Let's suggest/35
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Message de here4u posté le 26-03-2023 à 12:42:35 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear writers!
Another new topic for you to write about. I hope many will participate enthusiastically, and that you'll do it as well as ever...
You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes,
because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct! 
Here is today's topic:
"Is it always better to tell the truth?" Give your opinion in 140 to 160 words.
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger...
Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger… Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)
Pour me faciliter le transfert des corrections successives de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un "(" le mot ou segment de phrase qui devrai(en)t être modifié(s), s'il vous plaît ? 
ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail... et dois tout refaire mot à mot en direct avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point au moment de la correction finale...
Merci de votre aide ! 
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet
Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :
** Do your best, I trust You! 
Correction en ligne le mardi 11 avril 2023.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Message de here4u posté le 26-03-2023 à 12:42:35 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear writers!

Another new topic for you to write about. I hope many will participate enthusiastically, and that you'll do it as well as ever...

You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes,

Here is today's topic:
"Is it always better to tell the truth?" Give your opinion in 140 to 160 words.
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger...

ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail... et dois tout refaire mot à mot en direct avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point au moment de la correction finale...

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :

Correction en ligne le mardi 11 avril 2023.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 27-03-2023 à 11:42:30 (S | E)
hello Dears!

here is the first EXPRESSION to work on! Please, help, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what's clumsy...
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" Every truth is not good to say," Léon Bloy even adds :" there are others in greater number which are not better to hear.
Sometimes is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie, a unspoken can poison a lifetime even several generations and always end up knowing.
In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
Only there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom it is taught. 140_ mots
Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de amalia80, postée le 27-03-2023 à 14:34:05 (S | E)
here is the first EXPRESSION to work on! Please, help, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what's clumsy...
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" Every truth is not good to say," Léon Bloy even adds :" there are others in greater number which are not better to hear.
Sometimes is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie,(a unspoken x a can poison a lifetime even several generations and always ( end up knowing.
In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
Only there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom ( it is taught. 140_ mots

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de magie8, postée le 30-03-2023 à 10:59:45 (S | E)
Hello! voici mon essai de correction avec l'aide des indications d' Amalia que je remercie

expression 1
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" Every truth is not good to say," Léon Bloy even adds :" there are others in greater number which are not better to hear.
Sometimes is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie,( or an unspoken secret can poison a lifetime even several generations and always ( ends up finding out. .
In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
Only there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom ( we tell it . 140_ mots
Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 30-03-2023 à 11:24:33 (S | E)

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de amalia80, postée le 30-03-2023 à 12:27:43 (S | E)
number1: suggestions(j'ai repris après les corrections de Magie)
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" Every truth is not good to say," Léon Bloy even adds :" there are others in greater number which are not better to hear.
Sometimes(it is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie,( or an unspoken secret can poison a lifetime even several generations and always ( ends up finding out. .
In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
Only there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom (you are telling it to . 140_ mots
Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 04-04-2023 à 14:06:31 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Voici très en retard, EXPRESSION N°2: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what's clumsy... [blue => 06/04 green allowed on April 7th]
From childhood, we are taught that only the truth is good, and lying is bad; and that we must tell the whole truth to keep our pride and the trust of those around us.
Sometimes, it takes courage to tell the truth when we have done something wrong; but lying can have serious consequences for ourselves and for others. Besides, isn't there a proverb saying » Fault confessed is half forgiven »?
However, when we become adults, we may ask ourselves whether all truth is good to say,
-How will my friend react if I tell her about her husband's infidelity?
-Should a doctor always tell the truth to a patient with a serious illness or should he keep the patient safe?
-And what if we were to judge those who revealed the truth to the enemy during the war, often under torture , and led to the arrests and even deaths of their friends?
Is it always better to tell the truth? The answer isn't obvious and there are many elements to consider. 160 Words
Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 06-04-2023 à 09:50:24 (S | E)

No volunteers to help?

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 06-04-2023 à 21:59:53 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

EXPRESSION N°2: just a little help...
From childhood, we are taught that only the truth is good, and lying is bad; and that we must tell the whole truth to keep our pride and the trust of those around us. B
Sometimes, it takes courage to tell the truth when we have done something wrong; but lying can have serious consequences for ourselves and for others. Besides, isn't there a proverb saying » Fault confessed is half forgiven »?
However, when we become adults, we may ask ourselves whether all truth is good to say,
-How will my friend react if I tell her about her husband's infidelity?
-Should a doctor always tell the truth to a patient with a serious illness or should he keep the patient safe???[Is this the right word? and it's not quite the same problem, is it?...]
-And what if we were to judge those who revealed the truth to the enemy during the war, often under torture , and led to the arrests and even deaths of their friends? [Still another problem...]
Is it always better to tell the truth? The answer isn't obvious and there are many elements to consider. 160 Words
TB! But I prefer answers to questions...

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de amalia80, postée le 07-04-2023 à 08:39:04 (S | E)
Hello, dears!
From childhood, we are taught that only the truth is good, and lying is bad; and that we must tell the whole truth to keep our pride and the trust of those around us.
Sometimes, it takes courage to tell the truth when we have done something wrong; but lying can have serious consequences for ourselves and for others. Besides, isn't there a proverb saying » (A fault confessed is half forgiven »?
However, when we become adults, we may ask ourselves whether all truth is good to ( tell,
-How will my friend react if I tell her about her husband's infidelity?
-Should a doctor always tell the truth to a patient with a serious illness or should he ( preserve him ? ?
-And what if we were to judge those who revealed the truth to the enemy during the war, often under torture , and led to the arrests and even deaths of their friends?
Is it always better to tell the truth? The answer isn't obvious and there are many elements to consider. 160 Words
Hello Here4u!

In 150 words I can only ask questions, otherwise it would be a real, but very interesting , dissertation

Thank you

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 07-04-2023 à 13:38:43 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N°3: Please, help, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what's clumsy...
« The truth make you free…» « Good children always must say the truth »… »Don’t lye ! » « if you lye, you’d be punished », « Lier, lier, your a lier »… We hear that without ends when we’re kids…
But, older than, we realize that this is false. If we don’t lye, we suffer and the people suffer also. If I said that I don’t love you you will suffer… so, I say I love you and your happy. The parents always lye to kids ! If your good you’d have the happiness and friends and money. But this is not truth and when we become old, we lye too… because we know that truth is hard and difficult so we lye our son and daugters. That’s all ! 128

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de amalia80, postée le 07-04-2023 à 15:58:54 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3: Please, help, indicating possible mistakes in blue and underlining what's clumsy...
« The truth( make you free…» « Good children ( always must say the truth »… »Don’t( lye ! » « if you ( lye, you ( 'd be punished », « ( Lier, lier your a lier" »… We hear that( without ends when we’re kids…
But,(older than , we realize that this is false. If we don’t ( lye, we suffer and ( the people suffer also . If I ( said I don’t love you, you will suffer… so, I say I love you and ( your happy. ( The parents always ( lye to x kids ! ** // ** your good you ('d have the happiness and friends and money. But this is not ( truth and when we(become old , we ( lye too… because we know that truth is hard and difficult so we( lye x our( son and daugters . That’s all ! 128
Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 10-04-2023 à 08:57:21 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Green allowed !

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 11-04-2023 à 22:28:05 (S | E)

No green? What a pity...

Here are your "corrections":
EXPRESSION N°1: texte initial et mes remarques préliminaires.
If I refer to the proverb:"(Every truth is not good to (say," Léon Bloy* even adds :"there are others in greater number which are not better (to hear.
Sometimes XX (il manque un sujet,)is better to hide the truth,( ; ponctuation ?) we can lie by omission, or by charity.
We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie, (a unspoken ? où est le nom ? )can poison a lifetime even several generations and always end up (knowing. ?? n’est pas clair du tout ! )
In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know (be told?/ tell?) the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
(Only there is (calque) a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom it is (taught. 140 mots

EXPRESSION N°1: indications N°1:
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" Every truth is not good to (say," (Léon Bloy even adds :" there are others in greater number which are not better to hear.
Sometimes XX is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie,(a unspoken x a can poison a lifetime even several generations and always (end up (knowing.
(In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
(Only there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom ( it is taught. 140_ mots
De bonnes corrections. C’est bien !

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions N°1:
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" Every truth is not good to say," (Léon Bloy even adds :" there are others in greater number which are not better to hear.
Sometimes XX is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie ,( or an unspoken secret TB can poison a lifetime even several generations and always end(s up (finding out. ??? Le mensonge ne trouve pas … il EST dévoilé !(d'où la nécessité d'un passif !)
(In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.B
(Only there is a way to announce a terrible (difficult?) truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom ( we tell it . 140_mots

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions N°2 : (corrections de Magie reprises)
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" Every truth is not good to say," (Léon Bloy even adds :" there are others in greater number which are not better (to hear.
Sometimes(it is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie,( or an unspoken secret can poison a lifetime even several generations and always
(ends up (finding out.
(In my opinion, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
(Only there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom (you are telling it (to . 140 mots

- TRES IMPORTANT: revoir la leçon : Lien internet
- Attention avant d’attribuer une citation à l’un ou l’autre… Souvent, beaucoup ont dit, ou répété, la phrase en question et
il convient de chercher pour trouver qui l’a dite le premier !
* Of course, Léon Bloy may have said this sentence… but he’s not the author, «the finder» of the « proverb ».In that case,
it’s better not to give names… et employer un passif (qui n’insiste pas sur l’auteur, mais sur la phrase.[«it was even added… »/ «it was said »…]
Not every bit of truth is fit to be told.// not all truths are worth telling
- Lien internet
Alexis Piron 1725 puis Beaumarchais 1784 ; Citer Shakespeare … c’est souvent être certain de ne « pas se tromper » !
- «others in greater number which are not better to hear.» ? Une forme passive serait ici plus logique et naturelle…J’ai trouvé : «Many others are not better heard » ???
EXPRESSION N°2 : texte initial et indications préliminaires :
From childhood, we are taught that only the truth is good, and lying is bad; and that we must tell the whole truth to keep
our pride and the trust of those around us. TB
Sometimes, it takes courage to tell the truth when we have done something wrong; but lying can have serious consequences
for ourselves and for others. Besides, isn't there a proverb saying (»X Fault confessed is half forgiven»?
OK However, when we become adults, we may ask ourselves whether all truth is good to (say,
-How will my friend react if I tell her about her husband's infidelity?
-Should a doctor always tell the truth to a patient with a serious illness or should he keep the patient (safe?not the right
word)(the problem is different here…)
-And what if we were to judge those who revealed the truth to the enemy during the war,(still another problem… that’s
«betrayal»!) often under torture(c’est encore moins le sujet !), and led to the arrests and even deaths of their friends?
Is it always better to tell the truth? The answer isn't obvious and there are many elements to consider. 160 Words Bien. TB expression.

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions N°1:
From childhood, we are taught that only the truth is good, and lying is bad; and that we must tell the whole truth to keep
our pride and the trust of those around us.
Sometimes, it takes courage to tell the truth when we have done something wrong; but lying can have serious consequences
for ourselves and for others. Besides, isn't there a proverb saying » (A fault confessed B is half forgiven»?
However, when we become adults, we may ask ourselves whether all truth is good to (tell, B
-How will my friend react if I tell her about her husband's infidelity?
-Should a doctor always tell the truth to a patient with a serious illness or should he (preserve him? ?
-And what if we were to judge those who revealed the truth to the enemy during the war, often under torture, and led to the arrests and even deaths of their friends?
Is it always better to tell the truth? The answer isn't obvious and there are many elements to consider. 160 Words

- "A fault confessed is half redressed"
- "To tell the truth…" "not all truth is good to be told"
- Pour répondre à des questions sans faire de dissertations…

«How will my friend react if I tell her about her husband's infidelity? »=> "I’m not sure my friend will appreciate if I
denounce her husband’s infidelity…"
- je continue à penser que dire la vérité (ou se taire) sous la torture n’est pas notre sujet ! Cet aspect de la question
serait plutôt du côté des "limites du courage"!
EXPRESSION N°3: texte initial et indications préliminaires:
« The truth (make you free…» « Good children (always must say the truth »… »Don’t (lye!»
«if you (lye, (you’d be punished», «(Lier, (lier, your a (lier»… We (hear
that (without ends when we’re kids…
But, older (than, we realize that (this is (false. If we don’t (lye, we suffer and the people suffer (also. If I said that I don’t love you (, you will suffer… so, I say I love you and (yourhappy. The parents always (lye to kids ! If (your good (you’d have (the happiness and friends and money. But (this is not( truth and when we (become old, we (lye too… because
we know that (XXX truth is hard and difficult so we (lye our son and daugters. That’s all ! 128
Attention aux fautes récurrentes : confusion lye/ lie // your/ you’re
EXPRESSION N°3: indications N°1:
«The truth( make you free…» « Good children (always must say the truth »… »Don’t(lye!»
« if you (lye, you ('d be punished », « (Lier, lier your a lier" »… We hear that(without ends when we’re kids…
But,(older than , we realize that this is false. If we don’t (lye, we suffer and (the people suffer also . If I ( said I don’t love you, you will suffer… so, I say I love you
and ( your happy. (The parents always (lye to x kids ! ** // ** your good you ('d have the happiness and friends and money. But this is not ( truth and when we(become old , we ( lye too… because we know that truth is hard and difficult so we( lye x our( son and daugters . That’s all ! 128
TBonnes indications des fautes !

Il me manque vraiment une version verte !

J'espère en avoir une en Follow up Work!
Un peu d'aide:
- "to tell the truth" est le contraire de "to tell lies" (a lie). Le verbe est "to lie" et est régulier. "to be lying". a liAr
- Ne pas confondre avec "to lay, I laid laid": poser à plat, pondre un oeuf ni avec "to lie, I lay lain": être allongé. "to be lying".
- Ne pas confondre : you're: you are et "your"+ Nom= adjectif possessif.
merci de vos travaux ... encore un petit effort pour l'EXPRESSION N°3, s'il vous plaît...

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de magie8, postée le 14-04-2023 à 01:29:32 (S | E)
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" NOT Every BIT OF truth is FIT to BE TOLD," (IT WAS EVEN ADDED :" there are others in greater number THAT are not better to hear(
Sometimes(it is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.
On the other hand,a lie,( or an unspoken secret can poison a lifetime even several generations and always THE TRUTH WILL BE FOUND OUT A DAY
( FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.
(OF COURSE there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom (you are telling it to 140 mots

j essaierai de faire la correction du no 3 mais je dois trouver le temps

Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de magie8, postée le 14-04-2023 à 06:39:03 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3: texte initial et indications préliminaires: hello Voici mon essai de correction d apres les indications
« The truth (makes you free…» or will set you free « Good children ( must always say the truth »… »Don’t (lie!»
«if you (lie, (you will be punished», «(Liar, (liar, you are a (liar»… We (heard
that ( constantly when we were kids…
But, (as we grow up we realise this is not true (. If we don’t (lie, we suffer and the people suffer ( too. If I said that I didn't love you (, you would suffer… Then I say: I love you and (you are happy. Parents always (lie to their kids ! If (you are kind (you will have ( happiness and friends and money. But (this is not( true and when we ( get older, we ( lie too… because
we know that ( the truth is hard and difficult so we (lie to our sons and daugters. That’s all ! 128
Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de amalia80, postée le 14-04-2023 à 08:19:55 (S | E)
Follow up number3
EXPRESSION N°3: indications N°1:
«The truth(makes you free…» « Good children ( should always tell the truth »… »Don’t(lie!»
« if you ( lie, you ( will be punished », « ( Liar, liar,you are a liar »… We( heard that( all the time when we were kids k
But,( when we grow up , we(realise that this is false. If we don’t (lie, we suffer and people suffer too . If I ( tell you I don’t love you, you will suffer… so, I tell you I love you
and ( you are happy. ( parents always (lie to their children If you are good you will be happy and you will have! friends and money. But this is not ( the truth and when we( get old , we (lie too… because we know the truth is hard and difficult so we( lie to our( sons and daughters . That’s all ! 128
Réponse : Let's suggest/35 de here4u, postée le 14-04-2023 à 15:27:04 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

Voici la relecture des exercices de Follow Up Work!

FOLLOW UP number 1
Is it always better to tell the truth?
If I refer to the proverb:" NOT Every BIT OF truth is FIT to BE TOLD," (IT WAS EVEN ADDED :" there are others in greater number THAT are not better to hear/ to be heard.
Sometimes (it is better to hide the truth, we can lie by omission, or by charity. We can admit there are pious lies, so as not to hurt, offend or discourage a person.B
On the other hand, a lie,( or an unspoken secret can poison a lifetime even several generations and
( FROM MY POINT OF VIEW/ As for me, even if it is unpleasant, I prefer to know the truth, nothing is worse than not knowing.

(OF COURSE there is a way to announce a terrible truth, we must use diplomacy, gentleness and empathy, support, cheer up the person to whom (you are telling it to 140 mots
Bonne correction.

EXPRESSION N°3: essai de correction d'après les indications
« The truth (makes you free…» or will set you free « Good children ( must always say the truth »… »Don’t (lie!» «if you (lie, (you will be punished», «(Liar, (liar, you are a (liar»… We (heard that ( constantly when we were kids…
But, (as we grow up we realise this is not true (. If we don’t (lie, we suffer and the people suffer ( too. If I said that I didn't love you (, you would suffer… Then I say: I love you and (you are happy. Parents always (lie to their kids! If (you are kind (you will have ( happiness and friends and money. But (this is not( true and when we ( get older, we ( lie too… because we know that ( the truth is hard and difficult so we (lie to our sons and daugters. That’s all ! 128
TBonne correction ! Bravo !

Follow up number3- EXPRESSION N°3: indications N°1:
«The truth(makes you free…» « Good children ( should always tell the truth »… »Don’t(lie!»
« if you ( lie, you ( will be punished », « ( Liar, liar,you are a liar »… We( heard that( all the time when we were kids , but,( when we grow up , we(realise that this is false. If we don’t (lie, we suffer and people suffer too . If I (tell you I don’t love you, you will suffer… so, I tell you I love you and (you are happy. ( parents always (lie to their children If you are good you will be happy and you will have friends and money. But this is not (the truth and when we( get old , we (lie too… because we know the truth is hard and difficult so we(lie to our(sons and daughters . That’s all ! 128
TBonne correction ! Bravo !

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