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Let's Suggest/ 43

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Let's Suggest/ 43
Message de here4u posté le 31-07-2023 à 22:13:07 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear writers!

Another new topic for you to write about. I hope many will participate enthusiastically, and that you'll do it as well as ever...

You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct!

Here is today's topic: "Do you prefer active holidays where you'll climb mountains or sail a boat, or would you rather have a good rest and do next to nothing...Why? " 140 to 160 words".

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul essai à la fois sera publié pour corriger… Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

IMPORTANT ! Pour me faciliter le transfert des corrections successives de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un "(" le mot ou segment de phrase qui devrai(en)t être modifié(s), s'il vous plaît ?
ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige au fur et à mesure avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail... et dois tout refaire mot à mot en direct avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point! Merci de votre aide !
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez : ou ou **
Do your best, I trust You!
Correction en ligne le mardi 8 août 2023.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.


Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 43 de here4u, postée le 02-08-2023 à 11:49:36 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Silly me had forgotten to post that first EXPRESSION (received yesterday! ) Sorry!

please indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

For my part, I take advantage of the vacations to explore new horizons, discover different places, meet other people, travel and visit major foreign capitals.
Also I do sport, in particular anything I can't do in my own region.
Yes, climbing mountains, sailing, paragliding, skydiving , visiting wildlife parks, and if it rains, it's no big deal, I go to museums and art galleries, or I enter in cathedrals and churches.
All this is good for my physical and intellectual health, and gives me lots of stories to tell my friends when I come back, and unforgettable memories.
Of course I take care of my children, I organise activities for them. Their father and I play with them . They share many activities with us, even if sometimes they prefer to go at the children club.
Holidays is time to take fun together in family.ENV 130 MOTS

a lot for your work and your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 43 de magie8, postée le 03-08-2023 à 10:43:36 (S | E)
Hello quelques fautes détectées
texte 1

For my part, I take advantage of the (vacations to explore new horizons, discover different places, meet other people, travel and visit major foreign (capitals.
Also, I do sport, in particular (anything I can't do in my own region.
Yes, climbing mountains, sailing, paragliding, skydiving , visiting wildlife parks, and if it rains, it's no big deal, I go to museums and art galleries, or I enter in cathedrals and churches.
All this is good for my physical and intellectual health, and gives me (lots of stories to tell my friends when I come back, and unforgettable memories.
Of course, I take care of my children, I organise activities for them. Their father and I play with them . They share many activities with us, even if sometimes they prefer to go(at the children club.Holidays (is time to take fun together (in family.ENV 130 MOTS

Je viens de voir que je me suis trompée de couleur, cela devait être bleu et je suis vraiment navrée car je n ai plus le temps de tout rectifier aujourd'hui je dois encore travailler sur la story et réviser mes cours pour pouvoir suivre la prochaine leçon et c' est l' heure de préparer le repas.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-08-2023 13:27
Couleurs modifiées, don't worry ...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 43 de here4u, postée le 06-08-2023 à 22:38:51 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Lucile for correcting the colour bug! and Magie for being so persevering!

EXPRESSION N°1: my indications:

For my part, I take advantage of the vacations to explore new horizons, discover different places, meet other people, travel and visit major foreign capitals.
Also, I do sport, in particular anything I can't do in my own region. (though it's not very clear)
Yes, climbing mountains, sailing, paragliding, skydiving, visiting wildlife parks, and if it rains, it's no big deal, I go to museums and art galleries, or I enter in cathedrals and churches.
All this is good for my physical and intellectual health, and gives me lots of stories to tell my friends when I come back, and unforgettable memories.
Of course, I take care of my children, I organise activities for them. Their father and I play with them. They share many activities with us, even if sometimes they prefer to go(at the children club. Holidays is XXX time to take fun together (in family.ENV 130 MOTS

Thanks for the suggestions... Green allowed

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 43 de magie8, postée le 08-08-2023 à 01:22:04 (S | E)
hello, J ai peu de temps , je fais ce que je peux

For my part, I take advantage of( my (holidays to explore new horizons, discover different places, meet other people, travel and visit major foreign ( cities.
Also, I( do some sports, in particular (every sport I can't do where I usually live:
(¨Per example, climbing mountains, sailing, paragliding, skydiving". (Then I visit wildlife parks, and if it rains, it's no big deal, I go to museums and art galleries, or I ( visit the cathedral and churches.
All this is good for my physical and intellectual health, and gives me (a of things to tell my friends when I come back, and unforgettable memories.
Of course, I take care of my children, I organise activities for them. Their father and I play with them. They share many activities with us, even if sometimes they prefer ( going (to the children club. Holidays is( the time to have fun together (with family.ENV 130 MOTS

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 43 de here4u, postée le 08-08-2023 à 10:05:44 (S | E)
Hello dear Magie and dear All,

a lot for your corrections and your precious time.
Last minute arrival of another text... Very little time to correct it... I'll see if some of you try something, if not, I'll do it...

EXPRESSION N°2: please, indicate possible mistakes, and underline what you think is clumsy.

When I think of holiday, I imagine empty beach and turquoise water. I see white and hot sand and I imagine I am sun tanned and drinking colored cocktails. For me to be in holiday is to do nothing, to have a real rest of our life of work and worries. I know some people think that doing nothing is a lost of time. They want to do parachute, bungy jumping, and so on. They think that they live when they do extraordinary things. I prefer to do nothing extraordinary, and being with the persons I love and show them that I love them. For me, holidays is just find the time to know who are we and what we really love.

for your help.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 43 de magie8, postée le 08-08-2023 à 13:40:43 (S | E)
DEAR HERE4U I would like but I couldn't put in blue it takes too much time I am sorry but it is pensum for me 🙃

Réponse : Let's Suggest/ 43 de here4u, postée le 08-08-2023 à 21:36:44 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here are suggestions for the two EXPRESSIONS!

EXPRESSION N°1: my preliminary indications:

For my part, I take advantage of (the) vacation(s (1) to explore new horizons, discover different places, meet other people, travel and visit major foreign capitals.
Also I do sport (2), in particular anything I can't do in my own region.
Yes, climbing mountains, sailing, paragliding, skydiving , visiting wildlife parks(,* and if it rains, it's no big deal, I go to museums and art galleries, or (I enter (3) in cathedrals and churches.
All this is good for my physical and intellectual health, and gives me lots of stories to tell my friends when I come back, and unforgettable memories.
Of course I take care of my children, I organise activities for them. Their father and I play with them . They share many activities with us, even if sometimes they prefer to go (at(bien corrigé ensuite !) (the children club.(4)
(Holiday(s is X time to take fun together (in : as a family.ENV 130 MOTS

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions:
For my part, (I take advantage of my holidays to explore new horizons, discover different places, meet other people, travel and visit major foreign (cities.
Also, I( do some sports, in particular (every sport I can't do where I usually live¨(Per= For example, climbing mountains, sailing, paragliding, skydiving". (Then I visit wildlife parks, and if it rains, it's no big deal, I go to museums and art galleries, or I ( visit the cathedral and churches.TB
All this is good for my physical and intellectual health, and gives me (a LOT of things to tell my friends when I come back, and unforgettable memories.
Of course, I take care of my children, I organise activities for them. Their father and I play with them. They share many activities with us, even if sometimes they prefer ( going (to the (children club. (XHolidays is( the time to have fun together (with family.ENV 130 MOTS

Très très bonnes corrections ! Bravo, Magie !

(1) Vacation (sans S) est américain// holiday/ holidays (UK) [Attention ! aux US, « the Holidays » refer to the period at the end of December and beginning of January, including Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year ]
(2) In British English, you can "do sport". In American English you can "play sports". To practise : to train
* Là, je trouve que tu devrais couper… Tu changes de sujet et ta phrase est déjà très longue.
(3) to enter: to come or go into a particular place ; se construit sans particule ou préposition.
(4) the children’s club. Il s’agit bien du club des enfants.
(5) Holiday and holidays: (from English Grammar Today)
Holiday as a singular noun commonly refers to a specific day or event:
It’s a public holiday on Monday, isn’t it, so I suppose the banks’ll be closed?
She seems very tired and upset at the moment. She needs a holiday.
We booked a holiday online yesterday – two weeks in Greece.

We use the plural noun holidays and holiday in similar ways:
We are all going to Croatia for our holidays this year.
We are all going to Croatia for our holiday this year.

We often use on with holiday:
They’re very good friends. We first met them when we were on holiday in Morocco.
Not: … when we were in holiday … or … when we were at holiday … or … when we were on holidays …
Attention, cependant de ne pas mélanger un nom pluriel (holidays) avec un verbe singulier (is) …


When I think of holiday, I imagine empty (beach and turquoise water(s). I see white and hot sand and I imagine I am (sun tanned and drinking (colored cocktails. For me (to be (in holiday is (to do nothing, (to have (a real rest of our life of work and worries. I know some people think that doing nothing is a (lost of time. They want to do (parachute, (bungy jumping, and so on. They think that (they live when they do extraordinary things. I prefer (to do nothing extraordinary, and being with the persons I love and( show them that I love them. For me, (x holidays is just (find the time to know (who are we and what we really love.

Here are my suggestions:

- I imagine beaches
- Suntanned/// colourful cocktails
- Etre en vacances : being on holiday/ ne rien faire : doing nothing/ having some rest/ [escaping our work lives] / doing nothing extraordinary/ showing them…
- A waste of time/ to waste time
- Parachuting/ skydiving
- Bungee jumping
- They are alive
- Being on holiday is finding
- To know who we are and who/ what we really love.

Thanks again for your work, Magie


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