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Writing a report/CAE

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Writing a report/CAE
Message de ana24 posté le 02-04-2018 à 17:06:17 (S | E | F)
I want to take the CAE exam very soon and I am preparing it by myself. I find it very challenging to improve significantly the writing part...
If you could check my writing, it would be of a massive help
Thank you

Your company recently sent you on a training course. Your line manager wants to know if the course is suitable for other employees and has asked you to write a report.
In the report, you should:
describe the course
give your opinion of the course
say whether you would recommend the course or not and explain why.
Write your report

The purpose of this report is to describe the training course I have participated in as a school teacher and outline the different aspects of this training. Then, I will make some recommendations for possible improvements.

Course description
I have taken part in this training led by the professor Daniel. The objective of this course was to raise awareness about discrimination that some students face at school and the ways of tackling these complicated, yet pressing issues as actors of the educative system. First, the head teacher gave us some theoratical insights about the whole range of discrimination that teachers can witness at school such as foreigners kids, pupils with gay parents, overweight children and the one with special needs (autism,hyperactivity, dislexia, high ability and so on). We had an interesting high-quality workshop about how the stereotypes arise in our society as well as a talk about egality between boys and girls. We had to work on practical cases in groups and had to create an innovative game for children, prompting them to lower their discriminational's attitudes. To finish, we had to create a fictive inclusive classroom and expose the postures we can adopt in order to create an egalitarian, non- discriminative atmosphere.

My opinion
This training has been entirely beneficial for developing my comprehension about the different children's profiles. I highly appreciated the fact that this training was a non-judgmental one where everyone could share his own practise and concerns. It gave me practical tools and offered me the opportunity to rethink my posture as a teacher.
I would strongly recommend this course to anyone who is working with children or teenagers. I truly believe we can make subtantial changes in education that will affect the society as a whole. Schools paves the way to the future adulthood. Hence, it is at this early stage of life that we should act against discrimination and showing the children the way to act with gratitude and kindness towards each other.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-04-2018 17:31

Réponse : Writing a report/CAE de gerondif, postée le 03-04-2018 à 14:37:34 (S | E)
Votre prose n'est pas désagréable à lire ou à corriger. Ils feront peut-être quelque chose de vous !

Your company recently sent you on a training course. Your line manager wants to know if the course is suitable for other employees and has asked you to write a report.
In the report, you should:
describe the course
give your opinion of(on) the course
say whether you would recommend the course or not and explain why.
Write your report

The purpose of this report is to describe the training course I have participated in (je mettrais un prétérit en utilsant to attend ou to take part in)as a school teacher and outline the different aspects of this training. Then, I will make some recommendations for possible improvements.

Course description
I have taken(plutôt un prétérit, vous decrivez une action datée, passée, terminée, sans en tirer pour l'instant de conséquences présentes) part in this training led by the(I am waiting for the professor, ok. I am waiting for * professor Daniel, ok. Le nom de famille a valeur de déterminantet le the tombe) professor Daniel. The objective of this course was to raise awareness about discrimination that some students face at school and the ways of tackling these complicated, yet pressing issues as actors of the educative system. First, the head teacher gave us some theoratical insights about the whole range of discrimination that teachers can witness at school such as foreigners kids(Je me souviens qu'un jour, à Douvres un anglais qui discutait avec moi m'avait reproché d'employer kid (au départ un chevreau)au lieu de child, il disait qu'en tant que prof, je me devais de bien parler. donc kid est familer, un gosse. de plus on dirait plutoot foreign kids, foreign children, children of foreign origin), pupils with gay parents, overweight children and the one with(il faudrait un pluriel, the ones with , et on dirait plutôt those with) special needs (autism, hyperactivity, dislexia, high ability(pluriel?) and so on). We had an interesting high-quality workshop about how the stereotypes arise in our society as well as a talk about egality between boys and girls. We had to work on practical cases in groups and had to create an innovative game for children, prompting them to lower their discriminational's(impossible de coller un cas possessif sur un adjectif) attitudes. To finish,(finally) we had to create a fictive inclusive classroom and expose the postures we can(je mettrais un conditionnel) adopt in order to create an egalitarian, non- discriminative atmosphere.

My opinion
This training has been(je préférerais un prétérit) entirely beneficial for developing my comprehension about the different children's profiles. I highly appreciated the fact that this training was a non-judgmental one where everyone could share his own practise and concerns. It gave me practical tools and offered me the opportunity to rethink my posture as a teacher.
I would strongly recommend this course to anyone who is working with children or teenagers. I truly believe we can make subtantial changes in education that will affect the(à supprimer) society as a whole. Schools paves the way to the(idem) future adulthood. Hence, it is at this early stage of life that we should act against discrimination and showing(Boum, vous tombez dans le piège! pas d'ing derrière should mis en auxiliaire commun) the children the way to act with gratitude and kindness towards each other.

Good luck !

Réponse : Writing a report/CAE de ana24, postée le 03-04-2018 à 16:11:41 (S | E)

Super, merci pour votre retour Gérondif!

Bonne journée


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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