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Message de tiktak33 posté le 10-02-2018 à 16:01:40 (S | E | F)
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Boxing: Mohamed Ali, more than a legend of the sport

Mohamed Ali has forever marked the history of boxing and sport through his talent and titles. But it is also the story of Cassius Clay that helped shape the legend of this extraordinary man.
It was once Mohamed Ali ... With the death of the greatest of all boxers, it is a page of America that turns. World sport, too. Because none of the superlatives employed since his death at the age of 74 is usurped. The life of Cassius Clay, born January 17, 1942 in the state of Kentucky, is a true novel. And the boxer is obviously the hero.
Coming from a poor family, the young Cassius Clay is full of energy. A 12-year-old, after being stolen his bike, he is at the police station and falls on a policeman who is also a boxing coach. While climbing in the ring, the young Cassius not only channels his aggressiveness. He also discovers a talent that goes far, very far. First until the Olympic title at the Rome Games in 1960, first year with professionals.
But the American does not stop there. Four years later, in 1964, he became WBA World Champion by defeating Sonny Liston by KO in the seventh round. One later, he wins the rematch but with a new name, Mohamed Ali. Converted to Islam, he receives the name of leader of the "Nation of Islam", the movement he joined joined his original name, "a slave name" for the one called More big ".
In the United States, the man wins but also disturbs. Supported by Malcom X, he refuses to perform military service and make war in Vietnam, saying: "No Vietcong has ever called me a Negro." 6. Mohamed Ali is arrested and convicted of fraud. He is not imprisoned, but dispossessed of his world title and his boxing license. He no longer fought for nearly four years until the appeal was still received by the US Supreme Court. The future belongs to the legend, like its famous declaration: "I fly like a butterfly, I sting like a bee". On March 8, 1971, at New York's Madison Square Garden, he challenged Joe Frazier, the new world heavyweight champion. The "fight of the century". A defeat of Ali at the points.
After taking revenge four years later, he attacks George Foreman, the dreaded new heavyweight king. "Rumble in the Jungle" ("The Battle of the Jungle") is organized in October 1974 in Kinshasa. And Mohamed Ali wins big winner. He is at the peak of his art. But before its decline from 1975, the American still shapes his legend with a titanic fight with Frazier in Manila.
Mohamed Ali announces his withdrawal from the rings in 1979. And in 1984, he suffers from Parkinson's disease. The beginning of the end for the one who, very weakened, made the world cry in 1996 at the time of lighting the Olympic flame during the ceremony of Atlanta Games. Twenty years later, the Ali flame still shines. Eternally.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-02-2018 18:47

Réponse : Vérifier/ orthographe de here4u, postée le 10-02-2018 à 16:42:35 (S | E)

Mohamed(tout au long du devoir...) Ali has forever marked the history of boxing and sport through his talent and titles. But it is also the story of Cassius Clay that helped shape the legend of this extraordinary man.
It was= very clumsy here... once Mohamed Ali ...(construction à revoir) With the death of the greatest of all boxers, it is a page of America that turns.(This construction sounds terribly French!) World sportS, too. Because none of the superlatives employed since his death at the age of 74 is usurped. The life of Cassius Clay, born January 17, 1942 in the state of Kentucky, is a true novel. And the boxer is obviously the hero.
Coming from a poor family, the young Cassius Clay is full of energy. Narrations au passé! A 12-year-old, after being stolen his bike, he is(vocabulaire et temps...) at the police station and falls on(came across?) a policeman who is also a boxing coach. While climbing in the ring, the young Cassius XXX not only channels his aggressiveness. He also discovers a talent that goes far, very far. First until the Olympic title at the Rome Games in 1960, XXX first year with professionals.(Phrases aux structures étranges ...)
But the American does not stop there. Four years later, in 1964, he became (the past! ) XXX WBA World Champion by defeating Sonny Liston by KO in the seventh round. One later, he wins the rematch but with a new name, Mohamed Ali. Converted to Islam, he receives the name of XXX leader of the "Nation of Islam", the movement he joined joined his original name, "a slave name" for the one called More big ".Sorry, but I can't understand anything...
In the United States, the man wins but also disturbs. Supported by Malcom X, he refusesto perform to military service and make war in Vietnam, saying: "No Vietcong has ever called me a Negro." 6. Mohamed Ali is arrested and convicted of fraud. He is not imprisoned, but dispossessed of his world title and his boxing license. He no longer fought for nearly four years until the appeal was still received by the US Supreme Court. The future belongs to the legend, like its (whose?)famous declaration: "I fly like a butterfly, I sting like a bee". On March 8, 1971, at New York's Madison Square Garden, he challenged Joe Frazier, the new world heavyweight champion. The "fight of the century".? Ceci n'est pas une phrase! A defeat of Ali at the= on points.
After taking XXX revenge four years later, he attacks George Foreman, the dreaded new heavyweight king. "Rumble in the Jungle" ("The Battle of the Jungle") is organized in October 1974 in Kinshasa. And Mohamed Ali wins big winner. He is at the peak of his art. But before its decline from 1975, the American still shapes his legend with a titanic fight with Frazier in Manila.
Mohamed Ali announces his withdrawal from the rings in 1979. And in 1984, he suffers from Parkinson's disease. The beginning of the end for the one who, very weakened, made the world cry in 1996 at the time of lighting the Olympic flame during the ceremony of Atlanta Games. Twenty years later, the Ali flame still shines. Eternally.


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