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(Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II (1)

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(Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II
Message de taconnet posté le 23-11-2008 à 17:15:51 (S | E | F)


Je vous propose de traduire ces phrases complexes sur le thème : dénombrables/indénombrables.

Correction : mardi 2 décembre 2008

1- Les dégâts provoqués par les inondations du mois passé sont encore visibles quand on survole toute la région. Les routes sont encore défoncées, les champs restent vides et impraticables, et les progrès n'avancent pas aussi rapidement que l'espérait la population.

2-La police enquête sur le meurtre de deux personnes que personne ne connaissait, mais qui ont été retrouvées étranglées près de la gare, avec leurs bagages. Pour l'instant, les nouvelles ne sont pas rassurantes; on dit qu'un fou pourrait traîner dans les environs.

3- Ils ne m'ont pas donné beaucoup de renseignements au sujet de la maladie de mon fils. Cela n'a pas l'air trop grave, mais ils se demandent s'il n'aurait pas la rougeole.

4- Maintenant que les dés sont jetés, il n'y a plus de raison de chercher de nouveaux renseignements. Nous essayerons de faire ce que nous pouvons avec ceux dont nous disposons.

5- Les fléchettes sont un jeu très populaire en Grande-Bretagne. Dés que vous entrez dans un pub, vous trouvez toujours des gens qui y jouent. Je croyais que les anglais aimaient surtout le billard.

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de maya92, postée le 24-11-2008 à 18:05:14 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

1 - The damage caused by the flood last month is still visible when flying
over the area. The roads are still full of potholes, the fields remain
empty and impassable and the progress is not as quick as wished by the
2 - The police investigate the murder of two people that nobody knows and who
have been found strangled near the station with their luggage by them
For the moment the news is rather worrying. A lunatic is said to be
loitering in the neighbourhood.
3 - They have not given much information about my son illness. It doesn't
look that serious but they wonder if it couldn't be the measles
4 - Now that the die is cast, there is no more reason to look for any other
information. We'll try to do what we can with what we've got
5 - Darts is a very popular game in Great-Britain. On entering a pub, you
always find people playing it. I thought the British mostly liked to
play billiards

Thank you very much Taconnet for this interesting exercise - See you

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de lakata, postée le 25-11-2008 à 17:49:49 (S | E)
Bonsoir Taconnet.

1)- The damage caused by the floods last month is still visible when overflying the whole area. The roads are still broken up, the fields still empty and unfit for work, and the progress made has not been as good as expected by people.

2)- The police are investigating the murder of two unknown people found strangled near the railway station, with their luggage. For the moment, the news is not reassuring ; it's said a madman could be lurking around...

3)- I haven't been given a lot of information on my son's illness. It seems not to be too serious, but they are wondering whether it might be the measles.

4)- Now the die is cast, no need to search for further information. We'll try to do what we can with what we have.

5)- Playing darts is very popular in Great Britain. No sooner go you into a pub than you always find some people playing this game. I thought it was the billiards that The English liked better.

Not that easy, actually...

Thank you, Taconnet.

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de nanette33, postée le 26-11-2008 à 20:05:24 (S | E)
Bonsoir Taconnet,

1- The damage caused by the floods last month is still visible when we fly over the area. Roads are still broken up, fields remain empty and impassable and progress doesn't get ahead as quickly as expected by the population.

2- The police are investigating of two people which nobody knew, but who have been foud strangled near the station with their luggage. At the moment, the news isn't reassuring ; they say a madman could be hanging aroud.

3- They didn't give me a lot of information about my son's illness. It seems not to serious but the'yre wondering if he would have measles.

4- Now the die is cast, there is no reason to look for new information. We'll try to do what we can with the information at our disposal.

5- Darts is a very popular game in Great Britain. When you enter a pub, you always find people gaming. I thought English people would prefer billiards.

That's right! Not easy...

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de nefertiti, postée le 28-11-2008 à 16:25:24 (S | E)

1.The damage caused by the flood of the past month is still visible when you fly over all the area. The roads are still pot-holed, the fields stay emty and impassible, and the progress is not moving as fast as the population hoped.

2. The police investigates the murder of two people who nobody knows but who have been found strangled next to the station, with their luggage. Now, the news is not reasuring, one said that a mad could hang around.

3. They have not given me a lot of information about the disease of my son. It does not seem too serious, but they wonder if he could not have the measles.

4. Now that the die is cast, there is no more reason to look for new information. We will try to do what we can with those we have.

5. The dart is a very popular game in Great Britain. Since you have entered in a pub, you always find people who are playing it. I thought that English people would particularly like the billiard.

Thank you.

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de dolfin56, postée le 29-11-2008 à 15:04:30 (S | E)
Bonjour taconnet, thanks!

1- the damage caused by the last month flood is stil visible, when we fly over the area.The roads are still broken up; the fields remain empty and impracticable,and the progress doesn't get ahead as quickly as population would have wished.
2-The police are investing the murder of two unknown people but who have been found strangled, near the station,with their luggage.Right now, the news isn't reassuring; they say a madman could be hanging around.
3- I haven't been giving a lot of information on my son's illness. It's doesn't look too serious, but they wonder if it might be the measle.
4- Now that the die is cast,it isn't necessary to look for more information.We'll try to do the best with what we have.
5- Playing dart is a very popular game in Great-Britain.As soon as you came into a pub, you always find people playing darts.I thought English people prefer playing billard.

alea jacta est,the die is cast!

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de pepe69, postée le 29-11-2008 à 17:16:52 (S | E)
1. The damage caused, last month, by the flood is still visible when flying over all the area. The roads are still full of potholes, the fields are empty and unfit for work, and the progress doesn't speed up as quickly as the population was hoping.

2. The police are investigating the murder of two unknown people who have been found strangled near the station, with their luggage. For the moment, the news isn't reassuring. It's said a madman could be hanging about here.

3. They haven't given me a piece of information about my son's illness. It doesn't seem too serious but they are wondering if he could not have the measles.

4. Now the die is cast, there is no reason to search for a piece of new information. We'll try to do what we can with those we've got.

5. Darts is a very popular game in Great Britain. As soon as you go into a pub, you always find people playing this game. I thought (that) English people particularly liked to play billiards.

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de ariane6, postée le 29-11-2008 à 22:53:42 (S | E)
Bonjour taconnet.

1.The havoc caused by last month's flooding is still visible when flying over the region. Roads are still damaged, fields are devoid of life, impassable and the speed of recovery has not lived up to people's expectations.

2. Police are probing the murder of two unidentified people found strangled, next to their luggage, near the station. At present the news is not encouraging; it is believed a lunatic may be loose in the area. (difficult to know where to place the luggage...)

3. They haven't given me much information about my son's illness. It doesn't seem to be too serious and they're considering he may have measles.

4. Now the die's been cast, there's no need to search for new information. We'll try to do what we can with what's available.

5. The game of darts is very popular in Great Britain. You'll always find someone playing it, from the moment you enter into a pub. I used to believe the English liked billiards most of all.

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de coferam, postée le 30-11-2008 à 12:25:24 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

1 / The damage provoked by the flood of the last month are still in evidence when we travel over the whole area. The roads are still rutted, the fields remain empty and impassable, and the progress are not going as promptly as inhabitants wished it.

2 / The police investigate the murder of two people that nobody knows who have been found strangled near the station with their luggage. For the moment, the news is not reassuring ; it is said a madman is loitering in the neighbourhood.

3 / They have not given much information about my son's illness. It seems not to be too serious, but they are wondering whether it might be the measles.

4 / Now that the dice are threw, there is any reason to look for an other information. We'll try to do what we can with what we have.

5 / Darts is a very popular game in Great-Britain. As soon as you go into a pub, you always find people playing it. I thought the British mostly liked the billiards.

20 fois sur le métier, remettez votre ouvrage...Pour moi, c'est plus !!


Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de taconnet, postée le 02-12-2008 à 08:22:18 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques.

I- Premier paragraphe :

1- Damage [U] comme havoc [U] : dégâts, sont suivis d’un verbe au singulier.

Damages (pluriel) signifie dommages et intérêts ; indemnités

2- Flooding [U] : inondation(s); flood [C or U] : inondation.
« Some roads have been closed because of flooding.»

3- To rip up : défoncer
Lien Internet

4- Progress[U] suivi d’un verbe au singulier.

5- Noter les expressions :

To fall short of : to fail to reach a desired or expected amount or standard, causing disappointment.

« Unfortunately, the course fell far of our expectations.»


Not come up to / not live up to qui ont la même signification : ne pas répondre à .

« His work fell short of what we had expected »
Son travail n’a pas répondu à notre attente.

II- Deuxième paragraphe.

1- Le nom “police” doit être précédé de l’article défini “the” et suivi d’un verbe au pluriel.

2-Persons versus people.

En régle générale people est le pluriel de person : one person ; two people.
Cependant, persons en anglais britannique relève d’un registre de langue soutenu, et en anglais américain, s’emploie couramment quand on parle d’un petit nombre de personnes.

You may also see it on official notices :
« This elevator may only carry eight persons.»

3- luggage [U]

4- La place des compléments dans la phrase.

Les compléments qui viennent en fin de phrase indiquent le plus souvent COMMENT - OÙ - QUAND s’est passé un événement.
« She sang very well at the club last night.»

5- News : des nouvelles suivi d’un verbe au singulier. Une nouvelle : a piece of news.

6- That (adv) , signifie ici “tellement”/ « si »

7- To hang about : roder.
« I don’t like them hanging about in the area.»
Je n’aime pas les voir rôder dans le quartier.

III- Troisième paragraphe

1- Information : des renseignements . Un renseignement : a piece of information.
Avec information on emploie much ou little.

2- Disease versus illness.

Disease désigne la cause, illness traduit la conséquence.

« He suffered from a rare disease of the central nervous system, and died after a long illness.»

Noter aussi sickness d’un niveau de langue moins soutenu.
Ailment [C] : an illness that is not very serious. Que l’on peut traduire par « des maux »

« Mrs Dalloway and Mrs Simpson seemed tospend considerable time talking about their respective ailments.»

Malady [C] illness (old use)

Something that is wrong with a system or organisation.

«Public education suffers from the same malady as many others government programs.»

3- Bien qu’ils soient terminés par un s les noms de certaines maladies sont singuliers.
Measles[U] or the measles : la rougeole ; mumps[U]or the mumps : les oreillons
Mais on dira diphtheria[U] : la diphtérie.

IV- Quatrième paragraphe :

1- Les dés sont jetés : the die is cast.
Lien Internet

V- Cinquième paragraphe:

1- Darts : a game in which darts are thrown at a round board

Darts[U] et billiards[U] sont terminés par un s, et sont au singulier lorsqu’ils désignent des jeux; ils sont suivis d’un verbe au singulier.Ils sont employés sans l'article défini "the"
« Darts is a predominantly British game.»
Les fléchettes sont essentiellement un jeu britannique.

En revanche, dart [C] qui désigne un objet peut être mis au pluriel et être suivi d’un verbe au pluriel.

« The darts are in iron »
Les fléchettes sont en fer

2- Enter : to go or come into a place : entrer dans
« Silence fell as I entered the room.»

3- To be fond of : having a great liking for someone or something.
«She was very fond of horses.»

Réponse: (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II de taconnet, postée le 02-12-2008 à 09:11:48 (S | E)

Voici la correction que je vous propose :

1- The damage caused by last month's flooding is still visible when flying over the region. The roads are still ripped up, fields empty and unworkable and the progress is not as fast as expected by the people / the progress falls far short of the people's expectations.

2- The police are investigating the murder of two persons whom/that nobody knew but who were found strangled with their luggage just near the station. For the moment, the news is not that reassuring since a madman would hang about in the area /the surroundings.

3- They did not give me much information about/concerning my son's disease. It does not seem too serious but they wonder whether he would not have the measles.

4- Now that the die is cast, there is no use trying to find new information. We will try to do with what we have.

5- Darts is a very popular game in Great Britain. In about each pub you get you will find people playing it.
I thought English people were more particularly fond of billiards.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.



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