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Reformulations 7/Thème

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Reformulations 7/Thème
Message de here4u posté le 13-06-2014 à 11:20:27 (S | E | F)

As promised, here's a new exercise for you all to train hard or have fun ...
It isn't difficult, this time ... Hardly
Once again, the first part consists in 'Rewriting the sentences using the prompt, and keeping the meaning'. The other part is a simple translation from French into English ...

1) If he doesn’t slow down, he’ll have a heart attack !
2) Why don’t you ask him to take you to the airport?
3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding !
No sooner
4):'I’ll have her prosecuted for this event !'
He exclaimed that
5) I do make every effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it !

6) Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact !
7) Je crains qu’il ne vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison … Il est fou !
8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l’avoir fait plus tôt ! »
9) Tu n’avais pas besoin de t’excuser … Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
10) Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre… C’est ce qu’elle fait à chaque fois !

I'll give the correction on June 23rd ! OK ? Work well !

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-06-2014 15:03

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de lucile83, postée le 13-06-2014 à 15:39:00 (S | E)
Hi there!
c'est un champ de mines ton exercice!!

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de lakata, postée le 13-06-2014 à 17:56:35 (S | E)
Et pas des mines de rien !
Merci tout de même, here4u !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de here4u, postée le 14-06-2014 à 07:32:14 (S | E)
Hello !
Allez, les filles ... (et les garçons!) on arrête de plaisanter ... C'est facile et j'ai fait des 'reprises' pour les apprenants studieux !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de alpiem, postée le 15-06-2014 à 04:10:35 (S | E)
hello here4u,
thanks for making us motivated to do the best we can!

1) Unless he slows down he'll have a heart attack!
2)Why not ask him to take you to the airport ?
3)No sooner had he left that they all started applauding.
4)He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for this event.
5)Although I am making efforts in maths my teacher pretends not to realise.
6)They became friends right away and since then have always been keeping in touch.
7)I fear he might come and break all the panes :he's out of his mind.
8)"When did you quit smoking?" " one week ago! Now I wish I had done it earlier !!".
9) You didn't have to apologize..........She had been very excessive.
10) As soon as the phone rings she will rush to answer........That's what she does every time.

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de maxwell, postée le 15-06-2014 à 18:54:25 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Here's my try :
1) If he doesn’t slow down, he’ll have a heart attack !
Unless he slows down, he'll have a heart attack !
2) Why don’t you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why not ask him to take you to the airport ?
3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding !
No sooner did he leave than they all started applauding !
4):'I’ll have her prosecuted for this event !'
He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for this event.
5) I do make every effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it !
Although I do make every effort in Maths, my teacher pretends not to realize it.

6) Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact !
They immediately became friends and have always kept in touch since then.
7) Je crains qu’il ne vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison … Il est fou !
I'm afraid he's coming to break all the window panes of the house... He's crazy!
8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l’avoir fait plus tôt ! »
"How long ago did you stop smoking ?" "A week ! Now, I wish I had done it before !"
9) Tu n’avais pas besoin de t’excuser … Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
You didn't have to apologise. She did have exaggerated !
10) Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre… C’est ce qu’elle fait à chaque fois !
As soon as the telephone rings, she'll hurry to answer : she does it every time !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de here4u, postée le 16-06-2014 à 00:00:17 (S | E)
Very happy to you here, maxwell ! Thank you for working/playing with me !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de jo06, postée le 16-06-2014 à 15:25:06 (S | E)
Hello here4u.This is my work.
1) Unless he slows down, he'll have a heart attack!
2)Why won't you go to the airport with him?
3)No sooner did he leave,they all started applauding!
4)He exclaimed that he'll have her prosecuted for this event!
5)Although my efforts in math,my teacher pretends not to realize it!
6)They became friends straight away and since that time they still kept in touch.
7)I fear that he would come to break all the panes of the house...He is mad!
8)"How long have you been stopping from smoking"."One week!In fact I wish I have done it before".
9)You didn't need to apologize...She has really gone too far!
10)As soon as will the phone ring, she will rush to answer.It's what she does every time.

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de icare29, postée le 16-06-2014 à 16:16:46 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Here is my work

1) If he doesn't slow down, he'll have a heart attack !
Unless he slows down , he'll have a heart attack.
2) Why don't you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why not ask him to take you to the airport ?
3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding !
No sooner had he left than they all started applauding
4)I'll have her prosecuted for this event !
He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for that event
5)I do make effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it !
Although I have made all the efforts in Maths, though my teacher prétends I haven't realized it !

6)Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact !
They became friends immediately and from then on they always remained in touch
7)Je crains qu'il vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison ? Il est fou !
I am afraid that he will come in the house to broke all the window panes ,he is completely crazy
8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l'avoir fait plus tôt ! »
" How long did you stop smoking ?" "One week, ! Now I regret not having done sooner"
9) Tu n'avais pas besoin de t'excuser ? Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
you did not need to apologize .she had really exaggerated !
10)Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre? C'est ce qu'elle fait à chaque fois !
When the phone rings , she will rush to pick up the phone .This is what she does every time

Modifié par icare29 le 18-06-2014 12:38

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de lakata, postée le 16-06-2014 à 21:33:46 (S | E)
Hello here4u , and thank you for this new exercise que je me suis parfois plu à bricoler quelque peu...risking finding myself in the corner!

1) If he doesn't slow down, he'll have a heart attack.
Unless he slows down, he'll have a heart attack.

2) Why don't you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why not ask him to take you to the airport?

3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding!
No sooner had he left than they all started applauding!

4) "I'll have her prosecuted for this event!"
He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for this event.

5) I do make effort in maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it!
Although I'm putting a great deal of effort into maths, my teacher* pretends not to realize it!
* Sure your teacher's name can't be lakata...

6) Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et, depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact.
They became friends /got on well with each other from the very start and have always kept in touch since then.

7 Je crains qu'il vienne casser toutes les vitres de la est fou !
I fear he might come and break the window panes of the whole house...He's gone mad!

8) "Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ?"- "Une semaine".
As the heavy smocker I used to be, I'd say :
Either : "When did you give up smocking?" - "A week ago and I wish I had done it before!"
Or : " How long haven't you smocked?" - " One week (already!)."

9) Tu n'avais pas besoin de t'excuser...Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
You didn't have to apologize...She had really gone too far!

10) Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre. C'est ce qu'elle fait à chaque fois.
She'll rush to answer as soon as the phone rings. That's always what she does.

Whatever the cost, I'm bravely waiting for your verdict, dear here4u.

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de mamou3, postée le 17-06-2014 à 07:32:48 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Good exercise as every time... Thank you !

1. Unless he slows down he'll have a heart attack !
2. Why not ask him to take you to the airport ?
3. No sooner had he left than they all started applauding.
4. He exclaimed that he would have her proscuted for that event.
5. Although I do make effort in maths my teacher pretends not to realize it.
6. They became friends straightaway and since that time they have always kept in touch.
7. I'm afraid that he comes break all the windows of the house..He's crazy !
8. Since how long did you stop smoking ? One week. Now, I regret not doing it before that.
9. You didn't need to apologize..She had really exaggerated.
10.As soon as the phone rings she will run to answer...It's what she does each time.

Have a nice day everybody !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de ariane6, postée le 17-06-2014 à 10:54:07 (S | E)
Hello here4us,

1) If he doesn’t slow down, he’ll have a heart attack !
Unless he slows down, he'll have a heart attack!
2) Why don’t you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why not ask him to take you to the airport?
3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding !
No sooner had he left, than they all started applauding!
4) I’ll have her prosecuted for this event !'
He exclaimed (that) he would have her prosecuted for the event.
5) I do make every effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it !
Although I make every effort in maths, my teacher pretends not to notice it.
6) Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact!
They immediately became friends and from then on, always stayed in touch.
7) Je crains qu’il ne vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison … Il est fou !
I'm afraid he might break all the windows of the house. He's mad!
8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l’avoir fait plus tôt ! »
How long ago did you give up smoking? A week ago! Now I regret not having done it sooner. Now I wish I'd done it sooner.
If only I had done it sooner!
9) Tu n’avais pas besoin de t’excuser … Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
You didn't need to apologize. She really exaggerated!
10) Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre… C’est ce qu’elle fait à chaque fois !
As soon as the phone rings, she will rush to answer it. It's something she does every time.

Thank you !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de here4u, postée le 17-06-2014 à 13:55:41 (S | E)
Thanks for making me laugh, ariane ... and for your participation, all of you !

to jo6 too ! We're happy to have you here ! to any future newcomer too !

Hum ! lakata ! I'm glad you did recognize yourself in my picture of you (or maths teachers (as a cliché ...) as a whole !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de sbgs, postée le 19-06-2014 à 13:44:14 (S | E)
Hello here I am! It's been quite a while but my exams are finally over!
Thanks for this exercise

1) If he doesn’t slow down, he’ll have a heart attack !
Unless he slows down, he'll have a heart attack!

2) Why don’t you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why haven't you asked him to take you to the airport?

3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding !
No sooner had he left than they all started applauding!

4):'I’ll have her prosecuted for this event !'
He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for that event.

5) I do make every effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it !
Although I make every effort in Maths, my teacher keeps pretending not to realize it!

6) Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact !
They became friends right away and they've kept in touch ever since then.

7) Je crains qu’il ne vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison … Il est fou !
I'm afraid he's coming to break all of the windows of the house... He's mad/He's gone mad!

8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l’avoir fait plus tôt ! »
"How long have you quit/stopped smoking?" "A week! Now, I wish I had done /thought about it sooner!"

9) Tu n’avais pas besoin de t’excuser … Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
You didn't need to apologize.. She really overstated!

10) Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre… C’est ce qu’elle fait à chaque fois !
As soon as the phone rings, she'll rush to it to answer it... That's what she always does!

Modifié par sbgs le 19-06-2014 13:45

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de here4u, postée le 20-06-2014 à 09:41:13 (S | E)
Hello You all !
I'll start sending the individual suggestions tomorrow ! if you want to enter the 'game' you still have a lot of time.
Have a good day !

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de joe39, postée le 20-06-2014 à 23:03:34 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u!

Thanks a lot for the nice exercise, so involving and useful as usual.
Here is my try:

1 – Unless he doesn’t slow down, he’s going to have a heart attack!
2 – why don’t you make yourself be taken to the airport by him?
3 – No sooner had he left, than they all started applauding.!
4 – He exclaimed that he wanted her prosecuted for that event!
5 – Although I’m really making every effort in maths, my teacher pretends not to notice it.
6 – They have immediately become friends and since that time they have always been keeping each other in contact.
7 – I fear he will be going to smash all the house’s windows. He’s crazy!
8 – How long it is since you stopped smoking? It’s since a week: Now I regret not having done it before.
9 - You didn’t need to apologize. He was really gone too far!
10 – As soon as the phone rings, she will rush to get it, as she is used to do every time.

Wishing you a pleasant afternoon I remain,
Your friendly

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de here4u, postée le 21-06-2014 à 21:58:31 (S | E)
Hello everyone !
Voici la participation de gerondif (il me l'avait envoyée le jour même !)
Euh ! Moi, j'ai un peu de retard avec vos corrections individuelles ... J'espère tenir quand même les délais ! Demain sera difficile ... On verra ! Have a good weekend !
Gerondif wrote :
bon, pendant que je suis encore dans l'anglais....

1) If he doesn't slow down, he'll have a heart attack !
Unless he slows down, he'll have a heart attack.

2) Why don't you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why not ask him to take you to the airport?

3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding !
No sooner had he left than they all started clapping.

4)?I'll have her prosecuted for this event !
He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for that event.

5)?I do make effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it !
Although I really make efforts at maths, my teacher pretends not to notice them.

6)Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact !
They became friends right away and they have always kept in touch eversince.

7)Je crains qu'il (ne)vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison ? Il est fou !
I am terribly sorry to bother you with that innocuous piece of information but you shouldn't have cut that Englishman's roses in his lovely garden to make yourself a free bunch of roses(à prononcer sans reprendre son souffle: vous êtes alors prêts pour le club d'apnée...): I am afraid he will come and smash all the window panes in your house. He is mad. No roses without a thorn.
I fear lest he should come and smash all the window panes in your house: he is insane/nuts/crazy.
He might well come and smash all the window panes in your house, I'm afraid: He's gone berserk!

8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l'avoir fait plus tôt ! »
How long ago did you stop smoking ? A week ago! I wish I had done it sooner now. I am sorry I haven't done it sooner now !

9) Tu n'avais pas besoin de t'excuser ? Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
You needn't have apologized. She had really exagerated.
You shouldn't have apologized. She had truly gone too far.
You oughtn't to have apologized.
You didn't need to have apologized.
It was needless of you to apologize

10)Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre? C'est ce qu'elle fait à chaque fois !
She will rush to pick up the phone / to answer the phone/ as soon as it rings. She always does.(She will do that every time)
As soon as the phone rings, she will rush and answer it, that's what she always does. (She is wont to doing this, vieille formule qui me revient, juste pour forcer Here4U à replonger dans les vieux grimoires et à se choper une allergie à la poussière, juste punition pour les phrases qu'elle nous donne à traduire...)

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de lucile83, postée le 22-06-2014 à 17:13:51 (S | E)

Before the deadline!...Thank you for the fun

1) If he doesn’t slow down, he’ll have a heart attack!
Unless he slows down, he’ll have a heart attack!
2) Why don’t you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why not ask him to take you to the airport?
3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding!
No sooner had he left than they all started applauding!
4):'I’ll have her prosecuted for this event!'
He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for that event.
5) I do make every effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it!
Although I do make every effort in Maths my teacher pretends not to realise it!

6) Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis ce temps, ils sont toujours restés en contact !
They became friends at once and since then they have always kept in touch!
7) Je crains qu’il ne vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison … Il est fou !
I fear he might come and break all the window panes of the house…he is mad!
8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l’avoir fait plus tôt ! »
‘How long ago did you stop smoking ?’… ‘A week ago! Now, I wish I had done that sooner!’
9) Tu n’avais pas besoin de t’excuser … Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
You needn’t have apologised…She had really gone too far!
10) Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre… C’est ce qu’elle fait à chaque fois !
As soon as the phone rings, she will rush to answer…She always does that!

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de here4u, postée le 23-06-2014 à 21:09:03 (S | E)
Hello, all of you, 'hard-learners' !
Here's the moment you were all expecting ! You should have received your individual suggestions by now and I thank you for your mps in return ...
So here is what I expected ...

1)If he doesn’t slow down, he’ll have a heart attack !
Unless he slows down, he’ll have a heart attack. (Unless + présent – ne pas oublier le –s de la 3è personne au présent simple-)

2) Why don’t you ask him to take you to the airport?
Why not ask him to take you to the airport ? (déjà vu dans un exercice précédent… Repris, parce que, je ne sais trop pourquoi, les Français ont tendance à faire suivre ‘Why (not)’ d’un infinitive complet ou une forme en –ing … )
What about asking him to take you to the airport ? was good too !(mais ne commençait pas par l'amorce demandée ...)

3) As soon as he left, they all started applauding !
No sooner did he leave than they all started applauding.
ATTENTION ! le temps est un prétérit negatif . Vous gardez donc le prétérit et vous faites l’inversion du sujet indispensable après ’No sooner ’ qui est bien suivi de 'thaN' et non de 'that'. L'expression est le plus souvent employée avec le past perfect, mais on la trouve aussi beaucoup avec du prétérit, du présent simple et du futur.(cf COCA)

4)‘I’ll have her prosecuted for this event ! ‘
He exclaimed that he would have her prosecuted for that event. Simple ‘Reported Speech’. Point d’exclamation final => verbe introductif =’he exclaimed’; futur => conditionnel; ‘this’ (proche), s’éloigne au RS => ‘that’.

5)‘I do make effort in Maths, but my teacher pretends not to realize it !
Although I make effort in Maths. My teacher pretends not to realize it.
Le do est emphatique . Emploi simple de ‘Although’ = bien que ; to pretend = faire semblant.
OxfordLD : effort :1 [uncountable, countable] the physical or mental energy that you need to do something; something that takes a lot of energy.You should put more effort into your work.
and Maths did take me a lot of energy …!

6)Ils sont devenus amis tout de suite et depuis alors, ils sont toujours restés en contact !
They have become(= bilan d’une action)/became(si l’on considère que l’action de devenir est bien révolue …) friends right away … and they have kept in touch ever since/since then. (l’action a un retentissement sur le présent !)

7)Je crains qu’il ne vienne casser toutes les vitres de la maison … Il est fou !
I fear he might come and break all the panes in the house. He’s mad …(I fear + might : = reprise d’une expression vue dans un exercice précédent qui avait eu un 'succès relatif'.

8) « Depuis combien de temps as-tu arrêté de fumer ? » « Une semaine ! Maintenant, je regrette de ne pas l’avoir fait plus tôt ! »
How long ago did you stop smoking ? One week (ago). ! Now, I wish I had done it before … Comme l’action 'd'arrêter' est terminée (‘to stop smoking’) employer 'How long (durée) + ago'. Le regret avec 'I wish + past perfect' = ré emploi d’un exercice précédent)

9) Tu n’avais pas besoin de t’excuser … Elle avait vraiment exagéré !
You didn’t have/didn’t need to apologize. She really went too far !
You needn't have apologized... (et toute la gamme déclinée par gerondif) est/sont excellent(s), bien sûr!

10) Dès que le téléphone sonnera, elle se précipitera pour répondre … C’est ce qu’elle fait à chaque fois !
As soon as/ Whenever the phone rings, she’ll rush to answer it … That’s what she keeps doing/she does everytime ! 'As soon as' et autres conjonctions de subordination temporelles + présent (ou prétérit) -jamais ni futur, ni conditionnel. Voir leçon!)

Bravo à tous, et merci d'avoir travaillé avec moi ! Vous en redemandez ! Ne vous inquiétez pas !... vous en aurez !) Bonne soirée à tous.

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de lucile83, postée le 24-06-2014 à 08:31:46 (S | E)

    Merci pour le corrigé 

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de here4u, postée le 24-06-2014 à 13:42:15 (S | E)
Trop cool ce Tweety, Lucile ! mais pas la peine d'en rajouter ... les corrections, pour aider chacun, c'est normal ... Je suis habituée au SAB (Service après Bénévolat !)
N'hésitez pas à poser vos questions, en mp comme vous le faites si bien, si vous le préférez ...

Réponse: Reformulations 7/Thème de lakata, postée le 24-06-2014 à 14:36:49 (S | E)
Aucune question à poser, mais envie d'en rajouter un brin, au risque de te déplaire, here4U..
Dans un souci de sobriété, j'ai dégotté un néologisme qui devrait à lui seul suffire à traduire mon accord avec le post de lucile : je plussoie !


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