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Let's Suggest/44

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Let's Suggest/44
Message de here4u posté le 10-08-2023 à 12:13:53 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear writers!

Another new topic for you to write about. I hope many will participate enthusiastically, and that you'll do it as well as ever...

You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct!

Here is today's topic: "I do not have time!" "Time flies!" "If only I had enough time..." Do you think that you know how to "take" time? 140 to 160 words".

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :(modalités modifiées en direct pendant les grandes vacances.)
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul essai à la fois sera publié pour corriger… Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

IMPORTANT ! Pour me faciliter le transfert des corrections successives de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un "(" le mot ou segment de phrase qui devrai(en)t être modifié(s), s'il vous plaît ?
ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige au fur et à mesure avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail... et dois tout refaire mot à mot en direct avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point! Merci de votre aide !
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ce que vous en ferez : ou ou **
Do your best, I trust You!
Correction en ligne le lundi 28 août 2023.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.


Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 14-08-2023 à 14:17:22 (S | E)
Hello dears,
Wishing you a great month of August, I hope you can have a rest, enjoy your family and friends and work a little for yourselves, so as to be ready in September...

Expression n°1: please, indicate possible mistakes(or putting them in CAPITALS) and underline what is clumsy.

I think really that time misses me. Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast also. Sometimes I think that my time is counted and that every minutes lived are minutes lost for ever. I think we arrive in the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as good as possible and to have a meaning in your life...Be happy! This is very difficult. When we have children, we have won on time, because ours children can invent and do what we cannot do. Each children multiply the time we have. you can imagine this that each children is going to become and do and in a manner, it is giving you the eternity.

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de magie8, postée le 14-08-2023 à 15:19:18 (S | E)
Fautes eventuelles hello

Hello dears,

Expression n°1:

I( think really that time misses me. Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast also. Sometimes I think that my time is counted and that( every minutes lived[ [are minutes[] lost for ever. I think we arrive in the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as good as possible and to have a meaning in your life...Be happy! This is very difficult. When we have children,( we have won on time, because (ours children can invent and do what we cannot do. Each ( children multiply the time we have. you can imagine this that( each children is going to become and (do and in a manner, it is giving you (the) eternity.

Pour moi les couleurs et la ponctuation - c'est le vrai cauchemar -

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 15-08-2023 à 13:57:35 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Don’t forget that if you have problems with colours ( depending on the device you’re working on, and/ or the place you’re working from) you may simply put your indications and/ or suggestions in CAPITALS ( as suggested in the post above)…
For your effort…
(Indications till tomorrow night - my indications tomorrow morning - green allowed on Thursday morning).

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 15-08-2023 à 15:27:52 (S | E)

Hi dear Magie,
On dirait qu'il y a eu quelques bugs dans ton essai du 14/08 - 14h17.

Je vais essayer de rétablir ce que (je pense) tu as voulu faire...

I think really that time misses me. Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast also. Sometimes I think that my time is counted and that every minutes lived are minutes lost for ever. I think we arrive in the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as good as possible and to have a meaning in your life...Be happy! This is very difficult. When we have children, we have won on time, because ours children can invent and do what we cannot do. Each children multiply the time we have. you can imagine this that each children is going to become and do and in a manner, it is giving you the eternity.

To be continued...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 16-08-2023 à 23:16:44 (S | E)
Hello dears,

I (think really that time misses me. Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast also. Sometimes I think that my time is counted and that (every minutes lived[ [are minutes[] lost for ever. I think we arrive in the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as good as possible and to have a meaning in your life...Be happy! This is very difficult. When we have children,(we have won on time, because (ours children can invent and do what we cannot do. Each (children multiply the time we have. you can imagine this that( each children is going to become and (do and in a manner, it is giving you (the) eternity.

Green allowed

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de magie8, postée le 17-08-2023 à 08:56:17 (S | E)
Hello dears,

I ( REALLY think that I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast TOO. Sometimes I think that my time is counted and that (every MINUTE I LIVE is lost FOREVER. I think we COME INTO the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as WELL as possible and to GIVE meaning TO OUR LIVES...Be happy! This is very difficult. When we have children,(we GAIN A time BONUS, because (OUR children can invent and do what we ARE NOT ABLE TO do. Each (CHILD MULTIPLIES the time we have. you can imagine this, that( each CHILD is going to become and do (IN A WAY, THEY GIVE YOU, () eternity.

C' est mon green à moi à bientôt pour le suivant

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 17-08-2023 à 11:13:42 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Bravo et merci, Magie,
(ne t'inquiète pas, je remets tout en vert !)

EXPRESSION N°1: Magie's suggestions

I ( REALLY think that I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast TOO. Sometimes I think that my time is counted and that (every MINUTE I LIVE is lost FOREVER. I think we COME INTO the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as WELL as possible and to GIVE meaning TO OUR LIVES...Be happy! This is very difficult. When we have children,(we GAIN A time BONUS,(I don't know whether it is what the author meant...) because (OUR children can invent and do what we ARE NOT ABLE TO do.(? pourrait être sit plus clairement...) Each (CHILD MULTIPLIES the time we have. you can imagine this, that[astucieux, mais est-ce l'intention de l'auteur? not sure...]( each CHILD is going to become and do (IN A WAY, THEY GIVE YOU, () eternity.

a lot, Magie. Je laisse la possibilité à d'autres membres d'intervenir (on peut toujours espérer ! ) et posterai EXPRESSION N°2 ce soir tard ou demain.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 18-08-2023 à 10:30:32 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is:

EXPRESSION N°2: Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy.
You may put desired changes in (CAPITALS if it's easier for you...

Time is relative.
When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up, when you are older, time seems running at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.
Managing your time is a question of organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones.
We always find the time to do what we like, so it is better to do the most difficult things first.
Don't forget to keep time for you, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 22-08-2023 à 11:25:27 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here are my indications:

Time is relative.
When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up, when you are older, time seems running at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.
Managing your time is a question of organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones. (I hope I followed! )
We always find the time to do what we like, so it is better to do the most difficult things first.
Don't forget to keep time for you, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots

TBonne expression ! (revoir la ponctuation de la première phrase trop longue...) Green allowed.
3rd EXPRESSION coming tomorrow...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de magie8, postée le 23-08-2023 à 10:20:12 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Je ne vois pas grand chose à corriger

Time is relative.
When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up; When you are older, time seems running at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.
Managing your time is (just organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones.* (I hope I followed! )
We always find the time to do what we like, so it is better to do the most difficult things first.
Don't forget to keep time for you, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots

*Ce n' est pas moi qui aie crée les différentes méthodes de:" comment gérer son temps," c' est celle- ci que j' ai le mieux retenue. 😐

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 24-08-2023 à 15:44:04 (S | E)
Hello dears!

I thought I had posted this third expression late last night! I hadn't! Sorry! Here it is!

EXPRESSION N°3: please indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy.

time is money" the saying goes
time is too expensive that we cannot buy it in gold because every minute that passes in our life is our life that is diminishing, so we must take advantage of every minute that we have by progressing in our daily lives. Writing our diary which will be only a memory in the future, gardening which will be a good place to relax on sad days, or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active.
where are these people who are bored and that the others do not even have time to scratch their heads, of course the difference between these two types of people is that the first invests in time and the second unknowingly loses
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time to save them and give taste to their life which is dear 155 words

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de magie8, postée le 25-08-2023 à 07:50:12 (S | E)
hello ce qui pourrait etre ameliore d' apres moi!... pas certain ? 😇

time is money" the saying goes in
time is too expensive that we cannot buy it( in gold because every minute that passes in our life is our life that is diminishing, so we must take advantage of every minute that we have( by progressing in our daily lives. Writing our diary which( will be only a memory in the future(, gardening which will be a good place to relax on sad days, or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active.
where are these people who are bored and that the others do not even have time to scratch their heads, of course the difference between these two types of people is that the first invests in time and the second unknowingly loses
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time to save them and give taste to their life which is dear 155 words

Pour pouvoir faire une meilleure correction je voudrais comprendre ce que l' auteur veut dire:
1)We cannot buy it in gold/ - On ne peut pas l'acheter même avec de l'or ? (avec de l'or on ne peut rien acheter il faut faire du troc.)
je serais tentée de dire / - on ne peut pas l'échanger contre de l'or ?
2) Gardening which /- faire le jardin?, créer un jardin ...?gardening=le jardinage
3) A diary which will be only a memory/- only, Je pense que only ici est utilisé dans le sens de -tant, tellement- (sinon cela voudrait dire que ça ne sert pas à grand chose... ) only prête un peu à confusion.
Je ne voudrais plus voir écrit que: j'ai interpreté à ma façon, donc trahi la pensée de l'auteur.
Je n' ai pas vu de vraies grosses fautes bon texte, j' aime particulièrement la conclusion.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de magie8, postée le 27-08-2023 à 09:57:19 (S | E)
Hello je pense que c est le temps de mettre en vert

time is money" the saying goes in
time is (more expensive than gold ) because every minute that passes in our life is our life that is diminishing, so we must take advantage of every minute that we have( to progress) in our daily lives. Writing our diary which( will get a trip memory lane later, gardening ( to have a garden that )) will be a good place to relax on sad days, or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active.
where are these people who are bored and that the others do not even have time to scratch their heads, of course the difference between these two types of people is that the first invests in time and the second unknowingly loses.
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time to save them and give taste to their (lives) which (are precious)) 155 words

J' ai fait au mieux en fonction des indications de l'auteur pour rendre sa pensée plus claire en anglais.J'ai bien dû faire encore des nouvelles erreurs.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 27-08-2023 à 23:07:32 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Oui, il était temps de mettre en vert, mais je suis "un peu" débordée en ce moment ... Dernières "obligations" familiales (très agréables) avant les Rentrées ...

Merci magie pour ces indications/ suggestions qui me serviront de bases pour les suggestions d'améliorations de demain soir !

A demain, donc ! Sentez-vous libres de suggérer encore si vous avez des idées et du temps !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 28-08-2023 à 23:55:41 (S | E)
Expression n°1: indications N°1

I (think really that time (misses me.(1) Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast (also. Sometimes I think (that my time is counted(2) and that( every minutes lived[ [are minutes[] lost for ever. I (think we arrive in the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as (good as possible and to have/ find ? a meaning( ?) in your life...Be happy! (This is very difficult. When we have children,( we have won on time, because (ours children can invent and do what we (cannot do. Each ( children multiply the time we have. you can imagine (this that( each children is going to become and (do and in a manner, it is giving you (the) eternity.

(1) le verbe « to miss somebody » est construit à l’envers. I miss you : tu me manques [ Littéralement, si vous « devez » penser en français dites *« je manque de toi » [ comme on manque de chocolat !]
(2) my time is counted ? : my days are numbered/ I’m running out of time/ my time is running out/
- every + nom au singulier + pronoms au pluriel.
- every minutes lived: la construction est maladroite
- For ever/ forever/
- Devons-nous comprendre qu’en vivant aussi bien que possible, nous devons essayer de trouver un sens à nos vies, donc le but serait d’être heureux.
- have won on time: je pense comprendre que l’auteur veut dire qu’avoir un enfant nous donne un avantage dans notre course contre le Temps, puisque l’enfant continuera la vie, portera le nom de la personne. J’ai l’impression que l’auteur voit dans l’enfant une 2è chance de vivre sa propre vie… On pourrait discuter longtemps sur ces espoirs que l’enfant se doit de réaliser…

EXPRESSION N°1: Suggestions:
I (REALLY think that I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Holiday time is going fast, but work time is going fast TOO. Sometimes I think that my time is counted and that (every MINUTE I LIVE is lost FOREVER. I think we COME INTO the world with a time capital and then, we have to learn, and work, live as WELL as possible and (to GIVE meaning TO OUR LIVES...Be happy! (This is very difficult. When we have children,(we GAIN A time BONUS,[I don't know whether it is what the author meant...] because (OUR children can invent and do what we (ARE/ were?) NOT ABLE TO do.(? pourrait être dit plus clairement... [sans doute.]) Each (CHILD MULTIPLIES the time we have. you can imagine this, that[astucieux, mais est-ce l'intention de l'auteur? not sure...]( each CHILD is going to become and do (IN A WAY, THEY(children) GIVE YOU, () eternity.
Merci pour ces bonnes suggestions, Magie.


Do you think that you know how to "take" time? "

Time is relative.
When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up, when you are older, time seems XX XX running at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.
Managing your time is a question of organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones.
We always find the time to do what we like, so it is better to do the most difficult things first.
Don't forget to keep time for you, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots

my indications:

Time is relative.
When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up, when you are older, time seems XX XX running at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.
Managing your time is a question of organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones. (I hope I followed! )
We always find the time to do what we like, so it is better to do the most difficult things first.
Don't forget to keep time for you, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots

TBonne expression !(revoir la ponctuation de la première phrase trop longue...)


Time is relative.
When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up; When you are older, time seems XX XX running at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.*
Managing your time is (just organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones.* (I hope I followed! I’m not criticising, magie, I’m just admirative… I suppose we try to follow this pattern, more or less consciously when we feel we are « swamped ».)
We always find the time to do what we like (se discute…), so it is better to do the most difficult (or unpleasant ?)things first.
Don't forget to keep XXXX time for (you, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots
De bonnes suggestions.

- détail : pas de majuscules après un point virgule.
- * ici, l’article devant time se discute, mais je l’ai laissé car il peut être justifié par « le temps précis qui passe lorsque l’on attend, ou l’on est inactif ».


time is money" the saying goes
time is (too expensive that we cannot buy it in gold because every minute that passes in our life is our life that is diminishing, so we must take advantage of every minute that we have by progressing in our daily lives (phrase trop longue… Utiliser les liens logiques entres des segments de phrase assez courts !). Writing our diary which will be only a memory in the future, ?? lien ? gardening which will be a good place to relax on sad days, (??) or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active. Attention, ceci n’est pas une phrase… mais la juxtaposition de trois idées différentes. Il faut relier tout ceci logiquement…
(where are these people who are bored and that the others do not even have time to scratch their heads (I’m not sure I understand…), of course the difference between these two types of people is that the first XXX invests in time and the second XXX unknowingly loses
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time to save them ?and give taste to their (life which is dear 155 words

Magie’s indications:

time is money" the saying goes (in
time is too expensive that we cannot buy it (in gold because every minute that passes in our life is our life that is diminishing, so we must take advantage of every minute that we have(by progressing in our daily lives(.punctuation ?) Writing our diary which( will be only a memory in the future(, gardening which will be a good place to relax on sad days, or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active.
where are these people who are bored and that the others do not even have time to scratch their heads, of course the difference between these two types of people is that the first XXX invests in time and the second XXX unknowingly loses
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time to save them and give taste to their life which is dear 155 words

Magie a écrit : pour pouvoir faire une meilleure correction je voudrais comprendre ce que l' auteur veut dire:
1) We cannot buy it in gold/ - On ne peut pas l'acheter même avec de l'or ? (avec de l'or on ne peut rien acheter il faut faire du troc.) je serais tentée de dire / - ( on ne peut pas l'échanger contre de l'or ? Oui.
Le temps vaut tout l’or du monde . Time is worth all the riches of the world/ it's worth everything in the World/ That is worth all the gold in the world!
2) Gardening which /- faire le jardin?, créer un jardin ...?gardening=le jardinage Oui ! Nous sommes d’accord ! Pour que ce soit clair, il faudrait soit introduire l’énumération clairement, soit mettre des connecteurs logiques.
3) A diary which will be only a memory/- only, Je pense que only ici est utilisé dans le sens de -tant, tellement- ??? (sinon cela voudrait dire que ça ne sert pas à grand chose... ) only prête un peu à confusion. It is true that when people read it (which they shouldn’t !) a diary can be like a succession of memories…
Pour moi, « only » ne convient pas… cela diminue trop nettement la valeur d’un journal où l’auteur livre ses pensées les plus intimes, les plus précieuses.

L’auteur m'a envoyé ses explications :
1- "Le temps est plus cher que l'or"[= la vie est plus précieuse(je pense que c’est l’adjectif qui convient !) que tout l’or du monde ! D’accord avec cette pensée et cette phrase. ]
2- Faire du jardinage [ est un autre remède contre l’ennui]
3- Écrire ce qu'on vit maintenant pour qu'on puisse le relire dans le futur[ Donc, c’est pour l’auteur même que le journal est un souvenir…]


time is money" the saying goes in
time is (more expensive than gold ) because every minute that passes in our life is our life that is diminishing, so we must take advantage of every minute that we have(to progress) in our daily lives. Writing our diary which( will get a trip memory lane (bonne idée, mais revoir la formulation...)later, gardening (to have a garden that )) will be a good place to relax on sad days, or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active.
where are these people ??? who are bored and that the others do not even have time to scratch their heads, of course the difference between these two types of people is that the first XXX invests in time and the second XXX unknowingly loses. (loses what?)
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time to save them and give taste to their (lives) which (are precious))[YES! That's the word! "PRECIOUS"! 155 words

J'attends, et pour certains passages de ces trois EXPRESSIONS, j'espère un Follow up work de passages qui sont restés pour moi, un peu obscurs, ou qui auraient besoin d'être rendus un peu plus fluides. On peut toujours espérer !
Bravo et merci à vous trois qui avez bravement pris ce sujet difficile à pleines mains !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de magie8, postée le 29-08-2023 à 22:38:51 (S | E)
hello follow up expression 2

When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up; When you are older, time seems TO GO BY at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.
Managing your time is ( ONLY organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones.
We always find the time to do what we like (se discute…), so it is better to do the most (UNPLEASANT )things first.
Don't forget to keep SOME time for (you, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots


Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de magie8, postée le 29-08-2023 à 23:57:33 (S | E)
Suggestions: follow up 3

time is money" the saying goes in
time is ( WORTH more than ANY gold IN THE WORLD ) because every minute that passes in our life is our life that is diminishing, so we must take advantage of every minute that we have(to progress) in our daily lives. Writing our diary which( IS TAKING ME DOWN memory lane later, (to DO a garden that )) will BECOME a good place to relax on sad days, or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active.
WHAT ABOUT these people ??? who are bored and that the others ARE OVERWHELMED, of course the difference between these two is that SOME invest in time and OTHERS unknowingly lose IT . (loses what?)
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time to save them and give taste to their (lives) which (are precious))[YES! That's the word! "PRECIOUS"! 155 words


Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 30-08-2023 à 00:13:54 (S | E)
Don't worry Magie! You've done enough! You do have a right to be tired!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/44 de here4u, postée le 02-09-2023 à 22:06:07 (S | E)
Hello dear Magie and You all!

Follow up work: EXPRESSION N°2:

When you are a child, time seems long, because you can't wait to grow up; when you are older, time seems TO GO BY at breakneck speed.
It also depends if you are inactive or waiting for something or someone, the time seems longer.
Managing your time is ONLY/ simply organisation.
First do the urgent and important things, then the non-important urgent ones, and the most important non-urgent ones, lastly the non-important non- urgent ones.
We always find the time to do what we like, so it is better to do the most UNPLEASANT things first.
Don't forget to keep SOME time for (yourself, take care of yourself. Everything seems easier after a good laugh party or a short relaxation. env 135 mots
TBonnes suggestions. Bravo Magie

Follow up: EXPRESSION N°3:

Time is money" as the saying goes.
Time is (WORTH more than ANY gold IN THE WORLD ) because every minute that passes in our life means our life is diminishing; therefore,we must take advantage of every minute that we have(in order to progress) in our daily lives. Writing our diary which will be TAKING ME DOWN memory lane later; similarly, DOING a garden that will BECOME a good place to relax on sad days, or simply lying on a couch at home reading a novel which leaves our imagination always active.
WHAT ABOUT the people who are bored and that to others ARE OVERWHELMED, of course the difference between these two is that SOME invest in time and OTHERS unknowingly waste IT.
In conclusion we must give advice to people who waste their time, to help them and give taste to their lives which are precious! 155 words

Très bonnes suggestions ! (et une bonne EXPRESSION! ) BRAVO;


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