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Un fin renard /Thème

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Un fin renard /Thème
Message de here4u posté le 21-02-2014 à 14:34:12 (S | E | F)
Hello Everybody !

I was told that this spot existed and that I could make other people work (My dream !)
Here's a text over which I pored years ago. I still have the correction and my different drafts, but I'm sure all this can be up-dated and improved ! Who will have a go ? COME ON !

Un fin renard.

Notre héros s'était figuré assez légèrement qu'il s'amuserait sans peine aux dépens d'une sorte de bel esprit de province, hâbleur de son métier ; Il trouva que la logique de la province vaut mieux que ses petits vers. Loin de mystifier Du Poirier, il eut toutes les peines du monde à ne pas tomber lui-même dans quelque position ridicule. Ce qu'il y a de sûr, c'est qu'il fut complètement guéri de l'ennui par la vue d'un animal aussi étrange. Du Poirier pouvait avoir cinquante ans; ses traits étaient grands et fort prononcés. Deux petits yeux gris-vert, fort enfoncés dans la tête, s'agitaient, se remuaient avec une activité étonnante et semblaient lancer des flammes : ils faisaient pardonner une longueur étonnante au nez qui les séparait. Dans beaucoup de positions, ce nez malheureux donnait au docteur la physionomie d'un renard alerte. Ce qui achevait la ressemblance, dès qu'on avait eu le malheur de l'apercevoir, c'était une épaisse forêt de cheveux d'un blond fort hasardé, qui hérissaient le front et les tempes du docteur. Au total, on ne pouvait oublier cette tête une fois qu'on l'avait vue; à Paris, elle eût peut-être fait horreur; en province, où l'on s'ennuie, tout ce qui promet une sensation est reçu avec empressement, et le docteur était à la mode.

STENDHAL, Lucien Leuwen, 1834-1835

La correction sera publiée le 13 mars après 20h.
Bon courage à tous.

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de notrepere, postée le 21-02-2014 à 19:27:26 (S | E)
Hello here4u. I'm glad you're here4us . Now, after reading your exercise, I would like to say a couple of things that people have said to me in my previous exercises:

Are you trying to kill us? I think this should be at least 10 stars!

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de gerondif, postée le 21-02-2014 à 23:21:25 (S | E)
a rather difficult text, with expressions that don't mean anything any more (cheveux d'un blond hasardés?? je ne sais pas ce que ça veut dire) I'll improvise something in five ten minutes,without dictionary, as I did for the capes translations in ....1976, for the fun of it. Some words that come to my mind I haven't used for decades....

A sly fox/ a clever fox.

Our hero had figured, somewhat light-headedly, that he could easily have fun at the expense of some country wit, since he was a bragger by trade. He found out that provincial logic is (was) better than his petty poetry. Far from mystifying Du Poirier, he found it hard (he was hard put to it) not to fall himself into a somewhat ridiculous situation. For sure, He was completely cured from boredom by the sight of such a strange animal (creature). Du Poirier could have been fifty or so.He had big rugged features.His two tiny deep-set green-grey eyes would move about with an astonishing eagerness and seemed to throw out flames. They made you forget (forgive) how amazingly long his nose was that stood out between them. In most poises of his head,that unfortunate (wretched) nose would make the doctor look like a fox on the look-out. What made the resemblance even stronger, once you had unfortunately noticed it, was a thick mane of somewhat fair hair which bristled out of the doctor's forehead and temples. With all that, it was utterly impossible to forget such a head once you had caught sight of it.In Paris, it would have horrified you, but in the country, where people easily get bored, anything bearing the promise of something sensational is eagerly welcomed, and the doctor was indeed fashionable (the latest craze)

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 22-02-2014 à 01:00:47 (S | E)
Eh, gerondif ... you're not going to censor Stendhal, are you ?

As I'm very kind and generous , I'm going to help on this obsolete expression : "blond fort hasardé" is a euphemism for red hair (which could have been guessed regarding a fox, couldn't it ? I'm really lenient ...

As for your fast, extraordinarily fast work ... may I remind you that you're given a lot of extra time (till March 13th) because there was a rebellion in my reception box ... yes, I am lenient indeed ...

Now, for my inability to master computing and this precise site, I'm now unable to see what you wrote, I can't remember your work ... and can't find the way to see your message now ... So, I'll come back to you later !

Anyway ... that was very courageous of you ...

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 22-02-2014 à 01:15:36 (S | E)
HI, notrepere !

I couldn't agree more ! It's not an easy "thème" ("version" for you, which is a little 'less difficult', normally ...)

What's important is to respect the level and period of the language ... Here, we have a text of the early nineteenth century, and the great difficulty will be to render the language of the time ...(Not modern American English, I'm sorry ! )
Come on ! May the force be with all of you !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de mamou3, postée le 22-02-2014 à 14:26:53 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

First, thank you for this exercise ! It's very difficult to translate that old fashion way to write but I tried to respect the spirit of Stendhal !

A cunning fox

Our hero had imagined himself rather lightly that he would have good time easily at the expense of a kind of beautiful country dumpkin, braggart as his vocation. He found that provincial logic is worth better than his small verse. Far from duping Du Poirier, he had all the trouble in the world himself not to fall into some ridiculous position. What there is sure that he was completely cured of the boredom by the vision of such a strange animal. Du Poirier could be fifty years old; his features were large and extremely marked. Two small grey-green eyes, extremely deep-set in the head, moved around continuously and seemed to cast flames: they redeemed the astonishing length of the nose which separated them. In a lot of positions, that unfortunate nose gave to the doctor the appearance of a spry fox. What completed the likeness, as soon as one had had misfortune to see it, they were a bushy forest of red hair, which bristled the forehead and the temples of the doctor. In total, you could not forget that head once you had seen it; in Paris, it would perhaps make horror; in province, where one is bored, everything that promised a feeling is received with eagerness, and the doctor was fashionable.

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 22-02-2014 à 18:48:35 (S | E)
Thank you very much, mamou !

Glad to meet you here ! Common friends have "told me" that the "team" appreciated individual corrections (besides the official one on March 13,) and I promise I'll look through your work carefully tonight !

It's great of you to have taken the period and style of the extract into account ... The difficulty is there !
Thanks again for posting so fast ... I know that it's a real incentive for some others who have told me so ... and frankly speaking, it's the first time I have been given papers back so early in my whole teaching time !

gerondif and mamou3 s of the Fast Workers !

For all of You who might be interested ... you may take your time ! It will be great too !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de notrepere, postée le 23-02-2014 à 03:54:54 (S | E)

Thank you for this exercise.

A fine fox

Our hero had imagined, quite casually, that he could easily have some fun at some country dweller's expense, being a braggart by trade. He had found that country mores were better than his silly poetry. Far from mystifying Du Poirier, he, himself, had to be on guard not to fall into some compromising position. One thing's for sure, he was completely cured of boredom at the sight of such a strange creature. Du Poirier was probably around 50 years old. His features were grand and strongly pronounced. His beady, grey-green eyes, deeply set in his face, were agitated. They darted about with astonishing activity and seemed to shoot out flames giving pardon to the protruding nose that separated them. From most perspectives, this unfortunate nose gave the doctor the face of a fox on the prowl. That which clinched the resemblance, as soon as one had the misfortune of seeing it, was the thick mane of red hair that bristled out of the doctor's forehead and temples. To be sure, one could not forget this face once one had seen it. In Paris, it was perhaps regarded as horrific, but in the country where people were bored, anything that promised a sensation was eagerly received, and the doctor was in vogue (he was a real fox ).

Modifié par notrepere le 24-02-2014 03:43
No offense () here4u. I have learned () always to proceed every post on the forum with my "warning flag". I've gotten () used to it. Mais ne t'inquiète pas, tu peux me corriger. ()

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de lakata, postée le 23-02-2014 à 15:49:37 (S | E)
Hello here4u!

Don't worry! I'm coming and think I will have finished your diabolic exercise by Easter. So, be patient, please!

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 23-02-2014 à 23:45:47 (S | E)
Well, well ! Hello Lakata

You know what ... we had our first day of Spring in Paris ... Took advantage of it to take a long walk in the sun ...

Oh Dear! I hadn't noticed notrepere's work above your post ! Everybody can see that he's nagging me and irritating me with his 'Stars and Stripes' ... thus meaning and making me realize that I am unable to correct his work ! Well this is mean, NP ! You're not being a good sport here ! but I forgive you ...
Good night to all of You,(except for NP again, who will take a good walk in the rain today (sorry!) ... Justice exists, after all !

Modifié par here4u le 24-02-2014 08:48

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de lakata, postée le 25-02-2014 à 19:05:22 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u !

I'm not sure I should say thank you for this theme I found extremely hard and intellectually challenging! Anyway, I did my best although the best is the enemy of good...

A clever fox.

Our hero had quite unwisely figured he would have easily fun at the depense of some country wit, a braggart by trade. He found out that the provincial logic was much better than its poor poems. Far from taking Du Poirier in, he had a devil of a job to avoid putting himself in some awkward position. What is sure is that the sight of such a strange animal cured him completely of his boredom. Du Poirier could be fifty years old ; his face was large with strongly marked features. His two small grey-green deep-set eyes moved very quickly in an amazing way and seemed to throw flames, giving, as it were, to the unusual lenght of his nose between them the opportunity to be forgiven. Depending on the tilts of the head, this unfortunate nose could often make the doctor have the appearance of a brisk fox. What put the finishing touches to the likeness, once you had been unlucky enough to catch sight of it, was a thick and boldly blond forest of hair which made his brow and temples brushy. At the end of the day, once seen, no way for this head to be forgotten ; in Paris, it might have appeared to be repulsive, but in the country, were people easily get bored, they eagerly love to thrill to something, and that was why the doctor was fashionable.

Actually, I'm happy to tell you "Thank you!" here4u! Waiting eagerly for the next one!

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de plumet98, postée le 26-02-2014 à 02:39:01 (S | E)

An end fox
Hero's was represented ilself lifty he would play without effort the cost a kind mind, boaster of his trade
He found the logic of the provinceis better its small verses
Far to myslity Du Poirier ridiculos. He had all sorrow the word at don't to fall himself into ridiculos position.
At that there is of sure, it's that he was healed of the boredom by seen it of animal etrange.
Du Poirier could to be fifty hears ; his fealures were big and strong pronounced.
Two small grey-green eyes extremely planted in the head fidgeted, got a move on with an amazing activityand seemed to throw fire :
they made forgive an astonishing lengh the nose which separated them.
In much of positions is unhappy nose gave the doctor a physiognomy of a fox alerts.
What completed the ressemblance dice, there had been unhappy to see, it was a thick forest of hair of an extremely risked fair-haired man whitch ruffed up the forehead and temples of the doctor
In total it was not possible to once it had been seen ; at Paris, she should is possible be horrified ; In province, where they get bored, all that promises a feeling am eagerly received, and the doctor was fashinable.

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 26-02-2014 à 15:25:26 (S | E)
Hello, plumet ! Very very happy to welcome you here !
Thank you for your contribution to my challenge ! I'll sent you (and lakata! sorry, dear ! , I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything just now ...) your individual corrections asap !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de lakata, postée le 26-02-2014 à 16:55:05 (S | E)
Don't be sorry, dear U! Take your time!

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de zodiac97500, postée le 26-02-2014 à 22:10:21 (S | E)

Here is my try

Wily as a fox
Our hero had quite lightly figured in himself to easily make fun about a sort of fine country dweller ;Beeing  bragger .
He found that the logic of the country side was worth than his little verse . Far away from  succeeding to mistify Du Poirier , it was quite harsh not to find himself caught up in some embarrassing situations . What happened for sure , He found himself completely cured from boredom at the sight of such a strange animal . Du Poirier could have been fifty years old ; he had a gross facies . Two small quite sunken grey-green eyeballs amazingly quite deep in his head , moving restless and ready to start fire .
 They seemed to forgive the reproach of the amazing lenght of his nose which dividing them . In many situations that poor nose
was giving the Doctor the look of a hale and earthy fox . To consolidate that feeling of ressemblance as soon as you had him in sight , there was that thick uncertain blond forestlike bit of hair which ruffled the Doctor's forehead and temples .
Finally no one could ever forget that head from the moment she had been seen . In Paris she could have been considered as a horrendous sight ; living in a boring province  anything which is the promise of a sensation  is recieved with alacrity , for sure the Doctor was In .

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-02-2014 22:53

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de maya92, postée le 27-02-2014 à 11:47:07 (S | E)
Hello and welcome new friend,

A sly fox
Our hero had rather rashly imagined, that he could easily make a fool of one of those noble countrymen, a boaster by trade. He thought that the reasoning of those provincials was better than their trivial poetry. Far from fooling Du Poirier, he fought hard not to put himself into some ludicrous situation. In a way, the sight of such a strange creature had completely cured him of monotony. Du Poirier could be fifty years old, his features were haughty and greatly pronounced. Two little green-grey eyes, deeply set in his head, were surprisingly turning and moving about and seemed to blaze : they seemed to excuse the incredible length of the nose protruding between them. In many positions, this unfortunate nose gave the doctor the appearance of a cunning fox. What completed the resemblance, as soon as one had unfortunately noticed it, was a thick mop of red hair bristling around the doctor’s forehead and temples. Very likely, you couldn’t forget this face once you had seen it; in the provinces, where people were languishing, everything that caused a stir was eagerly welcomed and the doctor was quite fashionable

A real 'brain-racking' this text..but we enjoyed that torture..thank you - see you soon

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 27-02-2014 à 21:19:01 (S | E)
Hello zodiac and maya ,

Welcome to the Forum that you know and I don't ! I was told you were regulars ..
Thank you for doing my translation. I was told it was too difficult and I'll choose an easier one next time ! I promise !
I'll send you your individual corrections as I said, but please, don't be in too much of a hurry as I have a lot on my plate just now.
Now, maya, if you want to be tortured again, no problems ! Just ask for it and I'll provide you with some nightmarish texts ...

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2014 00:11

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de bibi62, postée le 27-02-2014 à 22:15:55 (S | E)
Bonsoir here4u,
prenant de plus en plus plaisir à réaliser les exercices du site,je me décide finalement à tenter l'expérience avec votre texte.Bien que le niveau me semble trop élevé ,j'ai quand même envie d'essayer.J'espère ne pas trop massacrer le texte!!!!
Au plaisir de vous lire.
Bibi 62

A cunning fox

Our hero had imagined quite slightly he would enjoy effortlessly at the expense of a kind of a refined provincial spirit,braggart of his nature ; he found provincial logic more interesting than his poor verses.
Far from mystify Du Poirier , he struggled to not fall himself in some ridiculous position.What is it guaranteed is that he was completely healed from the view of such a strange animal.
Du Poirier could be fifty years old,his features were large and strongly distinct.Two small grey-green eyes hardly set in head twisted and turned and seemed to shot flames:they made you forgive the surprising length of the nose which separated them.In many positions,that miserable appendix gave the doctor the appearance of a brisk fox.What completed the likeness as soon as one had had the misfortune to glimpse him was a thick mane of red hair which bristled the doctor's forehead and temples.
Finally,we couldn't forget this face once we had seen it ; in Paris,it could have been repellent but in a country where people were missing everything,all that promised a sensation was received with attentiveness, and the doctor was fashionable.

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 02-03-2014 à 10:47:06 (S | E)
Hello bibli62! (and Dear lucile!)

Don't worry bibli ! Thank you for your effort ... I haven't read your text yet, as I've been terribly busy these last few days. I hope I'll be able to send you your correction before the end of the weekend ! 'Thèmes' are really difficult exercises for French speaking learners, especially as this one isn't very easy or pleasant to do ... but it's good to try and see ... Take care, and go on with the good job !

Besides, I'm such 'an IT Dummy' that I posted this on the wrong place ... and got 'scolded'(well, 'kindly re directed' by our Dear Moderator's watchfulness ! Thanks a lot for it, dear 'Thin Sister' (not Big Brother!) as gerondif says !
I've barely found my way through the abundance of this site and am far from mastering all its subtleties yet ... Be patient with the poor dummy ! Thanks again !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de lucile83, postée le 02-03-2014 à 12:41:52 (S | E)
Hi there
You're welcome Thin Sister is nicer than Big Brother anyway, thanks

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de ng, postée le 02-03-2014 à 18:17:03 (S | E)
Hello here4u,

Thank you for the exercise... quite difficult, isn't it? Here is my try.

A smart fox
Our hero thought quite rashly he easily could have a good laugh at the expense of a kind of country wit, boaster by trade ; For him, provincial logic was worth better than his little verse. Far from deceiving Du Poirier, he get a lot of trouble not to himself fall into some ridiculous position. What is for sure, is that he was completely cured of the boredom by the sight of such a strange animal. Du Poirier might be fifty years old ; his features were large and very pronounced. Two small gray-green eyes, very deep-set in his head, were moving round and round with an astonishing activity and seemed to throw flames: they gave a chance to the nose of amazing length between them to be forgiven. In many positions that miserable nose gave the doctor the aspect of a nimble fox. What completed the ressemblance, as soon as we had the mishap to catch a glimpse of it, was a thick forest of fair-red hair, bristling doctor's forehead and temples . Finally, we couldn't forget that face after having seen it once.
In Paris, it would perhaps be a horrifying sight (or it would perhaps be terrifying), in the country, where people get bored, everything that promises a feeling is greeted with eagerness, and the doctor was fashionable.

Please Stendhal, forgive me!

Modifié par ng le 05-03-2014 18:01
Some corrections suggested by here4u, after I made her "Greeeeeuing" with a few big mistakes !!!! Thanks again for your help!

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 03-03-2014 à 12:11:42 (S | E)

' Thin Sister is nicer than Big Brother anyway, thanks '

Sure, she is ! Undoubtedly !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 03-03-2014 à 12:58:48 (S | E)
Hello ng !
Sorry ! I've just discovered your text ! ('Thin Sister', 'reminders' should warn us when new attempts are published, shouldn't they ? if not, we're going to camp on our own thread and forget the rest of the site ... a new challenge for you all! )

So, ng ! I'll be back to you soon after 'my duty', which calls relentlessly, is over ! Have a good day !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de lucile83, postée le 03-03-2014 à 13:13:10 (S | E)
Hi there

You have to click on a button after you have posted a new message so that you can follow your topic, then you'll receive a message warning you that you have got a reply.
Just ask Thin Sister for any information you need

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de vydock, postée le 04-03-2014 à 15:09:05 (S | E)
Thanks a lot here4u

A keen fox
Our hero had thought quite carelessly that he would easily enjoy himself at the expense of a well minded man of a kind from the provinces. He found out that the provinces logic is better than the little verses of his. Far from mystifie Du Poirier, he had barely succeed to avoid falling in some ridiculous status. For sure, seeing a so strange animal was no more a boredom, he was cured. Du Poirier should be fifty; his features are hight and and very marked. Two grey-green small eyes, deep sunk in his face, twisting, turning, wriggling with an astounding activity, seemed spreading fire : They were a blessing compared to the stricking length of the nose between them. Depending on a lot of positions, this unfortunate nose turned the doctor into the look of a lively fox. What finalized the likeness, as soon as we could unhappily find out, it was a strong forest of very scattered fair hair, sticked up on the doctor forehead and temples. All in all, after a first sight, it was impossible to forgot such a face; in Paris it should be found hawfull, in provinces, which is boring, every bit of fantastic is welcomed, so fashionable was the doctor.

What a boring work to read all of our translations, isn't it ?
I thought that the spanish "De la Vega" would be translated in "Du Verger" not "Du Poirier" ;+)
Read you

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 04-03-2014 à 23:55:49 (S | E)
Hi Lucile ! Thanks very much for your information ! I did it ! very clear, and clever indeed ... Things are so easy once you know them !
Thank you ! I still can't reach the images (when I click on the tree, I'm asked to put my own pictures ...) but a friend told me she could explain to me ... and I know she's very patient and moreover, has more time than you have ! Thanks ever so much 'Thin Sister'

Modifié par here4u le 06-03-2014 19:40

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 05-03-2014 à 00:11:50 (S | E)
Hello vidocq! here !
Thank you very much for accepting to play the game and have a go my "terrible translation!'
Really your are mistaken ... English is my passion and reading what other people could find is very enriching ...Giving personal corrections is a little work, you're right, but as notrepere says ' To me, that's a win-win situation. You play a role, I play a role and we work it out "together".' Like him, I really feel I owe you !
A lot of work again tomorrow, but I'll try to send you your thème tomorrow ! One thing I learnt, while teaching, is that students are happy and eager to know about their work, when they have done it ! It's just fair!
Have a good night and Wednesday !
Take care.

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 06-03-2014 à 11:23:18 (S | E)
hello vydock !

I've just sent your 'corrected' text back ... Do revise your irregular verbs if you don't want to be killed next time ...
A good day to all of you !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de ariane6, postée le 11-03-2014 à 11:31:59 (S | E)
The deadline fast approaching, I decided to try... here4u.

A clever fox.
Our hero had carelessly imagined he could have some fun at the expense of a sort of provincial bel esprit , a professional charlatan. But he discovered that provincial logic weighed more than his short verses. Far from confusing Du Poirier, he encountered great difficulties in not appearing in a ridiculous position himself.
There is no doubt that the sight of such a strange creature completely cured him of any boredom. Du Poirier could have been around fifty ; his facial features were large and extremely marked. Two small greenish-grey eyes, deeply set into his head, were agitated, moved at great speed and seemed to launch flames: they counterbalanced the surprising long nose which separated them. In many positions, this unfortunate nose gave the doctor the look of an alert fox. If you had the misfortune to catch sight of him, this resemblance was completed by a thick bush of red hair springing from the doctor's forehead and temples. All told, this head, once seen, could never be forgotten.
In Paris, it might have caused revulsion. But in the provinces, where people felt bored, anything promising a sensation was eagerly welcomed, and at that moment, the doctor was fashionable.
STENDHAL, Lucien Leuwen, 1834-1835
Thank you!

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 13-03-2014 à 20:02:30 (S | E)
Hello, everyone ! Are you ready ? I'll post the correction in a few minutes ...

The first part will be the text itself ... and the second part will be the other suggestions or possibilities, plus some of the brilliant expressions you used in your own "thèmes" ...

NOW .... give me a few minutes to fight the 'IT part' of the operation ... As you know, I'm hopeless at that !

Réponse: Un fin renard /Thème de here4u, postée le 13-03-2014 à 20:05:47 (S | E)
A Cunning Fox (1)

Our hero had rather lightly (2) fancied that he would have some (3) easy sport at the expense of a sort of provincial wit (4), a braggart by trade(5); he discovered that provincial logic (6) is better than provincial verse(7). Far from (8) making a fool of Du Poirier, he had all the trouble in the world (9) to avoid slipping into a ridiculous position himself. One thing is sure: he was completely cured (10) of his boredom by (11) the sight of such a strange animal. Du Poirier may be around fifty years old(12); he had big, heavily pronounced features. Two small deep-set, grey-green eyes turned restlessly, moving with astonishing activity and looking as if they were darting flames (13). They made you overlook (13bis) the remarkable (14) length of the nose that separated them. In many positions, that unfortunate nose made the doctor’s face resemble that of a watchful fox (15). What crowned (16) the resemblance, once you had had the misfortune to notice it, was a thick mop (17) of most uncompromisingly red hair which bristled out (18) around the doctor’s brow and temples. All in all, you couldn’t forget that head once you had seen it; in Paris, it would probably have horrified (19) ; in the provinces where boredom is rife anything that suggests a sensation is eagerly welcomed, and the doctor was all the rage.(20)

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-03-2014 21:59
Voir page suivante; ce message a été joint aux explications.


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