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Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de fonfon, postée le 17-08-2011 à 20:21:37 (S | E)
Après quelques hésitations, je me lance...

Jane wants to do some shopping and she needs particularly vegetable and fruit. She sees beautiful lettuce but she wanders how much they cost there isn’t price.
Even so she takes one, so tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grape, and one melon.
At the cash-box she takes one banknote of £ fifty because she has no cash and she hasn’t her credit-card.
Home coming she goes to post office and buys some stamps.
She puts her shopping in the fridge except melon which will be too cold to her taste.

Merci à toutes les personnes qui font vivre ce site.

Modifié par fonfon le 17-08-2011 20:32

Modifié par fonfon le 17-08-2011 20:33

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de patricia01, postée le 18-08-2011 à 03:19:56 (S | E)
Merci pour cet intéressant exercice.

Jane wants to run errands and what she needs most are fruit and vegetables. She notices beautiful lettuces but wonders how much they cost because they aren’t priced. Still, she picks one up along with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes as well as one melon.
At the checkout she pays with a 50 pound note for she has no change and didn’t take her credit card. On her way home she stops by at the post office to buy stamps. Then, she stores what she has bought into the fridge, except the melon which would be too chill to her taste.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de nikkita, postée le 18-08-2011 à 17:06:28 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

This is my answer :

Jane wants to go shopping and vegetables and fruits are what she needs the most. She sees beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much they cost because there is no price.She still takes one, as well as tomatoes, cartots, peaches, grapes and melon.
At the checkout, she gives a 50-pound note because she does not have any change and she has not taken her credit card. On the return, she stops at the post office to buy stamps. She puts away her purchases in the fridge, except the melon which would be too cold for her.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de jo1000, postée le 18-08-2011 à 17:55:37 (S | E)

Jane wants to go to shopping and what she needs most are vegetables and fruit. She sees beautiful salads but she wonders how mush do they cost because there is no price. She takes one anyway, along with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes, and a melon.
On the checkout, she gives £50 because she doesn't have money and she didn't take his credit card.
On the way back she goes to the post-office and buys some stamps. She stores what she bought in the fridge, except the melon that would be then too cold to her liking.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-08-2011 18:18

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de geronimo12, postée le 18-08-2011 à 18:31:35 (S | E)

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de sanna6, postée le 18-08-2011 à 20:34:52 (S | E)

Here is my try

Jane wants to go grocery shopping and what she needs the most are vegetables and fruit. She sees some beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much do they cost because there is no price.
She takes one anyway, as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon.
At the checkout she gives a note of fifty pounds because she doesn't have change and she hasn't taken her credit card.
On the way back she goes down at the post office and buys stamps. She put away what she bought into the fridge, except the melon that would be too cold for her taste.

Thanks a lot Lucile
Have a nice evening

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de maya92, postée le 19-08-2011 à 14:39:04 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Jane wants to do some shopping ; what she needs most are fruit and vegetables. She glances at some beautiful
lettuces but wonders how much they cost since the price is not indicated. However, she takes one plus tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon too.
At the cash desk she pays with a 50 pounds note because she hasn't got any change and has forgotten her credit card. On her way back, she stops at the post office to buy some stamps.
She puts all her shopping into the fridge except the melon that would be too cold to her taste.

Thank you Lucile for this summer exercise so good to prepare us to the new term.Hope you have nice holidays.
See you soon

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de duterroir71, postée le 19-08-2011 à 17:06:45 (S | E)

Jane wants get to the shopping, she especially needs vegetable and fruits.She look at some beautiful salads but she can't know how much they cost because there is not indication of price on.
She don't mind! she takes one piece, also tomatoes, peaches, grape and melon.
Then at the cash desk she gives a £50 banknote because she haven't small change and she didn't take her credit card. On the way back, she stops at the post office to buy some stamps. She stores her purchases in the fridge excepted the melon that would be too cold to her own taste.

en toute modestie.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-08-2011 17:33

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de beltza, postée le 19-08-2011 à 18:54:42 (S | E)

Jane wants to do the shopping and what she needs the most are vegetables and fruits.
She notices lettuces but she wonders how much do they cost because there is no price.
Nevertheless she takes one, as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon.
At the cash desk, she gives a fifty pounds note because she has no change and didn't take her credit card. On her way back she goes to the post-office and buys some stamps. She puts what she has bought into the fridge, except the melon which would be to cold for her taste.

for this exercise.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-08-2011 20:00

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de fisso, postée le 19-08-2011 à 22:33:32 (S | E)

Janes wants to do the shopping and what she needs the most are vegetables and fruits. She looks at lettuces but she wonders how much they cost because there is no price.She nevertheless takes one and as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon. At the checkout she gives a fifty pounds note because she has no change and she hasn't taken her credit card.On the back way she goes to the post office and buys stamps. She puts aways what she has bought in the fridge, except the melon which would be to cold for her taste.


Modifié par fisso le 19-08-2011 22:34

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 20-08-2011 à 16:24:00 (S | E)

et merci à toutes et tous pour vos efforts
Vous avez réalisé de bonnes traductions dans l'ensemble, certaines très bonnes, d'autre moins bonnes, mais j'ai vu aussi que des nouveaux venus se sont lancés dans l'aventure, ce qui est courageux.
Je vous laisse faire votre auto-correction, sachant que si vous avez des questions vous pouvez me contacter.

Quelques commentaires d'abord:

-avoir besoin de = to need qui est transitif en anglais ( you need something), intransitif en français ( on a besoin de quelque chose). C’est pourquoi ‘ce dont’ se traduit simplement par ‘what’. Ce dont elle a besoin= what she needs.
-Le plus est un superlatif à valeur d’adverbe ici = most sans article ou the most avec article
-La façon de dire la plus courante est ‘fruit and vegetables’, même si j’ai inversé l’ordre des mots en français
-On peut employer fruit ou fruits ; cela n’a pas trop d’importance en fait et c’est une ‘bataille’ de grammairiens
-On the checkout/at the checkout/at checkout au choix
-To her taste/for her taste sont corrects tous les 2
-50 pound note/fifty-pound note/fifty pound note/£50 note mais pas 50 livres note
-Attention au style indirect après ‘she wonders how much’…ce n’est pas une question directe
-Après le verbe ‘go’ on emploie une préposition de mouvement ‘to/into’ mais pas ‘at’
-Lettuce peut être dénombrable ou indénombrable

En prime quelques commentaires d'un de nos chers amis américains pour qui c'est aussi un exercice de traduction:

-le plus besoin: well, do we say "most" or "mostly"? That is the question...
-salades: do we mean "lettuce" or "salad" (of which lettuce is often an ingredient).
-For some reason that I don't know the answer to, we say "fruit and vegetables" instead of "vegetables and fruit". It's not wrong to say vegetables and fruit, but the other is more common. I looked up the word "fruit" in 5 different BE dictionaries and the examples given all said "fruit and vegetables", so it appears to be the same in Britain.

-Jane veut aller faire des courses et ce dont elle a le plus besoin ce sont des légumes et des fruits. Elle voit de belles salades mais elle se demande combien elles coûtent car il n’y a pas de prix. Elle en prend une quand même, ainsi que des tomates, des carottes, des pêches, du raisin et un melon.

Jane wants to go shopping and mostly what she needs are fruit and vegetables.
Jane wants to go shopping and fruit and vegetables are what she needs most (of all).
Jane wants to go shopping and she needs fruit and vegetables the most.

-It seems like "salades" might be referring to "lettuce" rather than "salads".She sees some beautiful (heads of) lettuce ... (In the United States, when we talk about "lettuce" we usually refer to them as "heads of lettuce". Look at the beautiful heads of lettuce. I tried to search "lettuce" and "BBC" to see what the Brits might say and only turned up this article: "Lettuce nose-stuffer avoids jail"

-It looks like "At the checkout" or "At checkout" is most common in BE when I looked it up. I prefer "At checkout" because this has more a sense of "while checking out" and "At the checkout" has more the sense of "At the checkout counter/location". But either is OK.
At checkout she pays with...

-She puts what she has bought in the fridge, except the melon ...for her taste.
to my taste/for my taste. I would choose "for my taste" in this instance. I found this article on the web:
Lien Internet

Note that the person who answers (Dozy) is from the UK, so it appears to be OK in BE.

Suite en-dessous.... I'm (we are) so talkative! ...

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 20-08-2011 à 16:31:15 (S | E)

-It seems as there is some disagreement as to whether the word "fruits" is correct. Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries do not include it. Macmillan and Longman do. Collins and Chambers include it for expressions like "the fruits of their labour/labor", but chambers gives the example "the fruit of his labour" without the "s". I only bring it up because several of your online participants have used "fruits".
Lien Internet

-I also found this response from "Alan" in the UK:
'Fruit' is the overall description and 'fruits' refers to individual types/names of fruit. We can say: Fruit is good for your health but We have a wide selection of fruits on the menu - apples, bananas, grapes, melons ....

Lien Internet

-Personally, I think you could easily say "we have a wide selection of fruit on the menu..."
But there doesn't seem to be any consensus. Both forms are common in AE, but in our supermarkets, the signs usually say "Fruits and Vegetables". The choice could partly be because it just looks more uniform for them both to have the 's'. I haven't found any definitive rule about it, however.
-There is also this discussion:
Lien Internet


Comme vous voyez les discussions sont parfois lancées sur des détails, mais toujours très intéressantes;
thanks a lot dear

Voici ma proposition:

Jane wants to go shopping, and fruit and vegetables are what she needs most. She can see beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much they are as there is no price for them. She still takes one of them, as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon.
On the checkout she pays with a 50 pound note because she hasn’t got any change and has not taken her credit card with her. On her way back home she pops into the post office and buys some stamps. She puts what she has bought in the fridge, except the melon which would then be too cold for her taste.

A bientôt peut-être pour une nouvelle aventure!

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de marie-louise, postée le 20-08-2011 à 18:02:52 (S | E)

Jane wants to go shopping and the most she needs are vegetables and fruit.She is looking at some lettuces but she asks herself how much is it because there is no price.All the same she takes one, with tomatoes,carrots,peaches, grapes and a melon. At the cash-desk she gives a fifty-pound note because she has got neither change nor credit card. On the way back she stops in the post office and buys some stamps. She puts away her shopping into the fridge, except the melon which woudn't like too cold.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-08-2011 18:18
Correction donnée au-dessus.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de toefltaker, postée le 20-08-2011 à 18:27:59 (S | E)
Many thanks Lucile83 for the exercise
You'll find my translation below

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs the most are fruits and vegetables. She notices nice salads but she wonders how much they cost because there is no price on them. She still takes one of them, along with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon.
At the check-out, she gives a £50 note as she doesn't have neither spare coins nor her credit card. On her way back, she goes down to the postoffice and buys some stamps. She puts all her purchases into the fridge, except the melon which would be too cold to her taste.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de kathyb, postée le 20-08-2011 à 18:50:21 (S | E)

Bonjour, merci pour l'exercice.

jane wants to do the shopping, what she needs most are fruit and vegetables. She can see beautiful lettuce but wonders how much they cost as there is no price marked. She takes one nevertheless as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches and a melon.
At the checkout she gives a fifty pound note as she hasn't any change and hasn't brought her credit card. On the way back she passes the post office and buys some stamps.
She puts away all she bought in the fridge except the melon which would then be too cold for her taste.

I hope my first post will be correct, thank you.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-08-2011 20:49
Merci pour votre traduction; vous pouvez lire la correction un peu plus haut:
Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 20-08-2011 à 16:24:00 (S | E)

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de welcome, postée le 20-08-2011 à 19:03:09 (S | E)
Merci Lucile83 pour cette correction.
A bientôt.
Bonne soirée.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de sanna6, postée le 21-08-2011 à 10:47:15 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup pour tous ces commentaires, c'est très intéressant ...Une bonne journée à vous

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de tsuki, postée le 21-08-2011 à 12:21:11 (S | E)
merci pour l'exercice et la correction !


Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de matou94, postée le 21-08-2011 à 16:08:18 (S | E)
Hello Lucile and Everybody ,

Thank you very much, Lucile, for your exercise and its correct version; it allows me to improve my English

I wish you a good afternoon.
See you soon.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 21-08-2011 à 16:34:14 (S | E)
Ravie de voir que cela vous semble bénéfique!...
Un nouveau thème vous attend

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de clairefr, postée le 22-08-2011 à 07:40:57 (S | E)
Lucile pour la correction détaillée !

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de swan85, postée le 22-08-2011 à 13:24:34 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup Lucile83 pour votre exercice qui permet ainsi de réviser, on en a toujours besoin.
A bientôt

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de ckarine38, postée le 23-08-2011 à 11:48:11 (S | E)
Hi Lucile,

Thank you for the translation, here is my contribution :

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs most are vegetables and fruits.
She sees beautiful salads but wondered how much they cost because there is no price.
She takes one anyway, plus tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and melon.
At the currency board, she gives a 50 note books because she has no money and did not take her credit card.
On the way back she goes to the post office and buy stamps.
She stores what she has bought in the fridge, except the melon would be too cold for her taste.

Thank you for your answer, it will help me to improve my English !

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-08-2011 12:06
Merci pour votre traduction; vous pouvez lire la correction un peu plus haut:
Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 20-08-2011 à 16:24:00 (S | E)

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lou31, postée le 07-09-2011 à 15:23:03 (S | E)
Hello lucile...avec quelque peu de retard, un grand merci pour cette correction détaillée.Ce fut un plaisir pour moi de m'essayer à ce thème..
Une belle journée à vous


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