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Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II

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Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II
Message de violet91 posté le 26-04-2011 à 22:49:49 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir ,dear friends et chers petits mignons ,

--- Vous attendez la suite prévoyez en partie... mais vous êtes sûrement loin du compte. Merci encore de vos divers enthousiasmes . à ceux qui pourront découvrir et s'arrêter.Cet épisode ne devrait pas être épineux...j'y ai d'ailleurs opéré de légères coupes pour vous faciliter la tâche et centrer sur le couple atypique--l'auteur(e) ne m'en tiendra pas rigueur, puisque son roman le plus intime revient en pleine lumière--.Ne sortez pas autant de dictionnaires ! Allons droit à la vraie rencontre. Le plaisir d'abord .

Gauvain et George se sont enlacés sans attendre sur la piste de danse . Ils ont "tenu bon jusqu'à une valse et deux paso doble." -" Poema-Tango" les a "emportés dans une rafale."

Lien internet
( on imagine bien ...;cela avait un drôle de charme !)

.................................. ..faites les avancer dans le temps tout en imaginant jeune parisienne en villégiature ,donc aux airs de George "Sanzès "! ( ce tableau est d'une fraîcheur absolue, isn't it ?)

Sans se concerter , ils se retrouvent dehors et "quittent lâchement la compagnie "( qui se débrouillera bien pour rentrer )et "s'enfuient dans la 4 C.V" (four C.V).

" Gauvain prend la route de côte, bien sûr. Dans des cas comme celui-là, on va d'instinct à la mer."

------------------------------- Ni avec toi, ni sans toi. Thème II .----------------------------------------------------------------

----A Raguenès, c'était marée basse. La langue de sable qui relie la côte à l'île par vives eaux brillait sous la lune .[...]
Tout était si pur, si semblable à nous, que nous sommes descendus pour marcher un peu dans cette eau silencieuse.
" Et si on prenait un bain de minuit ?"
L'idée m'était soudain venue. C'était la première fois que nous nous trouvions ensemble sur une plage. En ces années-là , les Bretons n'allaient guère à la grève. Se baigner leur paraissait une lubie de touristes
. [..] Nous nous sommes déshabillés à distance respectueuse, sans nous regarder. Je ne m'étais jamais mise nue devant un garçon mais j'ai regretté que Gauvain ne me jetât pas un coup d'oeil. Je me devinais belle sous cette lune et moins vraiment nue que dans une chambre, à la lueur dure d'une ampoule électrique. Autant pour cacher mon devant que pour éviter de regarder le sien , je me suis précipitée dans la mer,côté est, pour le plaisir d'étoiler ce miroir trop lisse. Mais je n'ai pas été loin : j'ai deviné très vite que Gauvain ne savait pas nager. " A quoi ça servirait de savoir, sinon à souffrir plus longtemps quand on est enlevé par une lame, la nuit , dans une mer glaciale ?", me dit-il.[Je m'aperçus que nous n'entretenions pas du tout le même rapport avec la mer...] Gauvain et moi ne fréquentions pas la même personne et c'est lui qui connaissait la vraie.
Nous nous sommes longuement roulés dans l'eau frissonnante, nous frôlant en riant comme deux baleines heureuses, sans pouvoir nous décider à sortir car nous savions qu'à terre, au sec, nous allions retrouver nos vêtements, nos états civils et nos conventions.
C'était une de ces nuits irrélles où
[ un certain plancton phosphorescent qui monte à la surface et,]...à chaque vague, chaque éclaboussure, la mer semblait crépiter d'étincelles. Une vague de mélancolie nous submergeait peu à peu, tout à fait disproportionnée en apparence avec le moment que nous venions de passer, comme si nous avions vécu ensemble un long temps de passion et qu'un événement aussi inexorable qu'une guerre s'apprêtât à nous séparer. Cet événement en l'occurrence, ce fut l'aube. Le ciel s'éclairait vers l'est, ramenant progressivement la terre à de plus justes proportions.
Gauvain m'a déposée devant ma porte
.[ La lumière était encore allumée dans la chambre de maman.] Il m'a dit , se tenant à distance respectueuse : " Allez, au revoir !" .[ Il avait retrouvé sa voix habituelle. Avec une légère hésitation ] a ajouté plus bas : " A un de ces jours, peut-être" et j'ai répondu tout aussi platement , les bras le long du corps : " Merci de m'avoir raccompagnée ", alors qu'il ne pouvait faire autrement , nos maisons étant mitoyennes ![..]

--------------Extrait adapté des "Vaisseaux du Coeur" (1988) de BENOÎTE GROULT . (avec l'accord de l'écrivaine -même)

Et woilà pour ce soir . J'ai finalement ré-inséré des passages pour ne pas déplaire à l'écrivaine et rendre à tous la lecture plus compréhensible et savoureuse .J'espère que vous appréciez de plus en plus.

Merci de ne traduire que ce qui est "en bleu" . Now, enjoy yourselves translating and dreaming of such a scene !

Have a good night with sweet dreams .

.....Lien internet
( for my " dreamboat") and watch

......Correction prévue autour du 13 Mai .

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de dolfine56, postée le 28-04-2011 à 15:17:47 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet,

Thanks a lot for this other piece of cake.... very romantic, that midnight swim, under the eyes of the lenient moon .
Here is a first sketch,that made me more confuse than swimming in the sea.

----"-Neither with you, nor without you."Theme II

----- In Raguenes, it was low tide.The spit of sand linking up the beach with the island, on high water,was sparkling on the moon[---]
.Everything was so pure,so like us,that we went down to have a short walk in this silent water.
"And what about a midnight swim?"
The idea had suddenly occured to me .It was the first time we were together on a beach .In those years,Brittany people didn't use to go to the shore.Having a swim looked like having whims ,for them...
Without looking at us,we took our clothes off, keeping our distances.I had never been naked in front of a boy but I regretted that Gauvain didn't glance at me.I guessed I was nice-looking,on that moon and less really naked than in a bedroom with the hard light of an electric bulb.As much to hide my front side as to avoid looking at his own, I flowed into the sea,on the east-side,for the only pleasure of breaking up, like stars , that mirror too smooth .But I didn't go very far:I guessed very soon that Gauvain could't swim ."Would there be any point in knowing if not to suffer much longer when a breaker borne you away,during the night,in a very cold water" he said to me.
...Gauvin and I, didn't associate with the same element, and he was the only one to know the true one.
We rolled in the shivering water for a long time ,brushing against each other , laughing like two happy whales,unable to decide to get out, because we knew very well that,once dry ,back on the beach ,we would find our clothes again ,our civil status and our conventions.
It was one of these dreamlike nights where,with each wave,each splash, the sea seemed to crackle with sparks. Gradually,a wave of melancholia was submerging us,quite outwardly disproportional with the time we had just enjoyed together, as if we had shared a long passionate time and that a so inexorable event like war was about to split us up.That event,in that case,was dawn.The sky was lighting up towards east,getting the earth into proportions.
Gauvain dropped me off outside my door.Standing at some reasonable distance, he said to me:"well,bye".Lower, he added:"see you one of these days,maybe" and ,as shyly as him, with my dangling arms,I answered :"Thanks for breaking me back",although he couldn't do otherwise,because of our attached houses! [...]

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de zodiac97500, postée le 30-04-2011 à 15:44:41 (S | E)


neither with you nor without you theme II

In Raguenès it was low tide . the sand strip linking up the coast by high waters was shining under the moon ...
Everything was so pure , so similar to us that we went down for a short walk in that silent water .
" What about a midnight swim ? "
I suddenly had this idea . It was the first time that we were together on a beach . Those years , Bretons didn't even go to the shore . For them having a swim was a tourist fad .
We took our clothes off holding a respectfull aloof between us without having a look at each other .
I had never been naked in front of a boy but I regretted that Gauvin didn't have a glance at me . I guessed myself so nice under that moon and less realy naked than in a bedroom , under the cold light of a lightbulb .
As much as to hide my front than to escape to look at his , I rushed in the sea on the East side , with the feeling to make that too smooth miror starry .
But I didn't go too far " I guessed very fast that Gauvin didn't know how to swim . " What would be the reason exept to suffer longer beeing send overboard by a wave during the night in a freezing sea ? he said to me .
'' I realised that we didn' have the same feeling about the sea '' gauvain an I didn't the same company and it was him who knew the real one .
We rolled in the chilly water for a long time , toutching each other ligtly laughing like two happy whales , unable to make up our mind to go out because we knew that on the dry land , we would be back to our clothes ,our register and our conventions .
It was one of these unreal nights where '' a kind of phosphorescent plankton comes to the surface , '' and where with each wave , each splash ,the sea seemed to crackle with sparks .
Little by little a wave of melancholy slowly overwhelmed us completely disproportionate in front of the moment we just shared , as if we had shared a long time of passion and that an event like a war was close to separate us .
That event in fact , came with dawn . The sky was clearing up from East , bringing gradualy the earth to its real proportions .
Gauvain dropped me in front of my door . " The light was still on in Mum's bedroom . " He said , holding a respestfull distance : So .... " goodbye ! " He had recovered his ordinary voice .
With a light hesitation .... He added lower ...." See you one of these days.. maybe ! " and I answered dully , my arms dangling against my body : " thank you for bringing me back " even if he didn't have any other choice , our houses were terraced houses .

A nice story bringing me back to the seventies !!!

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de swan85, postée le 01-05-2011 à 21:49:52 (S | E)
Hello Violet.

Nether with you, nor without you, theme II

In Raguenes, it was low tide. The sandspit which joins the coast to the island at high water shone under the moon.
Everything was so pure, so similar to us, that we came down for a little walk in this silent water.
« And if we had a midnight swim ? »
The idea had suddenly come to me. It was the first time we were altogether on a beach. In those years, Breton people rarely went to the shore. To have a swim appeared to them tourists’ whim.
We undressed at a respectful distance without looking at us. I never stripped in front of a boy but I regretted that Gauvain did not throw a glance at me.
I sensed beautiful under this moon and less really naked than in a bedroom, in the hard light of a bulb.
As much to hide my front side as to avoid looking at his, I rushed into the sea, on the east side, for the pleasure to spangle with stars this water as smooth as a mirror.
But I didn’t go far : I guessed very quickly that Gauvain didn’t know how to swim. Would it change anything to know, except to suffer much longer when you are taken away by a breaker, at night, in an icy sea ?, He said to me.
Gauvain and me didn’t see the same person and it’s him who knew the true one.
We swimmed a long time in the shivering water, brushing past each other and laughing like two happy whales, without taking the decision to go out as we knew that on the beach, in the dry, we were going to find our clothes, our civil status and our convention.
It was one of those dreamlike nights, where, at each wave, each splash, the sea seemed to crackle like sparks.
A wave of melancoly overwhelmed us gradually, quite apparently disproportionate to the time that we had just spent, as if we had lived together a long relationship and that an event as brutal as a war was about to separate us.
In fact this event, it was the dawn. The sky brightened eastward, gradually bringing back the earth to proper proportions.
Gauvain dropped me off in front of my door.
He said to me, standing at a respectful distance, « well, goodbye!” He added at low voice : “ See you soon perhaps” and I answered humbly, the arms alongside the body, “thank you to have brought me back home,” whereas he could not act differently, our houses being contiguous.

See you soon !!

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de ariane6, postée le 03-05-2011 à 11:13:10 (S | E)
Hello Violet !

At Raguenès, it was low tide. The strip of sand connecting the coast to the island at spring tide, was shining under the moon. Everything was so pure, just like us, that we went down to paddle a bit in this silent water.
"What about having a midnight dip?"
The idea came to me suddenly. It was the first time we were together on a beach. In those years, Bretons didn't usually go to the beach. To them bathing seemed a tourist whim. [...] We took our clothes off at a respectful distance, without looking at each other. I had never stripped off in front of a boy before but I was disappointed that Gauvain didn't take a peek at me. I felt attractive in the moonlight, somehow less naked than in a bedroom, under the hard light of an electric bulb. As much to hide my front as to avoid looking at his, I rushed into the sea, on the east side, just for the pleasure of shattering this too smooth mirror.
But I didn't go far away. I soon guessed that Gauvain couldn't swim. "What good would it have been if he could, if not to suffer longer when swept away by a wave, at night, in a freezing cold sea?" he said.
[I realized that we didn't have the same relationship with the sea at all.] Gauvain and I were not related to the same person, and it was he who knew the real one.
We rolled around for a long time in the frothy water, brushing against each other while laughing like two happy whales, incapable of deciding to get out, knowing that on dry land, we would recover our clothes, our civil status and our conventions.
This was one of these dreamlike nights in which phosphorescent plankton rose to the surface and with each wave, each splash, the sea seemed to sparkle. Gradually a wave of melancholy overwhelmed us, quite out of character to the moment we had passed, as if we had lived a long period of passion together and an event as inevitable as a war, was going to separate us. In this case, the dawn was that event. The sky to the east lightened, gradually restoring the earth to fairer proportions.
Gauvain dropped me off in front of my door. The light was still on in mum's bedroom. Standing at a respectful distance, he said: "Goodbye, then!". He had recovered his usual voice. With a slight hesitation, he added in a whisper : " One of these days, perhaps", and with my arms by my side, I also flatly replied : "Thank you for driving me back"; but he couldn't have done it differently as our houses were adjoining...[...]

Merci Violet pour ce passage, une belle et fougueuse nuit d'été !

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de bonsai93, postée le 03-05-2011 à 20:09:03 (S | E)
In Raguenès , it was law tide. The spit of sand which linked the coast to the island on high water sparkled under the moon......
Everything was so pure, so similar to our fealings, that we went down for a short walk in this quiet water.
« And what about having a midnight swim? » I suddenly had this idea .
It was the first time we were together on a beach . In those years, the « Bretons »  didn't use to go on the shore. Having a swim was for them as a tourist's whim ….
We get undressed at a respectable distance, without looking at each other.
I had never been in the rude in front of a man but I was very sorry that Gauvain didn't glance at me.
I guess I was beautiful under the moonlight and less naked than in a bedroom with the hard lighting of an electric bulb.. As much to hide my front side as to avoid looking at his body , I rushed into the sea, at the east side, only to enjoye on breaking this mirror too smooth .

But I didn't go very far : I quickly imagine that Gauvain didn't know how to swim
« Why would a man know how to swim, exept to suffer longer when he is kept by a breaker , during the night in an icy water ? »he said to me
Gauvain and I didn't know the same sea , and he knew the right one .
We rolled in the rippling water for a long time, lighty brushing each other and laughing like two lucky whales, unable to decide to get out because we knew that on the dry beach , we would be back in our real clothes, our real identity and our real reality .
That was one of those unreal nights, when ,... for each wave, for each splash, the sea seemed to
crackle of sparks .We were gradually overhelmed with melancholy, it was seemingly absolutely dispropotionated with that moment we just had spent , as if we had lived together a long time of relationship and that an event as inexorable as a war was about to separate us.
That event was the dawn .The sky was lighting up towards east , gradually bringing back the earth to the real proportions.
Gauvain dropped me in front of my door; He said to me, standing at a good distance : «  Well ,
see you soon ! »
He added , lower « one day , may be » and I answered as shyly as him , my arms dangling against my body: « Thank you for bringing me back »but he couldnt do differently, our houses were close to each other.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de eos17, postée le 04-05-2011 à 10:52:38 (S | E)
Hello dear violet
"Contre vents et marées "je m'y jette!
" Neither with you nor without you" thème II

---At Raguenès,it was low tide. The sand-bank linking the coast to the island by spring tide,shone under the moonlight...
Everything was so pure, similar to us that we went down to walk a little in this quiet water.
" And what about a midnight swim ? "
I had suddenly had this idea. It was the first time we were together on a beach. In those years, the Bretons hardly went on the shore.They thought that to have a swim was a whim of tourists !..
Keeping away one from the other, we got undressed without looking one another.I had never been naked in front of a boy but I was sorry that Gauvain didn't glance at me.Under that moonlight I felt handsome and really less naked than if I were in a bedroom lit by a harsh electic bulb. As much to hide my front as to avoid looking at his own, I rushed into the sea,on east side, and for the pleasure I crazed that so smooth water mirror.But I didn't go far.I guessed very quickly that Gauvain didn't know how to swim.
"Why to know swimming otherwise to suffer longer when we are carried away by a billow in an icy ocean during the night ?" he told me....Gauvain and me didn't have the same feelings about the sea and it's him who knew the true one. We rolled in the shivering water a long time,touching slightly each other,laughing like two unruly whales,unable to decide to go out because we knew that ,once on the shore,dry, we were going to find our clothes ,our identity,our social behaviour.
It was one of those unreal nights each wave,each splash,the sea seemed crackle of sparks. A wave of melancholy overwhelmed us, gradually ,completely disproportionate with the time we had just spent together. It was like we had lived a long passionate relationship and that an inexorable event as a war was getting to separate us . In fact ,this event was the dawn. The sky brightened eastwards,giving back, slowly, right dimensions at the earth.
Gauvain dropped me off in front of the door .He said to me ,standing at respectuous distance :"Well goodbye!" and he added,lower :"May be see you one of these days ". I answered, as dully as him ,my arms along the body :"thank you for bringing me back" although he couldn't do differently,our houses being contiguous.
violet pour cette nuit de pleine lune !

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 04-05-2011 à 22:12:45 (S | E)

Lien internet
( Raguenès : vous pouvez agrandir à 150% )

et Continuez....courageusement....à la lune ..Violet

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de maya92, postée le 07-05-2011 à 17:11:58 (S | E)
Hello Violet,

At Raguenès it was low tide. The strip of land that linked the coastline with the island at spring tides was glittering in the moonlight. Everything was so pure, so much like us, that we went down to walk in that quiet water.
“What about a midnight swim ?”
The idea had suddenly come to my mind. It was the first time we were together on a beach. In those days, the Bretons were not used to go to the shore, they considered swimming as a tourist’s fad. We undressed at quite a distance and without looking at each other. I had never been naked in front of a boy but I felt sorry Gauvain did not even glance at me. I guessed I was beautiful under this moonlight and far less nude than inside a room under a harsh electric light.
As well to hide my front side as not to look at his, I plunged into the sea, towards the East, just for the pleasure of crazing such a smooth mirror. But I did not go very far. I realized very quickly that Gauvain could not swim
“Needless to be able to swim when you are engulfed in a wave by a freezing night” he said
I realized that we were not at all on the same wavelength concerning the sea and that HE knew the real one
We’ve rolled for a long time into the rippling water, brushing against each other like happy whales and without bringing ourselves to go out as we knew that once on the dry shore, with our clothes on, we will return to our status and conventions.
It was an unreal night one in which every wave, every splash made the sea throw out sparks. We were gradually overwhelmed by a surge of sadness that seemed totally different from the time we had just had as if, after the long passionate spell we spent, we were going to be parted by an event as implacable as a war. And this event was dawn. The sky was lighting up eastward bringing the earth back to its real proportions
Gauvain dropped me off in front of my door. He said, standing at quite a distance : “Well then, goodbye !” and he added in a lower tone “See you one of those days maybe “ and I answered as flatly as he and with my arms along my body “Thanks for taking me back”. But he could not have done differently : our houses were adjoining.

Thank you very much see you soo

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de nina80, postée le 08-05-2011 à 18:00:21 (S | E)
Hello Violet,

Neither with you, nor without you II

At Raguenes, it was low tide. The spit of sand linking up the coast to island was shinning under the moon.[...]
Everything was so pur, so similar to us, we went down to walk a little in that silent water.
"What about a midnight swim?" The idea had, suddently" come to me. It was the first time we were alone together on a beach.In those years, the Bretons scarceley went to the shore. Swimming appeared to them like a tourist craze.[..] We take our clothes off at a respectful distance, without looking at each other. I had never taken my clothes off in front of a man, but I was disapointed Gauvain didn't glance at me. I felt my self lovely under moonlight and less really naked than in a bedroom by the harsh light of a bulb. As much as to hide my front side than to avoid to look at its, I rushed in the sea, on the east side,for the pleasure of studing with stars this too smooth mirror. But, I didn't go far:I have quickly guessed Gauvain didn't know how to swim. "What is the use to know, otherwise suffering more when we are carried away by a wave in an icy water." he said.[..] Gauvain and I didn't see often the same person, and it was him who knew the real one. We rolled in the shimmering water for a long time, brushing against each other and laughing like two happy wales, unable to leave because we knew in a dry place, we were going to find our clothes again, our civil status,our conventions
It was one of these unreal nights, where each wave, each splash the sea seemed to crackle with sparks. Gradually, we were overhelmed with a wave of melancholy, apparently out of proportion with the time we had just spent as if we had lived together a long time of passion that a so inexorable event , such a war was about to separate. That occurence was the dawn. From the east, the sky beacame clear, getting land into real proportions.
Gauvain dropped me down, in front of my home.[..] Keeping a respectful distance , he said to me: "Bye, then" and he added "see you soon, maybe" I have unimaginatively responded: "Thank for taking me back", even though he couldn't do differently, our houses beeing semi-detached!..[..]

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de matou94, postée le 09-05-2011 à 21:40:07 (S | E)
Hello Violet

"Neither with you, nor without you - Part II"

At Raguenès, it was low tide. The strip of sand linking up the coast to the island, on white-water, was shining under the moon. [...]
Everything was so pure, so similar to us, that we came down to have a quick dip feet in this calm water.
"What about a midnight dip ?"
The idea came to me suddenly. It was the first time where we were together on a beach. In those years, Bretons didn't usually go to the shore. To them, bathing seemed a tourists' whim. [...]
Without looking at each other, we undressed at a respectful distance. I had never been naked in front of a man, but I was disappointed that Gauvain didn't glance at me.
I felt myself attractive in the moonlight, and really less naked than in a bedroom, under the hard light of an electric bulb. As much to hide my front side as to avoid looking at his, I rushed into the sea, on the east side, for the only pleasure of breaking up this too smooth mirror, making thousands spring of stars . But I didn't go far away : I soon guessed that Gauvain couldn't swim. "What is the use to know, otherwise suffer longer when a ground swell, during the night, in a freezing cold sea ?", he said. (I realized that we didn't have the same relationship with the sea at all ...] Gauvain and I didn't associate with the same person, and it was him who knew the real one.
For a long time, we rolled in the frothy water, lightly brushing each other and laughing like two lucky whales, unable to decide to get out, because we knew that, on the dry place, we would recover our clothes, our civil status and our conventions.
It was one of these dreamlike nights, where each wave, each splash, the sea seemed to crackle with sparks.
Gradually, a wave of melancholy overwhelmed us, apparently quite different with the enjoy moment we had passed together, as if we had lived a long time of passion, and that so inexorable event, like a war, was about to split us up.
That event in fact, came at the dawn. From the east, the sky became clearer, gradually restoring the earth in real proportions.
Gauvain dropped me off outside my door. He said to me, standing at a respectful distance : "Well, bye !".
He added in a whisper : "One of these days, perhaps ?" and with my arms by my side, I also flatly replied : "Thank you for driving me back", but he couldn't have done it differently, because our houses were adjoining ! [...]

Thank you very much for this romantic story

Modifié par matou94 le 10-05-2011 20:35

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de may, postée le 13-05-2011 à 20:40:51 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet,

At Raguenès, the tide was low. The sand strip which linked the shore to the island lively gleamed under the moonlight. Everything was so pure, so recognizable that leading us stepping down, walking a moment along the silent water.
"How about a midnight swim?"
The idea swiftly came to my mind. This was the first time we were together on the beach. In those years, the Britons hardly went to the beach. Swimming seemed to be a figment of tourists. We undressed ourselves at a respectful distance, without looking at each other. I have never been naked in front of a boy, however, I was a bit disappointed that Gauvain hadn't even glanced at me. I would obviously more attractive in that light of moon, I guessed, at least looking less naked as I truly was in the harsh light of electric. In order to keep me from seeing his body and also hiding mine, I hurled myself into the sea, east side, with the pleasure of bathing in the smooth and sparkling lights. But I hadn't been going very far: Gauvain didn't swim, I quickly noticed. " What's the point of swimming? If this kind of knowing is just to suffer longer when it suddenly and rapidly took you away one night in icy water. Bon, Gauvain and I have never been the same and that's him, who truly know the fact.
We were dipping in the chilly water. We were brushing against each other, laughing like two happy little whales, without a thought of getting out of this amazing moment since we both knew that when we were all clothed and dried, we were forced back to reality.
It was one of the fantastic nights where upon each wave, each splash, the sea seemed like pattering sparks. A notion of sadness were litle by litle overwhelming us, apparently contrary to the moment we had just spent as if we had found being together a timeless love and then being separated by a cruel event such as war. This event was, as happened, like dawn. The sky lit up in the East, gradually brought the land back to its normal size. Gauvain dropped me off in front of my door then he said when still keeping a respectful space: "Well, see you then.." and quietly added "one day, perhaps..." and I, arms straight along my sides, clumsily responded: "Thank you for bringing me back home" then, silence, nothing more...our house are next to each other......Anyway!

Bonne fin de semaine.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de lolilola, postée le 14-05-2011 à 11:23:50 (S | E)
Ouf, j'avais peur que la correction y soit déjà.
Alors voici ma contribution.

It was low-tide at "raguenès". The tong-liked shape of sand linking the coast to the island under the water was glittering under the moon .
Everything was so pure, so much like us, that we went down for a little walk in that silent water.
"shall we go for a swim?"
THe idea popped into my head. It was the first time we were together at the beach.
During these days, the breton didn't go the beach.
They thought that only tourist fancied bathing.
We got undressed, each at a respectable distance, without glancing at each other.
I had never been naked in front of a guy before and was disappointed that gauvain didn't even take a quick look at me.
I was feeling beautiful under that moonlight and not as naked as in a room under the agressive light of an electric lamp .
In order to hide my sex as to avoid to see his, i rushed into the see, on the east side, just for the pleasure to disturb the smooth mirror of the water.
I didn't go far,as i soon guessed Gauvain couldn't swim.
"what's the point to know, other than suffer longer when taken by a wave, at night, in a freezing sea?" he told me
(i realised we didn't have the same approach of the sea.
Gauvain and i didn't hang out with the same person, he knew the real one.)
We played a long time in the quivering water, slightly touching each other while laughing like two happy fishes,unable to stop because we knew that once we'd be back on earth, dry, we'd find our clothes, our identities and our social conventions back.
It was one of those surreal nights, where with each waves, each splash, the sea seemed to crakle (some phosphorescent plankton was heading to the surface...).

A flood of melancholy slowly engulfed us, completely out of tune with the moment we just had together, as if we had experienced a long moment of passion and that an event as horrible as a war was about to separate us.
This event, in this case, was dawn. The sky was getting lighter on the east, progressively giving the earth its true proportions back.
Gauvain left me at my house, the light was still on in my mother's room, and told me at a respectful distance
-goodbye then (he had his usual voice back, with a little hesitation)
And he added in a low voice " see you someday, maybe" and i responded with the same tone, my arms flat on my sides "thanks for bringing me back"
But he couldn't have done otherwise for he lived just next door.

C'était pas de la tarte.


Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 14-05-2011 à 12:02:17 (S | E)

Hello dear all , merci beaucoup de continuer à poster ...j'apprécie beaucoup , sachez-le .
Ce bain romantique m'a-t-il fait boire la tasse ? Je suis un temps submergée ...
Don't worry ! I expect I'll be back ...soon .

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de gerondif, postée le 14-05-2011 à 15:02:25 (S | E)
Bonjour, Violet.
Comme je n'ai pas envie de me creuser la tête, je vais traiter ce texte comme si j'avais un devoir sur table d'une heure, en premier jet, sans lire les feuilles de pompe tentantes des voisins !

----At, Raguenès, it was low tide. The strip of sand linking the coast to the island on a strong ebbing flow was glistening in the moonshine.

Everything was so pure, so like us that we walked down to take a stroll in that still and silent water.
" What about a midnight bath ?"
The idea had suddenly crossed my mind. It was the first time that we had ended up together on a beach. In those years way back, people in Britanny hardly ever went (seldom went) to the beach. Going for a swim was deemed a tourists' idiosyncrasy . We got undressed at a bashful distance, without looking at each other. I had never undressed completely in front of a boy but I was sorry Gauvain didn't dare give me a peep (glance at me). I guessed I was beautiful in that moonshine and less blatantly naked than in a room in the harsh light of an electric bulb. In order to hide my front nakedness just as much as not to have to look at his, I rushed into the sea on the east side, to enjoy rippling that too smooth mirror-like surface. But I didn't go too far away: I guessed very quickly that Gauvain couldn't swim! " What good would that do me,except suffer longer when you are swept away by a billow at night in an ice-cold sea ?" He told me . Gauvain and I didn't go out with the same person (worship the same mistress of a sea) and he knew what she was really like.

We rolled at length in that shivering water,brushing against each other in a laugh like two happy whales (je vais essayer ce compliment sur mon épouse, si vous n'avez plus de nouvelles, vous saurez pourquoi!I'll have a whale of a time !)), utterly unable to make up our minds to come out for we knew that once on the ground,on dry land, we would go back to our clothes,our official identities and our conventions.

It was one of those out of this world nights when, with each wave, each splash, the sea seemed to blaze (glitter)with sparks. A whiff of melancoly swept over us little by little, apparently quite out of proportion with the moment we had just spent, as if we had gone through a lengthy passion together and as if some quite inexorable event like a war was about to split us apart. As a matter of fact, that dreadful event happened to be dawn. The sky was getting lighter in the east, bringing little by little the earth below back to more normal proportions.

Gauvain walked me to my door (dropped me off at my door s'il avait eu un véhicule). "Good bye, then!" he said to me, keeping back at a respectful distance...and the he added, in a low(er) voice : " See you later, alligator, maybe" and I answered just as tritely , with my arms dangling at my side:
" Thank you for taking me home (walking me back home), although he could hardly have done otherwise, as we lived in terraced houses/ adjoining houses/ as we were next-door neighbours.

I was in a playful mood for a change! Sorry, Violet !

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de car2bar, postée le 17-05-2011 à 14:48:39 (S | E)
Bonjour, Violet

In Raguenes, it was low tide. The strip of sand linking the coast to the island was shinning under the moon.[...]
All was so pur, so similar to us, that we went down to walk a little in this silent water.
What about having a midnight bath ?
The idea had suddenly come to my mind. It was the first time we were together and alone on a beach. In those years, Bretons didn't go to the beach. They thought that to have a swim was a tourist’s fancy [..]We took our clothes off at a respectable distance, without looking at each other. I had never been stripped in front of a boy but I regretted that Gauvain didn't glance at me. I guessed myself beautiful under this moon and less undressed than in a bedroom, under the hard light of an electric bulb. As much to hide my front as to avoid looking at his, I rushed into the sea, on the east side, for the pleasure to spangle with stars this smooth mirror. But I didn't go too far away : I guessed soon that Gauvain didn’t know how to swim. «What's the use in knowing it, unless to suffer longer when a wave carries you away during a night in icy waters?" he said to me.[...] Gauvain and I didn't know the same sea , and he knew the right one.
We rolled for a long time in the shivering water, brushing against each other and laughing like two happy whales, unable to get out of the water because we knew that on the beach we would find our clothes again, our civil status and our conventions.
It was one of these unreal nights where, with each wave, with each splash, the sea seemed to crackle with sparks. A wave of melancholy, dispropotionated with that moment, overwhelmed us gradually, as if we had lived together a long time of passion and that an event like a war was going to separate us. That event was dawn. On the east, the light was bringing back the earth to its real proportions
Gauvain left me in front of my door.[...] Keeping a respectful distance, he said: « Well, goodbye! » and he added, lower : «I see you one of these days » and I answered as flatly as he, my arms along my body :"thank you for bringing me back" although he couldn't do differently, because our houses were contiguous.

Thank you, Violet

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de sanna6, postée le 17-05-2011 à 18:30:05 (S | E)

Je poste le p'tit bout que j'ai fait, je continuerai si je peux, plus tard, merci Violet

...In Raguenès, it was low tide. The tongue of sand which connects the cost to isle by a running water shone under the moon.
All was so pure, so alike to us, that we went down to walk a little bit into this silent water.
"And what about a midnight swim ?"
The idea was suddenly come myself. It was the first time we were together on a beach. At those years, people from Brittany didn't go to the shore. Swimming, appeared them as a whim of tourist. We undressed with a respectful distance, without look at each other.I was never disrobed in front of a young man but I was worry that Gauvain didn't have a look to me. I felt (guessed)myself beautiful under that moon and less really undressed than in a bedroom, by the hard light of a (electric) bulb. As much as to hid my front than to avoid to look at his, I rushed into the sea, East side, for pleasure to star this mirror too smooth. But I didn't go far : I guessed quickly than Gauvain couldn't swim. "What would be the use of to swim, except to suffer longer when we are snapped by a wave, by night, in a freezing sea ?" said to me. [Je m'aperçus que nous n'entretenions pas du tout le même rapport avec la mer...)Gauvain and me didn't see the same person and it's him who knew the true one.

Une bonne fin de journée

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 25-05-2011 à 17:03:00 (S | E)

Bonjour chaleureux à tous, mes chers petits mignons, poor darlings !

I am awfully sorry for keeping you waiting so long...mais , à force d'étudier les coefficients, j'ai sombré quelque peu en eaux-vives et profondes dans une période " blindée " avec un peu de mal à retrouver, j'avoue, du souffle pour le site.

A thousand thanks for your patience and such kindness to me. Shall I be totally forgiven ? I AM coming , this time, at last ! Vous avez travaillé comme des amours, studieux, fidèles et ponctuels , vous. Et c'était en effet loin d'être facile . ( did tell me (didn't you) and 'never' gave up . Cheers to you )

----------------------- Neither with you nor without you. Translation II -----------------------------------------------------------------------

...........At Raguenès the tide was out. The spit of sand which joins (joined/links, linked) the island to the shore at spring tide(s) shone in the moonlight.[..] All was so still, so pure , so like us, we got out of the car to walk in that silent water.
' Why don't we have a midnight swim ? '
The idea came to me all at once. It was the first time we had ever been by the sea together. In those days, Bretons hardly ever went to the beach ; to them, swimming was a crack-brained trippers' (tourists') whim
.[ Sailors and fishermen had gone down at sea too often, for many centuries, to think of it as a place for fun and games.]
We undressed at a discreet distance from each other, careful not to look. I had never taken my clothes off in front of a boy but that didn't stop me feeling disappointed that Gavin didn't glance at me. I was beautiful in the moonlight , I felt sure, less truly naked than in a bedroom, in the glare of electric light (bulb). As much to hide my 'front' as to avoid looking at his , I raced to the east into the sea first, joyously splintering the bright mirror. I didn't go far. Almost immediately I guessed that Gavin couldn't swim. ' What's the point ? Only makes it worse if you're swept away* overboard* at night in a freezing sea?', he said .[ I realised then that Gavin's sea was a different person from mine, and that he knew the real one.]
We had great fun rolling in the shivering water for ages, delightedly laughing and brushing against each other , thrilled like a pair of happy whales , delaying the moment when we would have to get out. We knew once on dry land we would don our social differences along with our clothes. It was one of those unreal nights [ when a sort of phosphorescent plankton comes to the surface ] , when each stroke, each splash causes luminous ripples, and sends sparks flashing into darkness. A wave of sudden sadness engulfed us, apparently quite disproportionate to the transitoriness of that moment ; it was as if we had experienced a lifelong passion moment and were about to be separated by something as inexorable as war. That something was dawn, as it happened.The sky was lightening in the east, bringing the world back to its rightful proportions.
Gavin dropped me off at my door. [ A light was still on my mother's bedroom ; she was waiting for me.] He kept a respectful distance as he said in his normal voice : -' Well,'bye then '. And after a pause, more softly ' See you again , maybe .' I replied just as flatly, my arms clamped to my sides . ' Thanks for bringing me home ' . As if he could have done anything else ! Our houses were next door to each other.

.................... Adapté d'un extrait des " Vessels of the heart" , " LES VAISSEAUX DU COEUR " (1988) de BENOITE GROULT (1988).

* Vives-eaux (cf. correction) spring tide(s).J'essaie d'envoyer une autre photo puisque le terme suscite une petite polémique. Et je respecte le texte de Benoîte Groult qui " a passé la moitié de sa vie en mer ".

* to be swept away overboard : pourrait paraître pléonasmique (quelque peu redondante ), mais j'en connais au mois deux qui en ont réchappé (de jour) et celui-là, voyez :

June 11, 2009 21:12 PM
Fireman Who Fell Overboard Found Safe

KUALA TERENGGANU, June 11 (Bernama)-- A fireman who fell overboard and was swept away by currents off Kampung Mengabang, Telipot Wednesday was found safe this morning.

Et Gavin dont le niveau de langue est relativement pauvre et pas toujours syntaxique, revient rudement à la cruelle et insistante réalité..

* L'expression " rire comme une baleine" a une origine mystérieuse en Français et se perd plus ou moins (cf. correction). L'image peut paraître insolite en Anglais (like two whales; en tout cas , vous l'avez appris ou réviser!). J'ose la garder ...pour l'auteur, aussi.(cf.correction)

Woilà une première chose voyez comme j'ai encore l'impression de marcher sur des sables mouvants (quick sands )...

Je suis revenue aux premières idées..après tout ..pourquoi pas ? Si l'auteur a choisi, elle sait ce qu'elle fait .Vous me comprenez ...

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 26-05-2011 à 12:18:11 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous , friends ,
Je vais " definitely " recoller au texte original . Je ne sais pas ne pas le respecter . A + .
Lien internet je ne peux pas davantage ...
Lien internet

(ce n'est pas du Keith Jarrett ("on" ne me dira pas seulement " élitiste"): cela reste poétique.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 26-05-2011 à 23:07:05 (S | E)

Bonsoir (frisquet) à tous , dear friends ,

Déjà bravo à toutes vos performances et vos recherches lexicales , car il y en avait finalement encore beaucoup.

---Pas ou peu de difficultés grammaticales pour un niveau 2 ou 3.

--A ] LES TEMPS EMPLOYES : aucune surprise : un souvenir est évoqué , parfois comme une photo fixe ou/et une video inscrites au plus précieux de la mémoire. Ce temps suspendu , " moment d'éternité " où tout se fond dans l'harmonie : nature et héros.

-- Aussi beau que ceci ( merci dreamboat )[ grande chanteuse canadienne de souche irlandaise / accents de musique celte = Celtic [keltik]music )§§§§

Lien internet

--ou cela :

Lien internet

.....ce que peut être le bonheur .

Ce beau roman de Benoîte Groult a un ton de confidence intime, majeure, offerte aux cet instant magique, celui de l'extrait (on dirait du "faux Duras" ! God! comme il a été reproché à Mazarine Pingeot ( eh oui!) pour son " Cimetière des Poupées" 2007... ), cet instant unique, donc ,n' aura pas échappé aux âmes romantiques .
Aux femmes comme à deux de nos hommes ( du site, I mean!).
Si par cas , l'humour s'installe là, c'est cause de vitesse et sans doute de pudeur.. On " botte en touche", expression bien masculine, non ?

L'écrivain(e) a mis cinquante- huit ans à livrer ici beaucoup d'elle-même . L'évocation est forte . Un moment de bonheur au passé avec un déroulé fluide qui ne laisse place à aucune interruption. Tout y est lisse comme le so " smooth mirror " qu'est l'océan.

a ) Le temps majeur : prétérit = past tense . Toujours expression du révolu , ici. Pas d'hypothétique : if I were..., if I could...

-- simple past régulier : joined, linked, undressed, raced, realised -( UK # realized US), engulfed... dropped .replied (relevé non exhaustif)

La base verbale + ED , invariable pour la règle orthographique générale. = joined, undressed...

-- Et ses trois variantes orthographiques sur des verbes terminés en "e" ( 2 syllabes ou plus) (decide, phone , smile ,infatuate "y" ( diphtongué : son à 2 voyelles combinées ) ou consonne (la plupart à monosyllabe brève) ( du genre : begged ( prier, mendier) , patted( tapoter, caresser) , dropped( déposer, lâcher, goutter) , cancelled (UK : annuler), travelled(UK),benefitted (UK) , focussed (UK ; focaliser, centrer)...and so on.

Ainsi : -- , I raced ( courir, faire la course), I realised / He dropped / I replied.

Le simple past actif a pour auxiliaire DID + INF.sans to.

Ainsi : didn't glance / didn't go .

Ou ailleurs : " Did you see what I saw ? " prend une autre (hilarious!)dimension dit avec grand humour anglais ! (" Frenzy"- 1972-, an extra thrilling film by Hitchcock , again )

Lien internet
- modifié le 28 à 20h. J'ai pu tout voir : sorry it is all in French and the scene doesn't go far enough ; le camion poursuit sa route , l'homme s'échappe . Et dans un virage brutal, the potato truck 's "backtrail" opens again and the lorry drops off the naked lady's corpse. Deux policiers suivent et l'un , stunned (pourtant ébahi), dit à l'autre avec un flegme purement britannique " did you see what I saw ?" .Ca tombe " à pic" . restons pas sur notre faim : un peu d'Anglais :

Lien internet

(il cherche son épingle à cravate "bien" placée pour le retrouver !) Very strange potato truck , this is !

-- They hardly visited their relatives , did they ? (ne ..guère) : cet adverbe est dangereux quand on veut faire un tag , car sous des airs positifs, il est bien négatif !

Il se fait tard. See you tomorrow ( si vous le voulez bien et aussi ). Have an excellent night with sweet dreams !

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 26-05-2011 à 23:47:10 (S | E)

Ariane m'informe à l'instant et m'envoie en interne la photo recherchée...Grand merci à toi. Peux-tu apporter une amélioration technique à tes dons ? Amener tes images ici, sur le sujet, en clair...elles ne veulent pas me suivre .( j'ai trop parlé du Cap Ferret!...)

So many thanks if we can wake up tomorrow morning with so pretty views here ! Good luck and night!

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de ariane6, postée le 27-05-2011 à 00:00:37 (S | E)
Hello violet !
Un aller retour à Concarneau dans la soirée ! Et voici les photos de l'île de Raguenès... et de la bande de sable qui la relie à la côte...

Je lirai ta correction demain, bonne nuit à toi et à tous !

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 27-05-2011 à 00:07:15 (S | E)
--This is really sweet of you !!
--Elles sont " sublimes , forcément sublimes " !

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 27-05-2011 à 14:20:17 (S | E)

Bonjour "chaleureux " à toutes et tous,

Je reviendrai sans doute en fin d'après-midi. Merci. Yr Violet

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de hanifa, postée le 27-05-2011 à 18:09:47 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
Violet as usual, your text is very interesting, but unfortunately, I had not got enough time to post my attempt of translation. What a pity, but I read the correction. You did a very good work, and you involve yourself to each correction.
Many thanks to you...
See you soon my dear Violet and Bravo.I would like to have a professor like you in English ;o)))

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 27-05-2011 à 23:08:00 (S | E)

(J'ai appuyé sur la mauvaise touche après une heure de travail pfff!...guess what ? )

Bonsoir , mes chers petits mignons,

...Belles images et mots charmants m'avaient bien remise en selle, pourtant. Restons zen ! Om...

Les temps employés , donc .

2 ) Des antériorisations dans ce passé narratif (simple past): past perfect ou pluperfect (appellation qui tombe), équivalant à notre plus-que-parfait français.
Un seul auxiliaire en Anglais : HAD + P.passé régulier ou irrégulier. pour les verbes actifs et verbes pronominaux français du genre : naître, mourir, s'endormir, s'éveiller, se lever, aller, venir, se brosser dents et cheveux,se laver, se coiffer , se nourrir, montrer, rester, devenir , entrer...qui se construisent avec l'auxiliaire " être" , il faudra toujours utiliser l'anglais " HAD" . Pour le verbe être et les verbes d'état aussi : sembler, paraître...

Ainsi : we had ever been / they had gone / I had taken off. C'est un temps du bilan passé

-- Ou ailleurs : they had walked / they had smiled / they had replied / they had stopped.../ they had chosen Raguenès /he had driven to the beach / she had suggested having a swim / they had undressed / they had left each other for two years...

La contraction en est 'd: they'd gone / she'd been daring ( elle avait été audacieuse )/ it'd [itd] , that'd ['td] been delightful for both of them./ what'd [ wt] been no surprise ( ce qui n'avait rien eu de surprenant).

--A la forme interrogative : HAD + sujet inversé + p.passé.

Ainsi ces deux "yes, no questions" = questions fermées
- Had they known each other for long ? Yes, they had, since their childhood.
- They had hardly been alone together, had they ?
... Ou toute question ouverte = WH..question :
Where had they decided to escape (to) after dancing in Concarneau ?

....A la forme négative : they hadn't[hdnt] (nasalisation : essayez : pas trop "sur les dents" , collez votre langue au palais et faites monter le son dans le nez (exercez-vous avec didn't, couldn't,shouldn't wouldn't ,aussi ...[ vous gagnerez des points et surtout un accent vraiment authentique ] been alone by the sea so far .
- They hadn't been alone together so far.(c'est bon? Vous m'en direz des nouvelles!)

3 ) Le past continuous : réactualisation (flash back et cohabitation avec un simple past qui vient en général interrompre ). WAS ou WERE |w]forme forte; [w]forme faible + BV-ING . Notre imparfait descriptif.

Ainsi : Mother was waiting for me (when we reached our houses).
--The sky was lightening : l'oeil et le photographe peuvent en évaluer le déroulement.Cest lentement perceptible par séquences.

Lien internet
une autre belle voix : celle de la fille du grand Indian sitar player Ravi Shankar . §§§

Plus discutable : the sandspit was shining in the moonlight . C'est un état de fait , circonstances climatiques, temporelles et autres réunies, l'image va être la même à chaque fois , chaque soir sur une période. Voilà pourquoi il vaut mieux choisir un simple past plutôt que de dire :
-The spitsand was shining # the spitsand shone.

...I see it is getting late ,now. So time for me to leave you until tomorrow.

---Dear all, have a good night rest.(repos!)

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 28-05-2011 à 20:14:06 (S | E)

p7 Hello dear all,

Journée ne fais qu'arriver devant le P.C. Je viens d'ajouter une note sur polyvalente Loreena McKennitt et des éléments hitchcockiens concernant " Frenzy" dans ma toute première fois ...euh ..partie.De la musique dans la deuxième pour illustrer agréablement le "mouvement " du sunrise.

Have a good meal. Je reviens after dinner, I hope.

And there I am. All yours for a while. (9.33 pm)

----------- Les temps employés (suite)

4 ) Le présent simple : généralité, habitude, fréquence, opinion, volonté, "vérité universelle "(Man(human beings) walks on two feet/ The sun rises in the east and sets in the west . Cet 's' oublié à la 3ème est la faute qui tue !.Sinon, BV. invariable.

Ainsi : " (it) only makes it worse /the sandbar joins, links/ when a sort of plankton comes ailleurs avec presque les mêmes particularités orthographiques qu'au simple past : she often flies to London , cries, replies../ she never undresses on the beach / The sea pushes and pulls/ ...mais he drops her off at her front gate.

...Auxiliaire DO ou DON't + inf.sans to.
Do they ever dance a tango ? Yes, they sometimes do.
They hardly speak together, do they ?
Does Gavin hold her tight ? Does she like him doing so ?..she adores it ,doesn't she ?!...
--Et une interro-négative : " Why don't we have a midnight swim ?"

..what is ('s) the point [pnt] ? A quoi bon ? Quel intérêt ?...
..un présent passif :" you 're swept away (to sweep) : vous (tu es) êtes balayé ..

5 ) Mode condtionnel présent : WOULD (contraction 'd attention suivi cette fois de l'inf.sans to)

Ainsi : they would don their social differences .
...........They' d don ..., woudn't (nasalisé) they ? Ils retrouveraient ..., bien évidemment (tag descendant).

Attention si hors contexte , vous voyez - ' they' read ',put, cut,set...: ce peut être : they would read [](if..) ou they had read [r]. Si la phrase est toute seule, telle qu'elle : proposez les deux. Sinon ce qui précède ou suit , vous donne la réponse (à l'écrit).
-( J'invente) When ,later, they had had nothing else in mind,they'd read the splendid following passage by Marcel Proust (first tome /...

[ Je m'amusais à regarder les carafes que les gamins mettaient dans la Vivonne pour prendre les petits poissons, et qui, remplies par la rivière, où elles sont à leur tour encloses, à la fois « contenant » aux flancs transparents comme une eau durcie, et « contenu » plongé dans un plus grand contenant de cristal liquide et courant, évoquaient l'image de la fraîcheur d'une façon plus délicieuse et plus irritante qu'elles n'eussent fait sur une table servie, en ne la montrant qu'en fuite dans cette allitération perpétuelle entre l'eau sans consistance où les mains ne pouvaient la capter et le verre sans fluidité où le palais ne pourrait en jouir .]

" I liked to look at the carafes which the boys put in the Vivonne to catch little fish, and which were filled by the river that in turn enclosed them, so that they became at once a “container” with transparent sides like hardened water and a “content” immersed in a larger container of coursing liquid crystal, and evoked the image of coolness more deliciously and vexingly than they would have on a table laid for dinner, by showing it only in that perpetual alliterative flight between the water without consistency in which my hands could not capture it and the glass without fluidity in which my palate could not enjoy it ."[ from " the way by Swann's.1913. from " In search of lost time "]

...but not being educated the same way , Gauvain had probably liked the passage , but they hadn't been able to speak of the poetry, symbols in it ...
and all that :

"That delicious/vexing figure of negativity is linked to the self generating, alliterative movement of this figure, like a profusion of the same vowels in which container and contained are ceaselessly passing from one to the other, both container and contained separately distinguishable in the mind and indistinguishable in alliterative flight before the eyes, intermittently both and neither. The figure is an abyss that arouses feelings of the sublime, when the mind outstrips the possibilities of perception, reaches beyond the formal finitude of all images, even those invented by the imagination, in order to contemplate the abyss, the idea of infinity." Richard Klein.

C'était pour le plaisir à partager...... et depuis le temps que poster du Proust( 1871-1922, 51 ans) sur le site me taraude ...

They' d read the signpost['snpst= panneau)] to Raguenès beach and decided to stop there.(suivez l'indication).

---un conditionnel passé avec le modal de la possibilité, ici: he could have [:forme faible]done : il aurait pu faire. Liez bien ce groupe à l'oral , sans respirer en plein milieu : vous avez de quoi prendre vos précautions ,avant ! COULD + HAVE (marque d'antériorisation) + P.PASSE . He could have glanced at her (capacité)/ they could have kissed each other: ils auraient pu s'embrasser (tout de même!)

...they would have stayed longer if the girl hadn't been waited for.( irréel du passé : c'est "râpé" ( raté,fichu) pour cette fois ! Mais pas désespéré.

6 ) Un futur simple sous-entendu : raccourci - expression courante :

(I will)see you one of these days, soon , in a near future, , later (alligator!). ..ce genre.

Ainsi : see you soon , maybe !

--See you in a minute ['minit]!...(je pense avoir fait le tour des temps : je vérifie)

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 28-05-2011 à 23:45:23 (S | E)

... Encore un peu ...


-- Quelques points "épineux" selon le niveau :

1 ) Le génitif générique , pluriel ici. Il ne concerne personne de précis. Il classifie genres, espèces....

ainsi : une lubie de touristes : a tourists' whim. A trippers' whim.(toutes sortes de touristes et excursionnistes)

..ailleurs a girls' high school(US) / a boys' grammar school (UK)/ A children's department (in a store) .

Il n'y a pas "si longtemps" , Cambridge (et Oxford )(je cite celles-là, en connaissance de cause ) n'avaient que des male students' colleges ! D'ailleurs , regardez les pourcentages d'alumni (célébrités sortantes).
Maintenant, c'est à peu près équivalent partout : un peu plus de garçons, dirait-on. (merci de ne pas tirer des conséquences sur les Q.I !)

CollegesKey: U–undergraduates, P–postgraduates .

College Founded[8] U[9] P[9] Male %[9] Female %[9] Total[9] Fixed assets (£)[10][11] Website Notes

En couleur, dates de fondation /.../.../ pourcentage de "male" students / de "female" students :

Christ's College / 1505 423 91 / 58 - 44 / 514 [12]

Churchill / 1960 476 /228/ 71- 29 /[13]

Clare[ 'kl] / 1326 /473 /182/ 52 23 /655 / [14]

Clare Hall / 1965/ 0 155 47 53 155 &000000001057920300000010,579,203 [15] Graduate students only.

Corpus Christi/ 1352 / 250/ 209 /60 -40 /459 /[16]

Darwin / 1964 0 591 54 -46 /591 / [17] Graduate students only.

Downing /1800/ 440 /183 /66 - 34 /623 [18]

Emmanuel /1584 510 123 51 - 49 /633 [19]

Fitzwilliam /1869 /502/ 186/ 63 37 /688 [20]

Girton /1869 531 146 53 - 47 / 677/ [22]

Gonville and Caius / 546 173 60 49 /719 /[23]

Homerton /1895 (1976)/ 593 /588 /37 - 63/ 1181/ [24][25]

Hughes [' hz] Hall/ 1885 /85 /334 61 39/ 419 / [26] Mature undergrad, and grad students only.

Jesus [zs] /1496/ 503 /201/ 57 43 /704 [27]

King's /1441 HENRY VIII
/ 394/ 187/ 57 - 43 / 81 /

Lucy ['lsi] Cavendish /1965/ 110 110 0 - 100 /220 / [29] Mature female undergrad, and female grad students only.

Magdalene ['mdlin] ou ['mgdlin] comme " The Magdalene's sisters" de S.Coppola./1428/ 366 /127 /54 -46 /493 / [30]

Lien internet

Murray Edwards ['dwz]/ 1954 /387/ 55 -100 /442 / [31] Female only. Formerly New Hall.

Newnham /1871/ 412/ 112 /0 100 524 &000000009028796900000090,287,969 [32] Female students only.

Pembroke/ 1347 442 155 53 -47 597/ [33]

Peterhouse /1284 266 88 57 43 /354/

Queens'/ 1448 535 297 57 43 /832 / [35]

Robinson /1977 422 73 60 40 /495 /[36]

St Catharine's [krinz] /1473 462 159 52 48 /621 [37]

St Edmund's/ 1896 126 205 69 31 [38] Mature undergrad, and grad students only.

St John's /1511 588 243 59 41 /831/ [39]

Selwyn /1882 388 130 70 30/ 518 /[40]

Sidney Sussex /1596 371 135 63 37/ 506/ [41]

Trinity /1546 656 373 63 37 /1029 /[42]

Trinity Hall/ 1350 384 196 54 46/ 580/ [43]

Wolfson /1965 119 /385/ 64 36 504/ [44] Mature undergrad, and grad students only.

Totals 11,824 6,002 17,826 c. 3,407,053,395 Total Endowment of University, c. £4.1 billion[45]

..Dimanche 29/ 1.37pm : j'ai fait un peu de ménage pour mrs White ou autres .Quelques petites choses à vérifier plus tard..
Excellent après-midi !

...Woilà pour ce soir .(je ne suis pas allée du côté de Harvard ,Princeton, Yale, Columbia ... Seattle Universities...) . chères à mes yeux et au coeur ! Allez les voir !

Have a good night with sweet dreams . . 11.57PM.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 29-05-2011 à 12:07:15 (S | E)

Bon dimanche ensoleillé à tous et excellente journée aux Mamans (Mother 's day, overhere ) pense en particulier à valeureuse sanna qui ,très affairée avec ses 3 , se lance ici en tant que re-débutante !

...depuis mon "petit appareil" ,je me relis depuis le début , relève encore des fautes de frappe (" suck" kindness : moi aussi des lapsus tendancieux?!!!)et vois que tous mes chiffres d'hier soir ont fait leur vie en bleu !! Je tenterai de revenir en fin d'après-midi après fête et gala de danse .

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de sanna6, postée le 29-05-2011 à 19:10:25 (S | E)
Merci Violet ...J'espère que toutes les mamans du monde auront eu une belle journée aujourd'hui
Bonne fête Violet et bon gala de danse

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II de violet91, postée le 29-05-2011 à 20:36:33 (S | E)

Back to you,just for a spell of time, (no formula of magic power put on you ! No bewitched state !(I couldn't do that to you, friends !!)...why not a charm of fascination ?)

....GRAMMAIRE (suite)......

2 ) L'expression du but : infinitif complet :TO + BV , in order to...

--ainsi : too often... "to think the sea as a place of fun."..

--et " as much to hide ...and to avoid ..." : autant pour cacher ..qu'éviter de...

# expression de la conséquence : so that ...: de sorte que...

3 ) Le gérondif BV+-ING après certains verbes et les prépositions :

--ainsi : That didn't stop me feeling..." : cela ne m'arrêta pas de .../// I stopped to wait for him : je me suis arrêtée pour l'attendre./ avoid looking at his 'front'.

--To stop from +-ing : empêcher de . My parents stopped me from going to Tunisia (when I was invited for the summer holidays): mes parents m'ont empêchée (retenue) de partir en Tunisie.(because of the plane !)
Good at speaking / in , on coming (simultanéité)/ happy with exchanging with her (moyen , accompagnement) / by driving too fast (cause)/ before, after going to bed (temporel)...

--le gérondif( nominalisation) :nager > la natation /(ex: le dîner , le souper , le coucher..)
...ainsi 'to them, swimming was a tourists' whim.' (le fait de : mais,trop lourd)

-- La dangereuse expression : être ou non habitué à : TO BE USED TO + - ING .(passive)

...I am not used to speaking loud or shouting ( I hate noise and any kind of "violence"), that is why I do appreciate the musical softness of English and British ways (on the whole).I am used to making friends easily with spontaneous and extroverted people, though.

"Comme la statue d'Eugène Sue " a l'habitude " de trôner à la même place "...It must be used to standing there...and looking at passers-by !

Lien internet
(on ne s'en lasse pas )

I am used to always going and seeing a foreign film in its language.(beaucoup d'étudiants confondent avec " I used to + inf = forme fréquentative dans le passé ; une habitude perdue = people used to be polite !! / Good pupils used to do Latin ever since their first year at the grammar school
(eleven-year-old) (active). Unfortunately, Latin and Greek are more or less dying away.
Mais il y a l'informatique pour tous et dès la maternelle!

4 ) 3 ) Infinitif négatif : placer "not" devant = ' To be or not to be '!

..ainsi : careful not to look.

...ailleurs 'not to lead him into temptation..' pour ne pas l'entraîner( le faire succomber !) à la tentation ...

5 ) Verbes prépositionnels (postpositionnels) ou particules : tout un programme en Anglais !

to put -- poser, mettre
to put away -- ranger
to put down -- poser, abaisser, dénigrer
to put out -- sortir (quelque chose)
to put on -- mettre (vêtements, etc.), taquiner (quelqu'un)
to put off -- remettre à plus tard

to turn -- tourner
to turn on -- allumer
to turn off -- éteindre
to turn around -- se retourner
to turn up -- mettre plus fort (son, lumière)
to turn down -- baisser (son, lumière), refuser
to turn out -- devenir, finir par être
to turn red, white, etc. -- rougir, blanchir, etc.

...> Les verbes prépositionnels et verbes à particules composéesIl existe aussi un grand nombre de verbes qui comprennent une double préposition :

to put up with (something, someone) -- supporter (quelqu'un, quelque chose)
to go out with -- sortir avec
to go off on (a digression, an adventure) -- se lancer dans (une digression, une aventure)
to run away from -- fuir

Feeling a bit lazy, I pinched (chiper)that on the site (thank you , lucile)

...verbes de mouvements : to come, go, run , changement d'état t : to get on, off/ in-out/up-down,along , through.../
--to die away : s'éteindre peu à peu (vie, bruit,feu , traditions...)

--ainsi 'to go down" to the beach (j'ai pour ma part considéré le décor tout plat et ils étaient en 4CV!) To take off (ôter , pas décoller en avion, ici!< the landing(atterrissage) ; the taking off)/ to be swept away (être emporté )

Lien internet
pour ceux qui l'aiment et np qui apprécie le Français et est musicien )

--Coming to the end of this spell. Dinner time. Have a good meal or easy digestion, if you've already finished !


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