulsory words to make the shortest sentence. Yet, what seems to be an easier exercise (translating into French) is full of surprises and very educational.
Of course, I have other interests, but (most of the time, I(give priority to HERE4U's exercises (over other activities. TB correction.

Vous avez, comme d'habitude, la possibilité de réécrire tout ou partie(s) d'un FOLLOW up WORK concernant les trois EXPRESSIONS. N'hésitez pas à le faire !

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-12-2022 09:56
Bug couleur réparé; c'était le cadeau de Noël d'amalia ...oops !!!
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de amalia80, postée le 23-12-2022 à 08:27:50 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2 : follow up
What can be more magical than riding a bike with your nose in the wind ,( feeling light and happy?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say: "It's for young people!" You are wrong. A lot of members of our group are elderly and fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart ( rhythm and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is bicycle touring.
160 words
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de amalia80, postée le 24-12-2022 à 07:06:16 (S | E)
Lucile et Here4u ,je suis vraiment désolée de vous avoir donné du travail supplémentaire; je ne comprends pas ce qui s'est passé,il est vrai que je ne suis pas très douée avec le clavier. A l'avenir , j'essayerai d'être plus attentive.
Je vous souhaite un très joyeux Noël.
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de maxwell, postée le 24-12-2022 à 11:54:49 (S | E)
Merry Christmas to you all!

Follow-up work:
EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions
In my leisure time, my favorite thing to do is going for a walk.
It's a free exercise, you can do it whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special skill or expensive equipment.
Personally, I still use the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour to spare, I go out for a walk: (no matter what(1) the weather (is: hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take pleasure (in (2) walking randomly in the streets of the cities, discovering historical monuments as well as going hiking along the rivers or at the seaside. I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. Besides, while walking, I protect my health!
(1) est-ce que tu pourrais expliciter ce qui n'allait pas puisque tu as laissé W en bleu ?
Pouvait-on par exemple simplement dire : no matter the weather?
(2) En lisant tes remarques sur les suggestions 2 et 3, je n'ai pas compris pourquoi 'in' devient cette fois superflu voire en trop ? (après pleasure) dans la phrase :
I take as much pleasure walking randomly in the streets of the cities, discovering historical monuments as I do (in) hiking along the rivers or by the sea.
EXPRESSION 2: Final suggestions
What can be more magical than riding (a bike with your nose in the wind and (a light and happy heart?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We rode an average of 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say: "It's for young people!" yet you would be wrong: in our group of friends, we are currently elderly and still fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as (cardiovascular health and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is bicycle touring!
EXPRESSION N°3: Final suggestions
My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing all (of Here4U's exercises!
Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties (I learn.
I particularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity (makes my brains work, which is all the more essential as I'm getting older. For example, "Our story" gives me an opportunity to imagine a (continuation (1) to a story, and (to express it in a concise manner. "Playing with words" is a challenging game in which I need to use compulsory words to make the shortest sentence... (Finally, what seems to be an easier exercise (translating into French) is full of surprises and very educational.
Of course, I have other interests, but more often than not, I prioritise Here4U's exercises (over the other activities.
(1) pourquoi sequel n'était-il pas approprié ?
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de here4u, postée le 09-01-2023 à 00:04:41 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Très en retard pour le travail de correction des FuW... Sorry...

Je commence juste car je suis tellement "on edge" après la journée de transfert de corrections que je ne pourrai pas me détendre, de toutes façons ... Autant rester sur ma lancée !
Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de amalia80, postée le 23-12-2022 à 08:27:50 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2 : follow up
What can be more magical than riding a bike with your nose in the wind ,( feeling light and happy?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We averaged 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses. TB
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods, and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say: "It's for young people!" You are wrong. A lot of members of our group are elderly and fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as heart ( rhythm and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is bicycle touring. TTB. Bravo.

Réponse : Let's Suggest /28 de maxwell, postée le 24-12-2022 à 11:54:49 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions
In my leisure time, my favorite thing (activity)
It's a free exercise, you can do it whenever and wherever you want, you don't need any special skill or expensive equipment.TB
Personally, I still use the same good pair of shoes I bought on sale ten years ago.
As soon as I have half an hour to spare, I go out for a walk: (no matter what(1) the weather (is: hot sunshine, wind or rain, nothing can stop me.
Believe me, I take pleasure (in (2) walking randomly in the streets of the cities, discovering historical monuments as well as going hiking along the rivers or at the seaside. I also like good walks in the forest and even climbing rocks or mountains.
A long-distance hike doesn't scare me, I can trek all day for a week on the walking trails. Besides, while walking, I protect my health!
(1) est-ce que tu pourrais expliciter ce qui n'allait pas puisque tu as laissé W en bleu ? (après : on ne met pas de majuscule ... c'est tout ! Eh oh ... C'est toi le spécialiste de la ponctuation ...

Pouvait-on par exemple simplement dire : no matter the weather? Après vérifications, on peut ... mais moi, je ne veux pas!

(2) En lisant tes remarques sur les suggestions 2 et 3, je n'ai pas compris pourquoi 'in' devient cette fois superflu voire en trop ? (après pleasure) dans la phrase :
I take as much pleasure walking randomly in the streets of the cities, discovering historical monuments as I do (in) hiking along the rivers or by the sea. (même le premier "in", je ne le mettrais pas ... je dois être très paresseuse ...

EXPRESSION 2: Final suggestions
What can be more magical than riding (a bike with your nose in the wind and (a light and happy heart?
This is how, five years ago, my husband and I travelled the 180km from Blois to Angers. We rode an average of 50km a day, and stopped at night in small hotels or guest-houses.
Along this majestic and royal river, the Loire, we discovered some castles that we did not know yet, and admired landscapes of great beauty that car passengers cannot really appreciate.
Depending on our moods and our degree of tiredness and hunger, we stopped for a picnic in the shade or on the terrace of a small inn offering regional products.
You might say: "It's for young people!" yet you would be wrong: in our group of friends, we are currently elderly and still fit. Cycling improves many physiological functions, such as (cardiovascular health and blood circulation. Pedaling strengthens muscles and bones and helps to reduce anxiety.
Of course, you don't need a drawing to understand that my favourite hobby is bicycle touring! Parfait !(pour moi!)

EXPRESSION N°3: Final suggestions
My favourite activity during my leisure time is doing all (of Here4U's exercises!
Whenever I can spare half an hour, I make progress on her exercises so that I can meet her deadlines.
It helps me keep my English correct. The more I practise, the more vocabulary, idioms and grammatical difficulties (I learn.TTB
I particularly appreciate whenever she gives an explanation for all our mistakes. I write them down to memorise better.
Moreover, this activity (makes my brains work, which is all the more essential as I'm getting older.

Of course, I have other interests, but more often than not, I prioritise Here4U's exercises (over the other activities. TTTB
(1) pourquoi sequel n'était-il pas approprié ? Cambridge Dictionary: sequel- noun [ C ]
UK /ˈsiː.kwəl/ US /ˈsiː.kwəl/
a book, film, or play that continues the story of a previous book, etc.: (je croyais avoir mis le lien ... Sorry!)
160 words
Désolée d'avoir tant tardé ... J'avais au début, "oublié", et ensuite je devais assurer les autres corrections ! N'hésitez pas à me rappeler à l'ordre assez vite ...

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