Demande de correction rédaction Master!
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Message de eualiem1bee posté le 20-11-2016 à 12:26:53 (S | E | F)
J'aurais besoin d'aide pour la correction d'une rédaction. Le principe est de faire une "critical review". Mon niveau écrit étant relativement passable pour une élève de Master, je sollicite votre aide pour faire correction rapide des grosses erreurs de syntaxes ou grammaticales.
Je suis vraiment désolée pour la longueur! 
Today, I will make a critical review of the article “Heavily hunted wolves have higher stress and reproductive steroids than wolves with lower hunting pressure” written by Heater M. Bryan et al. and published in 2015 in Functional Ecology. Since the beginning of the humanity, the man hunt to provide food or garments. The pressure of Human hunting may cause some disruption in wildlife population dynamic and Hunting is particularly high in North America. Knowledge is scarce about the effect of hunting on the physiological and behavioral aspect on the wolf. However some studies shown that hunted animals have an elevated steroids level. The stress can be caused by pursuits or the disruption of the herd. Measure of hormones in wolf hair is representative of the hormone levels in blood. In North America wolves can be heavily hunted. Researchers have therefore choose to study the hormonal level in different pack of wolves in The Northwest in Canada. They want to compare this steroid level between wolves under different hunting pressures.
Authors assert that steroids hormones level in hair of wolves increase with hunting pressure. The also state that dark are would have more hormones thank to higher melanin concentration. They surveyed and compared progesterone, testosterone and cortisol in two different types of pack in Northern Canada. Hair samples was made on wolves in Boreal Forest who undergoes lower hunting pressure than wolves in Tundra-taiga land. All the wolf the hair come from were killed for fur or as part of a governmental control. They also compare the two group with an out group of Little Smoky region in Boreal Forest wolves known to be part of a governmental program of depredation, so they are killed periodically. Finally authors establish age structure in an out group of hunted tundra-taiga wolves from the area of Rennie Lake. All the data were compared with statistical analysis. Researchers find that steroid hormone levels (progesterone, testosterone and cortisol) was higher in Tundra-taiga wolves that in Boreal Forest wolves, even if cortisol level appeared same among females wolves in both group. They find that hair color has no effects on hormones. Wolves in little Smoky region had similar level of steroid than the tundra taiga wolves. The age structure show that there are 39% of pups in the sampled population and only 11% of wolves more than 5 years. A high level of cortisol and testosterone could reflect social instability caused by an increase of interactions between wolves. Indeed cortisol prepare animals to pull through social conflict which append when social structure is disrupted or when there is a high mortality rate. A high level of cortisol could be an adaptive response to a lake of food. A high rate of progesterone could reflect an increasing of breeding in female wolves which can be an effect of mortality pressure or also reflect a social disruption. However, social and ecological differences between each group can be the reason of different hormonal levels.
Message de eualiem1bee posté le 20-11-2016 à 12:26:53 (S | E | F)
J'aurais besoin d'aide pour la correction d'une rédaction. Le principe est de faire une "critical review". Mon niveau écrit étant relativement passable pour une élève de Master, je sollicite votre aide pour faire correction rapide des grosses erreurs de syntaxes ou grammaticales.

Today, I will make a critical review of the article “Heavily hunted wolves have higher stress and reproductive steroids than wolves with lower hunting pressure” written by Heater M. Bryan et al. and published in 2015 in Functional Ecology. Since the beginning of the humanity, the man hunt to provide food or garments. The pressure of Human hunting may cause some disruption in wildlife population dynamic and Hunting is particularly high in North America. Knowledge is scarce about the effect of hunting on the physiological and behavioral aspect on the wolf. However some studies shown that hunted animals have an elevated steroids level. The stress can be caused by pursuits or the disruption of the herd. Measure of hormones in wolf hair is representative of the hormone levels in blood. In North America wolves can be heavily hunted. Researchers have therefore choose to study the hormonal level in different pack of wolves in The Northwest in Canada. They want to compare this steroid level between wolves under different hunting pressures.
Authors assert that steroids hormones level in hair of wolves increase with hunting pressure. The also state that dark are would have more hormones thank to higher melanin concentration. They surveyed and compared progesterone, testosterone and cortisol in two different types of pack in Northern Canada. Hair samples was made on wolves in Boreal Forest who undergoes lower hunting pressure than wolves in Tundra-taiga land. All the wolf the hair come from were killed for fur or as part of a governmental control. They also compare the two group with an out group of Little Smoky region in Boreal Forest wolves known to be part of a governmental program of depredation, so they are killed periodically. Finally authors establish age structure in an out group of hunted tundra-taiga wolves from the area of Rennie Lake. All the data were compared with statistical analysis. Researchers find that steroid hormone levels (progesterone, testosterone and cortisol) was higher in Tundra-taiga wolves that in Boreal Forest wolves, even if cortisol level appeared same among females wolves in both group. They find that hair color has no effects on hormones. Wolves in little Smoky region had similar level of steroid than the tundra taiga wolves. The age structure show that there are 39% of pups in the sampled population and only 11% of wolves more than 5 years. A high level of cortisol and testosterone could reflect social instability caused by an increase of interactions between wolves. Indeed cortisol prepare animals to pull through social conflict which append when social structure is disrupted or when there is a high mortality rate. A high level of cortisol could be an adaptive response to a lake of food. A high rate of progesterone could reflect an increasing of breeding in female wolves which can be an effect of mortality pressure or also reflect a social disruption. However, social and ecological differences between each group can be the reason of different hormonal levels.
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