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Better late than never (1)

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Better late than never
Message de taconnet posté le 27-01-2009 à 18:12:56 (S | E | F)


Récemment, j'ai pu lire à mon grand étonnemenent que lately et latterly n'étaient pas synonymes. Et pourtant !!

La méprise est révélatrice de la méconnaissance de la polysémie de latterly qui signifie « recently » bien entendu, mais aussi « towards the end of a period of time »

Cette remarque m'a conduit à imaginer un exercice sur l'emploi des mots : late, later, last, the least, the latest, the latter qui souvent ne sont pas utilisés à bon escient.

Correction : mercredi 11 février 2009

1- Elle est encore en retard, elle aurait pu au moins nous téléphoner. C'est la moindre des choses tout de même !

2- La tempête a fait rage, et les dernières nouvelles en provenance du Sud-Ouest sont toujours alarmantes.

3- Le printemps est tardif cette année, et avec les gelées les jeunes pousses risquent d'être endommagées.

4- Mon voisin a deux enfants un garçon et une fille, celle-ci est étudiante aux États- Unis et celui-là est ingénieur en Espagne.

5- Cet enfant est vraiment mal élevé, le moins que l'on puisse dire c'est qu'il est effronté.

6- De deux maux il faut chosir le moindre.

7- Je reviendrai plus tard. Il faut que je parte maintenant, car j'ai peur de manquer le dernier bus.

8- Elle se porte comme un charme, je l'ai rencontrée pas plus tard que la semaine dernière au marché.

9- Après le passage de la tempête Klaus qui a ravagée la région, feu mon père ne reconnaîtrait plus sa maison.

10- N'oubliez-pas que vous devez rendre vos copies au plus tard mercredi.

Réponse: Better late than never de lakata, postée le 28-01-2009 à 19:37:26 (S | E)
Bonsoir Taconnet.

1) Once again, she is late ; she could at least have given us a ring. It's the least she could have done, isn't it !

2) The tempest/storm has raged, and the latest news from the South-West is still alarming.( I'd written " the news are..."! What a shame ! Thank you Ariane6 !)

3) The spring is late this year, and the latest shoots could be damaged by (the) frost.

4) My neighbour has two children, a boy and a girl. The latter is studying in the United States, and the other works as an ingeneer in Spain.

5) This child has very bad manners ; the least we can say is he/she is cheeky.

6) One must choose the lesser of two evils.

7) I'll come back later. I have to go off now for fear I should miss the latest bus.

8) She feels as fit as a fiddle ; I came across her no later than last week at the market.

9) After the region has been devastated by the tempest/storm Klaus, my late father wouldn't recognize his house.

10) Don't forget you must give in your work on Wednesday at the latest !

Il est hélas des lieux où souffle la tempête, mais il en est fort heureusement où souffle l'esprit...qui t'a inspiré ce fûté exercice, Taconnet.

Modifié par lakata le 02-02-2009 09:51

Modifié par lakata le 02-02-2009 12:12

Réponse: Better late than never de dolfin56, postée le 31-01-2009 à 19:33:31 (S | E)
Coucou, taconnet...I'll try!!

1-She is still late,she could have phoned us,it's the least she could do!.
2-The storm raged and the last news from the South-West is still alarming.
3- The spring is late this year,and with the frosts, the young shoots are in danger of being damaged.
4-My neighbour has two children, one boy and one girl; the former is working as an ingeneer in Spain,the latter is studying in the united-States.
5-This child is really ill-mannered;the least we can say is he is an impudent boy!
6-Between two evils, you have to choose the lesser.
7-I'll come back later. I'm afraid to miss the last bus.
8-She is as fit as a fiddle,I met her on the market only last week.
9-After Klaus storm which has devastated the area,my late father would not recognize his house.
10-Don't forget to give back your work on Wednesday, at the latest.

Réponse: Better late than never de ariane6, postée le 02-02-2009 à 10:51:07 (S | E)
Bonjour taconnet.

1- She is late again. She could have at least phoned us.
All the same, that was the least she could do !

2-The storm has raged and the latest news coming in from south-western France is still alarming.

3- Spring is late this year and young shoots risk being damaged by frost.

4- My neighbour has two children, a boy and a girl. The latter is studying in the United States and the former is working in Spain as an engineer.

5- This boy has been badly brought up. The least you could say about him is that he is cheeky.

6- You must choose the lesser of two evils.

7. I'll come back later. I must go now because I'm afraid of missing the last bus.

8. She is as fit as a fiddle. It was a week ago at the latest I met her at the market.

9. After the passage of Cyclone Klaus which devastated the region, my late father would not have recognized his house.

10. Don't forget you have to hand in your homework by Wednesday at the latest.

Réponse: Better late than never de violet91, postée le 02-02-2009 à 14:52:10 (S | E)
Bonjour. Pour l'amour de la langue et de ses nuances .

1 )Then again! She is late. She could at least have given us a ring to tell. It is the least she could do,isn't it ?

2 ) The storm has raged and the latest news from South-West of France is still alarming.

3 ) Spring is rather late this year..and with these morning frosts ,young shoots may get damaged.

4 ) My neighbour has two children : a boy and a girl. The former is an engineer in Spain and the latter a student in the United States. (logical order).

5 ) That child IS ill-bred : the least we can say is how cheeky he can be, is'nt it?

6 ) One must choose the lesser of two evils.

7 ) I'll come back later; I must leave right now (I give myself an order)for I don't want to miss the last bus.

8 ) She is as fit as a fiddle. I met her only last week at the market place.

9 ) After hurricane Klaus 's devastating the whole area, late Father would not recognize his own place.

10 ) Don't (you) forget to give me your papers this coming Wednesday, at the latest, will you?

Réponse: Better late than never de khaledois, postée le 02-02-2009 à 14:53:29 (S | E)
1- She is once again late; she could have at least phoned us. It is all the same the slightest things!
2- The storm raged, and the breaking news from the Southwest are still alarming.
3- The spring is late this year, and with frosts, the young shoots risk to be damaged.
4- My neighbour has two children, a boy and a girl, the last one is student in United States and the last one is an engineer in Spain
5- This child is really badly raised; the least one can say is that he is impudent.
6- From two evils, it’s necessary to choose the slightest.
7- I’ll be back later. I must leave now, because I am afraid of missing the latest bus.
8- She is as fit as a fiddle; I met her, no later than last week at the market.
9- After the passage of storm Klaus which devastated the area, my late father wouldn’t recognize his house.
10- Don’t forget that you have to collect your copies on Wednesday at the latest.

Réponse: Better late than never de nefertiti, postée le 06-02-2009 à 11:45:50 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet.

Here is my answers.

1. She is still late, she could call you at least. It is the least nevertheless.
2. The storm has raged, the last news from the South West are still alarming.
3. Spring is later this year, the young shoots risk to be damaged with the freeze.
4. My neighbour has two children, a boy and a girl, this one studies to the United States, the latter is an engineer in Spain.
5. That child is very badly brought up, the least we can say that he is cheeky.
6. Between two troubles, you have to choose the least one.
7. I will go back later. I have to go now because I am afraid to miss the last bus.
8. She is as fit as a fiddle, I met her no more later than the last week at the market.
9. After the crossing of Klaus strom which has devastated the area, my dead father would not recognize his home.
10. Do not forget to give back your copies on Wednesday at the latest.

Réponse: Better late than never de ndege, postée le 06-02-2009 à 13:01:42 (S | E)
Hi Taconnet,
Here 's my try :

1- She is late again, she could at least have given us a phone call. It is the least she could do !

2- the tempest has raged and the lastest news from the South-East are still alarming.

3- Spring is coming late this year and what with the frosts the young shoots may get damaged.

4- My neighbour has two children, a boy and a girl, the latter studies in the US and the former is an engineer in Spain.

5- This child is really rude, the least we can say is that he is cheeky.

6- One has to choose the lesser of two evils.

7- I ‘ll come back later. I have to go now lest I miss the last bus.

8- She is doing nicely, I met her just last week at the market.

9- After the passage of hurricane Klaus that has ravaged the area, my late father would not recognize his house.

10- Don’t forget to hand in your papers on Wednesday at the latest.

Thank you!

Modifié par ndege le 06-02-2009 13:14

Réponse: Better late than never de taconnet, postée le 11-02-2009 à 19:47:45 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques :

Phrase 1
wasn’t it !
Avec un point d’exclamation pour exprimer un reproche.

Phrase 2
raged (preterit)
The latest news ──► les plus récentes nouvelles - les toutes dernières nouvelles.

« Have you read his latest novel » ──► Avez-vous lu son dernier roman ( dernier = le plus récent)(l'auteur en écrira d'autres)
« He composed his last symphony in 1841.» C’était la dernière.

The southwest = the southwestern part of a country.


The latter......the former.

« The first » et « the last » étant à l’origine des superlatifs (cf : leurs terminaisons) on les remplace par les comparatifs « the former » et « the latter» lorsque l’on compare deux personnes ou deux choses.

« I’ve been introduced to Mr Smith and Mr Morgan ; I like the latter better than the former.»

On m’a présenté Mr Smith et Mr Morgan ; je trouve ce dernier plus sympathique que l’autre.

Phrase 5

Mal élevé ──► rude ; bad-mannered ; ill-bred
On aurait pu aussi dire
He’s cheeky to say the least
At the very best he's cheeky !

Phrase 6

« When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.»
Mae West (1893- 1980) sexe–symbole des années 20 à 40
Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Phrase 7

I must go now (c’est l’énonciateur qui prend cette décision) ≠ have to

Phrase 8

To be as fit as a fiddle ──► se porter comme un charme.

Here is a different phrase with the same meaning :

To be as sound as a bell ──► to be in the best of health..
In this context «sound» is a cognate of German «gesund» meaning healthy (sain)

On peut remplacer « as late as » par « only » ou « recently »

Quelques reminiscences germaniques
Ich bin frisch und munter ──► je suis frais et dispos (le matin en général)
My late father ──► feu mon père.

10- rendre une copie ──► to hand in, to give in
rendre un livre (que l’on a emprunté) ──► to give back , to return.

Vous devez = il faut ──► you must (obligation)
On aurait aussi pu dire simplement « You must hand in your work by Wednesday»

Dans les copies que j'ai lues j'ai trouvé « what with » que l'on peut traduire par « entre »

Voici un exemple :

« What with travelling all day yesterday and having a disturbed night,I'm absolutely exhausted.»

Entre le voyage que j'ai fait hier et qui dura toute la journée, et la mauvaise nuit que j'ai passé, je suis totalement épuisé.

Voic ma proposition.

1-She is late again, she could at least have phoned us. It was the least she could do ! Wasn’t it !

2-The storm raged , and the latest news from the southwest of France is still alarming.

3-The spring is late, and the new shoots are likely to be damaged by the frosts.

4-My neighbour has two children a boy and a girl, the latter is a student in the United-States , and the former is an engineer in Spain.

5- This child is really badly brought up, the least one might say is that he is cheeky.

6- Of two evils, one must choose the lesser.

7- I’ll come back later. I must go now, because I’m afraid I’ll miss the last bus.

8- She is as fit as a fiddle, I met her as late as last week at the market.

9- After Klaus storm left total devastation in its wake, my late father would not recognize his home anymore.

10- Don’t forget you must hand in your (home)work on Wednesday at the latest.

Je vous remercie pour votre participation.



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