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Notion/Spaces and Exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and Exchanges
Message de lucille posté le 04-05-2018 à 15:45:55 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai tapé le script de la notion Spaces and exchanges pour mon bac, mais je n'ai pas pu me la faire corriger.
Si quelqu'un a un peu de temps pour me répondre, pour donner son avis... cela m'aiderait énormément.
Merci d'avance !


First of all, I’d like to give a definition of spaces and exchanges. So, this notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. Te different cultural, economic, sociological and langage interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. As examples of these exchanges, we can mention the migrations of people, the globalization, the internet and social networks… I’ll present this notion by focusing on the topic of the English language.
Concerning this theme, the main question can be the following : Why has English spread around the world and so extensively ? To answer this question, I will use an interview with David Crystal on global English, which we studied in class.

For David Crystal, a language becomes a global language because of the power of the people who speak it. He also stresses that it’s nothing to do with the structure of the language, it’s nothing about grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation. Contrary to what one might think, he maintains that everything is connected to power. But power means different things at different times. English first became international because of political power, military power, that of the British Empire. Indeed, one can quote the sociolinguist Max Weinreich : « A language is a dialect with an army and navy ». The British Empire was a major player in triangular trade. It was responsible for the deportation of nearly 3.5 million Africans to America, one third of all victims of the slave trade. Moreover, colonization played an important role in the spread of English around world. For example, Pilgrim Fathers established in 1960 a settlement on the East coast of America. Colonization allowed the British Empire to expand its territory. At the peak of its power, the phrase « the empire on which the sun never sets » was often used to describe the British Empire, because its expanse around the globe meant that the sun was always shining on at least one of its territories. In the early 20th century one in every four human beings lived within its boundaries. But it isn’t just the political that takes English around the world, there’s got to be other factors too.

Then, especially with the Industrial Revolution, English spread around the world thanks to the power of science and technology of those who spoke it. Indeed, two-thirds of the people who invented all the things that made modern society what it has become today did it through the medium of the English language.

Afterwards, economic power allowed the spread of English. Indeed, manufacturing took place in England. Britain needed of course raw materials, so Britons went around the world trying to get cotton for example. It gave English a prominence as a language of international trade and commercial exchanges. Manpower was needed in the factories, which caused migrations and migrants had to learn English. Moreover, in the nineteenth century, America and Britain had most of the world's trading markets.

Finally, anglophones had the cultural power. The American way of life has spread around the world. The field of entertainment is currently controlled by Americans, thanks to Hollywood for example. Wherever we are, we can find fast food or jeans. English is the language of the internet and education. Universities like Harvard are very famous for example and English is often the first or second language taught in schools.

English is a medium of communication between peoples of different langages, it enables millions of people to communicate with one another. Nevertheless, one can question the future of English : will it always be the global language?

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2018 16:03

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and Exchanges de laure95, postée le 04-05-2018 à 17:00:05 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucille,
- Te different
- the globalization, the (pas de the) internet and social networks…

- English first became (article)international because of (article)political power, military power,
- The British Empire was a major player in (article) triangular trade.
- Moreover, (article)colonization played an important role
- For example, (article)Pilgrim Fathers established
- (article)Colonization allowed the British Empire to expand its territory.
- In the early 20th century (virgule) one in every four human beings lived within its boundaries.
- But it isn’t just the political (mal dit)that takes English around the world, there’s got to be other factors too.

- thanks to the power of science and technology of those who spoke it: ?

- Afterwards,(article) economic power allowed the spread of English.
- so Britons went around the world trying (pas la bonne forme du verbe)
- Manpower was needed in the (pas de the)factories, which caused migrations and migrants had to learn English.

- the language of the (pas de the)internet and education.
- between peoples (pas de "s")of different langages

où commence la conclusion?

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and Exchanges de lucille, postée le 04-05-2018 à 17:57:35 (S | E)
Bonjour Laure,
Avant tout, merci pour votre correction. Désolée de vous demander autant de choses mais j'aurai néanmoins quelques questions :

- Les articles suivants sont-ils essentiels ou peuvent-ils être enlevés ? -> the interactions between men and the different societies / English first became the international because of the political power, military power / Moreover, the colonization played an important role / For example, the Pilgrim Fathers established a settlement / The colonization allowed the British Empire to expand its territory. / Afterwards, the economic power allowed the spread of English.

- But it isn’t just the political that takes English around the world, there’s got to be other factors too. -> But it isn't just politics that takes English around the world, there must be other factors too.
Est-ce que cette phrase vous semble mieux formulée ?
- thanks to the power of science and technology of those who spoke it -> Je voulais dire "grâce au pouvoir de la science et de la technologie de ceux qui le parlait (l'anglais)... Ce n'est pas compréhensible ?
- so Britons went around the world trying -> Vous m'avez dit que ce n'est pas la bonne forme du verbe, mais pourquoi ? Et laquelle est-ce alors ?
- Manpower was needed in the (pas de the) factories, which caused migrations and migrants had to learn English. -> Pourquoi ? (Il s'agit d'une phrase de mon cours :/ ...)

La conclusion commence au dernier paragraphe : English is a medium of communication between peoples of different langages, it enables millions of people to communicate with one another. Nevertheless, one can question the future of English : will it always be the global language?

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and Exchanges de laure95, postée le 05-05-2018 à 14:10:47 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucille,
- Les articles suivants sont-ils essentiels ou peuvent-ils être enlevés ? -> the interactions between men and the different societies / English first became the international because of the political power, military power / Moreover, the colonization played an important role / For example, the Pilgrim Fathers established a settlement / The colonization allowed the British Empire to expand its territory. / Afterwards, the economic power allowed the spread of English. les articles sont importants.

- But it isn’t just the political that takes English around the world, there’s got to be other factors too. -> But it isn't just politics that takes English around the world, there must be other factors too. OK.

- thanks to the power of science and technology of those who spoke it -> Je voulais dire "grâce au pouvoir de la science et de la technologie de ceux qui le parlait (l'anglais)... Ce n'est pas compréhensible ? En français, c'est déjà mal dit pour moi.

- so Britons went around the world trying -> Vous m'avez dit que ce n'est pas la bonne forme du verbe, mais pourquoi ? Et laquelle est-ce alors ? infinitif avec to (but)

- Manpower was needed in the (pas de the) factories, which caused migrations and migrants had to learn English. -> Pourquoi ? (Il s'agit d'une phrase de mon cours :/ ...): tu parles des usines en général, donc pas d'article, le reste est bon.

La conclusion commence au dernier paragraphe : introduis ta conclusion avec un mot de liaison: "in conclusion", "to finish".

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and Exchanges de lucille, postée le 05-05-2018 à 15:01:41 (S | E)
Bonjour Laure,

J'ai bien pris en compte vos corrections et explications, merci infiniment !


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