I need help/ please
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basI need help/ please
Message de benalmeh27 posté le 09-04-2018 à 16:07:56 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde
j'espère que vous allez bien? j'aurais besoin d'aide pour mon exercice s'il vous plait; si quelqu'un peut m'aider ce serait vraiment sympa!
Merci pour vos réponses.
J'ai 5 segments soulignés sur lesquels je dois poser des questions.
The reason we make such adjustments is that the particular risks are too great for an individual to bear. We may
1 transfer part or all of these risks to those better able to accept them,
2 either by sharing the risk via insurance (as with home and life assurance policies) or, in some cases, by finding others who have the opposite risk and agreeing with them to exchange positions. An example of risk management is the case of a commodity producer who is concerned about investing in production. To protect against adverse movements in the price of the commodity before it can besold, the producer may seek out a buyer and agree to a fixed price before committing to produce. On the other side, the buyer has an equal incentive to agree to a fixed price, as he will be concerned that the price might increase in the future. In the parlance of financial markets, the buyer is
3 locking in a fixed forward price for the commodity, in anticipation of its being needed in the future.
4 Taking such a step will eliminate the risk to the producer that the price may decline, and to the consumer that the price may rise before the purchase.* Alternatively, we may change our behaviour to reduce the risk. For instance, one (but not the only) reason that companies establish overseas manufac-turing subsidiaries in foreign markets is to eliminate currency risk on exports.
5 Because certain types of risk are unacceptable, a market for exchanging or offset-ting risks has developed. This market in risk includes the insurance markets, capital markets and specialised financial instruments, such as a variety of derivatives. While it is possible to mitigate or transfer a great many types of risk in this way, the key tothe risk management process is choosing those risks to accept, not seeking to avoid all risks. The latter is impossible.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-04-2018 21:50
Message de benalmeh27 posté le 09-04-2018 à 16:07:56 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde
j'espère que vous allez bien? j'aurais besoin d'aide pour mon exercice s'il vous plait; si quelqu'un peut m'aider ce serait vraiment sympa!
Merci pour vos réponses.
J'ai 5 segments soulignés sur lesquels je dois poser des questions.
The reason we make such adjustments is that the particular risks are too great for an individual to bear. We may
1 transfer part or all of these risks to those better able to accept them,
2 either by sharing the risk via insurance (as with home and life assurance policies) or, in some cases, by finding others who have the opposite risk and agreeing with them to exchange positions. An example of risk management is the case of a commodity producer who is concerned about investing in production. To protect against adverse movements in the price of the commodity before it can besold, the producer may seek out a buyer and agree to a fixed price before committing to produce. On the other side, the buyer has an equal incentive to agree to a fixed price, as he will be concerned that the price might increase in the future. In the parlance of financial markets, the buyer is
3 locking in a fixed forward price for the commodity, in anticipation of its being needed in the future.
4 Taking such a step will eliminate the risk to the producer that the price may decline, and to the consumer that the price may rise before the purchase.* Alternatively, we may change our behaviour to reduce the risk. For instance, one (but not the only) reason that companies establish overseas manufac-turing subsidiaries in foreign markets is to eliminate currency risk on exports.
5 Because certain types of risk are unacceptable, a market for exchanging or offset-ting risks has developed. This market in risk includes the insurance markets, capital markets and specialised financial instruments, such as a variety of derivatives. While it is possible to mitigate or transfer a great many types of risk in this way, the key tothe risk management process is choosing those risks to accept, not seeking to avoid all risks. The latter is impossible.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-04-2018 21:50
Réponse : I need help/ please de gerondif, postée le 09-04-2018 à 16:21:27 (S | E)
Vous dites:
j'aurais besoin d'aide pour mon exercice s'il vous plait si quelqu'un peut m'aider ce serait vraiment sympa! Merci
J'ai 5 segments soulignés sur lesquels je doit(dois) poser des questions.
Le site vous dira si vos questions sont correctes ou pas une fois que vous les aurez faites, mais là, on ne peut pas vous aider sur du vide, ou alors, on fait le travail à votre place et ce n'est plus de l'aide mais de la substitution.
Le premier segment souligné est complément de may. Nous pouvons faire ceci ou cela: Quelle question poseriez-vous ?
Le second indique un moyen: en faisant ceci ou cela; Quelle question poseriez-vous ?
Le troisième est l'action principale de la phrase: l'acheteur bloque un prix fixe d'avance. Quelle question poseriez-vous ?
Le quatrième élément souligné est le sujet du verbe: Prendre une telle mesure éliminera le risque. Quelle question poseriez-vous ?
Le cinquième est un complément de cause introduit par parce que. Quelle question poseriez-vous ?
Réponse : I need help/ please de here4u, postée le 09-04-2018 à 19:01:26 (S | E)
Étrange, quand même, que depuis quelque temps la « demande » d’aide sur le site devienne une demande de faire les choses « à la place de »....
Notre but, ici, est de vous faire progresser, et ceci ne va pas sans efforts ... ( les vôtres aussi, bien sûr! )

Réponse : I need help/ please de gerondif, postée le 09-04-2018 à 19:08:39 (S | E)
Hello, here4U
Bah, aller ! Un peu d'optimisme, benalmeh 27 a consulté le site à 17h21, il doit donc être en train de préparer ses questions !
Modifié par gerondif le 10-04-2018 15:12
bon, 22 heures plus tard, soit 4h30 par question, je commence à douter moi aussi....
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais