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Reformulations 6/Thème

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Reformulations 6/Thème
Message de here4u posté le 30-05-2014 à 17:30:09 (S | E | F)
Hello all of you, hard-working and motivated Learners and Experts !
All s
As you've been very naughty and didn't reply about the form of exercise you'd like, I'll be a bossy teacher ...(you've brought it on yourselves !
I've decided to give you 5 Rewritings and 5 sentences of translation.
Not what you wanted ? Too bad !
Serves you right !
Here they are !

1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults !
Adults find (do not repeat ‘easy', please !)
2)People believed that he was innocent. (Mind the 2 past tenses! )
3)You’re too young to go out by yourself !
You’re not
4)Look ! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look ! (Passive forms, please !)
5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little …
6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection …(pas des modèles réduits) mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une , ni l’autre ! »
9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion !

Collective correction on Thursday, June 12th. Have a good time !

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-06-2014 19:32

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de komiks, postée le 01-06-2014 à 12:37:07 (S | E)
Hello !
Thanks for this new exercise. Here's my try
I haven't proofread yet, so there might be some mistakes...
Have a nice (sunny ) weekend.

1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults !
Adults find it hard/difficult to learn a foreign language !
2)People believed that he was innocent. (Mind the 2 past tenses! )
He was believed to be innocent.
3)You’re too young to go out by yourself !
You’re not old enough to go out by yourself / on your own.
4)Look ! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look ! Dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand-new offices will be built instead.
5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little …
Unless you help them a little, it is hard for them to understand.
6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The criminality rate is three times higher in this suburb than in downtown.
7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection …(pas des modèles réduits) mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
I’m sorry ! We’re not experts in vintage cars… but we can find some of them for you to buy if you really want.
8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une , ni l’autre ! »
« Do you prefer an Alfa Roméo or a Ferrari ?” “I’m sorry, I can’t afford neither of them !”
9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
Their English was so bad that they had difficulty to make themselves understood in Great Britain.
10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion !
We had planned to go there by train ; but we’ve changed our mind and will go there by plane !

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de taiji43, postée le 01-06-2014 à 20:44:18 (S | E)

1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults !
Adults find that a foreign language is complex/difficult to be learnt
Adults find it difficult to learn a foreign language

2)People believed that he was innocent. (Mind the 2 past tenses! )
He was innocent that was what the people believed

3)You’re too young to go out by yourself !
You’re not old enough to go out on your own/ by yourself.

4)Look ! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
!Look ! dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand new offices will be built instead.

5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little
Unless you help them a little, it will be hard for them to understand

.6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The criminality rate is three times higher in this suburb than in downtown.

7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection …(pas des modèles réduits) mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
I am afraid! We are not specialists/experts in vintage car, but we can find some of them for you if you really want

8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une, ni l’autre ! »
Do you prefer an Alfa Roméo or a Ferrari . I’m sorry; I can’t afford either of them.

9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
Their English was so poor that they had utmost of difficulty to make themselves understood in Great Britain

10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion !
We were going to go there by train but we‘ve change our mind and we’ll go over there by plane

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-06-2014 22:09

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de mamou3, postée le 02-06-2014 à 07:06:54 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Here are my answers :

1. Adults find learning a foreign language difficult.
2. He was considered to be innocent.
3. You are not old enough to go out by yourself.
4. Look ! Dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand-new offices will be built instead.
5. Unless you help them a little it will be hard for them to understand.
6. The crime rate is three times as high in that suburb as in downtown.
7. I'm sorry ! We aren't specialists in vintage cars but we can find you some to buy if you really want it.
8. Do you prefer an Alfa Roméo or a Ferrari ? Sorry ! I cannot afford either of them.
9. Their English was so poor that they had difficulty to be understood in UK.
10.We had planned to go there by train; we changed our minds and we'll go there by plane.

Thanks a lot Here4u for this new one ! Have a nice day !

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de joe39, postée le 02-06-2014 à 18:42:37 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u!

Thanks for your new exercise; indeed you are a very good-hearted teacher!
Hereunder my try.

1)Adults find a foreign language difficult to learn.
2)He was believed to be innocent.
3)You're not old enough to go pout alone.
4)Look! Dirty old slums are being demolished and a block od brand-new offices will be built instead.
5) Unless you help them a little they can hardly understand.
6)The crime rate is three times higher in this suburb that in the city center/ downtown.
7)I'm sorry! We're not experts in collection cars/vintage cars (if built from 1913 to 1930) , but we can find some for you to buy if yoou really want it!
8) Do you prefer an "Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari?" Sorry, I cannot afford neither.
9) Their English was so poor that they had to struggle to make themselves understood in Britain.
10) We planned to go there by train; but we changed our mind and we will go by plane instead!.

I wish you a pleasant week.
So long.

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de gerondif, postée le 03-06-2014 à 00:03:18 (S | E)
1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults !
Adults find it hard to learn a foreign language.

2)People believed that he was innocent.
He was believed to be innocent.
He was deemed innocent by the people.

3)You’re too young to go out by yourself !
You’re not old enough to go out on your own.

4)Look ! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look ! Those dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand-new offices will be built (is going to be built) instead.

5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little …
Unless you help them a little,it'll be hard for them to understand.

6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The crime rate is three times as high in these suburbs as* in the town center.
* (et en plus j'avais mis than en premier jet!! faute d'inattention, mamou 3 ou réflexe de traduction de plus haut que)

Vous remarquerez le côté piégeux du comparatif exprimant une énorme différence:
alors que l'on dit:
He is much/a lot/far/really/ taller and more dangerous than me.
Si par malheur vous exprimez la même idée en multipliant (deux fois plus, trois fois plus) alors:
He is twice as tall and as dangerous as me.
He is three times as tall and as dangerous as me.
Cependant, celui qui dit: "He is three times bigger and more dangerous than me" envoie le même message à son interlocuteur qui peut-être ne remarquera même pas l'erreur....
De plus , quand on dit deux fois moins, trois fois moins, on ne se pose pas de questions:
He is three times less tall and less dangerous than me.

7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection …(pas des modèles réduits) mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
I am sorry! We aren't experts in vintage cars (not small-scale models, you dummy) but
we can provide some for you to buy if you are really so inclined.// but we may find a few for you to buy if you really insist.

8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une , ni l’autre ! »
"Do you prefer an Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari ?" "Sorry! I can't afford either (of them) I'm afraid.
"Would you rather have an Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari ?" "Sorry! Neither of them is within my reach."

9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
They English was so poor that they were hard put to it making themselves understood in Great Britain.

10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion !
We had planned to go there by train but we changed our minds and will fly there (go there by plane)eventually.

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de mamou3, postée le 03-06-2014 à 06:33:48 (S | E)
Hello Gerondif,
If you use three times in your explanation why did you use three times as...than for sentence 6 ?

Thanks gerondif

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de here4u, postée le 03-06-2014 à 10:35:32 (S | E)
Hello !

I have already told you so, gerondif ! I wish I had been your student of grammar ... I love the way you explain things simply and humorously, and I think I would have loved it even more (with a little more of my ) 'ignorance as a student' (or let's say 'naivety' !)

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de taiji43, postée le 03-06-2014 à 10:38:04 (S | E)
Je rectifie ma phrase 10

We changed our mind (thank you Icare29)who told me my mistake)

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de maya92, postée le 03-06-2014 à 11:33:39 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

1 - Adults find it difficult to learn a foreign language
2 - He was believed to be innocent
3 - You are not old enough to go out by yourself
4 - Dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand-new offices will be built instead
5 - Unless you help them a little, they won't be able to understand
6 - The crime rate is three times as high in those suburbs than downtown
7 - I'm sorry ! We are not experts on classic cars but we can find some to buy if you really want
8 - Do you prefer an Alfa-Romeo or a Ferrari ? Sorry, I'm afraid I can't afford either
9 - Their English is so poor that it was difficult for them to be understood in Great-Britain
10 - We intended to go by train but we changed our mind and will fly there

My try, I hope not too bad (I prefer translations..!) thank you here4u for your availability and your patience

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de here4u, postée le 03-06-2014 à 13:14:23 (S | E)
Hello !
Do not hesitate to change whatever you feel like changing (editing your original post is better for me than posting a new one ...) I'll warn you before I start posting the individual corrections ... in the meantime, remember that, normally, "there's bound to be more in several brains than in a single one ...
Have a good day !

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de alpiem, postée le 03-06-2014 à 20:20:20 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,here we are again with glee :

1/Adults find it a very hard work to learn a forein language.
2/He was considered innocent by all the people(everybody).
3/You're not grown-up enough to go out by yourself.
4/ Look! dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand- new offices will be built instead .
5/Unless you help them a little it'll be hard for them to understand.
6/Crime rate is three times higher in this suburbs than in the town centre.
7/I'm sorry! we are not expert in classic cars........ but we can find a few ones for you to buy if you really want.
8/"Which brand do you prefer : Alfa Romeo or Ferrari? " "Sorry! I can't afford either of them".
9/Their English was so bad that they have had the utmost difficulty getting understood in Great Britain.
10/We planned to go there by train but we have made up our mind and we will go there by plane.

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de koreen2012, postée le 04-06-2014 à 05:53:19 (S | E)
Hello here4u!!!!!
Thank you for this exercise
here is my try

1) Adults find it difficult to learn a foreign language.
2) He was presumed to be innocent that was people believed.
3) You are not old enough to go out by yourself.
4) Look! Dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand-new offices will be built instead.
5) Unless you help them a little, it will be hard for them to understand.
6) The crime rate is three time higher in this suburb than the city centre.
7) I am sorry! We are not experts in vintage cars/collector's cars but we can find some of them to buy, if you really want!
8) "Would you prefer an Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari"
"I am sorry but I can't afford either of them"
I have a quick question please, In this sentence can I also use "neither the one nor the other" instead "either of them"
9) Their English was so poor, that they had difficulty in making themselves understood in Great Britain.
10) We had planned to go there by train but we have changed of mind and will go there by plane.

See you soon !

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de icare29, postée le 05-06-2014 à 23:24:12 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
Here is my work

1)Learning a foreign language isn't easy for adults !
Adults find how difficult it is to learn a foreign language
2)People believed that he was innocent.
He was believed to be innocent /to be considered innocent by the people
3)You're too young to go out by yourself !
You're not old enough to go out on by yourself
4)Look ! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look ! These dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand -new offices will be built in their places
5) It's hard for them to understand if you don't help them a little
Unless you help them a little, it will be less hard for them to understand
6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The crime rate is three times as high in this suburb as in the downtown
7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
I am sorry , we aren't experts in vintage cars , but we can find someones for you if you really want to buy them
8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m'offrir ni l'une , ni l'autre
Do you prefer an Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari?. Sorry , I can't afford to buy either of them
9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu'ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
Their English was so poor that they had had the worst difficulties to be understood in Great Btitain
10) Nous avions prévu d'y aller en train ; nous avons changé d'avis et irons là-bas en avion !
We had planned to go there by train but we changed our decision and we are going to fly over there by plane

Thank you very much here4u for this new excellent exercise , which made us improve a lot in English
I have modified sentence 8 with the help of Taiji43... either instead of neither

Modifié par icare29 le 08-06-2014 12:53

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de notrepere, postée le 06-06-2014 à 00:47:50 (S | E)


1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults !
Adults find learning a foreign language difficult.

2)People believed that he was innocent.
He was believed to be innocent.

3)You’re too young to go out by yourself !
You’re not old enough to go out by yourself!

4)Look ! They are demolishing (those?) dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look! Those dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand new offices will be built instead.

5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little …
Unless they are helped a little, it's difficult for them to understand..

6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The crime rate is three times higher in this suburb than in the city center.

7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection …(pas des modèles réduits) mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter
I'm sorry! We're not experts in vintage cars but we can help you find some to buy if that is your preference.

8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une , ni l’autre ! »
-"Do you dig Alfa Romeos or Ferraris?" -"Sorry! I can't afford either."

9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
Their English was so poor that they had a hard time being understood in Great Britain.

10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion !
We had intended on going by train but we changed our minds and are going there by plane.

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de lakata, postée le 09-06-2014 à 17:46:19 (S | E)
Hello here4u!

( lakata knows she's behind with this work...but hopes at least not to be the last one to post...)

1) Learning a foreign language isn't easy for adults!
Adults find it hard to learn a foreign language.

2) People believed that he was innocent.
He was believed to be innocent.

3) You're too young to go out by yourself!
You're not old enough to go out by yourself/on your own.

4) Look! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look ! These dirty old slums are being demolished in order for a block of brand-new offices to be built instead.

5) It's hard for them to understand if you don't help them a little.
Unless you help them a little, it's hard for them to understand.

6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus élevé dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The crime rate is three times as high in this suburb as in the town center.

7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment.
I'm sorry! We aren't specialist in vintage cars but we will be able to provide some for you to buy if you really fancy one.

8) "Vous préférez une Alfa Romeo ou une Ferrari ?"- "Désolé ! Je ne peux m'offrir ni l'une ni l'autre !".
" Do you prefer an Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari ?". "Sorry, but I can't afford either!".

9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu'ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande- Bretagne.
Their English was so poor that they had to struggle to be understood in Great Britain.

10) Nous avions prévu d'y aller en train ; nous avons changé d'avis et irons là-bas en avion.
Going there by train had been planned, but we changed our minds and will go there by plane eventually.

Thank you so much for this new and always useful exercise, dear here4u!

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de lucile83, postée le 09-06-2014 à 21:58:42 (S | E)

You are not the last one lakata!
Here is my try...Thank you here4u

1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults!
Adults find learning a foreign language difficult!

2)People believed that he was innocent.
He was believed to be innocent.

3)You’re too young to go out by yourself!
You’re not old enough to go out by yourself!

4)Look ! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look ! dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand-new offices will be built instead.

5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little …
Unless you help them a little it’s hard for them to understand…

6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The crime rate is three times as high in that suburb as in the town centre.

7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
I am sorry ! We are no experts in vintage cars but we can find a few ones for sale if you do want to buy one.

8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une , ni l’autre ! »
Would you rather buy an Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari ? ... Sorry! I can’t afford either of them!

9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
Their English was so poor that they could hardly make themselves understood in Great Britain.

10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion !
We had planned to go there by train ; we have changed our minds and are going there by plane!

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de here4u, postée le 09-06-2014 à 22:27:30 (S | E)
I hope you could take advantage of the sun and warmth without having to bear a storm (or even storms ) as a punishment ...
I'll start posting the individual corrections tomorrow ... Collective one on the 12th as planned if everything's alright. Thanks for working for and with me ...

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de ariane6, postée le 10-06-2014 à 11:33:09 (S | E)
Hello here4u,

1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults !
Adults find it difficult to learn a foreign langage.
2)People believed that he was innocent.
He was believed to be innocent.
He was believed innocent.
3)You’re too young to go out by yourself !
You’re not old enough to go out by yourself !
4)Look! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand-new offices instead.
Look! Dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand-new offices will be built instead.
5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little.
Unless you help them a little, they won't understand.
Unless you help them a little, they'll have difficulty understanding.
6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The crime rate is three times higher in this suburb than in the town centre.
7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
I'm sorry! We aren't vintage car specialists but we could find some for you to buy if you're really interested.
8) « Vous préférez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une , ni l’autre ! »
"Do you prefer an Alfa Romeo or a Ferrari ?" "I am afraid I can't afford either.
9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande-Bretagne.
Their English was so poor they could barely be understood in Great Britain.
Their English was so poor they had a lot of difficulty making themselves understood in GB.
10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion.
We were thinking of going there by train ; we changed our minds and we'll be flying there (or) we'll go there by plane.

Thank you so much!

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de here4u, postée le 11-06-2014 à 18:46:18 (S | E)
Hello ! All of you ...
If you intend to contribute, do it quickly ... The 'correction' is coming tomorrow !

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de here4u, postée le 12-06-2014 à 20:58:42 (S | E)
Here is the fruit of your 'work' and mine ...
Thank you to all of you for contributing !

1)Learning a foreign language isn’t easy for adults !
Adults find it difficult to learn a foreign language. Beaucoup de variantes données sont correctes ; J’ai préféré l’introduction du pronom ‘it’ après to « find », verbe d’opinion.

2)People believed that he was innocent. (attention aux 2 passés)
He was believed to be innocent .Attention à cet emploi particulier du passif : 'He is said to be an excellent writer'. 'He’s said to have been the best in his field'. Et … (plus royaliste que la Reine : ‘ He was believed to have been innocent’ qui respecte bien les 2 passés !)

3)You’re too young to go out by yourself !
You’re not old enough to go out by yourself. (Adjectif + enough //// Enough + Nom)

4)Look ! They are demolishing dirty old slums and will build a block of brand new offices instead.
Dirty old slums are being demolished and a block of brand new offices will be built. Le premier passif est au present en –ing indiquant que l’action est en cours … L’autre est un futur simple => conservation des temps de l’actif.

5) It’s hard for them to understand if you don’t help them a little …
Unless you help them a little, it will be hard for them to understand,
Quote : (OLD ) Unless is used to talk about a situation that could happen, or something that could be true, in the future. If you know that something has not happened or that something is not true, use if… not:
If you weren't always in such a hurry (= but you are), your work would be much better.Your work would be much better unless you were always in such a hurry.

6) Le taux de criminalité est trois fois plus haut dans cette banlieue que dans le centre ville.
The crime rate is three times as high in this suburb as downtown.
Lesson : copyright gerondif : (infringement on copyright :here4u !
Gerondif dixit : ‘Vous remarquerez le côté piégeux du comparatif exprimant une énorme différence:
alors que l'on dit:
He is much/a lot/far/really/ taller and more dangerous than me.
Si par malheur vous exprimez la même idée en multipliant (deux fois plus, trois fois plus) alors:
He is twice as tall and as dangerous as me.
He is three times as tall and as dangerous as me.
Cependant, celui qui dit: "He is three times bigger and more dangerous than me" envoie le même message à son interlocuteur qui peut-être ne remarquera même pas l'erreur ....
De plus , quand on dit deux fois moins, trois fois moins, on ne se pose pas de questions: Youpi !
He is three times less tall and less dangerous than me.

7) Je suis désolé ! Nous ne sommes pas experts en voitures de collection …(pas des modèles réduits !) mais nous pouvons vous en trouver quelques unes à acheter si vous le voulez vraiment !
I’m afraid we’re no experts in classic cars, but we can find a few ones for sale if you really fancy buying one ! Quand c’est possible, en anglais ‘standard’ ou en examen …, évitez’ some’ qui est ‘partitif' et 'a lot' qui est ‘le pont aux ânes’ de l’anglisiste). Employez ‘a few’/ much/many qui montrent que vous dominez les quantificateurs ….
'Vintage cars'/ 'classic cars' ? Un de mes amis conduit une Mercédès tous les jours ... et a une Alfa et une Ferrari pour ses loisirs … Il insiste bien que ce ne sont pas des ‘vintage cars’ qui seraient plus anciennes … mais des ‘classic cars’. Moi, je n'y connais rien !

8) « Vous préferez une Alfa Roméo ou une Ferrari ? » « Désolé ! Je ne peux m’offrir ni l’une , ni l’autre ! »(moi, J’ai une Renault !)
Would you rather buy/ Would you prefer to buy an AR or a F ? I’m afraid I can’t afford either (of them …)!
One of you asked :’ I have a quick question please, In this sentence can I also use "neither the one nor the other" instead of"either of them" ’
=>You could use ‘I have neither one, nor the other …’or 'neither of them' but then, the verb shouldn’t be in the negative form …. Sinon ça fait une double négation qui est l’horreur à l’état pur ! Très bonne question ! Bravo !

9) Leur anglais était si pauvre qu’ils ont eu bien du mal à se faire comprendre en Grande Bretagne.
Their English was so poor that they found it hard to/ itwas very difficult for them to/ make themselves understood. Se faire comprendre avec une nuance de contrainte, d’efforts, = to make somebody do something . Attention ! Au passif, ‘to be made TO do something.’

10) Nous avions prévu d’y aller en train ; nous avons changé d’avis et irons là-bas en avion !
We had planned to go there by train but changed our minds (pluriel concret! ‘ 2 men came in with pipes in their mouths and hats on their heads’ S obligatoires ! Choquant pour un Français … mais c’est comme ça ! et puis, …’a mind’ ne se partage pas ! Tout de même ! ) and will fly there.

Merci encore pour votre participation et votre travail très sérieux. J'en vois qui progressent de test en test ... Le N° 7 sera posté demain (ou ce soir, mais très très tard car j'ai un double test on my plate voudrais le/les terminer ... Encore et

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de lakata, postée le 12-06-2014 à 22:02:03 (S | E)
here4u! and thank you for the two corrections, this one of course and the personal one, always very useful.

I wish you a pleasant and sunny weekend.

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de lucile83, postée le 13-06-2014 à 15:01:50 (S | E)
Merci pour cet exercice très intéressant
Je viens de voir que le n° 7 est arrivé...j'espère avoir le temps de m'en occuper
See you later

Réponse: Reformulations 6/Thème de mamou3, postée le 13-06-2014 à 15:29:54 (S | E)
Thank you very much Here4u for those interesting and useful exercises. Thanks again for your correction and explanations !


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