LS58/Let's have a break 5
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basLS58/Let's have a break 5
Message de here4u posté le 13-03-2024 à 15:26:52 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,
This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.
Envie de faire une pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était… Pourquoi ?
Parce que ce sont toujours les deux ou trois mêmes membres qui participent maintenant, et s’entre-corrigent. Or, le but de ces exercices est tout de même de « toucher » tout le monde, et en tout cas, d'aider de nombreux apprenants !
Je pourrais renoncer définitivement, … mais je n’en ai pas envie parce que je sais et reste persuadée que l’expression écrite est le plus haut stade de maîtrise d’une langue, le plus difficile, le plus personnel aussi. Je sais que c'est "bon pour vous"... et qu'il faut vous y entraîner par petites doses éventuellement...
Cette nouvelle formule a bien libéré les interventions des participants et JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être encore beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde. J'espère que vous aurez envie de répondre à une ou 2 questions...
Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Alors, j’ai envie de vous proposer quelque chose de plus « dirigé », plus « guidé », moins libre … en me centrant, et donc en vous faisant centrer sur UN aspect de la grammaire…
Nous reviendrons, si vous le voulez, à l’EXPRESSION lorsque vous en aurez envie et me le direz...
Je vais aujourd’hui poser plusieurs questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant une proposition infinitive par réponse.
1. Are you a cat, or a dog lover?
2. What bad habit would you like to give up?
3. Would you like to be a celebrity?
4. What is your main hobby?
5. Who is your favourite hero?
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références (ou répondre à toutes si vous le désirez...) et développer celle(s) que vous voulez jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 130-150 mots.
Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publie ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc !) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler d'un ou plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un
en fonction de la qualité (et des difficultés surmontées) de la prestation...
Tous les ajustements ressentis comme étant nécessaires pourront être faits avant la fin de cet exercice, le mercredi 26 mars 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.
Message de here4u posté le 13-03-2024 à 15:26:52 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.
Envie de faire une pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était… Pourquoi ?
Parce que ce sont toujours les deux ou trois mêmes membres qui participent maintenant, et s’entre-corrigent. Or, le but de ces exercices est tout de même de « toucher » tout le monde, et en tout cas, d'aider de nombreux apprenants !
Je pourrais renoncer définitivement, … mais je n’en ai pas envie parce que je sais et reste persuadée que l’expression écrite est le plus haut stade de maîtrise d’une langue, le plus difficile, le plus personnel aussi. Je sais que c'est "bon pour vous"... et qu'il faut vous y entraîner par petites doses éventuellement...

Cette nouvelle formule a bien libéré les interventions des participants et JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être encore beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde. J'espère que vous aurez envie de répondre à une ou 2 questions...
Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Alors, j’ai envie de vous proposer quelque chose de plus « dirigé », plus « guidé », moins libre … en me centrant, et donc en vous faisant centrer sur UN aspect de la grammaire…
Nous reviendrons, si vous le voulez, à l’EXPRESSION lorsque vous en aurez envie et me le direz...
Je vais aujourd’hui poser plusieurs questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant une proposition infinitive par réponse.
1. Are you a cat, or a dog lover?
2. What bad habit would you like to give up?
3. Would you like to be a celebrity?
4. What is your main hobby?
5. Who is your favourite hero?
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références (ou répondre à toutes si vous le désirez...) et développer celle(s) que vous voulez jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 130-150 mots.

Cet exercice sera pour vous un

Tous les ajustements ressentis comme étant nécessaires pourront être faits avant la fin de cet exercice, le mercredi 26 mars 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de here4u, postée le 14-03-2024 à 17:04:12 (S | E)
Hello dears,

That was fast! Here are our first ANSWERS:

ANSWERS A: please, indicate any possible mistake, underline what looks clumsy to you. You can also show your approval using

Topic 4 : Among my various hobbies, reading is the main one. I can't stop reading. Wherever I go, whether on public transport or in a waiting room, I never forget TO TAKE a book with me. At night, I can't fall asleep without a novel TO READ. I enjoy both classic and modern authors, and all genres, from detective stories and science fiction to travelogues, biographies, poetry and more...
For me, reading is the only way of travelling without moving while at the same time becoming intellectually enriched. What's more, books and magazines are free in libraries, therefore you don't have to spend a lot of money. 92 mots
Topic 3 :
Oh no, I wouldn't like to be a celebrity, or a star, or even a princess, either. First of all, it's too much constraint and obligation. Secondly, you're constantly being observed, you always HAVE TO BE on your toes. Furthermore, you can't leave your house without creating a riot.
No, thanks. 55 mots

Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de here4u, postée le 16-03-2024 à 14:09:31 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Green is allowed, but there is very little to suggest in ANSWER A:...

ANSWERS B: please, indicate any possible mistake, underline what looks clumsy to you. You can also show your approval using

Topic 1: I am a cat lover, they are beatiful animals, supple and quiet... If they leave in the country they can feed them hunting. They eat birds and mices they are hunters. If they leave in homes with people they bring the comfort. They cuddled their masters and nestle near them and they purr by happiness. I think the cats are appeasing. If you want to go on holidays for a few days they are quite independant and manage alone. Yes I really love cats. 83 words
Topic 4: My main hobby is swimm. I love to swim and being in the water. i leave near of the sea and go to the sea as often as possible. In water, I am feeling free and light. The warm water is carressing the body and it is so agreeable. I am not swimmer in competitions, I simply love to be in sea water! 62 words

Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de happynutmeg13, postée le 16-03-2024 à 14:31:00 (S | E)
Hello !
I cannot find anything wrong in Answer A !
Answer B : my suggestions ; je pense aussi à quelques marques de ponctuation qui manqueraient ?
Topic 1: I am a cat lover, they are beatiful animals, supple and quiet... If they leave in the country they can feed them hunting. They eat birds and mices they are hunters. If they leave (in homes with people they bring (the comfort. They cuddled their masters and nestle near them and they purr by happiness. I think the cats are appeasing. If you want to go on holidays for a few days they are quite independant and manage alone. Yes I really love cats. 83 words
Topic 4: My main hobby is (swimm. I love (to swim and being in the water. i leave near of the sea and go to the sea as often as possible. In water, I am feeling free and light. The warm water is carressing the body and it is so agreeable. I am not swimmer in competitions, I simply love to be in sea water! 62 words
Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de here4u, postée le 18-03-2024 à 10:09:45 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de happynutmeg13, postée le 18-03-2024 à 19:39:44 (S | E)
Hello !
I suggest :
Answer B :
Topic 1: I am a cat lover, as they are (beautiful, [supple and quiet/vert] animals, ... If they (live outside, ( they feed by hunting. They eat birds and mices,as they are hunters. If they live inside with people they bring
Topic 4: My main hobby is swimming(swimm. I love swimming and being in the water. I (live near
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2024 21:17
Balises effacées.
Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de here4u, postée le 20-03-2024 à 07:23:42 (S | E)
Hello dears!

ANSWER C: please indicate possible mistakes end underline what looks clumsy to you.
1 - Are you a cat, or a dog lover ?
I have been a passionate cat lover for years, until I heard cats were said to be responsible for the deaths of numerous garden birds ; and as my friends' enemies are my enemies, well... I felt guilty about my cat loving, and now I'm leaning more toward dogs : besides there is no mystery in them, you can always expect dogs TO DRAG YOU OUTSIDE IN ANY WEATHER, to protect you from the postman, to obey whatever silly order provided you reward them with your leftovers... Oh yes ! Let's try dog-loving ! 93 words
2. What bad habit would you like to give up?
The worst habit I'd like to give up is never completing the tasks I begin : if I start cleaning the windows, I can be sure something will interrupt me and it will be most difficult FOR ME TO GET BACK to it... So please Bad Habit, leave me alone, so all my windows can be clean ! 57 words

Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de here4u, postée le 22-03-2024 à 12:58:47 (S | E)
Hello dears!

ANSWER C: as nobody stepped in, here are my indications.

1 - Are you a cat, or a dog lover ?
I have been a passionate cat lover for years, until I heard cats were said to be responsible for the deaths of numerous garden birds; and as my friends' enemies are my enemies, well... I felt guilty about my cat loving, and now I'm leaning more toward dogs: besides there is no mystery in them, you can always expect dogs TO DRAG YOU OUTSIDE IN ANY WEATHER,

2. What bad habit would you like to give up?
The worst habit I'd like to give up is never completing the tasks I begin: if I start cleaning the windows, I can be sure something will interrupt me and it will be most difficult FOR ME TO GET BACK to it... So please Bad Habit, leave me alone, so all my windows can be clean! 57 words


Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de happynutmeg13, postée le 22-03-2024 à 15:21:38 (S | E)
Hello !
Here are my suggestions for answer C :
I have been a passionate cat lover for years, until I heard cats were said to be responsible for the deaths of numerous garden birds; andTherefore, as my friends' enemies are my enemies, well... I felt was feeling guilty about my cat loving, and now I'm leaning more toward dogs: besides not only is there
Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de here4u, postée le 26-03-2024 à 22:59:55 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Certes, on n'est pas mercredi... mais on est le 26 mars ! Le problème, une fois de plus, est qu'il n'y a pas de mercredi 26 mars ! Stupid me!

Alors, voici la correction avec une journée d'avance !

Très peu, d'indications et de suggestions données cette fois-ci. Il faut dire que deux expressions étaient tout à fait correctes !

ANSWERS A: initial text and my preliminary indications.
Topic 4 : Among my various hobbies, reading is the main one. I can't stop reading. Wherever I go, whether on public transport or in a waiting room, I never forget TO TAKE a book with me. At night, I can't fall asleep without a novel TO READ/ (reading part of a novel. I enjoy both classic and modern authors, and all genres, from detective stories and science fiction to travelogues, biographies, poetry and more...
For me, reading is the only way of travelling without moving while at the same time becoming intellectually enriched/ while enriching myself intellectually.. What's more, books and magazines are free in libraries, therefore you don't have to spend a lot of money. 92 mots TTB

Topic 3 : Oh no, I wouldn't like to be a celebrity, or a star, or even a princess, either. First of all, it's too much constraint/ ?? too many constraints and obligations. * and obligation. Secondly, you're constantly being observed, you always HAVE TO BE on your toes. Furthermore, you can't leave your house without creating a riot.
No, thanks. 55 mots TTB
Pourquoi avoir choisi le singulier ? On sait que les célébrités ont – et se créent- de nombreuses contraintes et obligations.
- to keep on one’s toes/ to be on your guard/ stay on your gard : être sur ses gardes/ sur le qui-vive.
ANSWERS B: initial text: and preliminary indications.
Topic 1: I am a cat lover, they are beatiful animals, supple and quiet... If they (leave in the country they can (feed them hunting. They eat birds and (mices they are hunters. If they (leave in homes with people they bring (the comfort. They cuddle(d their masters and nestle near them and they purr (by happiness. I think (the cats are appeasing. If you want to go on holidays for a few days they are quite (independant and manage alone. Yes I really love cats. 83 words Un peu irrégulier.
Topic 4: My main hobby is (swimm. I love to swim and being in the water. (i (leave near (of the sea and go to the sea as often as possible. In water, I am feeling free and light. The warm water is carressing the body and it is so agreeable. I am not swimmer in competitions, I simply love to be in sea water! 62 words
Answer B: happynutmeg's indications; je pense aussi à quelques marques de ponctuation qui manqueraient
Topic 1: I am a cat lover, they are beatiful animals, supple and quiet... If they leave in the country they can feed them hunting. They eat birds and mices they are hunters. If they leave (in homes with people they bring (the comfort. They cuddled their masters and nestle near them and they purr by happiness. I think the cats are appeasing. If you want to go on holidays for a few days they are quite independant and manage alone. Yes I really love cats. 83 words
Topic 4: My main hobby is (swimm. I love (to swim and being in the water. i leave near of the sea and go to the sea as often as possible. (In XXX water, I (am feeling present simple préférable) free and light. The warm water is carressing the body and it is so (agreeable. I am not swimmer in competitions, I simply love to be in sea water! 62 words Bonnes indications d'erreurs.
Answer B: Happynutmeg's suggestions.
Topic 1: I am a cat lover, as they are (beautiful, supple and quiet/ animals, ... If they (live outside, B ( they feed by hunting. They eat birds and (mices,as they are hunters. If they live inside with people they bring (the comfort. They (cuddle their masters and nestle near them and they purr (in happiness. I think the cats are appeasing. If you want to go on holidays for a few days they are quite indepen(dant and manage alone. Yes I really love cats. 83 words

Topic 4: My main hobby is swimming(swimm). I love swimming and being in the water. I (live near of the sea and I go to the sea as often as possible. In XXX water, I am feeling free and light. The warm water is (caressing the body and it is so (agreeable/ pleasant. I don't swim in competitions , I simply love to be in sea water! 62 words TB. De très bonnes corrections et suggestions !
- Attention à la confusion ‘live’ (i court) et ‘leave’ (quitter, laisser : i long)
- The cats: chats déterminés, dont on a parlé ou qui sont présents. ‘cats’ : les chats, en général.
- Pleurer de joie : with joy/ out of joy// to purr with pleasure/ out of pleasure/ to cry out of frustration/
- independent/ independence
- swimming : est un gérondif, qui se comporte comme un nom : la natation/ le fait de nager.
- Le verbe to swim, I sawm, swum, ne prend qu’un M (mais deux au gérondif)
- I love swimming and being …
- ‘I’ : je, toujours en majuscule.
- près de la mer : near the sea/ at the seaside
- se nourrir de : to feed on hunted birds and mice (attention ! pluriel irrégulier : a mouse, two mice (sanss, car déjà au pluriel !)
ANSWERS C: initial text.
1 - Are you a cat, or a dog lover ? I have been a passionate cat lover for years, until I heard cats were said to be responsible for the deaths of numerous garden birds ; and as my friends' enemies are my enemies, well... I felt guilty about (my cat loving, and now I'm leaning more toward dogs : besides there is no mystery in them, you can always expect dogs TO DRAG YOU OUTSIDE IN ANY WEATHER, to protect you from the postman, to obey whatever silly order (, provided you reward them with your leftovers (or with a pat!)... Oh yes ! Let's try dog-loving ! 93 words

2. What bad habit would you like to give up? The worst habit I'd like to give up is never completing the tasks I begin : if I start cleaning the windows, I can be sure something will interrupt me and it will be most difficult FOR ME TO GET BACK to it... So please Bad Habit, leave me alone, so all my windows can be clean ! 57 words TTB
TOTAL 150 WORDS Bravo ! D’excellentes réponses ! Comme dirait Magie « pas grand-chose à redire ! »
Très peu de corrections !

Si l'un d'entre vous peut et/ ou veut prolonger le travail par un Follow Up Work de tout ou partie d'une réponse, n'hésitez pas !
Vous êtes les bienvenus !

Réponse : LS58/Let's have a break 5 de happynutmeg13, postée le 27-03-2024 à 08:32:16 (S | E)
Thank you for the correction and for the comments !

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