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Artificial intelligence/aide

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Artificial intelligence/aide
Message de muffinca posté le 01-05-2018 à 18:07:21 (S | E | F)
j'ai une expression écrite à faire en réaction à une citation de S.Hawking :"The development of full AI could spell the end of human race".
J'ai du mal avec les temps en anglais, pouvez-vous me dire si les temps dans mon essai sont correctement employés ou s'il y a d'autres erreurs SVP s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance !
Voici l'essai

AI is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines. Its goals and its development arouse many fantasies and concern expressed by artist in science-fiction works or by thinkers and scientist.
Many experts believe that AI represent a peril to mankind. They are afraid that machine intelligence (MI) become a weapon indeed in 2017 116 AI experts, have signed a letter to the U.N. to ban the use of autonomous weapons. Meanwhile russian are developing a robot (FEDOR), which is able to drive, use a drill and above all it can shoot.
«Killer Robots» are not the only threat human face, Big data analysis also constitute a hazard highlited by the scandal of cambridge analytica a company close to Trump that was indicted for stolen facebook users' data to create a software to influence electors' vote while the presidential election. So perhaps in a pessimistic future free choice won't exist and humans will be slowly extinct by «killer robots».
But MI can be use in more innocent ways, big data analysis could help researchers collect more documentation, deep learning helped to devise a robot Shimon which can write its own music and YuMi a robot able to lead an orchestra.
Hence AI could be a boon or a bane, it belongs to human to exploit AI sensibly.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2018 18:41

Réponse : Artificial intelligence/aide de jade77, postée le 02-05-2018 à 12:43:33 (S | E)
Here are some rectifications : artist (artists : plural is better)...and scientists
...they are afraid that machine intelligence(MI) become (conjugaison: becomes) a weapon . Indeed in 2017, 116 AI experts have signed (simple past not present perfect because that was in 2017)
...Russians are developing(past continuous not present continuous)
...are not the only threat human(humans) face
...that was indicted for stolen (to steal) ...while(during)
But MI can be use(used : adjective) in more innocent (positive) ways
...and YuMi a robot is able (to be able)....

Réponse : Artificial intelligence/aide de here4u, postée le 02-05-2018 à 14:28:11 (S | E)

AI (write it at least once in full letters!) is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines. Its goals and its development arouse many fantasies and concern expressed by artist in science-fiction works or by thinkers and scientist.(plural required)
Many experts believe that AI represent a peril to mankind. They are afraid that machine intelligence (MI) might become a weapon indeed in 2017 116 AI experts, have signed a letter to the U.N. to ban the use of autonomous weapons. MeanwhileXXX ruussian(plural + majuscule)are developing a robot (FEDOR), which is able to drive, use a drill and above all it can shoot.
«Killer Robots» are not the only threat human face,(ing form) Big data analysis also constitute a hazard highlited by the scandal of cambridge analytica, a company close to D. Trump that was indicted for stolen(ing!) facebook users' data to create a software to influence electors' vote while the presidential election(this sentence is too long and not clear!). So perhaps in a pessimistic future free choice won't exist and humans will be slowly extinct by «killer robots».
But MI can be use in more innocent ways, big data analysis could help researchers collect more documentation, deep learning helped to devise a robot Shimon which can write its own music and YuMi a robot XX able to lead(= conduct) an orchestra.
Hence AI could be a boon or a bane, it belongs to human to exploit AI sensibly.

Réponse : Artificial intelligence/aide de muffinca, postée le 05-05-2018 à 20:23:44 (S | E)
D'accord merci beaucoup pour vos réponses !


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