Notion/Space and exchange
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Message de laura31 posté le 19-04-2018 à 20:50:07 (S | E | F)
je m'appelle Laura et je suis actuellement en Terminale L. Je viens de faire ma notion d'anglais -> Space and exchanges. Étant nul en anglais je demande votre aide pour me corriger et me dire s'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
Voila ma notion ci-dessous et MERCIII d'avance pour votre aide.
Space and exchange:« living together in Britain »:
I'm going to talk about the notion OF Spaces and exchanges. First, I will give a definition OF the notion OF space and exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges TAKE on many forms: people, trade, information .I will illustrated this notion troughs examples of multiculturalism in Great Britain by taking the examples of British people who have Pakistani or Bangladeshi origins.. I would LIKE TO speak about asians integration in Great Britain. British-Asians are people that come from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and who reside in the United Kingdom.
First we will see the multicultural dimension and see where it takes its roots from. Secondly we will see the positive aspect of A double culture and then we will see the negative aspect of a double culture.
The multiculturalism in Britain is due to great Britain’s history. In XIX century, Great Britain built colonial empire in Asia mainly in India. Nowadays, there is still the British influence in countrIES like Bangladesh or India. This situation can explain the strong migration that England has undergoNE. Indeed, a large part of immigrants who live in England are from India.
In class we have studied a document which is a table with the origins of the British immigration from 1951 to 2011. In 2011, they are 1176 Pakistan and Indian people who is immigrated in England. the Pakistan and Indian community increased through the years and reached a high point in 2011, becoming the most important immigration in Britain. The number of population Indian in England increases because the living condition is more difficult. In fact they are racial inequalities (muslims/hindou), the sexism and especially the cast system who was not in favor to the poor (poor/rich). I thinks that it is a mix of all that who push the Indian to immigrated in England.
This immigration can also having a link with commonwealth that is a organisation which is composed of 53 country whose India. Trough this organisation the countries are to bind by the language, the culture and they have a privileged link between them.
There is a picture (that’s here) which illustrates perfectly the multiculturalism in England. In this picture we can see a british-asians couple with a fish and chips, in front of a fast food. The women is wearing a traditional dress. In this picture, they are blending the British culture with the Indian culture. The fact that the woman is dressed with a traditional dress and is having fish and chips that is the national dish, represents a double culture. Indeed, Britain breed several cultures; especially the Indian culture.
In class we had studied a document which is an interview between a journalist and a woman called Fatima. Fatima is 28 years old and she is teacher. Fatima WAS born in Birmingham, where she lives nowadays. Her parents came from Bangladesh. First, it was her father who came to Britain to work, to have a better life and better way of life; and after her mother immigrated. Bangladesh is part of commonwealth and in past she has colonized by England so Bangladesh she has to keep the language. the colonization of Bangladesh by England can be explain the immigration of Bangladeshi in Great Britain
For Fatima, having a double culture is a blessing because she gets the best of both worlds.
In this multiculturalism, they are positive aspect double cultures bring a certain wealth and benefits. In fact, have a double culture enables us, to be tolerant towards of the other and have a larger knowledge. Having a double culture involves to be bilingual. Despite that many people find that it’s really well to having a double culture.
The movie Bend it like Beckham dealing with the integration and adaptation of people coming from foreign country. This movie highlight an aspect more deprecatory of double culture generally . In fact, the movie bend it like Beckham talk about the situation of a young asian-brutish, named Jasminder, who is a huge fan of the David Beckham and hopes that one day she will be able to become a professional footballer and play for her country. But, their parent are orthodox sick and have other ideas for the future. In fact, for them Jasminder is expected as a woman to be married and maternal. The director Guinder Chada uses different techniques which illustrated the conflict of culture, such as accent in voice, contraste, stereotypes, sarcasm and characterization. In class we have a also studied a document which is website article presenting a testimony about the identity crisis that British-Asians encounter. the author suggests that they have difficulties to involve themselves in the culture of their country of origin. They have to celebrate their parent’s counties and to attend traditional anemones because they insist on their cultural heritage. She mention the wares integration and adaptation.
To conclude, we can say that England is absolute cosmopolitan country, where the British-Asian are integrated to British society. We can also say, that double cultures is a blessing because this double culture bring a avantage to fulfillment giving (je veux dire: « en donnant ») the best of both world. But, having a double cultures can be destabilizing for a part of Bristish-Asians because the tradition of parents collide with the lifestyle of the land where they lives. So, there are good and bad sideS in the multiculturalism, it’s necessary maybe to take just the best to live well
Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2018 21:38
Message de laura31 posté le 19-04-2018 à 20:50:07 (S | E | F)
je m'appelle Laura et je suis actuellement en Terminale L. Je viens de faire ma notion d'anglais -> Space and exchanges. Étant nul en anglais je demande votre aide pour me corriger et me dire s'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
Voila ma notion ci-dessous et MERCIII d'avance pour votre aide.
Space and exchange:« living together in Britain »:
I'm going to talk about the notion OF Spaces and exchanges. First, I will give a definition OF the notion OF space and exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges TAKE on many forms: people, trade, information .I will illustrated this notion troughs examples of multiculturalism in Great Britain by taking the examples of British people who have Pakistani or Bangladeshi origins.. I would LIKE TO speak about asians integration in Great Britain. British-Asians are people that come from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and who reside in the United Kingdom.
First we will see the multicultural dimension and see where it takes its roots from. Secondly we will see the positive aspect of A double culture and then we will see the negative aspect of a double culture.
The multiculturalism in Britain is due to great Britain’s history. In XIX century, Great Britain built colonial empire in Asia mainly in India. Nowadays, there is still the British influence in countrIES like Bangladesh or India. This situation can explain the strong migration that England has undergoNE. Indeed, a large part of immigrants who live in England are from India.
In class we have studied a document which is a table with the origins of the British immigration from 1951 to 2011. In 2011, they are 1176 Pakistan and Indian people who is immigrated in England. the Pakistan and Indian community increased through the years and reached a high point in 2011, becoming the most important immigration in Britain. The number of population Indian in England increases because the living condition is more difficult. In fact they are racial inequalities (muslims/hindou), the sexism and especially the cast system who was not in favor to the poor (poor/rich). I thinks that it is a mix of all that who push the Indian to immigrated in England.
This immigration can also having a link with commonwealth that is a organisation which is composed of 53 country whose India. Trough this organisation the countries are to bind by the language, the culture and they have a privileged link between them.
There is a picture (that’s here) which illustrates perfectly the multiculturalism in England. In this picture we can see a british-asians couple with a fish and chips, in front of a fast food. The women is wearing a traditional dress. In this picture, they are blending the British culture with the Indian culture. The fact that the woman is dressed with a traditional dress and is having fish and chips that is the national dish, represents a double culture. Indeed, Britain breed several cultures; especially the Indian culture.
In class we had studied a document which is an interview between a journalist and a woman called Fatima. Fatima is 28 years old and she is teacher. Fatima WAS born in Birmingham, where she lives nowadays. Her parents came from Bangladesh. First, it was her father who came to Britain to work, to have a better life and better way of life; and after her mother immigrated. Bangladesh is part of commonwealth and in past she has colonized by England so Bangladesh she has to keep the language. the colonization of Bangladesh by England can be explain the immigration of Bangladeshi in Great Britain
For Fatima, having a double culture is a blessing because she gets the best of both worlds.
In this multiculturalism, they are positive aspect double cultures bring a certain wealth and benefits. In fact, have a double culture enables us, to be tolerant towards of the other and have a larger knowledge. Having a double culture involves to be bilingual. Despite that many people find that it’s really well to having a double culture.
The movie Bend it like Beckham dealing with the integration and adaptation of people coming from foreign country. This movie highlight an aspect more deprecatory of double culture generally . In fact, the movie bend it like Beckham talk about the situation of a young asian-brutish, named Jasminder, who is a huge fan of the David Beckham and hopes that one day she will be able to become a professional footballer and play for her country. But, their parent are orthodox sick and have other ideas for the future. In fact, for them Jasminder is expected as a woman to be married and maternal. The director Guinder Chada uses different techniques which illustrated the conflict of culture, such as accent in voice, contraste, stereotypes, sarcasm and characterization. In class we have a also studied a document which is website article presenting a testimony about the identity crisis that British-Asians encounter. the author suggests that they have difficulties to involve themselves in the culture of their country of origin. They have to celebrate their parent’s counties and to attend traditional anemones because they insist on their cultural heritage. She mention the wares integration and adaptation.
To conclude, we can say that England is absolute cosmopolitan country, where the British-Asian are integrated to British society. We can also say, that double cultures is a blessing because this double culture bring a avantage to fulfillment giving (je veux dire: « en donnant ») the best of both world. But, having a double cultures can be destabilizing for a part of Bristish-Asians because the tradition of parents collide with the lifestyle of the land where they lives. So, there are good and bad sideS in the multiculturalism, it’s necessary maybe to take just the best to live well
Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2018 21:38
Réponse : Notion/Space and exchange de laure95, postée le 20-04-2018 à 16:03:11 (S | E)
- First, I will give a definition OF the notion OF space and exchange. (pluriel)
- The exchanges TAKE on (enlever on)many forms
- I will illustrated (will + infinitif)this notion troughs (orthographe)(the)examples of multiculturalism
- I would LIKE TO speak about asians (majuscule + pas de "s" + il manque la marque de l'appartenance)integration
- British-Asians
- The (pas de the)multiculturalism in Britain is due to great (majuscule)Britain’s history.
- In (article)XIX century, Great Britain built (article) colonial empire
- In 2011, they are (they are = ils sont + mettre au passé)1176 Pakistan and Indian people who is (pas de is)immigrated in (to pas in) England.
- the Pakistan and Indian community (have)increased through the years
- population Indian: article + ordre des mots) in England increases (présent en be+ -ing) because the living condition (pluriel) is (pluriel)more difficult.
- they are racial inequalities
- the cast system who was (présent)not in favor to the poor
- I thinks: faute de conjugaison.
- that it is a mix of all that who (pas de who) push (faute de conjugaison)the Indian to immigrated to + infinitif) in (to pas in)England.
- This immigration can also having (can + infinitif)a link with (article)commonwealth (majuscule)that is a organisation (a+ mot commençant par une consonne)which is composed of 53 country (pluriel)
- whose India: among which, India.
- Trough: orthographe.
- a british-asians
- The women (singulier) is wearing a traditional dress.
- Indeed, Britain breed (pas le bon mot ici)several cultures; especially the Indian culture.
- In class we had (mettre au présent)studied a document
- she is (article)teacher.
- Her parents came (présent)from Bangladesh.
- Bangladesh is part of Commonwealth
- and in (article)past she (pas le bon pronom) has (pas le bon auxiliaire) colonized by England
- so Bangladesh she (pas de she) has to keep the language.
- the colonization of Bangladesh by England can be (pas de be) explain the immigration
- having a double culture is a (pas de a) blessing
- they are positive aspect double cultures
- (that) bring a certain wealth and benefits.
- In fact, have (gérondif) a double culture enables us, (pas de virgule) to be tolerant
- towards of (pas de of)the other pluriel) and have a larger knowledge.
- to having a double culture: to + infinitif).
- The movie Bend it like Beckham dealing (présent simple) with the integration and adaptation of people coming from foreign country (pluriel).
- This movie highlight (faute de conjugaison)an aspect more deprecatory of double culture generally: mal dit.
- In fact, the movie bend it like Beckham talk about: un film ne parle pas.
- asian-brutish
- who is a huge fan of the (pas de the)David Beckham
- But, their (pas le bon possessif)parent (pluriel) are orthodox sick

- different techniques which illustrated (présent)the conflict of culture, such as (possessif) accent in (possessif)voice,
- contraste: orthographe.
- In class we have a (pas de a)also studied a document
- which is (article) website article
- British-Asians
- She mention (faute de conjugaison)the wares integration

- England is absolute(ly)(article) cosmopolitan country,
- where the British-Asian are integrated to (article)British society.
- double cultures is a (pas de a) blessing because this double culture bring (faute de conjugaison)a avantage (mot français)
- both world: pluriel.
- a double cultures (singulier) can be destabilizing
- they lives: faute de conjugaison.
Sujet bien traité mais c'est beaucoup trop long!
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