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Let's Suggest/46

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Let's Suggest/46
Message de here4u posté le 16-09-2023 à 11:18:30 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear writers!

Another new topic for you to write about. I hope many will participate enthusiastically, and that you'll do it as well as ever...

You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct them!

Here is today's topic: "Is the quality of life always ruined by technical progress?" (140 to 150 words.)

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice, modalités encore adaptées pour cette Rentrée de grandes vacances. )
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Très vite, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner votre « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul essai à la fois sera publié pour corriger… Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

IMPORTANT ! Pour me faciliter le transfert des corrections successives de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un "(" le mot ou segment de phrase qui devrai(en)t être modifié(s), s'il vous plaît ?
ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige au fur et à mesure avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail... et dois tout refaire mot à mot en direct avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point! Merci de votre aide !

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ce que vous en ferez : ou ou **
Do your best, I trust You!
Correction en ligne le vendredi 27 septembre 2023.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.


Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de here4u, postée le 17-09-2023 à 12:29:34 (S | E)
Hello dears,

A fast worker has sent me this EXPRESSION N°1: please indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy.

In my opinion, I can't say that technology has ruined people's lives.

Most manual, repetitive, dirty or dangerous tasks can now be replaced by robots. High medical technology saves lives and time.
Electricity and hot water straight from the tap in homes has transformed people's lives for the better, eliminating chores and bringing comfort.
On the other hand, now everything is moving too fast, there's no time to get used to a machine, or to wear out it, that a more sophisticated equipment is already on the market.
The result is a lot of wasted raw materials,energy and more pollution.
Technology has also changed the world of work by bringing in new professions and eliminating others. On the whole, there is less need for unqualified labour, which creates unemployment.
The danger is that people becoming progress slave and dependant lose the actual value of life. 145 words

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de magie8, postée le 19-09-2023 à 08:21:04 (S | E)
J' ai lu et relu ; je ne sais pas trop quoi corriger? je ne vois pas beaucoup de fautes et je ne sais pas comment dire mieux avec d'autres phrases. Certainement il doit y avoir quelques erreurs de ponctuation, ou de pluriel de verbes ou de noms ou des phrases mal construites mais qui ne m' interpellent pas.

In my opinion, I can't say that technology has ruined people's lives
Most manual, repetitive, dirty or dangerous tasks can now be replaced by robots. High medical technology saves lives and time.
Electricity and hot water straight from the tap in homes ( has transformed people's lives for () better, eliminating chores and bringing comfort.
On the other hand, now everything is moving too fast, there's no time to get used to a machine, or to wear out it, that a more sophisticated equipment is already on the market.
The result is a lot of wasted raw materials, energy and more pollution.
Technology has also changed the world of work by bringing in new professions and eliminating others. On the whole, there is less need for unqualified labour, which creates unemployment.
The danger is that people becoming progress slave and dependant lose (the actual value of life.) 145 words.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de here4u, postée le 19-09-2023 à 11:05:30 (S | E)
Hello dears!

C.est bien de ne pas se laisser interpeller ( ou interpeler ! ) par n’importe quoi !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de magie8, postée le 19-09-2023 à 14:01:37 (S | E)
Hello, je vais encore faire l' idiote mais pourquoi ne peux- t- on pas dire ces fautes existantes ne suscitent pas d' écho en moi, ne me sautent pas aux yeux
on dit bien ce problème m' interpelle
interpeler 1= (personne) apostropher
2= (personne) questionner
3= (sujet chose) susciter un écho chez quelqu-un

Que ce soit en français ou en anglais plus j étudie plus je suis nulle.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de here4u, postée le 19-09-2023 à 14:54:42 (S | E)
Hello Magie!

Pas de découragement, surtout ! Plus on apprend, plus on découvre qu'il y avait beaucoup de choses que l'on ne savait pas... ou même que l'on ne sait toujours pas ! C'est normal ! Seul l'ignorant sait tout, car il ne cherche jamais à savoir !

Il est normal, aussi que l'on ne voie pas ses propres fautes ! C'est pourquoi en classe, la correction par groupes marche très très bien ! On voit mieux les fautes des autres, toujours ! Ce matin, lorsque je t'ai répondu la boutade ci-dessus (car c'était une boutade !) j'ai été prise par un gros doute au moment d'écrire "interpeller" ou "interpeler"... Alors, j'ai cherché en me traitant "d'idiote", comme tu le fais si bien...

Et j'ai trouvé !
"Le verbe interpeller est du premier groupe. ... La réforme de l'orthographe de 1990 autorise à écrire le verbe interpeller sous la forme interpeler. interpeller ..." [le pire étant que je suis quasi certaine de l'avoir déjà cherché... et trouvé... mais "oublié"! ] Alors, ne t'inquiète pas ... Tu as la curiosité intellectuelle, la soif, l'envie de savoir pourquoi et comment ! ... et ça, c'est précieux !

Les fautes ne "sautent pas aux yeux"... on peut lire et relire plusieurs fois la même faute sans la voir, même si on la connaît ! On est juste "humains", donc faillibles !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de here4u, postée le 20-09-2023 à 10:05:46 (S | E)
Hello dears!
Green allowed.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de magie8, postée le 20-09-2023 à 10:58:35 (S | E)

In my opinion, I can't say that technology has ruined people's lives
Most manual, repetitive, dirty or dangerous tasks can now be replaced by robots. High medical technology saves lives and time.
Electricity and hot water straight from the tap in homes (HAVE transformed people's lives () better, eliminating chores and bringing comfort.
On the other hand, now everything is moving too fast, there's no time to get used to a machine, or to wear out it, that a more sophisticated equipment is already on the market.
The result is a lot of wasted raw materials, energy and more pollution.
Technology has also changed the world of work by bringing in new professions and eliminating others. On the whole, there is less need for unqualified labour, which creates unemployment.
The danger is that people becoming progress slave and dependant lose (the LIVE'S TRUE VALUES.) 145 words.

SI d' autres personnes veulent ajouter des corrections sur ce texte elles sont les bienvenues MERCI à tous

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de here4u, postée le 21-09-2023 à 13:54:22 (S | E)
Hello dears!

for your "black green", Magie!

EXPRESSION N°2: please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what is clumsy.

Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines replaced the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s well ! But we must also consider that a machine will never remplace human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying. The Brad Pitt’s voice can be imited almost perfectly and translated to any langage, like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also ! Everybody will drem to become « Artificial » ! In fact it’s identical for flowers and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de magie8, postée le 21-09-2023 à 23:18:57 (S | E)
I think it is time for green
Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines( [replace the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s well ! But we must also consider that a machine will never ( replaces )human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying. The Brad Pitt’s voice can be (imitated) almost perfectly and translated to any(language,) like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also ! Everybody will (dream )to become « Artificial » ! In fact it’s identical for flowers and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160
Comme il n'y a pas d' amateur pour corriger plus, moi je ne sais pas faire mieux...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de magie8, postée le 24-09-2023 à 10:43:24 (S | E)
hello je ne sais pas pourquoi mon travail est daté du 21 SEPT on EST LE 24 à 10H40am
je viens de comprendre: j' ai retravaillé sur mon texte précedent qui était en bleu et je l' ai mis en vert, alors le texte bleu a disparu. Moi qui était toute fière
d'avoir mis en vert correctement j'ai encore tout faux, je n'en peux plus de cet internet I am not able to find my feet

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de here4u, postée le 24-09-2023 à 23:21:31 (S | E)
Hello !

Ne t'inquiète pas, chère Magie! Voici, sans aucun problème, les dernières indications... Tu ne comprends rien au "temps" et moi je m'y perds aussi ! Il n'y a pas de vendredi 27 septembre 2023. ..; donc je mettrai bien les explications... le 27 septembre ! Ce sera mercredi !

Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines([replace the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s well ! But we must also consider that a machine will never (replaces)human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying. The Brad Pitt’s voice can be (imitated) almost perfectly and translated to any(language,) like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also ! Everybody will (dream )to become « Artificial » ! In fact it’s identical for flowers and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160

Un bon texte, et de bonnes indications... et corrections.
We'll see if anyone steps in to correct the few remaining inaccuracies...

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de magie8, postée le 25-09-2023 à 00:37:22 (S | E)
hello recorrection

Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines([replace the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s good ! But we must also consider that a machine will never (replaces)human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying. The Brad Pitt’s voice can be (imitated) almost perfectly and translated to any(language,) like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also ! Everybody will (dream )to become « Artificial » ! In fact (the same goes for flowers) and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160

Réponse : Let's Suggest/46 de here4u, postée le 27-09-2023 à 23:15:05 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

Voici les suggestions de corrections concernant les EXPRESSIONS que vous avez faites ! Je vous rappelle que cette fois encore, vous pouvez tous ( en ayant participé aux EXPRESSIONS ou pas ) proposer une correction post suggestions ! (les Follow Up Work!) Celle-ci peut consister en une phrase ou une expression si vous le désirez...

EXPRESSION N°1: original text and my first reactions.

In my opinion, I can't say that technology has ruined people's lives.(Quand on commence une expression, il vaut mieux ne pas commencer par ce qui pourrait être une conclusion ! )
Most manual, repetitive, dirty or dangerous tasks can now be replaced by robots. High medical technology saves lives and time.
Electricity and hot water straight from the tap in homes (has transformed people's lives for the better,B eliminating chores and bringing comfort.
On the other hand, now everything is moving too fast, there's no time to get used to a machine, or to (wear out it, that a more sophisticated equipment is already on the market.
The result is a lot of wasted raw materials, energy and more pollution.
Technology has also changed the world of work by bringing in new professions and eliminating others. On the whole, there is less need for unqualified labour, which creates unemployment.
The danger is that people (ponctuation ?)becoming progress slave and (dependant lose the actual value of life. 145 words
(La ponctuation doit être revue en dernière phrase. Bonne expression.)

EXPRESSION N°1: indications

In my opinion, I can't say that technology has ruined people's lives
Most manual, repetitive, dirty or dangerous tasks can now be replaced by robots. High medical technology saves lives and time.
Electricity and hot water straight from the tap in homes (has transformed people's lives for () XXX ? better, eliminating chores and bringing comfort.
On the other hand, now everything is moving too fast, there's no time to get used to a machine, or to (wear out it, that a more sophisticated equipment is already on the market.
The result is a lot of wasted raw materials, energy and more pollution.
Technology has also changed the world of work by bringing in new professions and eliminating others. On the whole, there is less need for unqualified labour, which creates unemployment.
The danger is that people becoming progress slave and dependant lose (the actual value of life.) 145 words.

De bonnes indications. Attention à la ponctuation.

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions:

In my opinion, I can't say that technology has ruined people's lives
Most manual, repetitive, dirty or dangerous tasks can now be replaced by robots. High medical technology saves lives and time.
Electricity and hot water straight from the tap in homes (HAVE transformed people's lives () XXX XXX better, eliminating chores and bringing comfort.
On the other hand, now everything is moving too fast, there's no time to get used to a machine, or to wear out it, that a more sophisticated equipment is already on the market.
The result is a lot of wasted raw materials, energy and more pollution.
Technology has also changed the world of work by bringing in new professions and eliminating others. On the whole, there is less need for unqualified labour, which creates unemployment.
The danger is that people becoming progress slave and dependant lose (the LIVE'S TRUE VALUES.)(la suggestion précédente était plus satisfaisante !) 145 words.

My suggestions:

In my opinion, I can't say that technology has ruined people's lives
Most manual, repetitive, dirty or dangerous tasks can now be replaced by robots. High medical technology saves lives and time.
Electricity and hot water straight from the tap in homes HAVE transformed people's lives () XXX XXX better, eliminating chores and bringing comfort.
On the other hand, now everything is moving too fast, there's no time to get used to a machine, or (to wear out it, that a more sophisticated equipment is already on the market.
The result is a lot of wasted raw materials, energy and more pollution.(pour moi, cette phrase appartient au paragraphe précédent)
Technology has also changed the world of work by bringing in new professions and eliminating others. On the whole, there is less need for unqualified labour, which creates unemployment.
The danger is that people (becoming progress slave and dependant lose (the LIVE'S TRUE VALUES.) 145 words.

Attention de ne pas rajouter des fautes et enlever de bonnes choses ...

- "In my opinion, I can't say": la juxtaposition des deux expressions est très maladroite.
Je persiste à penser - et à écrire - que ceci ressemble à une conclusion ;
- " for the better" était BIEN. Vraiment dommage d'avoir voulu le changer, l'améliorer ... Il convenait de ne pas utiliser le superlatif ("for the best")malgré la forme française. En effet, il s'agit bien de comparer deux situations : celle d'avant et celle de maintenant : ceci rend le comparatif obligatoire.
- to wear out it: "wear out" est le verbe à particule: user, abîmer. Le pronom "It" se place entre le verbe et sa particule.
- Attention: "professions": " the professions: jobs that need special training and skill, such as being a doctor or lawyer, but not work in business or industry". En anglais britannique, il s'agit des professions libérales : doctors, lawyers, architects, nurses, etc, + teachers.
- becoming progress slave: ? qu'est-ce que cette construction ? pas un nom composé ! Pas un cas possessif (impossible ici) ??? Donc, cette construction est à revoir.
- dependant: orthographe.
- (the LIVE'S TRUE VALUES. cas possessif également impossible. De plus, ici, on parle de la valeur de la vie en général, plus que des valeurs des différentes vies.


EXPRESSION N°2: my initial reactions

Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines replaced the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s well ! But we must also consider that a machine will never remplace human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying.??? (Elles mentent? ) The Brad Pitt’s voice can be imited almost perfectly and translated to any langage, like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also! Everybody will drem to become « Artificial » ! In fact it’s identical for flowers and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160

Quelques fautes étonnantes contrastent avec un bon - presque très bon - ensemble... Dommage ! (Absence de relecture ?)

EXPRESSION N°2: Suggestions N°1

Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines( [replace the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s well ! But we must also consider that a machine will never ( replaces )human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying. The Brad Pitt’s voice can be (imitated) almost perfectly and translated to any(language,) like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also ! Everybody will (dream )to become « Artificial » ! In fact it’s identical for flowers and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160

Merci Magie!

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions N°2 Magie:

Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines replace the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s well ! But we must also consider that a machine will never (replaces)human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying.(trompeuses?) The Brad Pitt’s voice can be (imitated) almost perfectly and translated to any language, like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also ! Everybody will dream to become « Artificial »! In fact it’s identical for flowers and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160

Un bon texte, et de bonnes indications... et corrections.(mais le cas possessif... tout de même ! )

suggestions 3 Magie:

Of course, there are many advantages for technology. Machines replace the work of man in every difficult or dangerous jobs, and that’s good ! But we must also consider that a machine will never (replaces)human intelligence and feelings. I heard that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trying to replace the job of dubbing real actors in the film industry. Of course, the actors are protesting, but when we hear the first experimental tries, we must admit that the machines can be great and quite lying. The Brad Pitt’s voice can be (imitated) almost perfectly and translated to any language, like so you can, surprisingly, hear Brad Pitt speaking fluently Chinese, Indian or even Russian! Unbelievable ! The Brad Pitt’s Chinese accent is perfect and his grammar also ! Everybody will dream to become « Artificial » ! In fact (the same goes for flowers) and for accents: «natural» is full of hesitations, possible mistakes and emotions… «Artificial » looks perfect but has no odour, no touch, no vibration, …. No life. 160

OUI! Une bonne correction, mais vous devez tous deux revoir le cas possessif... d'URGENCE!

Courage pour les Follow up Work!


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